So yesterday we completed HTML which is the skeleton of any Web Page. But a Web Page rendered only with HTML code looks like the websites from the 1990s. Only having contents, no styling, nothing. It doesn't at all look good in comaprison to todays websites, which are very attractive and well styled. So today we'll learn about CSS which makes our website look stylish and attractive
So before plunging into CSS lets first of all have a brief introduction regarding CSS.
We will be starting with the basics of CSS and we will be seeing how colors, backgrounds, borders & margins work. You will learn about padding, height, widths of an element.
- Values and Units
- How to add colors
- Backgrounds
- Border and its Attributes
- Margins
- Padding
- Height and Width in CSS
- Selectors
- Types of selectors
- Types of selectors - Intermediate
- Box Model
- Text
This concludes Day 03 of our 7 Days of Web Dev. We have covered quite a few topics of CSS today. Rest of the topics we'll cover tomorrow.