Very simple function navigator for ctrlp.vim.
This is a ctrlp.vim extension. It simply navigates and jumps to function definitions from the current file without ctags. It just searches function definitions or equivalent lines using regular expressions, therefore some languages' abstraction aren't accurate because of hard to parse.
One of advantages of this plugin is you needn't to generate tags file to jump to definition of functions, classes etc.
Currently, following filetypes are supported:
- c/cpp (C/C++)
- chef
- cmm (TRACE32)
- coffee-script
- elixir
- go
- html/xhtml
- java
- javascript
- jinja (template engine for Python)
- lua
- make (Makefile)
- markdown
- nerdtree
- objc (Objective-C)
- perl
- php
- python
- ruby
- scala
- sh (bash, dash and zsh)
- typescript
- yaml
- vb (Visual Basic)
- vim
First of all, I believe you're a user of a great Vim plugin called ctrlp.vim. Otherwise, you need to install ctrlp.vim before start using this plugin.
:PluginInstall tacahiroy/ctrlp-funky
In addition, don't forget put a line below into your .vimrc.
Plugin 'tacahiroy/ctrlp-funky'
$ cd ~/.vim/bundle
$ git clone git://
If you don't use either plugin management systems, copy autoload and plugin directories to your .vim directory. On Windows, basically, vimfiles directory is used instead of .vim directory.
It's useful to define key mappings like this:
nnoremap <Leader>fu :CtrlPFunky<Cr>
" narrow the list down with a word under cursor
nnoremap <Leader>fU :execute 'CtrlPFunky ' . expand('<cword>')<Cr>
If you want to have this highlight feature, you may configure like this:
let g:ctrlp_funky_matchtype = 'path'
See :h g:ctrlp_funky_matchtype
for more details and notes.
I'd like to introduce one of ctrlp-funky options. Do you want to make ctrlp-funky funkier? Okay - you can do it with just 1 line config.
let g:ctrlp_funky_syntax_highlight = 1
Note that this feature doesn't work perfectly, because ctrlp-funky just sets filetype to the funky buffer and the buffer contains '>' in the first column. In some filetypes, this sign has special meaning such as HTML tag, so it breaks syntax highlighting.
Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Takahiro Yoshihara. Distributed under the MIT License.