//  WheelSupports.cpp
//  WheelSupportTools
//  Created by Annop Prapasapong on 27/11/2012.
//  Copyright (c) 2012 Feral Interactive. All rights reserved.

#include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h>
#include "WheelSupports.h"

// Mode strings
const char *sGPLogitechModeRestricted = "RESTRICTED";
const char *sGPLogitechModeNative = "NATIVE";

//		SetApplierFunctionCopyToCFArray : Applier function for CFSetApplyFunction
void SetApplierFunctionCopyToCFArray(const void *value, void *context)
    CFArrayAppendValue((CFMutableArrayRef) context, value);

//		AllocateHIDManager
IOHIDManagerRef AllocateHIDManager()
	IOHIDManagerRef managerRef = IOHIDManagerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kIOHIDManagerOptionNone);
	IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching(managerRef, NULL);
	IOHIDManagerOpen(managerRef, kIOHIDOptionsTypeSeizeDevice);
	return managerRef;

//		ConfigAllDevices : Scan connected devices and apply early configs as need
//										 Return true if any change is made
bool ConfigAllDevices(const DeviceMode mode)
	bool changed = false;
	// Obtain a copy of the list of connected devices
	IOHIDManagerRef managerRef = AllocateHIDManager();
	CFSetRef deviceCFSetRef = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(managerRef);
	CFIndex count = CFSetGetCount(deviceCFSetRef);
	CFArrayRef devCFArrayRef = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
	CFSetApplyFunction(deviceCFSetRef, SetApplierFunctionCopyToCFArray, (void*)devCFArrayRef);
	// Going through the list, determining their ID and call the appropriate function;
	for(CFIndex i = 0; i < count; i++)
		IOHIDDeviceRef hidDevice = (IOHIDDeviceRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(devCFArrayRef, i);
		UInt32 vendorID = GetPropertyNumber(hidDevice, CFSTR(kIOHIDVendorIDKey));
		UInt32 productID = GetPropertyNumber(hidDevice, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductIDKey));
		DeviceID deviceID = MakeDeviceID(productID, vendorID);
		changed |= ConfigDevice(hidDevice, deviceID, mode);
	// Release the list
	return changed;

//		ConfigDevice : Config a device using current settngs
bool ConfigDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef hidDevice, DeviceID deviceID, const DeviceMode mode)
		case kGPLogitechWheelRestricted:
			return ConfigLogitechWheels(hidDevice, deviceID, false, mode);
		case kGPLogitechG25Native:
            printf("Logitech G25 Native mode enabled.\n");
            return ConfigLogitechWheels(hidDevice, deviceID, true, mode);
		case kGPLogitechG27Native:
            printf("Logitech G27 Native mode enabled.\n");
            return ConfigLogitechWheels(hidDevice, deviceID, true, mode);
		case kGPLogitechDFGTNative:
            printf("Logitech Driving Force GT Native mode enabled.\n");
            return ConfigLogitechWheels(hidDevice, deviceID, true, mode);
		case kGPLogitechDFPNative:
            printf("Logitech Driving Force Pro Native mode enabled.\n");
			return ConfigLogitechWheels(hidDevice, deviceID, true, mode);
			return false;

//		OpenDevice : Open given device if it is not opened yet
IOReturn OpenDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef hidDevice)
	IOReturn result = IOHIDDeviceOpen(hidDevice, kIOHIDOptionsTypeSeizeDevice);
	if(result != kIOReturnSuccess)
		printf("ERROR: OpenDevice failed with result: %x\n", result);
		return result;
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

//		CloseDevice : Close given device if it is opened
IOReturn CloseDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef hidDevice)
	return IOHIDDeviceClose(hidDevice, 0);

//		SendCommands : Send given commands to the device
IOReturn SendCommands(IOHIDDeviceRef hidDevice, CCommands *commands)
	for(int i=0; i<commands->count; ++i)
		UInt8 *cmd = commands->cmds[i];
		IOReturn result = IOHIDDeviceSetReport(hidDevice, kIOHIDReportTypeOutput, time(NULL), cmd, kGPCommandMaxLength);
		if (result != kIOReturnSuccess)
			printf("WARNING: SendCommand failed with result: %x\n", result);
			return result;
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

//		GetPropertyString : Obtain the property string data of the device
CFStringRef GetPropertyString(IOHIDDeviceRef hidDevice, CFStringRef property)
	// Obtain the data as untyped pointer and convert it to CString
	CFTypeRef dataRef = IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(hidDevice, property);
	return CFStringCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFStringRef(dataRef));

//		GetPropertyString : Obtain the property number data of the device
UInt32 GetPropertyNumber(IOHIDDeviceRef hidDevice, CFStringRef property)
	// Obtain the data as untyped pointer and convert it to CString
	CFTypeRef dataRef = IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(hidDevice, property);
	if(dataRef && (CFNumberGetTypeID() == CFGetTypeID(dataRef)))
		UInt32 number;
		CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)dataRef, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &number);
		return number;
	return 0;

//		ConfigLogitechWheels : for Logitech wheels
bool ConfigLogitechWheels(IOHIDDeviceRef hidDevice, DeviceID deviceID, bool native, const DeviceMode targetMode)
	if(targetMode == DeviceModeInfoOnly)
		CFStringRef productID = GetPropertyString(hidDevice, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductKey));
		const char *mode = native ? sGPLogitechModeNative : sGPLogitechModeRestricted;

		char sProductID[256];
		CFStringGetCString(productID, sProductID, 256, kCFStringEncodingASCII);

		printf("Device ID=%x   Product ID=%s (%s)\n", deviceID, sProductID, mode);
		return false;
		// Don't do anything is the feature is not enabled
		if(targetMode == DeviceModeStandard)
			return false;
		// Determine proper native device ID from the device's Product ID string
		// As the restricted device ID are the same for all 4 supported devices
		CFStringRef productID = GetPropertyString(hidDevice, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductKey));
		DeviceID targetDeviceID;
		if(CFStringFind(productID, CFSTR(kGPLogitechG25ProductID), 0).location == 0)
			targetDeviceID = kGPLogitechG25Native;
            printf("Logitech G25 Native mode enabled.\n");
		else if(CFStringFind(productID, CFSTR(kGPLogitechG27ProductID), 0).location == 0)
			targetDeviceID = kGPLogitechG27Native;
            printf("Logitech G27 Native mode enabled.\n");
		else if(CFStringFind(productID, CFSTR(kGPLogitechDFGTProductID), 0).location == 0)
			targetDeviceID = kGPLogitechDFGTNative;
            printf("Logitech Driving Force GT Native mode enabled.\n");
		else if(CFStringFind(productID, CFSTR(kGPLogitechDFPProductID), 0).location == 0)
			targetDeviceID = kGPLogitechDFPNative;
            printf("Logitech Driving Force Pro Native mode enabled.\n");
		else return false;
		// Activate full native and 900 degree mode
		if(OpenDevice(hidDevice) == kIOReturnSuccess)
			CCommands commands;
			GetCmdLogitechWheelRange(&commands, targetDeviceID, kGPLogitechWheelRangeMax);
			SendCommands(hidDevice, &commands);
			printf("Calibrated full wheel range. (VendorID/DeviceID %x)\n", deviceID);
			GetCmdLogitechWheelNative(&commands, targetDeviceID);
			SendCommands(hidDevice, &commands);
			printf("Enabled native mode. (VendorID/DeviceID %x)\n", deviceID);
			return true;
		if(OpenDevice(hidDevice) == kIOReturnSuccess)
			CCommands commands;
			bool changed = false;
			if(targetMode == DeviceModeFull)
				// Activate full 900 degree mode, as being in native mode doesn't guarantee the wheel range
				GetCmdLogitechWheelRange(&commands, deviceID, kGPLogitechWheelRangeMax);
				SendCommands(hidDevice, &commands);
                printf("Calibrated 900 degree wheel movement. (VendorID/DeviceID %x)\n", deviceID);
				changed = true;
				// We don't know how to go back to restricted mode, but we can set the wheel back to 240 degree range
				GetCmdLogitechWheelRange(&commands, deviceID, kGPLogitechWheelRangeStandard);
				SendCommands(hidDevice, &commands);
                printf("Reset device to default 320 degree wheel movement. (VendorID/DeviceID %x)\n", deviceID);
				changed = true;
			return changed;
	return false;

//		GetCmdLogitechWheelNative : Activate native mode for given device ID
void GetCmdLogitechWheelNative(CCommands *c, const DeviceID deviceID)
	// Fill the command array with null
	memset(c->cmds, 0, kGPCommandsDataSize);
	// Fill in the command value according to target deviceID
	switch (deviceID) {
		case kGPLogitechG25Native:
			c->cmds[0][0] = 0xf8;
			c->cmds[0][1] = 0x10;
			c->count = 1;
		case kGPLogitechG27Native:

            // Original commands
//			c->cmds[0][0] = 0xf8;
//			c->cmds[0][1] = 0x0a;
//			c->cmds[1][0] = 0xf8;
//			c->cmds[1][1] = 0x09;
//			c->cmds[1][2] = 0x04;
//			c->cmds[1][3] = 0x01;
//			c->count = 1;
            // https://github.com/TripleSpeeder/LTWheelConf/blob/master/wheels.c
            c->cmds[0][0] = 0xf8;
            c->cmds[0][1] = 0x0a;
            c->cmds[0][2] = 0x00;
            c->cmds[0][3] = 0x00;
            c->cmds[0][4] = 0x00;
            c->cmds[0][5] = 0x00;
            c->cmds[0][6] = 0x00;
            c->cmds[0][7] = 0x00;

            // Partial button mapping
            c->cmds[1][0] = 0xf8;
            c->cmds[1][1] = 0x01;
            c->cmds[1][2] = 0x00;
            c->cmds[1][3] = 0x00;
            c->cmds[1][4] = 0x00;
            c->cmds[1][5] = 0x00;
            c->cmds[1][6] = 0x00;
            c->cmds[1][7] = 0x00;
            // Full button mapping with clutch
//            c->cmds[1][0] = 0xf8;
//            c->cmds[1][1] = 0x09;
//            c->cmds[1][2] = 0x04;
//            c->cmds[1][3] = 0x01;
//            c->cmds[1][4] = 0x00;
//            c->cmds[1][5] = 0x00;
//            c->cmds[1][6] = 0x00;
//            c->cmds[1][7] = 0x00;

			c->count = 2;
		case kGPLogitechDFGTNative:
			c->cmds[0][0] = 0xf8;
			c->cmds[0][1] = 0x0a;
			c->cmds[1][0] = 0xf8;
			c->cmds[1][1] = 0x09;
			c->cmds[1][2] = 0x03;
			c->cmds[1][3] = 0x01;
			c->count = 2;
		case kGPLogitechDFPNative:
			c->cmds[0][0] = 0xf8;
			c->cmds[0][1] = 0x01;
			c->count = 1;
			c->count = 0;

//		GetCmdLogitechWheelRange : Set wheel range for given device ID
void GetCmdLogitechWheelRange(CCommands *c, const DeviceID deviceID, int range)
	// Fill the command array with null
	memset(c->cmds, 0, kGPCommandsDataSize);
	// Fill in the command value according to target deviceID
	switch (deviceID) {
		case kGPLogitechG25Native:
		case kGPLogitechG27Native:
		case kGPLogitechDFGTNative:
			c->cmds[0][0] = 0xf8;
			c->cmds[0][1] = 0x81;
			c->cmds[0][2] = (range & 0x00ff);
			c->cmds[0][3] = (range & 0xff00) >> 8;
			c->cmds[0][4] = 0x00;
			c->cmds[0][5] = 0x00;
			c->cmds[0][6] = 0x00;
			c->cmds[0][7] = 0x00;
//            c->cmds[1][0] = 0xfe;
//            c->cmds[1][1] = 0x0d;
//            c->cmds[1][2] = 0 & 0x0f;
//            c->cmds[1][3] = 0 & 0x0f;
//            c->cmds[1][4] = 0 & 0xff;
//            c->cmds[1][5] = 0x00;
//            c->cmds[1][6] = 0x00;
//            c->cmds[1][7] = 0x00;
			c->count = 1;
		case kGPLogitechDFPNative:
			c->cmds[0][0] = 0xf8;
			c->cmds[1][0] = 0x81;
			c->cmds[1][1] = 0x0b;
			c->count = 2;
			// Determine the needs for range limiter
			int rampLeft;
			int rampRight;
			int fullRange = 0;
			if (range > 200)
				c->cmds[0][1] = 0x03;
				fullRange = 900;
				c->cmds[0][1] = 0x02;
				fullRange = 200;
			// If target range less than full range; Apply limiter command
			if (range < fullRange)
				rampLeft = (((fullRange - range + 1) * 2047) / fullRange);
				rampRight = 0xfff - rampLeft;
				c->cmds[1][2] = rampLeft >> 4;
				c->cmds[1][3] = rampRight >> 4;
				c->cmds[1][4] = 0xff;
				c->cmds[1][5] = (rampRight & 0xe) << 4 | (rampLeft & 0xe);
				c->cmds[1][6] = 0xff;
			c->count = 0;