- Automate the pre-requisites installation and check the compatible versions;
- Be suitable for Terraform version 0.12.x (latest Terraform version);
- Create the Terraform state infrastructure with Ansible even that it adds one more pre-requisite to the project;
- Get automatically the AWS_PROFILE name used to provisioning the infra and use it as the environment name. That way you can set your aws profiles like:
, etc, and all resources can be provided with prefix, sufix, tags or labels indicating its environments; - Implement Bastion provisioning in case you need access to the instance on the private subnet;
- Implkement Caos testing
- Implement the use of Velero for k8s backup;
- Adjust master and nodes IAM Role. For this test purpose, I used a more inclusive role as possible;
- Use labels on k8s to deploy specific type of apps on specific type of nodes;
- Configuring rolling updates for the environment using kops incase you change something on the kubernetes cluster;
- kops rolling-update cluster --name ${CLUSTER_NAME} --state ${STATE} --node-interval 2m --instance-group nodes --force --yes
- Add monitoring infrastructure with Prometheus and Grafana
- Add alarm system like Pagerduty
- Add centralized log system like Cloudwatch or Graylog
- Improve the pipeline with tests and other stuff;
- Implement the deployment as Helm chart;