GridBlazor component provides some events to notify other classes or objects when the grid has changed. The supported events are:
Func<object, PagerEventArgs, Task> PagerChanged
: it's fired when the page number and/or page size are changedFunc<object, SortEventArgs, Task> SortChanged
: it's fired when sorting is changedFunc<object, ExtSortEventArgs, Task> ExtSortChanged
: it's fired when extended sorting or grouping are changedFunc<object, FilterEventArgs, Task<bool>> BeforeFilterChanged
: it's fired before a filter is created, changed or removedFunc<object, FilterEventArgs, Task> FilterChanged
: it's fired when a filter is created, changed or removedFunc<object, SearchEventArgs, Task> SearchChanged
: it's fired when the a new word is searched or search has been cleared
These events are provided to allow running tasks while opening and closing (only pressing the Back button, but not when saving items) CRUD forms:
Func<GridComponent<T>, T, Task<bool>> BeforeCreateForm
: it's fired when the Add button to open a Create form is pressedFunc<GridComponent<T>, T, Task> AfterCreateForm
: it's fired after the Add button to open a Create form is pressedFunc<GridComponent<T>, T, Task<bool>> BeforeReadForm
: it's fired when the View button to open a Read form is pressedFunc<GridComponent<T>, T, Task> AfterReadForm
: it's fired after the Wiew button to open a Read form is pressedFunc<GridComponent<T>, T, Task<bool>> BeforeUpdateForm
: it's fired when the Edit button to open a Update form is pressedFunc<GridComponent<T>, T, Task> AfterUpdateForm
: it's fired after the Edit button to open a Update form is pressedFunc<GridComponent<T>, T, Task<bool>> BeforeDeleteForm
: it's fired when the button to open a Delete form is pressedFunc<GridComponent<T>, T, Task> AfterDeleteForm
: it's fired after the button to open a Delete form is pressedFunc<GridComponent<T>, T, Task<bool>> BeforeBack
: it's fired when the Back button of a CRUD form is pressedFunc<GridComponent<T>, T, Task> AfterBack
: it's fired after the Back button of a CRUD form is pressed
These events are provided to allow running tasks on changing grid items:
Func<GridCreateComponent<T>, T, Task<bool>> BeforeInsert
: it's fired before an item is insertedFunc<GridCreateComponent<T>, T, Task<bool>> BeforeUpdate
: it's fired before an item is updatedFunc<GridCreateComponent<T>, T, Task<bool>> BeforeDelete
: it's fired before an item is deletedFunc<GridCreateComponent<T>, T, Task> AfterInsert
: it's fired after an item is insertedFunc<GridCreateComponent<T>, T, Task> AfterUpdate
: it's fired after an item is updatedFunc<GridCreateComponent<T>, T, Task> AfterDelete
: it's fired after an item is deleted
These events are provided to allow running tasks on changing Checkbox columns :
Func<CheckboxEventArgs<T>, Task> HeaderCheckboxChanged
: it's fired when a header checkbox is changedFunc<CheckboxEventArgs<T>, Task> RowCheckboxChanged
: it's fired when a row checkbox is changed
And these events are provided to allow running tasks before and after grid is refreshed:
Func<Task> BeforeRefreshGrid
: it's fired before the grid will be refreshedFunc<Task> AfterRefreshGrid
: it's fired after the grid is refreshed
If you want to handle an event you have to create a reference to the GridCompoment
The GridCompoment
object has an attribute named Error
that can be set to show an error on the CRUD form.
There is also another property named ColumnErrors
to show errors specific to each each form field. ColumnErrors
is a QueryDictionary
to store the error message for each field.
Then you have to add the events that you want to handle in the OnAfterRender
And finally you have to write the handlers for each event.
You can see here an example handling all component events that writes some grid changes on the console and validates a grid item before being inserted, updated and deleted:
<GridComponent @ref="_gridComponent" T="Order" Grid="@_grid"></GridComponent>
private GridComponent<Order> _gridComponent;
private bool _areEventsLoaded = false;
protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
if (!_areEventsLoaded && _gridComponent != null)
_gridComponent.PagerChanged += PagerChanged;
_gridComponent.SortChanged += SortChanged;
_gridComponent.ExtSortChanged += ExtSortChanged;
_gridComponent.BeforeFilterChanged += BeforeFilterChanged;
_gridComponent.FilterChanged += FilterChanged;
_gridComponent.SearchChanged += SearchChanged;
_gridComponent.BeforeInsert += BeforeInsert;
_gridComponent.BeforeUpdate += BeforeUpdate;
_gridComponent.BeforeDelete += BeforeDelete;
_gridComponent.BeforeRefreshGrid += BeforeRefreshGrid;
_gridComponent.AfterRefreshGrid += AfterRefreshGrid;
_areEventsLoaded = true;
private async Task PagerChanged(object sender, PagerEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("The pager has changed: EnablePaging: {0}, CurrentPage: {1}, ItemsCount: {2}, PageSize: {3}.",
e.Pager.EnablePaging, e.Pager.CurrentPage, e.Pager.ItemsCount, e.Pager.PageSize);
await Task.CompletedTask;
private async Task SortChanged(object sender, SortEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Sorting has changed: ColumnName: {0}, Direction: {1}.",
e.ColumnName, e.Direction);
await Task.CompletedTask;
private async Task ExtSortChanged(object sender, ExtSortEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Extended sorting has changed:");
foreach (var sortValues in e.SortValues)
Console.WriteLine(" - ColumnName: {0}, Direction: {1}, Id: {2}.",
sortValues.ColumnName, sortValues.Direction, sortValues.Id);
await Task.CompletedTask;
private async Task<bool> BeforeFilterChanged(object sender, FilterEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Filters can be changed:");
foreach (var filteredColumn in e.FilteredColumns)
Console.WriteLine(" - ColumnName: {0}, FilterType: {1}, FilterValue: {2}.",
filteredColumn.ColumnName, filteredColumn.FilterType, filteredColumn.FilterValue);
await Task.CompletedTask;
var rnd = new Random();
if (rnd.Next(100) % 2 == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Filters will be changed");
return true;
Console.WriteLine("Filters won't be changed");
return false;
private async Task FilterChanged(object sender, FilterEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Filters have changed:");
foreach (var filteredColumn in e.FilteredColumns)
Console.WriteLine(" - ColumnName: {0}, FilterType: {1}, FilterValue: {2}.",
filteredColumn.ColumnName, filteredColumn.FilterType, filteredColumn.FilterValue);
await Task.CompletedTask;
private async Task SearchChanged(object sender, SearchEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Search has changed: SearchValue: {0}.", e.SearchValue);
await Task.CompletedTask;
private async Task<bool> BeforeInsert(GridCreateComponent<Order> component, Order item)
var orderValidator = new OrderValidator();
var valid = await orderValidator.ValidateAsync(item);
if (!valid.IsValid)
component.Error = "Insert operation returned one or more errors";
foreach (var error in valid.Errors)
component.ColumnErrors.AddParameter(error.PropertyName, error.ErrorMessage);
return valid.IsValid;
private async Task<bool> BeforeUpdate(GridUpdateComponent<Order> component, Order item)
var orderValidator = new OrderValidator();
var valid = await orderValidator.ValidateAsync(item);
if (!valid.IsValid)
component.Error = "Update operation returned one or more errors";
foreach (var error in valid.Errors)
component.ColumnErrors.AddParameter(error.PropertyName, error.ErrorMessage);
return valid.IsValid;
private async Task<bool> BeforeDelete(GridDeleteComponent<Order> component, Order item)
var orderValidator = new OrderValidator();
var valid = await orderValidator.ValidateAsync(item);
if (!valid.IsValid)
component.Error = valid.ToString();
return valid.IsValid;
private async Task<bool> BeforeRefreshGrid()
Console.WriteLine("Grid will start refreshing");
await Task.CompletedTask;
return true;
private async Task AfterRefreshGrid()
Console.WriteLine("Grid has been refreshed");
await Task.CompletedTask;
Notice that all handlers must be async.
In this sample OrderValidator
is a class that validates the Order
object to be modified. If it's a valid item the event returns true
. If the item is not valid the event writes an error on the form and returns false
Grid column provides an event to notify when a column is changed in the standard Create and Update forms. The supported event is:
Func<T, GridMode, Task> AfterChangeValue
: it's fired when the column value is changed
This column event is configured using the SetAfterChangeValue
of the GridColumn
You can see here an example of the grid column definition where the method afterChangeCustomerID
is fired when a new value of the CusotmerID
is selected:
c.Add(o => o.CustomerID)
.SetSelectField(true, o => o.Customer.CustomerID + " - " + o.Customer.CompanyName, o => path + $"api/SampleData/GetAllCustomers")
The fired method can do any change on the row. You can see here an example where the OrderDate
field is modified only on the Create form:
Func<Order, GridMode, Task> afterChangeCustomerID = async (order, mode) =>
if (mode == GridMode.Create)
order.OrderDate = DateTime.Now;
await Task.CompletedTask;
GridBlazor validates by default all data annotations defined with attributes on the the model. This validation happens for Create and Update standard forms. If you use custom CRUD forms this will depend on your code.
If you want to use custom validator classes on standard CRUD form, you can disable the default data annotation validation to avoid validators collisions.
It can be disabled using the SetDataAnnotationsValidation
method of the GridClient
An then you have to configure your custom validators using the BeforeInsert
, BeforeUpdate
and BeforeDelete
If you want to define events for a subgrid and/or a nested CRUD subgrid you must handle in the OnAfterRender
method of the subgrid component.
The AddToOnAfterRender
method of the GridClient
object allows to define those events for subgrids
<GridComponent @ref="_gridComponent" T="Order" Grid="@_grid"></GridComponent>
private GridComponent<Order> _gridComponent;
private bool _areEventsLoaded = false;
protected override async Task OnParametersSetAsync()
var locale = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
Func<object[], bool, bool, bool, bool, Task<IGrid>> subGrids = async (keys, create, read, update, delete) =>
var subGridQuery = new QueryDictionary<StringValues>();
string subGridUrl = NavigationManager.BaseUri + "api/SampleData/GetOrderDetailsGridWithCrud?OrderId="
+ keys[0].ToString();
Action<IGridColumnCollection<OrderDetail>> subGridColumns = c => ColumnCollections.OrderDetailColumnsCrud(c,
var subGridClient = new GridClient<OrderDetail>(HttpClient, subGridUrl, subGridQuery, false,
"orderDetailsGrid" + keys[0].ToString(), subGridColumns, locale)
.Crud(create, read, update, delete, orderDetailService)
await subGridClient.UpdateGrid();
return subGridClient.Grid;
var query = new QueryDictionary<StringValues>();
string url = NavigationManager.BaseUri + "api/SampleData/OrderColumnsWithSubgridCrud";
var client = new GridClient<Order>(HttpClient, url, query, false, "ordersGrid", c =>
ColumnCollections.OrderColumnsWithNestedCrud(c, NavigationManager.BaseUri, subGrids), locale)
.Crud(true, orderService)
_grid = client.Grid;
// Set new items to grid
_task = client.UpdateGrid();
await _task;
private async Task OnAfterOrderDetailRender(GridComponent<OrderDetail> gridComponent, bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
gridComponent.BeforeInsert += BeforeInsertOrderDetail;
gridComponent.BeforeUpdate += BeforeUpdateOrderDetail;
gridComponent.BeforeDelete += BeforeDeleteOrderDetail;
await Task.CompletedTask;
private async Task<bool> BeforeInsertOrderDetail(GridCreateComponent<OrderDetail> component, OrderDetail item)
var orderDetailValidator = new OrderDetailValidator();
var valid = await orderDetailValidator.ValidateAsync(item);
if (!valid.IsValid)
component.Error = "Insert operation returned one or more errors";
foreach (var error in valid.Errors)
component.ColumnErrors.AddParameter(error.PropertyName, error.ErrorMessage);
return valid.IsValid;
private async Task<bool> BeforeUpdateOrderDetail(GridUpdateComponent<OrderDetail> component, OrderDetail item)
var orderDetailValidator = new OrderDetailValidator();
var valid = await orderDetailValidator.ValidateAsync(item);
if (!valid.IsValid)
component.Error = "Update operation returned one or more errors";
foreach (var error in valid.Errors)
component.ColumnErrors.AddParameter(error.PropertyName, error.ErrorMessage);
return valid.IsValid;
private async Task<bool> BeforeDeleteOrderDetail(GridDeleteComponent<OrderDetail> component, OrderDetail item)
var orderDetailValidator = new OrderDetailValidator();
var valid = await orderDetailValidator.ValidateAsync(item);
if (!valid.IsValid)
component.Error = valid.ToString();
return valid.IsValid;
is provided to throw exceptions from the ICrudDataService<T>
services used for data persistence. The GridException
message will be shown on the CRUD forms.
You can see here an example catching any exception issued during database insert and throwing a new GridException
with a custom message:
public async Task Insert(OrderDetail item)
using (var context = new NorthwindDbContext(_options))
var repository = new OrderDetailsRepository(context);
await repository.Insert(item);
catch (Exception e)
throw new GridException("There was an error during the order detail record creation");
You can also throw a GridException
that will show the most inner exception's message on the CRUD form:
public async Task Insert(OrderDetail item)
using (var context = new NorthwindDbContext(_options))
var repository = new OrderDetailsRepository(context);
await repository.Insert(item);
catch (Exception e)
throw new GridException(e);
This is an example of a CRUD form error:
When the Grid
receives data from the server and gets an HTTP error, the default behavior is to capture the exception and write the error on the console.
In this case the client shows an epmty grid, but no error is shown to the user.
There are 2 additional behaviors that can be configured using 2 boolean parameters of the HandleServerErrors
method of the GridClient
Parameter | Description | Example |
bool showOnGrid | A message is shown on the top of the grid component | HandleServerErrors(true, false) |
bool throwExceptions | An exception is thrown that has to be captured by your code. In this case you can write the exception on a log or show a message to the user | HandleServerErrors(false, true) |