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Debezium / Quarkus / Kafka Streams / Knative Demo

This is the source code of the demo from the DevNation Tech Talk Serverless stream processing of Debezium data change events with Knative by Matthias Wessendorf and Gunnar Morling.

It shows:

  • Capturing changes from an RDBMS and exporting them into a Kafka topic using Debezium
  • Aggregating values and joining multiple Kafka topics via Kafka Streams, running on top of Quarkus
  • Feeding data from Kafka to dynamically scaled consumers via Knative
  • Running a web application with WebSockets on Knative


The demo is made up of the following components:

  • Apache Kafka and ZooKeeper
  • Postgres with weather station master data (name, location etc)
  • sensors, a Quarkus application that simulates temperature sensor measurements which are sent to a Kafka topic
  • aggregator, a Quarkus application processing the measurements topic with the master data topic, using the Kafka Streams API
  • temperature-map, a Quarkus application that streams the measurement values to a client via WebSockets, where they are visualized on a world map

Temperature Map

TODO: Add Knative parts. For this Docker Compose based set-up the temperature-map app reads directly from the Kafka topic with enriched measurement values. In the actual demo this is done via Knative Eventing.


mvn clean package


docker-compose up --build

Register Debezium connector for master data:

http PUT http://localhost:8083/connectors/weather-connector/config < register-postgres.json

Browse change data topic with weather stations:

docker run --tty --rm \
    --network weather-network \
    debezium/tooling:1.1 \
    kafkacat -b kafka:9092 -C -o beginning -q \
    -t | jq .

Browse sensor data topic:

docker run --tty --rm \
    --network weather-network \
    debezium/tooling:1.1 \
    kafkacat -b kafka:9092 -C -o beginning -q \
    -t temperature-values

Browse enriched sensor data topic:

docker run --tty --rm \
    --network weather-network \
    debezium/tooling:1.1 \
    kafkacat -b kafka:9092 -C -o beginning -q \
    -t temperature-values-enriched | jq .

Initially, only some weather stations are active. Non-active stations are filtered out in the Kafka Streams application. To show how master data updates in the RDBMS are propagated via Debezium, enable all stations in the database; Get a shell in the Postgres database and run this DML:

docker run --tty --rm -i \
        --network weather-network \
        debezium/tooling:1.1 \
        bash -c 'pgcli postgresql://postgresuser:postgrespw@weather-db:5432/weatherdb'

# In pgcli
update weather.weatherstations set active=true;

You'll then see values for all the stations being shown on the map.

Running locally

For development purposes it can be handy to run the Quarkus applications directly on your local machine instead of via Docker. To do so, runn the following:

# If not present yet:
# export HOSTNAME=<your hostname>

docker-compose up --scale sensors=0 --scale aggregator=0 --scale temperature-map=0

mvn compile quarkus:dev -f sensors/pom.xml
mvn compile quarkus:dev -f aggregator/pom.xml
mvn compile quarkus:dev -f temperature-map/pom.xml

Running in native

To run the Quarkus applications as native binaries via GraalVM, first run the Maven builds using the native profile:

mvn clean package -Pnative -Dnative-image.container-runtime=docker

Then create an environment variable named QUARKUS_MODE and with value set to "native":

export QUARKUS_MODE=native

Now start Docker Compose as described above.