- Login to AWS console https://aws.amazon.com/console/
- Navigate to Services -> S3.
- Click Create bucket.
- Fill out bucket name, region and click Create bucket.
- Navigate to My Security Credentials.
- In the Access keys section click on the Create New Access Key button.
- Write down your bucket name, region, key and secret.
- Edit the bucket again.
- Set Default encryption to Enabled with Amazon S3 master-key (SSE-S3) server-side encryption.
- Set the following as Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS):
"AllowedHeaders": [
"AllowedMethods": [
"AllowedOrigins": [
"ExposeHeaders": [],
"MaxAgeSeconds": 3000
- Run the following commands via CLI:
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=enabletasks --set=1
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=deletelocal --set=1
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=consistencydelay --set=0
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=sizethreshold --set=0
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=minimumage --set=0
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=filesystem --set='\tool_objectfs\s3_file_system'
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=s3_key --set='your key'
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=s3_secret --set='your secret'
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=s3_bucket --set='your bucket'
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=s3_region --set='your region'
- Put the following line into your config.php:
$CFG->alternative_file_system_class = '\tool_objectfs\s3_file_system';
- Access the /admin/settings.php?section=tool_objectfs_settings page.
- Confirm, that there is a green notification message Could establish connection to the external object storage. under the Amazon S3 Settings section.
- Run the fllowing scheduled tasks:
php admin/cli/scheduled_task.php --execute='\tool_objectfs\task\check_objects_location'
php admin/cli/scheduled_task.php --execute='\tool_objectfs\task\push_objects_to_storage'
php admin/cli/scheduled_task.php --execute='\tool_objectfs\task\delete_local_objects'
php admin/cli/scheduled_task.php --execute='\tool_objectfs\task\generate_status_report'
- Access the /admin/tool/objectfs/object_status.php page.
- Confirm, that all files have been moved to the external storage: Marked as only in filedir and Duplicated in filedir and external storage should be 0.
- Navigate to [https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/v3/home?region=ap-southeast-2#/welcome].
- Click on Create a CloudFront distribution.
- Choose your Amazon S3 bucket from Origin domain dropdown menu.
- S3 bucket access: Choose Yes use OAI (bucket can restrict access to only CloudFront) and click Create new OAI.
- S3 bucket access -> Bucket policy: Choose Yes, update the bucket policy.
- Viewer protocol policy: Choose Redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
- Allowed HTTP methods: Choose GET, HEAD, OPTIONS and tick OPTIONS under Cache HTTP methods.
- Restrict viewer access: Choose Yes -> Trusted signer -> Self.
- Cache key and origin requests: Choose Legacy cache settings.
- Legacy cache settings -> Headers: Choose Include the following headers and add Origin, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers headers from the dropdown menu.
- Legacy cache settings -> Query strings: Choose All.
- Click Create distribution.
- Navigate to [https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/v3/home?region=ap-southeast-2#/distributions].
- Confirm, that Status is Enabled and Last modified is changed from Deploying to the date the distribution was created.
- Open your distribution.
- Write down Distribution domain name (with https://).
Note: If you have already setup Moodle behind a CloudFront distribution, it is also possible to use that same CloudFront distribution to serve files from objectfs. In this scenario, a specific prefix in the URL path directs traffic to the S3 Bucket (moodle.domain/objectfs/ for example). To achieve that, use the key_prefix option to add a prefix on your Bucket, and configure a second Origin on your existing CloudFront distribution that points to your Bucket. Setup a Behavior that uses that new Origin with the same prefix as the one you used as key_prefix in your Bucket. Follow all other instructions.
- Make a directory $CFG->dataroot . '/objectfs/'.
- Make it readable and writable:
chmod 777 objectfs
- Generate an RSA key pair with a length of 2048 bits:
cd objectfs/
openssl genrsa -out cloudfront.pem 2048
chmod 777 cloudfront.pem
- Extract the public key:
openssl rsa -pubout -in cloudfront.pem -out public_key.pem
- Navigate to [https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/v3/home#/distributions].
- In the navigation menu, choose Public keys.
- Click Create public key.
- Enter key name.
- Enter key value. Use the following command to get the public key:
cat public_key.pem
- Click Create public key.
- Write down key ID from the [https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/v3/home#/publickey] page.
- Run the following commands from the CLI to configure Objectfs:
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=enablepresignedurls --set=1
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=expirationtime --set=172800
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=presignedminfilesize --set=0
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=signingwhitelist --set='*'
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=signingmethod --set='cf'
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=cloudfrontresourcedomain --set='your cloudfrom domain'
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=cloudfrontkeypairid --set='your key pair id'
php admin/cli/cfg.php --component=tool_objectfs --name=cloudfrontprivatekey --set='cloudfront.pem'
- Please note that cloudfrontprivatekey setting can can be one of the following:
- a file name with the pem extension (described in this wiki), or
- a PEM formatted string, eg:
- Open Dev Tool Network tab and navigate to the /admin/tool/objectfs/presignedurl_tests.php page.
- Confirm, that file requests like /pluginfile.php/1/tool_objectfs/settings/0/testvideo.mp4 get redirected to pre-signed CloudFront URL (HTTP status 303).
- Confirm, that requests to pre-signed CloudFront URL return requested data (HTTP status 200).
- Put the following lines into your config.php to make sure H5P activities are displayed correctly:
$CFG->h5pcrossorigin = 'anonymous';
$CFG->mod_hvp_crossorigin = 'anonymous';