- Author:
- Andrey Vlasovskikh
- License:
- Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0
- Library Homepage:
- http://code.google.com/p/funcparserlib/
- Library Version:
- 0.3.6
This is an epic tutorial that explains how to write parsers using
. As the tutorial contains lots of code listings, it is written
using the exciting doctest module. This module is a part of the Python
standard library. Using it, you can execute the tutorial file in order to make
sure that all the code listings work as described here.
Although writing functional parsers and functional programming in general is fun, the large size of the tutorial makes it a bit monotonous. To prevent the reader from getting bored, some bits of humor and interesting facts were added.
Some knowlegde of general parsing concepts is assumed as well as some familiarity with functional programming. Experience with Haskell or Scheme would be nice, but it is not required.
Any comments and suggestions are welcome! Especially corrections related to the English language, as the author is not a native English speaker. Please post your comments to the issues list on Google Code.
- Intro
- Diving In
- Lexing with
- The Library Basics
- Parser Combinators
- The
Combinator - The
Combinator - The
- Getting First Numbers
- The
Combinator - Pythonic Uncurrying
- The
- Making a Choice
- The
Combinator - Conflicting Alternatives
- The Fear of Left-Recursion
- The
- The
- Ordering Calculations
- Operator Precedence
- The
- Polishing the Code
- The
Combinator - The
Combinator - The
- The
- Advanced Topics
- Parser Type Classes
- Papers on Funcional Parsers
In this tutorial, we will write an expression calculator that uses syntax
similar to Python or Haskell expressions. Writing a calculator is a common
example in articles related to parsers and parsing techniques, so it is a good
starting point in learning funcparserlib
If you are interested in more real-world examples, see the sources of a
GraphViz DOT parser or a JSON parser available in
directory of funcparserlib
. If you need just a short intro
instead of the full tutorial, see the Nested Brackets Mini-HOWTO.
We will show how to write a parser and an evaluator of expressions using
. The library comes with its own lexer module, but in this
example we will use the standard Python module tokenize as a lexer.
parser combinators are completely agnostic of what the tokens
are and how they have been produced, so you can use any lexer you like.
Here are some expressions we want to be able to parse and calculate:
2 + 3
2 ** 32 - 1
3.1415926 * (2 + 7.18281828e-1)
Here is a complete expression calculator program.
You are not assumed to understand it now. Just look at its shape and try to get some feeling of its structure.
In the end of this tutorial you will fully understand this code and will be able to write parsers for your own needs.
>>> from StringIO import StringIO
>>> from tokenize import generate_tokens
>>> import operator, token
>>> from funcparserlib.parser import (some, a, many, skip, finished, maybe,
... with_forward_decls)
>>> class Token(object):
... def __init__(self, code, value, start=(0, 0), stop=(0, 0), line=''):
... self.code = code
... self.value = value
... self.start = start
... self.stop = stop
... self.line = line
... @property
... def type(self):
... return token.tok_name[self.code]
... def __unicode__(self):
... pos = '-'.join('%d,%d' % x for x in [self.start, self.stop])
... return "%s %s '%s'" % (pos, self.type, self.value)
... def __repr__(self):
... return 'Token(%r, %r, %r, %r, %r)' % (
... self.code, self.value, self.start, self.stop, self.line)
... def __eq__(self, other):
... return (self.code, self.value) == (other.code, other.value)
>>> def tokenize(s):
... 'str -> [Token]'
... return list(Token(*t)
... for t in generate_tokens(StringIO(s).readline)
... if t[0] not in [token.NEWLINE])
>>> def parse(tokens):
... 'Sequence(Token) -> int or float or None'
... # Well known functions
... const = lambda x: lambda _: x
... unarg = lambda f: lambda x: f(*x)
... # Semantic actions and auxiliary functions
... tokval = lambda tok: tok.value
... makeop = lambda s, f: op(s) >> const(f)
... def make_number(s):
... try:
... return int(s)
... except ValueError:
... return float(s)
... def eval_expr(z, list):
... 'float, [((float, float -> float), float)] -> float'
... return reduce(lambda s, (f, x): f(s, x), list, z)
... eval = unarg(eval_expr)
... # Primitives
... number = (
... some(lambda tok: tok.code == token.NUMBER)
... >> tokval
... >> make_number)
... op = lambda s: a(Token(token.OP, s)) >> tokval
... op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
... add = makeop('+', operator.add)
... sub = makeop('-', operator.sub)
... mul = makeop('*', operator.mul)
... div = makeop('/', operator.div)
... pow = makeop('**', operator.pow)
... mul_op = mul | div
... add_op = add | sub
... # Means of composition
... @with_forward_decls
... def primary():
... return number | (op_('(') + expr + op_(')'))
... factor = primary + many(pow + primary) >> eval
... term = factor + many(mul_op + factor) >> eval
... expr = term + many(add_op + term) >> eval
... # Toplevel parsers
... endmark = a(Token(token.ENDMARKER, ''))
... end = skip(endmark + finished)
... toplevel = maybe(expr) + end
... return toplevel.parse(tokens)
A couple of tests:
>>> assert parse(tokenize('')) is None
>>> assert parse(tokenize('1')) == 1
>>> assert parse(tokenize('2 + 3')) == 5
>>> assert parse(tokenize('2 * (3 + 4)')) == 14
OK, now let's forget about all this stuff:
>>> del StringIO, generate_tokens, operator, token
>>> del Token, tokenize, parse
and start from scratch!
We start with lexing in order to be able to define parsers in terms of tokens,
not just characters. This section is auxiliary and it is completely unrelated to
. But we just need tokens to start writing parsers. You may skip
this section and start with “The Library Basics”.
We will need to generate_tokens
using the standard tokenize
>>> from tokenize import generate_tokens
Import some standard library stuff:
>>> from StringIO import StringIO
>>> from pprint import pformat
This is an output from the tokenizer:
>>> ts = list(generate_tokens(StringIO('3 * (4 + 5)').readline))
>>> print pformat(ts)
[(2, '3', (1, 0), (1, 1), '3 * (4 + 5)'),
(51, '*', (1, 2), (1, 3), '3 * (4 + 5)'),
(51, '(', (1, 4), (1, 5), '3 * (4 + 5)'),
(2, '4', (1, 5), (1, 6), '3 * (4 + 5)'),
(51, '+', (1, 7), (1, 8), '3 * (4 + 5)'),
(2, '5', (1, 9), (1, 10), '3 * (4 + 5)'),
(51, ')', (1, 10), (1, 11), '3 * (4 + 5)'),
(0, '', (2, 0), (2, 0), '')]
As we can see, the lexer has already thrown away the spaces. Each token is a 5-tuple of the token code, the token string, the beginning and ending of the token, the line on which it was found.
Let's make the output more pretty by wrapping a token in a class. We could definitely go on without such a wrapper, but it will make messages more readable and allow access to the fields of the token by name.
Import a standard module containing the code-to-name map for tokens:
>>> import token
Define the wrapper class:
>>> class Token(object):
... def __init__(self, code, value, start=(0, 0), stop=(0, 0), line=''):
... self.code = code
... self.value = value
... self.start = start
... self.stop = stop
... self.line = line
... @property
... def type(self):
... return token.tok_name[self.code]
... def __unicode__(self):
... pos = '-'.join('%d,%d' % x for x in [self.start, self.stop])
... return "%s %s '%s'" % (pos, self.type, self.value)
... def __repr__(self):
... return 'Token(%r, %r, %r, %r, %r)' % (
... self.code, self.value, self.start, self.stop, self.line)
... def __eq__(self, other):
... return (self.code, self.value) == (other.code, other.value)
Functions __repr__
and __eq__
will be used later. Let's see what it will
look like:
>>> print '\n'.join(unicode(Token(*t)) for t in ts)
1,0-1,1 NUMBER '3'
1,2-1,3 OP '*'
1,4-1,5 OP '('
1,5-1,6 NUMBER '4'
1,7-1,8 OP '+'
1,9-1,10 NUMBER '5'
1,10-1,11 OP ')'
2,0-2,0 ENDMARKER ''
So we are basically done with lexing. The last thing left is to write the lexer function:
>>> def tokenize(s):
... 'str -> [Token]'
... return list(Token(*t)
... for t in generate_tokens(StringIO(s).readline)
... if t[0] not in [token.NEWLINE])
Here we just have added filtering newline symbols.
is a library for recursive descent parsing using parser
combinators. The parsers made with its help are LL(*) parsers. It means that
it's very easy to write them without thinking about look-aheads and all that
hardcore parsing stuff. But the recursive descent parsing is a rather slow
method compared to LL(k) or LR(k) algorithms. So the primary domain for
is parsing small languages or external DSLs (domain specific
A parser is basically a function f
of type (we will use a Haskell-ish
notation for types):
f :: [a] -> (b, [a])
that takes a list of tokens of arbitrary type a
and returns a pair of the
parsed value of arbitrary type b
and the list of tokens left. We can define
an alias for this type:
type Parser(a, b) = [a] -> (b, [a])
Parser combinators are just higher-order functions that take parsers as their arguments and return them as result values. Parser combinators are:
- First-class values
- Extremely composable
- Tend to make the code quite compact
- Resemble the readable notation of xBNF grammars
uses a more advanced parser type in order to generalize away
from lists to sequences and provide more readable error reports by tracking
a parsing state (in a functional way of course):
f :: Sequence(a), State -> (b, State)
But this parser type is no fun any more. In order to get rid of it as well as to
use overloaded operators funcparserlib
wraps parser functions into a class (we
have already seen this approach earlier in the lexer). This class is named
and all the combinators we will be using deal with objects of this
class. So the typedef Parser(a, b)
above is just a parameterized class, not a
function. The parser itself is ivoked via Parser.run
In fact, all the plain parser functions are hidden from you by funcparserlib
so you don't need to know these internals. So, every parser p
you have ever
met isinstance
of the Parser
So let's leave parser functions behind the barrier of abstraction. But if you
are interested in how all this stuff really works, just look into the
sources of funcparserlib
! There are only approximately 300 lines
of documented code there. And you are already familiar with the basic idea.
Initial imports:
>>> from funcparserlib.parser import some, a, many, skip, finished, maybe
Let's recall the expressions we would like to parse:
2 + 3
2 ** 32 - 1
3.1415926 * (2 + 7.18281828e-1)
So our grammar consists of expressions, that consist of numbers or nested expressions. All the expressions we have seen so far are binary.
Let's start with just numbers. Number is some token of type 'NUMBER'
>>> number = some(lambda tok: tok.type == 'NUMBER')
We have just introduced the first parser combinator — some
. Dealing with
parser combinators, we should always keep in mind their types in order to know
precisely what they do. some
has the following type:
some :: (a -> bool) -> Parser(a, a)
takes as its input a predicate function from token of arbitrary type a
and returns a parser of Sequence(a)
that returns a result of type a
. The
first a
in Parser
is the type of tokens in the input sequence, and the
second one is the type of a parsed token. The type doesn't change during
parsing, so we get exaclty the token that satisfies the predicate (there is only
one function from a
to a
: id = lambda x: x
The resulting parser acts like a filter by parsing only those tokens that satisfy the predicate. Hence the name: some token satisfying the predicate will be returned by the parser.
And this is how it works:
>>> number.parse(tokenize('5'))
Token(2, '5', (1, 0), (1, 1), '5')
and how it reports errors:
>>> number.parse(tokenize('a'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
NoParseError: got unexpected token: 1,0-1,1 NAME 'a'
Notice that the lexer and the Token
wrapper class help us identify the
position in which the error occured.
Using some
, we have got a parsed Token
. But we need numbers, not Token
s, to
calculate an expression! So the result of the number
parser is not
appropriate. It should have the type int
or float
. We need some tool to
transform a Parser(Token, Token)
into a Parser(Token, int or float)
we use dynamic typing here).
And this tool is called the >>
combinator. It has the type:
(>>) :: Parser(a, b), (b -> c) -> Parser(a, c)
Again, its type suggests what it can possibly do. It returns a parser, that
applies the Parser(a, b)
to the input sequence and then maps the result of
type b
to type c
using a function b -> c
(for functionally inclined: a
parser is a functor where >>
is its fmap
Let's write a function that maps a Token
to an int
or a float
>>> def make_number(tok):
... 'Token -> int or float'
... try:
... return int(tok.value)
... except ValueError:
... return float(tok.value)
OK, but we can spilt this one into two more primitive useful functions:
>>> def tokval(tok):
... 'Token -> str'
... return tok.value
>>> def make_number(s):
... try:
... return int(s)
... except ValueError:
... return float(s)
Let's use these functions in our number
>>> number = (
... some(lambda tok: tok.type == 'NUMBER')
... >> tokval
... >> make_number)
Now we got exactly what we needed:
>>> number.parse(tokenize('5'))
>>> '%g' % number.parse(tokenize('1.6e-19'))
See how composition works. We compose a parser some(...)
of type
Parser(Token, Token)
with the function tokval
and we get a value of type
again, but this time it is Parser(Token, str)
. Let's put it this way:
the set of parsers is closed under the application of >>
to a parser and a
function of type a -> b
Having just numbers is boring. We need some operations on them. Let's start with
the only one operator **
(because +
could be confusing in this context) and
apply it to numbers only, not to expressions.
In the expression 2 ** 32
, we need some way of saying “a number 2
followed by an operator **
, followed by a number 32
.” In
, we do this by using the +
The +
combinator is a sequential composition of two parsers. It has the
following type (warning: dynamic typing tricks ahead):
(+) :: Parser(a, b), Parser(a, c) -> Parser(a, _Tuple(b, c))
It basically does the following. Given two parsers of Sequence(a)
to b
, respectively, it returns a parser, that applies the first one to the
sequence, then applies the second one to the sequence left, and combines the
results into a _Tuple
The _Tuple
is some sort of magic that simplifies access to the parsing
results. It accumulates all the parsed values preventing the nesting of tuples.
We can “turn off” the _Tuple
to see what will happen by
explicitely casing every value parsed by a composed parser to tuple
>>> p = (number + number >> tuple) + number >> tuple
>>> p.parse(tokenize('1 2 3'))
((1, 2), 3)
We have got nested tuples. To get the first number from the result t
we need
to use t[0][0]
. The second and the third ones are t[0][1]
and t[1]
. Well,
it is pretty inconsistent (but it is OK for you, Lisp hackers).
So the magic does the following:
>>> p = number + number + number
>>> p.parse(tokenize('1 2 3'))
(1, 2, 3)
Now it's OK for everyone (except for very statically typed persons).
OK, let's write a parser for the power operator expression. We have already got a number parser. Now we need an operator parser. How about this one:
>>> pow = some(lambda tok: tok.type == 'OP' and tok.value == '**') >> tokval
It will work, but let's abstract away from the operator name:
>>> def op(s):
... 'str -> Parser(Token, str)'
... return (
... some(lambda tok: tok.type == 'OP' and tok.value == s)
... >> tokval)
Continuing with the op
, we can define it using lambda
>>> op = (lambda s:
... some(lambda tok: tok.type == 'OP' and tok.value == s)
... >> tokval)
We need to parse here an exact token, a token s
. So maybe we can come up with
some combinator, that takes as its input a value and returns a parser, that
parses a token only if it is equal to that value. Let's call this combinator a
(because it parses a token given to it). Here is its type:
a :: Eq(a) => a -> Parser(a, a)
requires an equality constraint (we have already defined __eq__
) on its input type a
The definition of the combinator is straightforward:
a = lambda x: some(lambda y: x == y)
It's quite useful in practice, so funcparserlib
already contains such a
combinator. You can just import it from there (as we have already done earlier).
Let's rewrite op
using a
>>> op = lambda s: a(Token(token.OP, s)) >> tokval
>>> pow = op('**')
and test it:
>>> pow.parse(tokenize('**'))
Oops, we got just a string '**'
, but we wanted a function **
(for Lisp
hackers: it would be nice to just (eval (quote **))
). We have already seen
this problem before. Let's just transform the parser using >>
>>> import operator
>>> pow = op('**') >> (lambda x: operator.pow)
OK, but the x
isn't used here, so the classic function const
comes to our
minds (for combinatorically inclined: it is just K
>>> const = lambda x: lambda _: x
The revisited version of pow
>>> pow = op('**') >> const(operator.pow)
Let's test it again:
>>> f = pow.parse(tokenize('**'))
>>> f(2, 12)
>>> del f
OK, it's time to put it all together. Let's define the eval_expr
that will map the result of parsing an expression to the resulting value:
>>> def eval_expr(x):
... return x[1](x[0], x[2])
Then define a simple expression parser (we don't recur on the subparts of the expression yet):
>>> expr = number + pow + number >> eval_expr
Test it:
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('2 ** 12'))
Cool! Our first real calculation!
But the eval_expr
function isn't very clean. Why doesn't it just take
positional arguments instead of a tuple? Because +
returns a tuple (the magic
). Hey, don't allow some code to force you to make your functions less
clean than they should be!
Let's make the arguments positional and provide a wrapper for calling
with a single tuple. In fact, this task is quite general. We can
turn any function of n
arguments into a function of a single n
-tuple (for
functionally inclined: we can uncurry it):
>>> unarg = lambda f: lambda x: f(*x)
So the new eval_expr
>>> eval_expr = unarg(lambda a, f, b: f(a, b))
Yes, it is cleaner now than it was before.
Redefine expr
and test it:
>>> expr = number + pow + number >> eval_expr
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('2 ** 12'))
So far so good. Now we need to support more than one operation. We already know
how define a new operation. But how do we choose between, say, **
and -
while parsing? The combinators we learned so far are pretty determinate. Well,
except for some
that returns something that satisfies the predicate. In this
particular case we could continue with only some
, but this approach is ad
hoc so we need a general one.
And the general approach is the choice combinator |
. It allows choice
composition of parsers. Given two parsers of Sequence(a)
returning b
, respectively, it returns a parser of Sequence(a)
that applies the first
parser, and in case it has failed applies the second one. Here is it's type (for
Haskell hackers: dynamic typing again, there should be Either b c
(|) :: Parser(a, b), Parser(a, c) -> Parser(a, b or c)
Let's see how it works by defining one more operator:
>>> sub = op('-') >> const(operator.sub)
and then using the choice combinator in expr
>>> expr = number + (pow | sub) + number >> eval_expr
Test it:
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('2 ** 8'))
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('256 - 1'))
and what if none of the alternatives matches:
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('2 + 2'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
NoParseError: got unexpected token: 1,2-1,3 OP '+'
Let's cover all the basic arithmetic binary operators using one more bit of abstraction:
>>> makeop = lambda s, f: op(s) >> const(f)
>>> add = makeop('+', operator.add)
>>> sub = makeop('-', operator.sub)
>>> mul = makeop('*', operator.mul)
>>> div = makeop('/', operator.div)
>>> pow = makeop('**', operator.pow)
>>> operator = add | sub | mul | div | pow
>>> expr = number + operator + number >> eval_expr
Test it:
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('2 + 2'))
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('2 * 2'))
Yay! We can do elementary school arithmetics!
OK, we have got a parser for expressions containing a binary operation, so we can write a toplevel parser of single numbers and expressions of numbers:
>>> toplevel = number | expr
Test it:
>>> toplevel.parse(tokenize('5'))
>>> toplevel.parse(tokenize('2 + 3')) == 5
>>> toplevel.parse(tokenize('2 + 3'))
Oops, it does wrong arithmetics! We have encountered a common problem in
parsing. The first alternative of toplevel
parses a subtree of some next
alternative (because number
is a subpart of expr
). We should be careful and
compose parsers using |
so that they don't conflict with each other:
>>> toplevel = expr | number
Remember that the longest token sequence should be parsed first!
Let's test it:
>>> toplevel.parse(tokenize('5'))
>>> toplevel.parse(tokenize('2 + 3'))
We have defined the toplevel
parser, that can parse expressions of numbers or
just numbers. But what about expressions of expressions of numbers, etc.? We
want to be able to parse the following expression:
2 ** 32 - 1
In order to build (or evaluate) its parse tree we could write a recurive parser:
expr = (expr + operator + expr) | number
but we cannot, because in top-down parsing algorithms (like the one used in
) left-recursion leads to non-termination of parsing!
How to avoid left-recursion on expr
here? Let's start thinking in terms of
EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form) that is used widely in grammar definitions. Our
parser corresponds to these EBNF productions:
<expr> ::= <rec-expr> | <number> ;
<rec-expr> ::= <expr> , <operator> , <expr> ;
Left-recursion is still there of course. But we can rewrite them this way using EBNF repetition syntax:
<expr> ::= <number> , { <operator> , <number> }
Here {
and }
mean “zero or more times”. As we can see,
left-recursion has been thrown away here. It is always possible to get rid of it
using a formal method, but usually you can just look at your grammar and
modify it a little to make it non-left-recursive.
Remember that the left-recursion must be avoided!
The new definition of <expr>
doesn't have left-recurison any more, but it
assumes a new parser combinator for doing things many times as supposed by the
This combinator is called many
. It returns a parser that applies a parser
passed as its argument to a sequence of tokens as many times as the parser
succeeds. The resulting parser returns a list of results containing zero or more
parsed tokens. Here is its type:
many :: Parser(a, b) -> Parser(a, [b])
It works like this:
>>> many(number).parse(tokenize('1'))
>>> many(number).parse(tokenize('1 2 3'))
[1, 2, 3]
>>> many(number).parse(tokenize('1 foo'))
>>> many(number).parse(tokenize('foo'))
With many
, we can avoid left-recursion and translate the <expr>
of EBNF directly into the parser of funcparserlib
>>> expr = number + many(operator + number)
Let's test it:
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('2 + 3'))
(2, [(<built-in function add>, 3)])
It seems that we forgot to map parsing results to numbers again. Let's fix this:
>>> def eval_expr(z, list):
... return reduce(lambda s, (f, x): f(s, x), list, z)
Here we fold the list
of an operator an its right operand starting with the
initial value z
using a function that applies the operator f
to the
accumulated value s
and the right operand x
(for functionally inclined: we
just foldl
the list of functions and their right arguments using function
Well, for not functionally inclined: just write your own eval_expr
evaluating results of the new expr
and then look how your recursion pattern is
abstracted in the code above.
Now let's refine expr
with eval_expr
>>> expr = number + many(operator + number) >> unarg(eval_expr)
and test it:
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('2 * 3 + 4'))
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('1 * 2 * 3 * 4'))
Cool, we just have calculated the factorial of 4!
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('2 ** 32 - 1')) == 4294967295
and this is the largest unsigned int
possible on 32-bit computers.
And how about this one:
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('2 + 3 * 4'))
Wait, it should be 14
, not 20
, because 2 + 3 * 4
is really 2 + (3 * 4)
Our parser is unaware of operators precedence.
There are two basic approaches for dealing with precedence in parsers. The first one is to provide special constructs for specifying precedence and the second one is to modify the grammar to reflect the precedence rules. We will use the second one.
According to this quite popular approach, our modified grammar will look like this:
>>> f = unarg(eval_expr)
>>> mul_op = mul | div
>>> add_op = add | sub
>>> factor = number + many(pow + number) >> f
>>> term = factor + many(mul_op + factor) >> f
>>> expr = term + many(add_op + term) >> f
The nesting levels in the parse tree mirror the precedence levels of the
operators. So 1
as a tree is something like Expr(Term(Factor(Number(1))))
but its OK since it's only a parse tree, not an AST (abstract syntax tree). In a
typical AST, such wrapper nodes are thrown away. We don't transform our parse
tree into an AST because we write an interpreter that evaluates parse tree nodes
(does semantic actions) while parsing.
Let's test our new expr
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('1'))
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('2 + 3 * 4'))
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('3 + 2 * 2 ** 3 - 4 * 4'))
Initial deletions:
>>> del expr
The last thing we want to see in our expressions is parentheses. That's an easy
one. Let's just add one more nesting level of operators. Parentheses have the
highest precedence, so they should be nested in factor
. We can write the new
nested parser primary
>>> primary = number | ((op('(') + expr + op(')')) >> (lambda x: x[1]))
Traceback (most recent call last):
NameError: name 'expr' is not defined
Oops, if fact, we cannot yet! The definition is recursive. primary
, but expr
uses term
that uses factor
that uses primary
Variable binding rules in Python don't allow using a variable before it got
assigned a value in the current scope. But it's OK to use it within a nested
scope, think of mutually recursive functions definitions. So we have to wrap the
parser that is assigned to primary
into a function of no arguments (sometimes
called a suspension or a thunk) in order to evaluate the parser lazily (for
Haskell hackers: you got it for free, lazy guys).
Such a combinator is provided by funcparserlib
. It is called
and its type is:
with_forward_decls :: (None -> Parser(a, b)) -> Parser(a, b)
Import it:
>>> from funcparserlib.parser import with_forward_decls
Another way to define mutually recursive parsers is via the forward_decl
combinator. It uses some bits of mutable state, but it is more efficient and
probably will be the recommended way to deal with recursive definitions. See the
sources for details. But let's use with_forward_decls
Finally, we can write a definition of primary
that has a forward declaration
of expr
>>> primary = with_forward_decls(lambda:
... number | ((op('(') + expr + op(')')) >> (lambda x: x[1])))
or equivalently using Python decorators syntax:
>>> @with_forward_decls
... def primary():
... return number | ((op('(') + expr + op(')')) >> (lambda x: x[1]))
and redefine the dependent parsers:
>>> factor = primary + many(pow + primary) >> f
>>> term = factor + many(mul_op + factor) >> f
>>> expr = term + many(add_op + term) >> f
Let's test it:
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('2 + 3 * 4'))
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('(2 + 3) * 4'))
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('((1 + 1) ** (((8))))'))
So, we are basically done with our expression parser. But there are still some minor issues we want to cover.
One not so minor thing we still don't have in our expressions is the unary -
for negative numbers. Its implementation is left as an exercise for the reader
(for Haskell hackers: you may wish to add functions support to our calculator
and implement -
as a function negate
Let's cover some minor issues we mentioned in the previous section.
First of all, the parentheses parser we have defined is quite ugly:
primary = with_forward_decls(lambda:
number | ((op('(') + expr + op(')')) >> (lambda x: x[1])))
What we really want to say here is: “primary
is a parser
, that parses a number
or (an op('(')
followed by an
followed be an op(')')
) where op
s are of no use and should be
skipped, so the return value is just the number
or the expr
The skip
combinator will help us to write exactly that. It has the following
type (warning: dynamic typing magic is back again):
skip :: Parser(a, b) -> Parser(a, _Ignored(b))
A magic _Ignored(b)
value is a trivial container for values of b
that is
completely ignored by the +
combinator during concatenation of its magic
of results.
Look at the examples:
>>> (number + number).parse(tokenize('2 3'))
(2, 3)
>>> (skip(number) + number).parse(tokenize('2 3'))
>>> (skip(number) + number).parse(tokenize('+ 2 3'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
NoParseError: got unexpected token: 1,0-1,1 OP '+'
Note, that skip
still requires its argument parser to succeed.
So let's rewrite the primary
parser using op_
(for Haskell hackers: notice
a naming analogy with functions like sequence_
>>> op_ = lambda s: skip(op(s))
>>> primary = with_forward_decls(lambda:
... number | (op_('(') + expr + op_(')')))
and redefine the dependent parsers:
>>> factor = primary + many(pow + primary) >> f
>>> term = factor + many(mul_op + factor) >> f
>>> expr = term + many(add_op + term) >> f
Finally, test it:
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('(2 + 3) * 4'))
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('3.1415926 * (2 + 7.18281828e-1)'))
It seems that we have almost finished with our calculator. Let's fix some more subtle problems. Suppose the user typed the following string:
'2 + 3 * 4 foo'
It seems like a syntax error: 'foo'
is clearly not a part of our expression
grammar. Let's test it:
>>> expr.parse(tokenize('2 + 3 foo'))
No, it is a part of our grammar somehow. Let's look at the sequence of tokens in this example:
>>> print '\n'.join(map(unicode, tokenize('2 + 3 foo')))
1,0-1,1 NUMBER '2'
1,2-1,3 OP '+'
1,4-1,5 NUMBER '3'
1,6-1,9 NAME 'foo'
2,0-2,0 ENDMARKER ''
Our expr
parses the first three tokens and then stops calculating the result.
Why does it behave this way? Let's recall the type of a parser function (that is
hidden inside Parser
p :: Sequence(a), State -> (b, State)
A parser function takes tokens from the input sequence and transforms them into
a tuple of a resulting value of type b
and the rest of the input sequence.
The Parser.parse
function that we are using drops the rest of the sequence and
returns only the resulting value. Hence, only the first three tokens were parsed
in our example.
So we need some means to make sure that the input sequence is parsed to its very
end. There are two things we have to do. The first one is to consume the
token returned by tokenize.generate_tokens
. And the second one is
to check that nothing is left in the stream.
Checking the ENDMARKER
is easy:
>>> endmark = a(Token(token.ENDMARKER, ''))
>>> toplevel = expr + skip(endmark)
Test it:
>>> toplevel.parse(tokenize('2 + 3 foo'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
NoParseError: got unexpected token: 1,6-1,9 NAME 'foo'
>>> toplevel.parse(tokenize('2 + 3'))
Now we need to check that nothing is left in the sequence after the ENDMARKER
In the context of a parser function it is easy again. We have to check the
lengh of the input sequence. Let's call it finished
def finished(tokens, s):
if len(tokens) == 0:
return (None, s)
raise NoParseError('sequence must be empty', s)
Notice, that the function is wrapped into a Parser
But functions like this one expose too many internal details. In fact, we have
managed so far without dealing with all these Parser
and NoParseError
classes, manipulations with a parsing state, etc. So it is a rare case when we
really need the details.
As this particular parser is useful in practice, it is provided by
so we can just import it and forget about the internals of
parsers again.
Let's rewrite toplevel
>>> toplevel = expr + skip(endmark + finished)
>>> toplevel.parse(tokenize('2 + 3'))
Test is using a hand crafted illegal sequence of tokens:
>>> toplevel.parse([
... Token(token.NUMBER, '5'),
... Token(token.ENDMARKER, ''),
... Token(token.ENDMARKER, '')])
Traceback (most recent call last):
NoParseError: should have reached <EOF>: 0,0-0,0 ENDMARKER ''
And what about the empty input:
>>> toplevel.parse(tokenize(''))
Traceback (most recent call last):
NoParseError: got unexpected token: 1,0-1,0 ENDMARKER ''
In a calculator (as in any shell) the empty string should be considered as a no-op command. The result should be nothing, not an error message.
Let's allow the empty input in toplevel
>>> end = skip(endmark + finished)
>>> toplevel = (end >> const(None)) | (expr + end)
Why >> const(None)
, not just end
? Because skip
returns a value of type
and we need just None
Test it:
>>> toplevel.parse(tokenize('2 + 3'))
>>> toplevel.parse(tokenize('')) is None
is now correct, but its definition uses too many words. Basically we
want to say just this: “toplevel
consists of an optional expr
, plus
the end
of the input.” This reminds us of optional production brackets
in EBNF. In an EBNF grammar, we can write:
<toplevel> ::= [ <expr> ] , <end>
Why not just add the equivalent maybe
combinator to our tools? funcparserlib
already includes maybe
, and it is quite useful in practice.
But let's try to come up with its definition ourselves!
We could write the following _maybe
combinator, that returns a parser
returning either the result of the given parser or None
if the parser fails:
>>> _maybe = lambda x: x | (some(const(True)) >> const(None))
The first alternative is the parser that is to be made optional and the second
one is the parser that always succeeds (it isn't so, see below) and returns
Test it:
>>> _maybe(op('(')).parse(tokenize('()'))
>>> (_maybe(op('(')) + number).parse(tokenize('5'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
NoParseError: got unexpected token: 2,0-2,0 ENDMARKER ''
Oops, it doesn't work! The reason is that some(const(True))
always consumes
one token despite the fact that the predicate const(True)
doesn't require a
token. We need some parser that does nothing and keeps its input untouched
returning its argument as a result. It is called the pure
combinator (for
functionally inclined: a parser is a pointed functor). Here is its type:
pure :: b -> Parser(a, b)
itself is not so useful in practice. But the real maybe
combinator from
is defined in terms if pure
maybe = lambda x: x | pure(None)
We will just import maybe
from funcparserlib
(we have already done this in
the beginning). Here is its type (for Haskell hackers: yes, it should return
Maybe b
maybe :: Parser(a, b) -> Parser(a, b or None)
Given maybe
, let's rewrite toplevel
once again. But this time we are about
to define an interface function for parsing as we did for lexing:
>>> def parse(tokens):
... 'Sequence(Token) -> int or float or None'
... # All our parsers should be defined here
... toplevel = maybe(expr) + end
... return toplevel.parse(tokens)
is very nice now!
Let's test it:
>>> parse(tokenize('2 + 3'))
>>> parse(tokenize('')) is None
Now we have completed our calculator!
Go make yourself a cup of tea and revisit the full source code in the “Dive In” section! Or maybe read some advanced materials below.
And don't forget to write some comments here!
Parsers can be thought as instances of type classes. Parsers are monads (therefore, applicative pointed functors). The monadic nature of parsers is used in the implementation of some combinators, see the source code. Also parsers form two monoids under sequential composition and choice composition.
Haskell hackers may have extra fun by considering the following pseudo-Haskell instances for parsers:
instance Functor (Parser a) where
fmap f x = x >> f
instance Pointed (Parser a) where
pure x = pure x
instance Monad (Parser a b) where
x >>= f = x.bind(f)
instance Monoid (Parser a b) where
mempty = skip(pure(const(None)))
mappend x y = x + y
instance Monoid (Parser a b) where
mempty = some(const(False))
mappend x y = x | y
TODO: There are lots of them. Write a review.