diff --git a/bat/.config/bat/config b/bat/.config/bat/config
index c44b66d..4663e11 100644
--- a/bat/.config/bat/config
+++ b/bat/.config/bat/config
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
+# ~/.config/bat/config
# This is `bat`s configuration file. Each line either contains a comment or
# a command-line option that you want to pass to `bat` by default. You can
# run `bat --help` to get a list of all possible configuration options.
# Specify desired highlighting theme
---theme="Monokai Extended"
+# --theme=ansi
# Disable automatic paging
diff --git a/bat/.config/bat/themes/Monokai Extended.tmTheme b/bat/.config/bat/themes/Monokai Extended.tmTheme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c2aa3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bat/.config/bat/themes/Monokai Extended.tmTheme
@@ -0,0 +1,1878 @@
+ author
+ github.com/jonschlinkert
+ colorSpaceName
+ sRGB
+ gutterSettings
+ background
+ #073642
+ divider
+ #586e75
+ foreground
+ #839496
+ selectionBackground
+ #586e75
+ selectionForeground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ Monokai Extended
+ semanticClass
+ theme.dark.monokai_extended
+ settings
+ settings
+ activeGuide
+ #9d550fb0
+ background
+ #222222
+ bracketContentsForeground
+ #f8f8f2a5
+ bracketContentsOptions
+ underline
+ bracketsForeground
+ #f8f8f2a5
+ bracketsOptions
+ underline
+ caret
+ #f8f8f0
+ findHighlight
+ #ffe792
+ findHighlightForeground
+ #000000
+ foreground
+ #f8f8f2
+ invisibles
+ #3b3a32
+ lineHighlight
+ #333333
+ selection
+ #444444
+ selectionBorder
+ #1c1c1c
+ tagsOptions
+ stippled_underline
+ name
+ Comment
+ scope
+ comment
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #75715e
+ name
+ String
+ scope
+ string
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e6db74
+ name
+ Number
+ scope
+ constant.numeric
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be84ff
+ name
+ Constant: Built-in
+ scope
+ constant.language, meta.preprocessor
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be84ff
+ name
+ Constant: User-defined
+ scope
+ constant.character, constant.other
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be84ff
+ name
+ Variable
+ scope
+ variable.language, variable.other
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Keyword
+ scope
+ keyword
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f92672
+ name
+ Storage
+ scope
+ storage
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #f92672
+ name
+ Storage type
+ scope
+ storage.type
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ Class name
+ scope
+ entity.name.class
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ underline
+ foreground
+ #66D9EF
+ name
+ Inherited class
+ scope
+ entity.other.inherited-class
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic underline
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ Function name
+ scope
+ entity.name.function
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ Function argument
+ scope
+ variable.parameter
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #fd971f
+ name
+ Tag name
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #f92672
+ name
+ Tag attribute
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ Library function
+ scope
+ support.function
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ Library constant
+ scope
+ support.constant
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ Library class/type
+ scope
+ support.type, support.class
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #A6E22E
+ name
+ Library variable
+ scope
+ support.other.variable
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ String constant
+ scope
+ string constant
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ String.regexp
+ scope
+ string.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ String variable
+ scope
+ string variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Variable: punctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Entity
+ scope
+ entity
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ HTML: Doctype/XML Processing
+ scope
+ meta.tag.sgml.doctype.xml, declaration.sgml.html declaration.doctype, declaration.sgml.html declaration.doctype entity, declaration.sgml.html declaration.doctype string, declaration.xml-processing, declaration.xml-processing entity, declaration.xml-processing string, doctype
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c8cecc
+ name
+ HTML: Comment Block
+ scope
+ comment.block.html
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7c7865
+ name
+ HTML: Script
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.script.html
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ HTML: Attribute punctuation
+ scope
+ text.html.basic meta.tag.other.html, text.html.basic meta.tag.any.html, text.html.basic meta.tag.block.any, text.html.basic meta.tag.inline.any, text.html.basic meta.tag.structure.any.html, text.html.basic source.js.embedded.html, punctuation.separator.key-value.html
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ HTML: Attributes
+ scope
+ text.html.basic entity.other.attribute-name.html
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ HTML: Quotation Marks
+ scope
+ text.html.basic meta.tag.structure.any.html punctuation.definition.string.begin.html, punctuation.definition.string.begin.html, punctuation.definition.string.end.html
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ HTML: Tags punctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.tag.end, punctuation.definition.tag.begin, punctuation.definition.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Handlebars: Variable
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.handlebars
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ Handlebars: Constant
+ scope
+ support.constant.handlebars, meta.function.block.start.handlebars
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ CSS: @at-rule
+ scope
+ meta.preprocessor.at-rule keyword.control.at-rule
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ CSS: #Id
+ scope
+ meta.selector.css entity.other.attribute-name.id
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ CSS: .class
+ scope
+ meta.selector.css entity.other.attribute-name.class
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ CSS: Property Name
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ CSS: Constructor Argument
+ scope
+ meta.constructor.argument.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ CSS: {}
+ scope
+ punctuation.section.property-list.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ CSS: Tag Punctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.tag.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f92672
+ name
+ CSS: : ,
+ scope
+ punctuation.separator.key-value.css, punctuation.terminator.rule.css
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ CSS :pseudo
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-element.css, entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-class.css, entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-selector.css
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ LESS variables
+ scope
+ variable.other.less
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ LESS mixins
+ scope
+ entity.other.less.mixin
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #e0fdce
+ name
+ LESS: Extend
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-element.less
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ff9117
+ name
+ JS: Instance constructor
+ scope
+ meta.instance.constructor meta.function-call.constructor.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ JS: es6 template delimiters ${}
+ scope
+ meta.template.expression.js punctuation.definition.template-expression.begin.js, meta.template.expression.js punctuation.definition.template-expression.end.js, meta.template.expression.js punctuation.accessor
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #AFF132
+ name
+ JS: Function Name
+ scope
+ meta.function.js, entity.name.function.js, support.function.dom.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ JS: Param commas
+ scope
+ source.js meta.function.js punctuation.separator.parameter.function.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ JS: Object dot notation
+ scope
+ meta.property.object.js, keyword.operator.accessor.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ JS: colons
+ scope
+ source.js meta.group.braces.curly constant.other.object.key.js punctuation.separator.key-value.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ JS: unquoted string
+ scope
+ source.js meta.group.braces.curly constant.other.object.key.js string.unquoted.label.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ JS: receiver
+ scope
+ support.type.object.module.js, source.js meta.function.declaration.js support.class.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ JS: receiver property
+ scope
+ support.type.object.module.js support.type.object.module.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ JS: Storage Type
+ scope
+ storage.type.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ JS: Source
+ scope
+ text.html.basic source.js.embedded.html
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ JS: Function
+ scope
+ storage.type.function.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ JS: Numeric Constant
+ scope
+ constant.numeric.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ae81ff
+ name
+ JS: Literal language variable
+ scope
+ variable.language.arguments.js, variable.language.super.js, variable.language.this.js, variable.language.self.js, variable.language.proto.js, variable.language.constructor.js, variable.language.prototype.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ JS: []
+ scope
+ meta.brace.square.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ JS: ()
+ scope
+ meta.brace.round, punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.js, punctuation.definition.parameters.end.js, punctuation.definition.group
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ JS: object literal {}
+ scope
+ meta.brace.curly.js, meta.object-literal.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ JSON String
+ scope
+ meta.structure.dictionary.json string.quoted.double.json
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cfcfc2
+ name
+ CoffeeScript String Interpolated
+ scope
+ punctuation.section.embedded.coffee
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e69f66
+ name
+ PHP: []
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.index-start.php, keyword.operator.index-end.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ PHP: Array
+ scope
+ meta.array.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ PHP: Array()
+ scope
+ meta.array.php support.function.construct.php, meta.array.empty.php support.function.construct.php
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #e42e70
+ name
+ PHP: Array Construct
+ scope
+ support.function.construct.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e42e70
+ name
+ PHP: Storage Type Function
+ scope
+ storage.type.function.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f92672dd
+ name
+ PHP: Numeric Constant
+ scope
+ constant.numeric.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #be84ff
+ name
+ PHP: New
+ scope
+ keyword.other.new.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ PHP: ::
+ scope
+ support.class.php
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ PHP: Other Property
+ scope
+ variable.other.property.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ PHP: Class
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.extends.php, storage.type.class.php, keyword.operator.class.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ PHP: Inherited Class
+ scope
+ meta.other.inherited-class.php
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ PHP: Storage Type
+ scope
+ storage.type.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ PHP: Function
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ PHP: Function Construct
+ scope
+ support.function.construct.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ PHP: Function Call
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.class.php, meta.function-call.php, meta.function-call.static.php, meta.function-call.object.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ PHP: Comment
+ scope
+ keyword.other.phpdoc
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7c7865
+ name
+ PHP: Source Emebedded
+ scope
+ source.php.embedded.block.html
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Invalid
+ scope
+ invalid
+ settings
+ background
+ #f92672
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #f8f8f0
+ name
+ Invalid deprecated
+ scope
+ invalid.deprecated
+ settings
+ background
+ #ae81ff
+ foreground
+ #f8f8f0
+ name
+ diff.header
+ scope
+ meta.diff, meta.diff.header
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #75715e
+ name
+ diff.deleted
+ scope
+ markup.deleted
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f92672
+ name
+ diff.inserted
+ scope
+ markup.inserted
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ diff.changed
+ scope
+ markup.changed
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e6db74
+ name
+ diff.range
+ scope
+ meta.diff, meta.diff.range
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #3bc0f0
+ name
+ Python: storage
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.python, storage.type.function.python, storage.modifier.global.python
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ Python: import
+ scope
+ keyword.control.import.python, keyword.control.import.from.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f92672dd
+ name
+ Python: Support.exception
+ scope
+ support.type.exception.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ Perl: variables
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.variable.perl, variable.other.readwrite.global.perl, variable.other.predefined.perl, keyword.operator.comparison.perl
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e42e70
+ name
+ Perl: functions
+ scope
+ support.function.perl
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ Perl: comments
+ scope
+ comment.line.number-sign.perl
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #75715e
+ name
+ Perl: quotes
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.string.begin.perl, punctuation.definition.string.end.perl
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Perl: char
+ scope
+ constant.character.escape.perl
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dc322f
+ name
+ Ruby: Constant
+ scope
+ constant.language.ruby, constant.numeric.ruby
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ae81ff
+ name
+ Ruby: Variable definition
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.variable.ruby
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ Ruby: Function Name
+ scope
+ meta.function.method.with-arguments.ruby
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ Ruby: Variable
+ scope
+ variable.language.ruby
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Ruby: Function
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.ruby
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ Ruby: Keyword Control
+ scope
+ keyword.control.ruby, keyword.control.def.ruby
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ Ruby: Class
+ scope
+ keyword.control.class.ruby, meta.class.ruby
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ Ruby: Class Name
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.class.ruby
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ Ruby: Keyword
+ scope
+ keyword.control.ruby
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ Ruby: Support Class
+ scope
+ support.class.ruby
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ Ruby: Special Method
+ scope
+ keyword.other.special-method.ruby
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ Ruby: Constant Other
+ scope
+ variable.other.constant.ruby
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ Ruby: :symbol
+ scope
+ constant.other.symbol.ruby
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #f6f080
+ name
+ Ruby: Punctuation Section
+ scope
+ punctuation.section.embedded.ruby, punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby, punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f92672
+ name
+ Ruby: Special Method
+ scope
+ keyword.other.special-method.ruby
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e42e70
+ name
+ Markdown: plain
+ scope
+ text.html.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Markup: raw inline
+ scope
+ text.html.markdown markup.raw.inline
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ec3533
+ name
+ Markdown: linebreak
+ scope
+ text.html.markdown meta.dummy.line-break
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e0eddd
+ name
+ Markdown: heading
+ scope
+ markdown.heading, markup.heading | markup.heading entity.name, markup.heading.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #fd971f
+ name
+ Markup: italic
+ scope
+ markup.italic
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #e42e70
+ name
+ Markup: bold
+ scope
+ markup.bold
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ foreground
+ #f92672
+ name
+ Markup: underline
+ scope
+ markup.underline
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ underline
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ Markup: strike
+ scope
+ markup.strike
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #cc4273
+ name
+ Markdown: Blockquote
+ scope
+ markup.quote, punctuation.definition.blockquote.markdown
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ Markup: Quote
+ scope
+ markup.quote
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ Markdown: Link
+ scope
+ string.other.link.title.markdown
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ underline
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ Markup: Raw block
+ scope
+ markup.raw.block
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ae81ff
+ name
+ Markdown: List Items Punctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.list_item.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #777777
+ name
+ Markdown: Raw Block fenced
+ scope
+ markup.raw.block.fenced.markdown
+ settings
+ background
+ #222
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Markdown: Fenced Bode Block
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.fenced.markdown, variable.language.fenced.markdown
+ settings
+ background
+ #222222
+ foreground
+ #636050
+ name
+ Markdown: Fenced Language
+ scope
+ variable.language.fenced.markdown
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7c7865
+ name
+ Markdown: Separator
+ scope
+ meta.separator
+ settings
+ background
+ #ffffff0f
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ foreground
+ #ffffff33
+ name
+ Markup: table
+ scope
+ markup.table
+ settings
+ background
+ #ff3a281a
+ foreground
+ #b42a1d
+ name
+ LaTeX: Math Variables
+ scope
+ variable.other.math.tex
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e6db74
+ name
+ Other: Removal
+ scope
+ other.package.exclude, other.remove
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #d3201f
+ name
+ Shell: builtin
+ scope
+ support.function.builtin.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ Shell: variable
+ scope
+ variable.other.normal.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ scope
+ source.shell
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Shell: meta scope in loop
+ scope
+ meta.scope.for-in-loop.shell, variable.other.loop.shell
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #fd971f
+ name
+ Shell: Function name
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.shell
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ Shell: Quotation Marks
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.string.end.shell, punctuation.definition.string.begin.shell
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Shell: Meta Block
+ scope
+ meta.scope.case-block.shell, meta.scope.case-body.shell
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #fd971f
+ name
+ Shell: []
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.logical-expression.shell
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Shell: Comment
+ scope
+ comment.line.number-sign.shell
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #7c7865
+ name
+ Makefile: Comment
+ scope
+ comment.line.number-sign.makefile
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7c7865
+ name
+ Makefile: Comment punctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.comment.makefile
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7c7865
+ name
+ Makefile: Variables
+ scope
+ variable.other.makefile
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #f92672
+ name
+ Makefile: Function name
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.makefile
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #a6e22e
+ name
+ Makefile: Function
+ scope
+ meta.function.makefile
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #66d9ef
+ name
+ GitGutter deleted
+ scope
+ markup.deleted.git_gutter
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #F92672
+ name
+ GitGutter inserted
+ scope
+ markup.inserted.git_gutter
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #A6E22E
+ name
+ GitGutter changed
+ scope
+ markup.changed.git_gutter
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #FC951E
+ name
+ GitGutter ignored
+ scope
+ markup.ignored.git_gutter
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #565656
+ name
+ GitGutter untracked
+ scope
+ markup.untracked.git_gutter
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #565656
+ name
+ Nginx path
+ scope
+ string.other.path.nginx
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fc951e
+ uuid
+ 1D07ACC0-832F-11E2-9E96-0800200C9A66
diff --git a/bat/.config/bat/themes/gruvw.tmTheme b/bat/.config/bat/themes/gruvw.tmTheme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e78362d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bat/.config/bat/themes/gruvw.tmTheme
@@ -0,0 +1,1882 @@
+ author
+ github.com/jonschlinkert
+ colorSpaceName
+ sRGB
+ gutterSettings
+ background
+ #222222
+ divider
+ #586e75
+ foreground
+ #f7f1ff
+ selectionBackground
+ #586e75
+ selectionForeground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ Monokai Extended
+ semanticClass
+ theme.dark.monokai_extended
+ settings
+ settings
+ gutterForeground
+ #8b888f
+ activeGuide
+ #9d550fb0
+ background
+ #222222
+ bracketContentsForeground
+ #f8f8f2a5
+ bracketContentsOptions
+ underline
+ bracketsForeground
+ #f8f8f2a5
+ bracketsOptions
+ underline
+ caret
+ #f8f8f0
+ findHighlight
+ #ffe792
+ findHighlightForeground
+ #000000
+ foreground
+ #f8f8f2
+ invisibles
+ #3b3a32
+ lineHighlight
+ #333333
+ selection
+ #444444
+ selectionBorder
+ #1c1c1c
+ tagsOptions
+ stippled_underline
+ name
+ Comment
+ scope
+ comment
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #69676c
+ name
+ String
+ scope
+ string
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fce566
+ name
+ Number
+ scope
+ constant.numeric
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #948ae3
+ name
+ Constant: Built-in
+ scope
+ constant.language, meta.preprocessor
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #948ae3
+ name
+ Constant: User-defined
+ scope
+ constant.character, constant.other
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #948ae3
+ name
+ Variable
+ scope
+ variable.language, variable.other
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Keyword
+ scope
+ keyword
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fc618d
+ name
+ Storage
+ scope
+ storage
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #fc618d
+ name
+ Storage type
+ scope
+ storage.type
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ Class name
+ scope
+ entity.name.class
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ underline
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ Inherited class
+ scope
+ entity.other.inherited-class
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic underline
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ Function name
+ scope
+ entity.name.function
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ Function argument
+ scope
+ variable.parameter
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #fd971f
+ name
+ Tag name
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #fc618d
+ name
+ Tag attribute
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ Library function
+ scope
+ support.function
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ Library constant
+ scope
+ support.constant
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ Library class/type
+ scope
+ support.type, support.class
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ Library variable
+ scope
+ support.other.variable
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ name
+ String constant
+ scope
+ string constant
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ String.regexp
+ scope
+ string.regexp
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ String variable
+ scope
+ string variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Variable: punctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.variable
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Entity
+ scope
+ entity
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ HTML: Doctype/XML Processing
+ scope
+ meta.tag.sgml.doctype.xml, declaration.sgml.html declaration.doctype, declaration.sgml.html declaration.doctype entity, declaration.sgml.html declaration.doctype string, declaration.xml-processing, declaration.xml-processing entity, declaration.xml-processing string, doctype
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #c8cecc
+ name
+ HTML: Comment Block
+ scope
+ comment.block.html
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #69676c
+ name
+ HTML: Script
+ scope
+ entity.name.tag.script.html
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ name
+ HTML: Attribute punctuation
+ scope
+ text.html.basic meta.tag.other.html, text.html.basic meta.tag.any.html, text.html.basic meta.tag.block.any, text.html.basic meta.tag.inline.any, text.html.basic meta.tag.structure.any.html, text.html.basic source.js.embedded.html, punctuation.separator.key-value.html
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ HTML: Attributes
+ scope
+ text.html.basic entity.other.attribute-name.html
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ HTML: Quotation Marks
+ scope
+ text.html.basic meta.tag.structure.any.html punctuation.definition.string.begin.html, punctuation.definition.string.begin.html, punctuation.definition.string.end.html
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ HTML: Tags punctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.tag.end, punctuation.definition.tag.begin, punctuation.definition.tag
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Handlebars: Variable
+ scope
+ variable.parameter.handlebars
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ Handlebars: Constant
+ scope
+ support.constant.handlebars, meta.function.block.start.handlebars
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ CSS: @at-rule
+ scope
+ meta.preprocessor.at-rule keyword.control.at-rule
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ CSS: #Id
+ scope
+ meta.selector.css entity.other.attribute-name.id
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ CSS: .class
+ scope
+ meta.selector.css entity.other.attribute-name.class
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ CSS: Property Name
+ scope
+ support.type.property-name.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ CSS: Constructor Argument
+ scope
+ meta.constructor.argument.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ CSS: {}
+ scope
+ punctuation.section.property-list.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ CSS: Tag Punctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.tag.css
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fc618d
+ name
+ CSS: : ,
+ scope
+ punctuation.separator.key-value.css, punctuation.terminator.rule.css
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ CSS :pseudo
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-element.css, entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-class.css, entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-selector.css
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ LESS variables
+ scope
+ variable.other.less
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ LESS mixins
+ scope
+ entity.other.less.mixin
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #e0fdce
+ name
+ LESS: Extend
+ scope
+ entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-element.less
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ff9117
+ name
+ JS: Instance constructor
+ scope
+ meta.instance.constructor meta.function-call.constructor.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ JS: es6 template delimiters ${}
+ scope
+ meta.template.expression.js punctuation.definition.template-expression.begin.js, meta.template.expression.js punctuation.definition.template-expression.end.js, meta.template.expression.js punctuation.accessor
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #AFF132
+ name
+ JS: Function Name
+ scope
+ meta.function.js, entity.name.function.js, support.function.dom.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ JS: Param commas
+ scope
+ source.js meta.function.js punctuation.separator.parameter.function.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ JS: Object dot notation
+ scope
+ meta.property.object.js, keyword.operator.accessor.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ JS: colons
+ scope
+ source.js meta.group.braces.curly constant.other.object.key.js punctuation.separator.key-value.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ JS: unquoted string
+ scope
+ source.js meta.group.braces.curly constant.other.object.key.js string.unquoted.label.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ JS: receiver
+ scope
+ support.type.object.module.js, source.js meta.function.declaration.js support.class.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ JS: receiver property
+ scope
+ support.type.object.module.js support.type.object.module.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ JS: Storage Type
+ scope
+ storage.type.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ JS: Source
+ scope
+ text.html.basic source.js.embedded.html
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ JS: Function
+ scope
+ storage.type.function.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ JS: Numeric Constant
+ scope
+ constant.numeric.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ae81ff
+ name
+ JS: Literal language variable
+ scope
+ variable.language.arguments.js, variable.language.super.js, variable.language.this.js, variable.language.self.js, variable.language.proto.js, variable.language.constructor.js, variable.language.prototype.js
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ JS: []
+ scope
+ meta.brace.square.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ JS: ()
+ scope
+ meta.brace.round, punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.js, punctuation.definition.parameters.end.js, punctuation.definition.group
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ JS: object literal {}
+ scope
+ meta.brace.curly.js, meta.object-literal.js
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ JSON String
+ scope
+ meta.structure.dictionary.json string.quoted.double.json
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #cfcfc2
+ name
+ CoffeeScript String Interpolated
+ scope
+ punctuation.section.embedded.coffee
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e69f66
+ name
+ PHP: []
+ scope
+ keyword.operator.index-start.php, keyword.operator.index-end.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ PHP: Array
+ scope
+ meta.array.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ PHP: Array()
+ scope
+ meta.array.php support.function.construct.php, meta.array.empty.php support.function.construct.php
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #e42e70
+ name
+ PHP: Array Construct
+ scope
+ support.function.construct.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e42e70
+ name
+ PHP: Storage Type Function
+ scope
+ storage.type.function.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fc618ddd
+ name
+ PHP: Numeric Constant
+ scope
+ constant.numeric.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #948ae3
+ name
+ PHP: New
+ scope
+ keyword.other.new.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ PHP: ::
+ scope
+ support.class.php
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ PHP: Other Property
+ scope
+ variable.other.property.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ PHP: Class
+ scope
+ storage.modifier.extends.php, storage.type.class.php, keyword.operator.class.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ PHP: Inherited Class
+ scope
+ meta.other.inherited-class.php
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ PHP: Storage Type
+ scope
+ storage.type.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ PHP: Function
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ PHP: Function Construct
+ scope
+ support.function.construct.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ PHP: Function Call
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.class.php, meta.function-call.php, meta.function-call.static.php, meta.function-call.object.php
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ PHP: Comment
+ scope
+ keyword.other.phpdoc
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #69676c
+ name
+ PHP: Source Emebedded
+ scope
+ source.php.embedded.block.html
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Invalid
+ scope
+ invalid
+ settings
+ background
+ #fc618d
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #f8f8f0
+ name
+ Invalid deprecated
+ scope
+ invalid.deprecated
+ settings
+ background
+ #ae81ff
+ foreground
+ #f8f8f0
+ name
+ diff.header
+ scope
+ meta.diff, meta.diff.header
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #69676c
+ name
+ diff.deleted
+ scope
+ markup.deleted
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fc618d
+ name
+ diff.inserted
+ scope
+ markup.inserted
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ diff.changed
+ scope
+ markup.changed
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fce566
+ name
+ diff.range
+ scope
+ meta.diff, meta.diff.range
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #3bc0f0
+ name
+ Python: storage
+ scope
+ storage.type.class.python, storage.type.function.python, storage.modifier.global.python
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ Python: import
+ scope
+ keyword.control.import.python, keyword.control.import.from.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fc618ddd
+ name
+ Python: Support.exception
+ scope
+ support.type.exception.python
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ Perl: variables
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.variable.perl, variable.other.readwrite.global.perl, variable.other.predefined.perl, keyword.operator.comparison.perl
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e42e70
+ name
+ Perl: functions
+ scope
+ support.function.perl
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ Perl: comments
+ scope
+ comment.line.number-sign.perl
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #69676c
+ name
+ Perl: quotes
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.string.begin.perl, punctuation.definition.string.end.perl
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Perl: char
+ scope
+ constant.character.escape.perl
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #dc322f
+ name
+ Ruby: Constant
+ scope
+ constant.language.ruby, constant.numeric.ruby
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ae81ff
+ name
+ Ruby: Variable definition
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.variable.ruby
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ Ruby: Function Name
+ scope
+ meta.function.method.with-arguments.ruby
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ Ruby: Variable
+ scope
+ variable.language.ruby
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Ruby: Function
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.ruby
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #f6aa11
+ name
+ Ruby: Keyword Control
+ scope
+ keyword.control.ruby, keyword.control.def.ruby
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ Ruby: Class
+ scope
+ keyword.control.class.ruby, meta.class.ruby
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ Ruby: Class Name
+ scope
+ entity.name.type.class.ruby
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ Ruby: Keyword
+ scope
+ keyword.control.ruby
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ Ruby: Support Class
+ scope
+ support.class.ruby
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ Ruby: Special Method
+ scope
+ keyword.other.special-method.ruby
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ Ruby: Constant Other
+ scope
+ variable.other.constant.ruby
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ Ruby: :symbol
+ scope
+ constant.other.symbol.ruby
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #f6f080
+ name
+ Ruby: Punctuation Section
+ scope
+ punctuation.section.embedded.ruby, punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby, punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fc618d
+ name
+ Ruby: Special Method
+ scope
+ keyword.other.special-method.ruby
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e42e70
+ name
+ Markdown: plain
+ scope
+ text.html.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Markup: raw inline
+ scope
+ text.html.markdown markup.raw.inline
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ec3533
+ name
+ Markdown: linebreak
+ scope
+ text.html.markdown meta.dummy.line-break
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #e0eddd
+ name
+ Markdown: heading
+ scope
+ markdown.heading, markup.heading | markup.heading entity.name, markup.heading.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.markdown
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #fd971f
+ name
+ Markup: italic
+ scope
+ markup.italic
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #e42e70
+ name
+ Markup: bold
+ scope
+ markup.bold
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ foreground
+ #fc618d
+ name
+ Markup: underline
+ scope
+ markup.underline
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ underline
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ Markup: strike
+ scope
+ markup.strike
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #cc4273
+ name
+ Markdown: Blockquote
+ scope
+ markup.quote, punctuation.definition.blockquote.markdown
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ Markup: Quote
+ scope
+ markup.quote
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ Markdown: Link
+ scope
+ string.other.link.title.markdown
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ underline
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ Markup: Raw block
+ scope
+ markup.raw.block
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #ae81ff
+ name
+ Markdown: List Items Punctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.list_item.markdown
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #777777
+ name
+ Markdown: Raw Block fenced
+ scope
+ markup.raw.block.fenced.markdown
+ settings
+ background
+ #222
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Markdown: Fenced Bode Block
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.fenced.markdown, variable.language.fenced.markdown
+ settings
+ background
+ #222222
+ foreground
+ #636050
+ name
+ Markdown: Fenced Language
+ scope
+ variable.language.fenced.markdown
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #69676c
+ name
+ Markdown: Separator
+ scope
+ meta.separator
+ settings
+ background
+ #ffffff0f
+ fontStyle
+ bold
+ foreground
+ #ffffff33
+ name
+ Markup: table
+ scope
+ markup.table
+ settings
+ background
+ #ff3a281a
+ foreground
+ #b42a1d
+ name
+ LaTeX: Math Variables
+ scope
+ variable.other.math.tex
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fce566
+ name
+ Other: Removal
+ scope
+ other.package.exclude, other.remove
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #d3201f
+ name
+ Shell: builtin
+ scope
+ support.function.builtin.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ Shell: variable
+ scope
+ variable.other.normal.shell
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ scope
+ source.shell
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Shell: meta scope in loop
+ scope
+ meta.scope.for-in-loop.shell, variable.other.loop.shell
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #fd971f
+ name
+ Shell: Function name
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.shell
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ Shell: Quotation Marks
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.string.end.shell, punctuation.definition.string.begin.shell
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Shell: Meta Block
+ scope
+ meta.scope.case-block.shell, meta.scope.case-body.shell
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #fd971f
+ name
+ Shell: []
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.logical-expression.shell
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #ffffff
+ name
+ Shell: Comment
+ scope
+ comment.line.number-sign.shell
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ italic
+ foreground
+ #69676c
+ name
+ Makefile: Comment
+ scope
+ comment.line.number-sign.makefile
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #69676c
+ name
+ Makefile: Comment punctuation
+ scope
+ punctuation.definition.comment.makefile
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #69676c
+ name
+ Makefile: Variables
+ scope
+ variable.other.makefile
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #fc618d
+ name
+ Makefile: Function name
+ scope
+ entity.name.function.makefile
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ Makefile: Function
+ scope
+ meta.function.makefile
+ settings
+ fontStyle
+ foreground
+ #5ad4e6
+ name
+ GitGutter deleted
+ scope
+ markup.deleted.git_gutter
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fc618d
+ name
+ GitGutter inserted
+ scope
+ markup.inserted.git_gutter
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #7bd88f
+ name
+ GitGutter changed
+ scope
+ markup.changed.git_gutter
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fd9353
+ name
+ GitGutter ignored
+ scope
+ markup.ignored.git_gutter
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #565656
+ name
+ GitGutter untracked
+ scope
+ markup.untracked.git_gutter
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #565656
+ name
+ Nginx path
+ scope
+ string.other.path.nginx
+ settings
+ foreground
+ #fd9353
+ uuid
+ 1D07ACC0-832F-11E2-9E96-0800200C9A66
diff --git a/clang/.clang-tidy b/clang/.clang-tidy
index 6bfe88f..14d7b4e 100644
--- a/clang/.clang-tidy
+++ b/clang/.clang-tidy
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Checks: >
+ -hicpp-signed-bitwise,
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/config.fish b/fish/.config/fish/config.fish
index dda5af2..b66506c 100644
--- a/fish/.config/fish/config.fish
+++ b/fish/.config/fish/config.fish
@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ if status is-interactive
alias vim "nvim"
alias vi "nvim"
alias v "nvim"
- alias bat "batcat"
- alias cat "batcat"
+ alias cat "bat"
# alias vifm "vifm --choose-dir -"
# Commands
diff --git a/git/.gitconfig b/git/.gitconfig
index 2104b09..025b967 100644
--- a/git/.gitconfig
+++ b/git/.gitconfig
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
rebase = false
- conflictstyle = diff3
- tool = code
+ conflictstyle = diff3
+ tool = code
writeToTemp = true
@@ -28,12 +28,48 @@
pager = delta
- diffFilter = delta --color-only --features=interactive
+ diffFilter = delta --color-only
+ features = decorations navigation
navigate = true
; side-by-side = true
- theme = Monokai Extended
+ line-numbers = true
+[delta "decorations"]
+ dark = true
+ syntax-theme = gruvw
+ zero-style = syntax
+ commit-decoration-style = bold yellow ul
+ hunk-header-decoration-style = none
+ hunk-header-style = syntax italic
+ file-added-label = [A]
+ file-copied-label = [C]
+ file-modified-label = [M]
+ file-removed-label = [D]
+ file-renamed-label = [R]
+ file-decoration-style = "#f7f1ff"
+ file-style = "#f7f1ff" bold
+ line-numbers-left-format = " {nm:>1} :"
+ line-numbers-right-format = " {np:>1} │ "
+ line-numbers-left-style = "#8b888f"
+ line-numbers-minus-style = red bold
+ line-numbers-plus-style = green bold
+ line-numbers-right-style = "#8b888f"
+ line-numbers-zero-style = "#8b888f"
+ minus-style = syntax "#440114" ; 20% red
+ minus-emph-style = syntax "#780224" ; 35% red
+ minus-non-emph-style = minus-style
+ plus-style = syntax "#0f3417" ; 20% green
+ plus-emph-style = syntax "#1b5c29" ; 35% green
+ plus-non-emph-style = plus-style
colorMoved = default
diff --git a/install.md b/install.md
index 6895aff..56e41df 100644
--- a/install.md
+++ b/install.md
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ Terminal workflow installs:
sudo apt install -y kitty
sudo apt install -y fish
sudo apt install -y vifm
-sudo apt install -y bat
sudo apt install -y curl
curl -sS https://starship.rs/install.sh | sh
diff --git a/lazygit/.config/lazygit/config.yml b/lazygit/.config/lazygit/config.yml
index 696dce9..9ee6d9b 100644
--- a/lazygit/.config/lazygit/config.yml
+++ b/lazygit/.config/lazygit/config.yml
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ gui:
animateExplosion: true
- colorArg: always
useConfig: true
signOff: false
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/after/ftplugin/markdown.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/after/ftplugin/markdown.lua
index b4703f0..d1ea100 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/after/ftplugin/markdown.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/after/ftplugin/markdown.lua
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
vim.wo.colorcolumn = "0"
vim.wo.wrap = true
-vim.opt.tabstop = 2
-vim.opt.softtabstop = 2
-vim.opt.shiftwidth = 2
+vim.opt.tabstop = 4
+vim.opt.softtabstop = 4
+vim.opt.shiftwidth = 4
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/gruvw/remap.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/gruvw/remap.lua
index ad03883..c5a3b02 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/gruvw/remap.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/gruvw/remap.lua
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ keymap("n", "cA", "ggcG", remap)
keymap("n", "yp", [[:let @+=expand("%") echo "copied"]], remap)
keymap("n", "yP", [[:let @+=expand("%:p") echo "copied"]], remap)
--- Duplicate to + register
+-- Duplicate to + register (clipboard to system)
keymap("n", "g\"", [[:let @+=@0]], remap)
-- Yank vim message
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ keymap("n", "gN", [[:lua require("gitsigns").prev_hunk()]], remap)
keymap("n", "gs", [[:lua require("gitsigns").stage_hunk()]], remap)
keymap("n", "gu", [[:lua require("gitsigns").undo_stage_hunk()]], remap)
keymap("n", "gd", [[:lua require("gitsigns").diffthis()]], remap)
+keymap("n", "gR", [[:lua require("gitsigns").reset_hunk()]], remap)
keymap("n", "gg", ":G", remap)
-- Code (c)
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/gruvw/snippets/lsp/c.jsonc b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/gruvw/snippets/lsp/c.jsonc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3575fda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/gruvw/snippets/lsp/c.jsonc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// ~/.config/nvim/lua/gruvw/snippets/lsp/c.jsonc
+ "[G] Printf": {
+ "prefix": "prt",
+ "body": [
+ "printf(\"$1\\n\"$2);",
+ ]
+ },
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/gruvw/snippets/lsp/package.json b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/gruvw/snippets/lsp/package.json
index 77fd11c..b2ac9ee 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/gruvw/snippets/lsp/package.json
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/gruvw/snippets/lsp/package.json
@@ -25,7 +25,12 @@
"language": ["markdown"],
"path": "./markdown.jsonc"
+ },
+ {
+ "language": ["c"],
+ "path": "./c.jsonc"
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/code.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/code.lua
index 3ed866e..aaca313 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/code.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/code.lua
@@ -73,7 +73,20 @@ return {
config = function()
local overseer = require("overseer")
- templates = { "builtin" },
+ templates = {
+ "cargo",
+ "just",
+ "make",
+ "npm",
+ "tox",
+ "vscode",
+ "mix",
+ "deno",
+ "rake",
+ "task",
+ "composer",
+ "cargo-make",
+ },
dap = false,
task_list = {
default_detail = 1,
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/spell/custom.utf-8.add b/nvim/.config/nvim/spell/custom.utf-8.add
index 10398a0..381be16 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/spell/custom.utf-8.add
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/spell/custom.utf-8.add
@@ -301,3 +301,15 @@ Wi-Fi
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/spell/custom.utf-8.add.spl b/nvim/.config/nvim/spell/custom.utf-8.add.spl
index 3992481..ecdb4a8 100644
Binary files a/nvim/.config/nvim/spell/custom.utf-8.add.spl and b/nvim/.config/nvim/spell/custom.utf-8.add.spl differ
diff --git a/vifm/.config/vifm/vifmrc b/vifm/.config/vifm/vifmrc
index d85eb4e..30077f1 100644
--- a/vifm/.config/vifm/vifmrc
+++ b/vifm/.config/vifm/vifmrc
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ mark d ~/.dotfiles
mark m /media/gruvw/
mark t ~/SynologyDrive/tmp
mark T ~/Documents/tmp
+mark v ~/.local/share/vifm/Trash
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------