- Please make sure to read this WHOLE file before you start
- Please provide an Angular 8(latest) application
- The app will be built using node:11
- The application needs to support i18n and should be provided in 2 languages of your choice
- You do not need to translate, just prepare tech wise
- The application is supposed to be a SPA
- It's your decision how the app is being served, feel free to include any Docker file or npm command you want
- If you are not able to provide this step please describe exactly what is needed
- Your sourceode(.ts, assets, configs, ...)
- A Readme.md file that holds the following information
- How to build your project
- How to serve your project
- Changes needed in case of branching out a car brand
- 4-5 sentences should be enough, just make sure your idea is clear, not too many details needed
- Changes to add brand specfic content pages
- ~ Number of hours this task took you, preferably per step/part
- The following app is supposed to be a car dealer's website
- The root page(/) should redirect to the default locale
- Please provide a layout according to Screenshot1.jpg, feel free to improve the design, just include the given components at the spots mentioned
- Top left - navigation
- Top right - language selector
- Bottom - footer
- Center - text
- Bottom right - InfoBox
- The layout stays the same, please just adjust the text to
- Headline: Mercedes
- Subline: The best or nothing
- The layout stays the same, please just adjust the text to
- Headline: BWM
- Subline: The ultimate driving machine
- On the bottom right is a floating box that is displayed until it's closed via the red "X"
- Once closed the box will not reopen for the user
- Further more the box holds the users IP
- Use https://api.ipify.org?format=json to determine it, the result shall be cached for the session
- The company may at some point branch out all their Mercedes/BMW cars
- therefor they will need a new website that only holds the subjected part of the application, consider that in your app design
- Please describe what would needed to be done
- therefor they will need a new website that only holds the subjected part of the application, consider that in your app design
- The brands may get additional pages that are brand specific, the navi would in that case need to adjust
- Please describe what would needed to be done