generate a regular expression to search in desired namespaces. Ex: {{ Find Me! }}
Methods description is under construction.
- setIn - Set namespace;
- getIn - Get namespace;
- setStart - Set start namespace;
- getStart - Get start namespace;
- setEnd - Set end namespace;
- getEnd - Get end namespace;
- recursive - Enable/Disable recursive mode;
- disableIn - Disable in namespaces;
- disableInQuotes - Disable in quotes;
- isRecursive - Determine if regex search recursively;
- setRecursiveGroup - Set recursive group;
- getRecursiveGroup - Get recursive group;
- capture - Enable/Disable capture;
- isCaptured - Determine if regex will capture string;
- allowEmpty - Allow/Disallow empty;
- isAllowedEmpty - Determine if is allowed empty;
- setMatch - Set match;
- getMatch - Get match;
- setEscape - Set escape;
- getEscape - Get escape;
- newLines - Allow/Disallow new lines;
- isAllowedNewLines - Determine if allow new lines;
- trim - Enable/Disable trim of the string;
- isTrimmed - Determine if allow trim;
- replaceCallback - Replace namespace;
- toString - Get regex code.
Methods description is under construction.