is working with server configurations.
- scriptName - Get script name;
- scriptFile - Get script file;
- requestTime - Get request time;
- requestMicroTime - Get request micro time;
- documentRoot - Get document root;
- has - Determine if has a configuration;
- get - Get a configuration;
- encoding - Get/Set encoding;
- timezone - Get/Set timezone;
- iniAll - Get all ini configurations;
- iniGet - Get an ini configuration;
- iniSet - Set an ini configuration;
- appendIncPath - Append to included paths;
- prependIncPath - Prepend to included paths;
- resetIncPath - Reset included paths;
- existsInIncPaths - Determine if a path exists in included paths;
- errorsAsExceptions - Act errors as exceptions;
- disableErrors - Disable errors;
- restoreErrors - Restore errors.
Methods description is under construction.