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"title": "Getting Started",
"slug": "/kubernetes-access/getting-started/",
- "entries": [
- {
- "title": "Cluster",
- "slug": "/kubernetes-access/getting-started/cluster/"
- },
- {
- "title": "Agent",
- "slug": "/kubernetes-access/getting-started/agent/"
+ "entries": [
+ {
+ "title": "Local Demo Cluster",
+ "slug": "/kubernetes-access/getting-started/local/"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Cluster",
+ "slug": "/kubernetes-access/getting-started/cluster/"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Agent",
+ "slug": "/kubernetes-access/getting-started/agent/"
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/connected-app.png differ
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--- a/docs/pages/getting-started.mdx
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Try Teleport locally using Docker Compose.
Get started with Teleport and Kubernetes.
diff --git a/docs/pages/kubernetes-access/getting-started.mdx b/docs/pages/kubernetes-access/getting-started.mdx
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+ ![Teleport ](../../img/k8s/mini-diagrams/teleport-in-k8s-mono.svg)
+ Quickly see how Teleport works with Kubernetes on your laptop.
![Teleport ](../../img/k8s/mini-diagrams/teleport-in-k8s-mono.svg)
Deploy a standalone Teleport cluster in a Kubernetes cluster.
diff --git a/docs/pages/kubernetes-access/getting-started/local.mdx b/docs/pages/kubernetes-access/getting-started/local.mdx
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+title: Try Teleport on a Local Kubernetes Cluster
+description: Use this local demo to get started with Teleport on Kubernetes in 10 minutes.
+In this guide, we will show you how to set up Teleport on a local Kubernetes
+cluster. You will see how Teleport enables users to access private resources in
+your cluster—all from a single ingress port—so you can manage authentication,
+authorization, and audit.
+## The demo environment
+Our demo will run using minikube, which deploys Kubernetes on your local
+machine. The cluster will run the official dashboard UI for Kubernetes.
+While it is possible to expose the dashboard outside the cluster using the
+`kubectl proxy` command, in our demo the dashboard will only be accessible via
+The **Teleport Auth Service** is the certificate authority for your cluster. It
+issues certificates and conducts authentication challenges. The **Teleport Proxy
+Service** is the cluster frontend, and handles user requests, forwards user
+credentials to the Auth Service, and communicates with other Teleport
+instances—called **Nodes**—that enable access to your infrastructure.
+In our demo, one Node is a pod that runs Teleport's Application Service to
+enable access to Kubernetes Dashboard for authorized end-users. A second pod
+runs the Teleport Auth Service and Proxy Service.
+## Prerequisites
+While this guide deploys resources only on your local development machine, you
+will need access to the Internet in order to pull Helm charts and container
+Make sure that the following tools are installed locally:
+|Tool|Purpose|Installation link|
+|minikube|Local Kubernetes deployment tool|[Install minikube](https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/)|
+|Helm|Kubernetes package manager|[Install Helm](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/)|
+|kubectl|Kubernetes admin CLI|[Install kubectl](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/)|
+To run minikube, you will need to install a supported driver, i.e., a local
+virtualization or isolation environment that can run the cluster.
+Docker Desktop is a good cross-platform solution, and the one we will assume you
+are using in this guide. You can read about all supported platforms here:
+You should also install a one-time passcode (OTP) application like Authy on your
+mobile device. You will use this to authenticate to your Teleport cluster.
+## Step 1/4 Deploy resources
+### Start minikube
+Start minikube with the default driver:
+$ minikube start
+Add the Teleport Helm repository. Our Helm charts make it easier to deploy
+Teleport on your local Kubernetes cluster:
+$ helm repo add teleport https://charts.releases.teleport.dev
+### Install the Teleport Auth Service and Proxy Service
+You will deploy the Auth Service and Proxy Service by installing the
+`teleport-cluster` Helm chart. To do so, run the following commands:
+# This is the DNS name Kubernetes will assign to the Proxy Service
+$ CLUSTER_NAME="teleport-cluster.teleport-cluster.svc.cluster.local"
+$ helm install teleport-cluster teleport/teleport-cluster --create-namespace --namespace=teleport-cluster --set clusterName=${CLUSTER_NAME?}
+$ kubectl config set-context --current --namespace teleport-cluster
+Any `kubectl` commands you run will now use the `teleport-cluster` namespace.
+Verify that Teleport is running.
+$ kubectl get pods
+teleport-cluster-b9dc6c68b-d75fb 1/1 Running 0 46s
+### Configure DNS
+For the Proxy Service to communicate with end-users and Teleport Nodes, it needs
+a domain name that is resolvable both inside and outside your Kubernetes
+Production Teleport deployments achieve this by either using a registered domain
+name or an internal DNS infrastructure. For this demonstration, we will
+edit the `/etc/hosts` file instead.
+Set yourself a reminder to clean up your `/etc/hosts`
+file when you are done with this guide.
+Append the following to your `/etc/hosts` file:
+ teleport-cluster.teleport-cluster.svc.cluster.local kube-dash.teleport-cluster.teleport-cluster.svc.cluster.local
+`teleport-cluster.teleport-cluster.svc.cluster.local` is the DNS name that
+Kubernetes assigns to the Proxy Service. As you complete this guide, the
+Application Service will make Kubernetes Dashboard available at the
+`kube-dash` subdomain of the Proxy Service's domain name.
+### Expose the Proxy Service to your local machine
+The `teleport-cluster` service is of type `LoadBalancer`, meaning that your
+platform needs to supply a load balancer to route traffic to the service.
+The `minikube tunnel` command provides a load balancer and establishes a reverse
+SSH tunnel to ports on your local machine.
+Open a new terminal and run the following command to create a reverse tunnel. In
+this case, the tunnel forwards port 443, so you will need to enter your
+$ minikube tunnel
+✅ Tunnel successfully started
+📌 NOTE: Please do not close this terminal as this process must stay alive for the tunnel to be accessible ...
+❗ The service/ingress teleport-cluster requires privileged ports to be exposed: [443]
+🔑 sudo permission will be asked for it.
+🏃 Starting tunnel for service teleport-cluster.
+The `teleport-cluster` service should now have an external IP:
+$ kubectl get services
+teleport-cluster LoadBalancer 443:32143/TCP,3023:30618/TCP,3026:32750/TCP,3024:32406/TCP,3036:30687/TCP 6m18s
+The Proxy Service enables you to manage your cluster via an HTTP API. Verify
+that this is working:
+$ curl --insecure https://localhost:443/webapi/ping
+The Teleport Proxy Service requires a TLS certificate and private key. In this
+guide, Teleport runs with a self-signed certificate. For convenience, we
+configure HTTP clients not to verify the certificate.
+In production setups, you will need to configure Teleport to use a certificate
+from a certificate authority like Let's Encrypt.
+### Deploy Kubernetes Dashboard
+Deploy Kubernetes Dashboard using the following command:
+$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/v2.4.0/aio/deploy/recommended.yaml
+Verify that the dashboard and metrics scraper services are running:
+$ kubectl get services -n kubernetes-dashboard
+dashboard-metrics-scraper ClusterIP 8000/TCP 8s
+kubernetes-dashboard ClusterIP 443/TCP 8s
+The `kubernetes-dashboard` service has an open HTTPS port but is not accessible
+outside the cluster (i.e., it has no external IP). By enabling Teleport
+Application Access, we will alow users to securely access the dashboard.
+If installing the dashboard leads to an unexpected result,
+check the following documentation for updated installation steps:
+[Deploying the Dashboard UI](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/web-ui-dashboard/#deploying-the-dashboard-ui).
+## Step 2/4 Create a user
+We will create a Teleport user who can access Kubernetes Dashboard from
+outside the cluster. To do this, we will use the `tctl` administrative tool from
+inside the pod that runs the Auth Service and Proxy Service.
+Run the following commands to get the name of the relevant pod and execute a
+`tctl` command to create a user:
+# We will use this variable for subsequent commands
+$ PROXY_POD=$(kubectl get po -l app=teleport-cluster -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
+$ kubectl exec $PROXY_POD -- tctl users add --roles=access appuser
+User "appuser" has been created but requires a password. Share this URL with the user to complete user setup, link is valid for 1h:
+Next, open a browser at `https://localhost:443/web/invite/`, copying the
+output of the `tctl` command you executed. minikube's reverse tunnel will allow
+you to access the Teleport Proxy Service on `https://localhost`.
+![Teleport User Registration](../../../img/quickstart/login.png)
+In the Teleport Web UI, enter a password and scan the QR code with your OTP
+application to create your user.
+We recommend requiring a second factor for all Teleport users. However, for
+convenience while setting up your local demo, you can run the following command
+to create a dynamic configuration resource that disables MFA for your demo user:
+$ kubectl exec -i $PROXY_POD -- bash -c "cat<>/home/cp.yaml
+kind: cluster_auth_preference
+version: v2
+ name: cluster-auth-preference
+ type: local
+ second_factor: 'off'
+tctl create --force --confirm /home/cp.yaml"
+After signing in, you will navigate to the Teleport Web UI.
+## Step 3/4 Enable access to Kubernetes Dashboard
+We will configure the Teleport Application Service to proxy traffic to
+Kubernetes Dashboard so we can access it securely from outside the cluster.
+To do so, we will generate a token that our Application Service Node can use to
+register itself with the cluster, then run the Application Service with the
+token, configuring it to access Kubernetes Dashboard.
+Run the following commands to generate the token, which is specific to
+Kubernetes Dashboard:
+# The cluster IP of Kubernetes Dashboard
+$ DASH_ADDR=$(kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard get service kubernetes-dashboard -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}")
+$ kubectl exec -i $PROXY_POD -- tctl tokens add \
+--type=app \
+--app-name=kube-dash \
+The invite token: .
+This token will expire in 60 minutes.
+Copy the join token so you can assign it to `JOIN_TOKEN` below, then launch the
+Teleport Application service:
+# If you need to retrieve this again you can run "tctl tokens ls"
+$ PROXY_ADDR="$(kubectl get service teleport-cluster -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}"):443"
+$ helm install teleport-kube-agent teleport/teleport-kube-agent \
+ --namespace teleport-cluster \
+ --set roles=app \
+ --set proxyAddr=${PROXY_ADDR?} \
+ --set authToken=${JOIN_TOKEN?} \
+ --set "apps[0].name"="kube-dash" \
+ --set "apps[0].uri"=https://${DASH_ADDR?} \
+ --set insecureSkipProxyTLSVerify=true
+In this `helm install` command, we use the `insecureSkipProxyTLSVerify=true`
+option to prevent the Application Service from verifying the TLS certificate of
+the Proxy Service.
+This is because, in our environment, the TLS certificate is
+valid for ``, the external IP of the Proxy Service, while the
+Application Service sees the Proxy Service's cluster IP.
+Production environments must not skip TLS certificate verification.
+Run the following command:
+$ kubectl exec $PROXY_POD -- tctl tokens ls
+Visit the Teleport Web UI at the following link:
+You will now see Kubernetes Dashboard as connected to your cluster.
+![An application connected to your Teleport cluster](../../../img/connected-app.png)
+To access Kubernetes Dashboard, click "LAUNCH." If you see an authentication
+form with the title, "Kubernetes Dashboard," you have successfully gained access
+via Teleport on Kubernetes.
+If you want to play around with the dashboard, read the following guide:
+[Deploy and Access the Kubernetes Dashboard](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/web-ui-dashboard/)
+## Step 4/4 Clean up
+Now that you have successfully accessed Kubernetes Dashboard, make sure to
+remove the entry you added to your `/etc/hosts` file.
+Terminate the `minikube tunnel` process you started earlier and run
+`minikube delete` to tear down your demo cluster.
+## Next steps
+Now that you have used Teleport to securely access resources in your local
+Kubernetes cluster, read our guides to setting up Teleport for usage with
+Kubernetes in production.
+- Get started with Teleport on AWS EKS: [Running an HA Teleport cluster using
+ AWS, EKS, and Helm ](../helm/guides/aws)
+- Manage access to your Kubernetes cluster with the Teleport Kubernetes Service:
+ [Connect Kubernetes Cluster to Teleport](./agent.mdx)
+- Integrate Teleport with your SSO provider:
+ [Single Sign-On and Kubernetes RBAC](../controls.mdx)
+- Have a Kubernetes cluster but don't want to run Teleport there?
+ [Kubernetes Access from Standalone Teleport](../guides/standalone-teleport.mdx)