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99 lines (79 loc) · 7.53 KB

NER: detecting drug names in online comments

This directory contains the datasets and scripts for an example project using Prodigy to bootstrap an NER model to detect drug names in Reddit comments.

We've limited our experiments to spaCy, but you can use the annotations in any other NER system instead. You can likely beat spaCy's scores using a system based on a large transformer model. If you run the experiments, please let us know! Feel free to submit a pull request with your scripts.

🧮 Results

Model F-Score Precision Recall wps CPU wps GPU # Examples
Rule-based baseline
42.5 83.7 28.5 130k 130k 0
74.9 76.4 73.5 13k 72k 1477
79.9 75.7 84.5 13k 72k 1477
en_vectors_web_lg + tok2vec1
80.6 76.2 85.6 5k 68k 1477
  1. Representations trained on 1 billion words from Reddit comments using spacy pretrain predicting the en_vectors_web_lg vectors (~8 hours on GPU). Download: tok2vec_cd8_model289.bin

📚 Data

Labelling the data with Prodigy took a few hours and was done manually using the patterns to pre-highlight suggestions. The raw text was sourced from the from the r/opiates subreddit.

File Count Description
drugs_patterns.jsonl 118 Single-token patterns created with terms.teach and Can be used with spaCy's EntityRuler for a rule-based baseline and faster NER annotation.
drugs_training.jsonl 1477 Training data annotated with DRUG entities.
drugs_eval.jsonl 500 Evaluation data annotated with DRUG entities.

Visualize the data

The script lets you visualize the training and evaluation datasets with displaCy.

pip install streamlit
streamlit run

Training and evaluation data format

The training and evaluation datasets are distributed in Prodigy's simple JSONL (newline-delimited JSON) format. Each entry contains a "text" and a list of "spans" with the "start" and "end" character offsets and the "label" of the annotated entities. The data also includes the tokenization. Here's a simplified example entry:

  "text": "Idk if that Xanax or ur just an ass hole",
  "tokens": [
    { "text": "Idk", "start": 0, "end": 3, "id": 0 },
    { "text": "if", "start": 4, "end": 6, "id": 1 },
    { "text": "that", "start": 7, "end": 11, "id": 2 },
    { "text": "Xanax", "start": 12, "end": 17, "id": 3 },
    { "text": "or", "start": 18, "end": 20, "id": 4 },
    { "text": "ur", "start": 21, "end": 23, "id": 5 },
    { "text": "just", "start": 24, "end": 28, "id": 6 },
    { "text": "an", "start": 29, "end": 31, "id": 7 },
    { "text": "ass", "start": 32, "end": 35, "id": 8 },
    { "text": "hole", "start": 36, "end": 40, "id": 9 }
  "spans": [
      "start": 12,
      "end": 17,
      "token_start": 3,
      "token_end": 3,
      "label": "DRUG"
  "_input_hash": -2128862848,
  "_task_hash": -334208479,
  "answer": "accept"

Data creation workflow

  1. Create a terminology list using 3 seed terms.
    prodigy terms.teach drugs_terms en_core_web_lg --seeds "heroin, benzos, weed"
  2. Convert the termonology list to patterns.
    prodigy drugs_terms > drugs_patterns.jsonl
  3. Manually create the training and evaluation data or use an entity ruler with the patterns to pre-highlight suggestions.
    prodigy ner.manual drugs_data en_core_web_sm ./raw_text.jsonl --label DRUG
    prodigy ner.make-gold drugs_data ./rule-based-model ./raw_text.jsonl --label DRUG --unsegmented

🎛 Scripts

The file includes command line scripts for training and evaluating spaCy models using the data in Prodigy's format. This should let you reproduce our results. We tried to keep the scripts as straightforward as possible. To see the available arguments, you can run python [command] --help.

Command Description
train Train a model from Prodigy annotations. Will optionally save the best model to disk.
evaluate Evaluate a trained model on Prodigy annotations and print the accuracy.
wps Measure the processing speed in words per second. It's recommended to use a larger corpus of raw text here, e.g. a few million words.