If you want to add a new tracing backend all you need to do is implement the
interface and pass it as an option to the dataloader on initialization.
As an example, this is how you could implement it to an OpenCensus backend.
package main
import (
exp "go.opencensus.io/examples/exporter"
// OpenCensusTracer Tracer implements a tracer that can be used with the Open Tracing standard.
type OpenCensusTracer struct{}
// TraceLoad will trace a call to dataloader.LoadMany with Open Tracing
func (OpenCensusTracer) TraceLoad(ctx context.Context, key dataloader.Key) (context.Context, dataloader.TraceLoadFinishFunc) {
cCtx, cSpan := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "Dataloader: load")
trace.StringAttribute("dataloader.key", key.String()),
return cCtx, func(thunk dataloader.Thunk) {
// TODO: is there anything we should do with the results?
// TraceLoadMany will trace a call to dataloader.LoadMany with Open Tracing
func (OpenCensusTracer) TraceLoadMany(ctx context.Context, keys dataloader.Keys) (context.Context, dataloader.TraceLoadManyFinishFunc) {
cCtx, cSpan := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "Dataloader: loadmany")
trace.StringAttribute("dataloader.keys", strings.Join(keys.Keys(), ",")),
return cCtx, func(thunk dataloader.ThunkMany) {
// TODO: is there anything we should do with the results?
// TraceBatch will trace a call to dataloader.LoadMany with Open Tracing
func (OpenCensusTracer) TraceBatch(ctx context.Context, keys dataloader.Keys) (context.Context, dataloader.TraceBatchFinishFunc) {
cCtx, cSpan := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "Dataloader: batch")
trace.StringAttribute("dataloader.keys", strings.Join(keys.Keys(), ",")),
return cCtx, func(results []*dataloader.Result) {
// TODO: is there anything we should do with the results?
func batchFunc(ctx context.Context, keys dataloader.Keys) []*dataloader.Result {
// ...loader logic goes here
func main(){
//initialize an example exporter that just logs to the console
DefaultSampler: trace.AlwaysSample(),
// initialize the dataloader with your new tracer backend
loader := dataloader.NewBatchedLoader(batchFunc, dataloader.WithTracer(OpenCensusTracer{}))
// initialize a context since it's not receiving one from anywhere else.
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(context.TODO(), "Span Name")
defer span.End()
// request from the dataloader as usual
value, err := loader.Load(ctx, dataloader.StringKey(SomeID))()
// ...
Don't forget to initialize the exporters of your choice and register it with trace.RegisterExporter(&exporterInstance)