+ Dear
+ % if object.partner_id.parent_id:
+ ${object.partner_id.name} (${object.partner_id.parent_id.name}),
+ % else:
+ ${object.partner_id.name},
+ % endif
+ Here is your
+ % if object.name:
+ invoice ${object.name}
+ % else:
+ invoice
+ %endif
+ % if object.invoice_origin:
+ (with reference: ${object.invoice_origin})
+ % endif
+ amounting in ${format_amount(object.amount_total, object.currency_id)}
+ from ${object.company_id.name}.
+ % if object.payment_state in ('paid', 'in_payment'):
+ This invoice is already paid.
+ % else:
+ Please remit payment at your earliest convenience.
+ % if object.payment_reference:
+ Please use the following communication for your payment: ${object.payment_reference}.
+ % endif
+ % endif
+ Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
+ % if object.invoice_user_id.signature:
+ ${object.invoice_user_id.signature | safe}
+ % endif
+ Dear ${object.partner_id.name}
+ Thank you for your payment.
+ Here is your payment receipt ${(object.name or '').replace('/','-')} amounting
+ to ${format_amount(object.amount, object.currency_id)} from ${object.company_id.name}.
+ Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
+ Best regards,
+ % if user.signature:
+ ${user.signature | safe}
+ % endif
+ |||||||||||
+ |||||||||||
+ Hello ${object.common_name},
+ The date of the meeting has been updated. The meeting ${object.event_id.name} created by ${object.event_id.user_id.partner_id.name} is now scheduled for ${object.event_id.get_display_time_tz(tz=object.partner_id.tz)}.
+ ${object.event_id.get_interval('dayname', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not object.event_id.allday else None)}
+ ${object.event_id.get_interval('day', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not object.event_id.allday else None)}
+ ${object.event_id.get_interval('month', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not object.event_id.allday else None)}
+ ${not object.event_id.allday and object.event_id.get_interval('time', tz=object.partner_id.tz) or ''}
+ |
+ + % endif + | Details of the event
+ Hello ${object.common_name},
+ ${object.event_id.user_id.partner_id.name} invited you to the ${object.event_id.name} meeting of ${object.event_id.user_id.company_id.name}.
+ ${object.event_id.get_interval('dayname', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not object.event_id.allday else None)}
+ ${object.event_id.get_interval('day', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not object.event_id.allday else None)}
+ ${object.event_id.get_interval('month', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not object.event_id.allday else None)}
+ ${not object.event_id.allday and object.event_id.get_interval('time', tz=object.partner_id.tz) or ''}
+ |
+ + % endif + | Details of the event
+ Hello ${object.common_name},
+ This is a reminder for the below event :
+ ${event_id.get_interval('dayname', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not event_id.allday else None)}
+ ${event_id.get_interval('day', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not event_id.allday else None)}
+ ${event_id.get_interval('month', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not event_id.allday else None)}
+ ${not event_id.allday and event_id.get_interval('time', tz=object.partner_id.tz) or ''}
+ | Details of the event
+% set date_begin = format_datetime(object.event_id.date_begin, tz='UTC', dt_format="yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'")
+% set date_end = format_datetime(object.event_id.date_end, tz='UTC', dt_format="yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'")
+% set is_online = 'is_published' in object.event_id and object.event_id.is_published
+% set event_organizer = object.event_id.organizer_id
+% set event_address = object.event_id.address_id
+ |||||||||||||||||||||
+ % if object.company_id
+% set date_begin = format_datetime(object.event_id.date_begin, tz='UTC', dt_format="yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'")
+% set date_end = format_datetime(object.event_id.date_end, tz='UTC', dt_format="yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'")
+% set is_online = 'is_published' in object.event_id and object.event_id.is_published
+% set event_organizer = object.event_id.organizer_id
+% set event_address = object.event_id.address_id
+ |||||||||||||||||||||
+ % if object.company_id
+ |||||||||||||
+ Hello,
+ + We confirm we successfully received your application for the job + "${object.job_id.name}" at ${object.company_id.name}. + + We will come back to you shortly. + + % if 'website_url' in object.job_id and object.job_id.website_url: + + % endif + + + % if object.user_id: + Your Contact:+
+ % endif + + What is the next step?+ We usually answer applications within a few days.+ Feel free to contact us if you want a faster + feedback or if you don't get news from us + quickly enough (just reply to this email). + + + % set location = '' + % if object.job_id.address_id.name: + ${object.job_id.address_id.name} + % endif + % if object.job_id.address_id.street: + ${object.job_id.address_id.street} + % set location = object.job_id.address_id.street + % endif + % if object.job_id.address_id.street2: + ${object.job_id.address_id.street2} + % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.job_id.address_id.street2) + % endif + % if object.job_id.address_id.city: + ${object.job_id.address_id.city}, + % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.job_id.address_id.city) + % endif + % if object.job_id.address_id.state_id.name: + ${object.job_id.address_id.state_id.name}, + % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.job_id.address_id.state_id.name) + % endif + % if object.job_id.address_id.zip: + ${object.job_id.address_id.zip} + % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.job_id.address_id.zip) + % endif + + % if object.job_id.address_id.country_id.name: + ${object.job_id.address_id.country_id.name} + % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.job_id.address_id.country_id.name) + % endif + + |
+ Congratulations!+Your resume has been positively reviewed.
+ We just reviewed your resume, and it caught our
+ attention. As we think you might be great for the
+ position, your application has been short listed for a
+ call or an interview.
+ + % if 'website_url' in object.job_id and object.job_id.website_url: + + % endif + + % if object.user_id: + You will soon be contacted by: +
+ % endif + See you soon, +
+ --
+ + The HR Team + % if 'website_url' in object.job_id and object.job_id.website_url + Discover all our jobs. + % endif + + What is the next step?+ We usually answer applications within a few days. ++ The next step is either a call or a meeting in our offices. + + Feel free to contact us if you want a faster + feedback or if you don't get news from us + quickly enough (just reply to this email). + + + + % set location = '' + % if object.job_id.address_id.name: + ${object.job_id.address_id.name} + % endif + % if object.job_id.address_id.street: + ${object.job_id.address_id.street} + % set location = object.job_id.address_id.street + % endif + % if object.job_id.address_id.street2: + ${object.job_id.address_id.street2} + % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.job_id.address_id.street2) + % endif + % if object.job_id.address_id.city: + ${object.job_id.address_id.city}, + % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.job_id.address_id.city) + % endif + % if object.job_id.address_id.state_id.name: + ${object.job_id.address_id.state_id.name}, + % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.job_id.address_id.state_id.name) + % endif + % if object.job_id.address_id.zip: + ${object.job_id.address_id.zip} + % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.job_id.address_id.zip) + % endif + + % if object.job_id.address_id.country_id.name: + ${object.job_id.address_id.country_id.name} + % set location = '%s, %s' % (location, object.job_id.address_id.country_id.name) + % endif + + |
+ Dear ${object.partner_id.name}
+ % if object.partner_id.parent_id:
+ (${object.partner_id.parent_id.name})
+ % endif
+ Here is in attachment a purchase order ${object.name}
+ % if object.partner_ref:
+ with reference: ${object.partner_ref}
+ % endif
+ amounting in ${format_amount(object.amount_total, object.currency_id)}
+ from ${object.company_id.name}.
+ % if object.date_planned:
+ The receipt is expected for ${format_date(object.date_planned)}.
+ Could you please acknowledge the receipt of this order?
+ % endif
+ Hello ${object.partner_id.name},
+ Here is your repair order ${doc_name} ${object.name}
+ % if object.origin:
+ (with reference: ${object.origin} )
+ % endif
+ % if object.invoice_method != 'none':
+ amounting in ${format_amount(object.amount_total, object.pricelist_id.currency_id)}.
+ % else:
+ .
+ % endif
+ You can reply to this email if you have any questions.
+ Thank you,
+ % if user.signature
+ ${user.signature | safe}
+ % endif
+ Hello,
+ % set transaction = object.get_portal_last_transaction()
+ Your order ${object.name} amounting in ${format_amount(object.amount_total, object.currency_id)}
+ % if object.state == 'sale' or (transaction and transaction.state in ('done', 'authorized')) :
+ has been confirmed.
+ Thank you for your trust!
+ % elif transaction and transaction.state == 'pending' :
+ is pending. It will be confirmed when the payment is received.
+ % if object.reference:
+ Your payment reference is ${object.reference}.
+ % endif
+ % endif
+ Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Products | Quantity | + % if object.user_id.has_group('account.group_show_line_subtotals_tax_excluded'): + VAT Excl. + % else + VAT Incl. + % endif + |
+ % if line.display_type == 'line_section': + ${line.name} + % elif line.display_type == 'line_note': + ${line.name} + % endif + |
${line.product_id.name} | ${line.product_uom_qty} | + % if object.user_id.has_group('account.group_show_line_subtotals_tax_excluded'): + ${format_amount(line.price_reduce_taxexcl, object.currency_id)} + % else + ${format_amount(line.price_reduce_taxinc, object.currency_id)} + % endif + |
Delivery: | ${format_amount(object.amount_delivery, object.currency_id)} | |
SubTotal: | ${format_amount(object.amount_untaxed, object.currency_id)} |
SubTotal: | ${format_amount(object.amount_untaxed, object.currency_id)} |
Taxes: | ${format_amount(object.amount_tax, object.currency_id)} | |
Total: | ${format_amount(object.amount_total, object.currency_id)} |
Bill to: + ${object.partner_invoice_id.street or ''} + ${object.partner_invoice_id.city or ''} + ${object.partner_invoice_id.state_id.name or ''} + ${object.partner_invoice_id.zip or ''} + ${object.partner_invoice_id.country_id.name or ''} + |
Payment Method: + % if transaction.payment_token_id: + ${transaction.payment_token_id.name} + % else: + ${transaction.acquirer_id.name} + % endif + (${format_amount(transaction.amount, object.currency_id)}) + |
Ship to: + ${object.partner_shipping_id.street or ''} + ${object.partner_shipping_id.city or ''} + ${object.partner_shipping_id.state_id.name or ''} + ${object.partner_shipping_id.zip or ''} + ${object.partner_shipping_id.country_id.name or ''} + |
Shipping Method: + ${object.carrier_id.name} + % if object.carrier_id.fixed_price == 0.0: + (Free) + % else: + (${format_amount(object.carrier_id.fixed_price, object.currency_id)}) + % endif + |
+ Hello ${object.partner_id.name},
+ We are glad to inform you that your order has been shipped.
+ %if object.carrier_tracking_ref:
+ Your tracking reference is
+ %if object.carrier_tracking_url:
+ % set multiple_carrier_tracking = object.get_multiple_carrier_tracking()
+ %if multiple_carrier_tracking:
+ % for line in multiple_carrier_tracking:
+ % endfor
+ %else:
+ ${object.carrier_tracking_ref}.
+ %endif
+ %else:
+ ${object.carrier_tracking_ref}.
+ %endif
+ %endif
+ Please find your delivery order attached for more details.
+ Thank you,
+ % if user.signature:
+ ${user.signature | safe}
+ % endif
+ Hello
+ You have been invited to join a new course: ${object.channel_id.name}.
+ Hello
+ There is something new in the course ${object.channel_id.name} you are following:
+ Hello
+ ${user.name} shared the ${object.slide_type} ${object.name} with you!