Here is a quick reference for the requests parsed by the Sitelet.Infer
family of functions, and the URLs generated by the corresponding Context.Link
type EndPoint = string
(* Accepted Request: GET /home
Parsed endpoint: *) "home"
type EndPoint = int
(* Accepted Request: GET /2
Parsed endpoint: *) 2
type EndPoint = float
(* Accepted Request: GET /1.2345
Parsed endpoint: *) 1.2345
And every standard .NET number type: int8
, uint8
, int16
, uint16
, int32
, uint32
, int64
, uint64
, single
, double
, decimal
Encoded as successive path fragments.
type EndPoint =
{ x: string; y: int }
(* Accepted Request: GET /test/1
Parsed endpoint: *) { x = "test"; y = 1 }
type EndPoint =
{ x: string; y: Sub }
and Sub =
{ z: int; t: int }
(* Accepted Request: GET /test/1/2
Parsed endpoint: *) { x = "test"; y = { z = 1; t = 2 } }
Encoded as an identifying path fragment, followed by the arguments.
type EndPoint =
| Home
| Article of id: int * slug: string
(* Accepted Request: GET /Home
Parsed endpoint: *) Home
(* Accepted Request: GET /Article/1/my-article
Parsed endpoint: *) Article(1, "my-article")
Choosing the identifying path fragment with [<EndPoint(fragment)>]
type EndPoint =
| [<EndPoint "/">] Home
| [<EndPoint "/article">]
Article of id: int * slug: string
(* Accepted Request: GET /
Parsed endpoint: *) Home
(* Accepted Request: GET /article/1/my-article
Parsed endpoint: *) Article(1, "my-article")
When parsing, if several cases have the same [<EndPoint(fragment)>]
, they are tried in the order in which they are declared:
type EndPoint =
| [<EndPoint "/blog">]
| [<EndPoint "/blog">]
ArticleById of id: int
| [<EndPoint "/blog">]
ArticleBySlug of slug: string
(* Accepted Request: GET /blog
Parsed endpoint: *) AllArticles
(* Accepted Request: GET /blog/123
Parsed endpoint: *) ArticleById 123
(* Accepted Request: GET /blog/my-article
Parsed endpoint: *) ArticleById "my-article"
Default format is ""
type EndPoint = System.DateTime
(* Accepted Request: GET /2017-05-24-11.41.34
Parsed endpoint: *) System.DateTime(2017, 5, 24, 11, 41, 34,
Setting the format of a DateTime union case argument with [<DateTimeFormat(argname, format)>]
type EndPoint =
| [<DateTimeFormat("thedate", "yyyy-MM-dd")>]
Article of id: int * thedate: DateTime
(* Accepted Request: GET /Article/43/2015-04-15
Parsed endpoint: *) Article(43, System.DateTime(2015, 4, 15, 0, 0, 0,
Setting the format of a DateTime record field with [<DateTimeFormat(format)>]
type EndPoint =
{ id: int
date: DateTime }
(* Accepted Request: GET /Article/43/2015-04-15
Parsed endpoint: *) { id = 43; date = System.DateTime(2015, 4, 15, 0, 0, 0,
System.DateTimeKind.Utc) }
on a union case encodes the remainder of the path in the last argument.
If the argument's type is list<'T>
or array<'T>
, then the path is parsed as a sequence of 'T
type EndPoint =
| [<Wildcard>] Articles of int * list<string>
| [<Wildcard>] Articles2 of list<int * string>
(* Accepted Request: GET /Articles/12/abc/def
Parsed endpoint: *) Articles (12, ["abc"; "def"])
(* Accepted Request: GET /Articles/34
Parsed endpoint: *) Articles (34, [])
(* Accepted Request: GET /Articles2/12/abc/34/def
Parsed endpoint: *) Articles2 [| (12, "abc"); (34, "def") |]
If the argument's type is string
, then the remainder of the path is passed.
type EndPoint =
| [<Wildcard>] Articles of int * string
(* Accepted Request: GET /Articles/12/abc/def
Parsed endpoint: *) Articles (12, "abc/def")
(* Accepted Request: GET /Articles/34
Parsed endpoint: *) Articles (34, "")
Selected with [<EndPoint(methodAndFragment)>]
or with [<Method(name...)>]
type EndPoint =
| [<EndPoint "GET /api">]
ApiGet of int
| [<EndPoint "POST /api">]
ApiPost of int
(* Accepted Request: GET /api/12
Parsed endpoint: *) ApiGet 12
(* Accepted Request: POST /api/12
Parsed endpoint: *) ApiPost 12
type EndPoint =
| [<Method "GET"; EndPoint "/api">]
ApiGet of int
| [<Method "POST"; EndPoint "/api">]
ApiPost of int
(* Accepted Request: GET /api/12
Parsed endpoint: *) ApiGet 12
(* Accepted Request: POST /api/posted
Parsed endpoint: *) ApiPost int
For union case arguments, indicated with [<Query(argname...)>]
type EndPoint =
| [<Query("start", "count")>]
Get of id: int * start: int * count: int option
(* Accepted Request: GET /Get/14?start=3&count=5
Parsed endpoint: *) Get(14, 3, Some 5)
(* Accepted Request: GET /Get/14?start=3
Parsed endpoint: *) Get(14, 3, None)
For record fields, indicated with [<Query>]
type EndPoint =
{ [<Query>] x: int; y: string }
(* Accepted Request: GET /test?x=1
Parsed endpoint: *) { x = 1; y = "test" }
See the JSON cheat sheet for the JSON format.
For union case arguments, indicated with [<Json(argname)>]
type EndPoint =
| [<Method "POST"; Json "body">]
Article of id: int * body: Body
and Body =
{ x: int
y: string }
(* Accepted Request: POST /Article/31
Parsed endpoint: *) Article(31, { x = 4; y = "a" })
For record fields, indicated with [<Json>]
type EndPoint =
| [<Method "POST">]
Article of ArticleArgs
and ArticleArgs =
{ id: int
[<Json>] body: Body }
and Body =
{ x: int
y: string }
(* Accepted Request: POST /Article/31
Parsed endpoint: *) Article({ id = 31; body = { x = 4 y = "a" } })
Parses form data with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
or multipart/form-data
For union case arguments, indicated with [<FormData(argname)>]
type EndPoint =
| [<Method "POST"; FormData("x", "y")>]
Article of id: int * x: int * y: string
(* Accepted Request: POST /Article/31
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Parsed endpoint: *) Article(31, 4, "a")
(* Accepted Request: POST /Article/31
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="x"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="y"
Parsed endpoint: *) Article(31, 4, "a")
For record fields, indicated with [<FormData>]
type EndPoint =
| [<Method "POST">]
Article of ArticleArgs
and ArticleArgs =
{ [<FormData>] x: int
[<FormData>] y: string }
(* Accepted Request: POST /Article
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="x"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="y"
Parsed endpoint: *) Article({ x = 4; y = "a" })