From 6a208fe9b38e0ef2f713f49ac48482439a56dceb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: github actions <>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2020 02:24:19 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Squashed 'src/main/resources/csl-styles/' changes from

6fab78b51a Create physiologia-plantarum.csl (#5040)
58d65fd53e Create cureus.csl (#5048)
5b68591c81 Create institut-de-recherches-archeologiques-preventives.csl (#5042)
e238ca2120 Create method-and-theory-in-the-study-of-religion.csl (#5041)
39a3fbb42b Create finance-and-society.csl (#5043)
cf39e19e0d Create canadian-biosystems-engineering-journal (#5046)
3d12b8f434 Create cardiff-university-biosi-and-carbs-only-harvard.csl (#5024)
776002d8de create new independent style for deutsches-arzteblatt.csl (#5035)
b167cd6309 Create revista-peruana-de-medicina-experimental-y-salud-publica.csl (#5036)
13e0a0b77d Update iso690-full-note-cs.csl (#5033)
3af2034c77 Create acta-medica-peruana.csl (#5037)
dcbe494324 Create historia-scribere.csl (#5038)
2174323b67 make addiction-biology.csl an AMA dependent (#5028)
b01aea8e2c Update ios-press-books.csl (#5030)
ae6d0e2744 add doi for article-journal for ASA.csl (#5031)
d5370259fc Create organised-sound.csl (#5032)
ef4d15e1da Create independent EMBO Press
640fdace79 Create forensic-anthropology.csl (#5026)
3dc515713b Update amerindia.csl (#5027)
fca38a2ffb Create journal-of-the-botanical-research-institute-of-texas.csl (#5029)
facc3f9d56 Aging &Disease: remove unused macros
661e9fa90f Sort aging and disease by cite number
8746709feb show issue numbers in springer basic author-date style (#4854)
c358b17d03 Update Journal of Universal Computer Science

git-subtree-dir: src/main/resources/csl-styles
git-subtree-split: 6fab78b51a593af8fefb437ace8c986fc3ffa914
 acta-medica-peruana.csl                       | 359 ++++++++++
 addiction-biology.csl                         | 160 -----
 aging-and-disease.csl                         |  18 -
 aims-press.csl                                |   2 +-
 american-sociological-association.csl         |   7 +-
 amerindia.csl                                 |  24 +-
 canadian-biosystems-engineering.csl           | 511 ++++++++++++++
 ...iff-university-biosi-and-carbs-harvard.csl | 260 ++++++++
 cureus.csl                                    | 173 +++++
 demographic-research.csl                      |   2 +-
 dependent/addiction-biology.csl               |  16 +
 dependent/deutsches-arzteblatt.csl            |  15 -
 dependent/embo-reports.csl                    |  16 +
 dependent/gps-solutions.csl                   |   4 +-
 dependent/molecular-systems-biology.csl       |   5 +-
 dependent/the-embo-journal.csl                |  17 +
 deutsches-arzteblatt.csl                      | 307 +++++++++
 the-embo-journal.csl => embo-press.csl        |  64 +-
 embo-reports.csl                              | 127 ----
 finance-and-society.csl                       | 477 +++++++++++++
 forensic-anthropology.csl                     | 196 ++++++
 harvard-cardiff-university-biosi.csl          | 212 ------
 harvard-university-of-kent.csl                |   2 +-
 historia-scribere.csl                         | 456 +++++++++++++
 ...-recherches-archeologiques-preventives.csl | 308 +++++++++
 inter-research-science-center.csl             |   2 +-
 ios-press-books.csl                           |   3 +
 iso690-full-note-cs.csl                       |   4 +-
 ...-botanical-research-institute-of-texas.csl | 627 ++++++++++++++++++
 journal-of-universal-computer-science.csl     |  17 +-
 ...od-and-theory-in-the-study-of-religion.csl | 219 ++++++
 organised-sound.csl                           | 527 +++++++++++++++
 physiologia-plantarum.csl                     | 160 +++++
 renamed-styles.json                           |   1 +
 ...-medicina-experimental-y-salud-publica.csl | 332 ++++++++++
 ...-basic-author-date-no-et-al-with-issue.csl | 205 ++++++
 36 files changed, 5238 insertions(+), 597 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 acta-medica-peruana.csl
 delete mode 100644 addiction-biology.csl
 create mode 100644 canadian-biosystems-engineering.csl
 create mode 100644 cardiff-university-biosi-and-carbs-harvard.csl
 create mode 100644 cureus.csl
 create mode 100644 dependent/addiction-biology.csl
 delete mode 100644 dependent/deutsches-arzteblatt.csl
 create mode 100644 dependent/embo-reports.csl
 create mode 100644 dependent/the-embo-journal.csl
 create mode 100644 deutsches-arzteblatt.csl
 rename the-embo-journal.csl => embo-press.csl (77%)
 delete mode 100644 embo-reports.csl
 create mode 100644 finance-and-society.csl
 create mode 100644 forensic-anthropology.csl
 delete mode 100644 harvard-cardiff-university-biosi.csl
 create mode 100644 historia-scribere.csl
 create mode 100644 institut-national-de-recherches-archeologiques-preventives.csl
 create mode 100644 journal-of-the-botanical-research-institute-of-texas.csl
 create mode 100644 method-and-theory-in-the-study-of-religion.csl
 create mode 100644 organised-sound.csl
 create mode 100644 physiologia-plantarum.csl
 create mode 100644 revista-peruana-de-medicina-experimental-y-salud-publica.csl
 create mode 100644 springer-basic-author-date-no-et-al-with-issue.csl

diff --git a/acta-medica-peruana.csl b/acta-medica-peruana.csl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4fda8310822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acta-medica-peruana.csl
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<style xmlns="" class="in-text" version="1.0" demote-non-dropping-particle="sort-only" page-range-format="minimal">
+  <info>
+    <title>Acta Médica Peruana</title>
+    <title-short>Acta Med Peru</title-short>
+    <id></id>
+    <link href="" rel="self"/>
+    <link href="" rel="template"/>
+    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
+    <author>
+      <name>Gilmer Solis-Sánchez</name>
+      <email></email>
+    </author>
+    <contributor>
+      <name>Yolanda Elvira Angulo Bazán</name>
+      <email></email>
+    </contributor>
+    <contributor>
+      <name>Helbert Rubén Borja García</name>
+      <email></email>
+    </contributor>
+    <category citation-format="numeric"/>
+    <category field="medicine"/>
+    <issn>1018-8800</issn>
+    <eissn>1728-5917</eissn>
+    <summary>Estilo de citas y bibliografía de la revista Acta Médica Peruana en estilo Vancouver según lo definido por el International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Sample References</summary>
+    <updated>2020-09-21T19:01:33+00:00</updated>
+    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
+  </info>
+  <locale xml:lang="en">
+    <date form="text" delimiter=" ">
+      <date-part name="year"/>
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+    </date>
+    <terms>
+      <term name="collection-editor" form="long">
+        <single>editor</single>
+        <multiple>editors</multiple>
+      </term>
+      <term name="presented at">presented at</term>
+      <term name="available at">available from</term>
+      <term name="section" form="short">sect.</term>
+    </terms>
+  </locale>
+  <locale xml:lang="fr">
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+      <date-part name="month" form="short" strip-periods="true"/>
+      <date-part name="year"/>
+    </date>
+  </locale>
+  <macro name="author">
+    <names variable="author">
+      <name sort-separator=" " initialize-with="" name-as-sort-order="all" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>
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+      <substitute>
+        <names variable="editor"/>
+      </substitute>
+    </names>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="editor">
+    <names variable="editor" suffix=".">
+      <name sort-separator=" " initialize-with="" name-as-sort-order="all" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>
+      <label form="long" prefix=", "/>
+    </names>
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+    <choose>
+      <if type="chapter paper-conference entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia" match="any">
+        <text term="in" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+      </if>
+    </choose>
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+    <choose>
+      <if type="article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper" match="none">
+        <group delimiter=": " suffix=";">
+          <choose>
+            <if type="thesis">
+              <text variable="publisher-place"/>
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+    <choose>
+      <if match="any" variable="DOI">
+        <group>
+          <text variable="DOI" font-variant="normal" prefix="doi:"/>
+        </group>
+      </if>
+      <else-if match="any" variable="URL">
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+          <text term="available at" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+          <text variable="URL"/>
+        </group>
+      </else-if>
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+  <macro name="accessed-date">
+    <choose>
+      <if variable="URL">
+        <group prefix="[" suffix="]" delimiter=" ">
+          <text term="cited" text-case="lowercase"/>
+          <date variable="accessed" form="text"/>
+        </group>
+      </if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="container-title">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="article-journal article-magazine chapter paper-conference article-newspaper review review-book entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia" match="any">
+        <group suffix="." delimiter=" ">
+          <choose>
+            <if type="article-journal review review-book" match="any">
+              <text variable="container-title" form="short" strip-periods="true"/>
+            </if>
+            <else>
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+            </else>
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+          <choose>
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+          <text variable="number"/>
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+        <group delimiter=": " suffix=";">
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+          <text variable="event"/>
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+                <text variable="volume"/>
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+          </choose>
+          <text variable="container-title"/>
+        </group>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="title">
+    <text variable="title"/>
+    <choose>
+      <if type="article-journal article-magazine chapter paper-conference article-newspaper review review-book entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia thesis" match="none">
+        <choose>
+          <if variable="URL">
+            <text term="internet" prefix=" [" suffix="]" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+          </if>
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+        <text macro="edition" prefix=". "/>
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+    <choose>
+      <if type="thesis">
+        <text variable="genre" prefix=" [" suffix="]"/>
+      </if>
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+      <else>
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+        <group suffix=";" delimiter=" ">
+          <date date-parts="year" form="numeric" variable="issued"/>
+          <text macro="accessed-date"/>
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+      <else-if type="bill legislation" match="any">
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+          <date variable="issued" delimiter=" ">
+            <date-part name="month" form="short" strip-periods="true"/>
+            <date-part name="day"/>
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+          <date variable="issued">
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+          </date>
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+              <date-part name="year"/>
+            </date>
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+        </group>
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+              <date-part name="year"/>
+              <date-part name="month" form="short" strip-periods="true"/>
+              <date-part name="day"/>
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+            <text macro="accessed-date"/>
+          </group>
+          <text variable="event-place"/>
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+      </else-if>
+      <else>
+        <group suffix=".">
+          <date variable="issued">
+            <date-part name="year"/>
+          </date>
+          <text macro="accessed-date" prefix=" "/>
+        </group>
+      </else>
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+        <text variable="volume"/>
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+        <choose>
+          <if variable="collection-title">
+            <group delimiter=" " prefix="(" suffix=")">
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+              <group delimiter="; ">
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+                  <text variable="volume"/>
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+              </group>
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+      </if>
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+  </macro>
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+    <choose>
+      <if type="report">
+        <text variable="number" prefix="Report No.: "/>
+      </if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
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+      <key variable="citation-number"/>
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+        <group>
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+      <text macro="collection-details" suffix=". "/>
+      <text macro="report-details" suffix=". "/>
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diff --git a/addiction-biology.csl b/addiction-biology.csl
deleted file mode 100644
index 519d04c1e11..00000000000
--- a/addiction-biology.csl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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-    <title>Addiction Biology</title>
-    <id></id>
-    <link href="" rel="self"/>
-    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
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-      <name>Patrick O'Brien</name>
-      <email></email>
-    </author>
-    <category citation-format="author-date"/>
-    <category field="biology"/>
-    <issn>1355-6215</issn>
-    <eissn>1369-1600</eissn>
-    <updated>2017-02-25T12:53:50+00:00</updated>
-    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
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-      </choose>
-    </layout>
-  </bibliography>
diff --git a/aging-and-disease.csl b/aging-and-disease.csl
index 86bbc3b0411..d56ecf5563d 100644
--- a/aging-and-disease.csl
+++ b/aging-and-disease.csl
@@ -16,15 +16,6 @@
     <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
-  <macro name="author-short">
-    <names variable="author">
-      <name form="short" and="text"/>
-      <substitute>
-        <names variable="editor"/>
-        <names variable="translator"/>
-      </substitute>
-    </names>
-  </macro>
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     <names variable="author">
       <name sort-separator=" " initialize-with="" name-as-sort-order="all" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>
@@ -55,11 +46,6 @@
-  <macro name="year">
-    <date variable="issued">
-      <date-part name="year"/>
-    </date>
-  </macro>
   <macro name="title">
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@@ -91,10 +77,6 @@
   <bibliography et-al-min="7" et-al-use-first="6" second-field-align="flush">
-    <sort>
-      <key macro="author-short"/>
-      <key macro="year"/>
-    </sort>
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index 7259faa4ed2..a3cd8d76f15 100644
--- a/aims-press.csl
+++ b/aims-press.csl
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
     <title>AIMS Press</title>
     <link href="" rel="self"/>
-    <link href="" rel="template"/>
+    <link href="" rel="template"/>
     <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
       <name>Patrick O'Brien, PhD</name>
diff --git a/american-sociological-association.csl b/american-sociological-association.csl
index c5bcaf806ac..b5e538ee7c1 100644
--- a/american-sociological-association.csl
+++ b/american-sociological-association.csl
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
     <category citation-format="author-date"/>
     <category field="sociology"/>
     <summary>The ASA style following the 6th edition of the Style Guide</summary>
-    <updated>2018-04-20T10:42:41+00:00</updated>
+    <updated>2020-09-18T10:38:12+00:00</updated>
     <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
   <macro name="editor">
@@ -62,13 +62,16 @@
   <macro name="access">
-        <if type="webpage post-weblog">
+        <if type="webpage post-weblog post" match="any">
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             <text prefix="(" suffix=")" variable="URL"/>
+        <else-if type="article-journal" match="any">
+          <text variable="DOI" prefix="doi: "/>
+        </else-if>
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index 999d1b03d49..3a96f4a5815 100644
--- a/amerindia.csl
+++ b/amerindia.csl
@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@
     <category citation-format="author-date"/>
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-    <updated>2020-09-09T10:31:22+00:00</updated>
+    <updated>2020-09-16T11:07:45+00:00</updated>
     <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
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       <et-al font-style="italic"/>
-      <label form="short" strip-periods="true" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
+      <label form="short" strip-periods="false" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
   <macro name="author">
@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@
           <else-if type="chapter paper-conference" match="any">
             <group delimiter=". ">
-              <text macro="title" prefix=" "/>
               <group delimiter=", ">
                 <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
                 <text macro="editor-translator"/>
@@ -138,17 +137,18 @@
             <text macro="access"/>
-            <group suffix=".">
-              <text macro="title" prefix=" "/>
+            <group delimiter=". ">
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-            </group>
-            <group prefix=" " suffix=".">
-              <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
-              <group prefix=" ">
-                <text variable="volume"/>
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+              <group delimiter=": ">
+                <group delimiter=" " prefix=" ">
+                  <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
+                  <group>
+                    <text variable="volume"/>
+                    <text variable="issue" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
+                  </group>
+                </group>
+                <text variable="page"/>
-              <text variable="page" prefix=": "/>
diff --git a/canadian-biosystems-engineering.csl b/canadian-biosystems-engineering.csl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..54d8f52d933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/canadian-biosystems-engineering.csl
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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+  <info>
+    <title>Canadian Biosystems Engineering</title>
+    <title-short>CBE</title-short>
+    <id></id>
+    <link href="" rel="self"/>
+    <link href="" rel="template"/>
+    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
+    <author>
+      <name>Marie Speare</name>
+      <email></email>
+    </author>
+    <category citation-format="author-date"/>
+    <category field="engineering"/>
+    <issn>1492-9058</issn>
+    <eissn>1492-9066</eissn>
+    <summary>Style for online journal Canadian Biosystems Engineering</summary>
+    <updated>2020-09-26T15:27:23+00:00</updated>
+    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
+  </info>
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+      <term name="editor" form="short">
+        <single>Ed</single>
+        <multiple>Eds</multiple>
+      </term>
+    </terms>
+  </locale>
+  <macro name="container">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="paper-conference speech" match="any">
+        <choose>
+          <if variable="container-title event" match="any">
+            <text value="In "/>
+          </if>
+        </choose>
+        <group delimiter=", ">
+          <names variable="editor translator" delimiter=", ">
+            <name name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", " initialize-with="." delimiter="; " and="text" delimiter-precedes-last="never"/>
+            <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
+          </names>
+          <group delimiter=" ">
+            <choose>
+              <if variable="ISBN ISSN container-title" match="any">
+                <group font-style="italic">
+                  <choose>
+                    <if variable="container-title">
+                      <text variable="container-title"/>
+                    </if>
+                    <else>
+                      <text variable="event"/>
+                    </else>
+                  </choose>
+                  <text variable="genre"/>
+                  <text variable="collection-title"/>
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+              </if>
+              <else>
+                <choose>
+                  <if variable="container-title">
+                    <text variable="container-title"/>
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+                  <else>
+                    <text variable="event"/>
+                  </else>
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+                <text variable="genre"/>
+                <text variable="collection-title"/>
+              </else>
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+                <text variable="container-title" text-case="title" font-style="italic"/>
+                <text variable="collection-number"/>
+                <text variable="issue"/>
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+              <else>
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+                <text variable="collection-number"/>
+                <text variable="issue"/>
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+            <name delimiter="; " and="text" delimiter-precedes-last="never" initialize-with="."/>
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+      <else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
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+          <text variable="collection-title"/>
+          <group delimiter="/">
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+            <text variable="collection-number"/>
+          </group>
+          <text variable="issue"/>
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+            <group delimiter=", ">
+              <text variable="number" prefix="Episode "/>
+              <text variable="title" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+            </group>
+          </if>
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+              <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
+              <text variable="genre"/>
+              <text variable="collection-title"/>
+              <text variable="collection-number"/>
+              <text variable="issue"/>
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+            <else>
+              <text variable="container-title"/>
+              <text variable="genre"/>
+              <text variable="collection-title"/>
+              <text variable="collection-number"/>
+              <text variable="issue"/>
+            </else>
+          </choose>
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+      </else-if>
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+          <if variable="author editor translator" match="any">
+            <text variable="container-title" text-case="capitalize-first" font-style="italic"/>
+          </if>
+        </choose>
+      </else-if>
+      <else>
+        <text variable="container-title" text-case="title" font-style="italic"/>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="author">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="motion_picture broadcast article-newspaper article-magazine" match="none">
+        <names variable="author">
+          <name and="text" delimiter-precedes-last="never" et-al-min="9" et-al-use-first="8" initialize-with="." name-as-sort-order="first"/>
+          <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=")."/>
+          <substitute>
+            <names variable="editor"/>
+            <names variable="translator"/>
+            <text macro="title"/>
+          </substitute>
+        </names>
+      </if>
+      <else-if type="article-newspaper article-magazine" match="any">
+        <choose>
+          <if variable="author editor translator" match="any">
+            <names variable="author">
+              <name name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", " initialize-with="." delimiter="; " and="text" delimiter-precedes-last="never"/>
+              <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=")."/>
+              <substitute>
+                <names variable="editor"/>
+                <names variable="translator"/>
+                <text macro="title"/>
+              </substitute>
+            </names>
+          </if>
+          <else>
+            <text variable="container-title"/>
+          </else>
+        </choose>
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+          <if variable="container-title">
+            <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
+          </if>
+          <else>
+            <text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
+          </else>
+        </choose>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="author-short">
+    <names variable="author">
+      <name form="short" and="text" et-al-min="3" et-al-use-first="1" initialize-with=". " name-as-sort-order="first"/>
+      <substitute>
+        <names variable="editor"/>
+        <names variable="translator"/>
+        <choose>
+          <if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture song" match="any">
+            <text variable="title" form="short"/>
+          </if>
+          <else>
+            <text variable="container-title" form="short"/>
+          </else>
+        </choose>
+      </substitute>
+    </names>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="accessed">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="article-journal book chapter" match="any"/>
+      <else-if variable="URL DOI" match="any">
+        <group prefix=" (" suffix=")">
+          <date variable="accessed">
+            <date-part name="year"/>
+            <date-part name="month" form="numeric" prefix=" /" suffix="/"/>
+            <date-part name="day"/>
+          </date>
+        </group>
+      </else-if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="title">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="report" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=". ">
+          <choose>
+            <if variable="ISBN ISSN" match="any">
+              <text variable="title" font-style="italic" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+            </if>
+            <else>
+              <text variable="title" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+            </else>
+          </choose>
+          <group delimiter=" ">
+            <text variable="genre"/>
+            <text variable="number"/>
+          </group>
+        </group>
+      </if>
+      <else-if type="thesis" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=". ">
+          <choose>
+            <if variable="ISBN ISSN" match="any">
+              <text variable="title" font-style="italic" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+              <text variable="genre"/>
+            </if>
+            <else>
+              <text variable="title" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+              <text variable="genre"/>
+            </else>
+          </choose>
+        </group>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation song" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=". ">
+          <choose>
+            <if variable="publisher ISBN ISSN" match="any">
+              <text variable="title" text-case="title" font-style="italic"/>
+            </if>
+            <else>
+              <text variable="title" text-case="capitalize-first" font-style="normal"/>
+            </else>
+          </choose>
+          <text macro="edition"/>
+        </group>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="webpage chapter paper-conference article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper" match="any">
+        <text variable="title"/>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="motion_picture broadcast" match="any"/>
+      <else>
+        <choose>
+          <if variable="ISBN ISSN" match="any">
+            <text variable="title" font-style="italic" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+          </if>
+          <else>
+            <text variable="title" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+          </else>
+        </choose>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="publisher">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="thesis" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=", ">
+          <text variable="publisher"/>
+          <text variable="publisher-place"/>
+        </group>
+      </if>
+      <else>
+        <group delimiter=": ">
+          <text variable="publisher-place"/>
+          <text variable="publisher"/>
+        </group>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="event">
+    <choose>
+      <if variable="editor" match="any">
+        <text variable="event" font-style="italic"/>
+      </if>
+      <else>
+        <text variable="event"/>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="issued">
+    <choose>
+      <if variable="issued">
+        <date variable="issued">
+          <date-part name="year"/>
+        </date>
+      </if>
+      <else-if variable="accessed">
+        <choose>
+          <if type="webpage">
+            <date variable="accessed">
+              <date-part name="year"/>
+            </date>
+          </if>
+          <else>
+            <text term="no date" form="short"/>
+          </else>
+        </choose>
+      </else-if>
+      <else>
+        <text term="no date" form="short"/>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="edition">
+    <group delimiter=" ">
+      <choose>
+        <if is-numeric="edition">
+          <group delimiter=" ">
+            <number variable="edition" form="ordinal"/>
+            <text term="edition"/>
+          </group>
+        </if>
+        <else>
+          <text variable="edition" suffix="."/>
+        </else>
+      </choose>
+    </group>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="web_availibility">
+    <choose>
+      <if variable="DOI">
+        <text variable="DOI" prefix=""/>
+        <text macro="accessed"/>
+      </if>
+      <else-if variable="URL">
+        <text variable="URL"/>
+        <text macro="accessed"/>
+      </else-if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="locators">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="article-journal article-magazine" match="any">
+        <group prefix=" " delimiter=": ">
+          <group delimiter="">
+            <text variable="volume"/>
+            <text variable="issue" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
+          </group>
+          <group delimiter=", ">
+            <text variable="page"/>
+          </group>
+        </group>
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+      <else-if type="webpage"/>
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+        <date variable="issued" prefix=". ">
+          <date-part name="day" suffix=" " range-delimiter="-"/>
+          <date-part name="month" suffix=" "/>
+          <date-part name="year" range-delimiter="/"/>
+        </date>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="article" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=", ">
+          <group delimiter=". ">
+            <group delimiter=" ">
+              <label variable="page" form="short"/>
+              <text variable="page"/>
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+            <text macro="publisher"/>
+          </group>
+          <date variable="issued">
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+            <date-part name="month" suffix=" "/>
+            <date-part name="year" range-delimiter="/"/>
+          </date>
+        </group>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song thesis" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=", " prefix=". ">
+          <text macro="event"/>
+          <text macro="publisher"/>
+        </group>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="broadcast">
+        <group delimiter=". " prefix=", ">
+          <text variable="publisher"/>
+          <date variable="issued">
+            <date-part name="day" suffix=" " range-delimiter="-"/>
+            <date-part name="month" suffix=" "/>
+            <date-part name="year" range-delimiter="/"/>
+          </date>
+        </group>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="chapter" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=". " prefix=", ">
+          <group delimiter=" ">
+            <text variable="page" form="short"/>
+          </group>
+          <text macro="event"/>
+          <text macro="publisher"/>
+        </group>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="paper-conference speech" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=", " prefix=", ">
+          <group delimiter=". ">
+            <group delimiter=" ">
+              <text variable="page"/>
+            </group>
+            <text macro="publisher"/>
+          </group>
+          <date variable="event-date">
+            <date-part name="day" suffix=" " range-delimiter="-"/>
+            <date-part name="month" suffix=" "/>
+            <date-part name="year" range-delimiter="/"/>
+          </date>
+        </group>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="interview personal_communication" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=". " prefix=". ">
+          <choose>
+            <if variable="title" match="none">
+              <text value="Personal communication"/>
+            </if>
+          </choose>
+          <text variable="medium" text-case="lowercase" prefix="By "/>
+          <date variable="issued">
+            <date-part name="day" suffix=" " range-delimiter="-"/>
+            <date-part name="month" suffix=" "/>
+            <date-part name="year" range-delimiter="/"/>
+          </date>
+        </group>
+      </else-if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <citation et-al-min="3" et-al-use-first="1" disambiguate-add-year-suffix="true" disambiguate-add-names="false" cite-group-delimiter=", " collapse="year">
+    <sort>
+      <key macro="author-short"/>
+    </sort>
+    <layout prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter="; ">
+      <group delimiter=": ">
+        <group delimiter=" ">
+          <text macro="author-short"/>
+          <text macro="issued"/>
+        </group>
+        <text variable="locator"/>
+      </group>
+    </layout>
+  </citation>
+  <bibliography hanging-indent="true" entry-spacing="0" line-spacing="1">
+    <sort>
+      <key macro="author"/>
+      <key macro="issued" sort="ascending"/>
+    </sort>
+    <layout>
+      <text macro="author" suffix=". "/>
+      <group delimiter=". ">
+        <text macro="issued"/>
+        <text macro="title"/>
+        <text macro="container"/>
+      </group>
+      <text macro="locators"/>
+      <choose>
+        <if type="webpage">
+          <text macro="web_availibility" prefix=". "/>
+        </if>
+        <else>
+          <text macro="web_availibility" prefix=". "/>
+        </else>
+      </choose>
+      <choose>
+        <if variable="URL DOI" match="any">
+          <choose>
+            <if variable="accessed" match="none">
+              <text value="."/>
+            </if>
+          </choose>
+        </if>
+        <else>
+          <text value="."/>
+        </else>
+      </choose>
+    </layout>
+  </bibliography>
diff --git a/cardiff-university-biosi-and-carbs-harvard.csl b/cardiff-university-biosi-and-carbs-harvard.csl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..14ed630521c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cardiff-university-biosi-and-carbs-harvard.csl
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<style xmlns="" class="in-text" version="1.0" demote-non-dropping-particle="sort-only">
+  <!-- This style was edited with the Visual CSL Editor ( -->
+  <info>
+    <title>Cardiff University BIOSI and CARBS - Harvard</title>
+    <id></id>
+    <link href="" rel="self"/>
+    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
+    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
+    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
+    <author>
+      <name>Zoe Young</name>
+      <email></email>
+    </author>
+    <author>
+      <name>Lewys Peters</name>
+    </author>
+    <category citation-format="author-date"/>
+    <category field="generic-base"/>
+    <summary>The Harvard author-date style - adapted for Cardiff University</summary>
+    <updated>2020-07-14T09:11:47+00:00</updated>
+    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
+  </info>
+  <macro name="editor">
+    <names variable="editor" delimiter=", ">
+      <name name-as-sort-order="all" and="text" sort-separator=", " initialize-with=". " delimiter=", "/>
+      <label form="short" prefix=" "/>
+    </names>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="author">
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+    <summary>Vancouver style adapted for Cureus online journal (adapted from BMJ)</summary>
+    <updated>2020-09-28T20:43:31+00:00</updated>
+    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
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     <title>Demographic Research</title>
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+    <eissn>1369-1600</eissn>
+    <updated>2020-09-16T22:06:38+00:00</updated>
+    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
+  </info>
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-    <link href="" rel="independent-parent"/>
-    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
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-    <issn>0012-1207</issn>
-    <updated>2012-09-09T21:58:08+00:00</updated>
-    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
-  </info>
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+    <category citation-format="author-date"/>
+    <category field="biology"/>
+    <issn>1469-221X</issn>
+    <eissn>1469-3178</eissn>
+    <updated>2012-09-27T22:06:38+00:00</updated>
+    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
+  </info>
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-  <!-- Generated with -->
+  <!-- Springer, generated from "springer" metadata at -->
     <title>GPS Solutions</title>
     <title-short>GPS Solut</title-short>
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-    <link href="" rel="independent-parent"/>
+    <link href="" rel="independent-parent"/>
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-    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
+    <link href="" rel="independent-parent"/>
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+    <title>The EMBO Journal</title>
+    <id></id>
+    <link href="" rel="self"/>
+    <link href="" rel="independent-parent"/>
+    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
+    <category citation-format="author-date"/>
+    <category field="biology"/>
+    <issn>0261-4189</issn>
+    <eissn>1460-2075</eissn>
+    <summary>Style for EMBO Journal</summary>
+    <updated>2012-09-27T22:06:38+00:00</updated>
+    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
+  </info>
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+    <title>Deutsches Ärzteblatt</title>
+    <id></id>
+    <link href="" rel="self"/>
+    <link href="" rel="template"/>
+    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
+    <author>
+      <name>Patrick O'Brien</name>
+    </author>
+    <category citation-format="numeric"/>
+    <category field="medicine"/>
+    <issn>0012-1207</issn>
+    <summary>Vancouver style adapted for manuscripts submitted to the journal Deutsches Ärzteblatt.</summary>
+    <updated>2020-09-21T08:10:32+00:00</updated>
+    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
+  </info>
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+      <term name="section" form="short">sect.</term>
+      <term name="accessed">last accessed on</term>
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+            <if type="thesis">
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+            </group>
+          </group>
+          <text variable="number"/>
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+            <text term="presented at"/>
+          </group>
+          <text variable="event"/>
+        </group>
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+              <group delimiter=" ">
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+                <text variable="volume"/>
+              </group>
+            </if>
+          </choose>
+          <text variable="container-title"/>
+        </group>
+      </else>
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+    <text variable="title"/>
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+      <if type="article-journal article-magazine chapter paper-conference article-newspaper review review-book entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia" match="none">
+        <text macro="edition" prefix=". "/>
+      </if>
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+        <group delimiter=" ">
+          <number variable="edition" form="ordinal"/>
+          <text term="edition" form="short"/>
+        </group>
+      </if>
+      <else>
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+      </else>
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+    <choose>
+      <if type="article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper review review-book" match="any">
+        <date date-parts="year" form="text" variable="issued" suffix="; "/>
+      </if>
+      <else-if type="bill legislation" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=", ">
+          <date variable="issued" delimiter=" ">
+            <date-part name="month" form="short" strip-periods="true"/>
+            <date-part name="day"/>
+          </date>
+          <date variable="issued">
+            <date-part name="year"/>
+          </date>
+        </group>
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+        <date variable="issued" delimiter=" ">
+          <date-part name="year"/>
+          <date-part name="month" form="short" strip-periods="true"/>
+        </date>
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+        <group suffix=".">
+          <group delimiter=", ">
+            <text variable="number"/>
+            <date variable="issued">
+              <date-part name="year"/>
+            </date>
+          </group>
+        </group>
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+      <else-if type="speech">
+        <group delimiter="; ">
+          <group delimiter=" ">
+            <date variable="issued" delimiter=" ">
+              <date-part name="year"/>
+              <date-part name="month" form="short" strip-periods="true"/>
+              <date-part name="day"/>
+            </date>
+            <text macro="accessed-date"/>
+          </group>
+          <text variable="event-place"/>
+        </group>
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+      <else>
+        <date variable="issued">
+          <date-part name="year"/>
+        </date>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
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+    <choose>
+      <if type="article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper review review-book" match="any">
+        <text variable="page" prefix=": "/>
+      </if>
+      <else>
+        <text variable="page" prefix="; "/>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
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+  <macro name="journal-location">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="article-journal article-magazine review review-book" match="any">
+        <text variable="volume"/>
+      </if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="collection-details">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper review review-book" match="none">
+        <choose>
+          <if variable="collection-title">
+            <group delimiter=" " prefix="(" suffix=")">
+              <names variable="collection-editor" suffix=".">
+                <name sort-separator=" " initialize-with="" name-as-sort-order="all" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>
+                <label form="long" prefix=", "/>
+              </names>
+              <group delimiter="; ">
+                <text variable="collection-title"/>
+                <group delimiter=" ">
+                  <label variable="volume" form="short"/>
+                  <text variable="volume"/>
+                </group>
+              </group>
+            </group>
+          </if>
+        </choose>
+      </if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="report-details">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="report">
+        <text variable="number" prefix="Report No.: "/>
+      </if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <citation collapse="citation-number">
+    <sort>
+      <key variable="citation-number"/>
+    </sort>
+    <layout prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter=",">
+      <text variable="citation-number"/>
+    </layout>
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+    <layout>
+      <text variable="citation-number" suffix=". "/>
+      <group delimiter=": " suffix=". ">
+        <text macro="author"/>
+        <text macro="title"/>
+      </group>
+      <group delimiter=" " suffix=". ">
+        <group delimiter=": ">
+          <text macro="chapter-marker"/>
+          <group delimiter=": ">
+            <text macro="editor"/>
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+          </group>
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+        <text macro="publisher"/>
+        <group>
+          <text macro="date"/>
+          <text macro="journal-location"/>
+          <text macro="pages"/>
+        </group>
+      </group>
+      <text macro="collection-details" suffix=". "/>
+      <text macro="report-details" suffix=". "/>
+      <text macro="access"/>
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+  </bibliography>
diff --git a/the-embo-journal.csl b/embo-press.csl
similarity index 77%
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rename to embo-press.csl
index b4512894479..c64be85041b 100644
--- a/the-embo-journal.csl
+++ b/embo-press.csl
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
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-    <id></id>
-    <link href="" rel="self"/>
-    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
+    <title>EMBO Press</title>
+    <id></id>
+    <link href="" rel="self"/>
+    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
       <name>Julian Onions</name>
@@ -14,9 +14,7 @@
     <category citation-format="author-date"/>
     <category field="biology"/>
-    <issn>0261-4189</issn>
-    <eissn>1460-2075</eissn>
-    <summary>Style for EMBO Journal</summary>
+    <summary>Style for EMBO Press journals and reports</summary>
     <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
@@ -35,6 +33,7 @@
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         <names variable="editor"/>
         <text variable="title"/>
@@ -53,20 +52,28 @@
   <macro name="access">
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-      <if variable="URL">
-        <text value="Available at:" suffix=" "/>
-        <text variable="URL"/>
-        <group prefix=" [" suffix="]">
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-            <date-part name="year"/>
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+          <choose>
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+            </if>
+            <else-if variable="URL">
+              <text variable="URL" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
+            </else-if>
+          </choose>
+          <choose>
+            <if type="article">
+              <text value="[PREPRINT]"/>
+            </if>
+            <else>
+              <text value="[DATASET]"/>
+            </else>
+          </choose>
+        </if>
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@@ -104,7 +111,7 @@
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       <key macro="author"/>
       <key variable="issued"/>
@@ -138,17 +145,12 @@
           <text macro="title" prefix=" " suffix="."/>
-          <group prefix=" ">
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             <group delimiter=" ">
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+              <text variable="volume"/>
-            <choose>
-              <if variable="page volume" match="any">
-                <text value=":" font-weight="bold"/>
-              </if>
-            </choose>
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+            <text variable="page"/>
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index 16a8000a90f..00000000000
--- a/embo-reports.csl
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-<style xmlns="" class="in-text" version="1.0" demote-non-dropping-particle="sort-only" page-range-format="expanded" default-locale="en-GB">
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-    <title>EMBO reports</title>
-    <id></id>
-    <link href="" rel="self"/>
-    <link href="" rel="template"/>
-    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
-    <author>
-      <name>Sebastian Karcher</name>
-    </author>
-    <category citation-format="numeric"/>
-    <category field="biology"/>
-    <issn>1469-221X</issn>
-    <eissn>1469-3178</eissn>
-    <updated>2012-09-27T22:06:38+00:00</updated>
-    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
-  </info>
-  <macro name="author">
-    <names variable="author">
-      <name initialize-with="" delimiter=", " name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=" " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>
-      <label form="short" prefix=", "/>
-      <substitute>
-        <names variable="editor"/>
-        <names variable="translator"/>
-      </substitute>
-    </names>
-  </macro>
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-    <names variable="editor">
-      <name initialize-with="" delimiter=", " name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=" " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>
-      <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
-    </names>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="title">
-    <choose>
-      <if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
-        <text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
-      </if>
-      <else>
-        <text variable="title"/>
-      </else>
-    </choose>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="publisher">
-    <text variable="publisher"/>
-    <text variable="publisher-place" prefix=", "/>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="page">
-    <choose>
-      <if type="chapter paper-conference" match="any">
-        <group>
-          <label variable="page" form="short" suffix=" " strip-periods="true"/>
-          <text variable="page"/>
-        </group>
-      </if>
-      <else>
-        <text variable="page"/>
-      </else>
-    </choose>
-  </macro>
-  <citation collapse="citation-number">
-    <sort>
-      <key variable="citation-number"/>
-    </sort>
-    <layout prefix="[" suffix="]" delimiter=",">
-      <text variable="citation-number"/>
-    </layout>
-  </citation>
-  <bibliography entry-spacing="0" second-field-align="flush" et-al-min="11" et-al-use-first="10">
-    <layout suffix=".">
-      <text variable="citation-number" suffix=". "/>
-      <choose>
-        <if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
-          <text macro="author"/>
-          <date variable="issued" prefix=" (" suffix=")">
-            <date-part name="year"/>
-          </date>
-          <group delimiter=". " prefix=" ">
-            <text macro="title"/>
-            <text macro="publisher"/>
-          </group>
-        </if>
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-          <text macro="author"/>
-          <date variable="issued" prefix=" (" suffix=")">
-            <date-part name="year"/>
-          </date>
-          <text macro="title" prefix=" " suffix="."/>
-          <text term="in" text-case="capitalize-first" prefix=" "/>
-          <text macro="editor" prefix=" "/>
-          <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic" prefix=", "/>
-          <text macro="page" prefix=" "/>
-          <text macro="publisher" prefix=". "/>
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-          <group delimiter=", ">
-            <text variable="container-title"/>
-            <text macro="title"/>
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-              <date-part name="month" suffix=" "/>
-              <date-part name="day" suffix=", "/>
-              <date-part name="year"/>
-            </date>
-            <date variable="issued" prefix="Accessed on ">
-              <date-part name="month" suffix=" "/>
-              <date-part name="day" suffix=", "/>
-              <date-part name="year"/>
-            </date>
-          </group>
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-              <date-part name="year"/>
-            </date>
-            <text macro="title" suffix="."/>
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-            <text macro="page"/>
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@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
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+    <title>Finance and Society</title>
+    <title-short>FinSoc</title-short>
+    <id></id>
+    <link href="" rel="self"/>
+    <link href="" rel="template"/>
+    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
+    <author>
+      <name>Dave Elder-Vass</name>
+      <email></email>
+    </author>
+    <category citation-format="author-date"/>
+    <category field="generic-base"/>
+    <eissn>2059-5999</eissn>
+    <summary>Finance and Society journal style</summary>
+    <updated>2020-09-23T02:37:13+00:00</updated>
+    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
+  </info>
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+      <term name="accessed">accessed </term>
+      <term name="no date" form="short">n.d.</term>
+    </terms>
+  </locale>
+  <macro name="cite-author">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="broadcast motion_picture legislation bill map legal_case" match="any">
+        <text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
+      </if>
+      <else>
+        <names variable="author">
+          <name and="text" delimiter-precedes-last="never" et-al-min="3" et-al-use-first="1" initialize-with=". " name-as-sort-order="all"/>
+          <label form="short" prefix=" "/>
+          <et-al font-style="italic"/>
+          <substitute>
+            <text macro="editor"/>
+            <text variable="container-title"/>
+            <text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
+          </substitute>
+        </names>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="year-date">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="legislation" match="none">
+        <choose>
+          <if type="legal_case" match="any">
+            <date variable="issued" prefix="(" suffix=")">
+              <date-part name="year"/>
+            </date>
+          </if>
+          <else-if variable="issued">
+            <date variable="issued">
+              <date-part name="year"/>
+            </date>
+          </else-if>
+          <else>
+            <text term="no date" form="short"/>
+          </else>
+        </choose>
+      </if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="primary-title">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="chapter article-journal article-newspaper article-magazine paper-conference" match="any">
+        <text variable="title" prefix="" suffix="."/>
+        <choose>
+          <if match="any" variable="original-title">
+            <text variable="original-title" prefix="(" suffix=")."/>
+          </if>
+        </choose>
+      </if>
+      <else-if type="bill legal_case legislation motion_picture" match="any">
+        <text variable="collection-number"/>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=" ">
+          <text variable="title" prefix="'" suffix="' definition."/>
+          <choose>
+            <if match="any" variable="URL">
+              <text term="online" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>
+            </if>
+          </choose>
+        </group>
+      </else-if>
+      <else>
+        <choose>
+          <if type="broadcast map" match="none">
+            <group delimiter=" ">
+              <group delimiter=" ">
+                <text variable="title" font-style="italic" suffix="."/>
+                <choose>
+                  <if match="any" variable="original-title">
+                    <text variable="original-title" font-style="italic" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
+                  </if>
+                </choose>
+                <choose>
+                  <if match="any" variable="volume">
+                    <text term="volume" form="short" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+                    <text variable="volume" text-case="uppercase" suffix="."/>
+                  </if>
+                </choose>
+                <text macro="edition-no"/>
+                <group delimiter=": " suffix=".">
+                  <choose>
+                    <if type="song" match="any">
+                      <text term="in" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+                      <text variable="collection-title"/>
+                      <text variable="container-title"/>
+                    </if>
+                  </choose>
+                </group>
+              </group>
+            </group>
+          </if>
+        </choose>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="genre-online-marker">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="report thesis interview patent entry-dictionary" match="any">
+        <choose>
+          <if variable="URL">
+            <choose>
+              <if variable="genre">
+                <text variable="genre" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>
+              </if>
+              <else-if variable="medium">
+                <text variable="medium" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>
+              </else-if>
+            </choose>
+          </if>
+          <else-if type="thesis">
+            <text variable="genre" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>
+          </else-if>
+        </choose>
+      </if>
+      <else-if type="manuscript song post-weblog post" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=" ">
+          <text variable="genre" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>
+          <text variable="medium" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>
+        </group>
+        <text variable="dimensions" prefix=" " suffix="."/>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="broadcast"/>
+      <else-if type="graphic" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=" ">
+          <text variable="genre"/>
+          <text variable="medium" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>
+          <text variable="dimensions" suffix="."/>
+          <text variable="note" prefix=" " suffix="."/>
+          <text variable="archive_location" prefix=" "/>
+        </group>
+        <text variable="archive" prefix=": " suffix="."/>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="speech personal_communication" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=" " prefix="[" suffix="].">
+          <names variable="recipient" prefix="Email sent to ">
+            <name and="text" delimiter-precedes-last="never" et-al-min="3" et-al-use-first="1" initialize-with="." name-as-sort-order="all"/>
+          </names>
+          <text variable="genre" suffix=" "/>
+          <text variable="event-place"/>
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+            <date-part name="day" form="numeric-leading-zeros"/>
+            <date-part name="month" form="long"/>
+            <date-part name="year"/>
+          </date>
+        </group>
+      </else-if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="edition-no">
+    <choose>
+      <if match="any" is-numeric="edition">
+        <group delimiter=" " prefix="(" suffix=")">
+          <number variable="edition" form="ordinal"/>
+          <text term="edition" form="short"/>
+        </group>
+      </if>
+      <else>
+        <text variable="edition" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="translator">
+    <names variable="translator">
+      <label form="verb" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+      <name delimiter=". " prefix=" " suffix="." and="text" delimiter-precedes-last="never" et-al-min="3" et-al-use-first="1" initialize-with="." name-as-sort-order="all"/>
+      <et-al font-style="italic"/>
+    </names>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="bill-detail">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="bill legislation" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=". " suffix=".">
+          <names variable="author">
+            <name and="text" delimiter-precedes-last="never" et-al-min="3" et-al-use-first="1" initialize-with="." name-as-sort-order="all"/>
+            <et-al font-style="italic"/>
+          </names>
+          <text variable="section"/>
+        </group>
+      </if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="publisher">
+    <choose>
+      <if match="any" variable="publisher">
+        <text variable="publisher"/>
+      </if>
+      <else-if match="any" variable="URL"/>
+      <else>
+        <text value="s.n." prefix=" (" suffix=")."/>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="publisher-place">
+    <choose>
+      <if match="any" variable="publisher-place">
+        <text variable="publisher-place"/>
+      </if>
+      <else-if type="report entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia motion_picture chapter speech song paper-conference article-journal book" match="all" variable="URL">
+        <text variable="publisher-place"/>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="map motion_picture" match="any"/>
+      <else>
+        <text value="s.l." prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="container">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia paper-conference" match="any">
+        <group>
+          <text term="in" text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=": "/>
+          <text macro="editor"/>
+          <group delimiter=", ">
+            <group delimiter=" ">
+              <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic" suffix="."/>
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+        <text variable="title"/>
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+      <else>
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+      <name>Patrick O'Brien</name>
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-    <id></id>
-    <link href="" rel="self"/>
-    <link href="" rel="template"/>
-    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
-    <author>
-      <name>Sebastian Karcher</name>
-    </author>
-    <contributor>
-      <name>Patrick O'Brien, PhD</name>
-    </contributor>
-    <category citation-format="author-date"/>
-    <category field="generic-base"/>
-    <summary>The Harvard author-date style - adapted for Cardiff University's BIOSI variant based on the 2018 author guidelines</summary>
-    <updated>2018-10-05T10:01:37+00:00</updated>
-    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
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+    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
+    <author>
+      <name>Patrick O'Brien, PhD</name>
+    </author>
+    <category citation-format="note"/>
+    <category field="history"/>
+    <eissn>2073-8927</eissn>
+    <updated>2020-09-22T10:52:29+00:00</updated>
+    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
+  </info>
+  <locale xml:lang="de">
+    <terms>
+      <term name="interviewer" form="verb">Interview geführt von</term>
+      <term name="letter">Schreiben</term>
+      <term name="number-of-volumes" form="short">Bd.</term>
+      <term name="no date" form="short">o. D.</term>
+      <term name="ibid" form="long">ebenda</term>
+      <term name="issue" form="long">Heft</term>
+      <term name="accessed">eingesehen</term>
+    </terms>
+  </locale>
+  <macro name="subsequent-reference">
+    <choose>
+      <if match="any" type="article">
+        <group delimiter=", ">
+          <text macro="archive-location"/>
+          <text macro="locator"/>
+        </group>
+      </if>
+      <else>
+        <group delimiter=", ">
+          <group delimiter=", ">
+            <text macro="creator-for-subsequent"/>
+            <text macro="identifier-for-subsequent"/>
+          </group>
+          <text macro="locator"/>
+        </group>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="creator">
+    <names variable="author">
+      <name et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="3"/>
+      <label form="short" text-case="capitalize-first" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
+      <substitute>
+        <names variable="editor"/>
+        <names variable="composer"/>
+        <names variable="director"/>
+      </substitute>
+    </names>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="creator-bib">
+    <names variable="author">
+      <name et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="3" name-as-sort-order="all"/>
+      <label form="short" text-case="capitalize-first" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
+      <substitute>
+        <names variable="editor"/>
+        <names variable="composer"/>
+        <names variable="director"/>
+      </substitute>
+    </names>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="creator-for-subsequent">
+    <names variable="author">
+      <name form="short" et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1"/>
+      <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
+      <substitute>
+        <names variable="editor"/>
+        <names variable="composer"/>
+        <names variable="director"/>
+      </substitute>
+    </names>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="title">
+    <text variable="title"/>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="identifier-for-subsequent">
+    <choose>
+      <if variable="title title-short" match="any">
+        <text variable="title" form="short"/>
+      </if>
+      <else-if type="personal_communication">
+        <group delimiter=" ">
+          <text term="letter"/>
+          <names variable="recipient">
+            <label form="verb" prefix=" " suffix=" "/>
+            <name et-al-min="2" et-al-use-first="1"/>
+          </names>
+        </group>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="interview">
+        <names variable="interviewer" delimiter=", ">
+          <label form="verb" prefix=" " suffix=" "/>
+          <name et-al-min="2" et-al-use-first="1"/>
+        </names>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="report song broadcast motion_picture webpage post post-weblog" match="any">
+        <text variable="collection-title"/>
+        <text variable="container-title"/>
+      </else-if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="in">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="chapter paper-conference entry-encyclopedia entry-dictionary article-magazine article-newspaper article-journal" match="any">
+        <text term="in"/>
+      </if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="container-creator">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="chapter paper-conference" match="any">
+        <names variable="editor">
+          <name delimiter="/" et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="3"/>
+          <label form="short" text-case="capitalize-first" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
+          <substitute>
+            <names variable="container-author"/>
+            <names variable="collection-editor"/>
+          </substitute>
+        </names>
+      </if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="container-information">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="chapter paper-conference entry-encyclopedia entry-dictionary article-journal" match="any">
+        <text variable="container-title" font-style="normal"/>
+      </if>
+      <else-if type="report song broadcast motion_picture webpage post post-weblog" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=", ">
+          <text variable="genre"/>
+          <text variable="collection-title"/>
+          <text variable="container-title"/>
+        </group>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="article-newspaper article-magazine" match="any">
+        <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
+      </else-if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="journal-volume">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="article-journal">
+        <group delimiter=" ">
+          <number variable="volume"/>
+          <group delimiter=", ">
+            <date date-parts="year" form="text" variable="issued" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
+            <group delimiter=" ">
+              <label variable="issue"/>
+              <number variable="issue"/>
+            </group>
+          </group>
+        </group>
+      </if>
+      <else-if type="report song broadcast" match="any">
+        <number variable="number"/>
+      </else-if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="volumes">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="book chapter entry-encyclopedia entry-dictionary song motion_picture" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=" ">
+          <label text-case="capitalize-first" variable="volume" form="short"/>
+          <number text-case="capitalize-first" variable="volume"/>
+        </group>
+      </if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="type-description">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="manuscript thesis speech" match="any">
+        <text variable="genre"/>
+      </if>
+      <else-if type="personal_communication">
+        <group delimiter=", ">
+          <group delimiter=" ">
+            <text term="letter"/>
+            <names variable="recipient">
+              <label form="verb" prefix=" " suffix=" "/>
+              <name and="text" delimiter-precedes-last="never"/>
+            </names>
+          </group>
+          <text variable="genre"/>
+        </group>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="interview">
+        <names variable="interviewer" delimiter=", ">
+          <label form="verb" prefix=" " suffix=" "/>
+          <name and="text" delimiter-precedes-last="never"/>
+        </names>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="motion_picture song broadcast" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=", ">
+          <text variable="medium"/>
+          <text variable="dimensions"/>
+        </group>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="book">
+        <choose>
+          <if variable="version medium" match="any">
+            <group delimiter=", ">
+              <group delimiter=" ">
+                <text term="version"/>
+                <text variable="version"/>
+              </group>
+              <text variable="medium"/>
+            </group>
+          </if>
+        </choose>
+      </else-if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="alt-publisher">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="book chapter paper-conference entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia" match="none">
+        <text variable="publisher"/>
+      </if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="place">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="speech">
+        <group delimiter=", ">
+          <text variable="event"/>
+          <text variable="event-place"/>
+        </group>
+      </if>
+      <else-if type="article-magazine article-newspaper" match="any"/>
+      <else>
+        <text variable="publisher-place"/>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="date">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="article-journal" match="none">
+        <choose>
+          <if type="book chapter paper-conference thesis" match="any">
+            <choose>
+              <if variable="issued">
+                <text macro="edition"/>
+                <date variable="issued" form="numeric" date-parts="year"/>
+              </if>
+              <else>
+                <text term="no date" form="short"/>
+              </else>
+            </choose>
+          </if>
+          <else-if type="article-newspaper article-magazine graphic entry-encyclopedia entry-dictionary report speech interview manuscript personal_communication" match="any">
+            <choose>
+              <if variable="issued">
+                <date form="numeric" variable="issued"/>
+              </if>
+              <else>
+                <text term="no date" form="short"/>
+              </else>
+            </choose>
+          </else-if>
+          <else-if type="webpage post-weblog" match="any">
+            <date variable="issued">
+              <date-part name="day" suffix=". "/>
+              <date-part name="month" form="numeric" suffix=". "/>
+              <date-part name="year"/>
+            </date>
+          </else-if>
+        </choose>
+      </if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="pages">
+    <group delimiter=", ">
+      <group delimiter=" ">
+        <label variable="page" form="short"/>
+        <text variable="page"/>
+      </group>
+      <text macro="locator"/>
+    </group>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="locator">
+    <group delimiter=" ">
+      <text value="hier"/>
+      <label variable="locator" form="short"/>
+      <text variable="locator"/>
+    </group>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="book-series">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="book chapter paper-conference entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia" match="any">
+        <group delimiter=", " prefix="(" suffix=")">
+          <text variable="collection-title"/>
+          <group delimiter=" ">
+            <label text-case="capitalize-first" variable="collection-number" form="short"/>
+            <text variable="collection-number"/>
+          </group>
+        </group>
+      </if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="artwork-description">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="graphic">
+        <group delimiter=", ">
+          <text variable="medium"/>
+          <text variable="dimensions"/>
+          <text variable="genre"/>
+        </group>
+      </if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="archive-location">
+    <group delimiter=", ">
+      <text variable="archive"/>
+      <text variable="archive_location"/>
+      <text variable="call-number"/>
+    </group>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="url-web-documents-only">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="webpage post post-weblog" match="any">
+        <text macro="url"/>
+      </if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="url">
+    <group delimiter=", ">
+      <text variable="URL" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>
+      <group delimiter=" ">
+        <text term="accessed"/>
+        <date variable="accessed">
+          <date-part name="day" suffix="."/>
+          <date-part name="month" form="numeric" suffix="."/>
+          <date-part name="year"/>
+        </date>
+      </group>
+    </group>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="edition">
+    <number vertical-align="sup" variable="edition" form="ordinal"/>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="locator-newspaper">
+    <group delimiter=" ">
+      <label text-case="capitalize-first" variable="edition" form="short"/>
+      <text variable="edition"/>
+    </group>
+  </macro>
+  <citation>
+    <layout delimiter="; " suffix=".">
+      <choose>
+        <if position="ibid-with-locator">
+          <group delimiter=", ">
+            <text term="ibid"/>
+            <text macro="locator"/>
+          </group>
+        </if>
+        <else-if position="ibid">
+          <text term="ibid"/>
+        </else-if>
+        <else-if position="subsequent">
+          <text macro="subsequent-reference"/>
+        </else-if>
+        <else>
+          <choose>
+            <if type="article" match="any">
+              <text macro="archive-location"/>
+            </if>
+            <else>
+              <group delimiter=", ">
+                <group delimiter=", ">
+                  <text macro="creator"/>
+                  <group delimiter=", ">
+                    <text macro="title"/>
+                    <group delimiter=", ">
+                      <group delimiter=": ">
+                        <text macro="in"/>
+                        <text macro="container-creator"/>
+                        <group delimiter=", ">
+                          <group delimiter=" ">
+                            <text macro="container-information"/>
+                            <text macro="journal-volume"/>
+                          </group>
+                          <text macro="volumes"/>
+                        </group>
+                      </group>
+                    </group>
+                    <text macro="type-description"/>
+                  </group>
+                </group>
+                <text macro="alt-publisher"/>
+                <group delimiter=" ">
+                  <text macro="place"/>
+                  <group delimiter=", ">
+                    <text macro="date"/>
+                    <text macro="locator-newspaper"/>
+                  </group>
+                  <date variable="original-date" form="text" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>
+                  <text macro="book-series"/>
+                </group>
+                <text macro="artwork-description"/>
+                <text macro="pages"/>
+                <text macro="url-web-documents-only"/>
+              </group>
+            </else>
+          </choose>
+        </else>
+      </choose>
+    </layout>
+  </citation>
+  <bibliography hanging-indent="true">
+    <sort>
+      <key macro="creator-bib" names-min="3" names-use-first="3"/>
+      <key variable="issued" sort="descending"/>
+    </sort>
+    <layout suffix=".">
+      <group delimiter=", ">
+        <group delimiter=", ">
+          <text macro="creator-bib"/>
+          <group delimiter=", ">
+            <text macro="title"/>
+            <group delimiter=": ">
+              <text macro="in"/>
+              <text macro="container-creator"/>
+            </group>
+            <group delimiter=", ">
+              <group delimiter=" ">
+                <text macro="container-information"/>
+                <text macro="journal-volume"/>
+              </group>
+              <text macro="volumes"/>
+            </group>
+            <text macro="type-description"/>
+          </group>
+        </group>
+        <text macro="alt-publisher"/>
+        <group delimiter=" ">
+          <text macro="place"/>
+          <text macro="date"/>
+          <date variable="original-date" form="text" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>
+          <text macro="book-series"/>
+        </group>
+        <text macro="artwork-description"/>
+        <text macro="archive-location"/>
+        <text macro="pages"/>
+        <text macro="url-web-documents-only"/>
+      </group>
+    </layout>
+  </bibliography>
diff --git a/institut-national-de-recherches-archeologiques-preventives.csl b/institut-national-de-recherches-archeologiques-preventives.csl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5e7dbc7fd8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/institut-national-de-recherches-archeologiques-preventives.csl
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
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+  <info>
+    <title>Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (French)</title>
+    <title-short>INRAP</title-short>
+    <id></id>
+    <link href="" rel="self"/>
+    <link href="" rel="template"/>
+    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
+    <author>
+      <name>Clément Féliu</name>
+      <email></email>
+    </author>
+    <author>
+      <name>Réseau documentalistes Inrap</name>
+      <email></email>
+    </author>
+    <category citation-format="author-date"/>
+    <category field="history"/>
+    <category field="anthropology"/>
+    <summary>Author-date style for Inrap reports</summary>
+    <updated>2019-03-20T20:00:00+00:00</updated>
+    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
+  </info>
+  <locale xml:lang="fr-FR">
+    <style-options limit-day-ordinals-to-day-1="true"/>
+    <date form="text" delimiter=" ">
+      <date-part name="day" form="ordinal"/>
+      <date-part name="month"/>
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+      <date-part name="year"/>
+    </date>
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+      <term name="editor" form="short">
+        <single>dir.</single>
+        <multiple>dir.</multiple>
+      </term>
+      <term name="container-author" form="short">
+        <single>dir.</single>
+        <multiple>dir.</multiple>
+      </term>
+      <term name="in">In</term>
+      <term name="anonymous">anonyme</term>
+      <term name="anonymous" form="short">anon.</term>
+      <term name="accessed">lien valide au</term>
+      <term name="no date">sans date</term>
+      <term name="no date" form="short">s.d.</term>
+      <term name="page" form="short">p.</term>
+      <term name="number-of-pages" form="short">p.</term>
+      <term name="month-01" gender="masculine">janvier</term>
+      <term name="month-02" gender="masculine">février</term>
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+      <term name="month-04" gender="masculine">avril</term>
+      <term name="month-05" gender="masculine">mai</term>
+      <term name="month-06" gender="masculine">juin</term>
+      <term name="month-07" gender="masculine">juillet</term>
+      <term name="month-08" gender="masculine">août</term>
+      <term name="month-09" gender="masculine">septembre</term>
+      <term name="month-10" gender="masculine">octobre</term>
+      <term name="month-11" gender="masculine">novembre</term>
+      <term name="month-12" gender="masculine">décembre</term>
+      <term name="ordinal">&#7497;</term>
+      <term name="ordinal-01" gender-form="feminine" match="whole-number">ʳ&#7497;</term>
+      <term name="ordinal-01" gender-form="masculine" match="whole-number">&#7497;ʳ</term>
+    </terms>
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+        <name-part name="given" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
+      </name>
+      <substitute>
+        <text macro="editor"/>
+      </substitute>
+    </names>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="editor">
+    <names variable="editor">
+      <name name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=" " initialize-with="." delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always">
+        <name-part name="family" text-case="uppercase"/>
+        <name-part name="given" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
+      </name>
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+    </names>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="container-author">
+    <names variable="container-author">
+      <name name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=" " initialize-with="." delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always">
+        <name-part name="family" text-case="uppercase"/>
+        <name-part name="given" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
+      </name>
+      <label form="short" text-case="lowercase" prefix=" "/>
+      <substitute>
+        <text macro="editor"/>
+      </substitute>
+    </names>
+  </macro>
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+    <choose>
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+        <names variable="author">
+          <name form="short" delimiter=", " et-al-min="3" et-al-use-first="1"/>
+          <et-al font-variant="normal" font-style="italic"/>
+        </names>
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+        <text macro="editor-short"/>
+      </else-if>
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+      <name form="short" delimiter=", " et-al-min="3" et-al-use-first="1"/>
+      <et-al font-variant="normal" font-style="italic"/>
+    </names>
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+    <text variable="page" prefix="p.&#160;" suffix="."/>
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+          <text value=""/>
+          <text variable="DOI"/>
+        </if>
+        <else-if variable="URL">
+          <group delimiter=" ">
+            <text value="URL&#160;:" text-case="uppercase"/>
+            <text variable="URL"/>
+          </group>
+        </else-if>
+      </choose>
+      <group prefix="[" suffix="]" delimiter=" ">
+        <text term="accessed"/>
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+      </group>
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+    <group delimiter="&#160;; " prefix="(" suffix=")">
+      <text variable="collection-title"/>
+      <text variable="collection-number"/>
+    </group>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="title">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="book thesis map report" match="any">
+        <text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
+      </if>
+      <else-if type="paper-conference speech chapter article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper entry entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia post-weblog post webpage broadcast" match="any">
+        <text variable="title"/>
+      </else-if>
+      <else>
+        <text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="publisher">
+    <group delimiter="&#160;: ">
+      <text variable="publisher-place"/>
+      <text variable="publisher"/>
+    </group>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="year-date">
+    <choose>
+      <if variable="issued">
+        <date variable="issued">
+          <date-part name="year"/>
+        </date>
+      </if>
+      <else>
+        <text term="no date" form="short"/>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="edition">
+    <choose>
+      <if is-numeric="edition">
+        <group delimiter=" ">
+          <number variable="edition" form="ordinal"/>
+          <text term="edition" form="short" suffix="." text-case="lowercase" strip-periods="true"/>
+        </group>
+      </if>
+      <else>
+        <text variable="edition"/>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
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+    <choose>
+      <if type="report" match="none">
+        <choose>
+          <if is-numeric="number-of-pages">
+            <group delimiter="&#160;">
+              <text variable="number-of-pages"/>
+              <text value="p."/>
+            </group>
+          </if>
+          <else>
+            <text variable="number-of-pages"/>
+          </else>
+        </choose>
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+          <if is-numeric="page">
+            <group delimiter="&#160;">
+              <text variable="page"/>
+              <text value="p."/>
+            </group>
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+          <else>
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+          </else>
+        </choose>
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+      <group display="block">
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+                <group delimiter=" ">
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+                      <text value="[en ligne]"/>
+                    </if>
+                  </choose>
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+                <text variable="volume"/>
+                <text variable="issue"/>
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+                  <group delimiter=" ">
+                    <text macro="access"/>
+                  </group>
+                </if>
+              </choose>
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+              <text value="In&#160;:" font-style="italic"/>
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+                <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
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+          </choose>
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diff --git a/inter-research-science-center.csl b/inter-research-science-center.csl
index 9417bb5e108..9a7e46b7098 100644
--- a/inter-research-science-center.csl
+++ b/inter-research-science-center.csl
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
     <link href="" rel="self"/>
-    <link href="" rel="template"/>
+    <link href="" rel="template"/>
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       <name>Stefania M Gorgopa</name>
diff --git a/ios-press-books.csl b/ios-press-books.csl
index 677c8b4935b..a2855d20612 100644
--- a/ios-press-books.csl
+++ b/ios-press-books.csl
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   <bibliography and="text" second-field-align="flush" entry-spacing="0">
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+      <key variable="author"/>
+    </sort>
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diff --git a/iso690-full-note-cs.csl b/iso690-full-note-cs.csl
index 9cdcd8dfaaa..957801deeb6 100644
--- a/iso690-full-note-cs.csl
+++ b/iso690-full-note-cs.csl
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
     <category citation-format="note"/>
     <category field="law"/>
     <summary>Czech ISO-690, full note.</summary>
-    <updated>2020-09-14T21:56:33+00:00</updated>
+    <updated>2020-09-18T10:00:11+00:00</updated>
     <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
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@@ -101,10 +101,10 @@
       <if variable="author" type="book" match="all">
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-          <label text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=" "/>
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diff --git a/journal-of-the-botanical-research-institute-of-texas.csl b/journal-of-the-botanical-research-institute-of-texas.csl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..97904e14e05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/journal-of-the-botanical-research-institute-of-texas.csl
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+  <!-- Polyglot; journal publishes in English and Spanish -->
+  <info>
+    <title>Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas</title>
+    <title-short>JBRIT</title-short>
+    <id></id>
+    <link href="" rel="self"/>
+    <link href="" rel="template"/>
+    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
+    <author>
+      <name>Kimberly Shay</name>
+      <email></email>
+    </author>
+    <category citation-format="author-date"/>
+    <category field="botany"/>
+    <issn>1934-5259</issn>
+    <eissn>2644-1608</eissn>
+    <summary>The author-date variant of the JBRIT</summary>
+    <updated>2020-09-09T16:53:39+00:00</updated>
+    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
+  </info>
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+      <term name="translator" form="short">trans.</term>
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+          <names variable="translator"/>
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+          <text macro="title"/>
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+      <text macro="recipient"/>
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+    <names variable="author">
+      <name form="short" and="symbol" initialize-with=". "/>
+      <substitute>
+        <names variable="editor"/>
+        <names variable="translator"/>
+        <names variable="director"/>
+        <text macro="substitute-title"/>
+        <text macro="title"/>
+      </substitute>
+    </names>
+  </macro>
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+      <label form="verb" prefix=" " text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=" "/>
+      <name and="text" delimiter=", "/>
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+      <text variable="archive"/>
+      <text variable="archive-place"/>
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+          <text macro="archive"/>
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+        <else-if type="article-journal bill book chapter legal_case legislation motion_picture paper-conference" match="none">
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+      <choose>
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+          <date variable="issued" form="text"/>
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+      </choose>
+      <choose>
+        <if variable="issued" match="none">
+          <group delimiter=" ">
+            <text term="accessed" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+            <date variable="accessed" form="text"/>
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+          <choose>
+            <if variable="DOI">
+              <text variable="DOI" strip-periods="true" prefix="doi:"/>
+            </if>
+            <else>
+              <text variable="URL"/>
+            </else>
+          </choose>
+        </if>
+      </choose>
+    </group>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="title">
+    <choose>
+      <if variable="title" match="none">
+        <choose>
+          <if type="personal_communication" match="none">
+            <text variable="genre" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
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+          <text term="version"/>
+          <text variable="version"/>
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+              <group delimiter=", ">
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+                  <label form="verb-short" text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
+                  <name and="text" delimiter=", "/>
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+                <label form="verb-short" text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
+                <name and="text" delimiter=", "/>
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+          </else>
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+            <group prefix="(" suffix=")">
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+                  <text variable="issue"/>
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+                <else>
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+          <group>
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+          <group>
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+            <text variable="section"/>
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+          <else>
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+          <if locator="page" match="none">
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+              <if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
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+                    <group>
+                      <text term="volume" form="short" suffix=" "/>
+                      <number variable="volume" form="numeric"/>
+                      <label variable="locator" form="short" prefix=", " suffix=" "/>
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+                  <else>
+                    <label variable="locator" form="short" suffix=" "/>
+                  </else>
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+              <else>
+                <label variable="locator" form="short" suffix=" "/>
+              </else>
+            </choose>
+          </if>
+          <else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
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+    <text term="in" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+  </macro>
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+    <choose>
+      <if type="chapter entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia paper-conference" match="any">
+        <text macro="container-prefix" suffix=" "/>
+      </if>
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+    <choose>
+      <if type="webpage">
+        <text variable="container-title" text-case="title"/>
+      </if>
+      <else-if type="legal_case" match="none">
+        <group delimiter=" ">
+          <text variable="container-title-short" text-case="title" font-style="normal"/>
+          <choose>
+            <if type="post-weblog">
+              <text value="(blog)"/>
+            </if>
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+    <group delimiter=": ">
+      <text variable="publisher-place"/>
+      <text variable="publisher"/>
+    </group>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="date">
+    <choose>
+      <if variable="issued">
+        <group delimiter=" ">
+          <date variable="original-date" form="text" date-parts="year" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
+          <date variable="issued">
+            <date-part name="year"/>
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+      <else>
+        <text term="no date" form="short"/>
+      </else>
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+  </macro>
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+      <if variable="issued">
+        <group delimiter=" ">
+          <date variable="original-date" form="text" date-parts="year" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>
+          <date variable="issued">
+            <date-part name="year"/>
+          </date>
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+        <text variable="status"/>
+      </else-if>
+      <else>
+        <text term="no date" form="short"/>
+      </else>
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+    <date variable="issued">
+      <date-part name="month"/>
+      <date-part name="day" prefix=" "/>
+    </date>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="collection-title">
+    <choose>
+      <if match="none" type="article-journal">
+        <choose>
+          <if match="none" is-numeric="collection-number">
+            <group delimiter=", ">
+              <text variable="collection-title" text-case="title"/>
+              <text variable="collection-number"/>
+            </group>
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+          <else>
+            <group delimiter=" ">
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+              <text variable="collection-number"/>
+            </group>
+          </else>
+        </choose>
+      </if>
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+  </macro>
+  <macro name="collection-title-journal">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="article-journal">
+        <group delimiter=" ">
+          <text variable="collection-title"/>
+          <text variable="collection-number"/>
+        </group>
+      </if>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="event">
+    <group delimiter=" ">
+      <choose>
+        <if variable="genre">
+          <text term="presented at"/>
+        </if>
+        <else>
+          <text term="presented at" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+        </else>
+      </choose>
+      <text variable="event"/>
+    </group>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="description">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="interview">
+        <group delimiter=". ">
+          <text macro="interviewer"/>
+          <text variable="medium" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+        </group>
+      </if>
+      <else-if type="patent">
+        <group delimiter=" " prefix=". ">
+          <text variable="authority"/>
+          <text variable="number"/>
+        </group>
+      </else-if>
+      <else>
+        <text variable="medium" text-case="capitalize-first" prefix=". "/>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+    <choose>
+      <if variable="title" match="none"/>
+      <else-if type="thesis personal_communication speech" match="any"/>
+      <else>
+        <group delimiter=" " prefix=". ">
+          <text variable="genre" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+          <choose>
+            <if type="report">
+              <text variable="number"/>
+            </if>
+          </choose>
+        </group>
+      </else>
+    </choose>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="issue">
+    <choose>
+      <if type="legal_case">
+        <text variable="authority" prefix=". "/>
+      </if>
+      <else-if type="speech">
+        <group prefix=". " delimiter=", ">
+          <group delimiter=" ">
+            <text variable="genre" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+            <text macro="event"/>
+          </group>
+          <text variable="event-place"/>
+          <text macro="day-month"/>
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+      <else-if type="article-newspaper article-magazine personal_communication" match="any">
+        <date variable="issued" form="text" prefix=", "/>
+      </else-if>
+      <else-if type="patent">
+        <group delimiter=", " prefix=", ">
+          <group delimiter=" ">
+            <text value="filed"/>
+            <date variable="submitted" form="text"/>
+          </group>
+          <group delimiter=" ">
+            <choose>
+              <if variable="issued submitted" match="all">
+                <text term="and"/>
+              </if>
+            </choose>
+            <text value="issued"/>
+            <date variable="issued" form="text"/>
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+    <title>Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública (Spanish)</title>
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+      <name>Gilmer Solis-Sánchez</name>
+      <email></email>
+    </author>
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+      <name>Franco Romani</name>
+      <email></email>
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+    <category field="medicine"/>
+    <issn>1726-4634</issn>
+    <eissn>1726-4642</eissn>
+    <summary>Estilo de citas y bibliografía de la Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública en estilo Vancouver según lo definido por el International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Sample References</summary>
+    <updated>2020-09-21T19:39:19+00:00</updated>
+    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/springer-basic-author-date-no-et-al-with-issue.csl
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+    <title>Springer - Basic (author-date, no "et al.", with issue numbers)</title>
+    <id></id>
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+    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
+    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
+    <!-- This style corresponds to 'Springer Basic' in the pdf document 'Key Style Points' at this url -->
+    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
+    <category citation-format="author-date"/>
+    <category field="generic-base"/>
+    <updated>2020-09-15T12:00:00+00:00</updated>
+    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
+  </info>
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+      <term name="edition" form="short">edn.</term>
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+  <bibliography hanging-indent="true">
+    <sort>
+      <key macro="author"/>
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+    <layout>
+      <group delimiter=" ">
+        <text macro="author"/>
+        <text macro="year-parenth"/>
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+      </group>
+      <choose>
+        <!--    Book chapter
+             Brown B, Aaron M (2001) The politics of nature.
+             In: Smith J (ed) The rise of modern genomics, 3rd edn.
+             Wiley, New York, pp 230-257 -->
+        <if type="chapter paper-conference" match="any">
+          <group delimiter=" " prefix=". ">
+            <text term="in" text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=":"/>
+            <names variable="editor">
+              <name sort-separator=" " initialize-with="" name-as-sort-order="all" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>
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+            </names>
+            <group delimiter=", ">
+              <text variable="container-title"/>
+              <text macro="edition"/>
+            </group>
+          </group>
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+            <text variable="publisher"/>
+            <text variable="publisher-place"/>
+            <group delimiter=" ">
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+              <text variable="page"/>
+            </group>
+          </group>
+        </if>
+        <else-if type="article-journal">
+          <choose>
+            <if variable="page volume" match="any">
+              <!--    Journal article
+                   Gamelin FX, Baquet G, Berthoin S, Thevenet D, Nourry C, Nottin S, Bosquet L (2009)
+                   Effect of high intensity intermittent training on heart rate variability in prepubescent children.
+                   Eur J Appl Physiol 105:731-738. doi: 10.1007/s00421-008-0955-8
+                   Ideally, the names of all authors should be provided, but the usage of "et al"
+                   in long author lists will also be accepted:
+                   Smith J, Jones M Jr, Houghton L et al (1999)
+                   Future of health insurance. N Engl J Med 965:325-329   -->
+              <group prefix=". ">
+                <group delimiter="">
+                  <text variable="container-title" form="short" strip-periods="true"/>
+                  <group delimiter="" prefix=" ">
+                    <text variable="volume"/>
+                    <text variable="issue" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
+                    <text variable="page" prefix=":"/>
+                  </group>
+                  <text prefix="." variable="DOI"/>
+                </group>
+              </group>
+            </if>
+            <else>
+              <!--    Article by DOI
+       Slifka MK, Whitton JL (2000) Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production.
+       J Mol Med. doi:10.1007/s001090000086     -->
+              <group prefix=". " delimiter=". ">
+                <text variable="container-title" form="short" strip-periods="true"/>
+                <text prefix="" variable="DOI"/>
+              </group>
+            </else>
+          </choose>
+        </else-if>
+        <else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
+          <!--    Book
+               South J, Blass B (2001) The future of modern genomics. Blackwell, London    -->
+          <group prefix=". " delimiter=", ">
+            <text variable="publisher"/>
+            <text variable="publisher-place"/>
+          </group>
+        </else-if>
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+          <!--    Online document
+               Doe J (1999) Title of subordinate document. In: The dictionary of substances and their effects.
+               Royal Society of Chemistry. Available via DIALOG.
+      of subordinate document. Accessed 15 Jan 1999
+               Unfortunately, "Royal Society of Chemistry. Available via DIALOG." cannot seem to be mapped here -->
+          <group prefix=". " delimiter=". ">
+            <text prefix="In: " variable="container-title" form="short"/>
+            <text variable="URL"/>
+            <date variable="accessed">
+              <date-part prefix="Accessed " name="day" suffix=" "/>
+              <date-part name="month" form="short" suffix=" " strip-periods="true"/>
+              <date-part name="year"/>
+            </date>
+          </group>
+        </else-if>
+        <else-if type="thesis">
+          <!--    Dissertation
+               Trent JW (1975) Experimental acute renal failure. Dissertation, University of California       -->
+          <group prefix=". " delimiter=", ">
+            <text variable="genre" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
+            <text variable="publisher"/>
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+          <!--    None of the provided formats need to add manually (some data provided) -->
+          <group prefix=". " delimiter=" ">
+            <text variable="container-title" form="short"/>
+            <group delimiter=":">
+              <text variable="volume"/>
+              <text variable="page"/>
+            </group>
+          </group>
+        </else>
+      </choose>
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