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@oleiade oleiade released this 02 Aug 12:50
· 78 commits to main since this release

What's changed

⚠️ Important: This release contains significant changes that might affect your existing workflows. All client methods are now asynchronous, which is a breaking change from earlier versions. ⚠️

The following public methods have become asynchronous in this release:

  • KinesisClient
  • KMSClient
  • S3Client
  • SecretsManagerClient
  • SQSClient
  • SystemsManagerClient

However, the SignatureV4 class and its methods remain synchronous.

What this Means for You

Asynchronous Methods

In version v0.9.0, client methods are now async functions, which means they return a Promise instead of a data type. For instance, the S3Client.listBuckets method, previously defined as listBuckets(): Array<S3Bucket>, is now an async function: async listBuckets(): Promise<Array<S3Bucket>>.

Using the Asynchronous Methods

You can handle the returned Promise using the await keyword. This way, your asynchronous code will have a synchronous look and feel. Here's an example:

export default async function () {
  // ...
  const buckets = await s3.listBuckets()
Note: k6's setup, teardown, handleSummary, and default functions can be declared as async functions.

## Full Example

import exec from 'k6/execution'
import { AWSConfig, S3Client } from ''

const testFile = open('bonjour.txt', 'r')
const awsConfig = new AWSConfig.fromEnvironment()
const s3 = new S3Client(awsConfig)
const testBucketName = 'test-jslib-aws'
const testFileKey = 'bonjour.txt'

export default async function () {
    const buckets = await s3.listBuckets()
    if (buckets.filter((b) => === testBucketName).length == 0) {

    await s3.putObject(testBucketName, testFileKey, testFile)
    const objects = await s3.listObjects(testBucketName)
    if (objects.filter((o) => o.key === testFileKey).length == 0) {

    const obj = await s3.getObject(testBucketName, testFileKey)
    await s3.deleteObject(testBucketName, testFileKey)

Compatibility with Older k6 Versions

If you're using an older version of k6 that doesn't support asynchronous code execution, we recommend staying with v0.8.1 until you upgrade your k6 version.