Grace Scaffolding and Fields plugin work together will make you more productive.
Grace Scaffolding lets you generate some basic CRUD interfaces for a domain class, including:
GSP views
Controller actions for create/read/update/delete (CRUD) operations
you can set the scaffold
property in the Controller to a specific domain class to use Dynamic scaffolding:
class BookController {
static scaffold = Book
Grace CLI provides some useful commands to do this job quickly,
$ grace generate-all Book
$ grace generate-async-controller Book
$ grace generate-controller Book
$ grace generate-views Book
$ grace create-scaffold-controller Book
To make it easier for users to use and upgrade, Plugin adopts a version policy consistent with the Grace Framework.
Plugin Version | Grace Version |
6.2.x | 2023.2.x |
6.1.x | 2023.1.x |
6.0.x | 2023.0.x |
5.2.x | 2022.2.x |
5.1.x | 2022.1.x |
5.0.x | 2022.0.x |
This plugin is available as open source under the terms of the APACHE LICENSE, VERSION 2.0