diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 3e4cd7b4e..15d3c71a9 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
     "@babel/preset-typescript": "7.14.5",
     "@commitlint/cli": "12.1.4",
     "@commitlint/config-conventional": "12.1.4",
-    "@graasp/websockets": "git://github.com/graasp/graasp-websockets.git#master",
     "@testing-library/jest-dom": "5.11.6",
     "@testing-library/react": "11.2.2",
     "@testing-library/react-hooks": "7.0.0",
diff --git a/src/api/chat.ts b/src/api/chat.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b7567a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/chat.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import { PartialChatMessage, QueryClientConfig, UUID } from '../types';
+import { buildGetItemChatRoute, buildPostItemChatMessageRoute } from './routes';
+import { DEFAULT_GET, DEFAULT_POST, failOnError } from './utils';
+export const getItemChat = async (
+  id: UUID,
+  { API_HOST }: QueryClientConfig,
+) => {
+  const res = await fetch(
+    `${API_HOST}/${buildGetItemChatRoute(id)}`,
+  ).then(failOnError);
+  const itemChat = await res.json();
+  return itemChat;
+export const postItemChatMessage = async (
+  { chatId, body }: PartialChatMessage,
+  { API_HOST }: QueryClientConfig,
+) => {
+  const res = await fetch(
+    `${API_HOST}/${buildPostItemChatMessageRoute(chatId)}`,
+    {
+      ...DEFAULT_POST,
+      body: JSON.stringify({ body }),
+    },
+  ).then(failOnError);
+  const publishedMessage = await res.json();
+  return publishedMessage;
diff --git a/src/api/index.ts b/src/api/index.ts
index d56d9e0bd..cbc6efe16 100644
--- a/src/api/index.ts
+++ b/src/api/index.ts
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ export * from './authentication';
 export * from './itemTag';
 export * from './itemLogin';
 export * from './itemFlag';
+export * from './chat';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/api/routes.ts b/src/api/routes.ts
index 9b739634b..fd941aed9 100644
--- a/src/api/routes.ts
+++ b/src/api/routes.ts
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ export const buildShareItemWithRoute = (id: UUID) =>
 export const buildGetItemMembershipsForItemRoute = (id: UUID) =>
+export const buildGetItemChatRoute = (id: UUID) => `${ITEMS_ROUTE}/${id}/chat`;
+export const buildPostItemChatMessageRoute = (id: UUID) =>
+  `${ITEMS_ROUTE}/${id}/chat`;
 export const buildGetMemberBy = (email: string) =>
diff --git a/src/config/keys.ts b/src/config/keys.ts
index 979d6a295..919413bc9 100644
--- a/src/config/keys.ts
+++ b/src/config/keys.ts
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ export const CURRENT_MEMBER_KEY = 'currentMember';
 export const MEMBERS_KEY = 'members';
 export const buildMemberKey = (id: UUID) => [MEMBERS_KEY, id];
 export const buildItemParentsKey = (id: UUID) => [ITEMS_KEY, id, 'parents'];
+export const CHATS_KEY = 'chats';
+export const buildItemChatKey = (id: UUID) => [CHATS_KEY, id];
 export const getKeyForParentId = (parentId: UUID | null) =>
   parentId ? buildItemChildrenKey(parentId) : OWN_ITEMS_KEY;
@@ -48,4 +50,5 @@ export const MUTATION_KEYS = {
   POST_ITEM_FLAG: 'postItemFlag',
   EDIT_ITEM_MEMBERSHIP: 'editItemMembership',
   DELETE_ITEM_MEMBERSHIP: 'deleteItemMembership',
+  POST_ITEM_CHAT_MESSAGE: 'postChatMessage',
diff --git a/src/hooks/chat.ts b/src/hooks/chat.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aedc95641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hooks/chat.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import { useQuery } from 'react-query';
+import * as Api from '../api';
+import { buildItemChatKey } from '../config/keys';
+import { QueryClientConfig, UUID } from '../types';
+export default (queryConfig: QueryClientConfig) => {
+  const { retry, cacheTime, staleTime } = queryConfig;
+  const defaultOptions = {
+    retry,
+    cacheTime,
+    staleTime,
+  };
+  return {
+    useItemChat: (itemId: UUID) =>
+      useQuery({
+        queryKey: buildItemChatKey(itemId),
+        queryFn: () =>
+          Api.getItemChat(itemId, queryConfig).then((data) => data),
+        ...defaultOptions,
+        enabled: Boolean(itemId),
+      }),
+  };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/hooks/index.ts b/src/hooks/index.ts
index 5d2ebfd04..fa52c748a 100644
--- a/src/hooks/index.ts
+++ b/src/hooks/index.ts
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import configureItemHooks from './item';
 import configureMemberHooks from './member';
 import configureItemTagHooks from './itemTag';
 import configureItemFlagHooks from './itemFlag';
+import configureChatHooks from './chat';
 import { QueryClientConfig } from '../types';
 export default (queryClient: QueryClient, queryConfig: QueryClientConfig) => ({
@@ -10,4 +11,5 @@ export default (queryClient: QueryClient, queryConfig: QueryClientConfig) => ({
+  ...configureChatHooks(queryConfig),
diff --git a/src/mutations/chat.ts b/src/mutations/chat.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e4bba1db1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mutations/chat.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { QueryClient } from 'react-query';
+import * as Api from '../api'
+import { MUTATION_KEYS } from '../config/keys';
+import { QueryClientConfig } from '../types';
+export default (queryClient: QueryClient, queryConfig: QueryClientConfig) => {
+  queryClient.setMutationDefaults(POST_ITEM_CHAT_MESSAGE, {
+      mutationFn: (chatMsg) => Api.postItemChatMessage(chatMsg, queryConfig),
+  });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mutations/index.ts b/src/mutations/index.ts
index 76fbfbcf2..160f0e80e 100644
--- a/src/mutations/index.ts
+++ b/src/mutations/index.ts
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import memberMutations from './member';
 import tagsMutations from './itemTag';
 import flagsMutations from './itemFlag';
 import itemMembershipMutations from './membership';
+import chatMutations from './chat';
 import { QueryClientConfig } from '../types';
 const configureMutations = (
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ const configureMutations = (
   memberMutations(queryClient, queryConfig);
   tagsMutations(queryClient, queryConfig);
   flagsMutations(queryClient, queryConfig);
+  chatMutations(queryClient, queryConfig);
 export default configureMutations;
diff --git a/src/types.ts b/src/types.ts
index a15bf42eb..ce6b18bab 100644
--- a/src/types.ts
+++ b/src/types.ts
@@ -77,3 +77,20 @@ export enum PERMISSION_LEVELS {
   WRITE = 'write',
   ADMIN = 'admin',
+export type PartialChatMessage = {
+  chatId: string;
+  body: string;
+export type ChatMessage = {
+  chatId: string;
+  creator: string;
+  createdAt: string;
+  body: string;
+export interface Chat {
+  id: string;
+  messages: Array<ChatMessage>;
diff --git a/src/ws/constants.ts b/src/ws/constants.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ba5e7ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ws/constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * TODO: use types from graasp-websockets
+ */
+/** Namespace for notifications realm */
+export const REALM_NOTIF = 'notif';
+/** Client actions */
+export const CLIENT_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE = 'subscribe';
+export const CLIENT_ACTION_UNSUBSCRIBE = 'unsubscribe';
+export const CLIENT_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE_ONLY = 'subscribeOnly';
+export const CLIENT_ACTION_DISCONNECT = 'disconnect';
+/** Server message types */
+export const SERVER_TYPE_RESPONSE = 'response';
+export const SERVER_TYPE_UPDATE = 'update';
+export const SERVER_TYPE_INFO = 'info';
+/** Server response status */
+export const RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS = 'success';
+export const RESPONSE_STATUS_ERROR = 'error';
+/** Error names */
+export const ERROR_NOT_FOUND = 'NOT_FOUND';
diff --git a/src/ws/hooks.ts b/src/ws/hooks.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index fff85f1b5..000000000
--- a/src/ws/hooks.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
- * Graasp websocket client
- * React effect hooks to subscribe to real-time updates and mutate query client
- *
- * @author Alexandre CHAU
- */
-import {
-} from '@graasp/websockets/src/interfaces/constants';
-import { ServerMessage } from '@graasp/websockets/src/interfaces/message';
-import { List } from 'immutable';
-import { useEffect } from 'react';
-import { QueryClient } from 'react-query';
-import {
-  buildItemChildrenKey,
-  buildItemKey,
-} from '../config/keys';
-import { Item, UUID } from '../types';
-import { Channel, GraaspWebsocketClient } from './ws-client';
-export default (
-  websocketClient: GraaspWebsocketClient,
-  queryClient: QueryClient,
-) => ({
-  /**
-   * React hook to subscribe to the children updates of the give parent item ID
-   *
-   * @param parentId The ID of the parent on which to observe children updates
-   */
-  useChildrenUpdates: (parentId: UUID) => {
-    useEffect(() => {
-      if (!parentId) {
-        return;
-      }
-      const channel: Channel = { name: parentId, entity: WS_ENTITY_ITEM };
-      const parentChildrenKey = buildItemChildrenKey(parentId);
-      const handler = (data: ServerMessage) => {
-        if (
-          data.type === WS_SERVER_TYPE_UPDATE &&
-          data.body.kind === WS_UPDATE_KIND_CHILD_ITEM &&
-          data.body.entity === WS_ENTITY_ITEM
-        ) {
-          const current: List<Item> | undefined = queryClient.getQueryData(
-            parentChildrenKey,
-          );
-          const value = data.body.value as Item;
-          let mutation;
-          switch (data.body.op) {
-            case WS_UPDATE_OP_CREATE: {
-              if (current && !current.find((i) => i.id === value.id)) {
-                mutation = current.push(value);
-                queryClient.setQueryData(parentChildrenKey, mutation);
-                queryClient.setQueryData(buildItemKey(value.id), value);
-              }
-              break;
-            }
-            case WS_UPDATE_OP_DELETE: {
-              if (current) {
-                mutation = current.filter((i) => i.id !== value.id);
-                queryClient.setQueryData(parentChildrenKey, mutation);
-              }
-              break;
-            }
-            default:
-              break;
-          }
-        }
-      };
-      websocketClient.subscribe(channel, handler);
-      return function cleanup() {
-        websocketClient.unsubscribe(channel, handler);
-      };
-    }, [parentId]);
-  },
-  useSharedItemsUpdates: (userId: UUID) => {
-    useEffect(() => {
-      if (!userId) {
-        return;
-      }
-      const channel: Channel = { name: userId, entity: WS_ENTITY_MEMBER };
-      const handler = (data: ServerMessage) => {
-        if (
-          data.type === WS_SERVER_TYPE_UPDATE &&
-          data.body.kind === WS_UPDATE_KIND_SHARED_WITH &&
-          data.body.entity === WS_ENTITY_MEMBER
-        ) {
-          const current: List<Item> | undefined = queryClient.getQueryData(
-            SHARED_ITEMS_KEY,
-          );
-          const value = data.body.value as Item;
-          let mutation;
-          switch (data.body.op) {
-            case WS_UPDATE_OP_CREATE: {
-              if (current && !current.find((i) => i.id === value.id)) {
-                mutation = current.push(value);
-                queryClient.setQueryData(SHARED_ITEMS_KEY, mutation);
-                queryClient.setQueryData(buildItemKey(value.id), value);
-              }
-              break;
-            }
-            case WS_UPDATE_OP_DELETE: {
-              if (current) {
-                mutation = current.filter((i) => i.id !== value.id);
-                queryClient.setQueryData(SHARED_ITEMS_KEY, mutation);
-              }
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      };
-      websocketClient.subscribe(channel, handler);
-      return function cleanup() {
-        websocketClient.unsubscribe(channel, handler);
-      };
-    }, [userId]);
-  },
diff --git a/src/ws/hooks/chat.ts b/src/ws/hooks/chat.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88af95e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ws/hooks/chat.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import { QueryClient } from 'react-query';
+import { buildItemChatKey } from '../../config/keys';
+import { Chat, ChatMessage, UUID } from '../../types';
+import { Channel, GraaspWebsocketClient } from '../ws-client';
+// todo: use graasp-types?
+interface ChatEvent {
+  kind: string;
+  op: string;
+  message: ChatMessage;
+export default (
+  websocketClient: GraaspWebsocketClient,
+  queryClient: QueryClient,
+) => ({
+  /**
+   * React hook to subscribe to the updates of the given chat ID
+   * @param chatId The ID of the chat of which to observves updates
+   */
+  useItemChatUpdates: (chatId: UUID) => {
+    if (!chatId) {
+      return;
+    }
+    const channel: Channel = { name: chatId, topic: 'chat/item' };
+    const handler = (event: ChatEvent) => {
+      if (event.kind === 'item') {
+        const chatKey = buildItemChatKey(chatId);
+        const current: Chat | undefined = queryClient.getQueryData(chatKey);
+        if (current) {
+          switch (event.op) {
+            case 'publish': {
+              const msg = event.message;
+              const newChat = Object.assign({}, current);
+              newChat.messages = [...current.messages];
+              newChat.messages.push(msg);
+              queryClient.setQueryData(chatKey, newChat);
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    websocketClient.subscribe(channel, handler);
+    return function cleanup() {
+      websocketClient.unsubscribe(channel, handler);
+    };
+  },
diff --git a/src/ws/hooks/index.ts b/src/ws/hooks/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f3ae14d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ws/hooks/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import { QueryClient } from 'react-query';
+import { GraaspWebsocketClient } from '../ws-client';
+import configureChatHooks from './chat';
+import configureItemHooks from './item';
+import configureMembershipHooks from './membership';
+export default (
+  websocketClient: GraaspWebsocketClient,
+  queryClient: QueryClient,
+) => {
+  return {
+    ...configureItemHooks(websocketClient, queryClient),
+    ...configureMembershipHooks(websocketClient, queryClient),
+    ...configureChatHooks(websocketClient, queryClient),
+  };
diff --git a/src/ws/hooks/item.ts b/src/ws/hooks/item.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ac6d6e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ws/hooks/item.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+ * Graasp websocket client
+ * React effect hooks to subscribe to real-time updates and mutate query client
+ */
+import { List, Record } from 'immutable';
+import { useEffect } from 'react';
+import { QueryClient } from 'react-query';
+import {
+  buildItemChildrenKey,
+  buildItemKey,
+} from '../../config/keys';
+import { Item, UUID } from '../../types';
+import { Channel, GraaspWebsocketClient } from '../ws-client';
+// TODO: use graasp-types?
+interface ItemEvent {
+  kind: string;
+  op: string;
+  item: Item;
+export default (
+  websocketClient: GraaspWebsocketClient,
+  queryClient: QueryClient,
+) => ({
+  /**
+   * React hook to subscribe to the updates of the given item ID
+   * @param itemId The ID of the item of which to observe updates
+   */
+  useItemUpdates: (itemId: UUID) => {
+    useEffect(() => {
+      if (!itemId) {
+        return;
+      }
+      const channel: Channel = { name: itemId, topic: 'item' };
+      const itemKey = buildItemKey(itemId);
+      const handler = (event: ItemEvent) => {
+        if (event.kind === 'self') {
+          const current: Record<Item> | undefined = queryClient.getQueryData(
+            itemKey,
+          );
+          const item = event.item;
+          if (current?.get('id') === item.id) {
+            switch (event.op) {
+              case 'update': {
+                queryClient.setQueryData(itemKey, item);
+                break;
+              }
+              case 'delete': {
+                queryClient.setQueryData(itemKey, null);
+                break;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      };
+      websocketClient.subscribe(channel, handler);
+      return function cleanup() {
+        websocketClient.unsubscribe(channel, handler);
+      };
+    }, [itemId]);
+  },
+  /**
+   * React hook to subscribe to the children updates of the given parent item ID
+   * @param parentId The ID of the parent on which to observe children updates
+   */
+  useChildrenUpdates: (parentId: UUID) => {
+    useEffect(() => {
+      if (!parentId) {
+        return;
+      }
+      const channel: Channel = { name: parentId, topic: 'item' };
+      const parentChildrenKey = buildItemChildrenKey(parentId);
+      const handler = (event: ItemEvent) => {
+        if (event.kind === 'child') {
+          const current: List<Item> | undefined = queryClient.getQueryData(
+            parentChildrenKey,
+          );
+          if (current) {
+            const item = event.item;
+            let mutation;
+            switch (event.op) {
+              case 'create': {
+                if (!current.find((i) => i.id === item.id)) {
+                  mutation = current.push(item);
+                  queryClient.setQueryData(parentChildrenKey, mutation);
+                  queryClient.setQueryData(buildItemKey(item.id), item);
+                }
+                break;
+              }
+              case 'update': {
+                // replace value if it exists
+                mutation = current.map((i) => (i.id === item.id ? item : i));
+                queryClient.setQueryData(parentChildrenKey, mutation);
+                queryClient.setQueryData(buildItemKey(item.id), item);
+                break;
+              }
+              case 'delete': {
+                mutation = current.filter((i) => i.id !== item.id);
+                queryClient.setQueryData(parentChildrenKey, mutation);
+                break;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      };
+      websocketClient.subscribe(channel, handler);
+      return function cleanup() {
+        websocketClient.unsubscribe(channel, handler);
+      };
+    }, [parentId]);
+  },
+  /**
+   * React hook to subscribe to the owned items updates of the given user ID
+   * @param userId The ID of the user on which to observe owned items updates
+   */
+  useOwnItemsUpdates: (userId: UUID) => {
+    useEffect(() => {
+      if (!userId) {
+        return;
+      }
+      const channel: Channel = { name: userId, topic: 'item/member' };
+      const handler = (event: ItemEvent) => {
+        if (event.kind === 'own') {
+          const current: List<Item> | undefined = queryClient.getQueryData(
+            OWN_ITEMS_KEY,
+          );
+          if (current) {
+            const item = event.item;
+            let mutation;
+            switch (event.op) {
+              case 'create': {
+                if (!current.find((i) => i.id === item.id)) {
+                  mutation = current.push(item);
+                  queryClient.setQueryData(OWN_ITEMS_KEY, mutation);
+                  queryClient.setQueryData(buildItemKey(item.id), item);
+                }
+                break;
+              }
+              case 'update': {
+                // replace value if it exists
+                mutation = current.map((i) => (i.id === item.id ? item : i));
+                queryClient.setQueryData(OWN_ITEMS_KEY, mutation);
+                queryClient.setQueryData(buildItemKey(item.id), item);
+                break;
+              }
+              case 'delete': {
+                mutation = current.filter((i) => i.id !== item.id);
+                queryClient.setQueryData(OWN_ITEMS_KEY, mutation);
+                break;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      };
+      websocketClient.subscribe(channel, handler);
+      return function cleanup() {
+        websocketClient.unsubscribe(channel, handler);
+      };
+    }, [userId]);
+  },
+  /**
+   * React hook to subscribe to the shared items updates of the given user ID
+   * @param parentId The ID of the user on which to observe shared items updates
+   */
+  useSharedItemsUpdates: (userId: UUID) => {
+    useEffect(() => {
+      if (!userId) {
+        return;
+      }
+      const channel: Channel = { name: userId, topic: 'item/member' };
+      const handler = (event: ItemEvent) => {
+        if (event.kind === 'shared') {
+          const current: List<Item> | undefined = queryClient.getQueryData(
+            SHARED_ITEMS_KEY,
+          );
+          if (current) {
+            const item = event.item;
+            let mutation;
+            switch (event.op) {
+              case 'create': {
+                if (!current.find((i) => i.id === item.id)) {
+                  mutation = current.push(item);
+                  queryClient.setQueryData(SHARED_ITEMS_KEY, mutation);
+                  queryClient.setQueryData(buildItemKey(item.id), item);
+                }
+                break;
+              }
+              case 'update': {
+                // replace value if it exists
+                mutation = current.map((i) => (i.id === item.id ? item : i));
+                queryClient.setQueryData(SHARED_ITEMS_KEY, mutation);
+                queryClient.setQueryData(buildItemKey(item.id), item);
+                break;
+              }
+              case 'delete': {
+                mutation = current.filter((i) => i.id !== item.id);
+                queryClient.setQueryData(SHARED_ITEMS_KEY, mutation);
+                break;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      };
+      websocketClient.subscribe(channel, handler);
+      return function cleanup() {
+        websocketClient.unsubscribe(channel, handler);
+      };
+    }, [userId]);
+  },
diff --git a/src/ws/hooks/membership.ts b/src/ws/hooks/membership.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4591e86e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ws/hooks/membership.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import { List } from 'immutable';
+import { useEffect } from 'react';
+import { QueryClient } from 'react-query';
+import { buildItemMembershipsKey } from '../../config/keys';
+import { Membership, UUID } from '../../types';
+import { Channel, GraaspWebsocketClient } from '../ws-client';
+// todo: use graasp-types?
+interface MembershipEvent {
+  kind: string;
+  op: string;
+  membership: Membership;
+export default (
+  websocketClient: GraaspWebsocketClient,
+  queryClient: QueryClient,
+) => ({
+  /**
+   * React hooks to subscribe to membership updates for a given item ID
+   * @param itemId The ID of the item of which to observe memberships updates
+   */
+  useItemMembershipsUpdates: (itemId: UUID) => {
+    useEffect(() => {
+      if (!itemId) {
+        return;
+      }
+      const channel: Channel = { name: itemId, topic: 'memberships/item' };
+      const itemMembershipsKey = buildItemMembershipsKey(itemId);
+      const handler = (event: MembershipEvent) => {
+        if (event.kind === 'item') {
+          const current:
+            | List<Membership>
+            | undefined = queryClient.getQueryData(itemMembershipsKey);
+          const membership = event.membership;
+          if (current && membership.itemId === itemId) {
+            let mutation;
+            switch (event.op) {
+              case 'create': {
+                if (!current.find((m) => m.id === membership.id)) {
+                  mutation = current.push(membership);
+                  queryClient.setQueryData(itemMembershipsKey, mutation);
+                }
+                break;
+              }
+              case 'update': {
+                mutation = current.map((m) =>
+                  m.id === membership.id ? membership : m,
+                );
+                queryClient.setQueryData(itemMembershipsKey, mutation);
+                break;
+              }
+              case 'delete': {
+                mutation = current.filter((m) => m.id !== membership.id);
+                queryClient.setQueryData(itemMembershipsKey, mutation);
+                break;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      };
+      websocketClient.subscribe(channel, handler);
+      return function cleanup() {
+        websocketClient.unsubscribe(channel, handler);
+      };
+    }, [itemId]);
+  },
diff --git a/src/ws/index.ts b/src/ws/index.ts
index c65ca75ef..e835522bb 100644
--- a/src/ws/index.ts
+++ b/src/ws/index.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
  * Graasp websocket client top-level file
  * Entry point to use the Graasp WebSocket client in front-end applications
- *
- * @author Alexandre CHAU
 import { QueryClient } from 'react-query';
diff --git a/src/ws/protocol.ts b/src/ws/protocol.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b523626b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ws/protocol.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ * TODO: use types from graasp-websockets
+ */
+import {
+} from './constants';
+ * Default message shape
+ * Must have the REALM_NOTIF type to allow future message types unrelated to notifications
+ */
+interface Message {
+  realm: typeof REALM_NOTIF;
+ * Message sent by client to disconnect
+ */
+export interface ClientDisconnect extends Message {
+ * Message sent by client to subscribe to some channel
+ */
+export interface ClientSubscribe extends Message {
+  action: typeof CLIENT_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE;
+  topic: string;
+  channel: string;
+ * Message sent by client to unsubscribe from some channel
+ */
+export interface ClientUnsubscribe extends Message {
+  topic: string;
+  channel: string;
+ * Message sent by client to subscribe to a single channel
+ * (i.e. it also unsubscribes it from any other channel)
+ */
+export interface ClientSubscribeOnly extends Message {
+  topic: string;
+  channel: string;
+ * Message sent by server as a response to a {@link ClientMessage}
+ */
+export interface ServerResponse extends Message {
+  type: typeof SERVER_TYPE_RESPONSE;
+  error?: Error;
+  request?: ClientMessage;
+ * Message sent by server for misc broadcasts unrelated to a channel
+ */
+export interface ServerInfo extends Message {
+  type: typeof SERVER_TYPE_INFO;
+  message: string;
+  extra?: unknown;
+ * Message sent by server for update notifications sent over a channel
+ */
+export interface ServerUpdate extends Message {
+  type: typeof SERVER_TYPE_UPDATE;
+  topic: string;
+  channel: string;
+  body: unknown;
+ * Client message type is union type of all client message subtypes
+ */
+export type ClientMessage =
+  | ClientDisconnect
+  | ClientSubscribe
+  | ClientUnsubscribe
+  | ClientSubscribeOnly;
+ * Server message type is union type of all server message subtypes
+ */
+export type ServerMessage = ServerResponse | ServerInfo | ServerUpdate;
diff --git a/src/ws/ws-client.ts b/src/ws/ws-client.ts
index a7c622ed8..57b1077ad 100644
--- a/src/ws/ws-client.ts
+++ b/src/ws/ws-client.ts
@@ -2,35 +2,26 @@
  * Graasp websocket client
  * Provides front-end integration for real-time updates using WebSocket
  * Implements the client protocol from https://github.com/graasp/graasp-websockets
- *
- * @author Alexandre CHAU
-import {
-  EntityName,
-} from '@graasp/websockets/src/interfaces/constants';
-import {
-  ClientMessage,
-  ServerMessage,
-} from '@graasp/websockets/src/interfaces/message';
 import { QueryClientConfig } from '../types';
+import {
+} from './constants';
+import { ClientMessage, ServerMessage } from './protocol';
 export type Channel = {
-  entity: EntityName;
+  topic: string;
   name: string;
-// client-side representation of unsollicited server info messages channel
-export const INFO_CHANNEL_NAME = 'info';
-type UpdateHandlerFn = (data: ServerMessage) => void;
+type UpdateHandlerFn = (data: any) => void;
  * Helper to remove the first element in an array that
@@ -69,8 +60,8 @@ function addToMappedArray<S, T>(map: Map<S, Array<T>>, key: S, value: T) {
 function buildChannelKey(channel: Channel): string {
   // ensure serialized key is always identical (properties + order)
   const rebuiltChannel: Channel = {
+    topic: channel.topic,
     name: channel.name,
-    entity: channel.entity,
   return JSON.stringify(rebuiltChannel);
@@ -87,14 +78,14 @@ export interface GraaspWebsocketClient {
    * @param channel Channel to which to subscribe to
    * @param handler Handler function to register
-  subscribe(channel: Channel, handler: UpdateHandlerFn): void;
+  subscribe<T>(channel: Channel, handler: (data: T) => void): void;
    * Unsubscribe a handler from a channel, THE HANDLER MUST === THE ONE PASSED TO SUBSCRIBE
    * @param channel Channel from wihch to unsubscribe the provided handler from
    * @param handler Handler function to unregster, MUST BE EQUAL (===) TO PREVIOUSLY REGISTERED HANDLE WITH @see subscribe !
-  unsubscribe(channel: Channel, handler: UpdateHandlerFn): void;
+  unsubscribe<T>(channel: Channel, handler: (data: T) => void): void;
 export const configureWebsocketClient = (
@@ -119,17 +110,18 @@ export const configureWebsocketClient = (
   const sendSubscribeRequest = (channel: Channel) => {
-      realm: WS_REALM_NOTIF,
-      entity: channel.entity,
+      realm: REALM_NOTIF,
+      topic: channel.topic,
       channel: channel.name,
   const sendUnsubscribeRequest = (channel: Channel) => {
-      realm: WS_REALM_NOTIF,
+      realm: REALM_NOTIF,
+      topic: channel.topic,
       channel: channel.name,
@@ -140,82 +132,65 @@ export const configureWebsocketClient = (
     current: new Map<string, Array<UpdateHandlerFn>>(),
     info: new Array<UpdateHandlerFn>(),
-    add: (
-      channel: Channel | typeof INFO_CHANNEL_NAME,
-      handler: UpdateHandlerFn,
-    ): boolean => {
-      if (channel === INFO_CHANNEL_NAME) {
-        // if subscribed to info, no ack to wait for
-        subscriptions.info.push(handler);
+    add: (channel: Channel, handler: UpdateHandlerFn): boolean => {
+      const channelKey = buildChannelKey(channel);
+      const maybeCurrent = subscriptions.current.get(channelKey);
+      if (maybeCurrent !== undefined && maybeCurrent.length > 0) {
+        // if already subscribed, don't subscribe again, simply register handler in current
+        addToMappedArray(subscriptions.current, channelKey, handler);
         return false;
       } else {
-        const channelKey = buildChannelKey(channel);
-        const maybeCurrent = subscriptions.current.get(channelKey);
-        if (maybeCurrent !== undefined && maybeCurrent.length > 0) {
-          // if already subscribed, don't subscribe again, simply register handler in current
-          addToMappedArray(subscriptions.current, channelKey, handler);
-          return false;
-        } else {
-          // if WS not ready, add to early, otherwise add to waiting ack
-          const map =
-            ws.readyState === ws.OPEN
-              ? subscriptions.waitingAck
-              : subscriptions.early;
-          // create queue if doesn't exist for this channel, otherwise push to it
-          addToMappedArray(map, channelKey, handler);
-          return true;
-        }
+        // if WS not ready, add to early, otherwise add to waiting ack
+        const map =
+          ws.readyState === ws.OPEN
+            ? subscriptions.waitingAck
+            : subscriptions.early;
+        // create queue if doesn't exist for this channel, otherwise push to it
+        addToMappedArray(map, channelKey, handler);
+        return true;
-    remove: (
-      channel: Channel | typeof INFO_CHANNEL_NAME,
-      handler: UpdateHandlerFn,
-    ): boolean => {
-      if (channel === INFO_CHANNEL_NAME) {
-        arrayRemoveFirstEqual(subscriptions.info, handler);
-        return false;
-      } else {
-        // helper to remove from a subscription map
-        const _remove = (
-          map: Map<string, Array<UpdateHandlerFn>>,
-          channelKey: string,
-          handler: UpdateHandlerFn,
-        ): boolean => {
-          const queue = map.get(channelKey);
-          if (queue !== undefined) {
-            return arrayRemoveFirstEqual(queue, handler);
-          } else {
-            return false;
-          }
-        };
-        // helper to cleanup mapped array if it is empty
-        const _cleanup = (
-          map: Map<string, Array<UpdateHandlerFn>>,
-          channelKey: string,
-        ): boolean => {
-          const isNowEmpty = map.get(channelKey)?.length === 0;
-          if (isNowEmpty) {
-            // cleanup array
-            map.delete(channelKey);
-          }
-          return isNowEmpty;
-        };
-        const channelKey = buildChannelKey(channel);
-        // find first map from which to remove from
-        if (_remove(subscriptions.early, channelKey, handler)) {
-          // no need to send unsubscribe if still in early
-          return false;
-        } else if (_remove(subscriptions.waitingAck, channelKey, handler)) {
-          // if in waitingAck must send unsubscribe if just got emptied
-          return _cleanup(subscriptions.waitingAck, channelKey);
-        } else if (_remove(subscriptions.current, channelKey, handler)) {
-          // if in current must send unsubscribe if just got emptied
-          return _cleanup(subscriptions.current, channelKey);
+    remove: (channel: Channel, handler: UpdateHandlerFn): boolean => {
+      // helper to remove from a subscription map
+      const _remove = (
+        map: Map<string, Array<UpdateHandlerFn>>,
+        channelKey: string,
+        handler: UpdateHandlerFn,
+      ): boolean => {
+        const queue = map.get(channelKey);
+        if (queue !== undefined) {
+          return arrayRemoveFirstEqual(queue, handler);
         } else {
           return false;
+      };
+      // helper to cleanup mapped array if it is empty
+      const _cleanup = (
+        map: Map<string, Array<UpdateHandlerFn>>,
+        channelKey: string,
+      ): boolean => {
+        const isNowEmpty = map.get(channelKey)?.length === 0;
+        if (isNowEmpty) {
+          // cleanup array
+          map.delete(channelKey);
+        }
+        return isNowEmpty;
+      };
+      const channelKey = buildChannelKey(channel);
+      // find first map from which to remove from
+      if (_remove(subscriptions.early, channelKey, handler)) {
+        // no need to send unsubscribe if still in early
+        return false;
+      } else if (_remove(subscriptions.waitingAck, channelKey, handler)) {
+        // if in waitingAck must send unsubscribe if just got emptied
+        return _cleanup(subscriptions.waitingAck, channelKey);
+      } else if (_remove(subscriptions.current, channelKey, handler)) {
+        // if in current must send unsubscribe if just got emptied
+        return _cleanup(subscriptions.current, channelKey);
+      } else {
+        return false;
@@ -250,17 +225,19 @@ export const configureWebsocketClient = (
     const update = serdes.parse(event.data);
     switch (update.type) {
-      case WS_SERVER_TYPE_INFO: {
-        subscriptions.info.forEach((fn) => fn(update));
+      case SERVER_TYPE_INFO: {
+        subscriptions.info.forEach((fn) =>
+          fn({ message: update.message, extra: update.extra }),
+        );
-        if (update.status === WS_RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+        if (update.status === RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
           const req = update.request;
-          if (req?.action === WS_CLIENT_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE) {
+          if (req?.action === CLIENT_ACTION_SUBSCRIBE) {
             // when ack, move all from waiting acks to current
-            subscriptions.ack({ name: req?.channel, entity: req?.entity });
+            subscriptions.ack({ name: req?.channel, topic: req?.topic });
         } else {
@@ -270,12 +247,12 @@ export const configureWebsocketClient = (
-      case WS_SERVER_TYPE_UPDATE: {
+      case SERVER_TYPE_UPDATE: {
         // send update to all handlers of this channel
-        const channel = { name: update.channel, entity: update.body.entity };
+        const channel = { name: update.channel, topic: update.topic };
         const channelKey = buildChannelKey(channel);
         const handlers = subscriptions.current.get(channelKey);
-        handlers?.forEach((fn) => fn(update));
+        handlers?.forEach((fn) => fn(update.body));
@@ -285,25 +262,13 @@ export const configureWebsocketClient = (
   return {
-    subscribe: (
-      channel: Channel | typeof INFO_CHANNEL_NAME,
-      handler: UpdateHandlerFn,
-    ) => {
-      if (
-        subscriptions.add(channel, handler) &&
-        channel !== INFO_CHANNEL_NAME
-      ) {
+    subscribe: <T>(channel: Channel, handler: (data: T) => void) => {
+      if (subscriptions.add(channel, handler)) {
-    unsubscribe: (
-      channel: Channel | typeof INFO_CHANNEL_NAME,
-      handler: UpdateHandlerFn,
-    ) => {
-      if (
-        subscriptions.remove(channel, handler) &&
-        channel !== INFO_CHANNEL_NAME
-      ) {
+    unsubscribe: <T>(channel: Channel, handler: (data: T) => void) => {
+      if (subscriptions.remove(channel, handler)) {
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 "find-up@npm:4.1.0, find-up@npm:^4.0.0, find-up@npm:^4.1.0":
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-"p-map@npm:^2.0.0, p-map@npm:^2.1.0":
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-"proxy-addr@npm:^2.0.7, proxy-addr@npm:~2.0.5":
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 "redux@npm:^3.6.0 || ^4.0.0":
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 "set-value@npm:^2.0.0, set-value@npm:^2.0.1":
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