GraalWasm is a WebAssembly engine implemented in GraalVM. It can interpret and compile WebAssembly programs in the binary format, or be embedded into other programs.
We are working hard towards making GraalWasm more stable and more efficient, as well as to implement various WebAssembly extensions. Feedback, bug reports, and open-source contributions are welcome!
- Python 3 (required by
) - GIT (to download, update, and locate repositories)
- JDK 11+
- emscripten or wasi-sdk for translating C files
To build GraalWasm, you need to follow the standard workflow for Graal projects. We summarize the basic steps below:
- Create a new folder where your repositories
should be located:
$ mkdir graalvm
$ cd graalvm
- Clone
and add it to thePATH
$ git clone
$ export PATH=$PWD/mx:$PATH
- Clone the
repository and enter the wasm directory:
$ git clone
$ cd graal/wasm
- Set
$ export JAVA_HOME=[path to JDK]
- Build the project:
$ mx --dy /truffle,/compiler build
These steps will build the wasm.jar
file in the mxbuild/dists/jdk<version>
which contains the GraalWasm implementation.
The build
command will also create the wasm-tests.jar
, which contains the main test cases. To run these tests, the
WebAssembly binary toolkit is needed.
- Download the binary of the WebAssembly binary toolkit(wabt) and extract it.
- Set
$ export WABT_DIR=[path to wabt]/bin
After building GraalWasm, the WasmTestSuite
can be run as follows:
$ mx --dy /truffle,/compiler --jdk jvmci unittest \
-Dwasmtest.watToWasmExecutable=$WABT_DIR/wat2wasm \
-Dwasmtest.testFilter="^.*\$" \
To run a specific test, you can specify a regex for its name with the testFilter
Here is an example command that runs all the tests that mention branch
in their name:
$ mx --dy /truffle,/compiler --jdk jvmci unittest \
-Dwasmtest.watToWasmExecutable=$WABT_DIR/wat2wasm \
-Dwasmtest.testFilter="^.*branch.*\$" \
This command results in the following output:
Running: BranchBlockSuite (4/16 tests - you have enabled filters)
Using runtime:
Finished running: BranchBlockSuite
🍀 4/4 Wasm tests passed.
The WasmTestSuite
is the aggregation of all basic tests.
The GraalWasm repository includes a set of additional tests and benchmarks that are written in C, and are not part of the default build. To compile these programs, you will need to install additional dependencies on your system.
To build these additional tests and benchmarks, you need to:
- Install the Emscripten SDK. We currently test against Emscripten 1.39.13.
$ cd [preferred emsdk install location]
# Clone repository
$ git clone
# Move to folder
$ cd emsdk
# Install sdk
$ ./emsdk install [version number]
# Activate sdk
$ ./emsdk activate [version number]
# Set up environment
$ source ./
- Set
$ export EMCC_DIR=[path to emsdk]/upstream/emscripten
$ export GCC_DIR=[path to gcc (usually /usr/bin)]
- Run
$ cd grallvm/graal/wasm
$ mx emscripten-init ~/.emscripten [path to emsdk] --local
- Build with additional dependencies:
$ mx --dy /truffle,/compiler build --all
This will build several additional JARs in mxbuild/dists/jdk<version>
and wasm-benchmarkcases.jar
These JAR files contain .wasm
files that correspond to the tests and the benchmarks
whose source code is in C.
You can run the additional tests as follows:
$ mx --dy /truffle,/compiler --jdk jvmci unittest \
-Dwasmtest.watToWasmExecutable=$WABT_DIR/wat2wasm \
-Dwasmtest.testFilter="^.*\$" \
This will result in the following output:
Running: CSuite (1 tests)
Using runtime:
Finished running: CSuite
🍀 1/1 Wasm tests passed.
We currently have the following extra test suites:
-- set of programs written in the C languageWatSuite
-- set of programs written in textual WebAssembly
The GraalWasm project includes a custom JMH-based benchmark suite,
which is capable of running WebAssembly benchmark programs.
The benchmark programs consist of several special functions,
most notably benchmarkRun
, which runs the body of the benchmark.
The benchmarks are kept in the src/
MX project.
For the benchmarks to run NODE_DIR
has to be set. You can use the node version that is part of Emscripten, for
$ export NODE_DIR=[path to emsdk]/node/14.15.5_64bit/bin
After building the additional benchmarks, as described in the last section, they can be executed as follows:
$ mx --dy /compiler benchmark wasm:WASM_BENCHMARKCASES -- \
-Dwasmbench.benchmarkName=[benchmark-name] -- \
In the previous command, replace [benchmark-name]
with the particular benchmark name,
for example, cdf
This runs the JMH wrapper for the test, and produces an output similar to the following:
# Warmup: 10 iterations, 10 s each
# Measurement: 10 iterations, 10 s each
# Timeout: 10 min per iteration
# Threads: 1 thread, will synchronize iterations
# Benchmark mode: Throughput, ops/time
# Benchmark:
# Run progress: 0.00% complete, ETA 00:03:20
# Fork: 1 of 1
# Warmup Iteration 1: 0.123 ops/s
# Warmup Iteration 2: 0.298 ops/s
# Warmup Iteration 3: 0.707 ops/s
Iteration 9: 0.723 ops/s
Iteration 10: 0.736 ops/s
Result "":
0.725 ±(99.9%) 0.012 ops/s [Average]
(min, avg, max) = (0.711, 0.725, 0.736), stdev = 0.008
CI (99.9%): [0.714, 0.737] (assumes normal distribution)
# Run complete. Total time: 00:03:47
We currently have the following benchmark suites:
-- set of programs written in CWatBenchmarkSuite
-- set of programs written in textual WebAssembly
GraalWasm contains a tool for extracting the internal memory layout for a given WebAssembly application. This is useful for detecting the causes of memory overhead.
To execute the memory layout extractor, run:
$ mx --dy /compiler wasm-memory-layout -Djol.magicFieldOffset=true -- [wasm-file]
This prints the memory layout tree of the given file to the console. The application provides additional options:
- --warmup-iterations: to set the number of warmup iterations.
- --entry-point: to set the entry point of the application. This is used to perform linking
- --output: to extract the memory layout into a file instead of the console.
You can also pass all other options available in GraalWasm such as --wasm.Builtins=wasi_snapshot_preview1
The resulting tree represents a recursive representation of the Objects alive in GraalWasm starting from
the WasmContext
. The output looks similar to this:
-context: 6598280 Byte [100%]
-equivalenceClasses: 1320 Byte [0%]
-table: 80 Byte [0%]
-table[0]: 384 Byte [0%]
-key: 72 Byte [0%]
-paramTypes: 24 Byte [0%]
-resultTypes: 24 Byte [0%]
-next: 280 Byte [0%]
-key: 64 Byte [0%]
-paramTypes: 24 Byte [0%]
-resultTypes: 16 Byte [0%]
-next: 184 Byte [0%]
-key: 56 Byte [0%]
-paramTypes: 16 Byte [0%]
-resultTypes: 16 Byte [0%]
-next: 96 Byte [0%]
-key: 64 Byte [0%]
-paramTypes: 24 Byte [0%]
-resultTypes: 16 Byte [0%]
-table[2]: 208 Byte [0%]
-key: 72 Byte [0%]
-paramTypes: 24 Byte [0%]
-resultTypes: 24 Byte [0%]
-next: 104 Byte [0%]
The names represent the names of fields in classes. For example equivalenceClasses
is a field in WasmContext
The values next to the names represent the absolute amount of memory in bytes while the number in brackets represent
the relative contribution to the overall memory overhead.
Names with indices represent array entries such as table[0]
For the latest GraalWasm release, see the GraalVM dev builds page. If downloading GraalWasm as a separate GraalVM component, you can download it as follows (replace JDK and GraalVM versions with appropriate values):
$ graalvm-ce-java8-21.2.0/bin/gu install --force -L wasm-installable-java8-linux-<version>.jar
This will install a launcher, which runs WebAssembly modules. For example, assuming that compiled the following C program with Emscripten:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int number = 1;
int rows = 10;
for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
printf("%d ", number);
return 0;
You can run the compiled WebAssembly binary as follows:
$ graalvm/bin/wasm --Builtins=memory,env:emscripten floyd.wasm
In this example, the flag --Builtins
specifies built-in modules
that the Emscripten toolchain assumes.
GraalWasm can be accessed programmatically with the Polyglot API, which allows embedding GraalWasm into user programs.
Here is a simple example of how to run a WebAssembly program using GraalWasm from a Java application:
import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;
byte[]binary=readBytes("example.wasm"); // You need to load the .wasm contents into a byte array.
Context.Builder contextBuilder=Context.newBuilder("wasm");
Source.Builder sourceBuilder=Source.newBuilder("wasm",ByteSequence.create(binary),"example");
Value mainFunction=context.getBindings("wasm").getMember("example").getMember("_main");
For more polyglot-related examples, consult the documentation at the GraalVM website.
- Download the wasi-sdk and unpack it.
- Set
:$ export WASI_SDK=[path to wasi-sdk]
- Compile the C files
To export a specific function use the linker flag
$ $WASI_SDK/bin/clang -O3 -o test.wasm test.c
-Wl,--export="[function name]"
. - Most applications compiled with the wasi-sdk require WASI. To run a file with WASI enabled use the following command:
$ graalvm/bin/wasm --Builtins=wasi_snapshot_preview1 test.wasm