Seed is a skeleton project based on springboot2.x, integrating common components such as dubbo, redis, and various best practices, and its submodule division rules are as follows:
- ❑ common:Common module
- ❑ dal:Data Access Layer
- ❑ service:Service Layer
- ❑ controller:Controller Layer
- ❑ integration:Integrate third-party services, such as dubbo
- ❑ facade:Provide dubbo services
With this skeleton project, you have completed the integration of the following modules:
- Dubbo
- Druid
- Mybatis
- Pagehelper
- Swagger
- Redission
- Curator
- Spring Security
- Sharding-JDBC
- Sentinel
- RocketMQ
- Elastic-Job
- Seata
- Nacos
- SkyWalking
- MapStruct
You can choose to modify directly from the source or generate from the skeleton. The way to use the skeleton is as follows:
Put the Skeleton into the Maven Local Repository
$ cd seed $ mv ./seed-archetype ~/.m2/repository/com/base/seed-archetype
Generate new project
$ mvn archetype:generate \ -DinteractiveMode=false \ -DarchetypeGroupId=com.base \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=seed-archetype \ -DarchetypeVersion=0.0.1-SNAPSHOT \ -DgroupId=[your groupId] \ -DartifactId=[your artifactId] \ -Dpackage=[your package] \ -Dversion=[your version]
configuration fileserver.port spring.datasource.druid.url spring.datasource.druid.username spring.datasource.druid.password dubbo.redistry.address registry.zookeeper.serverLists
- Disabled Redis: set
redis.enabled = false
- Multi-Profiles:
mvn xxx -Pdev/test/prod
spring |
5.2.2.RELEASE |
spring-boot-starter-parent |
2.2.2.RELEASE |
dubbo-spring-boot-starter | |
druid-spring-boot-starter |
1.1.17 |
pagehelper-spring-boot-starter |
1.2.13 |
mybatis-spring-boot-starter |
2.1.1 |
vjkit |
1.0.8 |
fastjson |
1.2.70 |
swagger |
2.9.2 |
lombok |
1.8.12 |
redission |
3.13.1 |
curator |
5.1.0 |
zookeeper |
3.6.0 |
mockito |
3.5.13 |