will stop at the end November 2015, So please note that the latest releases for 5.4 and 5.3 are now available at Maven Central.
for version >= 4.0.0
Since version 5.4, Tapestry supports jQuery and Prototype. So you don't need any more our Tapestry-jquery.js to use integrate your favorite jQuery plugin.
Tapestry5-jquery module is now focusing on :
- overriding some core component like Datefield
- providing a collections of jQuery components that play well with Tapestry 5.4 or higher.
for version < 4.0.0
This module provides jQuery integration for Tapestry 5 and allow you to work with or to replace the tapestry.js file based on prototype.
Exclusive jQuery components :
- Accordion
- based on
- Carousel
- Based on
- CheckBox
- Based on
- Dialog with DialogLink and DialogAjaxLink
- based on
- FlexSlider
- InPlaceEditor
- RangeSlider
- Slider
- based on
- Superfish
- Tabs
- based on
- Gallery
- based on
- Jcrop
Exclusive jQuery Mixins :
- Button
- based on
- Bind
- binds jQuery events to Tapestry pages/components and HTML elements. based on
- CustomDatepicker
- Based on
- CustomZone
- Based on
- Mask
- Slider
- Based on
- Tooltip
- based on
Exclusive jQuery Binding Prefixes :
- selector
- selector:id returns #clientId allows finding typos at java runtime instead of at javascript runtime
Theses following components are proposing an alternative implementation of some Tapestry 5 component :
- DateField
- based on:
- Palette
- ProgressiveDisplay
Theses components were originally present in Tapestry 5 jQuery
Reveal is now part of tapestry5-foundation
AjaxUpload is now part of tapestry5-jquery-upload
All kind of feedback is very welcome. Please use Github issues system for that.
- The wiki
- Twitter:
Just add the following dependency in your pom.xml
For Tapestry 5.4 users:
For Tapestry 5.3 users:
Then use components like you would normally do. For Autocomplete and Palette use "jquery" namespace:
<t:jquery.autocomplete />
<t:submit />
Or add jquery to the tapestry-library namespace:
<html xmlns:t=""
<j:palette />
<t:textfield t:mixins="jquery/autocomplete" ... />
<t:submit />
- 4.1.2: #378, #383, #380 Update to support jQuery 1.12.4 & jQuery UI 1.12.2
- 4.1.1 : #372, #373, #375
- 4.1.0 : Update to Tapestry 5.4.1
- 4.0.0 : Update to Tapestry 5.4.0
- 4.0-rc-1 : Update to Tapestry 5.4-rc-1 & Upgrade libs
- Jcrop from v0.9.12 to v2.0.2
- Colorbox from v1.4.27 (16/072013) to v1.6.3 (27/07/2015)
- FlexSlider from v2.2.0 to v2.5.0
- jeditable from v1.7.1 to v1.7.3
- contextMenu from ??? to v1.9.2 (2015)
- raty from v2.5.2 (2010) to v2.7.0 (2015)
- placeholder from v2.0.7 (2013) to v2.1.3 (2015)
- masked input from v1.3.1 (2013) to v1.4.1 (2015)
- jsrcollpane from v2.0.0beta12 (2012) to v2.0.22 (2015)
- 4.0-beta-35-SNAPSHOT : Update to Tapestry 5.4-beta-35 & Upgrade libs
- superfish from v1.7.4 (2013) to v1.7.6 (2015)
- 4.0-beta-29 : Update to Tapestry 5.4-beta-29 & jQuery UI 1.11.3,#362, deployment to Maven Central
- 4.0.1-beta-26 : Update to Tapestry 5.4-beta-26 , #353, #352
- 4.0.1-SNAPSHOT : Update to Tapestry 5.4-beta-22, #339
- 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT : Update to Tapestry 5.4-beta-2
- 3.5.2: Fix "Unable to locate asset" issue on ImportJQueryUIWorker
- 3.5.1: #383 Reverse jQuery version to 1.12.2 to avoid jQuery issue 2432
- 3.5.0: #380 Update to support jQuery 1.12.4 & jQuery UI 1.12.1
- 3.4.3-SNAPSHOT #353, #352, #350
- 3.4.2 (stable): Update to Tapestry 5.3.8 (Java 1.8) deployment to Maven Central
- 3.4.1 : #342, #336
- 3.4.0 : Upgrade libs
- jQuery 1.10.2
- jQueryUI 1.10.3
- jcarousel 0.2.9
- superfish 1.7.4
- Colorbox 1.4.27
- Masked Input plugin for jQuery 1.3.1
- FlexSlider 2.2.0
- Jcrop 0.9.12
- Replaced jquery.placeholder.js with
- [breaking change] Replaced codemirror.js with codemirror:
- 3.3.11 : (stable) backport #263 deployment to Maven Central
- 3.3.10 : backport #311
- 3.3.9 : Update to Tapestry 5.3.8 (Java 1.8) #342, #336
- 3.3.8 : add EXCLUDE_CORE_JS_STACK symbol needed when more than one war is deployed in a portlet container.
- 3.3.7 : #304, #303, #302, #301, #299, #298, #297, #296, #295, #294, #291, #223
- 3.3.6 : #290, #287, #286, #285, #284, #283, #278, #274, #273, #272, #271, #270, #268, #260
- 3.3.1 : add GMap component
- 3.3.0 : Update to Tapestry 5.3.3
- 3.2.0 : Update to Tapestry 5.3.2
- 3.1.0 : Update to Tapestry 5.3.1
- 3.0.0 : Switch to Tapestry 5.3 (new JavaScript Layer)
- add Components : Gallery
2.6.9 : last release for Tapestry 5.2.6
2.6.8 : add Components ImageCropper
2.6.6 : handle datatable's ajax mode for server-side pagination
2.6.2 : more work on client side validation
2.6.1 :
- improve Validation Mecanism and DataTable Component
- add Components : InPlaceEditor, Draggable
- add Mixins : ZoneRefresh, ZoneDroppable
2.6.0 :
- switch to Tapestry 5.2.6
- add Mixins : CustomZone, Widget
- Other Mecanisms : EffectsParam, WidgetParams, Selector Binding
2.1.1 :
- added Components: Carousel, Checkbox, RangeSlide, Slider, Superfish
- added Mixins: CustomDatepicker, Mask, Reveal, Tooltip
2.1.0 : switch to Tapestry 5.2.5
- add (Tabs, Accordion, AjaxUpload, Button)
1.1-SNAPSHOT : exclusive jQuery components
1.0-SNAPSHOT : initial releases !
This project is distributed under Apache 2 License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.