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Releases: googleapis/python-pubsub


03 Feb 21:22
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New features

  • Added the ability for subscriber to batch requests. (#4895)
  • Added pending request backpressure for subscriber. (#4892)

Implementation changes

  • Raise ValueError when a message is too large for a batch. (#4872)
  • Updated the default batch size to 10 MB. (#4857)
  • Allow a custom Event type in Pub / Sub futures. (#4643)


  • Clarify that modify_ack_deadline resets the deadline. (#4822)


  • Fix unit test for default max_bytes value. (#4860)

v0.30.1: Making `google-cloud-pubsub==0.30.1` release. (#4644)

03 Feb 21:22
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Notable Implementation Changes

  • Moving lock factory used in publisher client to the Batch
    implementation (#4628).
  • Use a UUID (rather than a sentinel object) on Future (#4634).
  • Apply scopes to explicitly provided credentials if needed (#4594).
    Fixes #4479. This feature comes as part of google-api-core==0.1.3.


  • Upgrading to google-api-core==0.1.3 which depends on the latest
    grpcio==1.8.2 (#4642). This fixes #4600. For details, see related
    gRPC bug and


v0.30.0: Creating `google-cloud-pubsub==0.30.0` release. (#4619)

03 Feb 21:21
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Notable Implementation Changes

  • Dropping redundant Policy._paused data member (#4568).
  • Removing redundant "active" check in policy (#4603).
  • Adding a property (#4604).
  • Making it impossible to call on an already opened
    policy (#4606).
  • Bug fix (#4575): Fix bug with async publish for batches. There
    were two related bugs. The first: if a batch exceeds the max_messages
    from the batch settings, then the commit() will fail. The second:
    when a "monitor" worker calls commit() after max_latency seconds,
    a failure can occur if a new message is added to the batch during
    the commit. To fix, the following changes were implemented:
    • Adding a "STARTING" status for Batch.commit() (#4614). This
      fixes the issue when the batch exceeds max_messages.
    • Adding extra check in Batch.will_accept for the number of
      messages (#4612).
    • Moving will_accept() check out of PublisherClient.batch()
      factory (#4613).
    • Checking Batch.will_accept in thread-safe way (#4616).
  • Breaking API change: As part of #4613, changing PublisherClient.batch()
    to no longer accept a message (since the will_accept check needs to
    happen in a more concurrency friendly way). In addition, changing the
    create argument so that it means "create even if batch already exists"
    rather than "create if missing".


  • Add more explicit documentation for Message.attributes (#4601).
  • Make Message.__repr__ a bit prettier / more useful (#4602).



03 Feb 21:21
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Notable Implementation Changes

  • Bug fix: Restore previous behavior of the subscription lease
    maintenance worker. This was accidentally "stopped" in 0.29.3
    due to a change in implementation that went from an active
    boolean to an "inactive" / stopped boolean, so True became
    False and vice-versa (#4564).



03 Feb 21:21
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Notable Implementation Changes

  • In subscription consumer thread: Making sure the request generator
    attached to an inactive bidirectional streaming pull is stopped before
    spawning a new request generator. This way we have a (fairly strong)
    guarantee that requests in the queue don't get sent into an inactive
    stream (#4503, #4554).
  • Adding pause / resume to subscription consumer thread and using these
    methods during flow control. The previous implementation tried to close the
    subscription (which involved 3 worker threads and 10 executors in a thread
    pool) and then re-open a new subscription. But, this was not entirely
    possible to shut down correctly from within one of the worker threads.
    Instead, we only pause the worker (of the 3) that is pulling new responses
    from the bidirectional streaming pull (#4558).
  • Bug fix (#4516): Using max where min was used by mistake to
    ensure the number of bytes tracked for subscription flow control
    remained non-negative (#4514).
  • Raising TypeError if SubscriberClient.subscribe receives a
    non-callable callback (#4497).
  • Shutting down thread pool executor when closing a subscriber
    policy (#4522).
  • Renaming Policy.on_callback_request to Policy.dispatch_callback
    and making the behavior much less dynamic (#4511).
  • Make sure subscription consumer thread doesn't try to join itself
    when exiting in error (#4540).


  • Upgrading google-api-core dependency to latest revision (0.1.2)
    since we rely on the latest version of the concurrent.futures backport
    to provide the thread_name_prefix argument for thread pool
    executor (#4521, #4559).



03 Feb 21:20
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Notable Implementation Changes

  • Bug fix (#4463): Making a subscription consumer actually stop
    running after encountering an exception (#4472, #4498). This bug
    is the only reason for the 0.29.2 release.
  • Thread Changes
    • Added names to all threads created directly by Pub / Sub (#4474,
      #4476, #4480). Also removing spaces and colons from thread
      names (#4476).
  • Logging changes
    • Adding debug logs when lease management exits (#4484)
    • Adding debug logs when QueueCallbackThread exits (#4494).
      Instances handle the processing of messages in a
      subscription (e.g. to ack).
    • Using a named logger in publisher.batch.thread (#4473)
    • Adding newlines before logging protobuf payloads (#4471)



03 Feb 21:20
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Notable Implementation Changes

  • Bug fix (#4234): Adding retries for connection UNAVAILABLE. This
    bug made the Pub / Sub client mostly unusable for subscribers to topics
    that don't have a steady stream of messages. After ~2 minutes of inactivity,
    the gRPC connection would timeout and raise UNAVAILABLE locally, i.e. not
    due to a response from the backend. (#4444)
  • Updating autogenerated packages (#4438)



  • Dropping dependency on google-cloud-core in exchange for
    google-api-core (#4438)


v0.29.0: Making release for most packages. (#4296)

03 Feb 21:19
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Notable Implementation Changes

  • Honor max_messages always (#4262)
  • Add futures for subscriptions (#4265)
  • Set gRPC message options and keepalive (#4269)


  • Added link to "Python Development Environment Setup Guide" in
    project README (#4187, h/t to @michaelawyu)


  • Upgrading to google-cloud-core >= 0.28.0 and adding dependency
    on google-api-core (#4221, #4280)
  • Deferring to google-api-core for grpcio and
    googleapis-common-protosdependencies (#4096, #4098)