diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index baac29f6974..38486eb0573 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ If you are using Maven without BOM, add this to your dependencies: If you are using Gradle 5.x or later, add this to your dependencies: ```Groovy -implementation platform('com.google.cloud:libraries-bom:26.2.0') +implementation platform('com.google.cloud:libraries-bom:26.3.0') implementation 'com.google.cloud:google-cloud-spanner' ``` diff --git a/google-cloud-spanner-bom/pom.xml b/google-cloud-spanner-bom/pom.xml index 88352a68ccf..76875eb7b01 100644 --- a/google-cloud-spanner-bom/pom.xml +++ b/google-cloud-spanner-bom/pom.xml @@ -55,6 +55,11 @@ google-cloud-spanner 6.34.2-SNAPSHOT + + com.google.cloud + google-cloud-spanner-executor + 6.34.2-SNAPSHOT + com.google.cloud google-cloud-spanner diff --git a/google-cloud-spanner-executor/assembly-descriptor.xml b/google-cloud-spanner-executor/assembly-descriptor.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8a9e7f8f500 --- /dev/null +++ b/google-cloud-spanner-executor/assembly-descriptor.xml @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + + jar-with-dependencies + + jar + + false + + + / + false + true + + + io.grpc.LoadBalancerProvider + + + + + + + ${project.build.outputDirectory} + . + + + diff --git a/google-cloud-spanner-executor/pom.xml b/google-cloud-spanner-executor/pom.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..70c3dd482c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/google-cloud-spanner-executor/pom.xml @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ + + + 4.0.0 + com.google.cloud + google-cloud-spanner-executor + 6.34.2-SNAPSHOT + jar + Google Cloud Spanner Executor + + + com.google.cloud + google-cloud-spanner-parent + 6.34.2-SNAPSHOT + + + + 1.8 + 1.8 + UTF-8 + + + + + com.google.cloud + google-cloud-spanner + + + io.grpc + grpc-api + + + io.grpc + grpc-netty-shaded + + + io.grpc + grpc-stub + + + com.google.api + api-common + + + com.google.protobuf + protobuf-java + + + com.google.protobuf + protobuf-java-util + + + com.google.api.grpc + proto-google-common-protos + + + com.google.cloud + google-cloud-core + + + com.google.auth + google-auth-library-oauth2-http + + + com.google.http-client + google-http-client + + + com.google.api.grpc + proto-google-cloud-spanner-admin-instance-v1 + + + com.google.api.grpc + proto-google-cloud-spanner-v1 + + + com.google.api.grpc + proto-google-cloud-spanner-admin-database-v1 + + + com.google.api.grpc + proto-google-cloud-spanner-executor-v1 + 1.0.0 + + + com.google.guava + guava + + + com.google.api + gax + + + com.google.api + gax-grpc + + + org.threeten + threetenbp + + + com.google.code.findbugs + jsr305 + + + com.google.auth + google-auth-library-credentials + + + io.grpc + grpc-services + + + commons-cli + commons-cli + 1.5.0 + + + commons-io + commons-io + 2.11.0 + + + + org.jetbrains + annotations + RELEASE + compile + + + + google-spanner-cloud-executor + + + maven-assembly-plugin + 3.4.2 + + + assembly-descriptor.xml + + + + com.google.cloud.executor.spanner.WorkerProxy + + + + + + make-assembly + package + + single + + + + + + org.apache.maven.plugins + maven-failsafe-plugin + 3.0.0-M7 + + + + diff --git a/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/executor/spanner/CloudClientExecutor.java b/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/executor/spanner/CloudClientExecutor.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..91ce0a23e2e --- /dev/null +++ b/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/executor/spanner/CloudClientExecutor.java @@ -0,0 +1,3477 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2022 Google LLC + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + */ + +package com.google.cloud.executor.spanner; + +import static com.google.cloud.spanner.TransactionRunner.TransactionCallable; + +import com.google.api.gax.longrunning.OperationFuture; +import com.google.api.gax.paging.Page; +import com.google.api.gax.retrying.RetrySettings; +import com.google.api.gax.rpc.DeadlineExceededException; +import com.google.api.gax.rpc.TransportChannelProvider; +import com.google.api.gax.rpc.UnavailableException; +import com.google.auth.Credentials; +import com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials; +import com.google.cloud.ByteArray; +import com.google.cloud.Date; +import com.google.cloud.NoCredentials; +import com.google.cloud.Timestamp; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.Backup; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.BatchClient; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.BatchReadOnlyTransaction; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.BatchTransactionId; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.Database; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.DatabaseAdminClient; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.DatabaseClient; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.DatabaseId; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.ErrorCode; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.Instance; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.InstanceAdminClient; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.InstanceConfig; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.InstanceConfigId; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.InstanceConfigInfo; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.InstanceId; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.InstanceInfo; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.Key; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.KeyRange; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.KeySet; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.Mutation; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.Mutation.WriteBuilder; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.Options; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.Partition; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.PartitionOptions; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.ReadContext; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.ReadOnlyTransaction; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.ReplicaInfo; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.ResultSet; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.Spanner; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.SpannerException; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.SpannerExceptionFactory; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.SpannerOptions; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.Statement; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.Struct; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.StructReader; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.TimestampBound; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.TransactionContext; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.TransactionRunner; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.Type; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.Value; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.encryption.CustomerManagedEncryption; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.v1.stub.SpannerStubSettings; +import com.google.common.base.Function; +import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; +import com.google.common.collect.Lists; +import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder; +import com.google.longrunning.Operation; +import com.google.protobuf.ByteString; +import com.google.protobuf.util.Timestamps; +import com.google.spanner.admin.database.v1.UpdateDatabaseDdlMetadata; +import com.google.spanner.admin.instance.v1.Instance.State; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.AdminAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.AdminResult; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.BatchDmlAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.BatchPartition; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.CancelOperationAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ChangeStreamRecord; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ChildPartitionsRecord; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.CloseBatchTransactionAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.CloudBackupResponse; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.CloudDatabaseResponse; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.CloudInstanceConfigResponse; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.CloudInstanceResponse; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Concurrency; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.CopyCloudBackupAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.CreateCloudBackupAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.CreateCloudDatabaseAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.CreateCloudInstanceAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.CreateUserInstanceConfigAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.DataChangeRecord; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.DeleteCloudBackupAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.DeleteCloudInstanceAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.DeleteUserInstanceConfigAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.DmlAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.DropCloudDatabaseAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ExecuteChangeStreamQuery; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ExecutePartitionAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.FinishTransactionAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.FinishTransactionAction.Mode; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.GenerateDbPartitionsForQueryAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.GenerateDbPartitionsForReadAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.GetCloudBackupAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.GetCloudDatabaseAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.GetCloudInstanceAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.GetCloudInstanceConfigAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.GetOperationAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.HeartbeatRecord; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ListCloudBackupOperationsAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ListCloudBackupsAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ListCloudDatabaseOperationsAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ListCloudDatabasesAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ListCloudInstanceConfigsAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ListCloudInstancesAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.MutationAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.MutationAction.InsertArgs; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.MutationAction.Mod; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.MutationAction.UpdateArgs; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.OperationResponse; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.QueryAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ReadAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.RestoreCloudDatabaseAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.SpannerAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.SpannerActionOutcome; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.SpannerAsyncActionRequest; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.SpannerAsyncActionResponse; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.StartBatchTransactionAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.StartTransactionAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.UpdateCloudBackupAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.UpdateCloudDatabaseDdlAction; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.UpdateCloudInstanceAction; +import com.google.spanner.v1.StructType; +import com.google.spanner.v1.TypeAnnotationCode; +import com.google.spanner.v1.TypeCode; +import io.grpc.Status; +import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver; +import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.ObjectInputStream; +import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; +import java.io.Serializable; +import java.math.BigDecimal; +import java.text.ParseException; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.Objects; +import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; +import java.util.concurrent.Executor; +import java.util.concurrent.Executors; +import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; +import java.util.logging.Level; +import java.util.logging.Logger; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; +import javax.annotation.Nullable; +import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; +import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; +import org.threeten.bp.Duration; +import org.threeten.bp.LocalDate; + +/** + * Implementation of the SpannerExecutorProxy gRPC service that proxies action request through the + * Java Cloud Client. + */ +public class CloudClientExecutor extends CloudExecutor { + + private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CloudClientExecutor.class.getName()); + + // Prefix for host address. + private static final String HOST_PREFIX = "https://localhost:"; + + public CloudClientExecutor(boolean enableGrpcFaultInjector) { + this.enableGrpcFaultInjector = enableGrpcFaultInjector; + } + + /** + * Implementation of a ReadWriteTransaction, which is a wrapper of the cloud TransactionRunner. It + * stores all the status and related variables from the start to finish, and control the running + * flow of this transaction. + * + *

The following functions should be called on this struct externally: + * + *

startRWTransaction() initializes a transaction. It creates a callable and runs it with a + * ReadWriteTransaction() runner in a separate thread. That callable will accept a + * transactionContext when created, and we will pass it out to execute actions on it. Then the + * callable will be blocked until we need to exit (e.g. commit) the transaction. + * + *

getContext() returns the current ReadWriteTransaction context. Reads and writes can be + * performed on that object. + * + *

finish() is used to either commit or abandon the transaction. It gets a finishMode from + * finishAction and essentially unblocks the separate callable thread that's waiting inside + * ReadWriteTransaction(). As a result of this call, Spanner will commit the current transaction, + * abandon it without committing, or restart it, in which case the client should get a new + * transaction instance using getContext() and replay all the reads and writes through it. + * + *

Here's a typical workflow for how a read-write transaction works. + * + *

When we call startRWTransaction, a transaction runner will be started in another thread with + * a callable that stores the passed TransactionContext into the ReadWriteTransaction and blocks. + * This TransactionContext is used to run the read/write actions. To execute the finish action, we + * store the FinishMode in the ReadWriteTransaction object, which unblocks the thread in the + * callable and causes the callable to either return (to commit) or throw an exception (to abort). + * If the underlying Spanner transaction aborted, the transaction runner will invoke the callable + * again. + */ + private static class ReadWriteTransaction { + private final DatabaseClient dbClient; + private TransactionRunner runner; + private TransactionContext txnContext; + private com.google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp; + private Mode finishMode; + private SpannerException error; + private final String transactionSeed; + // Set to true when the transaction runner completed, one of these three could happen: runner + // committed, abandoned or threw an error. + private boolean runnerCompleted; + + public ReadWriteTransaction(DatabaseClient dbClient, String transactionSeed) { + this.dbClient = dbClient; + this.transactionSeed = transactionSeed; + this.runnerCompleted = false; + } + + /** Set context to be used for executing actions. */ + private synchronized void setContext(TransactionContext transaction) { + finishMode = null; + txnContext = transaction; + Preconditions.checkNotNull(txnContext); + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Transaction callable created, setting context %s\n", transactionSeed); + notifyAll(); + } + + /** Wait for finishAction to be executed and return the requested finish mode. */ + private synchronized Mode waitForFinishAction() throws Exception { + while (finishMode == null) { + wait(); + } + return finishMode; + } + + /** Wait for transactionContext to be set. */ + private synchronized void waitForTransactionContext() throws Exception { + while (txnContext == null && error == null) { + wait(); + } + if (error != null) { + throw error; + } + } + + /** Transaction successfully committed with a timestamp. */ + private synchronized void transactionSucceeded(com.google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp) { + this.timestamp = timestamp; + this.runnerCompleted = true; + notifyAll(); + } + + /** Transaction failed to commit, maybe abandoned or other errors occurred. */ + private synchronized void transactionFailed(SpannerException e) { + // Handle abandon case + if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.UNKNOWN && e.getMessage().contains(TRANSACTION_ABANDONED)) { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Transaction abandoned"); + } else { + // Store the error for sending back + error = e; + } + this.runnerCompleted = true; + notifyAll(); + } + + /** Return the commit timestamp. */ + public synchronized com.google.protobuf.Timestamp getTimestamp() { + return timestamp; + } + + /** Return the transactionContext to run actions. Must be called after start action. */ + public synchronized TransactionContext getContext() { + Preconditions.checkState(txnContext != null); + return txnContext; + } + + /** + * Create a new transaction runner and corresponding transaction callable to start a read-write + * transaction. + */ + public void startRWTransaction() throws Exception { + final TransactionCallable callable = + transaction -> { + setContext(transaction); + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format( + "Transaction context set, executing and waiting for finish %s\n", + transactionSeed)); + Mode mode = waitForFinishAction(); + if (mode == Mode.ABANDON) { + throw new Exception(TRANSACTION_ABANDONED); + } + // Try to commit + return null; + }; + Runnable runnable = + () -> { + try { + runner = dbClient.readWriteTransaction(); + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Ready to run callable %s\n", transactionSeed)); + runner.run(callable); + transactionSucceeded(runner.getCommitTimestamp().toProto()); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + LOGGER.log( + Level.WARNING, + String.format("Transaction runnable failed with exception %s\n", e.getMessage()), + e); + transactionFailed(e); + } + }; + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format("Callable and Runnable created, ready to execute %s\n", transactionSeed)); + txnThreadPool.execute(runnable); + waitForTransactionContext(); + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format("Transaction successfully created and running %s\n", transactionSeed)); + } + + /** + * Finish current transaction in given finishMode, if failed, throw the exception back to + * caller. Returns true if the transaction completed (i.e., committed), false if it was + * restarted by the transaction runner. + */ + public synchronized boolean finish(Mode finishMode) throws Exception { + switch (finishMode) { + case COMMIT: + case ABANDON: + // Signal that finish action has been called and finishMode has been set. + this.finishMode = finishMode; + Preconditions.checkNotNull(finishMode); + txnContext = null; + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format( + "TxnContext cleared, sending finishMode to finish transaction %s\n", + transactionSeed)); + notifyAll(); + // Wait for the transaction to finish or restart + while (txnContext == null && !runnerCompleted) { + wait(); + } + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format("Transaction finished, getting back to caller %s\n", transactionSeed)); + if (txnContext != null) { + // Transaction restarted + return false; + } else if (error != null) { + // Transaction runner threw an exception: re-throw it to the client. + // Filter expected errors + if (error.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.UNKNOWN + && error.getMessage().contains("Transaction outcome unknown")) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, "Transaction outcome unknown."); + } else { + throw error; + } + } + // Transaction successfully completed + return true; + default: + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unsupported finish mode: " + finishMode); + } + } + } + /** + * All the context in which SpannerActions are executed. It stores the current running transaction + * and table metadata, shared by all the action executor and protected by a lock. There will only + * be exactly one instance of this class per stubby call, created when the executor is + * initialized. + */ + class ExecutionFlowContext { + // Database path from previous action + private String prevDbPath; + // Current read-write transaction + private ReadWriteTransaction rwTxn; + // Current read-only transaction + private ReadOnlyTransaction roTxn; + // Current batch read-only transaction + private BatchReadOnlyTransaction batchTxn; + // Current database client + private DatabaseClient dbClient; + // Metadata info about table columns + private Metadata metadata; + // Number of pending read/query actions. + private int numPendingReads; + // Indicate whether there's a read/query action got aborted and the transaction need to be + // reset. + private boolean readAborted; + // Log the workid and op pair for tracing the thread. + private String transactionSeed; + // Outgoing stream. + StreamObserver responseObserver; + + public ExecutionFlowContext(StreamObserver responseObserver) { + this.responseObserver = responseObserver; + } + + /** Call the underlying stream to send response. */ + public synchronized void onNext(SpannerAsyncActionResponse response) { + responseObserver.onNext(response); + } + + /** Call the underlying stream to send error. */ + public synchronized void onError(Throwable t) { + responseObserver.onError(t); + } + + /** Return current transaction that can used for performing read/query actions. */ + public synchronized ReadContext getTransactionForRead() throws SpannerException { + if (roTxn != null) { + return roTxn; + } + if (rwTxn != null) { + return rwTxn.getContext(); + } + if (batchTxn != null) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Can't execute regular read in a batch transaction"); + } + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "No active transaction"); + } + + /** Return current transaction that can used for performing mutation/update actions. */ + public synchronized TransactionContext getTransactionForWrite() throws SpannerException { + if (rwTxn == null) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Not in a read-write transaction"); + } + return rwTxn.getContext(); + } + + /** Return current batch transaction if it exists. */ + public synchronized BatchReadOnlyTransaction getBatchTxn() throws SpannerException { + if (batchTxn == null) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Not in a batch transaction"); + } + return batchTxn; + } + + /** Set the transactionSeed string retrieved from startTransactionAction. */ + public synchronized void updateTransactionSeed(String transactionSeed) { + if (!transactionSeed.isEmpty()) { + this.transactionSeed = transactionSeed; + } + } + + /** Return current workid and op pair for logging. */ + public synchronized String getTransactionSeed() { + return transactionSeed; + } + + /** Return current database client. */ + public DatabaseClient getDbClient() { + return dbClient; + } + + /** Clear the transaction related variables. */ + public synchronized void clear() { + rwTxn = null; + roTxn = null; + metadata = null; + } + + /** Cleanup all the active transactions if the stubby call is closing. */ + public synchronized void cleanup() { + if (roTxn != null) { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "A read only transaction was active when stubby call closed"); + roTxn.close(); + } + if (rwTxn != null) { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "A read write transaction was active when stubby call closed"); + try { + rwTxn.finish(Mode.ABANDON); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log( + Level.WARNING, "Failed to abandon a read-write transaction: " + e.getMessage()); + } + } + } + + /** Return previous databasePath if given dbPath is empty, then update. */ + public synchronized String getDatabasePath(String dbPath) { + if (dbPath == null || dbPath.isEmpty()) { + return prevDbPath; + } + prevDbPath = dbPath; + return dbPath; + } + + /** Set the metadata for future use. */ + public synchronized void setMetadata(Metadata metadata) { + this.metadata = metadata; + } + + /** Start a read-only transaction. */ + public synchronized void startReadOnlyTxn( + DatabaseClient dbClient, TimestampBound timestampBound, Metadata metadata) { + if ((rwTxn != null) || (roTxn != null) || (batchTxn != null)) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Already in a transaction"); + } + this.metadata = metadata; + if (timestampBound.getMode() == TimestampBound.Mode.MIN_READ_TIMESTAMP + || timestampBound.getMode() == TimestampBound.Mode.MAX_STALENESS) { + roTxn = dbClient.singleUseReadOnlyTransaction(timestampBound); + } else { + roTxn = dbClient.readOnlyTransaction(timestampBound); + } + } + + /** Start a read-write transaction. */ + public synchronized void startReadWriteTxn(DatabaseClient dbClient, Metadata metadata) + throws Exception { + if ((rwTxn != null) || (roTxn != null) || (batchTxn != null)) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Already in a transaction"); + } + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format( + "There's no active transaction, safe to create rwTxn: %s\n", getTransactionSeed())); + this.metadata = metadata; + rwTxn = new ReadWriteTransaction(dbClient, transactionSeed); + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format( + "Read-write transaction object created, try to start: %s\n", getTransactionSeed())); + rwTxn.startRWTransaction(); + } + + /** Start a batch transaction. */ + public synchronized Status startBatchTxn( + StartBatchTransactionAction action, BatchClient batchClient, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + if ((rwTxn != null) || (roTxn != null) || (batchTxn != null)) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Already in a transaction"); + } + + if (action.hasBatchTxnTime()) { + TimestampBound timestampBound = + TimestampBound.ofReadTimestamp(Timestamp.fromProto(action.getBatchTxnTime())); + batchTxn = batchClient.batchReadOnlyTransaction(timestampBound); + } else if (action.hasTid()) { + BatchTransactionId tId = unmarshall(action.getTid()); + batchTxn = batchClient.batchReadOnlyTransaction(tId); + } else { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Either timestamp or tid must be set"); + } + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .setBatchTxnId(marshall(batchTxn.getBatchTransactionId())) + .build(); + initReadState(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Increase the read count when a read/query is issued. */ + public synchronized void startRead() { + ++numPendingReads; + } + + /** + * Decrease the read count when a read/query is finished, if status is aborted and there's no + * pending read/query, reset the transaction for retry. + */ + public synchronized void finishRead(Status status) { + if (status.getCode() == Status.ABORTED.getCode()) { + readAborted = true; + } + --numPendingReads; + if (readAborted && numPendingReads <= 0) { + LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Transaction reset due to read/query abort"); + readAborted = false; + } + } + + /** Initialize the read count and aborted status when transaction started. */ + public synchronized void initReadState() { + readAborted = false; + numPendingReads = 0; + } + + /** Store the reference to the database client for future action use. */ + public void setDatabaseClient(DatabaseClient client) { + dbClient = client; + } + + /** Return a list of serviceKeyFile column types of the given table. */ + public List getKeyColumnTypes(String tableName) + throws SpannerException { + Preconditions.checkNotNull(metadata); + return metadata.getKeyColumnTypes(tableName); + } + + /** Return column type of the given table and column. */ + public com.google.spanner.v1.Type getColumnType(String tableName, String columnName) + throws SpannerException { + Preconditions.checkNotNull(metadata); + return metadata.getColumnType(tableName, columnName); + } + + /** Buffer a list of mutations in a read-write transaction. */ + public synchronized void bufferMutations(List mutations) throws SpannerException { + getTransactionForWrite().buffer(mutations); + } + + /** Execute a batch of updates in a read-write transaction. */ + public synchronized long[] executeBatchDml(@NotNull List stmts) + throws SpannerException { + for (int i = 0; i < stmts.size(); i++) { + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, String.format("executeBatchDml [%d]: %s", i + 1, stmts.get(i).toString())); + } + return getTransactionForWrite() + .batchUpdate(stmts, Options.tag("batch-update-transaction-tag")); + } + + /** Finish active transaction in given finishMode, then send outcome back to client. */ + public synchronized Status finish(Mode finishMode, OutcomeSender sender) { + if (numPendingReads > 0) { + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.FAILED_PRECONDITION, "Reads pending when trying to finish"))); + } + SpannerActionOutcome.Builder outcomeBuilder = SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder(); + outcomeBuilder.setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)); + if (roTxn != null || rwTxn != null) { + try { + if (roTxn != null) { + // read-only transaction + Timestamp ts = roTxn.getReadTimestamp(); + outcomeBuilder.setCommitTime(ts.toProto()); + roTxn.close(); + clear(); + } else { + // read-write transaction + if (!rwTxn.finish(finishMode)) { + LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Transaction restarted"); + outcomeBuilder.setTransactionRestarted(true); + } else { + LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Transaction finish successfully"); + if (rwTxn.getTimestamp() != null) { + outcomeBuilder.setCommitTime(rwTxn.getTimestamp()); + } + clear(); + } + } + } catch (SpannerException e) { + outcomeBuilder.setStatus(toProto(toStatus(e))); + clear(); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + return sender.sendOutcome(outcomeBuilder.build()); + } else if (batchTxn != null) { + return toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Can't commit/abort a batch transaction")); + } else { + return toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "No currently active transaction")); + } + } + + /** Close active batch transaction. */ + public synchronized void closeBatchTxn() throws SpannerException { + if (batchTxn == null) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Not in a batch transaction"); + } + batchTxn.close(); + } + } + + private Spanner client; + private Spanner clientWithTimeout; + + private static final String TRANSACTION_ABANDONED = "Fake error to abandon transaction"; + + // Read-write transaction thread pool + private static final Executor txnThreadPool = + Executors.newCachedThreadPool( + new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("txn-pool-%d").build()); + + // Action thread pool + private static final Executor actionThreadPool = + Executors.newCachedThreadPool( + new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("action-pool-%d").build()); + + private synchronized Spanner getClientWithTimeout(long timeoutSeconds) throws IOException { + if (clientWithTimeout != null) { + return clientWithTimeout; + } + clientWithTimeout = getClient(timeoutSeconds); + return clientWithTimeout; + } + + private synchronized Spanner getClient() throws IOException { + if (client != null) { + return client; + } + client = getClient(/*timeoutSeconds=*/ 0); + return client; + } + + // Return the spanner client, create one if not exists. + private synchronized Spanner getClient(long timeoutSeconds) throws IOException { + // Create a cloud spanner client + Credentials credentials; + if (WorkerProxy.serviceKeyFile.isEmpty()) { + credentials = NoCredentials.getInstance(); + } else { + credentials = + GoogleCredentials.fromStream( + new ByteArrayInputStream( + FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(new File(WorkerProxy.serviceKeyFile))), + HTTP_TRANSPORT_FACTORY); + } + + TransportChannelProvider channelProvider = + CloudUtil.newChannelProviderHelper(WorkerProxy.spannerPort); + + Duration rpcTimeout = Duration.ofHours(1L); + if (timeoutSeconds > 0) { + rpcTimeout = Duration.ofSeconds(timeoutSeconds); + } + RetrySettings retrySettings = + RetrySettings.newBuilder() + .setInitialRetryDelay(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) + .setRetryDelayMultiplier(1.3) + .setMaxRetryDelay(Duration.ofSeconds(32)) + .setInitialRpcTimeout(rpcTimeout) + .setRpcTimeoutMultiplier(1.0) + .setMaxRpcTimeout(rpcTimeout) + .setTotalTimeout(rpcTimeout) + .build(); + + // Cloud Spanner Client does not support global retry settings, + // Thus, we need to add retry settings to each individual stub. + SpannerOptions.Builder optionsBuilder = + SpannerOptions.newBuilder() + .setProjectId(PROJECT_ID) + .setHost(HOST_PREFIX + WorkerProxy.spannerPort) + .setCredentials(credentials) + .setChannelProvider(channelProvider); + + SpannerStubSettings.Builder stubSettingsBuilder = + optionsBuilder.getSpannerStubSettingsBuilder(); + + stubSettingsBuilder.executeSqlSettings().setRetrySettings(retrySettings); + stubSettingsBuilder.executeStreamingSqlSettings().setRetrySettings(retrySettings); + stubSettingsBuilder.readSettings().setRetrySettings(retrySettings); + stubSettingsBuilder.streamingReadSettings().setRetrySettings(retrySettings); + stubSettingsBuilder.commitSettings().setRetrySettings(retrySettings); + stubSettingsBuilder.executeBatchDmlSettings().setRetrySettings(retrySettings); + stubSettingsBuilder.partitionQuerySettings().setRetrySettings(retrySettings); + stubSettingsBuilder.partitionReadSettings().setRetrySettings(retrySettings); + stubSettingsBuilder.rollbackSettings().setRetrySettings(retrySettings); + stubSettingsBuilder.batchCreateSessionsSettings().setRetrySettings(retrySettings); + stubSettingsBuilder.beginTransactionSettings().setRetrySettings(retrySettings); + stubSettingsBuilder.createSessionSettings().setRetrySettings(retrySettings); + stubSettingsBuilder.getSessionSettings().setRetrySettings(retrySettings); + stubSettingsBuilder.deleteSessionSettings().setRetrySettings(retrySettings); + + return optionsBuilder.build().getService(); + } + + /** Handle actions. */ + public Status startHandlingRequest( + SpannerAsyncActionRequest req, ExecutionFlowContext executionContext) { + OutcomeSender outcomeSender = new OutcomeSender(req.getActionId(), executionContext); + + if (!req.hasAction()) { + return outcomeSender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Invalid request"))); + } + SpannerAction action = req.getAction(); + + // Update dbPath + String dbPath = executionContext.getDatabasePath(action.getDatabasePath()); + + actionThreadPool.execute( + () -> { + Status status = executeAction(outcomeSender, action, dbPath, executionContext); + if (!status.isOk()) { + LOGGER.log( + Level.WARNING, + String.format("Failed to execute action with error: %s\n%s", status, action)); + executionContext.onError(status.getCause()); + } + }); + return Status.OK; + } + + /** Execute actions by action case, using OutcomeSender to send status and results back. */ + private Status executeAction( + OutcomeSender outcomeSender, + SpannerAction action, + String dbPath, + ExecutionFlowContext executionContext) { + + try { + if (action.hasAdmin()) { + return executeAdminAction(action.getAdmin(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasStart()) { + if (dbPath == null) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Database path must be set for this action"); + } + DatabaseClient dbClient = getClient().getDatabaseClient(DatabaseId.of(dbPath)); + return executeStartTxn(action.getStart(), dbClient, outcomeSender, executionContext); + } else if (action.hasFinish()) { + return executeFinishTxn(action.getFinish(), outcomeSender, executionContext); + } else if (action.hasMutation()) { + return executeMutation( + action.getMutation(), outcomeSender, executionContext, /*isWrite=*/ false); + } else if (action.hasRead()) { + return executeRead(action.getRead(), outcomeSender, executionContext); + } else if (action.hasQuery()) { + return executeQuery(action.getQuery(), outcomeSender, executionContext); + } else if (action.hasDml()) { + return executeCloudDmlUpdate(action.getDml(), outcomeSender, executionContext); + } else if (action.hasBatchDml()) { + return executeCloudBatchDmlUpdates(action.getBatchDml(), outcomeSender, executionContext); + } else if (action.hasWrite()) { + return executeMutation( + action.getWrite().getMutation(), outcomeSender, executionContext, /*isWrite=*/ true); + } else if (action.hasStartBatchTxn()) { + if (dbPath == null) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "database path must be set for this action"); + } + BatchClient batchClient = getClient().getBatchClient(DatabaseId.of(dbPath)); + return executeStartBatchTxn( + action.getStartBatchTxn(), batchClient, outcomeSender, executionContext); + } else if (action.hasGenerateDbPartitionsRead()) { + return executeGenerateDbPartitionsRead( + action.getGenerateDbPartitionsRead(), outcomeSender, executionContext); + } else if (action.hasGenerateDbPartitionsQuery()) { + return executeGenerateDbPartitionsQuery( + action.getGenerateDbPartitionsQuery(), outcomeSender, executionContext); + } else if (action.hasExecutePartition()) { + return executeExecutePartition( + action.getExecutePartition(), outcomeSender, executionContext); + } else if (action.hasCloseBatchTxn()) { + return executeCloseBatchTxn(action.getCloseBatchTxn(), outcomeSender, executionContext); + } else if (action.hasExecuteChangeStreamQuery()) { + if (dbPath == null) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Database path must be set for this action"); + } + return executeExecuteChangeStreamQuery( + dbPath, action.getExecuteChangeStreamQuery(), outcomeSender); + } else { + return outcomeSender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.UNIMPLEMENTED, "Not implemented yet: \n" + action))); + } + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return outcomeSender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute admin actions by action case, using OutcomeSender to send status and results back. */ + private Status executeAdminAction(AdminAction action, OutcomeSender outcomeSender) { + try { + if (action.hasCreateCloudInstance()) { + return executeCreateCloudInstance(action.getCreateCloudInstance(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasUpdateCloudInstance()) { + return executeUpdateCloudInstance(action.getUpdateCloudInstance(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasDeleteCloudInstance()) { + return executeDeleteCloudInstance(action.getDeleteCloudInstance(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasListCloudInstances()) { + return executeListCloudInstances(action.getListCloudInstances(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasListInstanceConfigs()) { + return executeListCloudInstanceConfigs(action.getListInstanceConfigs(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasGetCloudInstanceConfig()) { + return executeGetCloudInstanceConfig(action.getGetCloudInstanceConfig(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasGetCloudInstance()) { + return executeGetCloudInstance(action.getGetCloudInstance(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasCreateUserInstanceConfig()) { + return executeCreateUserInstanceConfig(action.getCreateUserInstanceConfig(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasDeleteUserInstanceConfig()) { + return executeDeleteUserInstanceConfig(action.getDeleteUserInstanceConfig(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasCreateCloudDatabase()) { + return executeCreateCloudDatabase(action.getCreateCloudDatabase(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasUpdateCloudDatabaseDdl()) { + return executeUpdateCloudDatabaseDdl(action.getUpdateCloudDatabaseDdl(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasDropCloudDatabase()) { + return executeDropCloudDatabase(action.getDropCloudDatabase(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasCreateCloudBackup()) { + return executeCreateCloudBackup(action.getCreateCloudBackup(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasCopyCloudBackup()) { + return executeCopyCloudBackup(action.getCopyCloudBackup(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasGetCloudBackup()) { + return executeGetCloudBackup(action.getGetCloudBackup(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasUpdateCloudBackup()) { + return executeUpdateCloudBackup(action.getUpdateCloudBackup(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasDeleteCloudBackup()) { + return executeDeleteCloudBackup(action.getDeleteCloudBackup(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasListCloudBackups()) { + return executeListCloudBackups(action.getListCloudBackups(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasListCloudBackupOperations()) { + return executeListCloudBackupOperations( + action.getListCloudBackupOperations(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasListCloudDatabases()) { + return executeListCloudDatabases(action.getListCloudDatabases(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasListCloudDatabaseOperations()) { + return executeListCloudDatabaseOperations( + action.getListCloudDatabaseOperations(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasRestoreCloudDatabase()) { + return executeRestoreCloudDatabase(action.getRestoreCloudDatabase(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasGetCloudDatabase()) { + return executeGetCloudDatabase(action.getGetCloudDatabase(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasGetOperation()) { + return executeGetOperation(action.getGetOperation(), outcomeSender); + } else if (action.hasCancelOperation()) { + return executeCancelOperation(action.getCancelOperation(), outcomeSender); + } else { + return outcomeSender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.UNIMPLEMENTED, "Not implemented yet: \n" + action))); + } + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return outcomeSender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that creates a cloud instance. */ + private Status executeCreateCloudInstance( + CreateCloudInstanceAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Creating instance: \n%s", action)); + InstanceAdminClient instanceAdminClient = getClient().getInstanceAdminClient(); + final String instanceId = action.getInstanceId(); + InstanceId instance = InstanceId.of(action.getProjectId(), instanceId); + InstanceInfo.Builder builder = + InstanceInfo.newBuilder(instance) + .setInstanceConfigId( + InstanceConfigId.of(action.getProjectId(), action.getInstanceConfigId())) + .setDisplayName(instanceId) + .putAllLabels(action.getLabelsMap()); + if (action.hasNodeCount()) { + builder.setNodeCount(action.getNodeCount()); + } + if (action.hasProcessingUnits()) { + builder.setProcessingUnits(action.getProcessingUnits()); + } + final InstanceInfo request = builder.build(); + instanceAdminClient.createInstance(request).get(); + } catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException ex) { + SpannerException e = SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException(ex); + if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.ALREADY_EXISTS) { + // Another worker or our previous attempt already created the instance. + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (SpannerException se) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(se)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } + + /** Execute action that updates a cloud instance. */ + private Status executeUpdateCloudInstance( + UpdateCloudInstanceAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Updating instance: \n%s", action)); + InstanceAdminClient instanceAdminClient = getClient().getInstanceAdminClient(); + final String instanceId = action.getInstanceId(); + final InstanceId instance = InstanceId.of(action.getProjectId(), instanceId); + final InstanceInfo.Builder builder = InstanceInfo.newBuilder(instance); + + ArrayList fieldsToUpdate = new ArrayList<>(); + if (action.hasDisplayName()) { + fieldsToUpdate.add(InstanceInfo.InstanceField.DISPLAY_NAME); + builder.setDisplayName(instanceId); + } + if (action.hasNodeCount()) { + fieldsToUpdate.add(InstanceInfo.InstanceField.NODE_COUNT); + builder.setNodeCount(action.getNodeCount()); + } + if (action.hasProcessingUnits()) { + fieldsToUpdate.add(InstanceInfo.InstanceField.PROCESSING_UNITS); + builder.setProcessingUnits(action.getProcessingUnits()); + } + Map labels = action.getLabelsMap(); + if (!labels.isEmpty()) { + fieldsToUpdate.add(InstanceInfo.InstanceField.LABELS); + builder.putAllLabels(action.getLabelsMap()); + } + final InstanceInfo request = builder.build(); + instanceAdminClient + .updateInstance(request, fieldsToUpdate.toArray(new InstanceInfo.InstanceField[0])) + .get(); + } catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException ex) { + SpannerException e = SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException(ex); + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (SpannerException se) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(se)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } + + /** Execute action that deletes a cloud instance. */ + private Status executeDeleteCloudInstance( + DeleteCloudInstanceAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Deleting instance: \n%s", action)); + InstanceAdminClient instanceAdminClient = getClient().getInstanceAdminClient(); + final String instanceId = action.getInstanceId(); + final InstanceId instance = InstanceId.of(action.getProjectId(), instanceId); + instanceAdminClient.deleteInstance(instance.getInstance()); + } catch (SpannerException se) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(se)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } + + /** Execute action that lists cloud instances. */ + private Status executeListCloudInstances(ListCloudInstancesAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Listing instances:\n%s", action)); + ArrayList options = new ArrayList<>(); + if (action.hasPageSize()) { + options.add(Options.pageSize(action.getPageSize())); + } + if (action.hasFilter()) { + options.add(Options.filter(action.getFilter())); + } + if (action.hasPageToken()) { + options.add(Options.pageToken(action.getPageToken())); + } + + Page response = + getClient() + .getInstanceAdminClient() + .listInstances(options.toArray(new Options.ListOption[0])); + List instanceList = new ArrayList<>(); + for (Instance instance : response.iterateAll()) { + instanceList.add(instanceToProto(instance)); + } + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .setAdminResult( + AdminResult.newBuilder() + .setInstanceResponse( + CloudInstanceResponse.newBuilder() + .addAllListedInstances(instanceList) + .setNextPageToken("") + .build())) + .build(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that lists cloud instance configs. */ + private Status executeListCloudInstanceConfigs( + ListCloudInstanceConfigsAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Listing instance configs:\n%s", action)); + ArrayList options = new ArrayList<>(); + if (action.hasPageSize()) { + options.add(Options.pageSize(action.getPageSize())); + } + if (action.hasPageToken()) { + options.add(Options.pageToken(action.getPageToken())); + } + try { + Page response = + getClient() + .getInstanceAdminClient() + .listInstanceConfigs(options.toArray(new Options.ListOption[0])); + List instanceConfigList = + new ArrayList<>(); + for (InstanceConfig instanceConfig : response.iterateAll()) { + instanceConfigList.add(instanceConfigToProto(instanceConfig)); + } + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .setAdminResult( + AdminResult.newBuilder() + .setInstanceConfigResponse( + CloudInstanceConfigResponse.newBuilder() + .addAllListedInstanceConfigs(instanceConfigList) + .setNextPageToken("") + .build())) + .build(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that gets a cloud instance config. */ + private Status executeGetCloudInstanceConfig( + GetCloudInstanceConfigAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Getting instance config:\n%s", action)); + try { + InstanceConfig instanceConfig = + getClient().getInstanceAdminClient().getInstanceConfig(action.getInstanceConfigId()); + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .setAdminResult( + AdminResult.newBuilder() + .setInstanceConfigResponse( + CloudInstanceConfigResponse.newBuilder() + .setInstanceConfig(instanceConfigToProto(instanceConfig)) + .build())) + .build(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that retrieves a cloud instance. */ + private Status executeGetCloudInstance(GetCloudInstanceAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Retrieving instance:\n%s", action)); + Instance instance = getClient().getInstanceAdminClient().getInstance(action.getInstanceId()); + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .setAdminResult( + AdminResult.newBuilder() + .setInstanceResponse( + CloudInstanceResponse.newBuilder() + .setInstance(instanceToProto(instance)) + .build())) + .build(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that creates a user instance config. */ + private Status executeCreateUserInstanceConfig( + CreateUserInstanceConfigAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Creating user instance config:\n%s", action)); + final InstanceConfig baseConfig = + getClient().getInstanceAdminClient().getInstanceConfig(action.getBaseConfigId()); + InstanceConfigInfo instanceConfigInfo = + InstanceConfig.newBuilder( + InstanceConfigId.of(action.getProjectId(), action.getUserConfigId()), baseConfig) + .setDisplayName(action.getUserConfigId()) + .addReadOnlyReplicas(baseConfig.getOptionalReplicas()) + .build(); + getClient().getInstanceAdminClient().createInstanceConfig(instanceConfigInfo).get(); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } + + /** Execute action that deletes a user instance config. */ + private Status executeDeleteUserInstanceConfig( + DeleteUserInstanceConfigAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Deleting user instance config:\n%s", action)); + getClient().getInstanceAdminClient().deleteInstanceConfig(action.getUserConfigId()); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } + + /** Execute action that creates a cloud custom encrypted database. */ + private Status executeCreateCloudCustomEncryptedDatabase( + CreateCloudDatabaseAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Creating database: \n%s", action)); + Database dbInfo = + getClient() + .getDatabaseAdminClient() + .newDatabaseBuilder( + DatabaseId.of( + action.getProjectId(), action.getInstanceId(), action.getDatabaseId())) + .setEncryptionConfig( + CustomerManagedEncryption.fromProtoOrNull(action.getEncryptionConfig())) + .build(); + getClient().getDatabaseAdminClient().createDatabase(dbInfo, action.getSdlStatementList()); + } catch (SpannerException se) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(se)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } + + /** Execute action that creates a cloud database. */ + private Status executeCreateCloudDatabase( + CreateCloudDatabaseAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + if (action.hasEncryptionConfig()) { + return executeCreateCloudCustomEncryptedDatabase(action, sender); + } + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Creating database: \n%s", action)); + final String instanceId = action.getInstanceId(); + final String databaseId = action.getDatabaseId(); + getClient() + .getDatabaseAdminClient() + .createDatabase(instanceId, databaseId, action.getSdlStatementList()) + .get(); + } catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException ex) { + SpannerException e = SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException(ex); + if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.ALREADY_EXISTS) { + // Client does not retry database, but we assume that no other process has created + // the database with a different schema (another instance of a worker may have + // created it with the same schema). + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (SpannerException se) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(se)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } + + /** Execute action that updates a cloud database. */ + private Status executeUpdateCloudDatabaseDdl( + UpdateCloudDatabaseDdlAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Updating database: \n%s", action)); + DatabaseAdminClient dbAdminClient = getClient().getDatabaseAdminClient(); + final String instanceId = action.getInstanceId(); + final String databaseId = action.getDatabaseId(); + UpdateDatabaseDdlMetadata metadata; + OperationFuture updateOp = + dbAdminClient.updateDatabaseDdl( + instanceId, databaseId, action.getSdlStatementList(), action.getOperationId()); + updateOp.get(); + metadata = updateOp.getMetadata().get(); + int tsCount = metadata.getCommitTimestampsCount(); + // Fetch the last timestamp + sender.setTimestamp(metadata.getCommitTimestamps(tsCount - 1)); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log( + Level.WARNING, + "Unexpected error executing DDL: " + + String.join("; ", action.getSdlStatementList()) + + " " + + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } + + /** Execute action that updates a cloud database. */ + private Status executeDropCloudDatabase(DropCloudDatabaseAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Dropping database: \n%s", action)); + DatabaseAdminClient dbAdminClient = getClient().getDatabaseAdminClient(); + final String instanceId = action.getInstanceId(); + final String databaseId = action.getDatabaseId(); + dbAdminClient.dropDatabase(instanceId, databaseId); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } + + /** Execute action that creates a cloud database backup. */ + private Status executeCreateCloudBackup(CreateCloudBackupAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Creating backup: \n%s", action)); + Backup backupResult = + getClient() + .getDatabaseAdminClient() + .createBackup( + action.getInstanceId(), + action.getBackupId(), + action.getDatabaseId(), + Timestamp.fromProto(action.getExpireTime())) + .get(); + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .setAdminResult( + AdminResult.newBuilder() + .setBackupResponse( + CloudBackupResponse.newBuilder() + .setBackup(backupResult.getProto()) + .build())) + .build(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that copies a cloud database backup. */ + private Status executeCopyCloudBackup(CopyCloudBackupAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Copying backup: \n%s", action)); + Backup backupResult = + getClient() + .getDatabaseAdminClient() + .copyBackup( + action.getInstanceId(), + action.getBackupId(), + action.getSourceBackup(), + Timestamp.fromProto(action.getExpireTime())) + .get(); + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .setAdminResult( + AdminResult.newBuilder() + .setBackupResponse( + CloudBackupResponse.newBuilder() + .setBackup(backupResult.getProto()) + .build())) + .build(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that gets a cloud database backup. */ + private Status executeGetCloudBackup(GetCloudBackupAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Getting backup: \n%s", action)); + Backup backupResult = + getClient() + .getDatabaseAdminClient() + .getBackup(action.getInstanceId(), action.getBackupId()); + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .setAdminResult( + AdminResult.newBuilder() + .setBackupResponse( + CloudBackupResponse.newBuilder() + .setBackup(backupResult.getProto()) + .build())) + .build(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that updates a cloud database backup. */ + private Status executeUpdateCloudBackup(UpdateCloudBackupAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Updating backup: \n%s", action)); + Backup backupResult = + getClient() + .getDatabaseAdminClient() + .updateBackup( + action.getInstanceId(), + action.getBackupId(), + Timestamp.fromProto(action.getExpireTime())); + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .setAdminResult( + AdminResult.newBuilder() + .setBackupResponse( + CloudBackupResponse.newBuilder() + .setBackup(backupResult.getProto()) + .build())) + .build(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that deletes a cloud database backup. */ + private Status executeDeleteCloudBackup(DeleteCloudBackupAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Deleting backup: \n%s", action); + getClient() + .getDatabaseAdminClient() + .deleteBackup(action.getInstanceId(), action.getBackupId()); + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that lists cloud database backups. */ + private Status executeListCloudBackups(ListCloudBackupsAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Listing backup: \n%s", action)); + Page response = + getClient() + .getDatabaseAdminClient() + .listBackups( + action.getInstanceId(), + Options.pageSize(action.getPageSize()), + Options.filter(action.getFilter()), + Options.pageToken(action.getPageToken())); + List backupList = new ArrayList<>(); + for (Backup backup : response.iterateAll()) { + backupList.add(backup.getProto()); + } + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .setAdminResult( + AdminResult.newBuilder() + .setBackupResponse( + CloudBackupResponse.newBuilder() + .addAllListedBackups(backupList) + .setNextPageToken("") + .build())) + .build(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that lists cloud database backup operations. */ + private Status executeListCloudBackupOperations( + ListCloudBackupOperationsAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Listing backup operation: \n%s", action)); + + Page response = + getClient() + .getDatabaseAdminClient() + .listBackupOperations( + action.getInstanceId(), + Options.pageSize(action.getPageSize()), + Options.filter(action.getFilter()), + Options.pageToken(action.getPageToken())); + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .setAdminResult( + AdminResult.newBuilder() + .setBackupResponse( + CloudBackupResponse.newBuilder() + .addAllListedBackupOperations(response.iterateAll()) + .setNextPageToken("") + .build())) + .build(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that list cloud databases. */ + private Status executeListCloudDatabases(ListCloudDatabasesAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Listing database: \n%s", action)); + Page response = + getClient() + .getDatabaseAdminClient() + .listDatabases( + action.getInstanceId(), + Options.pageSize(action.getPageSize()), + Options.pageToken(action.getPageToken())); + List databaseList = new ArrayList<>(); + for (Database database : response.iterateAll()) { + databaseList.add(database.getProto()); + } + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .setAdminResult( + AdminResult.newBuilder() + .setDatabaseResponse( + CloudDatabaseResponse.newBuilder() + .addAllListedDatabases(databaseList) + .setNextPageToken("") + .build())) + .build(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that lists cloud database operations. */ + private Status executeListCloudDatabaseOperations( + ListCloudDatabaseOperationsAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Listing database operation: \n%s", action)); + + Page response = + getClient() + .getDatabaseAdminClient() + .listDatabaseOperations( + action.getInstanceId(), + Options.pageSize(action.getPageSize()), + Options.filter(action.getFilter()), + Options.pageToken(action.getPageToken())); + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .setAdminResult( + AdminResult.newBuilder() + .setDatabaseResponse( + CloudDatabaseResponse.newBuilder() + .addAllListedDatabaseOperations(response.iterateAll()) + .setNextPageToken("") + .build())) + .build(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that restores a cloud database. */ + private Status executeRestoreCloudDatabase( + RestoreCloudDatabaseAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Restoring database: \n%s", action)); + Database db = + getClient() + .getDatabaseAdminClient() + .restoreDatabase( + action.getBackupInstanceId(), + action.getBackupId(), + action.getDatabaseInstanceId(), + action.getDatabaseId()) + .get(); + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .setAdminResult( + AdminResult.newBuilder() + .setDatabaseResponse( + CloudDatabaseResponse.newBuilder().setDatabase(db.getProto()).build())) + .build(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that gets a cloud database. */ + private Status executeGetCloudDatabase(GetCloudDatabaseAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Getting database: \n%s", action)); + Database databaseResult = + getClient() + .getDatabaseAdminClient() + .getDatabase(action.getInstanceId(), action.getDatabaseId()); + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .setAdminResult( + AdminResult.newBuilder() + .setDatabaseResponse( + CloudDatabaseResponse.newBuilder() + .setDatabase(databaseResult.getProto()) + .build())) + .build(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that gets an operation. */ + private Status executeGetOperation(GetOperationAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Getting operation: \n%s", action)); + final String operationName = action.getOperation(); + Operation operationResult = getClient().getDatabaseAdminClient().getOperation(operationName); + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .setAdminResult( + AdminResult.newBuilder() + .setOperationResponse( + OperationResponse.newBuilder().setOperation(operationResult).build())) + .build(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that cancels an operation. */ + private Status executeCancelOperation(CancelOperationAction action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Cancelling operation: \n%s", action)); + final String operationName = action.getOperation(); + getClient().getDatabaseAdminClient().cancelOperation(operationName); + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that starts a batch transaction. */ + private Status executeStartBatchTxn( + StartBatchTransactionAction action, + BatchClient batchClient, + OutcomeSender sender, + ExecutionFlowContext executionContext) { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Starting batch transaction"); + return executionContext.startBatchTxn(action, batchClient, sender); + } + + /** Execute action that finishes a batch transaction. */ + private Status executeCloseBatchTxn( + CloseBatchTransactionAction action, + OutcomeSender sender, + ExecutionFlowContext executionContext) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Closing batch transaction"); + if (action.getCleanup()) { + executionContext.closeBatchTxn(); + } + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } + } + + /** Execute action that generates database partitions for the given read. */ + private Status executeGenerateDbPartitionsRead( + GenerateDbPartitionsForReadAction action, + OutcomeSender sender, + ExecutionFlowContext executionContext) { + try { + BatchReadOnlyTransaction batchTxn = executionContext.getBatchTxn(); + Metadata metadata = new Metadata(action.getTableList()); + executionContext.setMetadata(metadata); + ReadAction request = action.getRead(); + + List typeList = new ArrayList<>(); + for (int i = 0; i < request.getColumnCount(); ++i) { + typeList.add(executionContext.getColumnType(request.getTable(), request.getColumn(i))); + } + KeySet keySet = keySetProtoToCloudKeySet(request.getKeys(), typeList); + PartitionOptions.Builder partitionOptionsBuilder = PartitionOptions.newBuilder(); + if (action.hasDesiredBytesPerPartition() && action.getDesiredBytesPerPartition() > 0) { + partitionOptionsBuilder.setPartitionSizeBytes(action.getDesiredBytesPerPartition()); + } + if (action.hasMaxPartitionCount()) { + partitionOptionsBuilder.setMaxPartitions(action.getMaxPartitionCount()); + } + List parts; + if (request.hasIndex()) { + parts = + batchTxn.partitionReadUsingIndex( + partitionOptionsBuilder.build(), + request.getTable(), + request.getIndex(), + keySet, + new ArrayList<>(request.getColumnList())); + } else { + parts = + batchTxn.partitionRead( + partitionOptionsBuilder.build(), + request.getTable(), + keySet, + new ArrayList<>(request.getColumnList())); + } + List batchPartitions = new ArrayList<>(); + for (Partition part : parts) { + batchPartitions.add( + BatchPartition.newBuilder() + .setPartition(marshall(part)) + .setPartitionToken(part.getPartitionToken()) + .setTable(request.getTable()) + .setIndex(request.getIndex()) + .build()); + } + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .addAllDbPartition(batchPartitions) + .build(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, String.format("GenerateDbPartitionsRead failed for %s", action)); + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute action that generates database partitions for the given query. */ + private Status executeGenerateDbPartitionsQuery( + GenerateDbPartitionsForQueryAction action, + OutcomeSender sender, + ExecutionFlowContext executionContext) { + try { + BatchReadOnlyTransaction batchTxn = executionContext.getBatchTxn(); + Statement.Builder stmt = Statement.newBuilder(action.getQuery().getSql()); + for (int i = 0; i < action.getQuery().getParamsCount(); ++i) { + stmt.bind(action.getQuery().getParams(i).getName()) + .to( + valueProtoToCloudValue( + action.getQuery().getParams(i).getType(), + action.getQuery().getParams(i).getValue())); + } + PartitionOptions partitionOptions = + PartitionOptions.newBuilder() + .setPartitionSizeBytes(action.getDesiredBytesPerPartition()) + .build(); + List parts = batchTxn.partitionQuery(partitionOptions, stmt.build()); + List batchPartitions = new ArrayList<>(); + for (Partition part : parts) { + batchPartitions.add( + BatchPartition.newBuilder() + .setPartition(marshall(part)) + .setPartitionToken(part.getPartitionToken()) + .build()); + } + + SpannerActionOutcome outcome = + SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder() + .setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)) + .addAllDbPartition(batchPartitions) + .build(); + return sender.sendOutcome(outcome); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, String.format("GenerateDbPartitionsQuery failed for %s", action)); + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Execute a read or query for the given partitions. */ + private Status executeExecutePartition( + ExecutePartitionAction action, OutcomeSender sender, ExecutionFlowContext executionContext) { + try { + BatchReadOnlyTransaction batchTxn = executionContext.getBatchTxn(); + ByteString partitionBinary = action.getPartition().getPartition(); + if (partitionBinary.size() == 0) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Invalid batchPartition " + action); + } + if (action.getPartition().hasTable()) { + sender.initForBatchRead(action.getPartition().getTable(), action.getPartition().getIndex()); + } else { + sender.initForQuery(); + } + Partition partition = unmarshall(partitionBinary); + executionContext.startRead(); + ResultSet result = batchTxn.execute(partition); + return processResults(result, 0, sender, executionContext); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** Build a child partition record proto out of childPartitionRecord returned by client. */ + private ChildPartitionsRecord buildChildPartitionRecord(Struct childPartitionRecord) + throws Exception { + ChildPartitionsRecord.Builder childPartitionRecordBuilder = ChildPartitionsRecord.newBuilder(); + childPartitionRecordBuilder.setStartTime( + Timestamps.parse(childPartitionRecord.getTimestamp(0).toString())); + childPartitionRecordBuilder.setRecordSequence(childPartitionRecord.getString(1)); + for (Struct childPartition : childPartitionRecord.getStructList(2)) { + ChildPartitionsRecord.ChildPartition.Builder childPartitionBuilder = + ChildPartitionsRecord.ChildPartition.newBuilder(); + childPartitionBuilder.setToken(childPartition.getString(0)); + childPartitionBuilder.addAllParentPartitionTokens(childPartition.getStringList(1)); + childPartitionRecordBuilder.addChildPartitions(childPartitionBuilder.build()); + } + return childPartitionRecordBuilder.build(); + } + + /** Build a data change record proto out of dataChangeRecord returned by client. */ + private DataChangeRecord buildDataChangeRecord(Struct dataChangeRecord) throws Exception { + DataChangeRecord.Builder dataChangeRecordBuilder = DataChangeRecord.newBuilder(); + dataChangeRecordBuilder.setCommitTime( + Timestamps.parse(dataChangeRecord.getTimestamp(0).toString())); + dataChangeRecordBuilder.setRecordSequence(dataChangeRecord.getString(1)); + dataChangeRecordBuilder.setTransactionId(dataChangeRecord.getString(2)); + dataChangeRecordBuilder.setIsLastRecord(dataChangeRecord.getBoolean(3)); + dataChangeRecordBuilder.setTable(dataChangeRecord.getString(4)); + for (Struct columnType : dataChangeRecord.getStructList(5)) { + DataChangeRecord.ColumnType.Builder columnTypeBuilder = + DataChangeRecord.ColumnType.newBuilder(); + columnTypeBuilder.setName(columnType.getString(0)); + columnTypeBuilder.setType(getJsonStringForStructColumn(columnType, 1)); + columnTypeBuilder.setIsPrimaryKey(columnType.getBoolean(2)); + columnTypeBuilder.setOrdinalPosition(columnType.getLong(3)); + dataChangeRecordBuilder.addColumnTypes(columnTypeBuilder.build()); + } + for (Struct mod : dataChangeRecord.getStructList(6)) { + DataChangeRecord.Mod.Builder modBuilder = DataChangeRecord.Mod.newBuilder(); + modBuilder.setKeys(getJsonStringForStructColumn(mod, 0)); + modBuilder.setNewValues(getJsonStringForStructColumn(mod, 1)); + modBuilder.setOldValues(getJsonStringForStructColumn(mod, 2)); + dataChangeRecordBuilder.addMods(modBuilder.build()); + } + dataChangeRecordBuilder.setModType(dataChangeRecord.getString(7)); + dataChangeRecordBuilder.setValueCaptureType(dataChangeRecord.getString(8)); + + // Get transaction tag. + dataChangeRecordBuilder.setTransactionTag( + dataChangeRecord.getString(DataChangeRecord.TRANSACTION_TAG_FIELD_NUMBER - 1)); + + // Get is system transaction. + dataChangeRecordBuilder.setIsSystemTransaction( + dataChangeRecord.getBoolean(DataChangeRecord.IS_SYSTEM_TRANSACTION_FIELD_NUMBER - 1)); + return dataChangeRecordBuilder.build(); + } + + /** Returns the json or string value of a struct column with index=columnIndex. */ + private String getJsonStringForStructColumn(Struct struct, int columnIndex) { + Type columnType = struct.getColumnType(columnIndex); + switch (columnType.getCode()) { + case JSON: + return struct.getJson(columnIndex); + case STRING: + return struct.getString(columnIndex); + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException( + String.format( + "Cannot extract value from column with index = %d and column type = %s for struct:" + + " %s", + columnIndex, columnType, struct)); + } + } + + /** Build a heartbeat record proto out of heartbeatRecord returned by client. */ + private HeartbeatRecord buildHeartbeatRecord(Struct heartbeatRecord) throws Exception { + HeartbeatRecord.Builder heartbeatRecordBuilder = HeartbeatRecord.newBuilder(); + heartbeatRecordBuilder.setHeartbeatTime( + Timestamps.parse(heartbeatRecord.getTimestamp(0).toString())); + return heartbeatRecordBuilder.build(); + } + + /** Execute action that executes a change stream query. */ + private Status executeExecuteChangeStreamQuery( + String dbPath, ExecuteChangeStreamQuery action, OutcomeSender sender) { + try { + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, String.format("Start executing change change stream query: \n%s", action)); + + // Retrieve TVF parameters from the action. + String changeStreamName = action.getName(); + // For initial partition query (no partition token) we simulate precision of the timestamp + // in nanoseconds as that's closer inlined with the production client code. + + String startTime = + timestampToString( + !action.hasPartitionToken(), Timestamps.toMicros(action.getStartTime())); + String endTime = "null"; + if (action.hasEndTime()) { + endTime = + timestampToString( + !action.hasPartitionToken(), Timestamps.toMicros(action.getEndTime())); + } + String heartbeat = "null"; + if (action.hasHeartbeatMilliseconds()) { + heartbeat = Integer.toString(action.getHeartbeatMilliseconds()); + } + String partitionToken = "null"; + if (action.hasPartitionToken()) { + partitionToken = String.format("\"%s\"", action.getPartitionToken()); + } + + String tvfQuery = + String.format( + "SELECT * FROM READ_%s(%s,%s,%s,%s);", + changeStreamName, startTime, endTime, partitionToken, heartbeat); + + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Start executing change stream TVF: \n%s", tvfQuery)); + sender.initForChangeStreamQuery( + action.getHeartbeatMilliseconds(), action.getName(), action.getPartitionToken()); + Spanner spannerClient; + if (action.hasDeadlineSeconds()) { + spannerClient = getClientWithTimeout(action.getDeadlineSeconds()); + } else { + spannerClient = getClient(); + } + DatabaseClient dbClient = spannerClient.getDatabaseClient(DatabaseId.of(dbPath)); + ResultSet resultSet = dbClient.singleUse().executeQuery(Statement.of(tvfQuery)); + + ChangeStreamRecord.Builder changeStreamRecordBuilder = ChangeStreamRecord.newBuilder(); + while (resultSet.next()) { + Struct record = resultSet.getStructList(0).get(0); + for (Struct dataChangeRecord : record.getStructList("data_change_record")) { + // If the data change record is null, that means the ChangeRecord is either a heartbeat + // or a child partitions record. + if (dataChangeRecord.isNull(0)) { + continue; + } + DataChangeRecord builtDataChangeRecord = buildDataChangeRecord(dataChangeRecord); + changeStreamRecordBuilder.setDataChange(builtDataChangeRecord); + } + for (Struct heartbeatRecord : record.getStructList("heartbeat_record")) { + // If the heartbeat record is null, that means the ChangeRecord is either a data change + // record or a child partitions record. + if (heartbeatRecord.isNull(0)) { + continue; + } + HeartbeatRecord builtHeartbeatRecord = buildHeartbeatRecord(heartbeatRecord); + changeStreamRecordBuilder.setHeartbeat(builtHeartbeatRecord); + } + for (Struct childPartitionRecord : record.getStructList("child_partitions_record")) { + // If the child partitions record is null, that means the ChangeRecord is either a + // data change record or a heartbeat record. + if (childPartitionRecord.isNull(0)) { + continue; + } + ChildPartitionsRecord builtChildPartitionsRecord = + buildChildPartitionRecord(childPartitionRecord); + changeStreamRecordBuilder.setChildPartition(builtChildPartitionsRecord); + } + // For partitioned queries, validate that the time between received change records are + // less than 10x the heartbeat interval. + // Right now, we are not failing the handler since there are other issues besides change + // stream related issues that can cause the heartbeat check to fail (i.e. RPC latency). + if (sender.getIsPartitionedChangeStreamQuery()) { + long lastReceivedTimestamp = sender.getChangeStreamRecordReceivedTimestamp(); + long currentChangeRecordReceivedTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); + long discrepancyMillis = currentChangeRecordReceivedTimestamp - lastReceivedTimestamp; + // Only do the heartbeat check after we have already received one record for the query + // (i.e. lastReceivedTimestamp > 0). + // We should only check the heartbeat interval if heartbeat is greater than 5 seconds, + // to prevent flaky failures. + if (lastReceivedTimestamp > 0 + && discrepancyMillis > sender.getChangeStreamHeartbeatMilliSeconds() * 10 + && sender.getChangeStreamHeartbeatMilliSeconds() > 5000) { + // Log.info( + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INTERNAL, + "Does not pass the heartbeat interval check. The last record was received seconds" + + discrepancyMillis / 1000 + + " ago, which is more than ten times the heartbeat interval, which is " + + sender.getChangeStreamHeartbeatMilliSeconds() / 1000 + + " seconds. The change record received is: " + + changeStreamRecordBuilder.build()); + } + sender.updateChangeStreamRecordReceivedTimestamp(currentChangeRecordReceivedTimestamp); + } + Status appendStatus = sender.appendChangeStreamRecord(changeStreamRecordBuilder.build()); + if (!appendStatus.isOk()) { + return appendStatus; + } + } + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()); + if (e instanceof DeadlineExceededException) { + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, "Deadline exceeded error: " + e))); + } else if (e instanceof UnavailableException) { + return toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException(ErrorCode.UNAVAILABLE, e.getMessage())); + } + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e))); + } + } + + /** + * Execute action that start a read-write or read-only transaction. For read-write transaction, + * see {@link ReadWriteTransaction}. + */ + private Status executeStartTxn( + StartTransactionAction action, + DatabaseClient dbClient, + OutcomeSender sender, + ExecutionFlowContext executionContext) { + try { + executionContext.updateTransactionSeed(action.getTransactionSeed()); + Metadata metadata = new Metadata(action.getTableList()); + if (action.hasConcurrency()) { + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format( + "Starting read-only transaction %s\n", executionContext.getTransactionSeed())); + executionContext.startReadOnlyTxn( + dbClient, timestampBoundsFromConcurrency(action.getConcurrency()), metadata); + } else { + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + "Starting read-write transaction %s\n", + executionContext.getTransactionSeed()); + executionContext.startReadWriteTxn(dbClient, metadata); + } + executionContext.setDatabaseClient(dbClient); + executionContext.initReadState(); + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } catch (Exception e) { + return sender.finishWithError( + toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error: " + e.getMessage()))); + } + } + + /** + * Execute action that finish a transaction. For read-write transaction, either commit or abandon + * the transaction is allowed. Batch transaction is not supported. + */ + private Status executeFinishTxn( + FinishTransactionAction action, OutcomeSender sender, ExecutionFlowContext executionContext) { + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format( + "Finishing transaction %s\n%s", executionContext.getTransactionSeed(), action)); + return executionContext.finish(action.getMode(), sender); + } + + /** Execute mutation action request and buffer the mutations. */ + private Status executeMutation( + MutationAction action, + OutcomeSender sender, + ExecutionFlowContext executionContext, + boolean isWrite) { + String prevTable = ""; + try { + for (int i = 0; i < action.getModCount(); ++i) { + Mod mod = action.getMod(i); + String table = mod.getTable(); + if (table.isEmpty()) { + table = prevTable; + } + if (table.isEmpty()) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Table name missing: " + action); + } + prevTable = table; + LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, String.format("Executing mutation mod: \n%s", mod)); + + final List mutations = Lists.newArrayList(); + + if (mod.hasInsert()) { + InsertArgs insertArgs = mod.getInsert(); + for (int j = 0; j < insertArgs.getValuesCount(); ++j) { + mutations.add( + buildWrite( + insertArgs.getColumnList(), + cloudValuesFromValueList(insertArgs.getValues(j), insertArgs.getTypeList()), + Mutation.newInsertBuilder(table))); + } + } else if (mod.hasUpdate()) { + UpdateArgs updateArgs = mod.getUpdate(); + for (int j = 0; j < updateArgs.getValuesCount(); ++j) { + mutations.add( + buildWrite( + updateArgs.getColumnList(), + cloudValuesFromValueList(updateArgs.getValues(j), updateArgs.getTypeList()), + Mutation.newUpdateBuilder(table))); + } + } else if (mod.hasInsertOrUpdate()) { + InsertArgs insertArgs = mod.getInsertOrUpdate(); + for (int j = 0; j < insertArgs.getValuesCount(); ++j) { + mutations.add( + buildWrite( + insertArgs.getColumnList(), + cloudValuesFromValueList(insertArgs.getValues(j), insertArgs.getTypeList()), + Mutation.newInsertOrUpdateBuilder(table))); + } + } else if (mod.hasReplace()) { + InsertArgs insertArgs = mod.getReplace(); + for (int j = 0; j < insertArgs.getValuesCount(); ++j) { + mutations.add( + buildWrite( + insertArgs.getColumnList(), + cloudValuesFromValueList(insertArgs.getValues(j), insertArgs.getTypeList()), + Mutation.newReplaceBuilder(table))); + } + } else if (mod.hasDeleteKeys()) { + KeySet keySet = + keySetProtoToCloudKeySet( + mod.getDeleteKeys(), executionContext.getKeyColumnTypes(table)); + mutations.add(Mutation.delete(table, keySet)); + } else { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unsupported mod: " + mod); + } + if (!isWrite) { + executionContext.bufferMutations(mutations); + } else { + executionContext.getDbClient().write(mutations); + } + } + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } + } + + /** Build a Mutation by using the given WriteBuilder to set the columns for the action. */ + private Mutation buildWrite( + List columnList, List valueList, WriteBuilder write) { + Preconditions.checkState(columnList.size() == valueList.size()); + for (int i = 0; i < columnList.size(); i++) { + write.set(columnList.get(i)).to(valueList.get(i)); + } + return write.build(); + } + + /** Execute a read action request, store the results in the OutcomeSender. */ + private Status executeRead( + ReadAction action, OutcomeSender sender, ExecutionFlowContext executionContext) { + try { + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format("Executing read %s\n%s\n", executionContext.getTransactionSeed(), action)); + List typeList = new ArrayList<>(); + if (action.hasIndex()) { + // For index read, we assume the serviceKeyFile columns are listed at the front of the read + // column + // list. + for (int i = 0; i < action.getColumnCount(); ++i) { + String col = action.getColumn(i); + typeList.add(executionContext.getColumnType(action.getTable(), col)); + } + } else { + typeList = executionContext.getKeyColumnTypes(action.getTable()); + } + KeySet keySet = keySetProtoToCloudKeySet(action.getKeys(), typeList); + ReadContext txn = executionContext.getTransactionForRead(); + sender.initForRead(action.getTable(), action.getIndex()); + + executionContext.startRead(); + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format( + "Finish read building, ready to execute %s\n", + executionContext.getTransactionSeed())); + ResultSet result; + if (action.hasIndex()) { + result = + txn.readUsingIndex( + action.getTable(), action.getIndex(), keySet, action.getColumnList()); + } else { + result = txn.read(action.getTable(), keySet, action.getColumnList()); + } + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format("Parsing read result %s\n", executionContext.getTransactionSeed())); + return processResults(result, action.getLimit(), sender, executionContext); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } + } + + /** Execute a query action request, store the results in the OutcomeSender. */ + private Status executeQuery( + QueryAction action, OutcomeSender sender, ExecutionFlowContext executionContext) { + try { + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format("Executing query %s\n%s\n", executionContext.getTransactionSeed(), action)); + ReadContext txn = executionContext.getTransactionForRead(); + sender.initForQuery(); + + Statement.Builder stmt = Statement.newBuilder(action.getSql()); + for (int i = 0; i < action.getParamsCount(); ++i) { + stmt.bind(action.getParams(i).getName()) + .to( + valueProtoToCloudValue( + action.getParams(i).getType(), action.getParams(i).getValue())); + } + + executionContext.startRead(); + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format( + "Finish query building, ready to execute %s\n", + executionContext.getTransactionSeed())); + ResultSet result = txn.executeQuery(stmt.build(), Options.tag("query-tag")); + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format("Parsing query result %s\n", executionContext.getTransactionSeed())); + return processResults(result, 0, sender, executionContext); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } + } + + /** Execute a dml update action request, store the results in the OutcomeSender. */ + private Status executeCloudDmlUpdate( + DmlAction action, OutcomeSender sender, ExecutionFlowContext executionContext) { + try { + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format( + "Executing Dml update %s\n%s\n", executionContext.getTransactionSeed(), action)); + QueryAction update = action.getUpdate(); + Statement.Builder stmt = Statement.newBuilder(update.getSql()); + for (int i = 0; i < update.getParamsCount(); ++i) { + stmt.bind(update.getParams(i).getName()) + .to( + valueProtoToCloudValue( + update.getParams(i).getType(), update.getParams(i).getValue())); + } + sender.initForQuery(); + ResultSet result = + executionContext + .getTransactionForWrite() + .executeQuery(stmt.build(), Options.tag("dml-transaction-tag")); + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format("Parsing Dml result %s\n", executionContext.getTransactionSeed())); + return processResults(result, 0, sender, executionContext, true); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } + } + + /** Execute a BatchDml update action request, store the results in the OutcomeSender. */ + private Status executeCloudBatchDmlUpdates( + BatchDmlAction action, OutcomeSender sender, ExecutionFlowContext executionContext) { + try { + List queries = new ArrayList<>(); + for (int i = 0; i < action.getUpdatesCount(); ++i) { + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format( + "Executing BatchDml update [%d] %s\n%s\n", + i + 1, executionContext.getTransactionSeed(), action)); + QueryAction update = action.getUpdates(i); + Statement.Builder stmt = Statement.newBuilder(update.getSql()); + for (int j = 0; j < update.getParamsCount(); ++j) { + stmt.bind(update.getParams(i).getName()) + .to( + valueProtoToCloudValue( + update.getParams(i).getType(), update.getParams(i).getValue())); + } + queries.add(stmt.build()); + } + long[] rowCounts = executionContext.executeBatchDml(queries); + sender.initForQuery(); + for (long rowCount : rowCounts) { + sender.appendRowsModifiedInDml(rowCount); + } + // The batchDml request failed. By design, `rowCounts` contains rows + // modified for DML queries that succeeded only. Add 0 as the row count + // for the last executed DML in the batch (that failed). + if (rowCounts.length != queries.size()) { + sender.appendRowsModifiedInDml(0L); + } + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + return sender.finishWithError(toStatus(e)); + } + } + + /** Process a ResultSet from a read/query and store the results in the OutcomeSender. */ + private Status processResults( + ResultSet results, int limit, OutcomeSender sender, ExecutionFlowContext executionContext) { + return processResults(results, limit, sender, executionContext, false); + } + + /** Process a ResultSet from a read/query/dml and store the results in the OutcomeSender. */ + private Status processResults( + ResultSet results, + int limit, + OutcomeSender sender, + ExecutionFlowContext executionContext, + boolean isDml) { + try { + int rowCount = 0; + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format("Iterating result set: %s\n", executionContext.getTransactionSeed())); + while (results.next()) { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList row = + buildRow(results.getCurrentRowAsStruct(), sender); + Status appendStatus = sender.appendRow(row); + if (!appendStatus.isOk()) { + return appendStatus; + } + ++rowCount; + if (limit > 0 && rowCount >= limit) { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Stopping at row limit: " + limit); + break; + } + } + if (isDml) { + sender.appendRowsModifiedInDml( + Objects.requireNonNull(results.getStats()).getRowCountExact()); + } + + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format( + "Successfully processed result: %s\n", executionContext.getTransactionSeed())); + executionContext.finishRead(Status.OK); + return sender.finishWithOK(); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + Status status = toStatus(e); + LOGGER.log( + Level.WARNING, + String.format( + "Encountered exception: %s %s\n", + status.getDescription(), executionContext.getTransactionSeed())); + executionContext.finishRead(status); + if (status.getCode() == Status.ABORTED.getCode()) { + return sender.finishWithTransactionRestarted(); + } else { + if (status.getCode() == Status.UNAUTHENTICATED.getCode()) { + try { + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format( + "Found Unauthenticated error, client credentials:\n%s", + getClient().getOptions().getCredentials().toString())); + } catch (Exception exception) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, String.format("Failed to getClient %s", exception)); + } + } + return sender.finishWithError(status); + } + } finally { + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format("Closing result set %s\n", executionContext.getTransactionSeed())); + results.close(); + } + } + + /** Convert a result row to a row proto(value list) for sending back to the client. */ + private com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList buildRow( + StructReader result, OutcomeSender sender) throws SpannerException { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.Builder rowBuilder = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.newBuilder(); + com.google.spanner.v1.StructType.Builder rowTypeBuilder = + com.google.spanner.v1.StructType.newBuilder(); + for (int i = 0; i < result.getColumnCount(); ++i) { + com.google.cloud.spanner.Type columnType = result.getColumnType(i); + rowTypeBuilder.addFields( + com.google.spanner.v1.StructType.Field.newBuilder() + .setName(result.getType().getStructFields().get(i).getName()) + .setType(cloudTypeToTypeProto(columnType)) + .build()); + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.Builder value = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.newBuilder(); + if (result.isNull(i)) { + value.setIsNull(true); + } else { + switch (columnType.getCode()) { + case BOOL: + value.setBoolValue(result.getBoolean(i)); + break; + case FLOAT64: + value.setDoubleValue(result.getDouble(i)); + break; + case INT64: + value.setIntValue(result.getLong(i)); + break; + case STRING: + value.setStringValue(result.getString(i)); + break; + case BYTES: + value.setBytesValue(toByteString(result.getBytes(i))); + break; + case TIMESTAMP: + value.setTimestampValue(timestampToProto(result.getTimestamp(i))); + break; + case DATE: + value.setDateDaysValue(daysFromDate(result.getDate(i))); + break; + case NUMERIC: + String ascii = result.getBigDecimal(i).toPlainString(); + value.setStringValue(ascii); + break; + case JSON: + value.setStringValue(result.getJson(i)); + break; + case ARRAY: + switch (result.getColumnType(i).getArrayElementType().getCode()) { + case BOOL: + { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.Builder builder = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.newBuilder(); + List values = result.getBooleanList(i); + for (Boolean booleanValue : values) { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.Builder valueProto = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.newBuilder(); + if (booleanValue == null) { + builder.addValue(valueProto.setIsNull(true).build()); + } else { + builder.addValue(valueProto.setBoolValue(booleanValue).build()); + } + } + value.setArrayValue(builder.build()); + value.setArrayType( + com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.BOOL).build()); + } + break; + case FLOAT64: + { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.Builder builder = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.newBuilder(); + List values = result.getDoubleList(i); + for (Double doubleValue : values) { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.Builder valueProto = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.newBuilder(); + if (doubleValue == null) { + builder.addValue(valueProto.setIsNull(true).build()); + } else { + builder.addValue(valueProto.setDoubleValue(doubleValue).build()); + } + } + value.setArrayValue(builder.build()); + value.setArrayType( + com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.FLOAT64).build()); + } + break; + case INT64: + { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.Builder builder = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.newBuilder(); + List values = result.getLongList(i); + for (Long longValue : values) { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.Builder valueProto = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.newBuilder(); + if (longValue == null) { + builder.addValue(valueProto.setIsNull(true).build()); + } else { + builder.addValue(valueProto.setIntValue(longValue).build()); + } + } + value.setArrayValue(builder.build()); + value.setArrayType( + com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.INT64).build()); + } + break; + case STRING: + { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.Builder builder = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.newBuilder(); + List values = result.getStringList(i); + for (String stringValue : values) { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.Builder valueProto = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.newBuilder(); + if (stringValue == null) { + builder.addValue(valueProto.setIsNull(true).build()); + } else { + builder.addValue(valueProto.setStringValue(stringValue)).build(); + } + } + value.setArrayValue(builder.build()); + value.setArrayType( + com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.STRING).build()); + } + break; + case BYTES: + { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.Builder builder = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.newBuilder(); + List values = result.getBytesList(i); + for (ByteArray byteArrayValue : values) { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.Builder valueProto = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.newBuilder(); + if (byteArrayValue == null) { + builder.addValue(valueProto.setIsNull(true).build()); + } else { + builder.addValue( + valueProto + .setBytesValue(ByteString.copyFrom(byteArrayValue.toByteArray())) + .build()); + } + } + value.setArrayValue(builder.build()); + value.setArrayType( + com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.BYTES).build()); + } + break; + case DATE: + { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.Builder builder = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.newBuilder(); + List values = result.getDateList(i); + for (Date dateValue : values) { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.Builder valueProto = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.newBuilder(); + if (dateValue == null) { + builder.addValue(valueProto.setIsNull(true).build()); + } else { + builder.addValue( + valueProto.setDateDaysValue(daysFromDate(dateValue)).build()); + } + } + value.setArrayValue(builder.build()); + value.setArrayType( + com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.DATE).build()); + } + break; + case TIMESTAMP: + { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.Builder builder = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.newBuilder(); + List values = result.getTimestampList(i); + for (Timestamp timestampValue : values) { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.Builder valueProto = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.newBuilder(); + if (timestampValue == null) { + builder.addValue(valueProto.setIsNull(true).build()); + } else { + builder.addValue( + valueProto.setTimestampValue(timestampToProto(timestampValue)).build()); + } + } + value.setArrayValue(builder.build()); + value.setArrayType( + com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.TIMESTAMP).build()); + } + break; + case NUMERIC: + { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.Builder builder = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.newBuilder(); + List values = result.getBigDecimalList(i); + for (BigDecimal bigDec : values) { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.Builder valueProto = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.newBuilder(); + if (bigDec == null) { + builder.addValue(valueProto.setIsNull(true).build()); + } else { + builder.addValue(valueProto.setStringValue(bigDec.toPlainString()).build()); + } + } + value.setArrayValue(builder.build()); + value.setArrayType( + com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.NUMERIC).build()); + } + break; + case JSON: + { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.Builder builder = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList.newBuilder(); + List values = result.getJsonList(i); + for (String stringValue : values) { + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.Builder valueProto = + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value.newBuilder(); + if (stringValue == null) { + builder.addValue(valueProto.setIsNull(true).build()); + } else { + builder.addValue(valueProto.setStringValue(stringValue)).build(); + } + } + value.setArrayValue(builder.build()); + value.setArrayType( + com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.JSON).build()); + } + break; + default: + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, + "Unsupported row array type: " + + result.getColumnType(i) + + " for result type " + + result.getType().toString()); + } + break; + default: + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, + "Unsupported row type: " + + result.getColumnType(i) + + " for result type " + + result.getType().toString()); + } + } + rowBuilder.addValue(value.build()); + } + sender.setRowType(rowTypeBuilder.build()); + return rowBuilder.build(); + } + + /** Convert a ListValue proto to a list of cloud Value. */ + private static List cloudValuesFromValueList( + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList valueList, List typeList) + throws SpannerException { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Converting valueList: %s\n", valueList)); + Preconditions.checkState(valueList.getValueCount() == typeList.size()); + List cloudValues = new ArrayList<>(); + for (int i = 0; i < valueList.getValueCount(); ++i) { + com.google.cloud.spanner.Value value = + valueProtoToCloudValue(typeList.get(i), valueList.getValue(i)); + cloudValues.add(value); + } + return cloudValues; + } + + /** Convert a proto KeySet to a cloud KeySet. */ + private static com.google.cloud.spanner.KeySet keySetProtoToCloudKeySet( + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.KeySet keySetProto, List typeList) + throws SpannerException { + if (keySetProto.getAll()) { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.KeySet.all(); + } + com.google.cloud.spanner.KeySet.Builder cloudKeySetBuilder = + com.google.cloud.spanner.KeySet.newBuilder(); + for (int i = 0; i < keySetProto.getPointCount(); ++i) { + cloudKeySetBuilder.addKey(keyProtoToCloudKey(keySetProto.getPoint(i), typeList)); + } + for (int i = 0; i < keySetProto.getRangeCount(); ++i) { + cloudKeySetBuilder.addRange(keyRangeProtoToCloudKeyRange(keySetProto.getRange(i), typeList)); + } + return cloudKeySetBuilder.build(); + } + + /** Convert a keyRange proto to a cloud KeyRange. */ + private static com.google.cloud.spanner.KeyRange keyRangeProtoToCloudKeyRange( + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.KeyRange keyRangeProto, + List typeList) + throws SpannerException { + Key start = keyProtoToCloudKey(keyRangeProto.getStart(), typeList); + Key end = keyProtoToCloudKey(keyRangeProto.getLimit(), typeList); + if (!keyRangeProto.hasType()) { + // default + return KeyRange.closedOpen(start, end); + } + switch (keyRangeProto.getType()) { + case CLOSED_CLOSED: + return KeyRange.closedClosed(start, end); + case CLOSED_OPEN: + return KeyRange.closedOpen(start, end); + case OPEN_CLOSED: + return KeyRange.openClosed(start, end); + case OPEN_OPEN: + return KeyRange.openOpen(start, end); + // Unreachable. + default: + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unrecognized serviceKeyFile range type"); + } + } + + /** Convert a serviceKeyFile proto(value list) to a cloud Key. */ + private static com.google.cloud.spanner.Key keyProtoToCloudKey( + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList keyProto, List typeList) + throws SpannerException { + com.google.cloud.spanner.Key.Builder cloudKey = com.google.cloud.spanner.Key.newBuilder(); + if (typeList.size() < keyProto.getValueCount()) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, + "There's more serviceKeyFile parts in " + keyProto + " than column types in " + typeList); + } + + for (int i = 0; i < keyProto.getValueCount(); ++i) { + com.google.spanner.v1.Type type = typeList.get(i); + com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value part = keyProto.getValue(i); + if (part.hasIsNull()) { + switch (type.getCode()) { + case BOOL: + case INT64: + case STRING: + case BYTES: + case FLOAT64: + case DATE: + case TIMESTAMP: + case NUMERIC: + case JSON: + cloudKey.appendObject(null); + break; + default: + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, + "Unsupported null serviceKeyFile part type: " + type.getCode().name()); + } + } else if (part.hasIntValue()) { + cloudKey.append(part.getIntValue()); + } else if (part.hasBoolValue()) { + cloudKey.append(part.getBoolValue()); + } else if (part.hasDoubleValue()) { + cloudKey.append(part.getDoubleValue()); + } else if (part.hasBytesValue()) { + switch (type.getCode()) { + case STRING: + cloudKey.append(part.getBytesValue().toStringUtf8()); + break; + case BYTES: + cloudKey.append(toByteArray(part.getBytesValue())); + break; + // Unreachable + default: + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, + "Unsupported serviceKeyFile part type: " + type.getCode().name()); + } + } else if (part.hasStringValue()) { + if (type.getCode() == TypeCode.NUMERIC) { + String ascii = part.getStringValue(); + cloudKey.append(new BigDecimal(ascii)); + } else { + cloudKey.append(part.getStringValue()); + } + } else if (part.hasTimestampValue()) { + cloudKey.append(Timestamp.parseTimestamp(Timestamps.toString(part.getTimestampValue()))); + } else if (part.hasDateDaysValue()) { + cloudKey.append(dateFromDays(part.getDateDaysValue())); + } else { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unsupported serviceKeyFile part: " + part); + } + } + return cloudKey.build(); + } + + /** Convert a Value proto to a cloud Value. */ + @SuppressWarnings("NullTernary") + private static com.google.cloud.spanner.Value valueProtoToCloudValue( + com.google.spanner.v1.Type type, com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value value) { + if (value.hasIsCommitTimestamp() && value.getIsCommitTimestamp()) { + return Value.timestamp(com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.COMMIT_TIMESTAMP); + } + switch (type.getCode()) { + case INT64: + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.int64(value.hasIsNull() ? null : value.getIntValue()); + case FLOAT64: + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.float64( + value.hasIsNull() ? null : value.getDoubleValue()); + case STRING: + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.string( + value.hasIsNull() ? null : value.getStringValue()); + case BYTES: + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.bytes( + value.hasIsNull() ? null : ByteArray.copyFrom(value.getBytesValue().toByteArray())); + case BOOL: + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.bool(value.hasIsNull() ? null : value.getBoolValue()); + case TIMESTAMP: + if (value.hasIsNull()) { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.timestamp(null); + } else { + if (!value.hasBytesValue()) { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.timestamp( + Timestamp.parseTimestamp(Timestamps.toString(value.getTimestampValue()))); + } else { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.timestamp( + com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.COMMIT_TIMESTAMP); + } + } + case DATE: + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.date( + value.hasIsNull() ? null : dateFromDays(value.getDateDaysValue())); + case NUMERIC: + { + if (value.hasIsNull()) { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.numeric(null); + } + String ascii = value.getStringValue(); + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.numeric(new BigDecimal(ascii)); + } + case JSON: + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.json( + value.hasIsNull() ? null : value.getStringValue()); + case STRUCT: + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.struct( + typeProtoToCloudType(type), + value.hasIsNull() ? null : structProtoToCloudStruct(type, value.getStructValue())); + case ARRAY: + switch (type.getArrayElementType().getCode()) { + case INT64: + if (value.hasIsNull()) { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.int64Array((Iterable) null); + } else { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.int64Array( + unmarshallValueList( + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getIsNull) + .collect(Collectors.toList()), + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getIntValue) + .collect(Collectors.toList()))); + } + case FLOAT64: + if (value.hasIsNull()) { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.float64Array((Iterable) null); + } else { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.float64Array( + unmarshallValueList( + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getIsNull) + .collect(Collectors.toList()), + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getDoubleValue) + .collect(Collectors.toList()))); + } + case STRING: + if (value.hasIsNull()) { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.stringArray(null); + } else { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.stringArray( + unmarshallValueList( + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getIsNull) + .collect(Collectors.toList()), + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getStringValue) + .collect(Collectors.toList()))); + } + case BYTES: + if (value.hasIsNull()) { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.bytesArray(null); + } else { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.bytesArray( + unmarshallValueList( + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getIsNull) + .collect(Collectors.toList()), + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getBytesValue) + .collect(Collectors.toList()), + element -> ByteArray.copyFrom(element.toByteArray()))); + } + case BOOL: + if (value.hasIsNull()) { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.boolArray((Iterable) null); + } else { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.boolArray( + unmarshallValueList( + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getIsNull) + .collect(Collectors.toList()), + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getBoolValue) + .collect(Collectors.toList()))); + } + case TIMESTAMP: + if (value.hasIsNull()) { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.timestampArray(null); + } else { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.timestampArray( + unmarshallValueList( + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getIsNull) + .collect(Collectors.toList()), + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getTimestampValue) + .collect(Collectors.toList()), + element -> Timestamp.parseTimestamp(Timestamps.toString(element)))); + } + case DATE: + if (value.hasIsNull()) { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.dateArray(null); + } else { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.dateArray( + unmarshallValueList( + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getIsNull) + .collect(Collectors.toList()), + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getDateDaysValue) + .collect(Collectors.toList()), + CloudClientExecutor::dateFromDays)); + } + case NUMERIC: + { + if (value.hasIsNull()) { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.numericArray(null); + } + List nullList = + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getIsNull) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); + List valueList = + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getStringValue) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); + List newValueList = new ArrayList<>(valueList.size()); + + for (int i = 0; i < valueList.size(); ++i) { + if (i < nullList.size() && nullList.get(i)) { + newValueList.add(null); + continue; + } + String ascii = valueList.get(i); + newValueList.add(new BigDecimal(ascii)); + } + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.numericArray(newValueList); + } + case STRUCT: + com.google.cloud.spanner.Type elementType = + typeProtoToCloudType(type.getArrayElementType()); + if (value.hasIsNull()) { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.structArray(elementType, null); + } else { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.structArray( + elementType, + unmarshallValueList( + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getIsNull) + .collect(Collectors.toList()), + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getStructValue) + .collect(Collectors.toList()), + element -> structProtoToCloudStruct(type.getArrayElementType(), element))); + } + case JSON: + if (value.hasIsNull()) { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.jsonArray(null); + } else { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Value.jsonArray( + unmarshallValueList( + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getIsNull) + .collect(Collectors.toList()), + value.getArrayValue().getValueList().stream() + .map(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.Value::getStringValue) + .collect(Collectors.toList()))); + } + default: + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, + "Unsupported array element type while converting from value proto: " + + type.getArrayElementType().getCode().name()); + } + } + // Unreachable + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unsupported type while converting from value proto: " + type); + } + + /** Convert a cloud Timestamp to a Timestamp proto. */ + private com.google.protobuf.Timestamp timestampToProto(Timestamp t) throws SpannerException { + try { + return Timestamps.parse(t.toString()); + } catch (ParseException e) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Timestamp parse error", e); + } + } + + /** Convert a cloud Date to a Date proto. */ + private static int daysFromDate(Date date) { + return (int) LocalDate.of(date.getYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDayOfMonth()).toEpochDay(); + } + + /** Convert a Date proto to a cloud Date. */ + private static Date dateFromDays(int daysSinceEpoch) { + LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.ofEpochDay(daysSinceEpoch); + return Date.fromYearMonthDay( + localDate.getYear(), localDate.getMonthValue(), localDate.getDayOfMonth()); + } + + @Nullable + private static ByteString toByteString(@Nullable ByteArray byteArray) { + if (byteArray == null) { + return null; + } + return ByteString.copyFrom(byteArray.toByteArray()); + } + + @Nullable + private static ByteArray toByteArray(@Nullable ByteString byteString) { + if (byteString == null) { + return null; + } + return ByteArray.copyFrom(byteString.toByteArray()); + } + + /** Convert a list of nullable value to another type. */ + private static List unmarshallValueList( + List isNullList, List valueList, Function converter) { + List newValueList = new ArrayList<>(valueList.size()); + if (isNullList.isEmpty()) { + for (S value : valueList) { + newValueList.add(converter.apply(value)); + } + } else { + for (int i = 0; i < valueList.size(); ++i) { + newValueList.add(isNullList.get(i) ? null : converter.apply(valueList.get(i))); + } + } + return newValueList; + } + + /** Insert null into valueList according to isNullList. */ + private static List unmarshallValueList(List isNullList, List valueList) { + return unmarshallValueList(isNullList, valueList, element -> element); + } + + /** Convert a Struct proto to a cloud Struct. */ + private static com.google.cloud.spanner.Struct structProtoToCloudStruct( + com.google.spanner.v1.Type type, com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList structValue) { + List fieldValues = structValue.getValueList(); + List fieldTypes = type.getStructType().getFieldsList(); + + if (fieldTypes.size() != fieldValues.size()) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, + "Mismatch between number of expected fields and specified values for struct type"); + } + + com.google.cloud.spanner.Struct.Builder builder = com.google.cloud.spanner.Struct.newBuilder(); + for (int i = 0; i < fieldTypes.size(); ++i) { + builder + .set(fieldTypes.get(i).getName()) + .to(valueProtoToCloudValue(fieldTypes.get(i).getType(), fieldValues.get(i))); + } + return builder.build(); + } + + /** Convert a Type proto to a cloud Type. */ + private static com.google.cloud.spanner.Type typeProtoToCloudType( + com.google.spanner.v1.Type typeProto) { + switch (typeProto.getCode()) { + case BOOL: + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Type.bool(); + case INT64: + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Type.int64(); + case STRING: + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Type.string(); + case BYTES: + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Type.bytes(); + case FLOAT64: + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Type.float64(); + case DATE: + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Type.date(); + case TIMESTAMP: + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Type.timestamp(); + case NUMERIC: + if (typeProto.getTypeAnnotation().equals(TypeAnnotationCode.PG_NUMERIC)) { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Type.pgNumeric(); + } else { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Type.numeric(); + } + case STRUCT: + List fields = typeProto.getStructType().getFieldsList(); + List cloudFields = new ArrayList<>(); + for (StructType.Field field : fields) { + com.google.cloud.spanner.Type fieldType = typeProtoToCloudType(field.getType()); + cloudFields.add(com.google.cloud.spanner.Type.StructField.of(field.getName(), fieldType)); + } + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Type.struct(cloudFields); + case ARRAY: + com.google.spanner.v1.Type elementType = typeProto.getArrayElementType(); + if (elementType.getCode() == TypeCode.ARRAY) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unsupported array-of-array proto type"); + } else { + com.google.cloud.spanner.Type cloudElementType = typeProtoToCloudType(elementType); + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Type.array(cloudElementType); + } + case JSON: + if (typeProto.getTypeAnnotation().equals(TypeAnnotationCode.PG_JSONB)) { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Type.pgJsonb(); + } else { + return com.google.cloud.spanner.Type.json(); + } + default: + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unsupported proto type: " + typeProto); + } + } + + /** Convert a cloud Type to a Type proto. */ + private static com.google.spanner.v1.Type cloudTypeToTypeProto(@NotNull Type cloudTypeProto) { + switch (cloudTypeProto.getCode()) { + case BOOL: + return com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.BOOL).build(); + case INT64: + return com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.INT64).build(); + case FLOAT64: + return com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.FLOAT64).build(); + case STRING: + return com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.STRING).build(); + case BYTES: + return com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.BYTES).build(); + case TIMESTAMP: + return com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.TIMESTAMP).build(); + case DATE: + return com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.DATE).build(); + case NUMERIC: + return com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.NUMERIC).build(); + case PG_NUMERIC: + return com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder() + .setCode(TypeCode.NUMERIC) + .setTypeAnnotation(TypeAnnotationCode.PG_NUMERIC) + .build(); + case STRUCT: + com.google.spanner.v1.StructType.Builder StructDescriptorBuilder = + com.google.spanner.v1.StructType.newBuilder(); + for (com.google.cloud.spanner.Type.StructField cloudField : + cloudTypeProto.getStructFields()) { + StructDescriptorBuilder.addFields( + com.google.spanner.v1.StructType.Field.newBuilder() + .setName(cloudField.getName()) + .setType(cloudTypeToTypeProto(cloudField.getType()))); + } + return com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder() + .setCode(TypeCode.STRUCT) + .setStructType(StructDescriptorBuilder.build()) + .build(); + case ARRAY: + if (cloudTypeProto.getArrayElementType().getCode() + == com.google.cloud.spanner.Type.Code.ARRAY) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unsupported array-of-array cloud type"); + } else { + return com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder() + .setCode(TypeCode.ARRAY) + .setArrayElementType(cloudTypeToTypeProto(cloudTypeProto.getArrayElementType())) + .build(); + } + case JSON: + return com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder().setCode(TypeCode.JSON).build(); + case PG_JSONB: + return com.google.spanner.v1.Type.newBuilder() + .setCode(TypeCode.JSON) + .setTypeAnnotation(TypeAnnotationCode.PG_JSONB) + .build(); + default: + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unsupported cloud type: " + cloudTypeProto); + } + } + + /** Unmarshall ByteString to serializable object. */ + private T unmarshall(ByteString input) + throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { + ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(input.newInput()); + return (T) objectInputStream.readObject(); + } + + /** Marshall a serializable object into ByteString. */ + private ByteString marshall(T object) throws IOException { + ByteString.Output output = ByteString.newOutput(); + ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(output); + objectOutputStream.writeObject(object); + objectOutputStream.flush(); + objectOutputStream.close(); + return output.toByteString(); + } + + /** Build Timestamp from micros. */ + private Timestamp timestampFromMicros(long micros) { + long seconds = TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.toSeconds(micros); + int nanos = (int) (micros * 1000 - seconds * 1000000000); + return Timestamp.ofTimeSecondsAndNanos(seconds, nanos); + } + + /** Build TimestampBound from Concurrency. */ + private TimestampBound timestampBoundsFromConcurrency(Concurrency concurrency) { + if (concurrency.hasStalenessSeconds()) { + return TimestampBound.ofExactStaleness( + (long) (concurrency.getStalenessSeconds() * 1000000), TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS); + } else if (concurrency.hasMinReadTimestampMicros()) { + return TimestampBound.ofMinReadTimestamp( + timestampFromMicros(concurrency.getMinReadTimestampMicros())); + } else if (concurrency.hasMaxStalenessSeconds()) { + return TimestampBound.ofMaxStaleness( + (long) (concurrency.getMaxStalenessSeconds() * 1000000), TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS); + } else if (concurrency.hasExactTimestampMicros()) { + return TimestampBound.ofReadTimestamp( + timestampFromMicros(concurrency.getExactTimestampMicros())); + } else if (concurrency.hasStrong()) { + return TimestampBound.strong(); + } else if (concurrency.hasBatch()) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, + "batch mode should not be in snapshot transaction: " + concurrency); + } + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unsupported concurrency mode: " + concurrency); + } + + /** Build instance proto from cloud spanner instance. */ + private com.google.spanner.admin.instance.v1.Instance instanceToProto(Instance instance) { + com.google.spanner.admin.instance.v1.Instance.Builder instanceBuilder = + com.google.spanner.admin.instance.v1.Instance.newBuilder(); + instanceBuilder + .setConfig(instance.getInstanceConfigId().getInstanceConfig()) + .setName(instance.getId().getName()) + .setDisplayName(instance.getDisplayName()) + .setCreateTime(instance.getCreateTime().toProto()) + .setNodeCount(instance.getNodeCount()) + .setProcessingUnits(instance.getProcessingUnits()) + .setUpdateTime(instance.getUpdateTime().toProto()) + .putAllLabels(instance.getLabels()); + com.google.spanner.admin.instance.v1.Instance.State state; + switch (instance.getState()) { + case UNSPECIFIED: + state = State.STATE_UNSPECIFIED; + break; + case CREATING: + state = State.CREATING; + break; + case READY: + state = State.READY; + break; + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown state:" + instance.getState()); + } + instanceBuilder.setState(state); + return instanceBuilder.build(); + } + + /** Build instance proto from cloud spanner instance. */ + private com.google.spanner.admin.instance.v1.InstanceConfig instanceConfigToProto( + InstanceConfig instanceConfig) { + com.google.spanner.admin.instance.v1.InstanceConfig.Builder instanceConfigBuilder = + com.google.spanner.admin.instance.v1.InstanceConfig.newBuilder(); + instanceConfigBuilder + .setDisplayName(instanceConfig.getDisplayName()) + .setEtag(instanceConfig.getEtag()) + .setName(instanceConfig.getId().getName()) + .addAllLeaderOptions(instanceConfig.getLeaderOptions()) + .addAllOptionalReplicas( + instanceConfig.getOptionalReplicas().stream() + .map(ReplicaInfo::getProto) + .collect(Collectors.toList())) + .addAllReplicas( + instanceConfig.getReplicas().stream() + .map(ReplicaInfo::getProto) + .collect(Collectors.toList())) + .putAllLabels(instanceConfig.getLabels()) + .setReconciling(instanceConfig.getReconciling()); + com.google.spanner.admin.instance.v1.InstanceConfig.State state; + switch (instanceConfig.getState()) { + case STATE_UNSPECIFIED: + state = com.google.spanner.admin.instance.v1.InstanceConfig.State.STATE_UNSPECIFIED; + break; + case CREATING: + state = com.google.spanner.admin.instance.v1.InstanceConfig.State.CREATING; + break; + case READY: + state = com.google.spanner.admin.instance.v1.InstanceConfig.State.READY; + break; + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown state:" + instanceConfig.getState()); + } + instanceConfigBuilder.setState(state); + com.google.spanner.admin.instance.v1.InstanceConfig.Type type; + switch (instanceConfig.getConfigType()) { + case TYPE_UNSPECIFIED: + type = com.google.spanner.admin.instance.v1.InstanceConfig.Type.TYPE_UNSPECIFIED; + break; + case GOOGLE_MANAGED: + type = com.google.spanner.admin.instance.v1.InstanceConfig.Type.GOOGLE_MANAGED; + break; + case USER_MANAGED: + type = com.google.spanner.admin.instance.v1.InstanceConfig.Type.USER_MANAGED; + break; + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type:" + instanceConfig.getConfigType()); + } + instanceConfigBuilder.setConfigType(type); + if (instanceConfig.getBaseConfig() != null) { + instanceConfigBuilder.setBaseConfig(instanceConfig.getBaseConfig().getId().getName()); + } + return instanceConfigBuilder.build(); + } +} diff --git a/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/executor/spanner/CloudExecutor.java b/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/executor/spanner/CloudExecutor.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..bf5f56aadca --- /dev/null +++ b/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/executor/spanner/CloudExecutor.java @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2022 Google LLC + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + */ + +package com.google.cloud.executor.spanner; + +import com.google.api.client.http.javanet.NetHttpTransport; +import com.google.auth.http.HttpTransportFactory; +import com.google.cloud.executor.spanner.CloudClientExecutor.ExecutionFlowContext; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.ErrorCode; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.SpannerException; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.SpannerExceptionFactory; +import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; +import com.google.protobuf.Timestamp; +import com.google.protobuf.util.Timestamps; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ChangeStreamRecord; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ChildPartitionsRecord; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ColumnMetadata; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.QueryResult; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ReadResult; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.SpannerActionOutcome; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.SpannerAsyncActionResponse; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.TableMetadata; +import com.google.spanner.v1.StructType; +import io.grpc.Status; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.logging.Level; +import java.util.logging.Logger; +import java.util.regex.Pattern; + +/** Superclass of cloud Java Client implementations for cloud requests. */ +public abstract class CloudExecutor { + + private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CloudExecutor.class.getName()); + + // Pattern for a database name: projects//instances//databases/ + protected static final Pattern DB_NAME = + Pattern.compile( + "projects/([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)/instances/([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)/databases/([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)"); + + // Project id. + protected static final String PROJECT_ID = "spanner-cloud-systest"; + + // Transport factory. + protected static final HttpTransportFactory HTTP_TRANSPORT_FACTORY = NetHttpTransport::new; + + // Indicate whether grpc fault injector should be enabled. + protected boolean enableGrpcFaultInjector; + + /** + * Metadata is used to hold and retrieve metadata of tables and columns involved in a transaction. + */ + public static class Metadata { + + private final Map> tableKeyColumnsInOrder; + private final Map> tableColumnsByName; + + /** Init metadata from list of tableMetadata in startTransaction action. */ + public Metadata(List metadata) { + tableKeyColumnsInOrder = new HashMap<>(); + tableColumnsByName = new HashMap<>(); + for (TableMetadata table : metadata) { + String tableName = table.getName(); + tableKeyColumnsInOrder.put(tableName, table.getKeyColumnList()); + tableColumnsByName.put(tableName, new HashMap<>()); + for (int j = 0; j < table.getColumnCount(); ++j) { + ColumnMetadata column = table.getColumn(j); + tableColumnsByName.get(tableName).put(column.getName(), column); + } + } + } + + public List getKeyColumnTypes(String tableName) + throws SpannerException { + if (!tableKeyColumnsInOrder.containsKey(tableName)) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "There is no metadata for table: " + tableName); + } + List typeList = new ArrayList<>(); + List columns = tableKeyColumnsInOrder.get(tableName); + for (ColumnMetadata column : columns) { + typeList.add(column.getType()); + } + return typeList; + } + + /** Return column type of the given table and column. */ + public com.google.spanner.v1.Type getColumnType(String tableName, String columnName) + throws SpannerException { + if (!tableColumnsByName.containsKey(tableName)) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "There is no metadata for table: " + tableName); + } + Map columnList = tableColumnsByName.get(tableName); + if (!columnList.containsKey(columnName)) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, + "Metadata for table " + tableName + " contains no column named " + columnName); + } + return columnList.get(columnName).getType(); + } + } + + /** + * OutcomeSender is a utility class used for sending action outcomes back to the client. For read + * actions, it buffers rows and sends partial read results in batches. + */ + public class OutcomeSender { + + private final int actionId; + private final ExecutionFlowContext context; + + // All the relevant variables below should be set before first outcome is sent back, and unused + // variables should leave null. + private Timestamp timestamp; + private boolean hasReadResult; + private boolean hasQueryResult; + private boolean hasChangeStreamRecords; + private String table; + private String index; + private Integer requestIndex; + private StructType rowType; + + // PartialOutcome accumulates rows and relevant information. + private SpannerActionOutcome.Builder partialOutcomeBuilder; + private ReadResult.Builder readResultBuilder; + private QueryResult.Builder queryResultBuilder; + + // Current row count in Read/Query result. + private int rowCount; + // Modified row count in DML result. + private final List rowsModified = new ArrayList<>(); + // Current ChangeStreamRecord count in Cloud result. + private int changeStreamRecordCount; + // Change stream records to be returned. + private final List changeStreamRecords = new ArrayList<>(); + // Change stream related variables. + private String partitionTokensString = "["; + private String dataChangeRecordsString = "["; + private String changeStreamForQuery = ""; + private String partitionTokenForQuery = ""; + + // The timestamp in milliseconds of when the last ChangeStreamRecord received. + private long changeStreamRecordReceivedTimestamp; + // The heartbeat interval for the change stream query in milliseconds. + private long changeStreamHeartbeatMilliseconds; + // Whether the change stream query is a partitioned change stream query. + private boolean isPartitionedChangeStreamQuery; + + // If row count exceed this value, we should send rows back in batch. + private static final int MAX_ROWS_PER_BATCH = 100; + // If change stream record count exceed this value, send change stream records back in batch. + private static final int MAX_CHANGE_STREAM_RECORDS_PER_BATCH = 2000; + + public OutcomeSender(int actionId, ExecutionFlowContext context) { + this.actionId = actionId; + this.context = context; + this.index = null; + this.rowType = null; + this.requestIndex = null; + this.timestamp = Timestamp.newBuilder().setSeconds(0).setNanos(0).build(); + } + + /** Set the timestamp for commit. */ + public void setTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp) { + this.timestamp = timestamp; + } + + /** Set the rowType for appending row. */ + public void setRowType(StructType rowType) { + this.rowType = rowType; + } + + /** Init the sender for read action, then set the table and index if there exists. */ + public void initForRead(String table, String index) { + this.hasReadResult = true; + this.table = table; + if (!index.isEmpty()) { + this.index = index; + } + } + + /** Init the sender for query action. */ + public void initForQuery() { + this.hasQueryResult = true; + } + + /** Init the sender for batch read action, then set the table and index if there exists. */ + public void initForBatchRead(String table, String index) { + initForRead(table, index); + // Cloud API supports only simple batch reads (not multi reads), so request index + // is always 0 + this.requestIndex = 0; + } + + /** Init the sender for change stream query action. */ + public void initForChangeStreamQuery( + long changeStreamHeartbeatMilliseconds, String changeStreamName, String partitionToken) { + this.hasChangeStreamRecords = true; + this.changeStreamRecordReceivedTimestamp = 0; + this.changeStreamHeartbeatMilliseconds = changeStreamHeartbeatMilliseconds; + this.changeStreamForQuery = changeStreamName; + if (!partitionToken.isEmpty()) { + this.isPartitionedChangeStreamQuery = true; + this.partitionTokenForQuery = partitionToken; + } + } + + /** Update change stream record timestamp. */ + public void updateChangeStreamRecordReceivedTimestamp( + long changeStreamRecordReceivedTimestamp) { + this.changeStreamRecordReceivedTimestamp = changeStreamRecordReceivedTimestamp; + } + + /** Add rows modified in DML to result. */ + public void appendRowsModifiedInDml(Long rowsModified) { + this.rowsModified.add(rowsModified); + } + + public long getChangeStreamRecordReceivedTimestamp() { + return this.changeStreamRecordReceivedTimestamp; + } + + public long getChangeStreamHeartbeatMilliSeconds() { + return this.changeStreamHeartbeatMilliseconds; + } + + public boolean getIsPartitionedChangeStreamQuery() { + return this.isPartitionedChangeStreamQuery; + } + + /** Send the last outcome with OK status. */ + public Status finishWithOK() { + buildOutcome(); + partialOutcomeBuilder.setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)); + return flush(); + } + + /** Send the last outcome with aborted error, this will set the transactionRestarted to true. */ + public Status finishWithTransactionRestarted() { + buildOutcome(); + partialOutcomeBuilder.setTransactionRestarted(true); + partialOutcomeBuilder.setStatus(toProto(Status.OK)); + return flush(); + } + + /** Send the last outcome with given error status. */ + public Status finishWithError(Status err) { + buildOutcome(); + partialOutcomeBuilder.setStatus(toProto(err)); + return flush(); + } + + /** + * Add another row to buffer. If buffer hits its size limit, buffered rows will be sent back. + */ + public Status appendRow(com.google.spanner.executor.v1.ValueList row) { + if (!hasReadResult && !hasQueryResult) { + return toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, + "Either hasReadResult or hasQueryResult should be true")); + } + if (rowType == null) { + return toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "RowType should be set first")); + } + buildOutcome(); + if (hasReadResult) { + readResultBuilder.addRow(row); + ++rowCount; + } else if (hasQueryResult) { + queryResultBuilder.addRow(row); + ++rowCount; + } + if (rowCount >= MAX_ROWS_PER_BATCH) { + return flush(); + } + return Status.OK; + } + + /** Append change stream record to result. */ + public Status appendChangeStreamRecord(ChangeStreamRecord record) { + if (!hasChangeStreamRecords) { + return toStatus( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "hasChangeStreamRecords should be true")); + } + if (record.hasDataChange()) { + String appendedString = + String.format( + "{%s, %s}, ", + record.getDataChange().getTransactionId(), + record.getDataChange().getRecordSequence()); + dataChangeRecordsString += appendedString; + } else if (record.hasChildPartition()) { + for (ChildPartitionsRecord.ChildPartition childPartition : + record.getChildPartition().getChildPartitionsList()) { + partitionTokensString = partitionTokensString.concat(childPartition.getToken() + ", "); + } + } + buildOutcome(); + changeStreamRecords.add(record); + ++changeStreamRecordCount; + if (changeStreamRecordCount >= MAX_CHANGE_STREAM_RECORDS_PER_BATCH) { + return flush(); + } + return Status.OK; + } + + /** Build the partialOutcome if not exists using relevant variables. */ + private void buildOutcome() { + if (partialOutcomeBuilder != null) { + return; + } + partialOutcomeBuilder = SpannerActionOutcome.newBuilder(); + partialOutcomeBuilder.setCommitTime(timestamp); + if (hasReadResult) { + readResultBuilder = ReadResult.newBuilder(); + readResultBuilder.setTable(table); + if (index != null) { + readResultBuilder.setIndex(index); + } + if (rowType != null) { + readResultBuilder.setRowType(rowType); + } + if (requestIndex != null) { + readResultBuilder.setRequestIndex(requestIndex); + } + } else if (hasQueryResult) { + queryResultBuilder = QueryResult.newBuilder(); + if (rowType != null) { + queryResultBuilder.setRowType(rowType); + } + } + } + + /** Send partialOutcome to stream and clear the internal state. */ + private Status flush() { + Preconditions.checkNotNull(partialOutcomeBuilder); + for (Long rowCount : rowsModified) { + partialOutcomeBuilder.addDmlRowsModified(rowCount); + } + if (hasReadResult) { + partialOutcomeBuilder.setReadResult(readResultBuilder.build()); + } else if (hasQueryResult) { + partialOutcomeBuilder.setQueryResult(queryResultBuilder.build()); + } else if (hasChangeStreamRecords) { + partialOutcomeBuilder.addAllChangeStreamRecords(changeStreamRecords); + partitionTokensString += "]\n"; + dataChangeRecordsString += "]\n"; + LOGGER.log( + Level.INFO, + String.format( + "OutcomeSender with action ID %s for change stream %s and partition token %s is " + + "sending data change records with the following transaction id/record sequence " + + "combinations: %s and partition tokens: %s", + this.changeStreamForQuery, + this.partitionTokenForQuery, + actionId, + dataChangeRecordsString, + partitionTokensString)); + partitionTokensString = ""; + dataChangeRecordsString = ""; + } + Status status = sendOutcome(partialOutcomeBuilder.build()); + partialOutcomeBuilder = null; + readResultBuilder = null; + queryResultBuilder = null; + rowCount = 0; + rowsModified.clear(); + changeStreamRecordCount = 0; + changeStreamRecords.clear(); + return status; + } + + /** Send the given SpannerActionOutcome. */ + public Status sendOutcome(SpannerActionOutcome outcome) { + try { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Sending result %s actionId %s", outcome, actionId)); + SpannerAsyncActionResponse result = + SpannerAsyncActionResponse.newBuilder() + .setActionId(actionId) + .setOutcome(outcome) + .build(); + context.onNext(result); + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Sent result %s actionId %s", outcome, actionId)); + } catch (SpannerException e) { + LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to send outcome with error: " + e.getMessage(), e); + return toStatus(e); + } catch (Throwable t) { + LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to send outcome with error: " + t.getMessage(), t); + return Status.fromThrowable( + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unexpected error during rpc send: " + t)); + } + return Status.OK; + } + } + + /** Map Cloud ErrorCode to Status. */ + protected Status toStatus(SpannerException e) { + switch (e.getErrorCode()) { + case INVALID_ARGUMENT: + return Status.fromCode(Status.INVALID_ARGUMENT.getCode()).withDescription(e.getMessage()); + case PERMISSION_DENIED: + return Status.fromCode(Status.PERMISSION_DENIED.getCode()).withDescription(e.getMessage()); + case ABORTED: + return Status.fromCode(Status.ABORTED.getCode()).withDescription(e.getMessage()); + case ALREADY_EXISTS: + return Status.fromCode(Status.ALREADY_EXISTS.getCode()).withDescription(e.getMessage()); + case CANCELLED: + return Status.fromCode(Status.CANCELLED.getCode()).withDescription(e.getMessage()); + case INTERNAL: + return Status.fromCode(Status.INTERNAL.getCode()).withDescription(e.getMessage()); + case FAILED_PRECONDITION: + return Status.fromCode(Status.FAILED_PRECONDITION.getCode()) + .withDescription(e.getMessage()); + case NOT_FOUND: + return Status.fromCode(Status.NOT_FOUND.getCode()).withDescription(e.getMessage()); + case DEADLINE_EXCEEDED: + return Status.fromCode(Status.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED.getCode()).withDescription(e.getMessage()); + case RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: + return Status.fromCode(Status.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED.getCode()).withDescription(e.getMessage()); + case OUT_OF_RANGE: + return Status.fromCode(Status.OUT_OF_RANGE.getCode()).withDescription(e.getMessage()); + case UNAUTHENTICATED: + return Status.fromCode(Status.UNAUTHENTICATED.getCode()).withDescription(e.getMessage()); + case UNIMPLEMENTED: + return Status.fromCode(Status.UNIMPLEMENTED.getCode()).withDescription(e.getMessage()); + case UNAVAILABLE: + return Status.fromCode(Status.UNAVAILABLE.getCode()).withDescription(e.getMessage()); + case UNKNOWN: + return Status.fromCode(Status.UNKNOWN.getCode()).withDescription(e.getMessage()); + default: + return Status.fromCode(Status.UNKNOWN.getCode()) + .withDescription("Unsupported Spanner error code: " + e.getErrorCode()); + } + } + + /** Convert a Status to a Status Proto. */ + protected static com.google.rpc.Status toProto(Status status) { + return com.google.rpc.Status.newBuilder() + .setCode(status.getCode().value()) + .setMessage(status.getDescription() == null ? "" : status.getDescription()) + .build(); + } + + /** + * Converts timestamp microseconds to query-friendly timestamp string. If useNanosPrecision is set + * to true it pads input timestamp with 3 random digits treating it as timestamp nanoseconds. + */ + protected static String timestampToString(boolean useNanosPrecision, long timestampInMicros) { + Timestamp timestamp = + useNanosPrecision + ? Timestamps.fromNanos(timestampInMicros * 1000 + System.nanoTime() % 1000) + : Timestamps.fromMicros(timestampInMicros); + return String.format("\"%s\"", Timestamps.toString(timestamp)); + } +} diff --git a/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/executor/spanner/CloudExecutorImpl.java b/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/executor/spanner/CloudExecutorImpl.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..548392b5c84 --- /dev/null +++ b/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/executor/spanner/CloudExecutorImpl.java @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2022 Google LLC + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + */ + +package com.google.cloud.executor.spanner; + +import com.google.cloud.spanner.ErrorCode; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.SpannerExceptionFactory; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.SpannerAsyncActionRequest; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.SpannerAsyncActionResponse; +import com.google.spanner.executor.v1.SpannerExecutorProxyGrpc; +import io.grpc.Status; +import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver; +import java.util.logging.Level; +import java.util.logging.Logger; + +/** Send proxied action requests through Spanner Cloud API. */ +public class CloudExecutorImpl extends SpannerExecutorProxyGrpc.SpannerExecutorProxyImplBase { + + private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CloudExecutorImpl.class.getName()); + + // Executors to proxy. + private final CloudClientExecutor clientExecutor; + + public CloudExecutorImpl(boolean enableGrpcFaultInjector) { + clientExecutor = new CloudClientExecutor(enableGrpcFaultInjector); + } + + /** Execute SpannerAsync action requests. */ + @Override + public StreamObserver executeActionAsync( + StreamObserver responseObserver) { + CloudClientExecutor.ExecutionFlowContext executionContext = + clientExecutor.new ExecutionFlowContext(responseObserver); + return new StreamObserver() { + @Override + public void onNext(SpannerAsyncActionRequest request) { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Receiving request: \n%s", request)); + Status status = clientExecutor.startHandlingRequest(request, executionContext); + if (!status.isOk()) { + LOGGER.log( + Level.WARNING, + "Failed to handle request, half closed", + SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, status.getDescription())); + } + } + + @Override + public void onError(Throwable t) { + LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Client ends the stream with error.", t); + executionContext.cleanup(); + } + + @Override + public void onCompleted() { + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Client called Done, half closed"); + executionContext.cleanup(); + responseObserver.onCompleted(); + } + }; + } +} diff --git a/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/executor/spanner/CloudUtil.java b/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/executor/spanner/CloudUtil.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e58d124285c --- /dev/null +++ b/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/executor/spanner/CloudUtil.java @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2022 Google LLC + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + */ + +package com.google.cloud.executor.spanner; + +import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; + +import com.google.api.gax.grpc.GrpcTransportChannel; +import com.google.api.gax.rpc.FixedTransportChannelProvider; +import com.google.api.gax.rpc.TransportChannel; +import com.google.api.gax.rpc.TransportChannelProvider; +import com.google.common.net.HostAndPort; +import io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder; +import io.grpc.netty.shaded.io.grpc.netty.GrpcSslContexts; +import io.grpc.netty.shaded.io.grpc.netty.InternalNettyChannelBuilder; +import io.grpc.netty.shaded.io.grpc.netty.NegotiationType; +import io.grpc.netty.shaded.io.grpc.netty.NettyChannelBuilder; +import io.grpc.netty.shaded.io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext; +import java.io.BufferedReader; +import java.io.File; +import java.io.FileInputStream; +import java.io.FileOutputStream; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.InputStreamReader; +import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; +import java.io.Writer; +import java.net.URI; +import java.net.URISyntaxException; + +public class CloudUtil { + + // If this is set too low, the peer server may return RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED errors if the response + // error message causes the trailing headers to exceed this limit. + private static final int GRPC_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE_BYTES = 10 * 1024 * 1024; + + private static final String TEST_HOST_IN_CERT = "test_cert_2"; + + public static TransportChannelProvider newChannelProviderHelper(int port) { + NettyChannelBuilder builder = + (NettyChannelBuilder) + getChannelBuilderForTestGFE("localhost", port, WorkerProxy.cert, TEST_HOST_IN_CERT) + .maxInboundMessageSize(100 * 1024 * 1024 /* 100 MB */); + if (WorkerProxy.usePlainTextChannel) { + builder.usePlaintext(); + } + TransportChannel channel = + GrpcTransportChannel.newBuilder() + .setManagedChannel( + builder.maxInboundMetadataSize(GRPC_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE_BYTES).build()) + .build(); + return FixedTransportChannelProvider.create(channel); + } + + public static ManagedChannelBuilder getChannelBuilderForTestGFE( + String host, int sslPort, String certPath, String hostInCert) { + SslContext sslContext; + try { + sslContext = + GrpcSslContexts.forClient() + .trustManager(CertUtil.copyCert(certPath)) + .ciphers(null) + .build(); + } catch (IOException ex) { + throw new RuntimeException(ex); + } + + HostAndPort hostPort = HostAndPort.fromParts(host, sslPort); + String target; + try { + target = new URI("dns", "", "/" + hostPort, null).toString(); + } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { + throw new RuntimeException(ex); + } + try { + NettyChannelBuilder channelBuilder = NettyChannelBuilder.forTarget(target); + InternalNettyChannelBuilder.disableCheckAuthority(channelBuilder); + + return channelBuilder + .overrideAuthority(hostInCert) + .sslContext(sslContext) + .negotiationType(NegotiationType.TLS); + } catch (Throwable t) { + throw new RuntimeException(t); + } + } + + static final class CertUtil { + private CertUtil() { + // prevent instantiation + } + + /** Copies cert resource to file, stripping out PEM comments. */ + public static File copyCert(String certFileName) throws IOException { + File certFile = new File(certFileName); + File file = File.createTempFile("CAcert", "pem"); + file.deleteOnExit(); + try (BufferedReader in = + new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(certFile), UTF_8)); + Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), UTF_8)) { + String line; + do { + while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { + if ("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----".equals(line)) { + break; + } + } + out.append(line); + out.append("\n"); + while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { + out.append(line); + out.append("\n"); + if ("-----END CERTIFICATE-----".equals(line)) { + break; + } + } + } while (line != null); + } + return file; + } + } +} diff --git a/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/executor/spanner/WorkerProxy.java b/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/executor/spanner/WorkerProxy.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..08809d45887 --- /dev/null +++ b/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/executor/spanner/WorkerProxy.java @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2022 Google LLC + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + */ + +package com.google.cloud.executor.spanner; + +import com.google.cloud.spanner.ErrorCode; +import com.google.cloud.spanner.SpannerExceptionFactory; +import io.grpc.Server; +import io.grpc.ServerBuilder; +import io.grpc.protobuf.services.HealthStatusManager; +import io.grpc.protobuf.services.ProtoReflectionService; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.logging.Level; +import java.util.logging.Logger; +import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; +import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; +import org.apache.commons.cli.DefaultParser; +import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; +import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; + +/** + * Worker proxy for Java API. This is the main entry of the Java client proxy on cloud Spanner Java + * client. + */ +public class WorkerProxy { + + private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WorkerProxy.class.getName()); + + private static final String OPTION_SPANNER_PORT = "spanner_port"; + private static final String OPTION_PROXY_PORT = "proxy_port"; + private static final String OPTION_CERTIFICATE = "cert"; + private static final String OPTION_SERVICE_KEY_FILE = "service_key_file"; + private static final String OPTION_USE_PLAIN_TEXT_CHANNEL = "use_plain_text_channel"; + private static final String OPTION_ENABLE_GRPC_FAULT_INJECTOR = "enable_grpc_fault_injector"; + + public static int spannerPort = 0; + public static int proxyPort = 0; + public static String cert = ""; + public static String serviceKeyFile = ""; + public static boolean usePlainTextChannel = false; + public static boolean enableGrpcFaultInjector = false; + + public static CommandLine commandLine; + + private static final int MIN_PORT = 0, MAX_PORT = 65535; + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + commandLine = buildOptions(args); + + if (!commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_SPANNER_PORT)) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, + "Spanner proxyPort need to be assigned in order to start worker proxy."); + } + spannerPort = Integer.parseInt(commandLine.getOptionValue(OPTION_SPANNER_PORT)); + if (spannerPort < MIN_PORT || spannerPort > MAX_PORT) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException( + "Spanner proxyPort must be between " + MIN_PORT + " and " + MAX_PORT); + } + + if (!commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_PROXY_PORT)) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, + "Proxy port need to be assigned in order to start worker proxy."); + } + proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(commandLine.getOptionValue(OPTION_PROXY_PORT)); + if (proxyPort < MIN_PORT || proxyPort > MAX_PORT) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException( + "Proxy port must be between " + MIN_PORT + " and " + MAX_PORT); + } + + if (!commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_CERTIFICATE)) { + throw SpannerExceptionFactory.newSpannerException( + ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, + "Certificate need to be assigned in order to start worker proxy."); + } + cert = commandLine.getOptionValue(OPTION_CERTIFICATE); + if (commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_SERVICE_KEY_FILE)) { + serviceKeyFile = commandLine.getOptionValue(OPTION_SERVICE_KEY_FILE); + } + + usePlainTextChannel = commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_USE_PLAIN_TEXT_CHANNEL); + enableGrpcFaultInjector = commandLine.hasOption(OPTION_ENABLE_GRPC_FAULT_INJECTOR); + + Server server; + while (true) { + try { + CloudExecutorImpl cloudExecutorImpl = new CloudExecutorImpl(enableGrpcFaultInjector); + HealthStatusManager healthStatusManager = new HealthStatusManager(); + // Set up Cloud server. + server = + ServerBuilder.forPort(proxyPort) + .addService(cloudExecutorImpl) + .addService(ProtoReflectionService.newInstance()) + .addService(healthStatusManager.getHealthService()) + .build(); + server.start(); + LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Server started on proxyPort: %d", proxyPort)); + } catch (IOException e) { + LOGGER.log( + Level.WARNING, String.format("Failed to start server on proxyPort %d", proxyPort), e); + continue; // We did not bind in time. Try another proxyPort. + } + break; + } + server.awaitTermination(); + } + + private static CommandLine buildOptions(String[] args) { + Options options = new Options(); + + options.addOption( + null, OPTION_SPANNER_PORT, true, "Port of Spanner Frontend to which to send requests."); + options.addOption(null, OPTION_PROXY_PORT, true, "Proxy port to start worker proxy on."); + options.addOption( + null, OPTION_CERTIFICATE, true, "Certificate used to connect to Spanner GFE."); + options.addOption( + null, OPTION_SERVICE_KEY_FILE, true, "Service key file used to set authentication."); + options.addOption( + null, + OPTION_USE_PLAIN_TEXT_CHANNEL, + false, + "Use a plain text gRPC channel (intended for the Cloud Spanner Emulator)."); + options.addOption( + null, + OPTION_ENABLE_GRPC_FAULT_INJECTOR, + false, + "Enable grpc fault injector in cloud client executor."); + + CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); + try { + return parser.parse(options, args); + } catch (ParseException e) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage()); + } + } +} diff --git a/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/io.grpc.LoadBalancerProvider b/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/io.grpc.LoadBalancerProvider new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..bbc367f8fc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/google-cloud-spanner-executor/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/io.grpc.LoadBalancerProvider @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +io.grpc.internal.PickFirstLoadBalancerProvider diff --git a/license_file b/license_file new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..eeb41531251 --- /dev/null +++ b/license_file @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2022 Google LLC + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + */ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml index f109b02e046..75e4555dc60 100644 --- a/pom.xml +++ b/pom.xml @@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ proto-google-cloud-spanner-admin-instance-v1 proto-google-cloud-spanner-v1 proto-google-cloud-spanner-admin-database-v1 + google-cloud-spanner-executor google-cloud-spanner-bom diff --git a/versions.txt b/versions.txt index 75f52203d96..9727918dc52 100644 --- a/versions.txt +++ b/versions.txt @@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ grpc-google-cloud-spanner-v1:6.34.1:6.34.2-SNAPSHOT grpc-google-cloud-spanner-admin-instance-v1:6.34.1:6.34.2-SNAPSHOT grpc-google-cloud-spanner-admin-database-v1:6.34.1:6.34.2-SNAPSHOT google-cloud-spanner:6.34.1:6.34.2-SNAPSHOT +google-cloud-spanner-executor:6.34.1:6.34.2-SNAPSHOT