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Table-valued functions

ZetaSQL supports table-valued functions (TVFs). A TVF returns an entire output table instead of a single scalar value, and appears in the FROM clause like a table subquery.

Create a TVF

You can create a TVF using the following syntax:

  function_name ( [ function_parameter [ DEFAULT value_for_argument ] [, ...] ] )
  [ RETURNS TABLE < column_declaration [, ...] > ]
  [ { AS query | LANGUAGE language_name AS string_literal } ]

  parameter_name { data_type | ANY TYPE | ANY TABLE }

  column_name data_type
  • CREATE ... TABLE FUNCTION: Creates a new table-valued function function. A function can have zero or more function parameters.

  • TEMPORARY or TEMP: Indicates that the function is temporary; that is it exists for the lifetime of the session.

  • function_parameter: A parameter for the function.

    • parameter_name: The name of the parameter.

    • data_type: A ZetaSQL data type.

    • ANY TYPE: The function will accept an argument of any type for this function parameter. If more than one parameter includes ANY TYPE, a relationship is not enforced between these parameters when the function is defined. However, if the type of argument passed into the function at call time is incompatible with the function definition, this will result in an error.

      ANY TYPE is a templated function parameter.

    • ANY TABLE. The function will accept an argument of any relation type for this argument. However, passing the function arguments of types that are incompatible with the function definition will result in an error at call time.

      ANY TABLE is a templated function parameter.

  • DEFAULT value_for_argument: A default argument for a function parameter. The value_for_argument has to be coercible to the function parameter's data type. If any function parameter has a default value, all later function parameters must also have default values.

  • RETURNS TABLE: Specifies the schema of the table that a table-valued function returns as a comma-separated list of column_name and TYPE pairs. If RETURNS TABLE is absent, ZetaSQL infers the output schema from the AS query statement in the function body.

  • AS query: If you want to create a SQL TVF, specifies the SQL query to run.

  • LANGUAGE ... AS: If you want to create an external TVF, specifies the language and code to use. language_name represents the name of the language, such as js for JavaScript. string_literal represents the code that defines the function body.

Specify TVF arguments {#tvf_arguments}

When a TVF with function parameters is called, arguments must be passed in for all function parameters that do not have default values. An argument can be of any supported ZetaSQL type or table, but must be coercible to the related function parameter's type.

For non-table arguments, you can optionally include default arguments with the DEFAULT value_for_argument clause. The value_for_argument expression runs when CREATE FUNCTION is analyzed, and has to be coercible to the argument type of the argument. If any argument has a default value, all later arguments must also have default values. Calls to the function may optionally omit values for arguments that have default values.

Specify a table argument the same way you specify the fields of a STRUCT.

parameter_name TABLE<column_name data_type [, ...]>

The table argument can specify a value table, in which each row is a single column of a specific type. To specify a value table as an argument, include only the data_type, leaving out the column_name:

parameter_name TABLE<data_type>

In many cases, the data_type of the single column in the value table is a protocol buffer; for example:

  TicketPurchases TABLE<analysis_conduit.codelab.MovieTicketPurchase>)

The function body can refer directly to fields within the proto.

You have the option to specify the input table using the templated type ANY TABLE in place of TABLE<column_name data_type [, ...]>. This option enables you to create a polymorphic TVF that accepts any table as input.


The following example implements a pair of TVFs that define parameterized views of a range of rows from the Customer table. The first returns all rows for a range of CustomerIds; the second calls the first function and applies an additional filter based on CustomerType.

AS (
  FROM Customer
  WHERE CustomerId >= MinId AND CustomerId <= MaxId

CREATE TEMP TABLE FUNCTION CustomerRangeWithCustomerType(
  MinId INT64,
  MaxId INT64,
AS (
  FROM CustomerRange(MinId, MaxId)
  WHERE type = customer_type

The following function returns all rows from the input table if the first argument is greater than the second argument; otherwise it returns no rows.

     first_value ANY TYPE,
     second_value ANY TYPE,
     MyInputTable ANY TABLE)
     SELECT *
     FROM MyInputTable
     WHERE first_value > second_value;

The following function accepts two integers and a table with any set of columns and returns rows from the table where the predicate evaluates to true. The input table SelectedCustomers must contain a column named creation_time, and creation_time must be a numeric type, or the function will return an error.

    min_creation_time INT64,
    max_creation_time INT64,
    SelectedCustomers ANY TABLE)
    SELECT *
    FROM SelectedCustomers
    WHERE creation_time >= min_creation_time
    AND creation_time <= max_creation_time;

Call a TVF

To call a TVF, see Table function calls.

Templated function parameters

A templated function parameter can match more than one argument type at function call time. If a function signature includes a templated function parameter, ZetaSQL allows function calls to pass to the function any argument type as long as the function body is valid for that argument type.