Firmware for an ATSAMD21E18A that acts as a USB Host, expecting a keyboard supporting the HID boot protocol to be connected. It outputs debug information to a serial port (TX=PA10, RX=PA11).
I intend to add SPI transmission, similar to emu_keyboard_mcu, so this can be wired up to the emulated_keyboard hardware, allowing me to connect a USB keyboard to my BBC Master motherboard. Eventually I'll make a single PCB that does all of this.
- Install the latest Arduino IDE, and the "MattairTech SAM M0+ Boards" package (see the "SAM M0+ Core Installation" section in the MT-D21E rev B user guide.
- At the command line, run "make build".
- If you have a J-Link, at the command line, run "make program". Otherwise program the board with your favourite SWD programmer.
This is in the third_party
folder because it is derived from external work,
and to clarify that it is covered by a mixed set of licenses, and may have more
distribution requirements than other folders in the repository.
PPKeyboard is derived from KeyboardController.{cpp, h} by Arduino, released under the LGPLv2.1, and it depends on hidboot.{cpp, h} by Circuits At Home, LTD, released under the GPLv2 license. Changes added in this project are released under Apache 2.0 license.