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Lovefield is a relational database management system for the web, built on top of IndexedDB. It includes a relational query engine that does not exhibit WebSQL's security vulnerabilities, and closely resembles SQL such that there is almost no learning curve for developers.

Why is Lovefield needed?

Simply put, because there is no relational query engine available for the web, since WebSQL was deprecated.

Comparison with IndexedDB

IndexedDB is a lower level API than what most web developers are looking for from a database solution. Our team realized this the hard way, after working with IDB for almost two years for the purposes of the Google+ Photos Chrome application.

IDB is lacking a critical component of a proper database framework, a query layer. Performing typical SELECT..FROM..WHERE queries quickly reveals this deficiency by the fact that the resulting code to achieve such a query is surprisingly long and unintuitive. A more accurate way of describing IDB is as "an object store with some minimal database features like indices and cursors". The solution of the team for the lack of querying functionality was to build a domain specific query layer between IDB and the rest of the application. The complexity of such queries was nicely hidden within that intermediate layer, but that layer took a lot of resources to develop and maintain, while solving the data access needs of this particular application only.

Lovefield is using IDB purely as the backing store. Any persistence API could be used as the backing store for Lovefield, but at the time of this writing the only viable cross-browser solution is IDB.

Overview: Life of a query

The following diagram shows a high level view of the entire system. First a query is submitted by the user. The query is parsed/validated and a tree data structure is generated (query parse tree). The query tree is then passed to the query engine which is responsible for coming up with an execution plan (query execution plan). The selected plan is finally passed to the query executor which executes it and produces the result.

Figure 1: Life of a query overview.

The focus of this design document lies on the Query Engine itself, which is composed of the following sub-components.

  • logical plan generator
  • logical plan optimizer
  • physical plan generator
  • physical plan optimizer

The relation of those subcomponents is depicted in the following diagram.

Figure 2: Query engine subcomponents.

In the following sections each component will be analyzed in detail. In doing so it is easier to use an example database schema throughout those sections, as well as an example database query

Example database schema

Employee(id, festoon, Liston, salary, age, jobId)
Job(id, title, minSalary, maxSalary)

Example query

SELECT   job.title, employee.age, employee.salary
FROM     employee, job
WHERE    employee.jobId == AND
         employee.age <= 30
ORDER BY employee.salary DESC

Logical plan generator

The logical plan generator converts the query parse tree to a relational algebra tree. The conversion is draft, which means that the resulting logical plan is not optimized. The following diagram shows the draft logical plan for the example query.

Figure 3: Example draft plan.


  • σc(R) denotes a selection operation on relation R based on the condition c.
  • π(R)(a1, a2 …. aN) denotes a projection operation on relation R using all attributes in set {ai}.
  • R1 ⨯ R2 denotes the cross product operation.

Why optimization is important?

Evaluating a query execution plan from a performance perspective is influenced mainly from two quantities.

  1. The amount of time elapsed between the moment the query was submitted and the moment the query answer was produced (query execution time).
  2. The amount of CPU memory needed during query execution.

Query execution time strongly depends on how many times the backing store (disk) has to be accessed during query execution. Accessing the disk is a slow operation (especially when referring to traditional hard disks with moving parts). Therefore minimizing disk access operations leads to improved query execution time. The most widely used techniques for eliminating the need for disk access is in-memory indices and usage of a smart caching layer.

Memory CPU usage depends on the size of intermediate results that are calculated before the final answer is reached. Therefore minimizing the size of intermediate results improves overall memory performance (but also improves query execution time as points 1 and 2 above are not completely independent).

Disk access is not a notion that belongs to relational algebra and therefore it is taken into account later in the process (see Physical plan optimizer section). On the other hand, reducing the size of intermediate results is partly addressed when choosing a logical query plan, as shown in the following section.

Logical plan optimizer

The logical plan optimizer converts a draft logical query plan to an equivalent logical plan that performs better than the original one. In the example draft plan of Figure 3 note that the two relations are combined using a cross product operator. Cross product is a very expensive operation since it produces N * M results where N, M represent the size of the relations that are involved respectively. It will be shown below how the logical plan optimizer will replace this expensive operation with a different more efficient operation (both in terms of memory and CPU usage).

Also note that a logical query plan only specifies the relational algebra operators needed in order to calculate the result, but it does not specify the implementation of those operators. Implementation is chosen when a physical query plan is generated in later stages.

The logical plan optimizer is a rule-based optimizer (as opposed to a cost-based one), which means that it applies a set of heuristic rules on the logical query plan in order to improve it, without taking into account the actual data residing in the backing store. Optimization is essentially a series of transformations (optimization passes) applied in a specific order. Each transformation on the logical query plan is based on a relational algebra equivalence rule, such that the transformation does not affect the result of the query but only the way that result is calculated.

An optimization pass is a search operation on the tree, looking for a specific structural pattern. If the pattern is found it is replaced with another equivalent pattern. There are currently three optimization passes performed, each one responsible for a different type of transformation.


In this pass, AND predicates are broken down to standalone predicates This pass on its own does not achieve any performance gains but it is necessary such that follow-up optimizations passes can be applied.

Figure 4: AndPredicatePass transformation.

In Figure 4 an example of this pass is shown. The composite AND condition on the left has been transformed to two separate nodes with a parent child relationship. The resulting tree is equivalent to the original one.


In this pass, selection nodes are being pushed downwards as much as possible. This transformation exhibits two significant performance gains,

  1. The intermediate results are being filtered down sooner rather than later, which results in less memory needed to hold the results.
  2. Subsequent operations (higher up in the tree) are operating on a smaller result set which allows them to be executed faster.

Figure 5: PushDownSelectionsPass transformation.

Note that the selection condition C might not apply to both relations a and b. In such case it will be pushed down only where it applies.


In this pass, implicit joins are being detected. An implicit join appears in the tree as two separate nodes, a selection node on a foreign key followed by a cross product node (the two nodes don't have to be directly connected for the optimization pass to apply).

Figure 6: ImplicitJoinsPass transformation.

where the ⨝ symbol denotes a join operation on a the given condition.

Logical query plan optimization example

The optimization passes described earlier can be applied to the example draft logical plan displayed in Figure 3. On the left, the AndPredicatePass has been applied to the draft logical plan and resulted in the composite selection node to be broken to two separate nodes. On the right the PushDownSelectionsPass has been applied, which managed to push down only the selection node that refers to the employee relation. The other selection node refers to both relations and therefore could not be pushed below the cross product node.

Figure 7a: Logical query plan optimization example after AndPredicatePass transformation has been applied.

Figure 7b:Logical query plan optimization example after PushDownSelectionsPass transformation has been applied.

Figure 7c: Logical query plan optimization example after ImplicitJoinsPass transformation has been applied.

On Figure 7(c) the ImplicitJoinsPass has been applied, which resulted in the selection node and the cross product node to be combined into a single join node (equi-join). The final logical query plan differs significantly from the initial draft tree, even though both trees represent the same query.

Physical plan generator

The physical plan generator converts a logical plan to a physical plan. As explained earlier, the logical query plan does not specify the implementation of the relational algebra operations. For example when executing a join operation there are many candidate join algorithms that can be used, such as hash-join, nested-loop-join etc. Also logical query plan does not specify the way the backstore is accessed and has no notion of any available in-memory indices.

A physical query plan on the other hand, describes completely how to execute each involved operation and can capture data access operations such as

  • full table access

  • table access by row ID

  • index range scan

    The responsibility of the physical plan generator is to generate a draft physical plan. Similarly to the logical plan case, optimization is handled by a different component. In the following diagram the physical query plan generated from the logical plan of Figure 7(c) is displayed.

Figure 8: Draft physical query plan.

By reading the physical query plan from bottom to top order we see that

  1. First, the employee and job tables will be fully read into memory.
  2. The employee rows will be filtered by a predicate on the employee’s age.
  3. The remaining employee rows will be joined with all the rows in the job table.
  4. The results will be sorted based on salary, and finally
  5. Only fields age, salary and jobTitle will be kept.

Physical plan optimizer

The physical plan optimizer converts a physical plan to an equivalent more efficient physical plan. When choosing a physical query plan, the notion of a “cost” is used, and therefore this optimization is characterized as cost-based. Calculating the cost of a query can be a subject of its own, but for Lovefield’s purposes the cost is basically affected by the following factors

  1. the amount of data brought to memory from the backing store.
  2. the size of the results of intermediate operations.
  3. the run-time complexity of the algorithms involved.

Regarding 3, some relational algebra operators’ implementation has already been chosen during physical plan generation. For example note in Figure 8 that the hash_join node has been chosen instead of a nested_loop_join, since the join condition involves the equality operator and therefore the join can be calculated in O(M+N) time instead of O(M*N), where M, N are the sizes of the two involved tables respectively. Factor 2 has already been addressed during logical plan optimization (by pushing selections downwards in the tree). Factor 1 is addressed by the IndexRangeScanPass described in the following section.


In this pass, the objective is to minimize the amount of disk accesses needed. Dumping an entire table into memory (full_table_scan) requires multiple disk accesses. The exact number depends on the way the table is stored into physical blocks in the underlying filesystem.

Indices can be leveraged as a way to eliminate the need to access the backing store, since indices are already loaded into memory they are much faster to access.

Figure 9: IndexRangeScanPass transformation.

In Figure 9, there are two selection nodes on top of a full table access node. If any indices exist for the attributes involved in c1 and/or c2, then the full table access can be avoided by using one of those indices. The most selective index will be used in the case of more than one available indices. An index_range_scan step will return the row IDs of the rows that satisfy a given condition. Then the table_access_by_row_id step will only bring those rows into memory instead of the entire table.

Physical query plan optimization example

The optimization process described earlier can be applied to the example logical plan displayed in Figure 7c. After optimization the final physical query plan looks as follows.

Figure 10: Optimized physical query plan.

Future work

The optimizations mentioned above are a good starting point, but there is room for even more performance gains in the future. Further optimization efforts can be broken down to two main categories.

Minimize pre-execution overhead

A portion of the overall query execution time is spent to convert a query parse tree to an optimized physical query plan. This time can be further minimized as follows

  • Re-use query execution plans. In the case where the same query is performed multiple times, it makes sense to calculate the physical query plan once and short-circuit the entire process by reusing a previously generated plan.
  • Be smarter about which optimization passes to attempt. Some optimization passes end up not modifying the logical query plan, because the pattern they are looking for is not found in the tree. In some cases, it can be determined that an optimization pass will not have any effect on the tree, without having to traverse the entire tree.

Minimize actual execution time

There are more optimizations that can be done in the physical query plan tree.

  • In the case where ORDER BY is used, indices can be leveraged to start from a sorted row set and avoid the need to perform a sorting operation. Currently ORDER BY is not leveraging any available indices.
  • Implement more join algorithms and dynamically choose the best one. Currently only two join algorithms have been implemented, hash-join and nested-loop join.
  • Research more physical query plan optimizations.