- Video: Learn Kubernetes with Google - HPA: Scaling by Resource
- Description: The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) can scale your application up or down based on a wide variety of metrics. In this video, we'll cover using one of the four available metrics types: Resources or CPU and Memory.
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaling overview
- About the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler reference commands
- Sample deploymentmyapp-autoscaler-utilization.yaml
- Corresponding autoscaler object usingAverageUtilization
as the scaling metricmyapp-autoscaler-value.yaml
- Corresponding autoscaler object usingAverageValue
as the scaling metric
NOTE: These are reference examples; It will not autoscale. For a functional example, see the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Walkthrough.