--------- beginning of main --------- beginning of system 12-13 09:08:33.781 23901 23901 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/spy.cpp:58] JNI_OnLoad() was called. vm = 0x742d6d0bc0 12-13 09:08:33.781 23901 23901 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/spy.cpp:113] Constructing spy... 12-13 09:08:33.789 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendBarrierKHR) -> 0x742f2cf424 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.791 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationSeparateiEXT) -> 0x742f2cff94 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.791 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationiEXT) -> 0x742f2cff7c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.791 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFuncSeparateiEXT) -> 0x742f2cffc4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.791 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFunciEXT) -> 0x742f2cffac (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.791 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glColorMaskiEXT) -> 0x742f2cffdc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.791 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyImageSubDataEXT) -> 0x742f2cfd80 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.791 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDebugMessageCallbackKHR) -> 0x742f2cf46c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.791 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDebugMessageControlKHR) -> 0x742f2cf43c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.791 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDebugMessageInsertKHR) -> 0x742f2cf454 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.792 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDisableiEXT) -> 0x742f2cff64 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.792 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glEnableiEXT) -> 0x742f2cff4c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.792 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTextureEXT) -> 0x742f2d00a0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.792 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetDebugMessageLogKHR) -> 0x742f2cf484 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.792 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetObjectLabelKHR) -> 0x742f2cf4e8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.792 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR) -> 0x742f2cf518 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.792 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPointervKHR) -> 0x742f2cf530 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.792 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSamplerParameterIivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0758 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.792 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSamplerParameterIuivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0770 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.792 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterIivEXT) -> 0x742f2d06f8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.792 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterIuivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0710 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.792 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsEnablediEXT) -> 0x742f2cfff4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMinSampleShadingOES) -> 0x742f2cf7e0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glObjectLabelKHR) -> 0x742f2cf4d0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glObjectPtrLabelKHR) -> 0x742f2cf500 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPatchParameteriEXT) -> 0x742f2d06b0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPopDebugGroupKHR) -> 0x742f2cf4b8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPrimitiveBoundingBoxEXT) -> 0x742f2d01dc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPushDebugGroupKHR) -> 0x742f2cf4a0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameterIivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0728 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameterIuivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0740 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexBufferEXT) -> 0x742f2d0788 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexBufferRangeEXT) -> 0x742f2d07a0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterIivEXT) -> 0x742f2d06c8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.794 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterIuivEXT) -> 0x742f2d06e0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.794 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage3DMultisampleOES) -> 0x742f2cf990 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.794 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBeginQuery) -> 0x742f2ce0c0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.794 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteQueries) -> 0x742f2ce08c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.794 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glEndQuery) -> 0x742f2ce0d8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.794 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenQueries) -> 0x742f2ce074 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.794 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryObjectuiv) -> 0x742f2ce108 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.794 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryiv) -> 0x742f2ce0f0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.794 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsQuery) -> 0x742f2ce0a4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.794 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindBuffer) -> 0x742f2ccff0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.794 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindBufferBase) -> 0x742f2ce33c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.794 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindBufferRange) -> 0x742f2ce324 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.795 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBufferData) -> 0x742f2cd0c8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.795 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBufferSubData) -> 0x742f2cd0e0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.795 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyBufferSubData) -> 0x742f2ce580 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.795 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteBuffers) -> 0x742f2cd254 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.795 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenBuffers) -> 0x742f2cd44c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.795 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetBufferParameteri64v) -> 0x742f2ce710 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.795 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetBufferParameteriv) -> 0x742f2cd528 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.795 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetBufferPointerv) -> 0x742f2ce13c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.795 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsBuffer) -> 0x742f2cd6f8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.797 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glMapBuffer) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.797 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMapBufferRange) -> 0x742f2ce244 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.797 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUnmapBuffer) -> 0x742f2ce120 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.797 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFlushMappedBufferRange) -> 0x742f2ce260 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.797 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDebugMessageCallback) -> 0x742f2cf058 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.797 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDebugMessageControl) -> 0x742f2cf028 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.797 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDebugMessageInsert) -> 0x742f2cf040 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.797 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetDebugMessageLog) -> 0x742f2cf070 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.797 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetObjectLabel) -> 0x742f2cf0d4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.798 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetObjectPtrLabel) -> 0x742f2cf104 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.798 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPointerv) -> 0x742f2cf11c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.798 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glObjectLabel) -> 0x742f2cf0bc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.798 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glObjectPtrLabel) -> 0x742f2cf0ec (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.798 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPopDebugGroup) -> 0x742f2cf0a4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.798 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPushDebugGroup) -> 0x742f2cf08c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.798 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawArrays) -> 0x742f2cd374 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.798 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawArraysIndirect) -> 0x742f2ce9b8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.798 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawArraysInstanced) -> 0x742f2ce62c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.798 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElements) -> 0x742f2cd38c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.798 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsBaseVertex) -> 0x742f2cf1f8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.798 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsIndirect) -> 0x742f2ce9d0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.798 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstanced) -> 0x742f2ce644 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex) -> 0x742f2cf228 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawRangeElements) -> 0x742f2cdfe4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex) -> 0x742f2cf210 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPatchParameteri) -> 0x742f2cf304 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPrimitiveBoundingBox) -> 0x742f2cf258 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetConfigAttrib) -> 0x742ff902fc (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglBindAPI) -> 0x742ff92834 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglBindTexImage) -> 0x742ff92550 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglChooseConfig) -> 0x742ff900bc (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglClientWaitSyncKHR) -> 0x742ff92ec0 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCopyBuffers) -> 0x742ff9209c (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreateContext) -> 0x742ff90c50 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer) -> 0x742ff9294c (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreatePbufferSurface) -> 0x742ff908c0 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreatePixmapSurface) -> 0x742ff907f0 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreateSyncKHR) -> 0x742ff91e20 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreateWindowSurface) -> 0x742ff9039c (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglDestroyContext) -> 0x742ff90db8 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglDestroySurface) -> 0x742ff90988 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglDestroySyncKHR) -> 0x742ff92d88 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetConfigs) -> 0x742ff8fff8 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetCurrentContext) -> 0x742ff913b4 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetCurrentDisplay) -> 0x742ff91434 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetCurrentSurface) -> 0x742ff913c8 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetDisplay) -> 0x742ff8fe58 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetError) -> 0x742ff91500 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetSyncAttribKHR) -> 0x742ff92f6c (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglInitialize) -> 0x742ff8ff34 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglMakeCurrent) -> 0x742ff90e98 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglQueryAPI) -> 0x742ff928a8 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglQueryContext) -> 0x742ff912d8 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglQuerySurface) -> 0x742ff90a68 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglQueryString) -> 0x742ff92170 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglReleaseTexImage) -> 0x742ff92648 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglReleaseThread) -> 0x742ff9290c (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglSignalSyncKHR) -> 0x742ff92e1c (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglSurfaceAttrib) -> 0x742ff9239c (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglSwapBuffers) -> 0x742ff92090 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR) -> 0x742ff91ab4 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglSwapInterval) -> 0x742ff92740 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.801 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglTerminate) -> 0x742ff8ffa4 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.801 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglWaitClient) -> 0x742ff927d8 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.801 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglWaitGL) -> 0x742ff91454 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.801 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglWaitNative) -> 0x742ff914a0 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.801 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreateImageKHR) -> 0x742ff92bf8 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.801 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglDestroyImageKHR) -> 0x742ff92cf4 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.801 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreateNativeClientBufferANDROID) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.801 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetNativeClientBufferANDROID) -> 0x742ff939b8 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.801 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglDupNativeFenceFDANDROID) -> 0x742ff9385c (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.801 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglWaitSyncKHR) -> 0x742ff937b8 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.801 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glActiveShaderProgramEXT) -> 0x742f2d0270 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.801 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glAlphaFuncQCOM) -> 0x742f2d1534 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.802 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glApplyFramebufferAttachmentCMAAINTEL) -> 0x742f2d0890 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.802 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBeginConditionalRenderNV) -> 0x742f2d0b14 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.802 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBeginPerfMonitorAMD) -> 0x742f2cfae4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.802 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBeginPerfQueryINTEL) -> 0x742f2d08a8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.802 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBeginQueryEXT) -> 0x742f2cfe74 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.802 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindFragDataLocationEXT) -> 0x742f2cfd18 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.802 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindFragDataLocationIndexedEXT) -> 0x742f2cfd00 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.802 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindProgramPipelineEXT) -> 0x742f2d0288 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.802 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindVertexArrayOES) -> 0x742f2cf9c0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.802 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendBarrierNV) -> 0x742f2d0afc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.802 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationSeparateiOES) -> 0x742f2cf654 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.802 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationiOES) -> 0x742f2cf63c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.803 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFuncSeparateiOES) -> 0x742f2cf684 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.803 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFunciOES) -> 0x742f2cf66c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.803 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendParameteriNV) -> 0x742f2d0ae4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.803 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlitFramebufferANGLE) -> 0x742f2cfb2c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.803 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlitFramebufferNV) -> 0x742f2d0cb4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.803 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBufferStorageEXT) -> 0x742f2cfd68 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.803 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glClientWaitSyncAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfc54 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.803 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glColorMaskiOES) -> 0x742f2cf69c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.803 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCompressedTexImage3DOES) -> 0x742f2cf858 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.803 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES) -> 0x742f2cf870 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.803 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyBufferSubDataNV) -> 0x742f2d0b5c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyImageSubDataOES) -> 0x742f2cf5f4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyPathNV) -> 0x742f2d0efc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyTexSubImage3DOES) -> 0x742f2cf840 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyTextureLevelsAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfbbc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCoverFillPathInstancedNV) -> 0x742f2d1094 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCoverFillPathNV) -> 0x742f2d1064 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCoverStrokePathInstancedNV) -> 0x742f2d10ac (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCoverStrokePathNV) -> 0x742f2d107c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCoverageMaskNV) -> 0x742f2d0b74 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCoverageModulationNV) -> 0x742f2d0cfc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCoverageModulationTableNV) -> 0x742f2d0ccc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCoverageOperationNV) -> 0x742f2d0b8c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.805 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCreatePerfQueryINTEL) -> 0x742f2d08c0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.805 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCreateShaderProgramvEXT) -> 0x742f2d02a0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.805 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteFencesNV) -> 0x742f2d0bec (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.805 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeletePathsNV) -> 0x742f2d0e08 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.805 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeletePerfMonitorsAMD) -> 0x742f2cfab4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.805 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeletePerfQueryINTEL) -> 0x742f2d08d8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.805 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteProgramPipelinesEXT) -> 0x742f2d02bc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.805 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteQueriesEXT) -> 0x742f2cfe40 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.805 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteSyncAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfc3c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.805 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteVertexArraysOES) -> 0x742f2cf9d8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.805 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthRangeArrayfvNV) -> 0x742f2d1470 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.805 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthRangeIndexedfNV) -> 0x742f2d1488 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.806 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDisableDriverControlQCOM) -> 0x742f2d1594 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.806 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDisableiNV) -> 0x742f2d14d0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.806 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDisableiOES) -> 0x742f2cf624 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.806 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDiscardFramebufferEXT) -> 0x742f2cfe10 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.806 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE) -> 0x742f2cfb5c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.806 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstanceEXT) -> 0x742f2cfcb8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.806 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawArraysInstancedEXT) -> 0x742f2d0070 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.806 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawArraysInstancedNV) -> 0x742f2d0bbc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.806 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawBuffersEXT) -> 0x742f2cff34 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.806 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawBuffersIndexedEXT) -> 0x742f2d01ac (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.807 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawBuffersNV) -> 0x742f2d0ba4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.807 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT) -> 0x742f2d0010 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.807 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsBaseVertexOES) -> 0x742f2cf6d0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.807 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE) -> 0x742f2cfb74 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.807 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstanceEXT) -> 0x742f2cfcd0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.807 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstanceEXT) -> 0x742f2cfce8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.807 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexEXT) -> 0x742f2d0040 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.807 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexOES) -> 0x742f2cf700 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.807 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstancedEXT) -> 0x742f2d0088 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.807 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstancedNV) -> 0x742f2d0bd4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.807 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexEXT) -> 0x742f2d0028 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.808 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexOES) -> 0x742f2cf6e8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.808 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES) -> 0x742f2cf5dc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.808 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES) -> 0x742f2cf5c4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.808 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glEnableDriverControlQCOM) -> 0x742f2d157c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.808 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glEnableiNV) -> 0x742f2d14b8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.808 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glEnableiOES) -> 0x742f2cf60c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.808 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glEndConditionalRenderNV) -> 0x742f2d0b2c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.808 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glEndPerfMonitorAMD) -> 0x742f2cfafc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.808 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glEndPerfQueryINTEL) -> 0x742f2d08f0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.808 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glEndQueryEXT) -> 0x742f2cfe8c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.808 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glEndTilingQCOM) -> 0x742f2d16e8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM) -> 0x742f2d1654 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetBuffersQCOM) -> 0x742f2d15c4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM) -> 0x742f2d15f4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM) -> 0x742f2d16b8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetProgramsQCOM) -> 0x742f2d1684 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetRenderbuffersQCOM) -> 0x742f2d15dc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetShadersQCOM) -> 0x742f2d166c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM) -> 0x742f2d160c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM) -> 0x742f2d163c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetTexturesQCOM) -> 0x742f2d15ac (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM) -> 0x742f2d169c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM) -> 0x742f2d1624 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.810 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFenceSyncAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfc04 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.810 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFinishFenceNV) -> 0x742f2d0c6c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.810 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT) -> 0x742f2d00ec (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.810 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFragmentCoverageColorNV) -> 0x742f2d0c9c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.810 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferSampleLocationsfvNV) -> 0x742f2d1398 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.810 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT) -> 0x742f2d017c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.810 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG) -> 0x742f2d0878 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.810 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTexture3DOES) -> 0x742f2cf888 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.810 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR) -> 0x742f2d1504 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.810 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTextureOES) -> 0x742f2cf730 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.810 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenFencesNV) -> 0x742f2d0c04 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenPathsNV) -> 0x742f2d0dec (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenPerfMonitorsAMD) -> 0x742f2cfa9c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenProgramPipelinesEXT) -> 0x742f2d02d4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenQueriesEXT) -> 0x742f2cfe28 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenVertexArraysOES) -> 0x742f2cf9f0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetBufferPointervOES) -> 0x742f2cf7b0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetCoverageModulationTableNV) -> 0x742f2d0ce4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetDriverControlStringQCOM) -> 0x742f2d1564 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetDriverControlsQCOM) -> 0x742f2d154c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFenceivNV) -> 0x742f2d0c54 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFirstPerfQueryIdINTEL) -> 0x742f2d0908 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFloati_vNV) -> 0x742f2d14a0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.812 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFragDataIndexEXT) -> 0x742f2cfd4c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.812 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT) -> 0x742f2d020c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.812 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetGraphicsResetStatusKHR) -> 0x742f2cf548 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.812 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetImageHandleNV) -> 0x742f2d0a00 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.812 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetInteger64vAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfc88 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.812 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetIntegeri_vEXT) -> 0x742f2d01c4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.812 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetInternalformatSampleivNV) -> 0x742f2d0d44 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.812 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetNextPerfQueryIdINTEL) -> 0x742f2d0920 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.812 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetObjectLabelEXT) -> 0x742f2cfdb0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.812 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathCommandsNV) -> 0x742f2d10f4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.812 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathCoordsNV) -> 0x742f2d110c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathDashArrayNV) -> 0x742f2d1124 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathLengthNV) -> 0x742f2d11bc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathMetricRangeNV) -> 0x742f2d1154 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathMetricsNV) -> 0x742f2d113c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathParameterfvNV) -> 0x742f2d10dc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathParameterivNV) -> 0x742f2d10c4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathSpacingNV) -> 0x742f2d116c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfCounterInfoINTEL) -> 0x742f2d0938 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD) -> 0x742f2cfb14 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD) -> 0x742f2cfa84 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfMonitorCounterStringAMD) -> 0x742f2cfa6c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfMonitorCountersAMD) -> 0x742f2cfa3c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfMonitorGroupStringAMD) -> 0x742f2cfa54 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD) -> 0x742f2cfa24 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfQueryDataINTEL) -> 0x742f2d0950 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfQueryIdByNameINTEL) -> 0x742f2d0968 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfQueryInfoINTEL) -> 0x742f2d0980 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramBinaryOES) -> 0x742f2cf748 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramPipelineInfoLogEXT) -> 0x742f2d02ec (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramPipelineivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0304 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramResourceLocationIndexEXT) -> 0x742f2cfd30 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramResourcefvNV) -> 0x742f2d1350 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT) -> 0x742f2cff04 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryObjectivEXT) -> 0x742f2cfed4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.815 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT) -> 0x742f2cff1c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.815 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryObjectuivEXT) -> 0x742f2cfeec (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.815 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryivEXT) -> 0x742f2cfebc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.815 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSamplerParameterIivOES) -> 0x742f2cf930 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.815 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSamplerParameterIuivOES) -> 0x742f2cf948 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.815 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSyncivAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfca0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.815 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterIivOES) -> 0x742f2cf8d0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.815 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterIuivOES) -> 0x742f2cf8e8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.815 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTextureHandleNV) -> 0x742f2d0998 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.815 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTextureSamplerHandleNV) -> 0x742f2d09b4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.815 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE) -> 0x742f2cfba4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.816 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetnUniformfvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0240 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.816 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetnUniformfvKHR) -> 0x742f2cf57c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.816 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetnUniformivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0258 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.816 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetnUniformivKHR) -> 0x742f2cf594 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.816 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetnUniformuivKHR) -> 0x742f2cf5ac (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.816 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glInsertEventMarkerEXT) -> 0x742f2cfdc8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.816 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glInterpolatePathsNV) -> 0x742f2d0f14 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.816 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsEnablediNV) -> 0x742f2d14e8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.816 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsEnablediOES) -> 0x742f2cf6b4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.816 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsFenceNV) -> 0x742f2d0c1c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.816 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsImageHandleResidentNV) -> 0x742f2d0ac8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsPathNV) -> 0x742f2d0e20 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsPointInFillPathNV) -> 0x742f2d1184 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsPointInStrokePathNV) -> 0x742f2d11a0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsProgramPipelineEXT) -> 0x742f2d031c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsQueryEXT) -> 0x742f2cfe58 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsSyncAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfc20 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsTextureHandleResidentNV) -> 0x742f2d0aac (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsVertexArrayOES) -> 0x742f2cfa08 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glLabelObjectEXT) -> 0x742f2cfd98 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMakeImageHandleNonResidentNV) -> 0x742f2d0a34 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMakeImageHandleResidentNV) -> 0x742f2d0a1c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMakeTextureHandleNonResidentNV) -> 0x742f2d09e8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.818 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMakeTextureHandleResidentNV) -> 0x742f2d09d0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.818 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMapBufferOES) -> 0x742f2cf778 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.818 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMapBufferRangeEXT) -> 0x742f2d00d0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.818 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixLoad3x2fNV) -> 0x742f2d11f4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.818 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixLoad3x3fNV) -> 0x742f2d120c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.818 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixLoadTranspose3x3fNV) -> 0x742f2d1224 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.818 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixMult3x2fNV) -> 0x742f2d123c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.818 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixMult3x3fNV) -> 0x742f2d1254 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.818 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixMultTranspose3x3fNV) -> 0x742f2d126c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.819 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixLoadfEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.819 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixLoaddEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.819 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixMultfEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.820 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixMultdEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.820 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixLoadTransposefEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.820 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixLoadTransposedEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.821 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixMultTransposefEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.821 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixMultTransposedEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.821 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixLoadIdentityEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.822 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixRotatefEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.822 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixRotatedEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.822 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixScalefEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.823 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixScaledEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.823 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixTranslatefEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.823 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixTranslatedEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.824 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixOrthoEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.824 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixFrustumEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.824 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixPushEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.825 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixPopEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.825 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiDrawArraysEXT) -> 0x742f2d0104 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.825 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiDrawArraysIndirectEXT) -> 0x742f2d0134 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.825 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT) -> 0x742f2d0058 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.825 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertexOES) -> 0x742f2cf718 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.825 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiDrawElementsEXT) -> 0x742f2d011c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.825 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiDrawElementsIndirectEXT) -> 0x742f2d014c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.825 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glNamedFramebufferSampleLocationsfvNV) -> 0x742f2d13b0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.825 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPatchParameteriOES) -> 0x742f2cf7f8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.825 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathCommandsNV) -> 0x742f2d0e3c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.825 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathCoordsNV) -> 0x742f2d0e54 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.826 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathCoverDepthFuncNV) -> 0x742f2d104c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.826 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathDashArrayNV) -> 0x742f2d0fa4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.826 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathGlyphIndexArrayNV) -> 0x742f2d1300 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.826 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathGlyphIndexRangeNV) -> 0x742f2d12e4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.826 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathGlyphRangeNV) -> 0x742f2d0ecc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.826 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathGlyphsNV) -> 0x742f2d0eb4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.826 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV) -> 0x742f2d131c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.826 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathParameterfNV) -> 0x742f2d0f8c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.826 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathParameterfvNV) -> 0x742f2d0f74 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.826 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathParameteriNV) -> 0x742f2d0f5c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.827 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathParameterivNV) -> 0x742f2d0f44 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.827 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathStencilDepthOffsetNV) -> 0x742f2d0fd4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.827 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathStencilFuncNV) -> 0x742f2d0fbc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.827 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathStringNV) -> 0x742f2d0e9c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.827 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathSubCommandsNV) -> 0x742f2d0e6c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.827 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathSubCoordsNV) -> 0x742f2d0e84 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.827 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointAlongPathNV) -> 0x742f2d11d8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.827 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPolygonModeNV) -> 0x742f2d1368 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.827 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPopGroupMarkerEXT) -> 0x742f2cfdf8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.827 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPrimitiveBoundingBoxOES) -> 0x742f2cf7c8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.827 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramBinaryOES) -> 0x742f2cf760 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.828 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramParameteriEXT) -> 0x742f2d0338 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.828 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV) -> 0x742f2d1338 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.828 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1fEXT) -> 0x742f2d0350 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.828 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0368 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.828 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1iEXT) -> 0x742f2d0380 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.828 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1ivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0398 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.828 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1uiEXT) -> 0x742f2d0548 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.828 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1uivEXT) -> 0x742f2d05a8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.828 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2fEXT) -> 0x742f2d03b0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.828 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d03c8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.829 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2iEXT) -> 0x742f2d03e0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.829 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2ivEXT) -> 0x742f2d03f8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.829 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2uiEXT) -> 0x742f2d0560 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.829 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2uivEXT) -> 0x742f2d05c0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.829 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3fEXT) -> 0x742f2d0410 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.829 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0428 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.829 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3iEXT) -> 0x742f2d0440 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.829 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3ivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0458 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.829 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3uiEXT) -> 0x742f2d0578 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.829 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3uivEXT) -> 0x742f2d05d8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.829 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4fEXT) -> 0x742f2d0470 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.829 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0488 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.830 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4iEXT) -> 0x742f2d04a0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.830 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4ivEXT) -> 0x742f2d04b8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.830 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4uiEXT) -> 0x742f2d0590 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.830 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4uivEXT) -> 0x742f2d05f0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.830 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformHandleui64NV) -> 0x742f2d0a7c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.830 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformHandleui64vNV) -> 0x742f2d0a94 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.830 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix2fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d04d0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.830 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0608 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.830 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0638 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.830 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix3fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d04e8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.831 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0620 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.831 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0668 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.831 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix4fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0500 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.831 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0650 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.831 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0680 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.831 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPushGroupMarkerEXT) -> 0x742f2cfde0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.831 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glQueryCounterEXT) -> 0x742f2cfea4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.831 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glRasterSamplesEXT) -> 0x742f2d01f4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.831 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glReadBufferIndexedEXT) -> 0x742f2d0194 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.831 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glReadBufferNV) -> 0x742f2d1380 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.831 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glReadnPixelsEXT) -> 0x742f2d0228 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.831 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glReadnPixelsKHR) -> 0x742f2cf564 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.831 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE) -> 0x742f2cfb44 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfbd4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT) -> 0x742f2d0164 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG) -> 0x742f2d0860 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleNV) -> 0x742f2d0d14 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glResolveDepthValuesNV) -> 0x742f2d13c8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfbec (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameterIivOES) -> 0x742f2cf900 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameterIuivOES) -> 0x742f2cf918 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glScissorArrayvNV) -> 0x742f2d1428 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glScissorIndexedNV) -> 0x742f2d1440 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glScissorIndexedvNV) -> 0x742f2d1458 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glSelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD) -> 0x742f2cfacc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glSetFenceNV) -> 0x742f2d0c84 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glStartTilingQCOM) -> 0x742f2d16d0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilFillPathInstancedNV) -> 0x742f2d101c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilFillPathNV) -> 0x742f2d0fec (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilStrokePathInstancedNV) -> 0x742f2d1034 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilStrokePathNV) -> 0x742f2d1004 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedNV) -> 0x742f2d12b4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilThenCoverFillPathNV) -> 0x742f2d1284 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedNV) -> 0x742f2d12cc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilThenCoverStrokePathNV) -> 0x742f2d129c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glSubpixelPrecisionBiasNV) -> 0x742f2d0b44 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTestFenceNV) -> 0x742f2d0c38 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.834 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexBufferOES) -> 0x742f2cf960 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.834 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexBufferRangeOES) -> 0x742f2cf978 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.834 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexImage3DOES) -> 0x742f2cf810 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.834 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexPageCommitmentEXT) -> 0x742f2d0698 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.834 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterIivOES) -> 0x742f2cf8a0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.834 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterIuivOES) -> 0x742f2cf8b8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.834 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage1DEXT) -> 0x742f2d07b8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.834 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage2DEXT) -> 0x742f2d07d0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.834 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage3DEXT) -> 0x742f2d07e8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.834 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexSubImage3DOES) -> 0x742f2cf828 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.834 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTextureStorage1DEXT) -> 0x742f2d0800 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.834 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTextureStorage2DEXT) -> 0x742f2d0818 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTextureStorage3DEXT) -> 0x742f2d0830 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTextureViewEXT) -> 0x742f2d0848 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTextureViewOES) -> 0x742f2cf9a8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTransformPathNV) -> 0x742f2d0f2c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformHandleui64NV) -> 0x742f2d0a4c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformHandleui64vNV) -> 0x742f2d0a64 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix2x3fvNV) -> 0x742f2d0d5c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix2x4fvNV) -> 0x742f2d0d8c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix3x2fvNV) -> 0x742f2d0d74 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix3x4fvNV) -> 0x742f2d0dbc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix4x2fvNV) -> 0x742f2d0da4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix4x3fvNV) -> 0x742f2d0dd4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.836 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUnmapBufferOES) -> 0x742f2cf794 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.836 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUseProgramStagesEXT) -> 0x742f2d0518 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.836 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glValidateProgramPipelineEXT) -> 0x742f2d0530 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.836 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE) -> 0x742f2cfb8c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.836 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribDivisorEXT) -> 0x742f2d00b8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.836 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribDivisorNV) -> 0x742f2d0d2c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.836 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glViewportArrayvNV) -> 0x742f2d13e0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.836 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glViewportIndexedfNV) -> 0x742f2d13f8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.836 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glViewportIndexedfvNV) -> 0x742f2d1410 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.836 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glWaitSyncAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfc70 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.836 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glWeightPathsNV) -> 0x742f2d0ee4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.837 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearPixelLocalStorageuiEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.837 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearTexImageEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.837 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearTexSubImageEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.838 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glConservativeRasterParameteriNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.838 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthRangeArrayfvOES) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.838 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthRangeIndexedfOES) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.839 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTransformFeedbackEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.839 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTransformFeedbackInstancedEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.839 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferPixelLocalStorageSizeEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.839 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTexture2DDownsampleIMG) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.840 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTextureLayerDownsampleIMG) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.840 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR) -> 0x742f2d151c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.840 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFloati_vOES) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.840 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFramebufferPixelLocalStorageSizeEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.841 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTextureHandleIMG) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.841 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTextureSamplerHandleIMG) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.841 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetUniformi64vNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.842 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glPolygonOffsetClampEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.842 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1i64NV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.842 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1i64vNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.843 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1ui64NV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.843 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1ui64vNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.843 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2i64NV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.843 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2i64vNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.844 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2ui64NV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.844 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2ui64vNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.844 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3i64NV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.845 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3i64vNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.845 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3ui64NV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.845 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3ui64vNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.845 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4i64NV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.846 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4i64vNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.846 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4ui64NV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.846 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4ui64vNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.847 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformHandleui64IMG) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.847 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformHandleui64vIMG) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.847 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glScissorArrayvOES) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.848 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glScissorIndexedOES) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.848 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glScissorIndexedvOES) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.848 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1i64NV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.849 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1i64vNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.849 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1ui64NV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.849 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1ui64vNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.849 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2i64NV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.850 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2i64vNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.850 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2ui64NV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.850 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2ui64vNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.851 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3i64NV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.851 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3i64vNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.851 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3ui64NV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.851 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3ui64vNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.852 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4i64NV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.852 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4i64vNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.852 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4ui64NV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.853 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4ui64vNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.853 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformHandleui64IMG) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.853 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformHandleui64vIMG) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.853 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glViewportArrayvOES) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.854 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glViewportIndexedfOES) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.854 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glViewportIndexedfvOES) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.854 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glViewportSwizzleNV) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.855 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glWindowRectanglesEXT) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.855 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendBarrier) -> 0x742f2ceff8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.855 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendColor) -> 0x742f2cd050 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.855 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquation) -> 0x742f2cd068 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.855 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationSeparate) -> 0x742f2cd080 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.855 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationSeparatei) -> 0x742f2cf17c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.855 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationi) -> 0x742f2cf164 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.855 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFunc) -> 0x742f2cd098 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.855 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFuncSeparate) -> 0x742f2cd0b0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.855 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFuncSeparatei) -> 0x742f2cf1ac (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.856 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFunci) -> 0x742f2cf194 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.856 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthFunc) -> 0x742f2cd2e4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.856 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glSampleCoverage) -> 0x742f2cd864 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.856 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glSampleMaski) -> 0x742f2cef38 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.856 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glScissor) -> 0x742f2cd87c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.856 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilFunc) -> 0x742f2cd8c4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.856 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilFuncSeparate) -> 0x742f2cd8dc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.856 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilOp) -> 0x742f2cd924 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.856 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilOpSeparate) -> 0x742f2cd93c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.856 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindFramebuffer) -> 0x742f2cd008 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindRenderbuffer) -> 0x742f2cd020 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlitFramebuffer) -> 0x742f2ce1fc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCheckFramebufferStatus) -> 0x742f2cd0f8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glClear) -> 0x742f2cd114 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearBufferfi) -> 0x742f2ce568 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearBufferfv) -> 0x742f2ce550 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearBufferiv) -> 0x742f2ce520 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearBufferuiv) -> 0x742f2ce538 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearColor) -> 0x742f2cd12c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearDepthf) -> 0x742f2cd144 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearStencil) -> 0x742f2cd15c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glColorMask) -> 0x742f2cd174 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glColorMaski) -> 0x742f2cf1c4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.858 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteFramebuffers) -> 0x742f2cd26c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.858 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteRenderbuffers) -> 0x742f2cd29c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.858 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthMask) -> 0x742f2cd2fc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.858 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawBuffers) -> 0x742f2ce154 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.858 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferParameteri) -> 0x742f2ce9e8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.858 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferRenderbuffer) -> 0x742f2cd404 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.858 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTexture) -> 0x742f2cf240 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.858 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTexture2D) -> 0x742f2cd41c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.858 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTextureLayer) -> 0x742f2ce22c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.858 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenFramebuffers) -> 0x742f2cd47c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.858 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenRenderbuffers) -> 0x742f2cd494 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.859 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv) -> 0x742f2cd55c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.859 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFramebufferParameteriv) -> 0x742f2cea00 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.859 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetRenderbufferParameteriv) -> 0x742f2cd5a4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.859 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glInvalidateFramebuffer) -> 0x742f2ce910 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.859 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glInvalidateSubFramebuffer) -> 0x742f2ce928 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.859 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsFramebuffer) -> 0x742f2cd730 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.859 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsRenderbuffer) -> 0x742f2cd768 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.859 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glReadBuffer) -> 0x742f2cdfcc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.859 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glReadPixels) -> 0x742f2cd81c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.859 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glReadnPixels) -> 0x742f2cf28c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.859 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glRenderbufferStorage) -> 0x742f2cd84c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.859 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glRenderbufferStorageMultisample) -> 0x742f2ce214 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.860 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilMask) -> 0x742f2cd8f4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.860 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilMaskSeparate) -> 0x742f2cd90c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.860 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexImage) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.860 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryObjecti64v) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.860 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryObjectui64v) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.861 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage1D) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.861 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindFragDataLocation) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.861 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexImage2DMultisample) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.861 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDisable) -> 0x742f2cd344 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.861 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDisablei) -> 0x742f2cf14c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.861 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glEnable) -> 0x742f2cd3a4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.861 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glEnablei) -> 0x742f2cf134 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.861 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFinish) -> 0x742f2cd3d4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFlush) -> 0x742f2cd3ec (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetError) -> 0x742f2cd540 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetGraphicsResetStatus) -> 0x742f2cf270 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glHint) -> 0x742f2cd6e0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glActiveShaderProgram) -> 0x742f2ceab0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glAttachShader) -> 0x742f2ccfc0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindAttribLocation) -> 0x742f2ccfd8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindProgramPipeline) -> 0x742f2ceae4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCompileShader) -> 0x742f2cd18c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCreateProgram) -> 0x742f2cd204 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCreateShader) -> 0x742f2cd220 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCreateShaderProgramv) -> 0x742f2ceac8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteProgram) -> 0x742f2cd284 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteProgramPipelines) -> 0x742f2ceafc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteShader) -> 0x742f2cd2b4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDetachShader) -> 0x742f2cd32c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDispatchCompute) -> 0x742f2ce988 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDispatchComputeIndirect) -> 0x742f2ce9a0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenProgramPipelines) -> 0x742f2ceb14 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetActiveAttrib) -> 0x742f2cd4c4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetActiveUniform) -> 0x742f2cd4dc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetActiveUniformBlockName) -> 0x742f2ce5fc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetActiveUniformBlockiv) -> 0x742f2ce5e4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetActiveUniformsiv) -> 0x742f2ce5b0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetAttachedShaders) -> 0x742f2cd4f4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetAttribLocation) -> 0x742f2cd50c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFragDataLocation) -> 0x742f2ce444 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramBinary) -> 0x742f2ce8c8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramInfoLog) -> 0x742f2cd58c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramInterfaceiv) -> 0x742f2cea18 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog) -> 0x742f2cee90 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramPipelineiv) -> 0x742f2ceb48 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramResourceIndex) -> 0x742f2cea30 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramResourceLocation) -> 0x742f2cea7c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramResourceName) -> 0x742f2cea4c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramResourceiv) -> 0x742f2cea64 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramiv) -> 0x742f2cd574 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetShaderInfoLog) -> 0x742f2cd5d4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetShaderPrecisionFormat) -> 0x742f2cd5ec (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetShaderSource) -> 0x742f2cd604 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetShaderiv) -> 0x742f2cd5bc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetUniformBlockIndex) -> 0x742f2ce5c8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetUniformIndices) -> 0x742f2ce598 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetUniformLocation) -> 0x742f2cd67c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetUniformfv) -> 0x742f2cd64c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetUniformiv) -> 0x742f2cd664 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetUniformuiv) -> 0x742f2ce42c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetnUniformfv) -> 0x742f2cf2a4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetnUniformiv) -> 0x742f2cf2bc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetnUniformuiv) -> 0x742f2cf2d4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsProgram) -> 0x742f2cd74c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsProgramPipeline) -> 0x742f2ceb2c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsShader) -> 0x742f2cd784 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glLinkProgram) -> 0x742f2cd7d4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMemoryBarrier) -> 0x742f2ceed8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMemoryBarrierByRegion) -> 0x742f2ceef0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramBinary) -> 0x742f2ce8e0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramParameteri) -> 0x742f2ce8f8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1f) -> 0x742f2cec20 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.866 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1fv) -> 0x742f2ced40 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.866 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1i) -> 0x742f2ceb60 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.866 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1iv) -> 0x742f2cec80 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.866 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1ui) -> 0x742f2cebc0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.866 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1uiv) -> 0x742f2cece0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.866 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2f) -> 0x742f2cec38 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.866 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2fv) -> 0x742f2ced58 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.866 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2i) -> 0x742f2ceb78 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.866 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2iv) -> 0x742f2cec98 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.866 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2ui) -> 0x742f2cebd8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.866 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2uiv) -> 0x742f2cecf8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.866 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3f) -> 0x742f2cec50 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.866 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3fv) -> 0x742f2ced70 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3i) -> 0x742f2ceb90 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3iv) -> 0x742f2cecb0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3ui) -> 0x742f2cebf0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3uiv) -> 0x742f2ced10 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4f) -> 0x742f2cec68 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4fv) -> 0x742f2ced88 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4i) -> 0x742f2ceba8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4iv) -> 0x742f2cecc8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4ui) -> 0x742f2cec08 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4uiv) -> 0x742f2ced28 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix2fv) -> 0x742f2ceda0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv) -> 0x742f2cede8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv) -> 0x742f2cee18 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix3fv) -> 0x742f2cedb8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv) -> 0x742f2cee00 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv) -> 0x742f2cee48 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix4fv) -> 0x742f2cedd0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv) -> 0x742f2cee30 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv) -> 0x742f2cee60 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glReleaseShaderCompiler) -> 0x742f2cd834 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glShaderBinary) -> 0x742f2cd894 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glShaderSource) -> 0x742f2cd8ac (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1f) -> 0x742f2cdce4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1fv) -> 0x742f2cdcfc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1i) -> 0x742f2cdd14 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1iv) -> 0x742f2cdd2c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1ui) -> 0x742f2ce460 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1uiv) -> 0x742f2ce4c0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2f) -> 0x742f2cdd44 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2fv) -> 0x742f2cdd5c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2i) -> 0x742f2cdd74 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2iv) -> 0x742f2cdd8c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2ui) -> 0x742f2ce478 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2uiv) -> 0x742f2ce4d8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3f) -> 0x742f2cdda4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3fv) -> 0x742f2cddbc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3i) -> 0x742f2cddd4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3iv) -> 0x742f2cddec (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3ui) -> 0x742f2ce490 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3uiv) -> 0x742f2ce4f0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4f) -> 0x742f2cde04 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4fv) -> 0x742f2cde1c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4i) -> 0x742f2cde34 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.870 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4iv) -> 0x742f2cde4c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.870 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4ui) -> 0x742f2ce4a8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.870 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4uiv) -> 0x742f2ce508 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.870 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformBlockBinding) -> 0x742f2ce614 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.870 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix2fv) -> 0x742f2cde64 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.870 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix2x3fv) -> 0x742f2ce16c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.870 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix2x4fv) -> 0x742f2ce19c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.870 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix3fv) -> 0x742f2cde7c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.870 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix3x2fv) -> 0x742f2ce184 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.870 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix3x4fv) -> 0x742f2ce1cc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.870 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix4fv) -> 0x742f2cde94 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix4x2fv) -> 0x742f2ce1b4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix4x3fv) -> 0x742f2ce1e4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUseProgram) -> 0x742f2cdeac (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glUseProgramStages) -> 0x742f2cea98 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glValidateProgram) -> 0x742f2cdec4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glValidateProgramPipeline) -> 0x742f2cee78 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCullFace) -> 0x742f2cd23c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthRangef) -> 0x742f2cd314 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFrontFace) -> 0x742f2cd434 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetMultisamplefv) -> 0x742f2cef20 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glLineWidth) -> 0x742f2cd7bc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glMinSampleShading) -> 0x742f2cf2ec (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPolygonOffset) -> 0x742f2cd804 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glViewport) -> 0x742f2cdfb4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetBooleani_v) -> 0x742f2ceec0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetBooleanv) -> 0x742f2d17a0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFloatv) -> 0x742f2d1808 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetInteger64i_v) -> 0x742f2ce6f8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetInteger64v) -> 0x742f2d18cc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetIntegeri_v) -> 0x742f2ce2dc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetIntegerv) -> 0x742f2d186c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetInternalformativ) -> 0x742f2ce970 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetString) -> 0x742f2d1700 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetStringi) -> 0x742f2d174c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsEnabled) -> 0x742f2cd714 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsEnabledi) -> 0x742f2cf1dc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glClientWaitSync) -> 0x742f2ce6ac (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteSync) -> 0x742f2ce694 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glFenceSync) -> 0x742f2ce65c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSynciv) -> 0x742f2ce6e0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsSync) -> 0x742f2ce678 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glWaitSync) -> 0x742f2ce6c8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glActiveTexture) -> 0x742f2ccfa8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindImageTexture) -> 0x742f2ceea8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindSampler) -> 0x742f2ce774 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindTexture) -> 0x742f2cd038 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCompressedTexImage2D) -> 0x742f2cd1a4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCompressedTexImage3D) -> 0x742f2ce044 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCompressedTexSubImage2D) -> 0x742f2cd1bc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCompressedTexSubImage3D) -> 0x742f2ce05c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyImageSubData) -> 0x742f2cf010 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyTexImage2D) -> 0x742f2cd1d4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyTexSubImage2D) -> 0x742f2cd1ec (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyTexSubImage3D) -> 0x742f2ce02c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteSamplers) -> 0x742f2ce740 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteTextures) -> 0x742f2cd2cc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenSamplers) -> 0x742f2ce728 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenTextures) -> 0x742f2cd4ac (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenerateMipmap) -> 0x742f2cd464 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSamplerParameterIiv) -> 0x742f2cf3ac (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSamplerParameterIuiv) -> 0x742f2cf3c4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSamplerParameterfv) -> 0x742f2ce804 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSamplerParameteriv) -> 0x742f2ce7ec (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexLevelParameterfv) -> 0x742f2cef68 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexLevelParameteriv) -> 0x742f2cef50 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterIiv) -> 0x742f2cf34c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterIuiv) -> 0x742f2cf364 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.875 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterfv) -> 0x742f2cd61c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.875 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameteriv) -> 0x742f2cd634 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.875 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsSampler) -> 0x742f2ce758 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.875 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsTexture) -> 0x742f2cd7a0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.875 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPixelStorei) -> 0x742f2cd7ec (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.875 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameterIiv) -> 0x742f2cf37c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.875 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameterIuiv) -> 0x742f2cf394 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.875 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameterf) -> 0x742f2ce7bc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.875 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameterfv) -> 0x742f2ce7d4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.875 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameteri) -> 0x742f2ce78c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.876 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameteriv) -> 0x742f2ce7a4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.876 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexBuffer) -> 0x742f2cf3dc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.876 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexBufferRange) -> 0x742f2cf3f4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.876 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexImage2D) -> 0x742f2cd96c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.876 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexImage3D) -> 0x742f2cdffc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.876 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterIiv) -> 0x742f2cf31c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.876 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterIuiv) -> 0x742f2cf334 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.876 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterf) -> 0x742f2cdb0c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.876 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterfv) -> 0x742f2cdb24 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.876 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameteri) -> 0x742f2cdb3c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameteriv) -> 0x742f2cdb54 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage2D) -> 0x742f2ce940 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage2DMultisample) -> 0x742f2cef08 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage3D) -> 0x742f2ce958 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage3DMultisample) -> 0x742f2cf40c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexSubImage2D) -> 0x742f2cdb84 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexSubImage3D) -> 0x742f2ce014 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBeginTransformFeedback) -> 0x742f2ce2f4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindTransformFeedback) -> 0x742f2ce834 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteTransformFeedbacks) -> 0x742f2ce84c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glEndTransformFeedback) -> 0x742f2ce30c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenTransformFeedbacks) -> 0x742f2ce864 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTransformFeedbackVarying) -> 0x742f2ce36c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsTransformFeedback) -> 0x742f2ce87c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glPauseTransformFeedback) -> 0x742f2ce898 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glResumeTransformFeedback) -> 0x742f2ce8b0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glTransformFeedbackVaryings) -> 0x742f2ce354 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindVertexArray) -> 0x742f2ce278 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindVertexBuffer) -> 0x742f2cef80 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteVertexArrays) -> 0x742f2ce290 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glDisableVertexAttribArray) -> 0x742f2cd35c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glEnableVertexAttribArray) -> 0x742f2cd3bc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenVertexArrays) -> 0x742f2ce2a8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetVertexAttribIiv) -> 0x742f2ce39c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetVertexAttribIuiv) -> 0x742f2ce3b4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetVertexAttribPointerv) -> 0x742f2cd6c8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetVertexAttribfv) -> 0x742f2cd698 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetVertexAttribiv) -> 0x742f2cd6b0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsVertexArray) -> 0x742f2ce2c0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttrib1f) -> 0x742f2cdedc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttrib1fv) -> 0x742f2cdef4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttrib2f) -> 0x742f2cdf0c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttrib2fv) -> 0x742f2cdf24 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttrib3f) -> 0x742f2cdf3c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttrib3fv) -> 0x742f2cdf54 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttrib4f) -> 0x742f2cdf6c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttrib4fv) -> 0x742f2cdf84 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribBinding) -> 0x742f2cefc8 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribDivisor) -> 0x742f2ce81c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribFormat) -> 0x742f2cef98 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribI4i) -> 0x742f2ce3cc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribI4iv) -> 0x742f2ce3fc (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribI4ui) -> 0x742f2ce3e4 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribI4uiv) -> 0x742f2ce414 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribIFormat) -> 0x742f2cefb0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribIPointer) -> 0x742f2ce384 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribPointer) -> 0x742f2cdf9c (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:45] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexBindingDivisor) -> 0x742f2cefe0 (from libGLESv2 dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glXCreateContext) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.880 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glXCreateNewContext) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.880 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glXMakeContextCurrent) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.880 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glXMakeCurrent) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.880 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glXSwapBuffers) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.880 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glXQueryDrawable) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.881 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(wglCreateContext) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.881 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(wglCreateContextAttribsARB) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.881 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(wglMakeCurrent) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.881 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(wglSwapBuffers) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.882 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(CGLCreateContext) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.882 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(CGLSetCurrentContext) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.882 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(CGLGetSurface) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.882 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(CGSGetSurfaceBounds) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.882 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(CGLFlushDrawable) -> not found 12-13 09:08:33.882 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glAlphaFunc) -> 0x74307982cc (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glAlphaFuncx) -> 0x7430798674 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glAlphaFuncxOES) -> 0x743079941c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindFramebufferOES) -> 0x74307998bc (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindRenderbufferOES) -> 0x7430799828 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationOES) -> 0x7430799344 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationSeparateOES) -> 0x7430799314 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFuncSeparateOES) -> 0x743079932c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glCheckFramebufferStatusOES) -> 0x7430799904 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearColorx) -> 0x743079871c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearColorxOES) -> 0x7430799434 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearDepthfOES) -> 0x7430799a1c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearDepthx) -> 0x7430798734 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearDepthxOES) -> 0x743079944c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.884 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glClientActiveTexture) -> 0x7430798764 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.884 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glClipPlanef) -> 0x7430798314 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.884 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glClipPlanefIMG) -> 0x7430799e6c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.884 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glClipPlanefOES) -> 0x7430799a34 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.884 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glClipPlanex) -> 0x743079877c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.884 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glClipPlanexIMG) -> 0x7430799e84 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.884 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glClipPlanexOES) -> 0x7430799464 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.884 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glColor4f) -> 0x743079832c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.884 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glColor4ub) -> 0x7430798794 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.884 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glColor4x) -> 0x74307987ac (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.884 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glColor4xOES) -> 0x743079947c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.884 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glColorPointer) -> 0x743079820c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glCurrentPaletteMatrixOES) -> 0x74307999d0 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteFramebuffersOES) -> 0x74307998d4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteRenderbuffersOES) -> 0x7430799840 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthRangefOES) -> 0x7430799a4c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthRangex) -> 0x74307988b4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthRangexOES) -> 0x7430799494 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glDisableClientState) -> 0x74307988e4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTexfOES) -> 0x74307993ec (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTexfvOES) -> 0x7430799404 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTexiOES) -> 0x7430799374 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTexivOES) -> 0x74307993bc (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTexsOES) -> 0x743079935c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.886 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTexsvOES) -> 0x74307993a4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.886 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTexxOES) -> 0x743079938c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.886 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTexxvOES) -> 0x74307993d4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.886 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glEnableClientState) -> 0x7430798944 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.886 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glFogf) -> 0x743079835c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.886 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glFogfv) -> 0x7430798374 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.886 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glFogx) -> 0x743079898c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.886 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glFogxOES) -> 0x74307994ac (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.886 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glFogxv) -> 0x74307989a4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.886 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glFogxvOES) -> 0x74307994c4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.886 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferRenderbufferOES) -> 0x7430799920 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTexture2DOES) -> 0x7430799938 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glFrustumf) -> 0x743079838c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glFrustumfOES) -> 0x7430799a64 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glFrustumx) -> 0x74307989d4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glFrustumxOES) -> 0x74307994dc (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenFramebuffersOES) -> 0x74307998ec (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenRenderbuffersOES) -> 0x7430799858 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenerateMipmapOES) -> 0x7430799968 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetClipPlanef) -> 0x74307983a4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetClipPlanefOES) -> 0x7430799a7c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetClipPlanex) -> 0x7430798a1c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetClipPlanexOES) -> 0x74307994f4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.888 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFixedv) -> 0x7430798a80 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.888 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFixedvOES) -> 0x743079950c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.888 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES) -> 0x7430799950 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.888 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetLightfv) -> 0x74307983d4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.888 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetLightxv) -> 0x7430798ab0 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.888 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetLightxvOES) -> 0x7430799764 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.888 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetMaterialfv) -> 0x74307983ec (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.888 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetMaterialxv) -> 0x7430798ac8 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.888 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetMaterialxvOES) -> 0x743079977c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.888 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES) -> 0x7430799888 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.888 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexEnvfv) -> 0x7430798404 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.888 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexEnviv) -> 0x7430798af8 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.889 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexEnvxv) -> 0x7430798b10 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.889 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexEnvxvOES) -> 0x7430799524 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.889 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexGenfvOES) -> 0x7430799b0c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.889 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexGenivOES) -> 0x7430799b24 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.889 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexGenxvOES) -> 0x74307997c4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.889 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterxv) -> 0x7430798b40 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.889 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterxvOES) -> 0x743079953c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.889 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsFramebufferOES) -> 0x74307998a0 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.889 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsRenderbufferOES) -> 0x743079980c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.889 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightModelf) -> 0x7430798434 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.889 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightModelfv) -> 0x743079844c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.889 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightModelx) -> 0x7430798bc4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.890 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightModelxOES) -> 0x7430799554 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.890 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightModelxv) -> 0x7430798bdc (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.890 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightModelxvOES) -> 0x743079956c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.890 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightf) -> 0x7430798464 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.890 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightfv) -> 0x743079847c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.890 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightx) -> 0x7430798bf4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.890 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightxOES) -> 0x7430799584 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.890 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightxv) -> 0x7430798c0c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.890 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightxvOES) -> 0x743079959c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.890 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLineWidthx) -> 0x7430798c24 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.890 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLineWidthxOES) -> 0x74307995b4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLoadIdentity) -> 0x7430798c3c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLoadMatrixf) -> 0x74307984ac (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLoadMatrixx) -> 0x7430798c54 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLoadMatrixxOES) -> 0x74307995cc (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES) -> 0x74307999e8 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glLogicOp) -> 0x7430798c6c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glMaterialf) -> 0x74307984c4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glMaterialfv) -> 0x74307984dc (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glMaterialx) -> 0x7430798c84 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glMaterialxOES) -> 0x74307995e4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glMaterialxv) -> 0x7430798c9c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glMaterialxvOES) -> 0x74307995fc (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.892 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixIndexPointerOES) -> 0x7430798298 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.892 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixMode) -> 0x7430798cb4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.892 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultMatrixf) -> 0x74307984f4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.892 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultMatrixx) -> 0x7430798ccc (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.892 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultMatrixxOES) -> 0x7430799614 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.892 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiTexCoord4f) -> 0x743079850c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.892 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiTexCoord4x) -> 0x7430798ce4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.892 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiTexCoord4xOES) -> 0x743079962c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.892 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glNormal3f) -> 0x7430798524 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.892 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glNormal3x) -> 0x7430798cfc (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.892 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glNormal3xOES) -> 0x7430799644 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.892 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glNormalPointer) -> 0x7430798228 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.893 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glOrthof) -> 0x743079853c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.893 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glOrthofOES) -> 0x7430799a94 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.893 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glOrthox) -> 0x7430798d14 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.893 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glOrthoxOES) -> 0x743079965c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.893 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointParameterf) -> 0x7430798554 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.893 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointParameterfv) -> 0x743079856c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.893 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointParameterx) -> 0x7430798d44 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.893 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointParameterxOES) -> 0x7430799794 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.893 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointParameterxv) -> 0x7430798d5c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.893 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointParameterxvOES) -> 0x7430799674 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.893 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointSize) -> 0x7430798584 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.894 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointSizePointerOES) -> 0x743079827c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.894 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointSizex) -> 0x7430798d74 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.894 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointSizexOES) -> 0x743079968c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.894 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glPolygonOffsetx) -> 0x7430798d8c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.894 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glPolygonOffsetxOES) -> 0x74307996a4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.894 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glPopMatrix) -> 0x7430798da4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.894 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glPushMatrix) -> 0x7430798dbc (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.894 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glQueryMatrixxOES) -> 0x7430799a00 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.894 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glRenderbufferStorageOES) -> 0x7430799870 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.894 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glRotatef) -> 0x74307985b4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.894 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glRotatex) -> 0x7430798dec (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.894 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glRotatexOES) -> 0x74307996bc (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glSampleCoveragex) -> 0x7430798e1c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glSampleCoveragexOES) -> 0x74307997ac (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glScalef) -> 0x74307985cc (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glScalex) -> 0x7430798e34 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glScalexOES) -> 0x74307996d4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glShadeModel) -> 0x7430798e64 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexCoordPointer) -> 0x7430798244 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexEnvf) -> 0x74307985e4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexEnvfv) -> 0x74307985fc (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexEnvi) -> 0x7430798ec4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexEnviv) -> 0x7430798ef4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexEnvx) -> 0x7430798edc (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.896 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexEnvxOES) -> 0x74307996ec (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.896 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexEnvxv) -> 0x7430798f0c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.896 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexEnvxvOES) -> 0x7430799704 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.896 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexGenfOES) -> 0x7430799aac (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.896 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexGenfvOES) -> 0x7430799ac4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.896 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexGeniOES) -> 0x7430799adc (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.896 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexGenivOES) -> 0x7430799af4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.896 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexGenxOES) -> 0x74307997dc (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.896 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexGenxvOES) -> 0x74307997f4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.896 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterx) -> 0x74307990f4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.896 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterxOES) -> 0x743079971c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.897 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterxv) -> 0x7430799124 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.897 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterxvOES) -> 0x7430799734 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.897 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTranslatef) -> 0x7430798644 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.897 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTranslatex) -> 0x74307992b4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.897 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTranslatexOES) -> 0x743079974c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.897 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexPointer) -> 0x7430798260 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.897 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glWeightPointerOES) -> 0x74307982b4 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.897 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glColorPointerBounds) -> 0x7430798208 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.897 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glNormalPointerBounds) -> 0x7430798224 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.897 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexCoordPointerBounds) -> 0x7430798240 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.897 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexPointerBounds) -> 0x743079825c (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.898 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointSizePointerOESBounds) -> 0x7430798278 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.898 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixIndexPointerOESBounds) -> 0x7430798294 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.898 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:52] GetGlesProcAddress(glWeightPointerOESBounds) -> 0x74307982b0 (from libGLESv1_CM dlsym) 12-13 09:08:33.898 23901 23901 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/connection_stream.cpp:35] GAPII awaiting connection on pipe gapii (abstract) 12-13 09:08:34.443 23901 23901 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/spy.cpp:154] Connection made 12-13 09:08:34.450 23901 23901 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/spy.cpp:161] Connection header read 12-13 09:08:34.450 23901 23901 E GAPID : [gapii/cc/spy.cpp:183] APIS 0000000a 12-13 09:08:34.450 23901 23901 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/spy.cpp:184] GAPII connection established. Settings: 12-13 09:08:34.451 23901 23901 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/spy.cpp:185] Observe framebuffer every 0 frames 12-13 09:08:34.451 23901 23901 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/spy.cpp:186] Observe framebuffer every 0 draws 12-13 09:08:34.451 23901 23901 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/spy.cpp:188] Disable precompiled shaders: true 12-13 09:08:34.451 23901 23901 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/spy.cpp:190] Hide unknown extensions: false 12-13 09:08:34.452 23901 23951 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetError) -> 0x742ff91500 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.452 23901 23951 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglInitialize) -> 0x742ff8ff34 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.453 23901 23951 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglBindAPI) -> 0x742ff92834 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.453 23901 23951 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglChooseConfig) -> 0x742ff900bc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.453 23901 23951 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreateContext) -> 0x742ff90c50 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.453 23901 23951 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreatePbufferSurface) -> 0x742ff908c0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.453 23901 23951 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglMakeCurrent) -> 0x742ff90e98 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.453 23901 23951 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetDisplay) -> 0x742ff8fe58 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.495 23901 23951 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetIntegerv) -> 0x742f2d186c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.495 23901 23951 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetError) -> 0x742f2cd540 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.495 23901 23951 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetString) -> 0x742f2d1700 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.495 23901 23951 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetStringi) -> 0x742f2d174c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.497 23901 23951 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglDestroyContext) -> 0x742ff90db8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.497 23901 23951 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglDestroySurface) -> 0x742ff90988 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.497 23901 23951 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglTerminate) -> 0x742ff8ffa4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.508 23901 23901 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:119] Installing GAPII hooks... 12-13 09:08:34.511 23901 23901 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:145] Interceptor functions resolved 12-13 09:08:34.511 23901 23901 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:147] Calling gInitializeInterceptor at 0x7411b8a82c... 12-13 09:08:34.511 23901 23901 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:152] Installing OpenGL ES hooks... 12-13 09:08:34.514 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(CGLCreateContext) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.515 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(CGLFlushDrawable) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.515 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(CGLGetSurface) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.515 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(CGLSetCurrentContext) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.515 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(CGSGetSurfaceBounds) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.516 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixFrustumEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.516 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixLoadIdentityEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.516 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixLoadTransposedEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.516 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixLoadTransposefEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.517 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixLoaddEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.517 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixLoadfEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.517 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixMultTransposedEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.517 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixMultTransposefEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.518 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixMultdEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.518 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixMultfEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.518 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixOrthoEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.518 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixPopEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.518 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixPushEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.519 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixRotatedEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.519 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixRotatefEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.519 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixScaledEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.519 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixScalefEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.519 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixTranslatedEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.520 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(MatrixTranslatefEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.520 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglBindAPI) -> 0x742ff92834 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.520 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglBindTexImage) -> 0x742ff92550 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.520 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglChooseConfig) -> 0x742ff900bc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.520 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglClientWaitSyncKHR) -> 0x742ff92ec0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.520 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCopyBuffers) -> 0x742ff9209c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.520 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreateContext) -> 0x742ff90c50 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.520 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreateImageKHR) -> 0x742ff92bf8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.521 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreateNativeClientBufferANDROID) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.521 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer) -> 0x742ff9294c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.521 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreatePbufferSurface) -> 0x742ff908c0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.521 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreatePixmapSurface) -> 0x742ff907f0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.521 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreateSyncKHR) -> 0x742ff91e20 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.521 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglCreateWindowSurface) -> 0x742ff9039c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.521 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglDestroyContext) -> 0x742ff90db8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.521 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglDestroyImageKHR) -> 0x742ff92cf4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.521 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglDestroySurface) -> 0x742ff90988 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.521 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglDestroySyncKHR) -> 0x742ff92d88 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.521 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglDupNativeFenceFDANDROID) -> 0x742ff9385c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.521 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetConfigAttrib) -> 0x742ff902fc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.522 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetConfigs) -> 0x742ff8fff8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.522 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetCurrentContext) -> 0x742ff913b4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.522 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetCurrentDisplay) -> 0x742ff91434 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.522 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetCurrentSurface) -> 0x742ff913c8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.522 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetDisplay) -> 0x742ff8fe58 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.522 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetError) -> 0x742ff91500 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.522 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetNativeClientBufferANDROID) -> 0x742ff939b8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.522 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetSyncAttribKHR) -> 0x742ff92f6c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.522 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglInitialize) -> 0x742ff8ff34 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.522 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglMakeCurrent) -> 0x742ff90e98 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.522 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglQueryAPI) -> 0x742ff928a8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.522 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglQueryContext) -> 0x742ff912d8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.522 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglQueryString) -> 0x742ff92170 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.523 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglQuerySurface) -> 0x742ff90a68 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.523 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglReleaseTexImage) -> 0x742ff92648 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.523 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglReleaseThread) -> 0x742ff9290c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.523 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglSignalSyncKHR) -> 0x742ff92e1c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.523 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglSurfaceAttrib) -> 0x742ff9239c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.523 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglSwapBuffers) -> 0x742ff92090 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.523 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR) -> 0x742ff91ab4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.523 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglSwapInterval) -> 0x742ff92740 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.523 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglTerminate) -> 0x742ff8ffa4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.523 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglWaitClient) -> 0x742ff927d8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.523 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglWaitGL) -> 0x742ff91454 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.523 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglWaitNative) -> 0x742ff914a0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.523 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(eglWaitSyncKHR) -> 0x742ff937b8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.524 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glActiveShaderProgram) -> 0x742f2ceab0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.524 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glActiveShaderProgramEXT) -> 0x742f2d0270 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.524 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glActiveTexture) -> 0x742f2ccfa8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.524 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glAlphaFunc) -> 0x74307982cc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.524 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glAlphaFuncQCOM) -> 0x742f2d1534 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.524 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glAlphaFuncx) -> 0x7430798674 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.524 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glAlphaFuncxOES) -> 0x743079941c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.524 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glApplyFramebufferAttachmentCMAAINTEL) -> 0x742f2d0890 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.525 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glAttachShader) -> 0x742f2ccfc0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.525 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBeginConditionalRenderNV) -> 0x742f2d0b14 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.525 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBeginPerfMonitorAMD) -> 0x742f2cfae4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.525 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBeginPerfQueryINTEL) -> 0x742f2d08a8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.525 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBeginQuery) -> 0x742f2ce0c0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.525 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBeginQueryEXT) -> 0x742f2cfe74 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.525 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBeginTransformFeedback) -> 0x742f2ce2f4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.525 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindAttribLocation) -> 0x742f2ccfd8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.525 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindBuffer) -> 0x742f2ccff0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.525 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindBufferBase) -> 0x742f2ce33c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.526 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindBufferRange) -> 0x742f2ce324 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.526 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindFragDataLocation) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.526 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindFragDataLocationEXT) -> 0x742f2cfd18 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.526 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindFragDataLocationIndexedEXT) -> 0x742f2cfd00 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.526 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindFramebuffer) -> 0x742f2cd008 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.526 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindFramebufferOES) -> 0x74307998bc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.526 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindImageTexture) -> 0x742f2ceea8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.527 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindProgramPipeline) -> 0x742f2ceae4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.527 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindProgramPipelineEXT) -> 0x742f2d0288 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.527 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindRenderbuffer) -> 0x742f2cd020 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.527 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindRenderbufferOES) -> 0x7430799828 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.527 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindSampler) -> 0x742f2ce774 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.527 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindTexture) -> 0x742f2cd038 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.527 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindTransformFeedback) -> 0x742f2ce834 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.527 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindVertexArray) -> 0x742f2ce278 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.527 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindVertexArrayOES) -> 0x742f2cf9c0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.528 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBindVertexBuffer) -> 0x742f2cef80 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.528 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendBarrier) -> 0x742f2ceff8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.528 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendBarrierKHR) -> 0x742f2cf424 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.528 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendBarrierNV) -> 0x742f2d0afc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.528 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendColor) -> 0x742f2cd050 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.528 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquation) -> 0x742f2cd068 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.528 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationOES) -> 0x7430799344 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.528 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationSeparate) -> 0x742f2cd080 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.528 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationSeparateOES) -> 0x7430799314 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.529 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationSeparatei) -> 0x742f2cf17c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.529 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationSeparateiEXT) -> 0x742f2cff94 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.529 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationSeparateiOES) -> 0x742f2cf654 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.529 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationi) -> 0x742f2cf164 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.529 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationiEXT) -> 0x742f2cff7c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.529 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendEquationiOES) -> 0x742f2cf63c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.529 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFunc) -> 0x742f2cd098 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.529 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFuncSeparate) -> 0x742f2cd0b0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.529 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFuncSeparateOES) -> 0x743079932c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.530 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFuncSeparatei) -> 0x742f2cf1ac (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.530 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFuncSeparateiEXT) -> 0x742f2cffc4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.530 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFuncSeparateiOES) -> 0x742f2cf684 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.530 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFunci) -> 0x742f2cf194 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.530 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFunciEXT) -> 0x742f2cffac (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.530 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendFunciOES) -> 0x742f2cf66c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.530 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlendParameteriNV) -> 0x742f2d0ae4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.530 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlitFramebuffer) -> 0x742f2ce1fc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.530 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlitFramebufferANGLE) -> 0x742f2cfb2c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.530 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBlitFramebufferNV) -> 0x742f2d0cb4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.531 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBufferData) -> 0x742f2cd0c8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.531 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBufferStorageEXT) -> 0x742f2cfd68 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.531 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glBufferSubData) -> 0x742f2cd0e0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.531 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCheckFramebufferStatus) -> 0x742f2cd0f8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.531 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCheckFramebufferStatusOES) -> 0x7430799904 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.531 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClear) -> 0x742f2cd114 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.531 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearBufferfi) -> 0x742f2ce568 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.531 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearBufferfv) -> 0x742f2ce550 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.531 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearBufferiv) -> 0x742f2ce520 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.532 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearBufferuiv) -> 0x742f2ce538 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.532 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearColor) -> 0x742f2cd12c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.532 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearColorx) -> 0x743079871c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.532 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearColorxOES) -> 0x7430799434 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.532 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearDepthf) -> 0x742f2cd144 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.532 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearDepthfOES) -> 0x7430799a1c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.532 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearDepthx) -> 0x7430798734 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.532 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearDepthxOES) -> 0x743079944c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.533 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearPixelLocalStorageuiEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.533 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearStencil) -> 0x742f2cd15c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.533 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearTexImageEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.533 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClearTexSubImageEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.533 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClientActiveTexture) -> 0x7430798764 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.533 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClientWaitSync) -> 0x742f2ce6ac (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.533 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClientWaitSyncAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfc54 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.534 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClipPlanef) -> 0x7430798314 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.534 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClipPlanefIMG) -> 0x7430799e6c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.534 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClipPlanefOES) -> 0x7430799a34 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.534 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClipPlanex) -> 0x743079877c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.534 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClipPlanexIMG) -> 0x7430799e84 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.534 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glClipPlanexOES) -> 0x7430799464 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.534 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glColor4f) -> 0x743079832c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.534 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glColor4ub) -> 0x7430798794 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.534 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glColor4x) -> 0x74307987ac (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.535 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glColor4xOES) -> 0x743079947c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.535 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glColorMask) -> 0x742f2cd174 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.535 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glColorMaski) -> 0x742f2cf1c4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.535 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glColorMaskiEXT) -> 0x742f2cffdc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.535 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glColorMaskiOES) -> 0x742f2cf69c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.535 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glColorPointer) -> 0x743079820c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.535 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glColorPointerBounds) -> 0x7430798208 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.535 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCompileShader) -> 0x742f2cd18c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.535 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCompressedTexImage2D) -> 0x742f2cd1a4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.536 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCompressedTexImage3D) -> 0x742f2ce044 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.536 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCompressedTexImage3DOES) -> 0x742f2cf858 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.536 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCompressedTexSubImage2D) -> 0x742f2cd1bc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.536 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCompressedTexSubImage3D) -> 0x742f2ce05c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.536 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES) -> 0x742f2cf870 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.536 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glConservativeRasterParameteriNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.536 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyBufferSubData) -> 0x742f2ce580 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.537 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyBufferSubDataNV) -> 0x742f2d0b5c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.537 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyImageSubData) -> 0x742f2cf010 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.537 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyImageSubDataEXT) -> 0x742f2cfd80 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.537 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyImageSubDataOES) -> 0x742f2cf5f4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.537 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyPathNV) -> 0x742f2d0efc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.537 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyTexImage2D) -> 0x742f2cd1d4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.537 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyTexSubImage2D) -> 0x742f2cd1ec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.537 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyTexSubImage3D) -> 0x742f2ce02c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.537 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyTexSubImage3DOES) -> 0x742f2cf840 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.538 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCopyTextureLevelsAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfbbc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.538 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCoverFillPathInstancedNV) -> 0x742f2d1094 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.538 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCoverFillPathNV) -> 0x742f2d1064 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.538 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCoverStrokePathInstancedNV) -> 0x742f2d10ac (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.538 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCoverStrokePathNV) -> 0x742f2d107c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.538 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCoverageMaskNV) -> 0x742f2d0b74 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.538 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCoverageModulationNV) -> 0x742f2d0cfc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.538 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCoverageModulationTableNV) -> 0x742f2d0ccc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.538 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCoverageOperationNV) -> 0x742f2d0b8c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.538 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCreatePerfQueryINTEL) -> 0x742f2d08c0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.539 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCreateProgram) -> 0x742f2cd204 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.539 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCreateShader) -> 0x742f2cd220 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.539 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCreateShaderProgramv) -> 0x742f2ceac8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.539 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCreateShaderProgramvEXT) -> 0x742f2d02a0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.539 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCullFace) -> 0x742f2cd23c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.539 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glCurrentPaletteMatrixOES) -> 0x74307999d0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.539 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDebugMessageCallback) -> 0x742f2cf058 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.539 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDebugMessageCallbackKHR) -> 0x742f2cf46c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.539 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDebugMessageControl) -> 0x742f2cf028 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.540 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDebugMessageControlKHR) -> 0x742f2cf43c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.540 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDebugMessageInsert) -> 0x742f2cf040 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.540 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDebugMessageInsertKHR) -> 0x742f2cf454 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.540 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteBuffers) -> 0x742f2cd254 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.540 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteFencesNV) -> 0x742f2d0bec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.540 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteFramebuffers) -> 0x742f2cd26c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.540 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteFramebuffersOES) -> 0x74307998d4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.540 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeletePathsNV) -> 0x742f2d0e08 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.540 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeletePerfMonitorsAMD) -> 0x742f2cfab4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.541 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeletePerfQueryINTEL) -> 0x742f2d08d8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.541 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteProgram) -> 0x742f2cd284 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.541 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteProgramPipelines) -> 0x742f2ceafc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.541 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteProgramPipelinesEXT) -> 0x742f2d02bc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.541 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteQueries) -> 0x742f2ce08c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.541 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteQueriesEXT) -> 0x742f2cfe40 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.541 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteRenderbuffers) -> 0x742f2cd29c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.541 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteRenderbuffersOES) -> 0x7430799840 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.541 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteSamplers) -> 0x742f2ce740 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.542 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteShader) -> 0x742f2cd2b4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.542 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteSync) -> 0x742f2ce694 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.542 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteSyncAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfc3c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.542 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteTextures) -> 0x742f2cd2cc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.542 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteTransformFeedbacks) -> 0x742f2ce84c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.542 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteVertexArrays) -> 0x742f2ce290 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.542 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDeleteVertexArraysOES) -> 0x742f2cf9d8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.542 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthFunc) -> 0x742f2cd2e4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.542 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthMask) -> 0x742f2cd2fc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.542 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthRangeArrayfvNV) -> 0x742f2d1470 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.543 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthRangeArrayfvOES) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.543 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthRangeIndexedfNV) -> 0x742f2d1488 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.543 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthRangeIndexedfOES) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.543 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthRangef) -> 0x742f2cd314 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.543 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthRangefOES) -> 0x7430799a4c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.543 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthRangex) -> 0x74307988b4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.543 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDepthRangexOES) -> 0x7430799494 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.544 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDetachShader) -> 0x742f2cd32c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.544 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDisable) -> 0x742f2cd344 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.544 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDisableClientState) -> 0x74307988e4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.544 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDisableDriverControlQCOM) -> 0x742f2d1594 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.544 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDisableVertexAttribArray) -> 0x742f2cd35c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.544 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDisablei) -> 0x742f2cf14c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.544 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDisableiEXT) -> 0x742f2cff64 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.544 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDisableiNV) -> 0x742f2d14d0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.544 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDisableiOES) -> 0x742f2cf624 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.545 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDiscardFramebufferEXT) -> 0x742f2cfe10 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.545 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDispatchCompute) -> 0x742f2ce988 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.545 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDispatchComputeIndirect) -> 0x742f2ce9a0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.545 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawArrays) -> 0x742f2cd374 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.545 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawArraysIndirect) -> 0x742f2ce9b8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.545 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawArraysInstanced) -> 0x742f2ce62c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.545 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE) -> 0x742f2cfb5c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.545 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstanceEXT) -> 0x742f2cfcb8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.546 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawArraysInstancedEXT) -> 0x742f2d0070 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.546 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawArraysInstancedNV) -> 0x742f2d0bbc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.546 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawBuffers) -> 0x742f2ce154 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.546 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawBuffersEXT) -> 0x742f2cff34 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.546 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawBuffersIndexedEXT) -> 0x742f2d01ac (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.546 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawBuffersNV) -> 0x742f2d0ba4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.546 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElements) -> 0x742f2cd38c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.546 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsBaseVertex) -> 0x742f2cf1f8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.546 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT) -> 0x742f2d0010 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.547 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsBaseVertexOES) -> 0x742f2cf6d0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.547 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsIndirect) -> 0x742f2ce9d0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.547 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstanced) -> 0x742f2ce644 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.547 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE) -> 0x742f2cfb74 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.547 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstanceEXT) -> 0x742f2cfcd0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.547 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex) -> 0x742f2cf228 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.547 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstanceEXT) -> 0x742f2cfce8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.547 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexEXT) -> 0x742f2d0040 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.547 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexOES) -> 0x742f2cf700 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.548 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstancedEXT) -> 0x742f2d0088 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.548 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawElementsInstancedNV) -> 0x742f2d0bd4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.548 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawRangeElements) -> 0x742f2cdfe4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.548 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex) -> 0x742f2cf210 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.548 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexEXT) -> 0x742f2d0028 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.548 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexOES) -> 0x742f2cf6e8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.548 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTexfOES) -> 0x74307993ec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.548 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTexfvOES) -> 0x7430799404 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.548 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTexiOES) -> 0x7430799374 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.549 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTexivOES) -> 0x74307993bc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.549 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTexsOES) -> 0x743079935c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.549 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTexsvOES) -> 0x74307993a4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.549 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTexxOES) -> 0x743079938c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.549 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTexxvOES) -> 0x74307993d4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.549 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTransformFeedbackEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.550 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glDrawTransformFeedbackInstancedEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.550 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES) -> 0x742f2cf5dc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.550 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES) -> 0x742f2cf5c4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.550 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glEnable) -> 0x742f2cd3a4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.550 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glEnableClientState) -> 0x7430798944 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.550 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glEnableDriverControlQCOM) -> 0x742f2d157c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.550 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glEnableVertexAttribArray) -> 0x742f2cd3bc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.550 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glEnablei) -> 0x742f2cf134 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.550 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glEnableiEXT) -> 0x742f2cff4c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.551 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glEnableiNV) -> 0x742f2d14b8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.551 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glEnableiOES) -> 0x742f2cf60c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.551 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glEndConditionalRenderNV) -> 0x742f2d0b2c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.551 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glEndPerfMonitorAMD) -> 0x742f2cfafc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.551 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glEndPerfQueryINTEL) -> 0x742f2d08f0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.551 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glEndQuery) -> 0x742f2ce0d8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.551 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glEndQueryEXT) -> 0x742f2cfe8c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.551 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glEndTilingQCOM) -> 0x742f2d16e8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.551 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glEndTransformFeedback) -> 0x742f2ce30c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.552 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM) -> 0x742f2d1654 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.552 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetBuffersQCOM) -> 0x742f2d15c4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.552 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM) -> 0x742f2d15f4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.552 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM) -> 0x742f2d16b8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.552 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetProgramsQCOM) -> 0x742f2d1684 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.552 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetRenderbuffersQCOM) -> 0x742f2d15dc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.552 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetShadersQCOM) -> 0x742f2d166c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.552 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM) -> 0x742f2d160c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.552 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM) -> 0x742f2d163c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.552 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtGetTexturesQCOM) -> 0x742f2d15ac (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.552 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM) -> 0x742f2d169c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.553 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM) -> 0x742f2d1624 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.553 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFenceSync) -> 0x742f2ce65c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.553 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFenceSyncAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfc04 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.553 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFinish) -> 0x742f2cd3d4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.553 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFinishFenceNV) -> 0x742f2d0c6c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.553 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFlush) -> 0x742f2cd3ec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.553 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFlushMappedBufferRange) -> 0x742f2ce260 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.553 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT) -> 0x742f2d00ec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.553 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFogf) -> 0x743079835c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.553 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFogfv) -> 0x7430798374 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.554 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFogx) -> 0x743079898c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.554 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFogxOES) -> 0x74307994ac (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.554 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFogxv) -> 0x74307989a4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.554 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFogxvOES) -> 0x74307994c4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.554 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFragmentCoverageColorNV) -> 0x742f2d0c9c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.554 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferParameteri) -> 0x742f2ce9e8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.554 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferPixelLocalStorageSizeEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.555 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferRenderbuffer) -> 0x742f2cd404 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.555 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferRenderbufferOES) -> 0x7430799920 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.555 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferSampleLocationsfvNV) -> 0x742f2d1398 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.555 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTexture) -> 0x742f2cf240 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.555 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTexture2D) -> 0x742f2cd41c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.555 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTexture2DDownsampleIMG) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.555 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT) -> 0x742f2d017c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.555 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG) -> 0x742f2d0878 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.556 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTexture2DOES) -> 0x7430799938 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.556 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTexture3DOES) -> 0x742f2cf888 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.556 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTextureEXT) -> 0x742f2d00a0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.556 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTextureLayer) -> 0x742f2ce22c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.556 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTextureLayerDownsampleIMG) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.556 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR) -> 0x742f2d151c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.556 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR) -> 0x742f2d1504 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.557 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFramebufferTextureOES) -> 0x742f2cf730 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.557 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFrontFace) -> 0x742f2cd434 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.557 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFrustumf) -> 0x743079838c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.557 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFrustumfOES) -> 0x7430799a64 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.557 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFrustumx) -> 0x74307989d4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.557 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glFrustumxOES) -> 0x74307994dc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.557 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenBuffers) -> 0x742f2cd44c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.557 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenFencesNV) -> 0x742f2d0c04 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.557 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenFramebuffers) -> 0x742f2cd47c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.558 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenFramebuffersOES) -> 0x74307998ec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.558 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenPathsNV) -> 0x742f2d0dec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.558 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenPerfMonitorsAMD) -> 0x742f2cfa9c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.558 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenProgramPipelines) -> 0x742f2ceb14 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.558 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenProgramPipelinesEXT) -> 0x742f2d02d4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.558 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenQueries) -> 0x742f2ce074 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.558 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenQueriesEXT) -> 0x742f2cfe28 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.558 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenRenderbuffers) -> 0x742f2cd494 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.558 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenRenderbuffersOES) -> 0x7430799858 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.558 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenSamplers) -> 0x742f2ce728 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.559 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenTextures) -> 0x742f2cd4ac (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.559 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenTransformFeedbacks) -> 0x742f2ce864 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.559 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenVertexArrays) -> 0x742f2ce2a8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.559 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenVertexArraysOES) -> 0x742f2cf9f0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.559 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenerateMipmap) -> 0x742f2cd464 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.559 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGenerateMipmapOES) -> 0x7430799968 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.559 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetActiveAttrib) -> 0x742f2cd4c4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.559 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetActiveUniform) -> 0x742f2cd4dc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.559 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetActiveUniformBlockName) -> 0x742f2ce5fc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.560 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetActiveUniformBlockiv) -> 0x742f2ce5e4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.560 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetActiveUniformsiv) -> 0x742f2ce5b0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.560 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetAttachedShaders) -> 0x742f2cd4f4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.560 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetAttribLocation) -> 0x742f2cd50c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.560 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetBooleani_v) -> 0x742f2ceec0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.560 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetBooleanv) -> 0x742f2d17a0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.560 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetBufferParameteri64v) -> 0x742f2ce710 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.560 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetBufferParameteriv) -> 0x742f2cd528 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.560 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetBufferPointerv) -> 0x742f2ce13c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.561 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetBufferPointervOES) -> 0x742f2cf7b0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.561 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetClipPlanef) -> 0x74307983a4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.561 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetClipPlanefOES) -> 0x7430799a7c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.561 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetClipPlanex) -> 0x7430798a1c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.561 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetClipPlanexOES) -> 0x74307994f4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.561 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetCoverageModulationTableNV) -> 0x742f2d0ce4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.561 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetDebugMessageLog) -> 0x742f2cf070 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.561 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetDebugMessageLogKHR) -> 0x742f2cf484 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.561 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetDriverControlStringQCOM) -> 0x742f2d1564 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.562 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetDriverControlsQCOM) -> 0x742f2d154c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.562 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetError) -> 0x742f2cd540 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.562 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFenceivNV) -> 0x742f2d0c54 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.562 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFirstPerfQueryIdINTEL) -> 0x742f2d0908 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.562 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFixedv) -> 0x7430798a80 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.562 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFixedvOES) -> 0x743079950c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.562 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFloati_vNV) -> 0x742f2d14a0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.562 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFloati_vOES) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.563 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFloatv) -> 0x742f2d1808 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.563 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFragDataIndexEXT) -> 0x742f2cfd4c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.563 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFragDataLocation) -> 0x742f2ce444 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.563 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv) -> 0x742f2cd55c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.563 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES) -> 0x7430799950 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.563 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFramebufferParameteriv) -> 0x742f2cea00 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.563 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetFramebufferPixelLocalStorageSizeEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.563 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetGraphicsResetStatus) -> 0x742f2cf270 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.564 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT) -> 0x742f2d020c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.564 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetGraphicsResetStatusKHR) -> 0x742f2cf548 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.564 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetImageHandleNV) -> 0x742f2d0a00 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.564 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetInteger64i_v) -> 0x742f2ce6f8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.564 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetInteger64v) -> 0x742f2d18cc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.564 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetInteger64vAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfc88 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.564 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetIntegeri_v) -> 0x742f2ce2dc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.564 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetIntegeri_vEXT) -> 0x742f2d01c4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.564 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetIntegerv) -> 0x742f2d186c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.564 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetInternalformatSampleivNV) -> 0x742f2d0d44 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.565 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetInternalformativ) -> 0x742f2ce970 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.565 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetLightfv) -> 0x74307983d4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.565 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetLightxv) -> 0x7430798ab0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.565 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetLightxvOES) -> 0x7430799764 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.565 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetMaterialfv) -> 0x74307983ec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.565 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetMaterialxv) -> 0x7430798ac8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.565 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetMaterialxvOES) -> 0x743079977c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.565 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetMultisamplefv) -> 0x742f2cef20 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.566 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetNextPerfQueryIdINTEL) -> 0x742f2d0920 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.566 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetObjectLabel) -> 0x742f2cf0d4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.566 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetObjectLabelEXT) -> 0x742f2cfdb0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.566 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetObjectLabelKHR) -> 0x742f2cf4e8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.566 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetObjectPtrLabel) -> 0x742f2cf104 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.566 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR) -> 0x742f2cf518 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.566 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathCommandsNV) -> 0x742f2d10f4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.566 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathCoordsNV) -> 0x742f2d110c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.566 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathDashArrayNV) -> 0x742f2d1124 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.567 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathLengthNV) -> 0x742f2d11bc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.567 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathMetricRangeNV) -> 0x742f2d1154 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.567 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathMetricsNV) -> 0x742f2d113c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.567 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathParameterfvNV) -> 0x742f2d10dc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.567 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathParameterivNV) -> 0x742f2d10c4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.567 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPathSpacingNV) -> 0x742f2d116c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.567 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfCounterInfoINTEL) -> 0x742f2d0938 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.567 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD) -> 0x742f2cfb14 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.567 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD) -> 0x742f2cfa84 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.568 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfMonitorCounterStringAMD) -> 0x742f2cfa6c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.568 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfMonitorCountersAMD) -> 0x742f2cfa3c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.568 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfMonitorGroupStringAMD) -> 0x742f2cfa54 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.568 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD) -> 0x742f2cfa24 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.568 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfQueryDataINTEL) -> 0x742f2d0950 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.568 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfQueryIdByNameINTEL) -> 0x742f2d0968 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.568 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPerfQueryInfoINTEL) -> 0x742f2d0980 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.569 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPointerv) -> 0x742f2cf11c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.569 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetPointervKHR) -> 0x742f2cf530 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.569 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramBinary) -> 0x742f2ce8c8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.569 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramBinaryOES) -> 0x742f2cf748 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.569 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramInfoLog) -> 0x742f2cd58c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.569 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramInterfaceiv) -> 0x742f2cea18 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.569 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog) -> 0x742f2cee90 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.569 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramPipelineInfoLogEXT) -> 0x742f2d02ec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.569 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramPipelineiv) -> 0x742f2ceb48 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.570 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramPipelineivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0304 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.570 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramResourceIndex) -> 0x742f2cea30 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.570 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramResourceLocation) -> 0x742f2cea7c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.570 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramResourceLocationIndexEXT) -> 0x742f2cfd30 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.570 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramResourceName) -> 0x742f2cea4c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.570 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramResourcefvNV) -> 0x742f2d1350 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.570 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramResourceiv) -> 0x742f2cea64 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.570 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetProgramiv) -> 0x742f2cd574 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.571 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryObjecti64v) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.571 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT) -> 0x742f2cff04 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.571 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryObjectivEXT) -> 0x742f2cfed4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.571 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryObjectui64v) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.571 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT) -> 0x742f2cff1c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.571 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryObjectuiv) -> 0x742f2ce108 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.571 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryObjectuivEXT) -> 0x742f2cfeec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.571 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryiv) -> 0x742f2ce0f0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.572 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetQueryivEXT) -> 0x742f2cfebc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.572 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetRenderbufferParameteriv) -> 0x742f2cd5a4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.572 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES) -> 0x7430799888 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.572 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSamplerParameterIiv) -> 0x742f2cf3ac (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.572 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSamplerParameterIivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0758 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.572 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSamplerParameterIivOES) -> 0x742f2cf930 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.572 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSamplerParameterIuiv) -> 0x742f2cf3c4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.572 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSamplerParameterIuivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0770 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.572 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSamplerParameterIuivOES) -> 0x742f2cf948 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.573 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSamplerParameterfv) -> 0x742f2ce804 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.573 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSamplerParameteriv) -> 0x742f2ce7ec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.573 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetShaderInfoLog) -> 0x742f2cd5d4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.573 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetShaderPrecisionFormat) -> 0x742f2cd5ec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.573 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetShaderSource) -> 0x742f2cd604 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.573 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetShaderiv) -> 0x742f2cd5bc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.573 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetString) -> 0x742f2d1700 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.573 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetStringi) -> 0x742f2d174c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.573 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSynciv) -> 0x742f2ce6e0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.573 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetSyncivAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfca0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.574 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexEnvfv) -> 0x7430798404 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.574 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexEnviv) -> 0x7430798af8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.574 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexEnvxv) -> 0x7430798b10 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.574 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexEnvxvOES) -> 0x7430799524 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.574 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexGenfvOES) -> 0x7430799b0c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.574 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexGenivOES) -> 0x7430799b24 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.574 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexGenxvOES) -> 0x74307997c4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.575 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexImage) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.575 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexLevelParameterfv) -> 0x742f2cef68 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.575 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexLevelParameteriv) -> 0x742f2cef50 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.575 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterIiv) -> 0x742f2cf34c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.575 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterIivEXT) -> 0x742f2d06f8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.575 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterIivOES) -> 0x742f2cf8d0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.575 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterIuiv) -> 0x742f2cf364 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.575 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterIuivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0710 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.575 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterIuivOES) -> 0x742f2cf8e8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.576 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterfv) -> 0x742f2cd61c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.576 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameteriv) -> 0x742f2cd634 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.576 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterxv) -> 0x7430798b40 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.576 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTexParameterxvOES) -> 0x743079953c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.576 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTextureHandleIMG) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.576 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTextureHandleNV) -> 0x742f2d0998 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.577 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTextureSamplerHandleIMG) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.577 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTextureSamplerHandleNV) -> 0x742f2d09b4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.577 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTransformFeedbackVarying) -> 0x742f2ce36c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.577 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE) -> 0x742f2cfba4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.577 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetUniformBlockIndex) -> 0x742f2ce5c8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.577 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetUniformIndices) -> 0x742f2ce598 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.577 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetUniformLocation) -> 0x742f2cd67c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.577 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetUniformfv) -> 0x742f2cd64c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.578 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetUniformi64vNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.578 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetUniformiv) -> 0x742f2cd664 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.578 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetUniformuiv) -> 0x742f2ce42c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.578 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetVertexAttribIiv) -> 0x742f2ce39c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.578 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetVertexAttribIuiv) -> 0x742f2ce3b4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.578 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetVertexAttribPointerv) -> 0x742f2cd6c8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.578 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetVertexAttribfv) -> 0x742f2cd698 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.578 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetVertexAttribiv) -> 0x742f2cd6b0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.578 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetnUniformfv) -> 0x742f2cf2a4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.579 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetnUniformfvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0240 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.579 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetnUniformfvKHR) -> 0x742f2cf57c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.579 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetnUniformiv) -> 0x742f2cf2bc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.579 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetnUniformivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0258 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.579 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetnUniformivKHR) -> 0x742f2cf594 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.579 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetnUniformuiv) -> 0x742f2cf2d4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.579 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glGetnUniformuivKHR) -> 0x742f2cf5ac (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.579 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glHint) -> 0x742f2cd6e0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.579 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glInsertEventMarkerEXT) -> 0x742f2cfdc8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.579 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glInterpolatePathsNV) -> 0x742f2d0f14 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.580 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glInvalidateFramebuffer) -> 0x742f2ce910 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.580 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glInvalidateSubFramebuffer) -> 0x742f2ce928 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.580 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsBuffer) -> 0x742f2cd6f8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.580 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsEnabled) -> 0x742f2cd714 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.580 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsEnabledi) -> 0x742f2cf1dc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.580 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsEnablediEXT) -> 0x742f2cfff4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.580 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsEnablediNV) -> 0x742f2d14e8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.580 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsEnablediOES) -> 0x742f2cf6b4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.580 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsFenceNV) -> 0x742f2d0c1c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.581 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsFramebuffer) -> 0x742f2cd730 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.581 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsFramebufferOES) -> 0x74307998a0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.581 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsImageHandleResidentNV) -> 0x742f2d0ac8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.581 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsPathNV) -> 0x742f2d0e20 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.581 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsPointInFillPathNV) -> 0x742f2d1184 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.581 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsPointInStrokePathNV) -> 0x742f2d11a0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.581 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsProgram) -> 0x742f2cd74c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.581 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsProgramPipeline) -> 0x742f2ceb2c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.581 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsProgramPipelineEXT) -> 0x742f2d031c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.582 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsQuery) -> 0x742f2ce0a4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.582 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsQueryEXT) -> 0x742f2cfe58 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.582 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsRenderbuffer) -> 0x742f2cd768 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.582 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsRenderbufferOES) -> 0x743079980c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.582 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsSampler) -> 0x742f2ce758 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.582 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsShader) -> 0x742f2cd784 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.582 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsSync) -> 0x742f2ce678 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.582 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsSyncAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfc20 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.582 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsTexture) -> 0x742f2cd7a0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.583 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsTextureHandleResidentNV) -> 0x742f2d0aac (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.583 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsTransformFeedback) -> 0x742f2ce87c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.583 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsVertexArray) -> 0x742f2ce2c0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.583 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glIsVertexArrayOES) -> 0x742f2cfa08 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.583 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLabelObjectEXT) -> 0x742f2cfd98 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.583 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightModelf) -> 0x7430798434 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.583 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightModelfv) -> 0x743079844c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.583 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightModelx) -> 0x7430798bc4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.584 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightModelxOES) -> 0x7430799554 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.584 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightModelxv) -> 0x7430798bdc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.584 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightModelxvOES) -> 0x743079956c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.584 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightf) -> 0x7430798464 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.584 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightfv) -> 0x743079847c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.584 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightx) -> 0x7430798bf4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.584 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightxOES) -> 0x7430799584 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.584 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightxv) -> 0x7430798c0c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.585 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLightxvOES) -> 0x743079959c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.585 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLineWidth) -> 0x742f2cd7bc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.585 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLineWidthx) -> 0x7430798c24 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.585 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLineWidthxOES) -> 0x74307995b4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.585 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLinkProgram) -> 0x742f2cd7d4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.585 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLoadIdentity) -> 0x7430798c3c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.585 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLoadMatrixf) -> 0x74307984ac (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.585 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLoadMatrixx) -> 0x7430798c54 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.586 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLoadMatrixxOES) -> 0x74307995cc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.586 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES) -> 0x74307999e8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.586 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glLogicOp) -> 0x7430798c6c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.586 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMakeImageHandleNonResidentNV) -> 0x742f2d0a34 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.586 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMakeImageHandleResidentNV) -> 0x742f2d0a1c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.586 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMakeTextureHandleNonResidentNV) -> 0x742f2d09e8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.586 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMakeTextureHandleResidentNV) -> 0x742f2d09d0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.587 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMapBuffer) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.587 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMapBufferOES) -> 0x742f2cf778 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.587 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMapBufferRange) -> 0x742f2ce244 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.587 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMapBufferRangeEXT) -> 0x742f2d00d0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.587 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMaterialf) -> 0x74307984c4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.587 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMaterialfv) -> 0x74307984dc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.587 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMaterialx) -> 0x7430798c84 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.587 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMaterialxOES) -> 0x74307995e4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.588 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMaterialxv) -> 0x7430798c9c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.588 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMaterialxvOES) -> 0x74307995fc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.588 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixIndexPointerOES) -> 0x7430798298 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.588 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixIndexPointerOESBounds) -> 0x7430798294 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.588 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixLoad3x2fNV) -> 0x742f2d11f4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.588 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixLoad3x3fNV) -> 0x742f2d120c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.588 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixLoadTranspose3x3fNV) -> 0x742f2d1224 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.588 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixMode) -> 0x7430798cb4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.589 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixMult3x2fNV) -> 0x742f2d123c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.589 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixMult3x3fNV) -> 0x742f2d1254 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.589 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMatrixMultTranspose3x3fNV) -> 0x742f2d126c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.589 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMemoryBarrier) -> 0x742f2ceed8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.589 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMemoryBarrierByRegion) -> 0x742f2ceef0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.589 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMinSampleShading) -> 0x742f2cf2ec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.589 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMinSampleShadingOES) -> 0x742f2cf7e0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.589 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultMatrixf) -> 0x74307984f4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.589 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultMatrixx) -> 0x7430798ccc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.590 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultMatrixxOES) -> 0x7430799614 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.590 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiDrawArraysEXT) -> 0x742f2d0104 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.590 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiDrawArraysIndirectEXT) -> 0x742f2d0134 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.590 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT) -> 0x742f2d0058 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.590 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertexOES) -> 0x742f2cf718 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.590 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiDrawElementsEXT) -> 0x742f2d011c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.590 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiDrawElementsIndirectEXT) -> 0x742f2d014c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.590 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiTexCoord4f) -> 0x743079850c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.590 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiTexCoord4x) -> 0x7430798ce4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.591 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glMultiTexCoord4xOES) -> 0x743079962c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.591 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glNamedFramebufferSampleLocationsfvNV) -> 0x742f2d13b0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.591 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glNormal3f) -> 0x7430798524 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.591 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glNormal3x) -> 0x7430798cfc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.591 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glNormal3xOES) -> 0x7430799644 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.591 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glNormalPointer) -> 0x7430798228 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.591 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glNormalPointerBounds) -> 0x7430798224 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.591 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glObjectLabel) -> 0x742f2cf0bc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.592 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glObjectLabelKHR) -> 0x742f2cf4d0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.592 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glObjectPtrLabel) -> 0x742f2cf0ec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.592 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glObjectPtrLabelKHR) -> 0x742f2cf500 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.592 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glOrthof) -> 0x743079853c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.592 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glOrthofOES) -> 0x7430799a94 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.592 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glOrthox) -> 0x7430798d14 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.592 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glOrthoxOES) -> 0x743079965c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.592 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPatchParameteri) -> 0x742f2cf304 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.592 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPatchParameteriEXT) -> 0x742f2d06b0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.593 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPatchParameteriOES) -> 0x742f2cf7f8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.593 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathCommandsNV) -> 0x742f2d0e3c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.593 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathCoordsNV) -> 0x742f2d0e54 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.593 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathCoverDepthFuncNV) -> 0x742f2d104c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.593 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathDashArrayNV) -> 0x742f2d0fa4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.593 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathGlyphIndexArrayNV) -> 0x742f2d1300 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.593 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathGlyphIndexRangeNV) -> 0x742f2d12e4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.593 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathGlyphRangeNV) -> 0x742f2d0ecc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.593 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathGlyphsNV) -> 0x742f2d0eb4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.594 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV) -> 0x742f2d131c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.594 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathParameterfNV) -> 0x742f2d0f8c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.594 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathParameterfvNV) -> 0x742f2d0f74 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.594 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathParameteriNV) -> 0x742f2d0f5c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.594 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathParameterivNV) -> 0x742f2d0f44 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.594 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathStencilDepthOffsetNV) -> 0x742f2d0fd4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.594 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathStencilFuncNV) -> 0x742f2d0fbc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.594 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathStringNV) -> 0x742f2d0e9c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.594 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathSubCommandsNV) -> 0x742f2d0e6c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.595 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPathSubCoordsNV) -> 0x742f2d0e84 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.595 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPauseTransformFeedback) -> 0x742f2ce898 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.595 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPixelStorei) -> 0x742f2cd7ec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.595 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointAlongPathNV) -> 0x742f2d11d8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.595 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointParameterf) -> 0x7430798554 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.595 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointParameterfv) -> 0x743079856c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.595 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointParameterx) -> 0x7430798d44 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.595 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointParameterxOES) -> 0x7430799794 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.596 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointParameterxv) -> 0x7430798d5c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.596 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointParameterxvOES) -> 0x7430799674 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.596 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointSize) -> 0x7430798584 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.596 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointSizePointerOES) -> 0x743079827c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.596 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointSizePointerOESBounds) -> 0x7430798278 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.596 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointSizex) -> 0x7430798d74 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.596 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPointSizexOES) -> 0x743079968c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.596 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPolygonModeNV) -> 0x742f2d1368 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.597 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPolygonOffset) -> 0x742f2cd804 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.597 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPolygonOffsetClampEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.597 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPolygonOffsetx) -> 0x7430798d8c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.597 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPolygonOffsetxOES) -> 0x74307996a4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.597 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPopDebugGroup) -> 0x742f2cf0a4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.597 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPopDebugGroupKHR) -> 0x742f2cf4b8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.597 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPopGroupMarkerEXT) -> 0x742f2cfdf8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.598 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPopMatrix) -> 0x7430798da4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.598 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPrimitiveBoundingBox) -> 0x742f2cf258 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.598 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPrimitiveBoundingBoxEXT) -> 0x742f2d01dc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.598 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPrimitiveBoundingBoxOES) -> 0x742f2cf7c8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.598 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramBinary) -> 0x742f2ce8e0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.598 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramBinaryOES) -> 0x742f2cf760 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.598 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramParameteri) -> 0x742f2ce8f8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.598 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramParameteriEXT) -> 0x742f2d0338 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.598 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV) -> 0x742f2d1338 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.599 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1f) -> 0x742f2cec20 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.599 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1fEXT) -> 0x742f2d0350 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.599 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1fv) -> 0x742f2ced40 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.599 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0368 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.599 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1i) -> 0x742f2ceb60 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.599 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1i64NV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.600 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1i64vNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.600 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1iEXT) -> 0x742f2d0380 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.600 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1iv) -> 0x742f2cec80 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.600 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1ivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0398 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.600 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1ui) -> 0x742f2cebc0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.600 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1ui64NV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.600 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1ui64vNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.601 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1uiEXT) -> 0x742f2d0548 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.601 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1uiv) -> 0x742f2cece0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.601 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform1uivEXT) -> 0x742f2d05a8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.601 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2f) -> 0x742f2cec38 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.601 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2fEXT) -> 0x742f2d03b0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.601 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2fv) -> 0x742f2ced58 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.601 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d03c8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.601 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2i) -> 0x742f2ceb78 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.602 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2i64NV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.602 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2i64vNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.602 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2iEXT) -> 0x742f2d03e0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.602 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2iv) -> 0x742f2cec98 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.602 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2ivEXT) -> 0x742f2d03f8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.602 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2ui) -> 0x742f2cebd8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.602 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2ui64NV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.603 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2ui64vNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.603 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2uiEXT) -> 0x742f2d0560 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.603 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2uiv) -> 0x742f2cecf8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.603 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform2uivEXT) -> 0x742f2d05c0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.603 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3f) -> 0x742f2cec50 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.603 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3fEXT) -> 0x742f2d0410 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.603 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3fv) -> 0x742f2ced70 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.603 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0428 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.604 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3i) -> 0x742f2ceb90 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.604 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3i64NV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.604 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3i64vNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.604 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3iEXT) -> 0x742f2d0440 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.604 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3iv) -> 0x742f2cecb0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.604 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3ivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0458 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.605 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3ui) -> 0x742f2cebf0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.605 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3ui64NV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.605 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3ui64vNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.605 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3uiEXT) -> 0x742f2d0578 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.605 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3uiv) -> 0x742f2ced10 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.605 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform3uivEXT) -> 0x742f2d05d8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.605 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4f) -> 0x742f2cec68 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.606 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4fEXT) -> 0x742f2d0470 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.606 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4fv) -> 0x742f2ced88 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.606 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0488 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.606 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4i) -> 0x742f2ceba8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.606 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4i64NV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.607 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4i64vNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.607 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4iEXT) -> 0x742f2d04a0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.607 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4iv) -> 0x742f2cecc8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.607 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4ivEXT) -> 0x742f2d04b8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.607 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4ui) -> 0x742f2cec08 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.607 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4ui64NV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.608 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4ui64vNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.608 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4uiEXT) -> 0x742f2d0590 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.608 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4uiv) -> 0x742f2ced28 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.608 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniform4uivEXT) -> 0x742f2d05f0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.608 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformHandleui64IMG) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.608 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformHandleui64NV) -> 0x742f2d0a7c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.608 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformHandleui64vIMG) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.609 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformHandleui64vNV) -> 0x742f2d0a94 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.609 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix2fv) -> 0x742f2ceda0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.609 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix2fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d04d0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.609 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv) -> 0x742f2cede8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.609 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0608 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.609 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv) -> 0x742f2cee18 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.609 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0638 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.609 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix3fv) -> 0x742f2cedb8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.610 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix3fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d04e8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.610 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv) -> 0x742f2cee00 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.610 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0620 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.610 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv) -> 0x742f2cee48 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.610 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0668 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.610 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix4fv) -> 0x742f2cedd0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.610 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix4fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0500 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.610 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv) -> 0x742f2cee30 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.610 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0650 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.611 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv) -> 0x742f2cee60 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.611 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fvEXT) -> 0x742f2d0680 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.611 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPushDebugGroup) -> 0x742f2cf08c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.611 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPushDebugGroupKHR) -> 0x742f2cf4a0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.611 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPushGroupMarkerEXT) -> 0x742f2cfde0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.611 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glPushMatrix) -> 0x7430798dbc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.611 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glQueryCounterEXT) -> 0x742f2cfea4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.611 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glQueryMatrixxOES) -> 0x7430799a00 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.612 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glRasterSamplesEXT) -> 0x742f2d01f4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.612 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glReadBuffer) -> 0x742f2cdfcc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.612 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glReadBufferIndexedEXT) -> 0x742f2d0194 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.612 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glReadBufferNV) -> 0x742f2d1380 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.612 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glReadPixels) -> 0x742f2cd81c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.612 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glReadnPixels) -> 0x742f2cf28c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.612 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glReadnPixelsEXT) -> 0x742f2d0228 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.612 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glReadnPixelsKHR) -> 0x742f2cf564 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.612 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glReleaseShaderCompiler) -> 0x742f2cd834 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.613 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glRenderbufferStorage) -> 0x742f2cd84c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.613 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glRenderbufferStorageMultisample) -> 0x742f2ce214 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.613 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE) -> 0x742f2cfb44 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.613 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfbd4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.613 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT) -> 0x742f2d0164 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.613 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG) -> 0x742f2d0860 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.613 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleNV) -> 0x742f2d0d14 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.613 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glRenderbufferStorageOES) -> 0x7430799870 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.614 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glResolveDepthValuesNV) -> 0x742f2d13c8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.614 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfbec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.614 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glResumeTransformFeedback) -> 0x742f2ce8b0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.614 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glRotatef) -> 0x74307985b4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.614 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glRotatex) -> 0x7430798dec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.614 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glRotatexOES) -> 0x74307996bc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.614 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glSampleCoverage) -> 0x742f2cd864 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.614 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glSampleCoveragex) -> 0x7430798e1c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.614 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glSampleCoveragexOES) -> 0x74307997ac (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.615 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glSampleMaski) -> 0x742f2cef38 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.615 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameterIiv) -> 0x742f2cf37c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.615 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameterIivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0728 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.615 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameterIivOES) -> 0x742f2cf900 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.615 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameterIuiv) -> 0x742f2cf394 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.615 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameterIuivEXT) -> 0x742f2d0740 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.615 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameterIuivOES) -> 0x742f2cf918 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.615 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameterf) -> 0x742f2ce7bc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.616 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameterfv) -> 0x742f2ce7d4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.616 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameteri) -> 0x742f2ce78c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.616 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glSamplerParameteriv) -> 0x742f2ce7a4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.616 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glScalef) -> 0x74307985cc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.616 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glScalex) -> 0x7430798e34 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.616 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glScalexOES) -> 0x74307996d4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.616 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glScissor) -> 0x742f2cd87c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.616 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glScissorArrayvNV) -> 0x742f2d1428 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.617 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glScissorArrayvOES) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.617 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glScissorIndexedNV) -> 0x742f2d1440 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.617 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glScissorIndexedOES) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.617 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glScissorIndexedvNV) -> 0x742f2d1458 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.617 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glScissorIndexedvOES) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.618 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glSelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD) -> 0x742f2cfacc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.618 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glSetFenceNV) -> 0x742f2d0c84 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.618 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glShadeModel) -> 0x7430798e64 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.618 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glShaderBinary) -> 0x742f2cd894 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.618 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glShaderSource) -> 0x742f2cd8ac (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.618 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glStartTilingQCOM) -> 0x742f2d16d0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.618 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilFillPathInstancedNV) -> 0x742f2d101c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.618 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilFillPathNV) -> 0x742f2d0fec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.618 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilFunc) -> 0x742f2cd8c4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.619 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilFuncSeparate) -> 0x742f2cd8dc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.619 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilMask) -> 0x742f2cd8f4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.619 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilMaskSeparate) -> 0x742f2cd90c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.619 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilOp) -> 0x742f2cd924 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.619 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilOpSeparate) -> 0x742f2cd93c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.619 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilStrokePathInstancedNV) -> 0x742f2d1034 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.619 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilStrokePathNV) -> 0x742f2d1004 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.619 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedNV) -> 0x742f2d12b4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.620 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilThenCoverFillPathNV) -> 0x742f2d1284 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.620 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedNV) -> 0x742f2d12cc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.620 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glStencilThenCoverStrokePathNV) -> 0x742f2d129c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.620 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glSubpixelPrecisionBiasNV) -> 0x742f2d0b44 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.620 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTestFenceNV) -> 0x742f2d0c38 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.620 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexBuffer) -> 0x742f2cf3dc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.620 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexBufferEXT) -> 0x742f2d0788 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.620 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexBufferOES) -> 0x742f2cf960 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.620 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexBufferRange) -> 0x742f2cf3f4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.621 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexBufferRangeEXT) -> 0x742f2d07a0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.621 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexBufferRangeOES) -> 0x742f2cf978 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.621 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexCoordPointer) -> 0x7430798244 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.621 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexCoordPointerBounds) -> 0x7430798240 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.621 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexEnvf) -> 0x74307985e4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.621 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexEnvfv) -> 0x74307985fc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.621 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexEnvi) -> 0x7430798ec4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.621 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexEnviv) -> 0x7430798ef4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.622 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexEnvx) -> 0x7430798edc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.622 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexEnvxOES) -> 0x74307996ec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.622 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexEnvxv) -> 0x7430798f0c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.622 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexEnvxvOES) -> 0x7430799704 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.622 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexGenfOES) -> 0x7430799aac (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.622 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexGenfvOES) -> 0x7430799ac4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.622 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexGeniOES) -> 0x7430799adc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.622 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexGenivOES) -> 0x7430799af4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.623 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexGenxOES) -> 0x74307997dc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.623 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexGenxvOES) -> 0x74307997f4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.623 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexImage2D) -> 0x742f2cd96c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.623 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexImage2DMultisample) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.623 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexImage3D) -> 0x742f2cdffc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.623 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexImage3DOES) -> 0x742f2cf810 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.623 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexPageCommitmentEXT) -> 0x742f2d0698 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.624 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterIiv) -> 0x742f2cf31c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.624 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterIivEXT) -> 0x742f2d06c8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.624 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterIivOES) -> 0x742f2cf8a0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.624 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterIuiv) -> 0x742f2cf334 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.624 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterIuivEXT) -> 0x742f2d06e0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.624 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterIuivOES) -> 0x742f2cf8b8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.624 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterf) -> 0x742f2cdb0c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.624 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterfv) -> 0x742f2cdb24 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.624 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameteri) -> 0x742f2cdb3c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.625 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameteriv) -> 0x742f2cdb54 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.625 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterx) -> 0x74307990f4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.625 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterxOES) -> 0x743079971c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.625 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterxv) -> 0x7430799124 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.625 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexParameterxvOES) -> 0x7430799734 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.625 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage1D) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.626 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage1DEXT) -> 0x742f2d07b8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.626 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage2D) -> 0x742f2ce940 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.626 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage2DEXT) -> 0x742f2d07d0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.626 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage2DMultisample) -> 0x742f2cef08 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.626 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage3D) -> 0x742f2ce958 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.627 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage3DEXT) -> 0x742f2d07e8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.627 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage3DMultisample) -> 0x742f2cf40c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.627 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexStorage3DMultisampleOES) -> 0x742f2cf990 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.627 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexSubImage2D) -> 0x742f2cdb84 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.627 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexSubImage3D) -> 0x742f2ce014 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.627 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTexSubImage3DOES) -> 0x742f2cf828 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.627 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTextureStorage1DEXT) -> 0x742f2d0800 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.627 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTextureStorage2DEXT) -> 0x742f2d0818 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.628 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTextureStorage3DEXT) -> 0x742f2d0830 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.628 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTextureViewEXT) -> 0x742f2d0848 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.628 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTextureViewOES) -> 0x742f2cf9a8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.628 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTransformFeedbackVaryings) -> 0x742f2ce354 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.628 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTransformPathNV) -> 0x742f2d0f2c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.628 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTranslatef) -> 0x7430798644 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.628 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTranslatex) -> 0x74307992b4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.628 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glTranslatexOES) -> 0x743079974c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.628 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1f) -> 0x742f2cdce4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.629 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1fv) -> 0x742f2cdcfc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.629 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1i) -> 0x742f2cdd14 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.629 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1i64NV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.629 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1i64vNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.629 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1iv) -> 0x742f2cdd2c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.629 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1ui) -> 0x742f2ce460 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.630 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1ui64NV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.630 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1ui64vNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.630 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform1uiv) -> 0x742f2ce4c0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.630 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2f) -> 0x742f2cdd44 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.630 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2fv) -> 0x742f2cdd5c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.630 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2i) -> 0x742f2cdd74 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.631 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2i64NV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.631 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2i64vNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.631 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2iv) -> 0x742f2cdd8c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.631 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2ui) -> 0x742f2ce478 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.631 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2ui64NV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.632 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2ui64vNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.632 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform2uiv) -> 0x742f2ce4d8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.632 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3f) -> 0x742f2cdda4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.632 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3fv) -> 0x742f2cddbc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.632 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3i) -> 0x742f2cddd4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.632 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3i64NV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.632 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3i64vNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.633 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3iv) -> 0x742f2cddec (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.633 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3ui) -> 0x742f2ce490 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.633 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3ui64NV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.633 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3ui64vNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.633 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform3uiv) -> 0x742f2ce4f0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.633 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4f) -> 0x742f2cde04 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.633 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4fv) -> 0x742f2cde1c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.634 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4i) -> 0x742f2cde34 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.634 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4i64NV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.634 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4i64vNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.634 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4iv) -> 0x742f2cde4c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.634 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4ui) -> 0x742f2ce4a8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.635 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4ui64NV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.635 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4ui64vNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.635 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniform4uiv) -> 0x742f2ce508 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.635 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformBlockBinding) -> 0x742f2ce614 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.635 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformHandleui64IMG) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.635 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformHandleui64NV) -> 0x742f2d0a4c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.636 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformHandleui64vIMG) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.636 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformHandleui64vNV) -> 0x742f2d0a64 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.636 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix2fv) -> 0x742f2cde64 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.636 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix2x3fv) -> 0x742f2ce16c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.636 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix2x3fvNV) -> 0x742f2d0d5c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.636 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix2x4fv) -> 0x742f2ce19c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.636 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix2x4fvNV) -> 0x742f2d0d8c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.636 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix3fv) -> 0x742f2cde7c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.637 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix3x2fv) -> 0x742f2ce184 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.637 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix3x2fvNV) -> 0x742f2d0d74 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.637 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix3x4fv) -> 0x742f2ce1cc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.637 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix3x4fvNV) -> 0x742f2d0dbc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.637 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix4fv) -> 0x742f2cde94 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.637 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix4x2fv) -> 0x742f2ce1b4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.637 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix4x2fvNV) -> 0x742f2d0da4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.637 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix4x3fv) -> 0x742f2ce1e4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.637 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUniformMatrix4x3fvNV) -> 0x742f2d0dd4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.638 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUnmapBuffer) -> 0x742f2ce120 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.638 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUnmapBufferOES) -> 0x742f2cf794 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.638 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUseProgram) -> 0x742f2cdeac (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.638 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUseProgramStages) -> 0x742f2cea98 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.638 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glUseProgramStagesEXT) -> 0x742f2d0518 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.638 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glValidateProgram) -> 0x742f2cdec4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.638 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glValidateProgramPipeline) -> 0x742f2cee78 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.638 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glValidateProgramPipelineEXT) -> 0x742f2d0530 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.639 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttrib1f) -> 0x742f2cdedc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.639 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttrib1fv) -> 0x742f2cdef4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.639 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttrib2f) -> 0x742f2cdf0c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.639 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttrib2fv) -> 0x742f2cdf24 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.639 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttrib3f) -> 0x742f2cdf3c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.639 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttrib3fv) -> 0x742f2cdf54 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.639 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttrib4f) -> 0x742f2cdf6c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.639 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttrib4fv) -> 0x742f2cdf84 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.639 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribBinding) -> 0x742f2cefc8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.640 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribDivisor) -> 0x742f2ce81c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.640 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE) -> 0x742f2cfb8c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.640 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribDivisorEXT) -> 0x742f2d00b8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.640 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribDivisorNV) -> 0x742f2d0d2c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.640 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribFormat) -> 0x742f2cef98 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.640 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribI4i) -> 0x742f2ce3cc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.640 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribI4iv) -> 0x742f2ce3fc (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.640 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribI4ui) -> 0x742f2ce3e4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.640 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribI4uiv) -> 0x742f2ce414 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.641 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribIFormat) -> 0x742f2cefb0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.641 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribIPointer) -> 0x742f2ce384 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.641 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexAttribPointer) -> 0x742f2cdf9c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.641 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexBindingDivisor) -> 0x742f2cefe0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.641 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexPointer) -> 0x7430798260 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.641 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glVertexPointerBounds) -> 0x743079825c (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.641 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glViewport) -> 0x742f2cdfb4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.641 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glViewportArrayvNV) -> 0x742f2d13e0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.642 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glViewportArrayvOES) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.642 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glViewportIndexedfNV) -> 0x742f2d13f8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.642 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glViewportIndexedfOES) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.642 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glViewportIndexedfvNV) -> 0x742f2d1410 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.642 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glViewportIndexedfvOES) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.643 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glViewportSwizzleNV) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.643 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glWaitSync) -> 0x742f2ce6c8 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.643 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glWaitSyncAPPLE) -> 0x742f2cfc70 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.643 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glWeightPathsNV) -> 0x742f2d0ee4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.643 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glWeightPointerOES) -> 0x74307982b4 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.643 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glWeightPointerOESBounds) -> 0x74307982b0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.643 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glWindowRectanglesEXT) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.644 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glXCreateContext) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.644 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glXCreateNewContext) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.644 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glXMakeContextCurrent) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.644 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glXMakeCurrent) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.645 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glXQueryDrawable) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.645 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(glXSwapBuffers) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.645 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(wglCreateContext) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.645 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(wglCreateContextAttribsARB) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.645 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(wglMakeCurrent) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.646 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:84] GetGlesProcAddress(wglSwapBuffers) -> 0x0 (from cache) 12-13 09:08:34.646 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:38] GetGlesProcAddress(eglGetProcAddress) -> 0x742ff91534 (from libEGL dlsym) 12-13 09:08:34.646 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(wglGetProcAddress) -> not found 12-13 09:08:34.647 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glXGetProcAddress) -> not found 12-13 09:08:34.647 23901 23901 D GAPID : [core/cc/android/get_gles_proc_address.cpp:75] GetGlesProcAddress(glXGetProcAddressARB) -> not found 12-13 09:08:34.647 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglGetProcAddress' at 0x742ff91534 with 0x7412e7c1a0... 12-13 09:08:34.649 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglGetProcAddress at 0x742ff91534 with 0x7412e7c1a0 (callback 0x10010) 12-13 09:08:34.649 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glWaitSyncAPPLE' at 0x742f2cfc70 with 0x7412e7b1e8... 12-13 09:08:34.649 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glWaitSyncAPPLE at 0x742f2cfc70 with 0x7412e7b1e8 (callback 0x10040) 12-13 09:08:34.649 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glWaitSyncAPPLE' at 0x7430799c54 with 0x7412e7b1e8... 12-13 09:08:34.650 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glWaitSyncAPPLE at 0x7430799c54 with 0x7412e7b1e8 (callback 0x10080) 12-13 09:08:34.650 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glWaitSync' at 0x74250d6558 with 0x7412e7b0ec... 12-13 09:08:34.651 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glWaitSync at 0x74250d6558 with 0x7412e7b0ec (callback 0x100c0) 12-13 09:08:34.651 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glWaitSync' at 0x742f2ce6c8 with 0x7412e7b0ec... 12-13 09:08:34.652 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glWaitSync at 0x742f2ce6c8 with 0x7412e7b0ec (callback 0x10100) 12-13 09:08:34.652 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glViewportArrayvNV' at 0x74250d9270 with 0x7412e7a9a8... 12-13 09:08:34.652 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glViewportArrayvNV at 0x74250d9270 with 0x7412e7a9a8 (callback 0x10140) 12-13 09:08:34.652 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glViewportArrayvNV' at 0x742f2d13e0 with 0x7412e7a9a8... 12-13 09:08:34.653 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glViewportArrayvNV at 0x742f2d13e0 with 0x7412e7a9a8 (callback 0x10180) 12-13 09:08:34.653 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glViewport' at 0x742f2cdfb4 with 0x7412e7a898... 12-13 09:08:34.654 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glViewport at 0x742f2cdfb4 with 0x7412e7a898 (callback 0x101c0) 12-13 09:08:34.654 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexPointerBounds' at 0x743079825c with 0x7412e7a774... 12-13 09:08:34.655 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexPointerBounds at 0x743079825c with 0x7412e7a774 (callback 0x10200) 12-13 09:08:34.655 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexBindingDivisor' at 0x74250d6e70 with 0x7412e7a574... 12-13 09:08:34.655 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexBindingDivisor at 0x74250d6e70 with 0x7412e7a574 (callback 0x10238) 12-13 09:08:34.655 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexBindingDivisor' at 0x742f2cefe0 with 0x7412e7a574... 12-13 09:08:34.656 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexBindingDivisor at 0x742f2cefe0 with 0x7412e7a574 (callback 0x10278) 12-13 09:08:34.656 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribPointer' at 0x742f2cdf9c with 0x7412e7a438... 12-13 09:08:34.657 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribPointer at 0x742f2cdf9c with 0x7412e7a438 (callback 0x102b8) 12-13 09:08:34.657 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribIFormat' at 0x742f2cefb0 with 0x7412e7a204... 12-13 09:08:34.658 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribIFormat at 0x742f2cefb0 with 0x7412e7a204 (callback 0x102f8) 12-13 09:08:34.658 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribI4uiv' at 0x742f2ce414 with 0x7412e7a114... 12-13 09:08:34.659 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribI4uiv at 0x742f2ce414 with 0x7412e7a114 (callback 0x10338) 12-13 09:08:34.659 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribI4ui' at 0x742f2ce3e4 with 0x7412e79ff0... 12-13 09:08:34.659 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribI4ui at 0x742f2ce3e4 with 0x7412e79ff0 (callback 0x10378) 12-13 09:08:34.659 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribI4i' at 0x74250d625c with 0x7412e79ddc... 12-13 09:08:34.660 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribI4i at 0x74250d625c with 0x7412e79ddc (callback 0x103b8) 12-13 09:08:34.660 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribFormat' at 0x74250d6e28 with 0x7412e79cb4... 12-13 09:08:34.661 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribFormat at 0x74250d6e28 with 0x7412e79cb4 (callback 0x103f8) 12-13 09:08:34.661 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribDivisorNV' at 0x74250d8bbc with 0x7412e79bc4... 12-13 09:08:34.662 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribDivisorNV at 0x74250d8bbc with 0x7412e79bc4 (callback 0x10438) 12-13 09:08:34.662 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribDivisorNV' at 0x742f2d0d2c with 0x7412e79bc4... 12-13 09:08:34.662 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribDivisorNV at 0x742f2d0d2c with 0x7412e79bc4 (callback 0x10478) 12-13 09:08:34.662 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribDivisorEXT' at 0x74250d7f48 with 0x7412e79ad4... 12-13 09:08:34.663 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribDivisorEXT at 0x74250d7f48 with 0x7412e79ad4 (callback 0x104b8) 12-13 09:08:34.663 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribDivisor' at 0x74250d66ac with 0x7412e798f4... 12-13 09:08:34.664 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribDivisor at 0x74250d66ac with 0x7412e798f4 (callback 0x104f8) 12-13 09:08:34.664 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribDivisor' at 0x742f2ce81c with 0x7412e798f4... 12-13 09:08:34.665 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribDivisor at 0x742f2ce81c with 0x7412e798f4 (callback 0x10538) 12-13 09:08:34.665 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribBinding' at 0x742f2cefc8 with 0x7412e79804... 12-13 09:08:34.665 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribBinding at 0x742f2cefc8 with 0x7412e79804 (callback 0x10578) 12-13 09:08:34.665 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttrib4fv' at 0x74250d5e14 with 0x7412e79714... 12-13 09:08:34.666 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttrib4fv at 0x74250d5e14 with 0x7412e79714 (callback 0x105b8) 12-13 09:08:34.666 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttrib4f' at 0x74250d5dfc with 0x7412e795f0... 12-13 09:08:34.667 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttrib4f at 0x74250d5dfc with 0x7412e795f0 (callback 0x105f8) 12-13 09:08:34.667 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttrib4f' at 0x742f2cdf6c with 0x7412e795f0... 12-13 09:08:34.668 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttrib4f at 0x742f2cdf6c with 0x7412e795f0 (callback 0x10638) 12-13 09:08:34.668 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttrib3fv' at 0x742f2cdf54 with 0x7412e79500... 12-13 09:08:34.668 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttrib3fv at 0x742f2cdf54 with 0x7412e79500 (callback 0x10678) 12-13 09:08:34.668 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttrib3f' at 0x74250d5dcc with 0x7412e793ec... 12-13 09:08:34.669 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttrib3f at 0x74250d5dcc with 0x7412e793ec (callback 0x106b8) 12-13 09:08:34.669 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttrib3f' at 0x742f2cdf3c with 0x7412e793ec... 12-13 09:08:34.670 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttrib3f at 0x742f2cdf3c with 0x7412e793ec (callback 0x106f8) 12-13 09:08:34.670 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttrib2f' at 0x74250d5d9c with 0x7412e791f8... 12-13 09:08:34.671 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttrib2f at 0x74250d5d9c with 0x7412e791f8 (callback 0x10738) 12-13 09:08:34.671 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttrib1fv' at 0x74250d5d84 with 0x7412e79108... 12-13 09:08:34.671 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttrib1fv at 0x74250d5d84 with 0x7412e79108 (callback 0x10778) 12-13 09:08:34.671 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glValidateProgramPipelineEXT' at 0x74250d83c0 with 0x7412e78f30... 12-13 09:08:34.672 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glValidateProgramPipelineEXT at 0x74250d83c0 with 0x7412e78f30 (callback 0x107b8) 12-13 09:08:34.672 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glValidateProgramPipelineEXT' at 0x742f2d0530 with 0x7412e78f30... 12-13 09:08:34.673 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glValidateProgramPipelineEXT at 0x742f2d0530 with 0x7412e78f30 (callback 0x107f8) 12-13 09:08:34.673 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glValidateProgramPipeline' at 0x74250d6d08 with 0x7412e78e4c... 12-13 09:08:34.674 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glValidateProgramPipeline at 0x74250d6d08 with 0x7412e78e4c (callback 0x10838) 12-13 09:08:34.674 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glValidateProgramPipeline' at 0x742f2cee78 with 0x7412e78e4c... 12-13 09:08:34.674 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glValidateProgramPipeline at 0x742f2cee78 with 0x7412e78e4c (callback 0x10878) 12-13 09:08:34.674 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUseProgram' at 0x74250d5d3c with 0x7412e78a8c... 12-13 09:08:34.675 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUseProgram at 0x74250d5d3c with 0x7412e78a8c (callback 0x108b8) 12-13 09:08:34.675 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUnmapBufferOES' at 0x74250d7624 with 0x7412e7899c... 12-13 09:08:34.676 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUnmapBufferOES at 0x74250d7624 with 0x7412e7899c (callback 0x108f8) 12-13 09:08:34.676 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUnmapBufferOES' at 0x742f2cf794 with 0x7412e7899c... 12-13 09:08:34.677 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUnmapBufferOES at 0x742f2cf794 with 0x7412e7899c (callback 0x10938) 12-13 09:08:34.677 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUnmapBufferOES' at 0x743079999c with 0x7412e7899c... 12-13 09:08:34.677 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUnmapBufferOES at 0x743079999c with 0x7412e7899c (callback 0x10978) 12-13 09:08:34.678 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix4x3fvNV' at 0x742f2d0dd4 with 0x7412e78798... 12-13 09:08:34.678 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix4x3fvNV at 0x742f2d0dd4 with 0x7412e78798 (callback 0x109b8) 12-13 09:08:34.678 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix4x3fv' at 0x742f2ce1e4 with 0x7412e78684... 12-13 09:08:34.679 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix4x3fv at 0x742f2ce1e4 with 0x7412e78684 (callback 0x109f8) 12-13 09:08:34.679 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix4x2fvNV' at 0x74250d8c34 with 0x7412e78570... 12-13 09:08:34.680 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix4x2fvNV at 0x74250d8c34 with 0x7412e78570 (callback 0x10a38) 12-13 09:08:34.680 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix4x2fv' at 0x742f2ce1b4 with 0x7412e7845c... 12-13 09:08:34.681 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix4x2fv at 0x742f2ce1b4 with 0x7412e7845c (callback 0x10a78) 12-13 09:08:34.681 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix4fv' at 0x74250d5d24 with 0x7412e78348... 12-13 09:08:34.681 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix4fv at 0x74250d5d24 with 0x7412e78348 (callback 0x10ab8) 12-13 09:08:34.681 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribIPointer' at 0x742f2ce384 with 0x7412e7a314... 12-13 09:08:34.682 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribIPointer at 0x742f2ce384 with 0x7412e7a314 (callback 0x10af8) 12-13 09:08:34.682 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix4fv' at 0x742f2cde94 with 0x7412e78348... 12-13 09:08:34.683 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix4fv at 0x742f2cde94 with 0x7412e78348 (callback 0x10b38) 12-13 09:08:34.683 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix3x4fvNV' at 0x74250d8c4c with 0x7412e78234... 12-13 09:08:34.684 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix3x4fvNV at 0x74250d8c4c with 0x7412e78234 (callback 0x10b78) 12-13 09:08:34.684 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix3x4fv' at 0x74250d605c with 0x7412e78120... 12-13 09:08:34.685 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix3x4fv at 0x74250d605c with 0x7412e78120 (callback 0x10bb8) 12-13 09:08:34.685 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix3x2fvNV' at 0x74250d8c04 with 0x7412e7800c... 12-13 09:08:34.685 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix3x2fvNV at 0x74250d8c04 with 0x7412e7800c (callback 0x10bf8) 12-13 09:08:34.685 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix3x2fvNV' at 0x742f2d0d74 with 0x7412e7800c... 12-13 09:08:34.686 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix3x2fvNV at 0x742f2d0d74 with 0x7412e7800c (callback 0x10c38) 12-13 09:08:34.686 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix3x2fv' at 0x74250d6014 with 0x7412e77ef8... 12-13 09:08:34.687 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix3x2fv at 0x74250d6014 with 0x7412e77ef8 (callback 0x10c78) 12-13 09:08:34.687 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glWaitSyncAPPLE' at 0x74250d7b00 with 0x7412e7b1e8... 12-13 09:08:34.688 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glWaitSyncAPPLE at 0x74250d7b00 with 0x7412e7b1e8 (callback 0x10cb8) 12-13 09:08:34.688 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix3fv' at 0x74250d5d0c with 0x7412e77de4... 12-13 09:08:34.689 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix3fv at 0x74250d5d0c with 0x7412e77de4 (callback 0x10cf8) 12-13 09:08:34.689 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix3fv' at 0x742f2cde7c with 0x7412e77de4... 12-13 09:08:34.689 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix3fv at 0x742f2cde7c with 0x7412e77de4 (callback 0x10d38) 12-13 09:08:34.689 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix2x4fvNV' at 0x742f2d0d8c with 0x7412e77cd0... 12-13 09:08:34.690 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix2x4fvNV at 0x742f2d0d8c with 0x7412e77cd0 (callback 0x10d78) 12-13 09:08:34.690 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix2x4fv' at 0x742f2ce19c with 0x7412e77bbc... 12-13 09:08:34.691 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix2x4fv at 0x742f2ce19c with 0x7412e77bbc (callback 0x10db8) 12-13 09:08:34.691 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix2x3fvNV' at 0x742f2d0d5c with 0x7412e77aa8... 12-13 09:08:34.692 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix2x3fvNV at 0x742f2d0d5c with 0x7412e77aa8 (callback 0x10df8) 12-13 09:08:34.692 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix2x3fv' at 0x74250d5ffc with 0x7412e77994... 12-13 09:08:34.693 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix2x3fv at 0x74250d5ffc with 0x7412e77994 (callback 0x10e38) 12-13 09:08:34.693 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix2x3fv' at 0x742f2ce16c with 0x7412e77994... 12-13 09:08:34.693 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix2x3fv at 0x742f2ce16c with 0x7412e77994 (callback 0x10e78) 12-13 09:08:34.693 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix2fv' at 0x74250d5cf4 with 0x7412e77880... 12-13 09:08:34.694 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix2fv at 0x74250d5cf4 with 0x7412e77880 (callback 0x10eb8) 12-13 09:08:34.694 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformHandleui64vNV' at 0x74250d88f4 with 0x7412e77784... 12-13 09:08:34.695 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformHandleui64vNV at 0x74250d88f4 with 0x7412e77784 (callback 0x10ef8) 12-13 09:08:34.695 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformHandleui64NV' at 0x74250d88dc with 0x7412e77598... 12-13 09:08:34.696 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformHandleui64NV at 0x74250d88dc with 0x7412e77598 (callback 0x10f38) 12-13 09:08:34.696 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformHandleui64NV' at 0x742f2d0a4c with 0x7412e77598... 12-13 09:08:34.697 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformHandleui64NV at 0x742f2d0a4c with 0x7412e77598 (callback 0x10f78) 12-13 09:08:34.697 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformBlockBinding' at 0x742f2ce614 with 0x7412e773ac... 12-13 09:08:34.697 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformBlockBinding at 0x742f2ce614 with 0x7412e773ac (callback 0x10fb8) 12-13 09:08:34.697 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform4uiv' at 0x74250d6398 with 0x7412e772b0... 12-13 09:08:34.698 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform4uiv at 0x74250d6398 with 0x7412e772b0 (callback 0x743010a000) 12-13 09:08:34.698 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform4uiv' at 0x742f2ce508 with 0x7412e772b0... 12-13 09:08:34.699 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform4uiv at 0x742f2ce508 with 0x7412e772b0 (callback 0x743010a030) 12-13 09:08:34.699 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform4ui' at 0x742f2ce4a8 with 0x7412e76f6c... 12-13 09:08:34.700 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform4ui at 0x742f2ce4a8 with 0x7412e76f6c (callback 0x743010a060) 12-13 09:08:34.700 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform4iv' at 0x742f2cde4c with 0x7412e76e70... 12-13 09:08:34.701 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform4iv at 0x742f2cde4c with 0x7412e76e70 (callback 0x743010a090) 12-13 09:08:34.701 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glWeightPointerOESBounds' at 0x74307982b0 with 0x7412e7b504... 12-13 09:08:34.701 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glWeightPointerOESBounds at 0x74307982b0 with 0x7412e7b504 (callback 0x743010a0c0) 12-13 09:08:34.702 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform4i' at 0x74250d5cc4 with 0x7412e76b2c... 12-13 09:08:34.702 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform4i at 0x74250d5cc4 with 0x7412e76b2c (callback 0x743010a0e8) 12-13 09:08:34.702 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform4i' at 0x742f2cde34 with 0x7412e76b2c... 12-13 09:08:34.703 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform4i at 0x742f2cde34 with 0x7412e76b2c (callback 0x743010a118) 12-13 09:08:34.703 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform4fv' at 0x74250d5cac with 0x7412e76a30... 12-13 09:08:34.704 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform4fv at 0x74250d5cac with 0x7412e76a30 (callback 0x743010a148) 12-13 09:08:34.704 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform4fv' at 0x742f2cde1c with 0x7412e76a30... 12-13 09:08:34.705 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform4fv at 0x742f2cde1c with 0x7412e76a30 (callback 0x743010a178) 12-13 09:08:34.705 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform3uiv' at 0x74250d6380 with 0x7412e76810... 12-13 09:08:34.705 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform3uiv at 0x74250d6380 with 0x7412e76810 (callback 0x743010a1a8) 12-13 09:08:34.705 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform3uiv' at 0x742f2ce4f0 with 0x7412e76810... 12-13 09:08:34.706 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform3uiv at 0x742f2ce4f0 with 0x7412e76810 (callback 0x743010a1d8) 12-13 09:08:34.706 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform3ui' at 0x74250d6320 with 0x7412e764f4... 12-13 09:08:34.707 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform3ui at 0x74250d6320 with 0x7412e764f4 (callback 0x743010a208) 12-13 09:08:34.707 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform3iv' at 0x74250d5c7c with 0x7412e763f8... 12-13 09:08:34.708 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform3iv at 0x74250d5c7c with 0x7412e763f8 (callback 0x743010a238) 12-13 09:08:34.708 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform3f' at 0x74250d5c34 with 0x7412e75ecc... 12-13 09:08:34.709 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform3f at 0x74250d5c34 with 0x7412e75ecc (callback 0x743010a268) 12-13 09:08:34.709 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform3f' at 0x742f2cdda4 with 0x7412e75ecc... 12-13 09:08:34.710 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform3f at 0x742f2cdda4 with 0x7412e75ecc (callback 0x743010a298) 12-13 09:08:34.710 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribDivisorEXT' at 0x742f2d00b8 with 0x7412e79ad4... 12-13 09:08:34.710 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribDivisorEXT at 0x742f2d00b8 with 0x7412e79ad4 (callback 0x743010a2c8) 12-13 09:08:34.710 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform2uiv' at 0x74250d6368 with 0x7412e75dd0... 12-13 09:08:34.711 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform2uiv at 0x74250d6368 with 0x7412e75dd0 (callback 0x743010a2f8) 12-13 09:08:34.711 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform2ui' at 0x74250d6308 with 0x7412e75adc... 12-13 09:08:34.712 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform2ui at 0x74250d6308 with 0x7412e75adc (callback 0x743010a328) 12-13 09:08:34.712 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform2ui' at 0x742f2ce478 with 0x7412e75adc... 12-13 09:08:34.713 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform2ui at 0x742f2ce478 with 0x7412e75adc (callback 0x743010a358) 12-13 09:08:34.713 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUnmapBuffer' at 0x74250d5fb0 with 0x7412e788ac... 12-13 09:08:34.714 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUnmapBuffer at 0x74250d5fb0 with 0x7412e788ac (callback 0x743010a388) 12-13 09:08:34.714 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform2i' at 0x742f2cdd74 with 0x7412e756ec... 12-13 09:08:34.714 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform2i at 0x742f2cdd74 with 0x7412e756ec (callback 0x743010a3b8) 12-13 09:08:34.714 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform2fv' at 0x74250d5bec with 0x7412e755f0... 12-13 09:08:34.715 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform2fv at 0x74250d5bec with 0x7412e755f0 (callback 0x743010a3e8) 12-13 09:08:34.715 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform2fv' at 0x742f2cdd5c with 0x7412e755f0... 12-13 09:08:34.716 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform2fv at 0x742f2cdd5c with 0x7412e755f0 (callback 0x743010a418) 12-13 09:08:34.716 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform2f' at 0x74250d5bd4 with 0x7412e754ec... 12-13 09:08:34.717 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform2f at 0x74250d5bd4 with 0x7412e754ec (callback 0x743010a448) 12-13 09:08:34.717 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform1uiv' at 0x74250d6350 with 0x7412e753f0... 12-13 09:08:34.718 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform1uiv at 0x74250d6350 with 0x7412e753f0 (callback 0x743010a478) 12-13 09:08:34.718 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform1uiv' at 0x742f2ce4c0 with 0x7412e753f0... 12-13 09:08:34.718 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform1uiv at 0x742f2ce4c0 with 0x7412e753f0 (callback 0x743010a4a8) 12-13 09:08:34.718 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform1iv' at 0x742f2cdd2c with 0x7412e75018... 12-13 09:08:34.719 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform1iv at 0x742f2cdd2c with 0x7412e75018 (callback 0x743010a4d8) 12-13 09:08:34.719 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform1i' at 0x74250d5ba4 with 0x7412e74d3c... 12-13 09:08:34.720 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform1i at 0x74250d5ba4 with 0x7412e74d3c (callback 0x743010a508) 12-13 09:08:34.720 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform1f' at 0x74250d5b74 with 0x7412e74b4c... 12-13 09:08:34.721 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform1f at 0x74250d5b74 with 0x7412e74b4c (callback 0x743010a538) 12-13 09:08:34.721 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform1f' at 0x742f2cdce4 with 0x7412e74b4c... 12-13 09:08:34.721 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform1f at 0x742f2cdce4 with 0x7412e74b4c (callback 0x743010a568) 12-13 09:08:34.721 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTranslatef' at 0x7430798644 with 0x7412e7484c... 12-13 09:08:34.722 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTranslatef at 0x7430798644 with 0x7412e7484c (callback 0x743010a598) 12-13 09:08:34.722 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTransformFeedbackVaryings' at 0x74250d61e4 with 0x7412e7462c... 12-13 09:08:34.723 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTransformFeedbackVaryings at 0x74250d61e4 with 0x7412e7462c (callback 0x743010a5c8) 12-13 09:08:34.723 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTextureViewOES' at 0x74250d7838 with 0x7412e744b0... 12-13 09:08:34.724 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTextureViewOES at 0x74250d7838 with 0x7412e744b0 (callback 0x743010a5f8) 12-13 09:08:34.724 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTextureViewOES' at 0x742f2cf9a8 with 0x7412e744b0... 12-13 09:08:34.725 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTextureViewOES at 0x742f2cf9a8 with 0x7412e744b0 (callback 0x743010a628) 12-13 09:08:34.725 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTextureViewEXT' at 0x74250d86d8 with 0x7412e74334... 12-13 09:08:34.725 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTextureViewEXT at 0x74250d86d8 with 0x7412e74334 (callback 0x743010a658) 12-13 09:08:34.725 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTextureStorage3DEXT' at 0x742f2d0830 with 0x7412e741e0... 12-13 09:08:34.726 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTextureStorage3DEXT at 0x742f2d0830 with 0x7412e741e0 (callback 0x743010a688) 12-13 09:08:34.726 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTextureStorage3DEXT' at 0x7430799e24 with 0x7412e741e0... 12-13 09:08:34.727 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTextureStorage3DEXT at 0x7430799e24 with 0x7412e741e0 (callback 0x743010a6b8) 12-13 09:08:34.727 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTextureStorage2DEXT' at 0x742f2d0818 with 0x7412e740a8... 12-13 09:08:34.728 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTextureStorage2DEXT at 0x742f2d0818 with 0x7412e740a8 (callback 0x743010a6e8) 12-13 09:08:34.728 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTextureStorage1DEXT' at 0x74250d8690 with 0x7412e73f84... 12-13 09:08:34.729 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTextureStorage1DEXT at 0x74250d8690 with 0x7412e73f84 (callback 0x743010a718) 12-13 09:08:34.729 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTextureStorage1DEXT' at 0x742f2d0800 with 0x7412e73f84... 12-13 09:08:34.729 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTextureStorage1DEXT at 0x742f2d0800 with 0x7412e73f84 (callback 0x743010a748) 12-13 09:08:34.729 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexSubImage3DOES' at 0x74250d76b8 with 0x7412e73d94... 12-13 09:08:34.730 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexSubImage3DOES at 0x74250d76b8 with 0x7412e73d94 (callback 0x743010a778) 12-13 09:08:34.730 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexSubImage3DOES' at 0x742f2cf828 with 0x7412e73d94... 12-13 09:08:34.731 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexSubImage3DOES at 0x742f2cf828 with 0x7412e73d94 (callback 0x743010a7a8) 12-13 09:08:34.731 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexSubImage3D' at 0x74250d5ea4 with 0x7412e73ba4... 12-13 09:08:34.732 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexSubImage3D at 0x74250d5ea4 with 0x7412e73ba4 (callback 0x743010a7d8) 12-13 09:08:34.732 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexSubImage2D' at 0x7430799154 with 0x7412e73a08... 12-13 09:08:34.733 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexSubImage2D at 0x7430799154 with 0x7412e73a08 (callback 0x743010a808) 12-13 09:08:34.733 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage3DMultisample' at 0x74250d729c with 0x7412e73760... 12-13 09:08:34.733 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage3DMultisample at 0x74250d729c with 0x7412e73760 (callback 0x743010a828) 12-13 09:08:34.733 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage3DMultisample' at 0x742f2cf40c with 0x7412e73760... 12-13 09:08:34.734 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage3DMultisample at 0x742f2cf40c with 0x7412e73760 (callback 0x743010a858) 12-13 09:08:34.734 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage3DEXT' at 0x74250d8678 with 0x7412e73628... 12-13 09:08:34.735 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage3DEXT at 0x74250d8678 with 0x7412e73628 (callback 0x743010a888) 12-13 09:08:34.735 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage3DEXT' at 0x742f2d07e8 with 0x7412e73628... 12-13 09:08:34.736 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage3DEXT at 0x742f2d07e8 with 0x7412e73628 (callback 0x743010a8b8) 12-13 09:08:34.736 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM' at 0x74250d94e4 with 0x7412e4bc88... 12-13 09:08:34.737 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM at 0x74250d94e4 with 0x7412e4bc88 (callback 0x743010a8e8) 12-13 09:08:34.737 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMaterialfv' at 0x74307984dc with 0x7412e5f200... 12-13 09:08:34.737 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMaterialfv at 0x74307984dc with 0x7412e5f200 (callback 0x743010a918) 12-13 09:08:34.737 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage3DEXT' at 0x7430799ddc with 0x7412e73628... 12-13 09:08:34.738 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage3DEXT at 0x7430799ddc with 0x7412e73628 (callback 0x743010a948) 12-13 09:08:34.738 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage2DMultisample' at 0x74250d6d98 with 0x7412e733b4... 12-13 09:08:34.739 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage2DMultisample at 0x74250d6d98 with 0x7412e733b4 (callback 0x743010a978) 12-13 09:08:34.739 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUseProgram' at 0x742f2cdeac with 0x7412e78a8c... 12-13 09:08:34.740 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUseProgram at 0x742f2cdeac with 0x7412e78a8c (callback 0x743010a9a8) 12-13 09:08:34.740 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetObjectLabel' at 0x742f2cf0d4 with 0x7412e53b8c... 12-13 09:08:34.740 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetObjectLabel at 0x742f2cf0d4 with 0x7412e53b8c (callback 0x743010a9d8) 12-13 09:08:34.741 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM' at 0x74250d952c with 0x7412e4c784... 12-13 09:08:34.741 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM at 0x74250d952c with 0x7412e4c784 (callback 0x743010aa08) 12-13 09:08:34.741 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage2DMultisample' at 0x742f2cef08 with 0x7412e733b4... 12-13 09:08:34.742 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage2DMultisample at 0x742f2cef08 with 0x7412e733b4 (callback 0x743010aa38) 12-13 09:08:34.742 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage2DEXT' at 0x742f2d07d0 with 0x7412e73290... 12-13 09:08:34.743 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage2DEXT at 0x742f2d07d0 with 0x7412e73290 (callback 0x743010aa68) 12-13 09:08:34.743 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage1DEXT' at 0x7430799dac with 0x7412e7305c... 12-13 09:08:34.744 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage1DEXT at 0x7430799dac with 0x7412e7305c (callback 0x743010aa98) 12-13 09:08:34.744 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterxvOES' at 0x7430799734 with 0x7412e72e50... 12-13 09:08:34.744 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterxvOES at 0x7430799734 with 0x7412e72e50 (callback 0x743010aac8) 12-13 09:08:34.744 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterxOES' at 0x743079971c with 0x7412e72c58... 12-13 09:08:34.745 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterxOES at 0x743079971c with 0x7412e72c58 (callback 0x743010aaf8) 12-13 09:08:34.745 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterx' at 0x74307990f4 with 0x7412e72b5c... 12-13 09:08:34.746 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterx at 0x74307990f4 with 0x7412e72b5c (callback 0x743010ab28) 12-13 09:08:34.746 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameteriv' at 0x74250d5b44 with 0x7412e72a60... 12-13 09:08:34.747 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameteriv at 0x74250d5b44 with 0x7412e72a60 (callback 0x743010ab58) 12-13 09:08:34.747 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetAttribLocation' at 0x742f2cd50c with 0x7412e5099c... 12-13 09:08:34.748 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetAttribLocation at 0x742f2cd50c with 0x7412e5099c (callback 0x743010ab88) 12-13 09:08:34.748 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameteri' at 0x74307990dc with 0x7412e72964... 12-13 09:08:34.748 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameteri at 0x74307990dc with 0x7412e72964 (callback 0x743010abb8) 12-13 09:08:34.748 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterfv' at 0x74250d5b14 with 0x7412e72868... 12-13 09:08:34.749 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterfv at 0x74250d5b14 with 0x7412e72868 (callback 0x743010abe8) 12-13 09:08:34.749 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterIuivOES' at 0x742f2cf8b8 with 0x7412e7266c... 12-13 09:08:34.750 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterIuivOES at 0x742f2cf8b8 with 0x7412e7266c (callback 0x743010ac18) 12-13 09:08:34.750 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetDriverControlsQCOM' at 0x74250d93dc with 0x7412e5192c... 12-13 09:08:34.751 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetDriverControlsQCOM at 0x74250d93dc with 0x7412e5192c (callback 0x743010ac48) 12-13 09:08:34.751 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterIuiv' at 0x74250d71c4 with 0x7412e72474... 12-13 09:08:34.751 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterIuiv at 0x74250d71c4 with 0x7412e72474 (callback 0x743010ac78) 12-13 09:08:34.751 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClipPlanefOES' at 0x7430799a34 with 0x7412e41684... 12-13 09:08:34.752 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClipPlanefOES at 0x7430799a34 with 0x7412e41684 (callback 0x743010aca8) 12-13 09:08:34.752 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterIuiv' at 0x742f2cf334 with 0x7412e72474... 12-13 09:08:34.753 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterIuiv at 0x742f2cf334 with 0x7412e72474 (callback 0x743010acd8) 12-13 09:08:34.753 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM' at 0x743079a024 with 0x7412e4c874... 12-13 09:08:34.754 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM at 0x743079a024 with 0x7412e4c874 (callback 0x743010ad08) 12-13 09:08:34.754 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterIivOES' at 0x74250d7730 with 0x7412e72378... 12-13 09:08:34.755 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterIivOES at 0x74250d7730 with 0x7412e72378 (callback 0x743010ad38) 12-13 09:08:34.755 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterIivOES' at 0x742f2cf8a0 with 0x7412e72378... 12-13 09:08:34.755 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterIivOES at 0x742f2cf8a0 with 0x7412e72378 (callback 0x743010ad68) 12-13 09:08:34.755 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterIivEXT' at 0x74250d8558 with 0x7412e7227c... 12-13 09:08:34.756 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterIivEXT at 0x74250d8558 with 0x7412e7227c (callback 0x743010ad98) 12-13 09:08:34.756 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform2f' at 0x742f2cdd44 with 0x7412e754ec... 12-13 09:08:34.757 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform2f at 0x742f2cdd44 with 0x7412e754ec (callback 0x743010adc8) 12-13 09:08:34.757 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawBuffersEXT' at 0x74250d7dc4 with 0x7412e48abc... 12-13 09:08:34.758 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawBuffersEXT at 0x74250d7dc4 with 0x7412e48abc (callback 0x743010adf8) 12-13 09:08:34.758 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexPageCommitmentEXT' at 0x742f2d0698 with 0x7412e71fe4... 12-13 09:08:34.759 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexPageCommitmentEXT at 0x742f2d0698 with 0x7412e71fe4 (callback 0x743010ae28) 12-13 09:08:34.759 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexGenivOES' at 0x7430799af4 with 0x7412e716a0... 12-13 09:08:34.759 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexGenivOES at 0x7430799af4 with 0x7412e716a0 (callback 0x743010ae58) 12-13 09:08:34.759 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexEnvx' at 0x7430798edc with 0x7412e70fb8... 12-13 09:08:34.760 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexEnvx at 0x7430798edc with 0x7412e70fb8 (callback 0x743010ae88) 12-13 09:08:34.760 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTransformFeedbackVaryings' at 0x742f2ce354 with 0x7412e7462c... 12-13 09:08:34.761 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTransformFeedbackVaryings at 0x742f2ce354 with 0x7412e7462c (callback 0x743010aeb8) 12-13 09:08:34.761 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilFunc' at 0x74250d5a54 with 0x7412e6f3a0... 12-13 09:08:34.762 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilFunc at 0x74250d5a54 with 0x7412e6f3a0 (callback 0x743010aee8) 12-13 09:08:34.762 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetBuffersQCOM' at 0x7430799fc4 with 0x7412e4bd78... 12-13 09:08:34.762 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetBuffersQCOM at 0x7430799fc4 with 0x7412e4bd78 (callback 0x743010af18) 12-13 09:08:34.762 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexEnviv' at 0x7430798ef4 with 0x7412e70ebc... 12-13 09:08:34.763 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexEnviv at 0x7430798ef4 with 0x7412e70ebc (callback 0x743010af48) 12-13 09:08:34.763 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform3i' at 0x742f2cddd4 with 0x7412e760dc... 12-13 09:08:34.764 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform3i at 0x742f2cddd4 with 0x7412e760dc (callback 0x743010af78) 12-13 09:08:34.764 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform2iv' at 0x74250d5c1c with 0x7412e759e0... 12-13 09:08:34.765 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform2iv at 0x74250d5c1c with 0x7412e759e0 (callback 0x743010afa8) 12-13 09:08:34.765 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexCoordPointerBounds' at 0x7430798240 with 0x7412e70aa0... 12-13 09:08:34.766 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexCoordPointerBounds at 0x7430798240 with 0x7412e70aa0 (callback 0x743010afd8) 12-13 09:08:34.766 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexBufferOES' at 0x742f2cf960 with 0x7412e70528... 12-13 09:08:34.766 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexBufferOES at 0x742f2cf960 with 0x7412e70528 (callback 0x11560) 12-13 09:08:34.766 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDispatchComputeIndirect' at 0x74250d6830 with 0x7412e48198... 12-13 09:08:34.767 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDispatchComputeIndirect at 0x74250d6830 with 0x7412e48198 (callback 0x115a0) 12-13 09:08:34.767 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexBufferEXT' at 0x74250d8618 with 0x7412e7042c... 12-13 09:08:34.768 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexBufferEXT at 0x74250d8618 with 0x7412e7042c (callback 0x115e0) 12-13 09:08:34.768 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTestFenceNV' at 0x74250d8ac8 with 0x7412e70240... 12-13 09:08:34.769 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTestFenceNV at 0x74250d8ac8 with 0x7412e70240 (callback 0x11620) 12-13 09:08:34.769 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPatchParameteriEXT' at 0x74250d8540 with 0x7412e62030... 12-13 09:08:34.770 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPatchParameteriEXT at 0x74250d8540 with 0x7412e62030 (callback 0x11660) 12-13 09:08:34.770 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTestFenceNV' at 0x742f2d0c38 with 0x7412e70240... 12-13 09:08:34.770 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTestFenceNV at 0x742f2d0c38 with 0x7412e70240 (callback 0x116a0) 12-13 09:08:34.770 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClipPlanex' at 0x743079877c with 0x7412e41774... 12-13 09:08:34.771 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClipPlanex at 0x743079877c with 0x7412e41774 (callback 0x116e0) 12-13 09:08:34.771 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTestFenceNV' at 0x7430799ee8 with 0x7412e70240... 12-13 09:08:34.772 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTestFenceNV at 0x7430799ee8 with 0x7412e70240 (callback 0x11720) 12-13 09:08:34.772 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSubpixelPrecisionBiasNV' at 0x74250d89d4 with 0x7412e70150... 12-13 09:08:34.773 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSubpixelPrecisionBiasNV at 0x74250d89d4 with 0x7412e70150 (callback 0x11760) 12-13 09:08:34.773 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameteri' at 0x74250d5b2c with 0x7412e72964... 12-13 09:08:34.773 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameteri at 0x74250d5b2c with 0x7412e72964 (callback 0x117a0) 12-13 09:08:34.773 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilThenCoverStrokePathNV' at 0x742f2d129c with 0x7412e70040... 12-13 09:08:34.774 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilThenCoverStrokePathNV at 0x742f2d129c with 0x7412e70040 (callback 0x117e0) 12-13 09:08:34.774 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedNV' at 0x74250d915c with 0x7412e6fea4... 12-13 09:08:34.775 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedNV at 0x74250d915c with 0x7412e6fea4 (callback 0x11820) 12-13 09:08:34.775 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilThenCoverFillPathNV' at 0x74250d9114 with 0x7412e6fd94... 12-13 09:08:34.776 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilThenCoverFillPathNV at 0x74250d9114 with 0x7412e6fd94 (callback 0x11860) 12-13 09:08:34.776 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilStrokePathNV' at 0x74250d8e94 with 0x7412e6fafc... 12-13 09:08:34.777 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilStrokePathNV at 0x74250d8e94 with 0x7412e6fafc (callback 0x118a0) 12-13 09:08:34.777 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilOp' at 0x74250d5ab4 with 0x7412e6f780... 12-13 09:08:34.777 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilOp at 0x74250d5ab4 with 0x7412e6f780 (callback 0x118e0) 12-13 09:08:34.777 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexSubImage3D' at 0x742f2ce014 with 0x7412e73ba4... 12-13 09:08:34.778 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexSubImage3D at 0x742f2ce014 with 0x7412e73ba4 (callback 0x11920) 12-13 09:08:34.778 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetInteger64i_v' at 0x742f2ce6f8 with 0x7412e52b98... 12-13 09:08:34.779 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetInteger64i_v at 0x742f2ce6f8 with 0x7412e52b98 (callback 0x11960) 12-13 09:08:34.779 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilOp' at 0x7430798eac with 0x7412e6f780... 12-13 09:08:34.780 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilOp at 0x7430798eac with 0x7412e6f780 (callback 0x119a0) 12-13 09:08:34.780 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLineWidth' at 0x74250d594c with 0x7412e5e060... 12-13 09:08:34.781 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLineWidth at 0x74250d594c with 0x7412e5e060 (callback 0x119e0) 12-13 09:08:34.781 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilMaskSeparate' at 0x742f2cd90c with 0x7412e6f690... 12-13 09:08:34.781 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilMaskSeparate at 0x742f2cd90c with 0x7412e6f690 (callback 0x11a20) 12-13 09:08:34.781 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix2fv' at 0x74250d6c30 with 0x7412e69f80... 12-13 09:08:34.782 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix2fv at 0x74250d6c30 with 0x7412e69f80 (callback 0x11a60) 12-13 09:08:34.782 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilMask' at 0x74250d5a84 with 0x7412e6f5ac... 12-13 09:08:34.783 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilMask at 0x74250d5a84 with 0x7412e6f5ac (callback 0x11aa0) 12-13 09:08:34.783 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilFunc' at 0x7430798e7c with 0x7412e6f3a0... 12-13 09:08:34.784 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilFunc at 0x7430798e7c with 0x7412e6f3a0 (callback 0x11ae0) 12-13 09:08:34.784 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilFillPathInstancedNV' at 0x742f2d101c with 0x7412e6f134... 12-13 09:08:34.784 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilFillPathInstancedNV at 0x742f2d101c with 0x7412e6f134 (callback 0x11b20) 12-13 09:08:34.785 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterIuivEXT' at 0x742f2d06e0 with 0x7412e72570... 12-13 09:08:34.785 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterIuivEXT at 0x742f2d06e0 with 0x7412e72570 (callback 0x11b60) 12-13 09:08:34.785 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStartTilingQCOM' at 0x743079a0d0 with 0x7412e6f010... 12-13 09:08:34.786 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStartTilingQCOM at 0x743079a0d0 with 0x7412e6f010 (callback 0x11ba0) 12-13 09:08:34.786 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glShaderSource' at 0x742f2cd8ac with 0x7412e6ef00... 12-13 09:08:34.787 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glShaderSource at 0x742f2cd8ac with 0x7412e6ef00 (callback 0x11be0) 12-13 09:08:34.787 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD' at 0x742f2cfacc with 0x7412e6eae0... 12-13 09:08:34.788 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD at 0x742f2cfacc with 0x7412e6eae0 (callback 0x11c20) 12-13 09:08:34.788 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexImage2D' at 0x742f2cd96c with 0x7412e71994... 12-13 09:08:34.789 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexImage2D at 0x742f2cd96c with 0x7412e71994 (callback 0x11c60) 12-13 09:08:34.789 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glScissorIndexedvNV' at 0x74250d92e8 with 0x7412e6e900... 12-13 09:08:34.789 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glScissorIndexedvNV at 0x74250d92e8 with 0x7412e6e900 (callback 0x11c90) 12-13 09:08:34.789 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUseProgramStagesEXT' at 0x74250d83a8 with 0x7412e78c6c... 12-13 09:08:34.790 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUseProgramStagesEXT at 0x74250d83a8 with 0x7412e78c6c (callback 0x11cd0) 12-13 09:08:34.790 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glScissorIndexedNV' at 0x742f2d1440 with 0x7412e6e6b8... 12-13 09:08:34.791 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glScissorIndexedNV at 0x742f2d1440 with 0x7412e6e6b8 (callback 0x11d10) 12-13 09:08:34.791 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glScissor' at 0x742f2cd87c with 0x7412e6e3b0... 12-13 09:08:34.792 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glScissor at 0x742f2cd87c with 0x7412e6e3b0 (callback 0x11d50) 12-13 09:08:34.792 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glScissor' at 0x7430798e4c with 0x7412e6e3b0... 12-13 09:08:34.792 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glScissor at 0x7430798e4c with 0x7412e6e3b0 (callback 0x11d90) 12-13 09:08:34.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameteri' at 0x74250d661c with 0x7412e6deb8... 12-13 09:08:34.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameteri at 0x74250d661c with 0x7412e6deb8 (callback 0x11dd0) 12-13 09:08:34.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetShadersQCOM' at 0x742f2d166c with 0x7412e4c278... 12-13 09:08:34.794 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetShadersQCOM at 0x742f2d166c with 0x7412e4c278 (callback 0x11e10) 12-13 09:08:34.794 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameterfv' at 0x74250d6664 with 0x7412e6ddbc... 12-13 09:08:34.795 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameterfv at 0x74250d6664 with 0x7412e6ddbc (callback 0x11e50) 12-13 09:08:34.795 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameterIuivOES' at 0x74250d77a8 with 0x7412e6dbc0... 12-13 09:08:34.796 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameterIuivOES at 0x74250d77a8 with 0x7412e6dbc0 (callback 0x11e90) 12-13 09:08:34.796 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameterIuivEXT' at 0x74250d85d0 with 0x7412e6dac4... 12-13 09:08:34.796 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameterIuivEXT at 0x74250d85d0 with 0x7412e6dac4 (callback 0x11ed0) 12-13 09:08:34.796 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameterIuiv' at 0x74250d7224 with 0x7412e6d9c8... 12-13 09:08:34.797 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameterIuiv at 0x74250d7224 with 0x7412e6d9c8 (callback 0x11f10) 12-13 09:08:34.797 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferSampleLocationsfvNV' at 0x74250d9228 with 0x7412e4da88... 12-13 09:08:34.798 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferSampleLocationsfvNV at 0x74250d9228 with 0x7412e4da88 (callback 0x11f50) 12-13 09:08:34.798 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameterIivOES' at 0x74250d7790 with 0x7412e6d8cc... 12-13 09:08:34.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameterIivOES at 0x74250d7790 with 0x7412e6d8cc (callback 0x11f90) 12-13 09:08:34.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSampleMaski' at 0x74250d6dc8 with 0x7412e6d5e4... 12-13 09:08:34.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSampleMaski at 0x74250d6dc8 with 0x7412e6d5e4 (callback 0x11fd0) 12-13 09:08:34.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindTexture' at 0x74307986a4 with 0x7412e3daa0... 12-13 09:08:34.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindTexture at 0x74307986a4 with 0x7412e3daa0 (callback 0x12010) 12-13 09:08:34.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSampleMaski' at 0x742f2cef38 with 0x7412e6d5e4... 12-13 09:08:34.801 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSampleMaski at 0x742f2cef38 with 0x7412e6d5e4 (callback 0x12050) 12-13 09:08:34.801 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glColorPointer' at 0x743079820c with 0x7412e42368... 12-13 09:08:34.802 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glColorPointer at 0x743079820c with 0x7412e42368 (callback 0x12090) 12-13 09:08:34.802 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glShaderBinary' at 0x74250d5a24 with 0x7412e6eddc... 12-13 09:08:34.803 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glShaderBinary at 0x74250d5a24 with 0x7412e6eddc (callback 0x120d0) 12-13 09:08:34.803 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM' at 0x74250d94b4 with 0x7412e4c874... 12-13 09:08:34.803 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM at 0x74250d94b4 with 0x7412e4c874 (callback 0x12110) 12-13 09:08:34.803 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendBarrier' at 0x74250d6e88 with 0x7412e3df58... 12-13 09:08:34.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendBarrier at 0x74250d6e88 with 0x7412e3df58 (callback 0x12150) 12-13 09:08:34.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSampleCoverage' at 0x74250d59f4 with 0x7412e6d304... 12-13 09:08:34.805 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSampleCoverage at 0x74250d59f4 with 0x7412e6d304 (callback 0x12190) 12-13 09:08:34.805 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSampleCoverage' at 0x742f2cd864 with 0x7412e6d304... 12-13 09:08:34.806 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSampleCoverage at 0x742f2cd864 with 0x7412e6d304 (callback 0x121d0) 12-13 09:08:34.806 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2f' at 0x742f2cec38 with 0x7412e666a0... 12-13 09:08:34.807 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2f at 0x742f2cec38 with 0x7412e666a0 (callback 0x12210) 12-13 09:08:34.807 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRotatex' at 0x7430798dec with 0x7412e6d0e4... 12-13 09:08:34.808 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRotatex at 0x7430798dec with 0x7412e6d0e4 (callback 0x12250) 12-13 09:08:34.808 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRotatef' at 0x74307985b4 with 0x7412e6cfcc... 12-13 09:08:34.808 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRotatef at 0x74307985b4 with 0x7412e6cfcc (callback 0x12290) 12-13 09:08:34.808 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glResumeTransformFeedback' at 0x74250d6740 with 0x7412e6cef4... 12-13 09:08:34.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glResumeTransformFeedback at 0x74250d6740 with 0x7412e6cef4 (callback 0x122d0) 12-13 09:08:34.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glViewport' at 0x74250d5e44 with 0x7412e7a898... 12-13 09:08:34.810 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glViewport at 0x74250d5e44 with 0x7412e7a898 (callback 0x12310) 12-13 09:08:34.810 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE' at 0x7430799bd0 with 0x7412e6ce1c... 12-13 09:08:34.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE at 0x7430799bd0 with 0x7412e6ce1c (callback 0x12350) 12-13 09:08:34.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedNV' at 0x74250d9144 with 0x7412e6fbf8... 12-13 09:08:34.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedNV at 0x74250d9144 with 0x7412e6fbf8 (callback 0x12390) 12-13 09:08:34.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformHandleui64vNV' at 0x74250d8924 with 0x7412e69e70... 12-13 09:08:34.812 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformHandleui64vNV at 0x74250d8924 with 0x7412e69e70 (callback 0x123d0) 12-13 09:08:34.812 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorageOES' at 0x7430799870 with 0x7412e6cc34... 12-13 09:08:34.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorageOES at 0x7430799870 with 0x7412e6cc34 (callback 0x12410) 12-13 09:08:34.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG' at 0x74250d86f0 with 0x7412e6c9ec... 12-13 09:08:34.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG at 0x74250d86f0 with 0x7412e6c9ec (callback 0x12450) 12-13 09:08:34.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT' at 0x74250d7ff4 with 0x7412e6c8c8... 12-13 09:08:34.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT at 0x74250d7ff4 with 0x7412e6c8c8 (callback 0x12490) 12-13 09:08:34.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT' at 0x7430799d18 with 0x7412e6c8c8... 12-13 09:08:34.815 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT at 0x7430799d18 with 0x7412e6c8c8 (callback 0x124d0) 12-13 09:08:34.815 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexBufferRange' at 0x74250d7284 with 0x7412e70624... 12-13 09:08:34.816 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexBufferRange at 0x74250d7284 with 0x7412e70624 (callback 0x12510) 12-13 09:08:34.816 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorage' at 0x74250d59dc with 0x7412e6c44c... 12-13 09:08:34.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorage at 0x74250d59dc with 0x7412e6c44c (callback 0x12550) 12-13 09:08:34.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorage' at 0x742f2cd84c with 0x7412e6c44c... 12-13 09:08:34.818 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorage at 0x742f2cd84c with 0x7412e6c44c (callback 0x12590) 12-13 09:08:34.818 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReleaseShaderCompiler' at 0x74250d59c4 with 0x7412e6c374... 12-13 09:08:34.818 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReleaseShaderCompiler at 0x74250d59c4 with 0x7412e6c374 (callback 0x125d0) 12-13 09:08:34.818 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformfv' at 0x742f2cf2a4 with 0x7412e5aa58... 12-13 09:08:34.819 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformfv at 0x742f2cf2a4 with 0x7412e5aa58 (callback 0x12610) 12-13 09:08:34.819 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReleaseShaderCompiler' at 0x742f2cd834 with 0x7412e6c374... 12-13 09:08:34.820 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReleaseShaderCompiler at 0x742f2cd834 with 0x7412e6c374 (callback 0x12650) 12-13 09:08:34.820 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendColor' at 0x74250d51e0 with 0x7412e3e1e0... 12-13 09:08:34.821 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendColor at 0x74250d51e0 with 0x7412e3e1e0 (callback 0x12690) 12-13 09:08:34.821 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReadnPixelsKHR' at 0x74250d73f4 with 0x7412e6c204... 12-13 09:08:34.821 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReadnPixelsKHR at 0x74250d73f4 with 0x7412e6c204 (callback 0x126d0) 12-13 09:08:34.821 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReadnPixelsEXT' at 0x74250d80b8 with 0x7412e6c094... 12-13 09:08:34.822 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReadnPixelsEXT at 0x74250d80b8 with 0x7412e6c094 (callback 0x12710) 12-13 09:08:34.822 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyImageSubData' at 0x74250d6ea0 with 0x7412e433dc... 12-13 09:08:34.823 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyImageSubData at 0x74250d6ea0 with 0x7412e433dc (callback 0x12750) 12-13 09:08:34.823 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReadnPixelsEXT' at 0x742f2d0228 with 0x7412e6c094... 12-13 09:08:34.824 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReadnPixelsEXT at 0x742f2d0228 with 0x7412e6c094 (callback 0x12790) 12-13 09:08:34.824 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterf' at 0x742f2cdb0c with 0x7412e72768... 12-13 09:08:34.824 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterf at 0x742f2cdb0c with 0x7412e72768 (callback 0x127d0) 12-13 09:08:34.825 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetBooleanv' at 0x74250d9630 with 0x7412e50b94... 12-13 09:08:34.825 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetBooleanv at 0x74250d9630 with 0x7412e50b94 (callback 0x12810) 12-13 09:08:34.825 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReadnPixelsEXT' at 0x7430799d64 with 0x7412e6c094... 12-13 09:08:34.826 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReadnPixelsEXT at 0x7430799d64 with 0x7412e6c094 (callback 0x12840) 12-13 09:08:34.826 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsFenceNV' at 0x74250d8aac with 0x7412e5bde4... 12-13 09:08:34.827 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsFenceNV at 0x74250d8aac with 0x7412e5bde4 (callback 0x12880) 12-13 09:08:34.827 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilThenCoverFillPathNV' at 0x742f2d1284 with 0x7412e6fd94... 12-13 09:08:34.828 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilThenCoverFillPathNV at 0x742f2d1284 with 0x7412e6fd94 (callback 0x128c0) 12-13 09:08:34.828 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReadnPixels' at 0x74250d711c with 0x7412e6bf24... 12-13 09:08:34.828 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReadnPixels at 0x74250d711c with 0x7412e6bf24 (callback 0x12900) 12-13 09:08:34.829 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramResourceLocation' at 0x74250d690c with 0x7412e56200... 12-13 09:08:34.829 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramResourceLocation at 0x74250d690c with 0x7412e56200 (callback 0x12940) 12-13 09:08:34.829 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReadPixels' at 0x742f2cd81c with 0x7412e6bdd0... 12-13 09:08:34.830 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReadPixels at 0x742f2cd81c with 0x7412e6bdd0 (callback 0x12980) 12-13 09:08:34.830 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1iEXT' at 0x742f2d0380 with 0x7412e65d60... 12-13 09:08:34.831 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1iEXT at 0x742f2d0380 with 0x7412e65d60 (callback 0x129c0) 12-13 09:08:34.831 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPointParameterx' at 0x7430798d44 with 0x7412e63c48... 12-13 09:08:34.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPointParameterx at 0x7430798d44 with 0x7412e63c48 (callback 0x12a00) 12-13 09:08:34.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReadPixels' at 0x7430798dd4 with 0x7412e6bdd0... 12-13 09:08:34.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReadPixels at 0x7430798dd4 with 0x7412e6bdd0 (callback 0x12a40) 12-13 09:08:34.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage3DMultisampleOES' at 0x74250d7820 with 0x7412e738b4... 12-13 09:08:34.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage3DMultisampleOES at 0x74250d7820 with 0x7412e738b4 (callback 0x12a80) 12-13 09:08:34.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDepthRangeArrayfvNV' at 0x742f2d1470 with 0x7412e46f90... 12-13 09:08:34.834 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDepthRangeArrayfvNV at 0x742f2d1470 with 0x7412e46f90 (callback 0x12ac0) 12-13 09:08:34.834 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsBuffer' at 0x7430798b70 with 0x7412e5b814... 12-13 09:08:34.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsBuffer at 0x7430798b70 with 0x7412e5b814 (callback 0x12b00) 12-13 09:08:34.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReadBufferIndexedEXT' at 0x74250d8024 with 0x7412e6bbfc... 12-13 09:08:34.836 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReadBufferIndexedEXT at 0x74250d8024 with 0x7412e6bbfc (callback 0x12b40) 12-13 09:08:34.836 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReadBuffer' at 0x74250d5e5c with 0x7412e6bb18... 12-13 09:08:34.836 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReadBuffer at 0x74250d5e5c with 0x7412e6bb18 (callback 0x12b80) 12-13 09:08:34.836 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRasterSamplesEXT' at 0x74250d8084 with 0x7412e6ba24... 12-13 09:08:34.837 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRasterSamplesEXT at 0x74250d8084 with 0x7412e6ba24 (callback 0x12bc0) 12-13 09:08:34.837 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glQueryMatrixxOES' at 0x7430799a00 with 0x7412e6b928... 12-13 09:08:34.838 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glQueryMatrixxOES at 0x7430799a00 with 0x7412e6b928 (callback 0x12c00) 12-13 09:08:34.838 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform3i' at 0x74250d5c64 with 0x7412e760dc... 12-13 09:08:34.839 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform3i at 0x74250d5c64 with 0x7412e760dc (callback 0x12c40) 12-13 09:08:34.839 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilFuncSeparate' at 0x74250d5a6c with 0x7412e6f49c... 12-13 09:08:34.840 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilFuncSeparate at 0x74250d5a6c with 0x7412e6f49c (callback 0x12c80) 12-13 09:08:34.840 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPushGroupMarkerEXT' at 0x74250d7c70 with 0x7412e6b670... 12-13 09:08:34.840 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPushGroupMarkerEXT at 0x74250d7c70 with 0x7412e6b670 (callback 0x12cc0) 12-13 09:08:34.840 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribPointer' at 0x74250d5e2c with 0x7412e7a438... 12-13 09:08:34.841 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribPointer at 0x74250d5e2c with 0x7412e7a438 (callback 0x12d00) 12-13 09:08:34.841 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPushGroupMarkerEXT' at 0x742f2cfde0 with 0x7412e6b670... 12-13 09:08:34.842 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPushGroupMarkerEXT at 0x742f2cfde0 with 0x7412e6b670 (callback 0x12d40) 12-13 09:08:34.842 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameterIuivOES' at 0x742f2cf918 with 0x7412e6dbc0... 12-13 09:08:34.843 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameterIuivOES at 0x742f2cf918 with 0x7412e6dbc0 (callback 0x12d80) 12-13 09:08:34.843 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPushDebugGroupKHR' at 0x74250d7330 with 0x7412e6b560... 12-13 09:08:34.844 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPushDebugGroupKHR at 0x74250d7330 with 0x7412e6b560 (callback 0x12dc0) 12-13 09:08:34.844 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribI4iv' at 0x74250d628c with 0x7412e79f00... 12-13 09:08:34.844 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribI4iv at 0x74250d628c with 0x7412e79f00 (callback 0x12e00) 12-13 09:08:34.844 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPushDebugGroup' at 0x74250d6f1c with 0x7412e6b450... 12-13 09:08:34.845 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPushDebugGroup at 0x74250d6f1c with 0x7412e6b450 (callback 0x12e40) 12-13 09:08:34.845 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPushDebugGroup' at 0x742f2cf08c with 0x7412e6b450... 12-13 09:08:34.846 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPushDebugGroup at 0x742f2cf08c with 0x7412e6b450 (callback 0x12e80) 12-13 09:08:34.846 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindTransformFeedback' at 0x74250d66c4 with 0x7412e3db90... 12-13 09:08:34.847 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindTransformFeedback at 0x74250d66c4 with 0x7412e3db90 (callback 0x12ec0) 12-13 09:08:34.847 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexEnvfv' at 0x74307985fc with 0x7412e70cc4... 12-13 09:08:34.848 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexEnvfv at 0x74307985fc with 0x7412e70cc4 (callback 0x12f00) 12-13 09:08:34.848 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fvEXT' at 0x74250d8510 with 0x7412e6b328... 12-13 09:08:34.848 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fvEXT at 0x74250d8510 with 0x7412e6b328 (callback 0x12f40) 12-13 09:08:34.848 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv' at 0x74250d6cf0 with 0x7412e6b200... 12-13 09:08:34.849 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv at 0x74250d6cf0 with 0x7412e6b200 (callback 0x12f80) 12-13 09:08:34.849 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glQueryCounterEXT' at 0x742f2cfea4 with 0x7412e6b838... 12-13 09:08:34.850 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glQueryCounterEXT at 0x742f2cfea4 with 0x7412e6b838 (callback 0x12fc0) 12-13 09:08:34.850 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindVertexBuffer' at 0x742f2cef80 with 0x7412e3de48... 12-13 09:08:34.851 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindVertexBuffer at 0x742f2cef80 with 0x7412e3de48 (callback 0x7430026000) 12-13 09:08:34.851 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fvEXT' at 0x742f2d0620 with 0x7412e6a9e8... 12-13 09:08:34.852 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fvEXT at 0x742f2d0620 with 0x7412e6a9e8 (callback 0x7430026030) 12-13 09:08:34.852 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fvEXT' at 0x74250d84e0 with 0x7412e6b0d8... 12-13 09:08:34.852 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fvEXT at 0x74250d84e0 with 0x7412e6b0d8 (callback 0x7430026060) 12-13 09:08:34.852 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstanceEXT' at 0x742f2cfcb8 with 0x7412e48688... 12-13 09:08:34.853 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstanceEXT at 0x742f2cfcb8 with 0x7412e48688 (callback 0x7430026090) 12-13 09:08:34.853 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv' at 0x74250d6cc0 with 0x7412e6afb0... 12-13 09:08:34.854 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv at 0x74250d6cc0 with 0x7412e6afb0 (callback 0x74300260c0) 12-13 09:08:34.854 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv' at 0x742f2cee30 with 0x7412e6afb0... 12-13 09:08:34.855 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv at 0x742f2cee30 with 0x7412e6afb0 (callback 0x74300260f0) 12-13 09:08:34.855 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPauseTransformFeedback' at 0x74250d6728 with 0x7412e6372c... 12-13 09:08:34.856 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPauseTransformFeedback at 0x74250d6728 with 0x7412e6372c (callback 0x7430026120) 12-13 09:08:34.856 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix4fvEXT' at 0x74250d8390 with 0x7412e6ae88... 12-13 09:08:34.856 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix4fvEXT at 0x74250d8390 with 0x7412e6ae88 (callback 0x7430026150) 12-13 09:08:34.856 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fvEXT' at 0x74250d84b0 with 0x7412e6a9e8... 12-13 09:08:34.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fvEXT at 0x74250d84b0 with 0x7412e6a9e8 (callback 0x7430026180) 12-13 09:08:34.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexBufferRangeEXT' at 0x742f2d07a0 with 0x7412e70748... 12-13 09:08:34.858 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexBufferRangeEXT at 0x742f2d07a0 with 0x7412e70748 (callback 0x74300261b0) 12-13 09:08:34.858 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv' at 0x74250d6c90 with 0x7412e6a8c0... 12-13 09:08:34.859 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv at 0x74250d6c90 with 0x7412e6a8c0 (callback 0x74300261e0) 12-13 09:08:34.859 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteVertexArraysOES' at 0x7430799b54 with 0x7412e46cd4... 12-13 09:08:34.860 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteVertexArraysOES at 0x7430799b54 with 0x7412e46cd4 (callback 0x7430026210) 12-13 09:08:34.860 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix3fvEXT' at 0x74250d8378 with 0x7412e6a798... 12-13 09:08:34.860 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix3fvEXT at 0x74250d8378 with 0x7412e6a798 (callback 0x7430026240) 12-13 09:08:34.860 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix3fvEXT' at 0x742f2d04e8 with 0x7412e6a798... 12-13 09:08:34.861 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix3fvEXT at 0x742f2d04e8 with 0x7412e6a798 (callback 0x7430026270) 12-13 09:08:34.861 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix3fv' at 0x74250d6c48 with 0x7412e6a670... 12-13 09:08:34.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix3fv at 0x74250d6c48 with 0x7412e6a670 (callback 0x74300262a0) 12-13 09:08:34.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix3fv' at 0x742f2cedb8 with 0x7412e6a670... 12-13 09:08:34.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix3fv at 0x742f2cedb8 with 0x7412e6a670 (callback 0x74300262d0) 12-13 09:08:34.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFunc' at 0x74250d5228 with 0x7412e3ec64... 12-13 09:08:34.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFunc at 0x74250d5228 with 0x7412e3ec64 (callback 0x7430026300) 12-13 09:08:34.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fvEXT' at 0x74250d84c8 with 0x7412e6a548... 12-13 09:08:34.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fvEXT at 0x74250d84c8 with 0x7412e6a548 (callback 0x7430026330) 12-13 09:08:34.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetShadersQCOM' at 0x743079a06c with 0x7412e4c278... 12-13 09:08:34.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetShadersQCOM at 0x743079a06c with 0x7412e4c278 (callback 0x7430026360) 12-13 09:08:34.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage1DEXT' at 0x742f2d07b8 with 0x7412e7305c... 12-13 09:08:34.866 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage1DEXT at 0x742f2d07b8 with 0x7412e7305c (callback 0x7430026390) 12-13 09:08:34.866 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameteriv' at 0x743079910c with 0x7412e72a60... 12-13 09:08:34.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameteriv at 0x743079910c with 0x7412e72a60 (callback 0x74300263c0) 12-13 09:08:34.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fvEXT' at 0x74250d8498 with 0x7412e6a2f8... 12-13 09:08:34.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fvEXT at 0x74250d8498 with 0x7412e6a2f8 (callback 0x74300263f0) 12-13 09:08:34.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv' at 0x742f2cede8 with 0x7412e6a1d0... 12-13 09:08:34.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv at 0x742f2cede8 with 0x7412e6a1d0 (callback 0x7430026420) 12-13 09:08:34.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformHandleui64vNV' at 0x742f2d0a94 with 0x7412e69e70... 12-13 09:08:34.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformHandleui64vNV at 0x742f2d0a94 with 0x7412e69e70 (callback 0x7430026450) 12-13 09:08:34.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glScissorIndexedNV' at 0x74250d92d0 with 0x7412e6e6b8... 12-13 09:08:34.870 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glScissorIndexedNV at 0x74250d92d0 with 0x7412e6e6b8 (callback 0x7430026480) 12-13 09:08:34.870 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBufferSubData' at 0x74307986ec with 0x7412e3fe18... 12-13 09:08:34.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBufferSubData at 0x74307986ec with 0x7412e3fe18 (callback 0x74300264b0) 12-13 09:08:34.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformHandleui64NV' at 0x742f2d0a7c with 0x7412e69c64... 12-13 09:08:34.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformHandleui64NV at 0x742f2d0a7c with 0x7412e69c64 (callback 0x74300264e0) 12-13 09:08:34.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4uivEXT' at 0x74250d8480 with 0x7412e69a58... 12-13 09:08:34.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4uivEXT at 0x74250d8480 with 0x7412e69a58 (callback 0x7430026510) 12-13 09:08:34.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4uiv' at 0x742f2ced28 with 0x7412e69948... 12-13 09:08:34.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4uiv at 0x742f2ced28 with 0x7412e69948 (callback 0x7430026540) 12-13 09:08:34.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDisable' at 0x74307988cc with 0x7412e47850... 12-13 09:08:34.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDisable at 0x74307988cc with 0x7412e47850 (callback 0x7430026570) 12-13 09:08:34.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4uiEXT' at 0x74250d8420 with 0x7412e69810... 12-13 09:08:34.875 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4uiEXT at 0x74250d8420 with 0x7412e69810 (callback 0x74300265a0) 12-13 09:08:34.875 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix2fvEXT' at 0x742f2d04d0 with 0x7412e6a0a8... 12-13 09:08:34.876 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix2fvEXT at 0x742f2d04d0 with 0x7412e6a0a8 (callback 0x74300265d0) 12-13 09:08:34.876 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4uiEXT' at 0x742f2d0590 with 0x7412e69810... 12-13 09:08:34.876 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4uiEXT at 0x742f2d0590 with 0x7412e69810 (callback 0x7430026600) 12-13 09:08:34.876 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4ui' at 0x74250d6a98 with 0x7412e69490... 12-13 09:08:34.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4ui at 0x74250d6a98 with 0x7412e69490 (callback 0x7430026630) 12-13 09:08:34.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4ui' at 0x742f2cec08 with 0x7412e69490... 12-13 09:08:34.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4ui at 0x742f2cec08 with 0x7412e69490 (callback 0x7430026660) 12-13 09:08:34.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4iv' at 0x74250d6b58 with 0x7412e69270... 12-13 09:08:34.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4iv at 0x74250d6b58 with 0x7412e69270 (callback 0x7430026690) 12-13 09:08:34.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLightxv' at 0x7430798c0c with 0x7412e5de68... 12-13 09:08:34.880 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLightxv at 0x7430798c0c with 0x7412e5de68 (callback 0x74300266c0) 12-13 09:08:34.880 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4iv' at 0x742f2cecc8 with 0x7412e69270... 12-13 09:08:34.880 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4iv at 0x742f2cecc8 with 0x7412e69270 (callback 0x74300266f0) 12-13 09:08:34.880 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform4f' at 0x74250d5c94 with 0x7412e7690c... 12-13 09:08:34.881 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform4f at 0x74250d5c94 with 0x7412e7690c (callback 0x7430026720) 12-13 09:08:34.881 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4iEXT' at 0x74250d8330 with 0x7412e69138... 12-13 09:08:34.882 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4iEXT at 0x74250d8330 with 0x7412e69138 (callback 0x7430026750) 12-13 09:08:34.882 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFrustumf' at 0x743079838c with 0x7412e4ebf4... 12-13 09:08:34.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFrustumf at 0x743079838c with 0x7412e4ebf4 (callback 0x7430026780) 12-13 09:08:34.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4i' at 0x742f2ceba8 with 0x7412e68db8... 12-13 09:08:34.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4i at 0x742f2ceba8 with 0x7412e68db8 (callback 0x74300267b0) 12-13 09:08:34.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexBufferRangeOES' at 0x74250d7808 with 0x7412e7086c... 12-13 09:08:34.884 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexBufferRangeOES at 0x74250d7808 with 0x7412e7086c (callback 0x74300267e0) 12-13 09:08:34.884 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4fvEXT' at 0x742f2d0488 with 0x7412e68ca8... 12-13 09:08:34.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4fvEXT at 0x742f2d0488 with 0x7412e68ca8 (callback 0x7430026810) 12-13 09:08:34.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glWeightPathsNV' at 0x742f2d0ee4 with 0x7412e7b2e4... 12-13 09:08:34.886 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glWeightPathsNV at 0x742f2d0ee4 with 0x7412e7b2e4 (callback 0x7430026840) 12-13 09:08:34.886 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4fv' at 0x74250d6c18 with 0x7412e68b98... 12-13 09:08:34.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4fv at 0x74250d6c18 with 0x7412e68b98 (callback 0x7430026870) 12-13 09:08:34.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glViewportIndexedfvNV' at 0x742f2d1410 with 0x7412e7ade8... 12-13 09:08:34.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glViewportIndexedfvNV at 0x742f2d1410 with 0x7412e7ade8 (callback 0x74300268a0) 12-13 09:08:34.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4fEXT' at 0x74250d8300 with 0x7412e68a68... 12-13 09:08:34.888 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4fEXT at 0x74250d8300 with 0x7412e68a68 (callback 0x74300268d0) 12-13 09:08:34.888 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilFuncSeparate' at 0x742f2cd8dc with 0x7412e6f49c... 12-13 09:08:34.889 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilFuncSeparate at 0x742f2cd8dc with 0x7412e6f49c (callback 0x7430026900) 12-13 09:08:34.889 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4fEXT' at 0x742f2d0470 with 0x7412e68a68... 12-13 09:08:34.890 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4fEXT at 0x742f2d0470 with 0x7412e68a68 (callback 0x7430026930) 12-13 09:08:34.890 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4f' at 0x742f2cec68 with 0x7412e68938... 12-13 09:08:34.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4f at 0x742f2cec68 with 0x7412e68938 (callback 0x7430026960) 12-13 09:08:34.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE' at 0x742f2cfbd4 with 0x7412e6c7a4... 12-13 09:08:34.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE at 0x742f2cfbd4 with 0x7412e6c7a4 (callback 0x7430026990) 12-13 09:08:34.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform2uiv' at 0x742f2ce4d8 with 0x7412e75dd0... 12-13 09:08:34.892 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform2uiv at 0x742f2ce4d8 with 0x7412e75dd0 (callback 0x74300269c0) 12-13 09:08:34.892 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3uiEXT' at 0x74250d8408 with 0x7412e685f4... 12-13 09:08:34.893 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3uiEXT at 0x74250d8408 with 0x7412e685f4 (callback 0x74300269f0) 12-13 09:08:34.893 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetUniformiv' at 0x742f2cd664 with 0x7412e5a374... 12-13 09:08:34.894 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetUniformiv at 0x742f2cd664 with 0x7412e5a374 (callback 0x7430026a20) 12-13 09:08:34.894 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3uiEXT' at 0x742f2d0578 with 0x7412e685f4... 12-13 09:08:34.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3uiEXT at 0x742f2d0578 with 0x7412e685f4 (callback 0x7430026a50) 12-13 09:08:34.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glViewport' at 0x74307992cc with 0x7412e7a898... 12-13 09:08:34.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glViewport at 0x74307992cc with 0x7412e7a898 (callback 0x7430026a80) 12-13 09:08:34.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3ui' at 0x74250d6a80 with 0x7412e6829c... 12-13 09:08:34.896 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3ui at 0x74250d6a80 with 0x7412e6829c (callback 0x7430026ab0) 12-13 09:08:34.896 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3ui' at 0x742f2cebf0 with 0x7412e6829c... 12-13 09:08:34.897 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3ui at 0x742f2cebf0 with 0x7412e6829c (callback 0x7430026ae0) 12-13 09:08:34.897 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquation' at 0x742f2cd068 with 0x7412e3e2f8... 12-13 09:08:34.898 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquation at 0x742f2cd068 with 0x7412e3e2f8 (callback 0x7430026b10) 12-13 09:08:34.898 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage3D' at 0x742f2ce958 with 0x7412e734f0... 12-13 09:08:34.899 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage3D at 0x742f2ce958 with 0x7412e734f0 (callback 0x7430026b40) 12-13 09:08:34.899 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearColor' at 0x742f2cd12c with 0x7412e405ec... 12-13 09:08:34.899 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearColor at 0x742f2cd12c with 0x7412e405ec (callback 0x7430026b70) 12-13 09:08:34.899 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3ivEXT' at 0x742f2d0458 with 0x7412e6818c... 12-13 09:08:34.900 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3ivEXT at 0x742f2d0458 with 0x7412e6818c (callback 0x7430026ba0) 12-13 09:08:34.900 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathCommandsNV' at 0x74250d8ccc with 0x7412e62210... 12-13 09:08:34.901 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathCommandsNV at 0x74250d8ccc with 0x7412e62210 (callback 0x7430026bd0) 12-13 09:08:34.901 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3iv' at 0x74250d6b40 with 0x7412e6807c... 12-13 09:08:34.902 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3iv at 0x74250d6b40 with 0x7412e6807c (callback 0x7430026c00) 12-13 09:08:34.902 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3iEXT' at 0x74250d82d0 with 0x7412e67f58... 12-13 09:08:34.902 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3iEXT at 0x74250d82d0 with 0x7412e67f58 (callback 0x7430026c30) 12-13 09:08:34.903 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReadPixels' at 0x74250d59ac with 0x7412e6bdd0... 12-13 09:08:34.903 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReadPixels at 0x74250d59ac with 0x7412e6bdd0 (callback 0x7430026c60) 12-13 09:08:34.903 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD' at 0x74250d795c with 0x7412e6eae0... 12-13 09:08:34.904 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD at 0x74250d795c with 0x7412e6eae0 (callback 0x7430026c90) 12-13 09:08:34.904 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3iEXT' at 0x742f2d0440 with 0x7412e67f58... 12-13 09:08:34.905 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3iEXT at 0x742f2d0440 with 0x7412e67f58 (callback 0x7430026cc0) 12-13 09:08:34.905 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3i' at 0x742f2ceb90 with 0x7412e67c00... 12-13 09:08:34.906 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3i at 0x742f2ceb90 with 0x7412e67c00 (callback 0x7430026cf0) 12-13 09:08:34.906 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform1ui' at 0x742f2ce460 with 0x7412e75114... 12-13 09:08:34.906 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform1ui at 0x742f2ce460 with 0x7412e75114 (callback 0x7430026d20) 12-13 09:08:34.907 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3fvEXT' at 0x74250d82b8 with 0x7412e67af0... 12-13 09:08:34.907 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3fvEXT at 0x74250d82b8 with 0x7412e67af0 (callback 0x7430026d50) 12-13 09:08:34.907 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawTexsOES' at 0x743079935c with 0x7412e4a71c... 12-13 09:08:34.908 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawTexsOES at 0x743079935c with 0x7412e4a71c (callback 0x7430026d80) 12-13 09:08:34.908 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsQuery' at 0x742f2ce0a4 with 0x7412e5c790... 12-13 09:08:34.909 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsQuery at 0x742f2ce0a4 with 0x7412e5c790 (callback 0x7430026db0) 12-13 09:08:34.909 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3fv' at 0x74250d6c00 with 0x7412e679e0... 12-13 09:08:34.910 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3fv at 0x74250d6c00 with 0x7412e679e0 (callback 0x7430026de0) 12-13 09:08:34.910 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3fv' at 0x742f2ced70 with 0x7412e679e0... 12-13 09:08:34.911 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3fv at 0x742f2ced70 with 0x7412e679e0 (callback 0x7430026e10) 12-13 09:08:34.911 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2uiv' at 0x742f2cecf8 with 0x7412e67580... 12-13 09:08:34.911 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2uiv at 0x742f2cecf8 with 0x7412e67580 (callback 0x7430026e40) 12-13 09:08:34.911 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2iv' at 0x74250d6b28 with 0x7412e66f20... 12-13 09:08:34.912 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2iv at 0x74250d6b28 with 0x7412e66f20 (callback 0x7430026e70) 12-13 09:08:34.912 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindRenderbuffer' at 0x74250d51b0 with 0x7412e3d7d0... 12-13 09:08:34.913 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindRenderbuffer at 0x74250d51b0 with 0x7412e3d7d0 (callback 0x7430026ea0) 12-13 09:08:34.913 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2iv' at 0x742f2cec98 with 0x7412e66f20... 12-13 09:08:34.914 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2iv at 0x742f2cec98 with 0x7412e66f20 (callback 0x7430026ed0) 12-13 09:08:34.914 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2iEXT' at 0x74250d8270 with 0x7412e66e10... 12-13 09:08:34.914 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2iEXT at 0x74250d8270 with 0x7412e66e10 (callback 0x7430026f00) 12-13 09:08:34.914 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribI4i' at 0x742f2ce3cc with 0x7412e79ddc... 12-13 09:08:34.915 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribI4i at 0x742f2ce3cc with 0x7412e79ddc (callback 0x7430026f30) 12-13 09:08:34.915 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterfv' at 0x742f2cdb24 with 0x7412e72868... 12-13 09:08:34.916 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterfv at 0x742f2cdb24 with 0x7412e72868 (callback 0x7430026f60) 12-13 09:08:34.916 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2fvEXT' at 0x742f2d03c8 with 0x7412e669d0... 12-13 09:08:34.917 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2fvEXT at 0x742f2d03c8 with 0x7412e669d0 (callback 0x7430026f90) 12-13 09:08:34.917 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1uivEXT' at 0x742f2d05a8 with 0x7412e66590... 12-13 09:08:34.918 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1uivEXT at 0x742f2d05a8 with 0x7412e66590 (callback 0x7430026fc0) 12-13 09:08:34.918 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUseProgramStages' at 0x74250d6928 with 0x7412e78b70... 12-13 09:08:34.918 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUseProgramStages at 0x74250d6928 with 0x7412e78b70 (callback 0x13550) 12-13 09:08:34.918 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1uiv' at 0x742f2cece0 with 0x7412e66480... 12-13 09:08:34.919 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1uiv at 0x742f2cece0 with 0x7412e66480 (callback 0x13590) 12-13 09:08:34.919 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1uiEXT' at 0x742f2d0548 with 0x7412e66384... 12-13 09:08:34.920 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1uiEXT at 0x742f2d0548 with 0x7412e66384 (callback 0x135d0) 12-13 09:08:34.920 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1ivEXT' at 0x74250d8228 with 0x7412e65f6c... 12-13 09:08:34.921 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1ivEXT at 0x74250d8228 with 0x7412e65f6c (callback 0x13610) 12-13 09:08:34.921 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1iv' at 0x74250d6b10 with 0x7412e65e5c... 12-13 09:08:34.922 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1iv at 0x74250d6b10 with 0x7412e65e5c (callback 0x13650) 12-13 09:08:34.922 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyPathNV' at 0x742f2d0efc with 0x7412e43ba4... 12-13 09:08:34.922 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyPathNV at 0x742f2d0efc with 0x7412e43ba4 (callback 0x13690) 12-13 09:08:34.922 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1iv' at 0x742f2cec80 with 0x7412e65e5c... 12-13 09:08:34.923 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1iv at 0x742f2cec80 with 0x7412e65e5c (callback 0x136d0) 12-13 09:08:34.923 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glInterpolatePathsNV' at 0x74250d8da4 with 0x7412e5b4b8... 12-13 09:08:34.924 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glInterpolatePathsNV at 0x74250d8da4 with 0x7412e5b4b8 (callback 0x13710) 12-13 09:08:34.924 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1i' at 0x74250d69f0 with 0x7412e65a58... 12-13 09:08:34.925 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1i at 0x74250d69f0 with 0x7412e65a58 (callback 0x13750) 12-13 09:08:34.925 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteVertexArraysOES' at 0x74250d7868 with 0x7412e46cd4... 12-13 09:08:34.926 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteVertexArraysOES at 0x74250d7868 with 0x7412e46cd4 (callback 0x13790) 12-13 09:08:34.926 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1i' at 0x742f2ceb60 with 0x7412e65a58... 12-13 09:08:34.926 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1i at 0x742f2ceb60 with 0x7412e65a58 (callback 0x137d0) 12-13 09:08:34.926 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1fv' at 0x742f2ced40 with 0x7412e65838... 12-13 09:08:34.927 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1fv at 0x742f2ced40 with 0x7412e65838 (callback 0x13810) 12-13 09:08:34.927 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1f' at 0x74250d6ab0 with 0x7412e65638... 12-13 09:08:34.928 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1f at 0x74250d6ab0 with 0x7412e65638 (callback 0x13850) 12-13 09:08:34.928 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1f' at 0x742f2cec20 with 0x7412e65638... 12-13 09:08:34.929 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1f at 0x742f2cec20 with 0x7412e65638 (callback 0x13890) 12-13 09:08:34.929 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV' at 0x74250d91c8 with 0x7412e65514... 12-13 09:08:34.930 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV at 0x74250d91c8 with 0x7412e65514 (callback 0x138d0) 12-13 09:08:34.930 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV' at 0x742f2d1338 with 0x7412e65514... 12-13 09:08:34.930 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV at 0x742f2d1338 with 0x7412e65514 (callback 0x13910) 12-13 09:08:34.930 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawBuffersIndexedEXT' at 0x74250d803c with 0x7412e48bac... 12-13 09:08:34.931 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawBuffersIndexedEXT at 0x74250d803c with 0x7412e48bac (callback 0x13950) 12-13 09:08:34.931 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetBufferPointerv' at 0x74250d5fcc with 0x7412e50e7c... 12-13 09:08:34.932 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetBufferPointerv at 0x74250d5fcc with 0x7412e50e7c (callback 0x13990) 12-13 09:08:34.932 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramParameteriEXT' at 0x74250d81c8 with 0x7412e65418... 12-13 09:08:34.933 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramParameteriEXT at 0x74250d81c8 with 0x7412e65418 (callback 0x139d0) 12-13 09:08:34.933 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2ivEXT' at 0x74250d8288 with 0x7412e67030... 12-13 09:08:34.934 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2ivEXT at 0x74250d8288 with 0x7412e67030 (callback 0x13a10) 12-13 09:08:34.934 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLightModelxOES' at 0x7430799554 with 0x7412e5d7a4... 12-13 09:08:34.934 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLightModelxOES at 0x7430799554 with 0x7412e5d7a4 (callback 0x13a50) 12-13 09:08:34.934 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramParameteriEXT' at 0x742f2d0338 with 0x7412e65418... 12-13 09:08:34.935 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramParameteriEXT at 0x742f2d0338 with 0x7412e65418 (callback 0x13a90) 12-13 09:08:34.935 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv' at 0x74250d6ca8 with 0x7412e6a420... 12-13 09:08:34.936 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv at 0x74250d6ca8 with 0x7412e6a420 (callback 0x13ad0) 12-13 09:08:34.936 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexEnvi' at 0x7430798ec4 with 0x7412e70dc0... 12-13 09:08:34.937 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexEnvi at 0x7430798ec4 with 0x7412e70dc0 (callback 0x13b10) 12-13 09:08:34.937 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM' at 0x743079a054 with 0x7412e4bc88... 12-13 09:08:34.938 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM at 0x743079a054 with 0x7412e4bc88 (callback 0x13b50) 12-13 09:08:34.938 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramParameteri' at 0x74250d6788 with 0x7412e6531c... 12-13 09:08:34.938 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramParameteri at 0x74250d6788 with 0x7412e6531c (callback 0x13b90) 12-13 09:08:34.938 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearColor' at 0x74307982e4 with 0x7412e405ec... 12-13 09:08:34.939 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearColor at 0x74307982e4 with 0x7412e405ec (callback 0x13bd0) 12-13 09:08:34.939 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage2DEXT' at 0x7430799dc4 with 0x7412e73290... 12-13 09:08:34.940 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage2DEXT at 0x7430799dc4 with 0x7412e73290 (callback 0x13c10) 12-13 09:08:34.940 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglReleaseThread' at 0x742ff9290c with 0x7412e3b320... 12-13 09:08:34.941 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglReleaseThread at 0x742ff9290c with 0x7412e3b320 (callback 0x13c50) 12-13 09:08:34.941 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramParameteri' at 0x742f2ce8f8 with 0x7412e6531c... 12-13 09:08:34.941 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramParameteri at 0x742f2ce8f8 with 0x7412e6531c (callback 0x13c88) 12-13 09:08:34.942 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1fvEXT' at 0x74250d81f8 with 0x7412e65948... 12-13 09:08:34.942 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1fvEXT at 0x74250d81f8 with 0x7412e65948 (callback 0x13cc8) 12-13 09:08:34.942 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramBinary' at 0x74250d6770 with 0x7412e650fc... 12-13 09:08:34.943 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramBinary at 0x74250d6770 with 0x7412e650fc (callback 0x13d08) 12-13 09:08:34.943 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramBinary' at 0x742f2ce8e0 with 0x7412e650fc... 12-13 09:08:34.944 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramBinary at 0x742f2ce8e0 with 0x7412e650fc (callback 0x13d48) 12-13 09:08:34.944 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4uiv' at 0x74250d6bb8 with 0x7412e69948... 12-13 09:08:34.945 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4uiv at 0x74250d6bb8 with 0x7412e69948 (callback 0x13d88) 12-13 09:08:34.945 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPrimitiveBoundingBox' at 0x74250d70e8 with 0x7412e64cf4... 12-13 09:08:34.945 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPrimitiveBoundingBox at 0x74250d70e8 with 0x7412e64cf4 (callback 0x13dc8) 12-13 09:08:34.945 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix4fv' at 0x74250d6c60 with 0x7412e6ad60... 12-13 09:08:34.946 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix4fv at 0x74250d6c60 with 0x7412e6ad60 (callback 0x13e08) 12-13 09:08:34.946 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPopMatrix' at 0x7430798da4 with 0x7412e64c1c... 12-13 09:08:34.947 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPopMatrix at 0x7430798da4 with 0x7412e64c1c (callback 0x13e48) 12-13 09:08:34.947 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPopGroupMarkerEXT' at 0x74250d7c88 with 0x7412e64b44... 12-13 09:08:34.948 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPopGroupMarkerEXT at 0x74250d7c88 with 0x7412e64b44 (callback 0x13e88) 12-13 09:08:34.948 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilOp' at 0x742f2cd924 with 0x7412e6f780... 12-13 09:08:34.949 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilOp at 0x742f2cd924 with 0x7412e6f780 (callback 0x13ec8) 12-13 09:08:34.949 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendParameteriNV' at 0x74250d8974 with 0x7412e3f5d4... 12-13 09:08:34.950 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendParameteriNV at 0x74250d8974 with 0x7412e3f5d4 (callback 0x13f08) 12-13 09:08:34.950 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glApplyFramebufferAttachmentCMAAINTEL' at 0x742f2d0890 with 0x7412e3c478... 12-13 09:08:34.950 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glApplyFramebufferAttachmentCMAAINTEL at 0x742f2d0890 with 0x7412e3c478 (callback 0x13f48) 12-13 09:08:34.950 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetQueryObjectuivEXT' at 0x742f2cfeec with 0x7412e56f0c... 12-13 09:08:34.951 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetQueryObjectuivEXT at 0x742f2cfeec with 0x7412e56f0c (callback 0x13f88) 12-13 09:08:34.951 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPopDebugGroupKHR' at 0x74250d7348 with 0x7412e64a6c... 12-13 09:08:34.952 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPopDebugGroupKHR at 0x74250d7348 with 0x7412e64a6c (callback 0x13fc8) 12-13 09:08:34.952 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindFragDataLocationEXT' at 0x742f2cfd18 with 0x7412e3d0c4... 12-13 09:08:34.953 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindFragDataLocationEXT at 0x742f2cfd18 with 0x7412e3d0c4 (callback 0x14010) 12-13 09:08:34.953 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPopDebugGroupKHR' at 0x742f2cf4b8 with 0x7412e64a6c... 12-13 09:08:34.954 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPopDebugGroupKHR at 0x742f2cf4b8 with 0x7412e64a6c (callback 0x14050) 12-13 09:08:34.954 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenTransformFeedbacks' at 0x74250d66f4 with 0x7412e4fdf4... 12-13 09:08:34.954 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenTransformFeedbacks at 0x74250d66f4 with 0x7412e4fdf4 (callback 0x14090) 12-13 09:08:34.954 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3uiv' at 0x742f2ced10 with 0x7412e68718... 12-13 09:08:34.955 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3uiv at 0x742f2ced10 with 0x7412e68718 (callback 0x140d0) 12-13 09:08:34.955 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage3D' at 0x74250d67e8 with 0x7412e734f0... 12-13 09:08:34.956 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage3D at 0x74250d67e8 with 0x7412e734f0 (callback 0x14110) 12-13 09:08:34.956 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPolygonOffset' at 0x74250d5994 with 0x7412e645b4... 12-13 09:08:34.957 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPolygonOffset at 0x74250d5994 with 0x7412e645b4 (callback 0x14150) 12-13 09:08:34.957 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3i' at 0x74250d6a20 with 0x7412e67c00... 12-13 09:08:34.957 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3i at 0x74250d6a20 with 0x7412e67c00 (callback 0x14190) 12-13 09:08:34.958 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform1iv' at 0x74250d5bbc with 0x7412e75018... 12-13 09:08:34.958 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform1iv at 0x74250d5bbc with 0x7412e75018 (callback 0x141d0) 12-13 09:08:34.958 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPolygonOffset' at 0x742f2cd804 with 0x7412e645b4... 12-13 09:08:34.959 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPolygonOffset at 0x742f2cd804 with 0x7412e645b4 (callback 0x14210) 12-13 09:08:34.959 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenFramebuffers' at 0x74250d560c with 0x7412e4f2b4... 12-13 09:08:34.960 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenFramebuffers at 0x74250d560c with 0x7412e4f2b4 (callback 0x14250) 12-13 09:08:34.960 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFloatv' at 0x74250d9698 with 0x7412e520c4... 12-13 09:08:34.961 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFloatv at 0x74250d9698 with 0x7412e520c4 (callback 0x14290) 12-13 09:08:34.961 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPolygonOffset' at 0x743079859c with 0x7412e645b4... 12-13 09:08:34.961 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPolygonOffset at 0x743079859c with 0x7412e645b4 (callback 0x142c0) 12-13 09:08:34.961 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetQueryObjectivEXT' at 0x74250d7d64 with 0x7412e56b1c... 12-13 09:08:34.962 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetQueryObjectivEXT at 0x74250d7d64 with 0x7412e56b1c (callback 0x14300) 12-13 09:08:34.962 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPolygonModeNV' at 0x742f2d1368 with 0x7412e644c4... 12-13 09:08:34.963 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPolygonModeNV at 0x742f2d1368 with 0x7412e644c4 (callback 0x14340) 12-13 09:08:34.963 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquationSeparateiEXT' at 0x74250d7e24 with 0x7412e3e79c... 12-13 09:08:34.964 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquationSeparateiEXT at 0x74250d7e24 with 0x7412e3e79c (callback 0x14380) 12-13 09:08:34.964 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexEnvxv' at 0x7430798f0c with 0x7412e711b0... 12-13 09:08:34.965 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexEnvxv at 0x7430798f0c with 0x7412e711b0 (callback 0x143c0) 12-13 09:08:34.965 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform4iv' at 0x74250d5cdc with 0x7412e76e70... 12-13 09:08:34.965 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform4iv at 0x74250d5cdc with 0x7412e76e70 (callback 0x14400) 12-13 09:08:34.965 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReadnPixelsKHR' at 0x742f2cf564 with 0x7412e6c204... 12-13 09:08:34.966 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReadnPixelsKHR at 0x742f2cf564 with 0x7412e6c204 (callback 0x14440) 12-13 09:08:34.966 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPointParameterxvOES' at 0x7430799674 with 0x7412e63f18... 12-13 09:08:34.967 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPointParameterxvOES at 0x7430799674 with 0x7412e63f18 (callback 0x14480) 12-13 09:08:34.967 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glWeightPathsNV' at 0x74250d8d74 with 0x7412e7b2e4... 12-13 09:08:34.968 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glWeightPathsNV at 0x74250d8d74 with 0x7412e7b2e4 (callback 0x144c0) 12-13 09:08:34.968 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPointParameterxOES' at 0x7430799794 with 0x7412e63d38... 12-13 09:08:34.969 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPointParameterxOES at 0x7430799794 with 0x7412e63d38 (callback 0x14500) 12-13 09:08:34.969 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3uivEXT' at 0x74250d8468 with 0x7412e68828... 12-13 09:08:34.969 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3uivEXT at 0x74250d8468 with 0x7412e68828 (callback 0x14540) 12-13 09:08:34.969 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPointAlongPathNV' at 0x74250d9068 with 0x7412e638f4... 12-13 09:08:34.970 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPointAlongPathNV at 0x74250d9068 with 0x7412e638f4 (callback 0x14580) 12-13 09:08:34.970 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPointAlongPathNV' at 0x742f2d11d8 with 0x7412e638f4... 12-13 09:08:34.971 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPointAlongPathNV at 0x742f2d11d8 with 0x7412e638f4 (callback 0x145c0) 12-13 09:08:34.971 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPixelStorei' at 0x742f2cd7ec with 0x7412e63804... 12-13 09:08:34.972 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPixelStorei at 0x742f2cd7ec with 0x7412e63804 (callback 0x14600) 12-13 09:08:34.972 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPauseTransformFeedback' at 0x742f2ce898 with 0x7412e6372c... 12-13 09:08:34.973 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPauseTransformFeedback at 0x742f2ce898 with 0x7412e6372c (callback 0x14640) 12-13 09:08:34.973 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathSubCommandsNV' at 0x74250d8cfc with 0x7412e63498... 12-13 09:08:34.973 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathSubCommandsNV at 0x74250d8cfc with 0x7412e63498 (callback 0x14680) 12-13 09:08:34.973 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathSubCommandsNV' at 0x742f2d0e6c with 0x7412e63498... 12-13 09:08:34.974 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathSubCommandsNV at 0x742f2d0e6c with 0x7412e63498 (callback 0x146c0) 12-13 09:08:34.974 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDebugMessageInsert' at 0x74250d6ed0 with 0x7412e456f0... 12-13 09:08:34.975 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDebugMessageInsert at 0x74250d6ed0 with 0x7412e456f0 (callback 0x14700) 12-13 09:08:34.975 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathStringNV' at 0x74250d8d2c with 0x7412e63388... 12-13 09:08:34.976 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathStringNV at 0x74250d8d2c with 0x7412e63388 (callback 0x14740) 12-13 09:08:34.976 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathStencilFuncNV' at 0x74250d8e4c with 0x7412e6328c... 12-13 09:08:34.977 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathStencilFuncNV at 0x74250d8e4c with 0x7412e6328c (callback 0x14780) 12-13 09:08:34.977 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathStencilDepthOffsetNV' at 0x742f2d0fd4 with 0x7412e63194... 12-13 09:08:34.977 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathStencilDepthOffsetNV at 0x742f2d0fd4 with 0x7412e63194 (callback 0x147c0) 12-13 09:08:34.977 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathParameteriNV' at 0x74250d8dec with 0x7412e62f9c... 12-13 09:08:34.978 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathParameteriNV at 0x74250d8dec with 0x7412e62f9c (callback 0x14800) 12-13 09:08:34.978 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathParameterfNV' at 0x742f2d0f8c with 0x7412e62da0... 12-13 09:08:34.979 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathParameterfNV at 0x742f2d0f8c with 0x7412e62da0 (callback 0x14840) 12-13 09:08:34.979 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV' at 0x74250d91ac with 0x7412e62c14... 12-13 09:08:34.980 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV at 0x74250d91ac with 0x7412e62c14 (callback 0x14880) 12-13 09:08:34.980 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSamplerParameterIiv' at 0x74250d723c with 0x7412e573f8... 12-13 09:08:34.981 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSamplerParameterIiv at 0x74250d723c with 0x7412e573f8 (callback 0x148c0) 12-13 09:08:34.981 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2i' at 0x74250d6a08 with 0x7412e66ae0... 12-13 09:08:34.981 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2i at 0x74250d6a08 with 0x7412e66ae0 (callback 0x14900) 12-13 09:08:34.981 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV' at 0x742f2d131c with 0x7412e62c14... 12-13 09:08:34.982 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV at 0x742f2d131c with 0x7412e62c14 (callback 0x14940) 12-13 09:08:34.982 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathGlyphsNV' at 0x74250d8d44 with 0x7412e62a74... 12-13 09:08:34.983 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathGlyphsNV at 0x74250d8d44 with 0x7412e62a74 (callback 0x14980) 12-13 09:08:34.983 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramBinaryOES' at 0x742f2cf760 with 0x7412e6520c... 12-13 09:08:34.984 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramBinaryOES at 0x742f2cf760 with 0x7412e6520c (callback 0x149c0) 12-13 09:08:34.984 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglGetNativeClientBufferANDROID' at 0x742ff939b8 with 0x7412e3a9d0... 12-13 09:08:34.984 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglGetNativeClientBufferANDROID at 0x742ff939b8 with 0x7412e3a9d0 (callback 0x14a00) 12-13 09:08:34.984 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPolygonOffsetxOES' at 0x74307996a4 with 0x7412e648a4... 12-13 09:08:34.985 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPolygonOffsetxOES at 0x74307996a4 with 0x7412e648a4 (callback 0x14a30) 12-13 09:08:34.985 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglCreateWindowSurface' at 0x742ff9039c with 0x7412e39d04... 12-13 09:08:34.986 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglCreateWindowSurface at 0x742ff9039c with 0x7412e39d04 (callback 0x14a70) 12-13 09:08:34.986 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathGlyphRangeNV' at 0x74250d8d5c with 0x7412e628e8... 12-13 09:08:34.987 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathGlyphRangeNV at 0x74250d8d5c with 0x7412e628e8 (callback 0x14aa0) 12-13 09:08:34.987 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBeginConditionalRenderNV' at 0x74250d89a4 with 0x7412e3c640... 12-13 09:08:34.988 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBeginConditionalRenderNV at 0x74250d89a4 with 0x7412e3c640 (callback 0x14ae0) 12-13 09:08:34.988 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE' at 0x74250d7a34 with 0x7412e59d64... 12-13 09:08:34.989 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE at 0x74250d7a34 with 0x7412e59d64 (callback 0x14b20) 12-13 09:08:34.989 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathGlyphRangeNV' at 0x742f2d0ecc with 0x7412e628e8... 12-13 09:08:34.989 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathGlyphRangeNV at 0x742f2d0ecc with 0x7412e628e8 (callback 0x14b60) 12-13 09:08:34.989 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathGlyphIndexRangeNV' at 0x742f2d12e4 with 0x7412e627a8... 12-13 09:08:34.990 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathGlyphIndexRangeNV at 0x742f2d12e4 with 0x7412e627a8 (callback 0x14ba0) 12-13 09:08:34.990 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathGlyphIndexArrayNV' at 0x74250d9190 with 0x7412e62638... 12-13 09:08:34.991 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathGlyphIndexArrayNV at 0x74250d9190 with 0x7412e62638 (callback 0x14be0) 12-13 09:08:34.991 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMakeImageHandleResidentNV' at 0x742f2d0a1c with 0x7412e5ea18... 12-13 09:08:34.992 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMakeImageHandleResidentNV at 0x742f2d0a1c with 0x7412e5ea18 (callback 0x14c20) 12-13 09:08:34.992 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4uivEXT' at 0x742f2d05f0 with 0x7412e69a58... 12-13 09:08:34.993 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4uivEXT at 0x742f2d05f0 with 0x7412e69a58 (callback 0x14c60) 12-13 09:08:34.993 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathGlyphIndexArrayNV' at 0x742f2d1300 with 0x7412e62638... 12-13 09:08:34.993 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathGlyphIndexArrayNV at 0x742f2d1300 with 0x7412e62638 (callback 0x14ca0) 12-13 09:08:34.993 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3uiv' at 0x74250d6ba0 with 0x7412e68718... 12-13 09:08:34.994 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3uiv at 0x74250d6ba0 with 0x7412e68718 (callback 0x14ce0) 12-13 09:08:34.994 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathDashArrayNV' at 0x742f2d0fa4 with 0x7412e6253c... 12-13 09:08:34.995 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathDashArrayNV at 0x742f2d0fa4 with 0x7412e6253c (callback 0x14d20) 12-13 09:08:34.995 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReadBufferIndexedEXT' at 0x742f2d0194 with 0x7412e6bbfc... 12-13 09:08:34.996 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReadBufferIndexedEXT at 0x742f2d0194 with 0x7412e6bbfc (callback 0x14d60) 12-13 09:08:34.996 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEnableVertexAttribArray' at 0x74250d554c with 0x7412e4b1c0... 12-13 09:08:34.996 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEnableVertexAttribArray at 0x74250d554c with 0x7412e4b1c0 (callback 0x14da0) 12-13 09:08:34.997 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPatchParameteriOES' at 0x74250d7688 with 0x7412e62120... 12-13 09:08:34.997 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPatchParameteriOES at 0x74250d7688 with 0x7412e62120 (callback 0x14de0) 12-13 09:08:34.997 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenPerfMonitorsAMD' at 0x742f2cfa9c with 0x7412e4f584... 12-13 09:08:34.998 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenPerfMonitorsAMD at 0x742f2cfa9c with 0x7412e4f584 (callback 0x14e20) 12-13 09:08:34.998 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fvEXT' at 0x742f2d0608 with 0x7412e6a2f8... 12-13 09:08:34.999 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fvEXT at 0x742f2d0608 with 0x7412e6a2f8 (callback 0x14e60) 12-13 09:08:34.999 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPatchParameteriOES' at 0x742f2cf7f8 with 0x7412e62120... 12-13 09:08:35.000 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPatchParameteriOES at 0x742f2cf7f8 with 0x7412e62120 (callback 0x14ea0) 12-13 09:08:35.000 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetShaderSource' at 0x742f2cd604 with 0x7412e57df8... 12-13 09:08:35.000 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetShaderSource at 0x742f2cd604 with 0x7412e57df8 (callback 0x14ee0) 12-13 09:08:35.000 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPatchParameteriEXT' at 0x742f2d06b0 with 0x7412e62030... 12-13 09:08:35.001 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPatchParameteriEXT at 0x742f2d06b0 with 0x7412e62030 (callback 0x14f20) 12-13 09:08:35.001 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glOrthox' at 0x7430798d14 with 0x7412e61cd0... 12-13 09:08:35.002 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glOrthox at 0x7430798d14 with 0x7412e61cd0 (callback 0x14f60) 12-13 09:08:35.002 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform3fv' at 0x742f2cddbc with 0x7412e75fe0... 12-13 09:08:35.003 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform3fv at 0x742f2cddbc with 0x7412e75fe0 (callback 0x14fa0) 12-13 09:08:35.003 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glObjectPtrLabelKHR' at 0x74250d7390 with 0x7412e61964... 12-13 09:08:35.004 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glObjectPtrLabelKHR at 0x74250d7390 with 0x7412e61964 (callback 0x7430000000) 12-13 09:08:35.004 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glObjectPtrLabelKHR' at 0x742f2cf500 with 0x7412e61964... 12-13 09:08:35.004 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glObjectPtrLabelKHR at 0x742f2cf500 with 0x7412e61964 (callback 0x7430000030) 12-13 09:08:35.004 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribIPointer' at 0x74250d6214 with 0x7412e7a314... 12-13 09:08:35.005 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribIPointer at 0x74250d6214 with 0x7412e7a314 (callback 0x7430000060) 12-13 09:08:35.005 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glObjectPtrLabel' at 0x74250d6f7c with 0x7412e61868... 12-13 09:08:35.006 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glObjectPtrLabel at 0x74250d6f7c with 0x7412e61868 (callback 0x7430000090) 12-13 09:08:35.006 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glObjectLabel' at 0x74250d6f4c with 0x7412e61648... 12-13 09:08:35.007 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glObjectLabel at 0x74250d6f4c with 0x7412e61648 (callback 0x74300000c0) 12-13 09:08:35.007 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameterIiv' at 0x742f2cf37c with 0x7412e6d6d4... 12-13 09:08:35.008 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameterIiv at 0x742f2cf37c with 0x7412e6d6d4 (callback 0x74300000f0) 12-13 09:08:35.008 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glObjectLabel' at 0x742f2cf0bc with 0x7412e61648... 12-13 09:08:35.009 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glObjectLabel at 0x742f2cf0bc with 0x7412e61648 (callback 0x7430000120) 12-13 09:08:35.009 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glNormalPointer' at 0x7430798228 with 0x7412e6143c... 12-13 09:08:35.009 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glNormalPointer at 0x7430798228 with 0x7412e6143c (callback 0x7430000150) 12-13 09:08:35.009 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glNamedFramebufferSampleLocationsfvNV' at 0x74250d9240 with 0x7412e6102c... 12-13 09:08:35.010 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glNamedFramebufferSampleLocationsfvNV at 0x74250d9240 with 0x7412e6102c (callback 0x7430000180) 12-13 09:08:35.010 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glScissorArrayvNV' at 0x74250d92b8 with 0x7412e6e4c0... 12-13 09:08:35.011 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glScissorArrayvNV at 0x74250d92b8 with 0x7412e6e4c0 (callback 0x74300001b0) 12-13 09:08:35.011 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexSubImage2D' at 0x74250d5b5c with 0x7412e73a08... 12-13 09:08:35.012 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexSubImage2D at 0x74250d5b5c with 0x7412e73a08 (callback 0x74300001e0) 12-13 09:08:35.012 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glNamedFramebufferSampleLocationsfvNV' at 0x742f2d13b0 with 0x7412e6102c... 12-13 09:08:35.012 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glNamedFramebufferSampleLocationsfvNV at 0x742f2d13b0 with 0x7412e6102c (callback 0x7430000210) 12-13 09:08:35.012 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultiTexCoord4x' at 0x7430798ce4 with 0x7412e60de4... 12-13 09:08:35.013 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultiTexCoord4x at 0x7430798ce4 with 0x7412e60de4 (callback 0x7430000240) 12-13 09:08:35.013 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultiDrawElementsIndirectEXT' at 0x74250d7fdc with 0x7412e60b9c... 12-13 09:08:35.014 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultiDrawElementsIndirectEXT at 0x74250d7fdc with 0x7412e60b9c (callback 0x7430000270) 12-13 09:08:35.014 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformuiv' at 0x742f2cf2d4 with 0x7412e5b0b8... 12-13 09:08:35.015 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformuiv at 0x742f2cf2d4 with 0x7412e5b0b8 (callback 0x74300002a0) 12-13 09:08:35.015 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultiDrawElementsIndirectEXT' at 0x742f2d014c with 0x7412e60b9c... 12-13 09:08:35.016 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultiDrawElementsIndirectEXT at 0x742f2d014c with 0x7412e60b9c (callback 0x74300002d0) 12-13 09:08:35.016 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultiDrawElementsEXT' at 0x742f2d011c with 0x7412e60a78... 12-13 09:08:35.016 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultiDrawElementsEXT at 0x742f2d011c with 0x7412e60a78 (callback 0x7430000300) 12-13 09:08:35.016 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultiDrawElementsEXT' at 0x7430799d00 with 0x7412e60a78... 12-13 09:08:35.017 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultiDrawElementsEXT at 0x7430799d00 with 0x7412e60a78 (callback 0x7430000330) 12-13 09:08:35.017 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenTextures' at 0x7430798a4c with 0x7412e4fd04... 12-13 09:08:35.018 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenTextures at 0x7430798a4c with 0x7412e4fd04 (callback 0x7430000360) 12-13 09:08:35.018 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsQuery' at 0x74250d5f34 with 0x7412e5c790... 12-13 09:08:35.019 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsQuery at 0x74250d5f34 with 0x7412e5c790 (callback 0x7430000390) 12-13 09:08:35.019 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT' at 0x742f2d0058 with 0x7412e60808... 12-13 09:08:35.020 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT at 0x742f2d0058 with 0x7412e60808 (callback 0x74300003c0) 12-13 09:08:35.020 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultiDrawArraysIndirectEXT' at 0x74250d7fc4 with 0x7412e606f8... 12-13 09:08:35.020 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultiDrawArraysIndirectEXT at 0x74250d7fc4 with 0x7412e606f8 (callback 0x74300003f0) 12-13 09:08:35.020 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformfvEXT' at 0x742f2d0240 with 0x7412e5ab68... 12-13 09:08:35.021 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformfvEXT at 0x742f2d0240 with 0x7412e5ab68 (callback 0x7430000420) 12-13 09:08:35.021 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultMatrixxOES' at 0x7430799614 with 0x7412e60504... 12-13 09:08:35.022 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultMatrixxOES at 0x7430799614 with 0x7412e60504 (callback 0x7430000450) 12-13 09:08:35.022 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathGlyphIndexRangeNV' at 0x74250d9174 with 0x7412e627a8... 12-13 09:08:35.023 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathGlyphIndexRangeNV at 0x74250d9174 with 0x7412e627a8 (callback 0x7430000480) 12-13 09:08:35.023 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMinSampleShadingOES' at 0x742f2cf7e0 with 0x7412e60254... 12-13 09:08:35.024 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMinSampleShadingOES at 0x742f2cf7e0 with 0x7412e60254 (callback 0x74300004b0) 12-13 09:08:35.024 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT' at 0x7430799d48 with 0x7412e5289c... 12-13 09:08:35.024 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT at 0x7430799d48 with 0x7412e5289c (callback 0x74300004e0) 12-13 09:08:35.024 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMinSampleShading' at 0x74250d717c with 0x7412e6016c... 12-13 09:08:35.025 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMinSampleShading at 0x74250d717c with 0x7412e6016c (callback 0x7430000510) 12-13 09:08:35.025 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathParameterivNV' at 0x742f2d0f44 with 0x7412e63098... 12-13 09:08:35.026 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathParameterivNV at 0x742f2d0f44 with 0x7412e63098 (callback 0x7430000540) 12-13 09:08:35.026 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glViewportIndexedfNV' at 0x742f2d13f8 with 0x7412e7aba0... 12-13 09:08:35.027 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glViewportIndexedfNV at 0x742f2d13f8 with 0x7412e7aba0 (callback 0x7430000570) 12-13 09:08:35.027 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMinSampleShading' at 0x742f2cf2ec with 0x7412e6016c... 12-13 09:08:35.028 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMinSampleShading at 0x742f2cf2ec with 0x7412e6016c (callback 0x74300005a0) 12-13 09:08:35.028 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPrimitiveBoundingBoxOES' at 0x742f2cf7c8 with 0x7412e64fa4... 12-13 09:08:35.028 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPrimitiveBoundingBoxOES at 0x742f2cf7c8 with 0x7412e64fa4 (callback 0x74300005d0) 12-13 09:08:35.028 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterf' at 0x74250d5afc with 0x7412e72768... 12-13 09:08:35.029 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterf at 0x74250d5afc with 0x7412e72768 (callback 0x7430000600) 12-13 09:08:35.029 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMemoryBarrierByRegion' at 0x74250d6d80 with 0x7412e60088... 12-13 09:08:35.030 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMemoryBarrierByRegion at 0x74250d6d80 with 0x7412e60088 (callback 0x7430000630) 12-13 09:08:35.030 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMemoryBarrierByRegion' at 0x742f2ceef0 with 0x7412e60088... 12-13 09:08:35.031 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMemoryBarrierByRegion at 0x742f2ceef0 with 0x7412e60088 (callback 0x7430000660) 12-13 09:08:35.031 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMemoryBarrier' at 0x742f2ceed8 with 0x7412e5ffa4... 12-13 09:08:35.032 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMemoryBarrier at 0x742f2ceed8 with 0x7412e5ffa4 (callback 0x7430000690) 12-13 09:08:35.032 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fvEXT' at 0x742f2d0680 with 0x7412e6b328... 12-13 09:08:35.032 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fvEXT at 0x742f2d0680 with 0x7412e6b328 (callback 0x74300006c0) 12-13 09:08:35.032 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClientWaitSync' at 0x74250d653c with 0x7412e41294... 12-13 09:08:35.033 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClientWaitSync at 0x74250d653c with 0x7412e41294 (callback 0x74300006f0) 12-13 09:08:35.033 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMatrixMultTranspose3x3fNV' at 0x74250d90fc with 0x7412e5feb4... 12-13 09:08:35.034 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMatrixMultTranspose3x3fNV at 0x74250d90fc with 0x7412e5feb4 (callback 0x7430000720) 12-13 09:08:35.034 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultiDrawArraysEXT' at 0x74250d7f94 with 0x7412e605e8... 12-13 09:08:35.035 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultiDrawArraysEXT at 0x74250d7f94 with 0x7412e605e8 (callback 0x7430000750) 12-13 09:08:35.035 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMatrixMult3x3fNV' at 0x742f2d1254 with 0x7412e5fdc4... 12-13 09:08:35.035 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMatrixMult3x3fNV at 0x742f2d1254 with 0x7412e5fdc4 (callback 0x7430000780) 12-13 09:08:35.036 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMatrixMult3x2fNV' at 0x742f2d123c with 0x7412e5fcd4... 12-13 09:08:35.036 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMatrixMult3x2fNV at 0x742f2d123c with 0x7412e5fcd4 (callback 0x74300007b0) 12-13 09:08:35.036 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMatrixLoadTranspose3x3fNV' at 0x74250d90b4 with 0x7412e5fb00... 12-13 09:08:35.037 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMatrixLoadTranspose3x3fNV at 0x74250d90b4 with 0x7412e5fb00 (callback 0x74300007e0) 12-13 09:08:35.037 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMatrixLoad3x3fNV' at 0x742f2d120c with 0x7412e5fa10... 12-13 09:08:35.038 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMatrixLoad3x3fNV at 0x742f2d120c with 0x7412e5fa10 (callback 0x7430000810) 12-13 09:08:35.038 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMatrixLoad3x2fNV' at 0x74250d9084 with 0x7412e5f920... 12-13 09:08:35.039 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMatrixLoad3x2fNV at 0x74250d9084 with 0x7412e5f920 (callback 0x7430000840) 12-13 09:08:35.039 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPointParameterfv' at 0x743079856c with 0x7412e63b58... 12-13 09:08:35.039 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPointParameterfv at 0x743079856c with 0x7412e63b58 (callback 0x7430000870) 12-13 09:08:35.040 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE' at 0x74250d7a64 with 0x7412e6c7a4... 12-13 09:08:35.040 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE at 0x74250d7a64 with 0x7412e6c7a4 (callback 0x74300008a0) 12-13 09:08:35.040 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2ui' at 0x74250d6a68 with 0x7412e67140... 12-13 09:08:35.041 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2ui at 0x74250d6a68 with 0x7412e67140 (callback 0x74300008d0) 12-13 09:08:35.041 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathParameterfvNV' at 0x742f2d0f74 with 0x7412e62ea0... 12-13 09:08:35.042 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathParameterfvNV at 0x742f2d0f74 with 0x7412e62ea0 (callback 0x7430000900) 12-13 09:08:35.042 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteQueries' at 0x742f2ce08c with 0x7412e462a8... 12-13 09:08:35.043 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteQueries at 0x742f2ce08c with 0x7412e462a8 (callback 0x7430000930) 12-13 09:08:35.043 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMatrixLoad3x2fNV' at 0x742f2d11f4 with 0x7412e5f920... 12-13 09:08:35.043 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMatrixLoad3x2fNV at 0x742f2d11f4 with 0x7412e5f920 (callback 0x7430000960) 12-13 09:08:35.043 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMatrixIndexPointerOESBounds' at 0x7430798294 with 0x7412e5f7fc... 12-13 09:08:35.044 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMatrixIndexPointerOESBounds at 0x7430798294 with 0x7412e5f7fc (callback 0x7430000990) 12-13 09:08:35.044 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFlush' at 0x7430798974 with 0x7412e4cd24... 12-13 09:08:35.045 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFlush at 0x7430798974 with 0x7412e4cd24 (callback 0x74300009b8) 12-13 09:08:35.045 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2f' at 0x74250d6ac8 with 0x7412e666a0... 12-13 09:08:35.046 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2f at 0x74250d6ac8 with 0x7412e666a0 (callback 0x74300009e8) 12-13 09:08:35.046 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMatrixIndexPointerOES' at 0x7430798298 with 0x7412e5f6ec... 12-13 09:08:35.047 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMatrixIndexPointerOES at 0x7430798298 with 0x7412e5f6ec (callback 0x7430000a18) 12-13 09:08:35.047 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSampleCoveragexOES' at 0x74307997ac with 0x7412e6d4f0... 12-13 09:08:35.047 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSampleCoveragexOES at 0x74307997ac with 0x7412e6d4f0 (callback 0x7430000a48) 12-13 09:08:35.048 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDepthMask' at 0x743079889c with 0x7412e46ea8... 12-13 09:08:35.048 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDepthMask at 0x743079889c with 0x7412e46ea8 (callback 0x7430000a78) 12-13 09:08:35.048 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenTextures' at 0x742f2cd4ac with 0x7412e4fd04... 12-13 09:08:35.049 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenTextures at 0x742f2cd4ac with 0x7412e4fd04 (callback 0x7430000aa8) 12-13 09:08:35.049 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPolygonModeNV' at 0x74250d91f8 with 0x7412e644c4... 12-13 09:08:35.050 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPolygonModeNV at 0x74250d91f8 with 0x7412e644c4 (callback 0x7430000ad8) 12-13 09:08:35.050 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformuivKHR' at 0x742f2cf5ac with 0x7412e5b1c8... 12-13 09:08:35.051 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformuivKHR at 0x742f2cf5ac with 0x7412e5b1c8 (callback 0x7430000b08) 12-13 09:08:35.051 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMapBufferRangeEXT' at 0x7430799cb4 with 0x7412e5efe4... 12-13 09:08:35.051 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMapBufferRangeEXT at 0x7430799cb4 with 0x7412e5efe4 (callback 0x7430000b38) 12-13 09:08:35.051 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlitFramebufferNV' at 0x74250d8b44 with 0x7412e3fa3c... 12-13 09:08:35.052 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlitFramebufferNV at 0x74250d8b44 with 0x7412e3fa3c (callback 0x7430000b68) 12-13 09:08:35.052 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1ui' at 0x74250d6a50 with 0x7412e6607c... 12-13 09:08:35.053 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1ui at 0x74250d6a50 with 0x7412e6607c (callback 0x7430000b98) 12-13 09:08:35.053 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMapBufferRange' at 0x742f2ce244 with 0x7412e5eec8... 12-13 09:08:35.054 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMapBufferRange at 0x742f2ce244 with 0x7412e5eec8 (callback 0x7430000bc8) 12-13 09:08:35.054 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMapBufferOES' at 0x742f2cf778 with 0x7412e5edcc... 12-13 09:08:35.055 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMapBufferOES at 0x742f2cf778 with 0x7412e5edcc (callback 0x7430000bf8) 12-13 09:08:35.055 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glInsertEventMarkerEXT' at 0x742f2cfdc8 with 0x7412e5b3c8... 12-13 09:08:35.055 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glInsertEventMarkerEXT at 0x742f2cfdc8 with 0x7412e5b3c8 (callback 0x7430000c28) 12-13 09:08:35.055 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3fvEXT' at 0x742f2d0428 with 0x7412e67af0... 12-13 09:08:35.056 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3fvEXT at 0x742f2d0428 with 0x7412e67af0 (callback 0x7430000c58) 12-13 09:08:35.056 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenRenderbuffersOES' at 0x7430799858 with 0x7412e4fb24... 12-13 09:08:35.057 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenRenderbuffersOES at 0x7430799858 with 0x7412e4fb24 (callback 0x7430000c88) 12-13 09:08:35.057 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMapBufferOES' at 0x7430799980 with 0x7412e5edcc... 12-13 09:08:35.058 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMapBufferOES at 0x7430799980 with 0x7412e5edcc (callback 0x7430000cb8) 12-13 09:08:35.058 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMakeTextureHandleResidentNV' at 0x74250d8860 with 0x7412e5ebec... 12-13 09:08:35.059 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMakeTextureHandleResidentNV at 0x74250d8860 with 0x7412e5ebec (callback 0x7430000ce8) 12-13 09:08:35.059 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMakeTextureHandleNonResidentNV' at 0x74250d8878 with 0x7412e5eb08... 12-13 09:08:35.059 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMakeTextureHandleNonResidentNV at 0x74250d8878 with 0x7412e5eb08 (callback 0x7430000d18) 12-13 09:08:35.059 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameterIiv' at 0x742f2cf34c with 0x7412e58e60... 12-13 09:08:35.060 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameterIiv at 0x742f2cf34c with 0x7412e58e60 (callback 0x7430000d48) 12-13 09:08:35.060 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMakeTextureHandleNonResidentNV' at 0x742f2d09e8 with 0x7412e5eb08... 12-13 09:08:35.061 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMakeTextureHandleNonResidentNV at 0x742f2d09e8 with 0x7412e5eb08 (callback 0x7430000d78) 12-13 09:08:35.061 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2uiv' at 0x74250d6b88 with 0x7412e67580... 12-13 09:08:35.062 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2uiv at 0x74250d6b88 with 0x7412e67580 (callback 0x7430000da8) 12-13 09:08:35.062 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribFormat' at 0x742f2cef98 with 0x7412e79cb4... 12-13 09:08:35.063 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribFormat at 0x742f2cef98 with 0x7412e79cb4 (callback 0x7430000dd8) 12-13 09:08:35.063 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenFencesNV' at 0x7430799eb4 with 0x7412e4f1c4... 12-13 09:08:35.064 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenFencesNV at 0x7430799eb4 with 0x7412e4f1c4 (callback 0x7430000e08) 12-13 09:08:35.064 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMakeImageHandleNonResidentNV' at 0x742f2d0a34 with 0x7412e5e934... 12-13 09:08:35.064 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMakeImageHandleNonResidentNV at 0x742f2d0a34 with 0x7412e5e934 (callback 0x7430000e38) 12-13 09:08:35.064 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLogicOp' at 0x7430798c6c with 0x7412e5e850... 12-13 09:08:35.065 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLogicOp at 0x7430798c6c with 0x7412e5e850 (callback 0x7430000e68) 12-13 09:08:35.065 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterIiv' at 0x74250d71ac with 0x7412e72180... 12-13 09:08:35.066 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterIiv at 0x74250d71ac with 0x7412e72180 (callback 0x7430000e98) 12-13 09:08:35.067 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPixelStorei' at 0x74250d597c with 0x7412e63804... 12-13 09:08:35.067 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPixelStorei at 0x74250d597c with 0x7412e63804 (callback 0x7430000ec8) 12-13 09:08:35.067 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLoadMatrixxOES' at 0x74307995cc with 0x7412e5e694... 12-13 09:08:35.068 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLoadMatrixxOES at 0x74307995cc with 0x7412e5e694 (callback 0x7430000ef8) 12-13 09:08:35.068 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLoadMatrixf' at 0x74307984ac with 0x7412e5e4cc... 12-13 09:08:35.069 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLoadMatrixf at 0x74307984ac with 0x7412e5e4cc (callback 0x7430000f28) 12-13 09:08:35.069 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLinkProgram' at 0x742f2cd7d4 with 0x7412e5e310... 12-13 09:08:35.070 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLinkProgram at 0x742f2cd7d4 with 0x7412e5e310 (callback 0x7430000f58) 12-13 09:08:35.070 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform3iv' at 0x742f2cddec with 0x7412e763f8... 12-13 09:08:35.071 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform3iv at 0x742f2cddec with 0x7412e763f8 (callback 0x7430000f88) 12-13 09:08:35.071 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilStrokePathInstancedNV' at 0x742f2d1034 with 0x7412e6f98c... 12-13 09:08:35.072 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilStrokePathInstancedNV at 0x742f2d1034 with 0x7412e6f98c (callback 0x7430000fb8) 12-13 09:08:35.072 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix2fv' at 0x742f2ceda0 with 0x7412e69f80... 12-13 09:08:35.073 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix2fv at 0x742f2ceda0 with 0x7412e69f80 (callback 0x15530) 12-13 09:08:35.073 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1iEXT' at 0x74250d8210 with 0x7412e65d60... 12-13 09:08:35.074 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1iEXT at 0x74250d8210 with 0x7412e65d60 (callback 0x15570) 12-13 09:08:35.074 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform4ui' at 0x74250d6338 with 0x7412e76f6c... 12-13 09:08:35.074 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform4ui at 0x74250d6338 with 0x7412e76f6c (callback 0x155b0) 12-13 09:08:35.074 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glOrthoxOES' at 0x743079965c with 0x7412e61e08... 12-13 09:08:35.075 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glOrthoxOES at 0x743079965c with 0x7412e61e08 (callback 0x155f0) 12-13 09:08:35.075 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLineWidthx' at 0x7430798c24 with 0x7412e5e148... 12-13 09:08:35.076 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLineWidthx at 0x7430798c24 with 0x7412e5e148 (callback 0x15630) 12-13 09:08:35.076 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLineWidth' at 0x742f2cd7bc with 0x7412e5e060... 12-13 09:08:35.077 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLineWidth at 0x742f2cd7bc with 0x7412e5e060 (callback 0x15670) 12-13 09:08:35.077 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSyncivAPPLE' at 0x74250d7b30 with 0x7412e58314... 12-13 09:08:35.078 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSyncivAPPLE at 0x74250d7b30 with 0x7412e58314 (callback 0x156b0) 12-13 09:08:35.078 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLightxOES' at 0x7430799584 with 0x7412e5dd6c... 12-13 09:08:35.078 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLightxOES at 0x7430799584 with 0x7412e5dd6c (callback 0x156f0) 12-13 09:08:35.078 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribI4uiv' at 0x74250d62a4 with 0x7412e7a114... 12-13 09:08:35.079 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribI4uiv at 0x74250d62a4 with 0x7412e7a114 (callback 0x15730) 12-13 09:08:35.079 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLightx' at 0x7430798bf4 with 0x7412e5dc70... 12-13 09:08:35.080 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLightx at 0x7430798bf4 with 0x7412e5dc70 (callback 0x15770) 12-13 09:08:35.080 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexBufferOES' at 0x74250d77f0 with 0x7412e70528... 12-13 09:08:35.081 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexBufferOES at 0x74250d77f0 with 0x7412e70528 (callback 0x157b0) 12-13 09:08:35.081 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMapBufferRangeEXT' at 0x742f2d00d0 with 0x7412e5efe4... 12-13 09:08:35.082 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMapBufferRangeEXT at 0x742f2d00d0 with 0x7412e5efe4 (callback 0x157f0) 12-13 09:08:35.082 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLightfv' at 0x743079847c with 0x7412e5db74... 12-13 09:08:35.082 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLightfv at 0x743079847c with 0x7412e5db74 (callback 0x15830) 12-13 09:08:35.082 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLightModelxvOES' at 0x743079956c with 0x7412e5d984... 12-13 09:08:35.083 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLightModelxvOES at 0x743079956c with 0x7412e5d984 (callback 0x15870) 12-13 09:08:35.083 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLightModelxv' at 0x7430798bdc with 0x7412e5d894... 12-13 09:08:35.084 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLightModelxv at 0x7430798bdc with 0x7412e5d894 (callback 0x158b0) 12-13 09:08:35.084 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLightModelx' at 0x7430798bc4 with 0x7412e5d6b4... 12-13 09:08:35.085 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLightModelx at 0x7430798bc4 with 0x7412e5d6b4 (callback 0x158f0) 12-13 09:08:35.085 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexPointer' at 0x7430798260 with 0x7412e7a664... 12-13 09:08:35.085 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexPointer at 0x7430798260 with 0x7412e7a664 (callback 0x15930) 12-13 09:08:35.085 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexGeniOES' at 0x7430799adc with 0x7412e715a4... 12-13 09:08:35.086 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexGeniOES at 0x7430799adc with 0x7412e715a4 (callback 0x15970) 12-13 09:08:35.086 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glAttachShader' at 0x742f2ccfc0 with 0x7412e3c550... 12-13 09:08:35.087 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glAttachShader at 0x742f2ccfc0 with 0x7412e3c550 (callback 0x159b0) 12-13 09:08:35.087 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCompressedTexImage2D' at 0x74307987dc with 0x7412e42680... 12-13 09:08:35.088 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCompressedTexImage2D at 0x74307987dc with 0x7412e42680 (callback 0x159f0) 12-13 09:08:35.088 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLabelObjectEXT' at 0x74250d7c28 with 0x7412e5d3c0... 12-13 09:08:35.089 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLabelObjectEXT at 0x74250d7c28 with 0x7412e5d3c0 (callback 0x15a30) 12-13 09:08:35.089 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1fv' at 0x74250d6bd0 with 0x7412e65838... 12-13 09:08:35.090 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1fv at 0x74250d6bd0 with 0x7412e65838 (callback 0x15a70) 12-13 09:08:35.090 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLabelObjectEXT' at 0x742f2cfd98 with 0x7412e5d3c0... 12-13 09:08:35.090 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLabelObjectEXT at 0x742f2cfd98 with 0x7412e5d3c0 (callback 0x15ab0) 12-13 09:08:35.091 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetString' at 0x74250d9590 with 0x7412e58004... 12-13 09:08:35.091 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetString at 0x74250d9590 with 0x7412e58004 (callback 0x15af0) 12-13 09:08:35.091 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2uiEXT' at 0x742f2d0560 with 0x7412e67470... 12-13 09:08:35.092 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2uiEXT at 0x742f2d0560 with 0x7412e67470 (callback 0x15b20) 12-13 09:08:35.092 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsVertexArrayOES' at 0x742f2cfa08 with 0x7412e5d2d0... 12-13 09:08:35.093 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsVertexArrayOES at 0x742f2cfa08 with 0x7412e5d2d0 (callback 0x15b60) 12-13 09:08:35.093 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTranslatex' at 0x74307992b4 with 0x7412e74954... 12-13 09:08:35.094 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTranslatex at 0x74307992b4 with 0x7412e74954 (callback 0x15ba0) 12-13 09:08:35.094 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fvEXT' at 0x742f2d0668 with 0x7412e6ac38... 12-13 09:08:35.094 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fvEXT at 0x742f2d0668 with 0x7412e6ac38 (callback 0x15be0) 12-13 09:08:35.094 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsVertexArrayOES' at 0x7430799b84 with 0x7412e5d2d0... 12-13 09:08:35.095 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsVertexArrayOES at 0x7430799b84 with 0x7412e5d2d0 (callback 0x15c20) 12-13 09:08:35.095 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsTransformFeedback' at 0x74250d670c with 0x7412e5d0f0... 12-13 09:08:35.096 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsTransformFeedback at 0x74250d670c with 0x7412e5d0f0 (callback 0x15c60) 12-13 09:08:35.096 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathParameterfNV' at 0x74250d8e1c with 0x7412e62da0... 12-13 09:08:35.097 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathParameterfNV at 0x74250d8e1c with 0x7412e62da0 (callback 0x15ca0) 12-13 09:08:35.097 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathStencilDepthOffsetNV' at 0x74250d8e64 with 0x7412e63194... 12-13 09:08:35.098 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathStencilDepthOffsetNV at 0x74250d8e64 with 0x7412e63194 (callback 0x15ce0) 12-13 09:08:35.098 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsTextureHandleResidentNV' at 0x74250d893c with 0x7412e5d000... 12-13 09:08:35.098 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsTextureHandleResidentNV at 0x74250d893c with 0x7412e5d000 (callback 0x15d20) 12-13 09:08:35.098 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsTexture' at 0x74250d5930 with 0x7412e5cf10... 12-13 09:08:35.099 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsTexture at 0x74250d5930 with 0x7412e5cf10 (callback 0x15d60) 12-13 09:08:35.099 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsTexture' at 0x742f2cd7a0 with 0x7412e5cf10... 12-13 09:08:35.100 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsTexture at 0x742f2cd7a0 with 0x7412e5cf10 (callback 0x15da0) 12-13 09:08:35.100 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexGenfvOES' at 0x7430799ac4 with 0x7412e714a8... 12-13 09:08:35.101 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexGenfvOES at 0x7430799ac4 with 0x7412e714a8 (callback 0x15de0) 12-13 09:08:35.101 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4iEXT' at 0x742f2d04a0 with 0x7412e69138... 12-13 09:08:35.102 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4iEXT at 0x742f2d04a0 with 0x7412e69138 (callback 0x15e20) 12-13 09:08:35.102 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquation' at 0x74250d51f8 with 0x7412e3e2f8... 12-13 09:08:35.102 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquation at 0x74250d51f8 with 0x7412e3e2f8 (callback 0x15e60) 12-13 09:08:35.102 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsSyncAPPLE' at 0x7430799c04 with 0x7412e5ce20... 12-13 09:08:35.103 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsSyncAPPLE at 0x7430799c04 with 0x7412e5ce20 (callback 0x15ea0) 12-13 09:08:35.103 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexPageCommitmentEXT' at 0x74250d8528 with 0x7412e71fe4... 12-13 09:08:35.104 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexPageCommitmentEXT at 0x74250d8528 with 0x7412e71fe4 (callback 0x15ee0) 12-13 09:08:35.104 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glAttachShader' at 0x74250d5150 with 0x7412e3c550... 12-13 09:08:35.105 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glAttachShader at 0x74250d5150 with 0x7412e3c550 (callback 0x15f20) 12-13 09:08:35.105 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsSync' at 0x74250d6508 with 0x7412e5cd30... 12-13 09:08:35.105 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsSync at 0x74250d6508 with 0x7412e5cd30 (callback 0x15f60) 12-13 09:08:35.105 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsShader' at 0x74250d5914 with 0x7412e5cc40... 12-13 09:08:35.106 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsShader at 0x74250d5914 with 0x7412e5cc40 (callback 0x15fa0) 12-13 09:08:35.106 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsShader' at 0x742f2cd784 with 0x7412e5cc40... 12-13 09:08:35.107 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsShader at 0x742f2cd784 with 0x7412e5cc40 (callback 0x742feec000) 12-13 09:08:35.107 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glColorMaski' at 0x74250d7054 with 0x7412e41fcc... 12-13 09:08:35.108 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glColorMaski at 0x74250d7054 with 0x7412e41fcc (callback 0x742feec030) 12-13 09:08:35.108 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsRenderbuffer' at 0x742f2cd768 with 0x7412e5c970... 12-13 09:08:35.109 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsRenderbuffer at 0x742f2cd768 with 0x7412e5c970 (callback 0x742feec060) 12-13 09:08:35.109 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameterIuiv' at 0x742f2cf364 with 0x7412e59154... 12-13 09:08:35.110 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameterIuiv at 0x742f2cf364 with 0x7412e59154 (callback 0x742feec090) 12-13 09:08:35.110 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSamplerParameteriv' at 0x742f2ce7ec with 0x7412e57adc... 12-13 09:08:35.110 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSamplerParameteriv at 0x742f2ce7ec with 0x7412e57adc (callback 0x742feec0c0) 12-13 09:08:35.110 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsQueryEXT' at 0x74250d7ce8 with 0x7412e5c880... 12-13 09:08:35.111 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsQueryEXT at 0x74250d7ce8 with 0x7412e5c880 (callback 0x742feec0f0) 12-13 09:08:35.111 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformuiv' at 0x74250d7164 with 0x7412e5b0b8... 12-13 09:08:35.112 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformuiv at 0x74250d7164 with 0x7412e5b0b8 (callback 0x742feec120) 12-13 09:08:35.112 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsProgramPipeline' at 0x742f2ceb2c with 0x7412e5c5b0... 12-13 09:08:35.113 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsProgramPipeline at 0x742f2ceb2c with 0x7412e5c5b0 (callback 0x742feec150) 12-13 09:08:35.113 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsProgram' at 0x742f2cd74c with 0x7412e5c4c0... 12-13 09:08:35.113 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsProgram at 0x742f2cd74c with 0x7412e5c4c0 (callback 0x742feec180) 12-13 09:08:35.113 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsPointInStrokePathNV' at 0x74250d9030 with 0x7412e5c3b0... 12-13 09:08:35.114 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsPointInStrokePathNV at 0x74250d9030 with 0x7412e5c3b0 (callback 0x742feec1b0) 12-13 09:08:35.114 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsQueryEXT' at 0x742f2cfe58 with 0x7412e5c880... 12-13 09:08:35.115 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsQueryEXT at 0x742f2cfe58 with 0x7412e5c880 (callback 0x742feec1e0) 12-13 09:08:35.115 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsPointInFillPathNV' at 0x74250d9014 with 0x7412e5c294... 12-13 09:08:35.116 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsPointInFillPathNV at 0x74250d9014 with 0x7412e5c294 (callback 0x742feec210) 12-13 09:08:35.116 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameterIuiv' at 0x74250d71f4 with 0x7412e59154... 12-13 09:08:35.117 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameterIuiv at 0x74250d71f4 with 0x7412e59154 (callback 0x742feec240) 12-13 09:08:35.117 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRasterSamplesEXT' at 0x742f2d01f4 with 0x7412e6ba24... 12-13 09:08:35.117 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRasterSamplesEXT at 0x742f2d01f4 with 0x7412e6ba24 (callback 0x742feec270) 12-13 09:08:35.117 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsPointInFillPathNV' at 0x742f2d1184 with 0x7412e5c294... 12-13 09:08:35.118 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsPointInFillPathNV at 0x742f2d1184 with 0x7412e5c294 (callback 0x742feec2a0) 12-13 09:08:35.118 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsPathNV' at 0x74250d8cb0 with 0x7412e5c1a4... 12-13 09:08:35.119 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsPathNV at 0x74250d8cb0 with 0x7412e5c1a4 (callback 0x742feec2d0) 12-13 09:08:35.119 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsImageHandleResidentNV' at 0x742f2d0ac8 with 0x7412e5c0b4... 12-13 09:08:35.120 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsImageHandleResidentNV at 0x742f2d0ac8 with 0x7412e5c0b4 (callback 0x742feec300) 12-13 09:08:35.120 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenSamplers' at 0x74250d65b8 with 0x7412e4fc14... 12-13 09:08:35.121 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenSamplers at 0x74250d65b8 with 0x7412e4fc14 (callback 0x742feec330) 12-13 09:08:35.121 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glScalex' at 0x7430798e34 with 0x7412e6e1b8... 12-13 09:08:35.121 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glScalex at 0x7430798e34 with 0x7412e6e1b8 (callback 0x742feec360) 12-13 09:08:35.121 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD' at 0x74250d79a4 with 0x7412e54ca8... 12-13 09:08:35.122 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD at 0x74250d79a4 with 0x7412e54ca8 (callback 0x742feec390) 12-13 09:08:35.122 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetQueryiv' at 0x742f2ce0f0 with 0x7412e57008... 12-13 09:08:35.123 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetQueryiv at 0x742f2ce0f0 with 0x7412e57008 (callback 0x742feec3c0) 12-13 09:08:35.123 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsFramebuffer' at 0x74250d58c0 with 0x7412e5bed4... 12-13 09:08:35.124 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsFramebuffer at 0x74250d58c0 with 0x7412e5bed4 (callback 0x742feec3f0) 12-13 09:08:35.124 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetBooleanv' at 0x74307989ec with 0x7412e50b94... 12-13 09:08:35.124 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetBooleanv at 0x74307989ec with 0x7412e50b94 (callback 0x742feec420) 12-13 09:08:35.124 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsFramebuffer' at 0x742f2cd730 with 0x7412e5bed4... 12-13 09:08:35.125 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsFramebuffer at 0x742f2cd730 with 0x7412e5bed4 (callback 0x742feec450) 12-13 09:08:35.125 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawArraysInstanced' at 0x742f2ce62c with 0x7412e48468... 12-13 09:08:35.126 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawArraysInstanced at 0x742f2ce62c with 0x7412e48468 (callback 0x742feec480) 12-13 09:08:35.126 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCullFace' at 0x743079883c with 0x7412e450d0... 12-13 09:08:35.127 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCullFace at 0x743079883c with 0x7412e450d0 (callback 0x742feec4b0) 12-13 09:08:35.127 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2fv' at 0x74250d6be8 with 0x7412e668c0... 12-13 09:08:35.128 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2fv at 0x74250d6be8 with 0x7412e668c0 (callback 0x742feec4e0) 12-13 09:08:35.128 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetActiveUniformBlockName' at 0x74250d648c with 0x7412e50534... 12-13 09:08:35.128 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetActiveUniformBlockName at 0x74250d648c with 0x7412e50534 (callback 0x742feec510) 12-13 09:08:35.128 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramPipelineInfoLogEXT' at 0x74250d817c with 0x7412e55df0... 12-13 09:08:35.129 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramPipelineInfoLogEXT at 0x74250d817c with 0x7412e55df0 (callback 0x742feec540) 12-13 09:08:35.129 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1fEXT' at 0x742f2d0350 with 0x7412e65738... 12-13 09:08:35.130 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1fEXT at 0x742f2d0350 with 0x7412e65738 (callback 0x742feec570) 12-13 09:08:35.130 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsFenceNV' at 0x7430799ecc with 0x7412e5bde4... 12-13 09:08:35.131 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsFenceNV at 0x7430799ecc with 0x7412e5bde4 (callback 0x742feec5a0) 12-13 09:08:35.131 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEnableDriverControlQCOM' at 0x7430799f7c with 0x7412e4b0dc... 12-13 09:08:35.132 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEnableDriverControlQCOM at 0x7430799f7c with 0x7412e4b0dc (callback 0x742feec5d0) 12-13 09:08:35.132 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsEnablediNV' at 0x742f2d14e8 with 0x7412e5bbec... 12-13 09:08:35.132 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsEnablediNV at 0x742f2d14e8 with 0x7412e5bbec (callback 0x742feec600) 12-13 09:08:35.132 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsEnablediNV' at 0x74250d9378 with 0x7412e5bbec... 12-13 09:08:35.133 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsEnablediNV at 0x74250d9378 with 0x7412e5bbec (callback 0x742feec630) 12-13 09:08:35.133 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTextureSamplerHandleNV' at 0x742f2d09b4 with 0x7412e59b14... 12-13 09:08:35.134 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTextureSamplerHandleNV at 0x742f2d09b4 with 0x7412e59b14 (callback 0x742feec660) 12-13 09:08:35.134 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsEnablediEXT' at 0x74250d7e84 with 0x7412e5baf0... 12-13 09:08:35.135 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsEnablediEXT at 0x74250d7e84 with 0x7412e5baf0 (callback 0x742feec690) 12-13 09:08:35.135 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMemoryBarrier' at 0x74250d6d68 with 0x7412e5ffa4... 12-13 09:08:35.136 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMemoryBarrier at 0x74250d6d68 with 0x7412e5ffa4 (callback 0x742feec6c0) 12-13 09:08:35.136 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsEnablediEXT' at 0x742f2cfff4 with 0x7412e5baf0... 12-13 09:08:35.136 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsEnablediEXT at 0x742f2cfff4 with 0x7412e5baf0 (callback 0x742feec6f0) 12-13 09:08:35.136 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsEnabled' at 0x74250d58a4 with 0x7412e5b904... 12-13 09:08:35.137 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsEnabled at 0x74250d58a4 with 0x7412e5b904 (callback 0x742feec720) 12-13 09:08:35.137 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsEnabled' at 0x7430798b8c with 0x7412e5b904... 12-13 09:08:35.138 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsEnabled at 0x7430798b8c with 0x7412e5b904 (callback 0x742feec750) 12-13 09:08:35.138 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLightModelf' at 0x7430798434 with 0x7412e5d4d0... 12-13 09:08:35.139 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLightModelf at 0x7430798434 with 0x7412e5d4d0 (callback 0x742feec780) 12-13 09:08:35.139 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsBuffer' at 0x742f2cd6f8 with 0x7412e5b814... 12-13 09:08:35.140 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsBuffer at 0x742f2cd6f8 with 0x7412e5b814 (callback 0x742feec7b0) 12-13 09:08:35.140 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glInvalidateSubFramebuffer' at 0x74250d67b8 with 0x7412e5b6c0... 12-13 09:08:35.140 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glInvalidateSubFramebuffer at 0x74250d67b8 with 0x7412e5b6c0 (callback 0x742feec7e0) 12-13 09:08:35.140 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glInvalidateSubFramebuffer' at 0x742f2ce928 with 0x7412e5b6c0... 12-13 09:08:35.141 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glInvalidateSubFramebuffer at 0x742f2ce928 with 0x7412e5b6c0 (callback 0x742feec810) 12-13 09:08:35.141 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glInvalidateFramebuffer' at 0x74250d67a0 with 0x7412e5b5c4... 12-13 09:08:35.142 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glInvalidateFramebuffer at 0x74250d67a0 with 0x7412e5b5c4 (callback 0x742feec840) 12-13 09:08:35.142 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPushDebugGroupKHR' at 0x742f2cf4a0 with 0x7412e6b560... 12-13 09:08:35.143 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPushDebugGroupKHR at 0x742f2cf4a0 with 0x7412e6b560 (callback 0x742feec870) 12-13 09:08:35.143 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFlushMappedBufferRange' at 0x74250d60f0 with 0x7412e4cdfc... 12-13 09:08:35.143 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFlushMappedBufferRange at 0x74250d60f0 with 0x7412e4cdfc (callback 0x742feec8a0) 12-13 09:08:35.143 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glInvalidateFramebuffer' at 0x742f2ce910 with 0x7412e5b5c4... 12-13 09:08:35.144 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glInvalidateFramebuffer at 0x742f2ce910 with 0x7412e5b5c4 (callback 0x742feec8d0) 12-13 09:08:35.144 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawTexsvOES' at 0x74307993a4 with 0x7412e4a85c... 12-13 09:08:35.145 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawTexsvOES at 0x74307993a4 with 0x7412e4a85c (callback 0x742feec900) 12-13 09:08:35.145 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glInterpolatePathsNV' at 0x742f2d0f14 with 0x7412e5b4b8... 12-13 09:08:35.146 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glInterpolatePathsNV at 0x742f2d0f14 with 0x7412e5b4b8 (callback 0x742feec930) 12-13 09:08:35.146 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glInsertEventMarkerEXT' at 0x74250d7c58 with 0x7412e5b3c8... 12-13 09:08:35.147 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glInsertEventMarkerEXT at 0x74250d7c58 with 0x7412e5b3c8 (callback 0x742feec960) 12-13 09:08:35.147 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glHint' at 0x742f2cd6e0 with 0x7412e5b2d8... 12-13 09:08:35.147 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glHint at 0x742f2cd6e0 with 0x7412e5b2d8 (callback 0x742feec990) 12-13 09:08:35.147 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glHint' at 0x7430798b58 with 0x7412e5b2d8... 12-13 09:08:35.148 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glHint at 0x7430798b58 with 0x7412e5b2d8 (callback 0x742feec9c0) 12-13 09:08:35.148 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSetFenceNV' at 0x7430799f34 with 0x7412e6ec08... 12-13 09:08:35.149 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSetFenceNV at 0x7430799f34 with 0x7412e6ec08 (callback 0x742feec9f0) 12-13 09:08:35.149 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformivKHR' at 0x742f2cf594 with 0x7412e5afa8... 12-13 09:08:35.150 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformivKHR at 0x742f2cf594 with 0x7412e5afa8 (callback 0x742feeca20) 12-13 09:08:35.150 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv' at 0x742f2cee00 with 0x7412e6a8c0... 12-13 09:08:35.151 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv at 0x742f2cee00 with 0x7412e6a8c0 (callback 0x742feeca50) 12-13 09:08:35.151 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformivEXT' at 0x74250d80e8 with 0x7412e5ae98... 12-13 09:08:35.151 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformivEXT at 0x74250d80e8 with 0x7412e5ae98 (callback 0x742feeca80) 12-13 09:08:35.151 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetQueryObjectivEXT' at 0x742f2cfed4 with 0x7412e56b1c... 12-13 09:08:35.152 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetQueryObjectivEXT at 0x742f2cfed4 with 0x7412e56b1c (callback 0x742feecab0) 12-13 09:08:35.152 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformivEXT' at 0x742f2d0258 with 0x7412e5ae98... 12-13 09:08:35.153 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformivEXT at 0x742f2d0258 with 0x7412e5ae98 (callback 0x742feecae0) 12-13 09:08:35.153 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformfvKHR' at 0x74250d740c with 0x7412e5ac78... 12-13 09:08:35.154 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformfvKHR at 0x74250d740c with 0x7412e5ac78 (callback 0x742feecb10) 12-13 09:08:35.154 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetMultisamplefv' at 0x742f2cef20 with 0x7412e539a0... 12-13 09:08:35.154 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetMultisamplefv at 0x742f2cef20 with 0x7412e539a0 (callback 0x742feecb40) 12-13 09:08:35.154 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDebugMessageCallbackKHR' at 0x74250d72fc with 0x7412e45388... 12-13 09:08:35.155 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDebugMessageCallbackKHR at 0x74250d72fc with 0x7412e45388 (callback 0x742feecb70) 12-13 09:08:35.155 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformfvKHR' at 0x742f2cf57c with 0x7412e5ac78... 12-13 09:08:35.156 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformfvKHR at 0x742f2cf57c with 0x7412e5ac78 (callback 0x742feecba0) 12-13 09:08:35.156 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribI4iv' at 0x742f2ce3fc with 0x7412e79f00... 12-13 09:08:35.157 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribI4iv at 0x742f2ce3fc with 0x7412e79f00 (callback 0x742feecbd0) 12-13 09:08:35.157 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformfvEXT' at 0x74250d80d0 with 0x7412e5ab68... 12-13 09:08:35.158 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformfvEXT at 0x74250d80d0 with 0x7412e5ab68 (callback 0x742feecc00) 12-13 09:08:35.158 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformfvEXT' at 0x7430799d7c with 0x7412e5ab68... 12-13 09:08:35.158 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformfvEXT at 0x7430799d7c with 0x7412e5ab68 (callback 0x742feecc30) 12-13 09:08:35.158 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM' at 0x742f2d169c with 0x7412e4c784... 12-13 09:08:35.159 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM at 0x742f2d169c with 0x7412e4c784 (callback 0x742feecc60) 12-13 09:08:35.159 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetVertexAttribiv' at 0x742f2cd6b0 with 0x7412e5a95c... 12-13 09:08:35.160 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetVertexAttribiv at 0x742f2cd6b0 with 0x7412e5a95c (callback 0x742feecc90) 12-13 09:08:35.160 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetImageHandleNV' at 0x74250d8890 with 0x7412e52a64... 12-13 09:08:35.161 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetImageHandleNV at 0x74250d8890 with 0x7412e52a64 (callback 0x742feeccc0) 12-13 09:08:35.161 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetShaderiv' at 0x74250d574c with 0x7412e57f08... 12-13 09:08:35.162 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetShaderiv at 0x74250d574c with 0x7412e57f08 (callback 0x742feeccf0) 12-13 09:08:35.162 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetVertexAttribfv' at 0x742f2cd698 with 0x7412e5a860... 12-13 09:08:35.162 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetVertexAttribfv at 0x742f2cd698 with 0x7412e5a860 (callback 0x742feecd20) 12-13 09:08:35.162 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearDepthf' at 0x74307982fc with 0x7412e40924... 12-13 09:08:35.163 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearDepthf at 0x74307982fc with 0x7412e40924 (callback 0x742feecd50) 12-13 09:08:35.163 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClear' at 0x742f2cd114 with 0x7412e40108... 12-13 09:08:35.164 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClear at 0x742f2cd114 with 0x7412e40108 (callback 0x742feecd80) 12-13 09:08:35.164 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetVertexAttribPointerv' at 0x74250d5858 with 0x7412e5a764... 12-13 09:08:35.165 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetVertexAttribPointerv at 0x74250d5858 with 0x7412e5a764 (callback 0x742feecdb0) 12-13 09:08:35.165 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glValidateProgram' at 0x742f2cdec4 with 0x7412e78d68... 12-13 09:08:35.165 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glValidateProgram at 0x742f2cdec4 with 0x7412e78d68 (callback 0x742feecde0) 12-13 09:08:35.166 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetVertexAttribIuiv' at 0x742f2ce3b4 with 0x7412e5a668... 12-13 09:08:35.166 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetVertexAttribIuiv at 0x742f2ce3b4 with 0x7412e5a668 (callback 0x742feece10) 12-13 09:08:35.166 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyBufferSubDataNV' at 0x74250d89ec with 0x7412e432b8... 12-13 09:08:35.167 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyBufferSubDataNV at 0x74250d89ec with 0x7412e432b8 (callback 0x742feece40) 12-13 09:08:35.167 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReadBufferNV' at 0x742f2d1380 with 0x7412e6bcec... 12-13 09:08:35.168 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReadBufferNV at 0x742f2d1380 with 0x7412e6bcec (callback 0x742feece70) 12-13 09:08:35.168 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetUniformuiv' at 0x74250d62bc with 0x7412e5a470... 12-13 09:08:35.169 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetUniformuiv at 0x74250d62bc with 0x7412e5a470 (callback 0x742feecea0) 12-13 09:08:35.169 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetUniformfv' at 0x74250d57dc with 0x7412e5a17c... 12-13 09:08:35.170 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetUniformfv at 0x74250d57dc with 0x7412e5a17c (callback 0x742feeced0) 12-13 09:08:35.170 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteShader' at 0x742f2cd2b4 with 0x7412e46758... 12-13 09:08:35.170 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteShader at 0x742f2cd2b4 with 0x7412e46758 (callback 0x742feecf00) 12-13 09:08:35.170 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetUniformLocation' at 0x74250d580c with 0x7412e5a080... 12-13 09:08:35.171 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetUniformLocation at 0x74250d580c with 0x7412e5a080 (callback 0x742feecf30) 12-13 09:08:35.171 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReadBufferNV' at 0x74250d9210 with 0x7412e6bcec... 12-13 09:08:35.172 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReadBufferNV at 0x74250d9210 with 0x7412e6bcec (callback 0x742feecf60) 12-13 09:08:35.172 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilStrokePathNV' at 0x742f2d1004 with 0x7412e6fafc... 12-13 09:08:35.173 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilStrokePathNV at 0x742f2d1004 with 0x7412e6fafc (callback 0x742feecf90) 12-13 09:08:35.173 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glNormal3f' at 0x7430798524 with 0x7412e6113c... 12-13 09:08:35.173 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glNormal3f at 0x7430798524 with 0x7412e6113c (callback 0x742feecfc0) 12-13 09:08:35.174 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetUniformLocation' at 0x742f2cd67c with 0x7412e5a080... 12-13 09:08:35.174 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetUniformLocation at 0x742f2cd67c with 0x7412e5a080 (callback 0x16530) 12-13 09:08:35.174 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetUniformIndices' at 0x74250d6428 with 0x7412e59f70... 12-13 09:08:35.175 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetUniformIndices at 0x74250d6428 with 0x7412e59f70 (callback 0x16570) 12-13 09:08:35.175 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameteri' at 0x742f2cdb3c with 0x7412e72964... 12-13 09:08:35.176 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameteri at 0x742f2cdb3c with 0x7412e72964 (callback 0x165b0) 12-13 09:08:35.176 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTransformFeedbackVarying' at 0x74250d61fc with 0x7412e59c10... 12-13 09:08:35.177 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTransformFeedbackVarying at 0x74250d61fc with 0x7412e59c10 (callback 0x165f0) 12-13 09:08:35.177 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClipPlanefIMG' at 0x7430799e6c with 0x7412e41594... 12-13 09:08:35.178 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClipPlanefIMG at 0x7430799e6c with 0x7412e41594 (callback 0x16630) 12-13 09:08:35.178 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameteri' at 0x742f2ce78c with 0x7412e6deb8... 12-13 09:08:35.178 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameteri at 0x742f2ce78c with 0x7412e6deb8 (callback 0x16670) 12-13 09:08:35.178 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTransformFeedbackVarying' at 0x742f2ce36c with 0x7412e59c10... 12-13 09:08:35.179 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTransformFeedbackVarying at 0x742f2ce36c with 0x7412e59c10 (callback 0x166b0) 12-13 09:08:35.179 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTextureSamplerHandleNV' at 0x74250d8844 with 0x7412e59b14... 12-13 09:08:35.180 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTextureSamplerHandleNV at 0x74250d8844 with 0x7412e59b14 (callback 0x166f0) 12-13 09:08:35.180 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsBaseVertex' at 0x74250d7088 with 0x7412e48ea8... 12-13 09:08:35.181 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsBaseVertex at 0x74250d7088 with 0x7412e48ea8 (callback 0x16730) 12-13 09:08:35.181 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathParameteriNV' at 0x742f2d0f5c with 0x7412e62f9c... 12-13 09:08:35.181 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathParameteriNV at 0x742f2d0f5c with 0x7412e62f9c (callback 0x16770) 12-13 09:08:35.181 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTextureHandleNV' at 0x742f2d0998 with 0x7412e59928... 12-13 09:08:35.182 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTextureHandleNV at 0x742f2d0998 with 0x7412e59928 (callback 0x167b0) 12-13 09:08:35.182 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameterxvOES' at 0x743079953c with 0x7412e5973c... 12-13 09:08:35.183 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameterxvOES at 0x743079953c with 0x7412e5973c (callback 0x167f0) 12-13 09:08:35.183 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathParameterivNV' at 0x74250d8dd4 with 0x7412e63098... 12-13 09:08:35.184 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathParameterivNV at 0x74250d8dd4 with 0x7412e63098 (callback 0x16830) 12-13 09:08:35.184 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameteriv' at 0x74250d57c4 with 0x7412e59544... 12-13 09:08:35.184 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameteriv at 0x74250d57c4 with 0x7412e59544 (callback 0x16870) 12-13 09:08:35.184 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameteriv' at 0x742f2cd634 with 0x7412e59544... 12-13 09:08:35.185 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameteriv at 0x742f2cd634 with 0x7412e59544 (callback 0x168b0) 12-13 09:08:35.185 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetUniformiv' at 0x74250d57f4 with 0x7412e5a374... 12-13 09:08:35.186 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetUniformiv at 0x74250d57f4 with 0x7412e5a374 (callback 0x168f0) 12-13 09:08:35.186 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameteriv' at 0x7430798b28 with 0x7412e59544... 12-13 09:08:35.187 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameteriv at 0x7430798b28 with 0x7412e59544 (callback 0x16930) 12-13 09:08:35.187 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameterfv' at 0x74250d57ac with 0x7412e59448... 12-13 09:08:35.187 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameterfv at 0x74250d57ac with 0x7412e59448 (callback 0x16970) 12-13 09:08:35.188 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameterfv' at 0x742f2cd61c with 0x7412e59448... 12-13 09:08:35.188 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameterfv at 0x742f2cd61c with 0x7412e59448 (callback 0x169b0) 12-13 09:08:35.188 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameterIuivOES' at 0x74250d7778 with 0x7412e5934c... 12-13 09:08:35.189 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameterIuivOES at 0x74250d7778 with 0x7412e5934c (callback 0x169f0) 12-13 09:08:35.189 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameterIuivOES' at 0x742f2cf8e8 with 0x7412e5934c... 12-13 09:08:35.190 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameterIuivOES at 0x742f2cf8e8 with 0x7412e5934c (callback 0x16a30) 12-13 09:08:35.190 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSubpixelPrecisionBiasNV' at 0x742f2d0b44 with 0x7412e70150... 12-13 09:08:35.191 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSubpixelPrecisionBiasNV at 0x742f2d0b44 with 0x7412e70150 (callback 0x16a70) 12-13 09:08:35.191 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetInteger64vAPPLE' at 0x74250d7b18 with 0x7412e52d84... 12-13 09:08:35.191 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetInteger64vAPPLE at 0x74250d7b18 with 0x7412e52d84 (callback 0x16ab0) 12-13 09:08:35.191 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameterIuivEXT' at 0x74250d85a0 with 0x7412e59250... 12-13 09:08:35.192 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameterIuivEXT at 0x74250d85a0 with 0x7412e59250 (callback 0x16af0) 12-13 09:08:35.192 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameterIivOES' at 0x74250d7760 with 0x7412e59058... 12-13 09:08:35.193 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameterIivOES at 0x74250d7760 with 0x7412e59058 (callback 0x16b30) 12-13 09:08:35.193 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameterIivEXT' at 0x742f2d06f8 with 0x7412e58f5c... 12-13 09:08:35.194 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameterIivEXT at 0x742f2d06f8 with 0x7412e58f5c (callback 0x16b70) 12-13 09:08:35.194 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES' at 0x74307999e8 with 0x7412e5e778... 12-13 09:08:35.194 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES at 0x74307999e8 with 0x7412e5e778 (callback 0x16bb0) 12-13 09:08:35.194 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameterIiv' at 0x74250d71dc with 0x7412e58e60... 12-13 09:08:35.195 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameterIiv at 0x74250d71dc with 0x7412e58e60 (callback 0x16bf0) 12-13 09:08:35.195 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsVertexArrayOES' at 0x74250d7898 with 0x7412e5d2d0... 12-13 09:08:35.196 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsVertexArrayOES at 0x74250d7898 with 0x7412e5d2d0 (callback 0x16c30) 12-13 09:08:35.196 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexLevelParameteriv' at 0x74250d6de0 with 0x7412e58d50... 12-13 09:08:35.197 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexLevelParameteriv at 0x74250d6de0 with 0x7412e58d50 (callback 0x16c70) 12-13 09:08:35.197 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glScissorArrayvNV' at 0x742f2d1428 with 0x7412e6e4c0... 12-13 09:08:35.197 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glScissorArrayvNV at 0x742f2d1428 with 0x7412e6e4c0 (callback 0x16cb0) 12-13 09:08:35.198 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix3x4fvNV' at 0x742f2d0dbc with 0x7412e78234... 12-13 09:08:35.198 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix3x4fvNV at 0x742f2d0dbc with 0x7412e78234 (callback 0x16cf0) 12-13 09:08:35.198 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexLevelParameteriv' at 0x742f2cef50 with 0x7412e58d50... 12-13 09:08:35.199 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexLevelParameteriv at 0x742f2cef50 with 0x7412e58d50 (callback 0x16d30) 12-13 09:08:35.199 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCreateProgram' at 0x742f2cd204 with 0x7412e44cec... 12-13 09:08:35.200 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCreateProgram at 0x742f2cd204 with 0x7412e44cec (callback 0x16d70) 12-13 09:08:35.200 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexLevelParameterfv' at 0x742f2cef68 with 0x7412e58c40... 12-13 09:08:35.201 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexLevelParameterfv at 0x742f2cef68 with 0x7412e58c40 (callback 0x16db0) 12-13 09:08:35.201 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCompressedTexSubImage2D' at 0x742f2cd1bc with 0x7412e42b28... 12-13 09:08:35.201 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCompressedTexSubImage2D at 0x742f2cd1bc with 0x7412e42b28 (callback 0x16df0) 12-13 09:08:35.201 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexGenxvOES' at 0x74307997c4 with 0x7412e58a20... 12-13 09:08:35.202 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexGenxvOES at 0x74307997c4 with 0x7412e58a20 (callback 0x16e30) 12-13 09:08:35.202 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStartTilingQCOM' at 0x742f2d16d0 with 0x7412e6f010... 12-13 09:08:35.203 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStartTilingQCOM at 0x742f2d16d0 with 0x7412e6f010 (callback 0x16e70) 12-13 09:08:35.203 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glQueryCounterEXT' at 0x74250d7d34 with 0x7412e6b838... 12-13 09:08:35.204 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glQueryCounterEXT at 0x74250d7d34 with 0x7412e6b838 (callback 0x16eb0) 12-13 09:08:35.204 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG' at 0x7430799e3c with 0x7412e6c9ec... 12-13 09:08:35.205 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG at 0x7430799e3c with 0x7412e6c9ec (callback 0x16ef0) 12-13 09:08:35.205 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexGenfvOES' at 0x7430799b0c with 0x7412e58828... 12-13 09:08:35.205 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexGenfvOES at 0x7430799b0c with 0x7412e58828 (callback 0x16f30) 12-13 09:08:35.205 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterIivEXT' at 0x742f2d06c8 with 0x7412e7227c... 12-13 09:08:35.206 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterIivEXT at 0x742f2d06c8 with 0x7412e7227c (callback 0x16f70) 12-13 09:08:35.206 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexEnviv' at 0x7430798af8 with 0x7412e58534... 12-13 09:08:35.207 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexEnviv at 0x7430798af8 with 0x7412e58534 (callback 0x16fb0) 12-13 09:08:35.207 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterxv' at 0x7430799124 with 0x7412e72d54... 12-13 09:08:35.208 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterxv at 0x7430799124 with 0x7412e72d54 (callback 0x742fdb9000) 12-13 09:08:35.208 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSyncivAPPLE' at 0x742f2cfca0 with 0x7412e58314... 12-13 09:08:35.209 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSyncivAPPLE at 0x742f2cfca0 with 0x7412e58314 (callback 0x742fdb9030) 12-13 09:08:35.209 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSynciv' at 0x74250d6570 with 0x7412e581f0... 12-13 09:08:35.209 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSynciv at 0x74250d6570 with 0x7412e581f0 (callback 0x742fdb9060) 12-13 09:08:35.209 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSynciv' at 0x742f2ce6e0 with 0x7412e581f0... 12-13 09:08:35.210 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSynciv at 0x742f2ce6e0 with 0x7412e581f0 (callback 0x742fdb9090) 12-13 09:08:35.210 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetStringi' at 0x742f2d174c with 0x7412e580f4... 12-13 09:08:35.211 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetStringi at 0x742f2d174c with 0x7412e580f4 (callback 0x742fdb90c0) 12-13 09:08:35.211 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix4fv' at 0x742f2cedd0 with 0x7412e6ad60... 12-13 09:08:35.212 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix4fv at 0x742f2cedd0 with 0x7412e6ad60 (callback 0x742fdb90e0) 12-13 09:08:35.212 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glObjectPtrLabel' at 0x742f2cf0ec with 0x7412e61868... 12-13 09:08:35.213 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glObjectPtrLabel at 0x742f2cf0ec with 0x7412e61868 (callback 0x742fdb9110) 12-13 09:08:35.213 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTransformPathNV' at 0x74250d8dbc with 0x7412e7473c... 12-13 09:08:35.213 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTransformPathNV at 0x74250d8dbc with 0x7412e7473c (callback 0x742fdb9140) 12-13 09:08:35.213 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTextureHandleNV' at 0x74250d8828 with 0x7412e59928... 12-13 09:08:35.214 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTextureHandleNV at 0x74250d8828 with 0x7412e59928 (callback 0x742fdb9170) 12-13 09:08:35.214 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetShaderSource' at 0x74250d5794 with 0x7412e57df8... 12-13 09:08:35.215 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetShaderSource at 0x74250d5794 with 0x7412e57df8 (callback 0x742fdb91a0) 12-13 09:08:35.215 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetShaderPrecisionFormat' at 0x742f2cd5ec with 0x7412e57ce8... 12-13 09:08:35.216 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetShaderPrecisionFormat at 0x742f2cd5ec with 0x7412e57ce8 (callback 0x742fdb91d0) 12-13 09:08:35.216 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDepthRangex' at 0x74307988b4 with 0x7412e47580... 12-13 09:08:35.216 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDepthRangex at 0x74307988b4 with 0x7412e47580 (callback 0x742fdb9200) 12-13 09:08:35.216 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexEnvf' at 0x74307985e4 with 0x7412e70bc4... 12-13 09:08:35.217 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexEnvf at 0x74307985e4 with 0x7412e70bc4 (callback 0x742fdb9230) 12-13 09:08:35.217 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexSubImage2D' at 0x742f2cdb84 with 0x7412e73a08... 12-13 09:08:35.218 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexSubImage2D at 0x742f2cdb84 with 0x7412e73a08 (callback 0x742fdb9260) 12-13 09:08:35.218 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteSync' at 0x74250d6524 with 0x7412e4683c... 12-13 09:08:35.219 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteSync at 0x74250d6524 with 0x7412e4683c (callback 0x742fdb9280) 12-13 09:08:35.219 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetShaderInfoLog' at 0x742f2cd5d4 with 0x7412e57bd8... 12-13 09:08:35.220 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetShaderInfoLog at 0x742f2cd5d4 with 0x7412e57bd8 (callback 0x742fdb92b0) 12-13 09:08:35.220 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexBuffer' at 0x742f2cf3dc with 0x7412e70330... 12-13 09:08:35.220 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexBuffer at 0x742f2cf3dc with 0x7412e70330 (callback 0x742fdb92e0) 12-13 09:08:35.220 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix4x3fvNV' at 0x74250d8c64 with 0x7412e78798... 12-13 09:08:35.221 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix4x3fvNV at 0x74250d8c64 with 0x7412e78798 (callback 0x742fdb9310) 12-13 09:08:35.221 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFirstPerfQueryIdINTEL' at 0x74250d8798 with 0x7412e51c08... 12-13 09:08:35.222 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFirstPerfQueryIdINTEL at 0x74250d8798 with 0x7412e51c08 (callback 0x742fdb9340) 12-13 09:08:35.222 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSamplerParameterfv' at 0x74250d6694 with 0x7412e579e0... 12-13 09:08:35.223 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSamplerParameterfv at 0x74250d6694 with 0x7412e579e0 (callback 0x742fdb9370) 12-13 09:08:35.223 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMakeTextureHandleResidentNV' at 0x742f2d09d0 with 0x7412e5ebec... 12-13 09:08:35.223 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMakeTextureHandleResidentNV at 0x742f2d09d0 with 0x7412e5ebec (callback 0x742fdb93a0) 12-13 09:08:35.223 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSamplerParameterfv' at 0x742f2ce804 with 0x7412e579e0... 12-13 09:08:35.224 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSamplerParameterfv at 0x742f2ce804 with 0x7412e579e0 (callback 0x742fdb93d0) 12-13 09:08:35.224 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSamplerParameterIuivOES' at 0x74250d77d8 with 0x7412e578e4... 12-13 09:08:35.225 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSamplerParameterIuivOES at 0x74250d77d8 with 0x7412e578e4 (callback 0x742fdb9400) 12-13 09:08:35.225 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4fvEXT' at 0x74250d8318 with 0x7412e68ca8... 12-13 09:08:35.226 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4fvEXT at 0x74250d8318 with 0x7412e68ca8 (callback 0x742fdb9430) 12-13 09:08:35.226 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathCoordsNV' at 0x74250d8f9c with 0x7412e54208... 12-13 09:08:35.227 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathCoordsNV at 0x74250d8f9c with 0x7412e54208 (callback 0x742fdb9460) 12-13 09:08:35.227 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glColorMaski' at 0x742f2cf1c4 with 0x7412e41fcc... 12-13 09:08:35.227 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glColorMaski at 0x742f2cf1c4 with 0x7412e41fcc (callback 0x742fdb9490) 12-13 09:08:35.227 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSamplerParameterIuivEXT' at 0x742f2d0770 with 0x7412e577e8... 12-13 09:08:35.228 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSamplerParameterIuivEXT at 0x742f2d0770 with 0x7412e577e8 (callback 0x742fdb94c0) 12-13 09:08:35.228 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramBinaryOES' at 0x74250d75d8 with 0x7412e5599c... 12-13 09:08:35.229 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramBinaryOES at 0x74250d75d8 with 0x7412e5599c (callback 0x742fdb94f0) 12-13 09:08:35.229 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetImageHandleNV' at 0x742f2d0a00 with 0x7412e52a64... 12-13 09:08:35.230 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetImageHandleNV at 0x742f2d0a00 with 0x7412e52a64 (callback 0x742fdb9520) 12-13 09:08:35.230 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSamplerParameterIuiv' at 0x74250d7254 with 0x7412e576ec... 12-13 09:08:35.230 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSamplerParameterIuiv at 0x74250d7254 with 0x7412e576ec (callback 0x742fdb9550) 12-13 09:08:35.230 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSamplerParameterIuiv' at 0x742f2cf3c4 with 0x7412e576ec... 12-13 09:08:35.231 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSamplerParameterIuiv at 0x742f2cf3c4 with 0x7412e576ec (callback 0x742fdb9580) 12-13 09:08:35.231 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glColor4x' at 0x74307987ac with 0x7412e41c84... 12-13 09:08:35.232 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glColor4x at 0x74307987ac with 0x7412e41c84 (callback 0x742fdb95b0) 12-13 09:08:35.232 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE' at 0x742f2cfba4 with 0x7412e59d64... 12-13 09:08:35.233 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE at 0x742f2cfba4 with 0x7412e59d64 (callback 0x742fdb95e0) 12-13 09:08:35.233 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDisableDriverControlQCOM' at 0x74250d9424 with 0x7412e47a18... 12-13 09:08:35.233 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDisableDriverControlQCOM at 0x74250d9424 with 0x7412e47a18 (callback 0x742fdb9610) 12-13 09:08:35.234 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSamplerParameterIivEXT' at 0x74250d85e8 with 0x7412e574f4... 12-13 09:08:35.234 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSamplerParameterIivEXT at 0x74250d85e8 with 0x7412e574f4 (callback 0x742fdb9640) 12-13 09:08:35.234 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSamplerParameterIiv' at 0x742f2cf3ac with 0x7412e573f8... 12-13 09:08:35.235 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSamplerParameterIiv at 0x742f2cf3ac with 0x7412e573f8 (callback 0x742fdb9670) 12-13 09:08:35.235 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE' at 0x74250d79d4 with 0x7412e6c680... 12-13 09:08:35.236 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE at 0x74250d79d4 with 0x7412e6c680 (callback 0x742fdb96a0) 12-13 09:08:35.236 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClipPlanef' at 0x7430798314 with 0x7412e414a4... 12-13 09:08:35.237 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClipPlanef at 0x7430798314 with 0x7412e414a4 (callback 0x742fdb96d0) 12-13 09:08:35.237 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES' at 0x7430799888 with 0x7412e572fc... 12-13 09:08:35.238 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES at 0x7430799888 with 0x7412e572fc (callback 0x742fdb9700) 12-13 09:08:35.238 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedNV' at 0x742f2d12b4 with 0x7412e6fbf8... 12-13 09:08:35.238 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedNV at 0x742f2d12b4 with 0x7412e6fbf8 (callback 0x742fdb9730) 12-13 09:08:35.238 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3uivEXT' at 0x742f2d05d8 with 0x7412e68828... 12-13 09:08:35.239 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3uivEXT at 0x742f2d05d8 with 0x7412e68828 (callback 0x742fdb9760) 12-13 09:08:35.239 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyBufferSubData' at 0x74250d6410 with 0x7412e43194... 12-13 09:08:35.240 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyBufferSubData at 0x74250d6410 with 0x7412e43194 (callback 0x742fdb9790) 12-13 09:08:35.240 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultMatrixf' at 0x74307984f4 with 0x7412e6033c... 12-13 09:08:35.241 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultMatrixf at 0x74307984f4 with 0x7412e6033c (callback 0x742fdb97c0) 12-13 09:08:35.241 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetQueryivEXT' at 0x742f2cfebc with 0x7412e57104... 12-13 09:08:35.241 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetQueryivEXT at 0x742f2cfebc with 0x7412e57104 (callback 0x742fdb97f0) 12-13 09:08:35.242 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fvEXT' at 0x742f2d0638 with 0x7412e6a548... 12-13 09:08:35.242 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fvEXT at 0x742f2d0638 with 0x7412e6a548 (callback 0x742fdb9820) 12-13 09:08:35.242 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetMaterialxvOES' at 0x743079977c with 0x7412e538a4... 12-13 09:08:35.243 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetMaterialxvOES at 0x743079977c with 0x7412e538a4 (callback 0x742fdb9850) 12-13 09:08:35.243 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetQueryObjectuivEXT' at 0x74250d7d7c with 0x7412e56f0c... 12-13 09:08:35.244 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetQueryObjectuivEXT at 0x74250d7d7c with 0x7412e56f0c (callback 0x742fdb9880) 12-13 09:08:35.244 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetQueryObjectuiv' at 0x742f2ce108 with 0x7412e56e10... 12-13 09:08:35.245 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetQueryObjectuiv at 0x742f2ce108 with 0x7412e56e10 (callback 0x742fdb98b0) 12-13 09:08:35.245 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT' at 0x74250d7dac with 0x7412e56d14... 12-13 09:08:35.245 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT at 0x74250d7dac with 0x7412e56d14 (callback 0x742fdb98e0) 12-13 09:08:35.245 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT' at 0x742f2cff1c with 0x7412e56d14... 12-13 09:08:35.246 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT at 0x742f2cff1c with 0x7412e56d14 (callback 0x742fdb9910) 12-13 09:08:35.246 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsEnabledi' at 0x74250d706c with 0x7412e5b9f4... 12-13 09:08:35.247 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsEnabledi at 0x74250d706c with 0x7412e5b9f4 (callback 0x742fdb9940) 12-13 09:08:35.247 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMaterialf' at 0x74307984c4 with 0x7412e5f100... 12-13 09:08:35.248 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMaterialf at 0x74307984c4 with 0x7412e5f100 (callback 0x742fdb9970) 12-13 09:08:35.248 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindFragDataLocationIndexedEXT' at 0x74250d7b90 with 0x7412e3d1c0... 12-13 09:08:35.248 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindFragDataLocationIndexedEXT at 0x74250d7b90 with 0x7412e3d1c0 (callback 0x742fdb99a0) 12-13 09:08:35.249 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramiv' at 0x74250d5704 with 0x7412e56828... 12-13 09:08:35.249 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramiv at 0x74250d5704 with 0x7412e56828 (callback 0x742fdb99d0) 12-13 09:08:35.249 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetVertexAttribIiv' at 0x742f2ce39c with 0x7412e5a56c... 12-13 09:08:35.250 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetVertexAttribIiv at 0x742f2ce39c with 0x7412e5a56c (callback 0x742fdb9a00) 12-13 09:08:35.250 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramiv' at 0x742f2cd574 with 0x7412e56828... 12-13 09:08:35.251 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramiv at 0x742f2cd574 with 0x7412e56828 (callback 0x742fdb9a30) 12-13 09:08:35.251 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramResourceiv' at 0x74250d68f4 with 0x7412e566b8... 12-13 09:08:35.252 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramResourceiv at 0x74250d68f4 with 0x7412e566b8 (callback 0x742fdb9a60) 12-13 09:08:35.252 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramResourceiv' at 0x742f2cea64 with 0x7412e566b8... 12-13 09:08:35.252 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramResourceiv at 0x742f2cea64 with 0x7412e566b8 (callback 0x742fdb9a90) 12-13 09:08:35.252 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawArraysInstanced' at 0x74250d64bc with 0x7412e48468... 12-13 09:08:35.253 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawArraysInstanced at 0x74250d64bc with 0x7412e48468 (callback 0x742fdb9ac0) 12-13 09:08:35.253 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfMonitorCountersAMD' at 0x742f2cfa3c with 0x7412e55000... 12-13 09:08:35.254 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfMonitorCountersAMD at 0x742f2cfa3c with 0x7412e55000 (callback 0x742fdb9af0) 12-13 09:08:35.254 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramResourcefvNV' at 0x742f2d1350 with 0x7412e56548... 12-13 09:08:35.255 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramResourcefvNV at 0x742f2d1350 with 0x7412e56548 (callback 0x742fdb9b20) 12-13 09:08:35.255 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramResourceName' at 0x742f2cea4c with 0x7412e56410... 12-13 09:08:35.255 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramResourceName at 0x742f2cea4c with 0x7412e56410 (callback 0x742fdb9b50) 12-13 09:08:35.255 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindTexture' at 0x742f2cd038 with 0x7412e3daa0... 12-13 09:08:35.256 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindTexture at 0x742f2cd038 with 0x7412e3daa0 (callback 0x742fdb9b80) 12-13 09:08:35.256 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPointSizePointerOES' at 0x743079827c with 0x7412e640f0... 12-13 09:08:35.257 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPointSizePointerOES at 0x743079827c with 0x7412e640f0 (callback 0x742fdb9bb0) 12-13 09:08:35.257 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformivKHR' at 0x74250d7424 with 0x7412e5afa8... 12-13 09:08:35.258 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformivKHR at 0x74250d7424 with 0x7412e5afa8 (callback 0x742fdb9be0) 12-13 09:08:35.258 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramResourceLocationIndexEXT' at 0x742f2cfd30 with 0x7412e56308... 12-13 09:08:35.259 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramResourceLocationIndexEXT at 0x742f2cfd30 with 0x7412e56308 (callback 0x742fdb9c10) 12-13 09:08:35.259 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramResourceIndex' at 0x74250d68c0 with 0x7412e560f8... 12-13 09:08:35.259 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramResourceIndex at 0x74250d68c0 with 0x7412e560f8 (callback 0x742fdb9c40) 12-13 09:08:35.259 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramResourceIndex' at 0x742f2cea30 with 0x7412e560f8... 12-13 09:08:35.260 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramResourceIndex at 0x742f2cea30 with 0x7412e560f8 (callback 0x742fdb9c70) 12-13 09:08:35.260 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramPipelineiv' at 0x74250d69d8 with 0x7412e55f00... 12-13 09:08:35.261 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramPipelineiv at 0x74250d69d8 with 0x7412e55f00 (callback 0x742fdb9ca0) 12-13 09:08:35.261 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramPipelineiv' at 0x742f2ceb48 with 0x7412e55f00... 12-13 09:08:35.262 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramPipelineiv at 0x742f2ceb48 with 0x7412e55f00 (callback 0x742fdb9cd0) 12-13 09:08:35.262 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPatchParameteri' at 0x742f2cf304 with 0x7412e61f40... 12-13 09:08:35.263 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPatchParameteri at 0x742f2cf304 with 0x7412e61f40 (callback 0x742fdb9d00) 12-13 09:08:35.263 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFragDataIndexEXT' at 0x74250d7bdc with 0x7412e521b4... 12-13 09:08:35.263 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFragDataIndexEXT at 0x74250d7bdc with 0x7412e521b4 (callback 0x742fdb9d30) 12-13 09:08:35.263 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramPipelineInfoLogEXT' at 0x742f2d02ec with 0x7412e55df0... 12-13 09:08:35.264 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramPipelineInfoLogEXT at 0x742f2d02ec with 0x7412e55df0 (callback 0x742fdb9d60) 12-13 09:08:35.264 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage1DEXT' at 0x74250d8648 with 0x7412e7305c... 12-13 09:08:35.265 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage1DEXT at 0x74250d8648 with 0x7412e7305c (callback 0x742fdb9d90) 12-13 09:08:35.265 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEnableVertexAttribArray' at 0x742f2cd3bc with 0x7412e4b1c0... 12-13 09:08:35.266 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEnableVertexAttribArray at 0x742f2cd3bc with 0x7412e4b1c0 (callback 0x742fdb9dc0) 12-13 09:08:35.266 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3f' at 0x742f2cec50 with 0x7412e677a0... 12-13 09:08:35.266 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3f at 0x742f2cec50 with 0x7412e677a0 (callback 0x742fdb9df0) 12-13 09:08:35.266 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramInterfaceiv' at 0x74250d68a8 with 0x7412e55bd0... 12-13 09:08:35.267 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramInterfaceiv at 0x74250d68a8 with 0x7412e55bd0 (callback 0x742fdb9e20) 12-13 09:08:35.267 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramInfoLog' at 0x742f2cd58c with 0x7412e55ac0... 12-13 09:08:35.268 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramInfoLog at 0x742f2cd58c with 0x7412e55ac0 (callback 0x742fdb9e50) 12-13 09:08:35.268 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramBinaryOES' at 0x742f2cf748 with 0x7412e5599c... 12-13 09:08:35.269 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramBinaryOES at 0x742f2cf748 with 0x7412e5599c (callback 0x742fdb9e80) 12-13 09:08:35.269 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramBinary' at 0x74250d6758 with 0x7412e55878... 12-13 09:08:35.270 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramBinary at 0x74250d6758 with 0x7412e55878 (callback 0x742fdb9eb0) 12-13 09:08:35.270 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawRangeElements' at 0x74250d5e74 with 0x7412e49dd4... 12-13 09:08:35.270 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawRangeElements at 0x74250d5e74 with 0x7412e49dd4 (callback 0x742fdb9ee0) 12-13 09:08:35.270 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramBinary' at 0x742f2ce8c8 with 0x7412e55878... 12-13 09:08:35.271 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramBinary at 0x742f2ce8c8 with 0x7412e55878 (callback 0x742fdb9f10) 12-13 09:08:35.271 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPointervKHR' at 0x74250d73c0 with 0x7412e55788... 12-13 09:08:35.272 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPointervKHR at 0x74250d73c0 with 0x7412e55788 (callback 0x742fdb9f40) 12-13 09:08:35.272 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPointerv' at 0x74250d6fac with 0x7412e55698... 12-13 09:08:35.273 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPointerv at 0x74250d6fac with 0x7412e55698 (callback 0x742fdb9f70) 12-13 09:08:35.273 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSampleCoverage' at 0x7430798e04 with 0x7412e6d304... 12-13 09:08:35.274 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSampleCoverage at 0x7430798e04 with 0x7412e6d304 (callback 0x742fdb9fa0) 12-13 09:08:35.274 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyImageSubDataEXT' at 0x74250d7c10 with 0x7412e43674... 12-13 09:08:35.274 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyImageSubDataEXT at 0x74250d7c10 with 0x7412e43674 (callback 0x742fdb9fd0) 12-13 09:08:35.274 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfQueryDataINTEL' at 0x74250d87e0 with 0x7412e55330... 12-13 09:08:35.275 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfQueryDataINTEL at 0x74250d87e0 with 0x7412e55330 (callback 0x17550) 12-13 09:08:35.275 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfQueryDataINTEL' at 0x742f2d0950 with 0x7412e55330... 12-13 09:08:35.276 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfQueryDataINTEL at 0x742f2d0950 with 0x7412e55330 (callback 0x17590) 12-13 09:08:35.276 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfMonitorGroupStringAMD' at 0x742f2cfa54 with 0x7412e55124... 12-13 09:08:35.277 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfMonitorGroupStringAMD at 0x742f2cfa54 with 0x7412e55124 (callback 0x175d0) 12-13 09:08:35.277 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlitFramebufferANGLE' at 0x74250d79bc with 0x7412e3f880... 12-13 09:08:35.278 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlitFramebufferANGLE at 0x74250d79bc with 0x7412e3f880 (callback 0x17610) 12-13 09:08:35.278 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfMonitorCountersAMD' at 0x74250d78cc with 0x7412e55000... 12-13 09:08:35.278 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfMonitorCountersAMD at 0x74250d78cc with 0x7412e55000 (callback 0x17650) 12-13 09:08:35.278 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPrimitiveBoundingBoxEXT' at 0x742f2d01dc with 0x7412e64e4c... 12-13 09:08:35.279 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPrimitiveBoundingBoxEXT at 0x742f2d01dc with 0x7412e64e4c (callback 0x17690) 12-13 09:08:35.279 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetInteger64v' at 0x742f2d18cc with 0x7412e52c94... 12-13 09:08:35.280 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetInteger64v at 0x742f2d18cc with 0x7412e52c94 (callback 0x176d0) 12-13 09:08:35.280 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD' at 0x742f2cfa84 with 0x7412e54dcc... 12-13 09:08:35.281 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD at 0x742f2cfa84 with 0x7412e54dcc (callback 0x17700) 12-13 09:08:35.281 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFlush' at 0x74250d557c with 0x7412e4cd24... 12-13 09:08:35.282 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFlush at 0x74250d557c with 0x7412e4cd24 (callback 0x17740) 12-13 09:08:35.282 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDepthFunc' at 0x7430798884 with 0x7412e46dc4... 12-13 09:08:35.283 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDepthFunc at 0x7430798884 with 0x7412e46dc4 (callback 0x17780) 12-13 09:08:35.283 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeletePathsNV' at 0x742f2d0e08 with 0x7412e45d20... 12-13 09:08:35.283 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeletePathsNV at 0x742f2d0e08 with 0x7412e45d20 (callback 0x177c0) 12-13 09:08:35.284 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD' at 0x742f2cfb14 with 0x7412e54ca8... 12-13 09:08:35.284 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD at 0x742f2cfb14 with 0x7412e54ca8 (callback 0x17800) 12-13 09:08:35.284 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindTransformFeedback' at 0x742f2ce834 with 0x7412e3db90... 12-13 09:08:35.285 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindTransformFeedback at 0x742f2ce834 with 0x7412e3db90 (callback 0x17840) 12-13 09:08:35.285 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMatrixMult3x2fNV' at 0x74250d90cc with 0x7412e5fcd4... 12-13 09:08:35.286 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMatrixMult3x2fNV at 0x74250d90cc with 0x7412e5fcd4 (callback 0x17880) 12-13 09:08:35.286 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilFillPathNV' at 0x742f2d0fec with 0x7412e6f2a4... 12-13 09:08:35.287 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilFillPathNV at 0x742f2d0fec with 0x7412e6f2a4 (callback 0x178c0) 12-13 09:08:35.287 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathParameterivNV' at 0x74250d8f54 with 0x7412e54860... 12-13 09:08:35.287 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathParameterivNV at 0x74250d8f54 with 0x7412e54860 (callback 0x17900) 12-13 09:08:35.288 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSamplerParameterIivEXT' at 0x742f2d0758 with 0x7412e574f4... 12-13 09:08:35.288 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSamplerParameterIivEXT at 0x742f2d0758 with 0x7412e574f4 (callback 0x17940) 12-13 09:08:35.288 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathSpacingNV' at 0x742f2d116c with 0x7412e5495c... 12-13 09:08:35.289 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathSpacingNV at 0x742f2d116c with 0x7412e5495c (callback 0x17980) 12-13 09:08:35.289 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathParameterfvNV' at 0x742f2d10dc with 0x7412e54764... 12-13 09:08:35.290 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathParameterfvNV at 0x742f2d10dc with 0x7412e54764 (callback 0x179c0) 12-13 09:08:35.290 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetDriverControlStringQCOM' at 0x74250d93f4 with 0x7412e5181c... 12-13 09:08:35.291 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetDriverControlStringQCOM at 0x74250d93f4 with 0x7412e5181c (callback 0x17a00) 12-13 09:08:35.291 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetString' at 0x742f2d1700 with 0x7412e58004... 12-13 09:08:35.291 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetString at 0x742f2d1700 with 0x7412e58004 (callback 0x17a40) 12-13 09:08:35.291 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetBufferPointervOES' at 0x742f2cf7b0 with 0x7412e50f78... 12-13 09:08:35.292 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetBufferPointervOES at 0x742f2cf7b0 with 0x7412e50f78 (callback 0x17a70) 12-13 09:08:35.292 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathMetricRangeNV' at 0x74250d8fe4 with 0x7412e544ec... 12-13 09:08:35.293 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathMetricRangeNV at 0x74250d8fe4 with 0x7412e544ec (callback 0x17ab0) 12-13 09:08:35.293 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBeginTransformFeedback' at 0x74250d6184 with 0x7412e3cad8... 12-13 09:08:35.294 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBeginTransformFeedback at 0x74250d6184 with 0x7412e3cad8 (callback 0x17af0) 12-13 09:08:35.294 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog' at 0x74250d6d20 with 0x7412e55ce0... 12-13 09:08:35.294 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog at 0x74250d6d20 with 0x7412e55ce0 (callback 0x17b30) 12-13 09:08:35.294 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetInternalformatSampleivNV' at 0x74250d8bd4 with 0x7412e5315c... 12-13 09:08:35.295 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetInternalformatSampleivNV at 0x74250d8bd4 with 0x7412e5315c (callback 0x17b70) 12-13 09:08:35.295 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPushMatrix' at 0x7430798dbc with 0x7412e6b760... 12-13 09:08:35.296 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPushMatrix at 0x7430798dbc with 0x7412e6b760 (callback 0x17bb0) 12-13 09:08:35.296 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferRenderbuffer' at 0x742f2cd404 with 0x7412e4d868... 12-13 09:08:35.297 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferRenderbuffer at 0x742f2cd404 with 0x7412e4d868 (callback 0x17bf0) 12-13 09:08:35.297 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathMetricRangeNV' at 0x742f2d1154 with 0x7412e544ec... 12-13 09:08:35.298 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathMetricRangeNV at 0x742f2d1154 with 0x7412e544ec (callback 0x17c30) 12-13 09:08:35.298 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPatchParameteri' at 0x74250d7194 with 0x7412e61f40... 12-13 09:08:35.298 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPatchParameteri at 0x74250d7194 with 0x7412e61f40 (callback 0x17c70) 12-13 09:08:35.298 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteRenderbuffers' at 0x742f2cd29c with 0x7412e46488... 12-13 09:08:35.299 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteRenderbuffers at 0x742f2cd29c with 0x7412e46488 (callback 0x17cb0) 12-13 09:08:35.299 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathLengthNV' at 0x74250d904c with 0x7412e543e8... 12-13 09:08:35.300 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathLengthNV at 0x74250d904c with 0x7412e543e8 (callback 0x17cf0) 12-13 09:08:35.300 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenTransformFeedbacks' at 0x742f2ce864 with 0x7412e4fdf4... 12-13 09:08:35.301 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenTransformFeedbacks at 0x742f2ce864 with 0x7412e4fdf4 (callback 0x17d30) 12-13 09:08:35.301 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglDestroyImageKHR' at 0x742ff92cf4 with 0x7412e39f1c... 12-13 09:08:35.302 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglDestroyImageKHR at 0x742ff92cf4 with 0x7412e39f1c (callback 0x17d70) 12-13 09:08:35.302 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathDashArrayNV' at 0x742f2d1124 with 0x7412e542f8... 12-13 09:08:35.302 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathDashArrayNV at 0x742f2d1124 with 0x7412e542f8 (callback 0x17da0) 12-13 09:08:35.302 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetObjectLabelKHR' at 0x74250d7378 with 0x7412e53dd4... 12-13 09:08:35.303 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetObjectLabelKHR at 0x74250d7378 with 0x7412e53dd4 (callback 0x17de0) 12-13 09:08:35.303 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindVertexArray' at 0x74250d6108 with 0x7412e3dc80... 12-13 09:08:35.304 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindVertexArray at 0x74250d6108 with 0x7412e3dc80 (callback 0x17e20) 12-13 09:08:35.304 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetNextPerfQueryIdINTEL' at 0x74250d87b0 with 0x7412e53a9c... 12-13 09:08:35.305 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetNextPerfQueryIdINTEL at 0x74250d87b0 with 0x7412e53a9c (callback 0x17e60) 12-13 09:08:35.305 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM' at 0x743079a00c with 0x7412e4c374... 12-13 09:08:35.305 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM at 0x743079a00c with 0x7412e4c374 (callback 0x17ea0) 12-13 09:08:35.305 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2uivEXT' at 0x74250d8450 with 0x7412e67690... 12-13 09:08:35.306 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2uivEXT at 0x74250d8450 with 0x7412e67690 (callback 0x17ee0) 12-13 09:08:35.306 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfMonitorGroupStringAMD' at 0x74250d78e4 with 0x7412e55124... 12-13 09:08:35.307 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfMonitorGroupStringAMD at 0x74250d78e4 with 0x7412e55124 (callback 0x17f20) 12-13 09:08:35.307 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetMultisamplefv' at 0x74250d6db0 with 0x7412e539a0... 12-13 09:08:35.308 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetMultisamplefv at 0x74250d6db0 with 0x7412e539a0 (callback 0x17f60) 12-13 09:08:35.308 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES' at 0x742f2cf870 with 0x7412e42eb4... 12-13 09:08:35.309 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES at 0x742f2cf870 with 0x7412e42eb4 (callback 0x17fa0) 12-13 09:08:35.309 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetActiveUniformBlockiv' at 0x74250d6474 with 0x7412e50658... 12-13 09:08:35.310 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetActiveUniformBlockiv at 0x74250d6474 with 0x7412e50658 (callback 0x742fd38000) 12-13 09:08:35.310 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetMaterialfv' at 0x74307983ec with 0x7412e536ac... 12-13 09:08:35.310 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetMaterialfv at 0x74307983ec with 0x7412e536ac (callback 0x742fd38030) 12-13 09:08:35.310 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterIiv' at 0x742f2cf31c with 0x7412e72180... 12-13 09:08:35.311 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterIiv at 0x742f2cf31c with 0x7412e72180 (callback 0x742fd38060) 12-13 09:08:35.311 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsSync' at 0x742f2ce678 with 0x7412e5cd30... 12-13 09:08:35.312 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsSync at 0x742f2ce678 with 0x7412e5cd30 (callback 0x742fd38090) 12-13 09:08:35.312 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetLightxvOES' at 0x7430799764 with 0x7412e535b0... 12-13 09:08:35.313 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetLightxvOES at 0x7430799764 with 0x7412e535b0 (callback 0x742fd380c0) 12-13 09:08:35.313 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfMonitorCounterStringAMD' at 0x742f2cfa6c with 0x7412e54edc... 12-13 09:08:35.313 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfMonitorCounterStringAMD at 0x742f2cfa6c with 0x7412e54edc (callback 0x742fd380f0) 12-13 09:08:35.313 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCoverageModulationNV' at 0x74250d8b8c with 0x7412e44944... 12-13 09:08:35.314 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCoverageModulationNV at 0x74250d8b8c with 0x7412e44944 (callback 0x742fd38120) 12-13 09:08:35.314 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawBuffersNV' at 0x742f2d0ba4 with 0x7412e48ca8... 12-13 09:08:35.315 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawBuffersNV at 0x742f2d0ba4 with 0x7412e48ca8 (callback 0x742fd38150) 12-13 09:08:35.315 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetLightfv' at 0x74307983d4 with 0x7412e533b8... 12-13 09:08:35.316 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetLightfv at 0x74307983d4 with 0x7412e533b8 (callback 0x742fd38180) 12-13 09:08:35.316 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenQueries' at 0x742f2ce074 with 0x7412e4f854... 12-13 09:08:35.317 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenQueries at 0x742f2ce074 with 0x7412e4f854 (callback 0x742fd381b0) 12-13 09:08:35.317 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendColor' at 0x742f2cd050 with 0x7412e3e1e0... 12-13 09:08:35.317 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendColor at 0x742f2cd050 with 0x7412e3e1e0 (callback 0x742fd381e0) 12-13 09:08:35.317 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBufferData' at 0x74307986d4 with 0x7412e3fbf8... 12-13 09:08:35.318 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBufferData at 0x74307986d4 with 0x7412e3fbf8 (callback 0x742fd38210) 12-13 09:08:35.318 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetIntegerv' at 0x7430798a98 with 0x7412e5306c... 12-13 09:08:35.319 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetIntegerv at 0x7430798a98 with 0x7412e5306c (callback 0x742fd38240) 12-13 09:08:35.319 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetIntegeri_vEXT' at 0x74250d8054 with 0x7412e52f70... 12-13 09:08:35.320 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetIntegeri_vEXT at 0x74250d8054 with 0x7412e52f70 (callback 0x742fd38270) 12-13 09:08:35.320 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM' at 0x74250d949c with 0x7412e4c374... 12-13 09:08:35.320 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM at 0x74250d949c with 0x7412e4c374 (callback 0x742fd382a0) 12-13 09:08:35.320 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetIntegeri_vEXT' at 0x742f2d01c4 with 0x7412e52f70... 12-13 09:08:35.321 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetIntegeri_vEXT at 0x742f2d01c4 with 0x7412e52f70 (callback 0x742fd382d0) 12-13 09:08:35.321 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilMask' at 0x7430798e94 with 0x7412e6f5ac... 12-13 09:08:35.322 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilMask at 0x7430798e94 with 0x7412e6f5ac (callback 0x742fd38300) 12-13 09:08:35.322 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetInteger64vAPPLE' at 0x742f2cfc88 with 0x7412e52d84... 12-13 09:08:35.323 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetInteger64vAPPLE at 0x742f2cfc88 with 0x7412e52d84 (callback 0x742fd38330) 12-13 09:08:35.323 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetInteger64v' at 0x74250d975c with 0x7412e52c94... 12-13 09:08:35.323 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetInteger64v at 0x74250d975c with 0x7412e52c94 (callback 0x742fd38360) 12-13 09:08:35.323 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexImage2D' at 0x74250d5ae4 with 0x7412e71994... 12-13 09:08:35.324 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexImage2D at 0x74250d5ae4 with 0x7412e71994 (callback 0x742fd38380) 12-13 09:08:35.324 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetBooleanv' at 0x742f2d17a0 with 0x7412e50b94... 12-13 09:08:35.325 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetBooleanv at 0x742f2d17a0 with 0x7412e50b94 (callback 0x742fd383b0) 12-13 09:08:35.325 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetInteger64i_v' at 0x74250d6588 with 0x7412e52b98... 12-13 09:08:35.326 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetInteger64i_v at 0x74250d6588 with 0x7412e52b98 (callback 0x742fd383d0) 12-13 09:08:35.326 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMatrixLoad3x3fNV' at 0x74250d909c with 0x7412e5fa10... 12-13 09:08:35.326 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMatrixLoad3x3fNV at 0x74250d909c with 0x7412e5fa10 (callback 0x742fd38400) 12-13 09:08:35.326 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBeginPerfMonitorAMD' at 0x74250d7974 with 0x7412e3c730... 12-13 09:08:35.327 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBeginPerfMonitorAMD at 0x74250d7974 with 0x7412e3c730 (callback 0x742fd38430) 12-13 09:08:35.327 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathGlyphsNV' at 0x742f2d0eb4 with 0x7412e62a74... 12-13 09:08:35.328 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathGlyphsNV at 0x742f2d0eb4 with 0x7412e62a74 (callback 0x742fd38460) 12-13 09:08:35.328 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsBuffer' at 0x74250d5888 with 0x7412e5b814... 12-13 09:08:35.329 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsBuffer at 0x74250d5888 with 0x7412e5b814 (callback 0x742fd38490) 12-13 09:08:35.329 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexEXT' at 0x742f2d0040 with 0x7412e4991c... 12-13 09:08:35.329 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexEXT at 0x742f2d0040 with 0x7412e4991c (callback 0x742fd384c0) 12-13 09:08:35.329 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT' at 0x742f2d00ec with 0x7412e4cef8... 12-13 09:08:35.330 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT at 0x742f2d00ec with 0x7412e4cef8 (callback 0x742fd384f0) 12-13 09:08:35.330 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameterIivOES' at 0x742f2cf8d0 with 0x7412e59058... 12-13 09:08:35.331 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameterIivOES at 0x742f2cf8d0 with 0x7412e59058 (callback 0x742fd38520) 12-13 09:08:35.331 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTextureOES' at 0x742f2cf730 with 0x7412e4ea00... 12-13 09:08:35.332 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTextureOES at 0x742f2cf730 with 0x7412e4ea00 (callback 0x742fd38550) 12-13 09:08:35.332 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetGraphicsResetStatus' at 0x742f2cf270 with 0x7412e527b8... 12-13 09:08:35.332 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetGraphicsResetStatus at 0x742f2cf270 with 0x7412e527b8 (callback 0x742fd38580) 12-13 09:08:35.332 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2uiEXT' at 0x74250d83f0 with 0x7412e67470... 12-13 09:08:35.333 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2uiEXT at 0x74250d83f0 with 0x7412e67470 (callback 0x742fd385b0) 12-13 09:08:35.333 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFuncSeparateiEXT' at 0x742f2cffc4 with 0x7412e3f098... 12-13 09:08:35.334 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFuncSeparateiEXT at 0x742f2cffc4 with 0x7412e3f098 (callback 0x742fd385e0) 12-13 09:08:35.334 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCoverFillPathNV' at 0x742f2d1064 with 0x7412e44528... 12-13 09:08:35.335 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCoverFillPathNV at 0x742f2d1064 with 0x7412e44528 (callback 0x742fd38610) 12-13 09:08:35.335 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsEnablediOES' at 0x742f2cf6b4 with 0x7412e5bce8... 12-13 09:08:35.335 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsEnablediOES at 0x742f2cf6b4 with 0x7412e5bce8 (callback 0x742fd38640) 12-13 09:08:35.335 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTextureLayer' at 0x74250d60bc with 0x7412e4e4fc... 12-13 09:08:35.336 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTextureLayer at 0x74250d60bc with 0x7412e4e4fc (callback 0x742fd38670) 12-13 09:08:35.336 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFramebufferParameteriv' at 0x742f2cea00 with 0x7412e525cc... 12-13 09:08:35.337 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFramebufferParameteriv at 0x742f2cea00 with 0x7412e525cc (callback 0x742fd386a0) 12-13 09:08:35.337 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetBufferPointervOES' at 0x74250d7640 with 0x7412e50f78... 12-13 09:08:35.338 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetBufferPointervOES at 0x74250d7640 with 0x7412e50f78 (callback 0x742fd386d0) 12-13 09:08:35.338 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES' at 0x7430799950 with 0x7412e524bc... 12-13 09:08:35.339 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES at 0x7430799950 with 0x7412e524bc (callback 0x742fd38700) 12-13 09:08:35.339 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTextureOES' at 0x74250d75c0 with 0x7412e4ea00... 12-13 09:08:35.339 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTextureOES at 0x74250d75c0 with 0x7412e4ea00 (callback 0x742fd38730) 12-13 09:08:35.339 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPointSizexOES' at 0x743079968c with 0x7412e643e0... 12-13 09:08:35.340 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPointSizexOES at 0x743079968c with 0x7412e643e0 (callback 0x742fd38760) 12-13 09:08:35.340 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv' at 0x742f2cd55c with 0x7412e523ac... 12-13 09:08:35.341 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv at 0x742f2cd55c with 0x7412e523ac (callback 0x742fd38790) 12-13 09:08:35.341 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetInternalformativ' at 0x742f2ce970 with 0x7412e53294... 12-13 09:08:35.342 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetInternalformativ at 0x742f2ce970 with 0x7412e53294 (callback 0x742fd387c0) 12-13 09:08:35.342 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4fv' at 0x742f2ced88 with 0x7412e68b98... 12-13 09:08:35.343 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4fv at 0x742f2ced88 with 0x7412e68b98 (callback 0x742fd387f0) 12-13 09:08:35.343 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFragDataLocation' at 0x742f2ce444 with 0x7412e522b0... 12-13 09:08:35.343 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFragDataLocation at 0x742f2ce444 with 0x7412e522b0 (callback 0x742fd38820) 12-13 09:08:35.343 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4i' at 0x74250d6a38 with 0x7412e68db8... 12-13 09:08:35.344 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4i at 0x74250d6a38 with 0x7412e68db8 (callback 0x742fd38850) 12-13 09:08:35.344 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCoverStrokePathNV' at 0x742f2d107c with 0x7412e4476c... 12-13 09:08:35.345 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCoverStrokePathNV at 0x742f2d107c with 0x7412e4476c (callback 0x742fd38880) 12-13 09:08:35.345 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedNV' at 0x742f2d12cc with 0x7412e6fea4... 12-13 09:08:35.346 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedNV at 0x742f2d12cc with 0x7412e6fea4 (callback 0x742fd388b0) 12-13 09:08:35.346 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2fvEXT' at 0x74250d8258 with 0x7412e669d0... 12-13 09:08:35.346 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2fvEXT at 0x74250d8258 with 0x7412e669d0 (callback 0x742fd388e0) 12-13 09:08:35.347 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramInfoLog' at 0x74250d571c with 0x7412e55ac0... 12-13 09:08:35.347 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramInfoLog at 0x74250d571c with 0x7412e55ac0 (callback 0x742fd38910) 12-13 09:08:35.347 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFragDataIndexEXT' at 0x742f2cfd4c with 0x7412e521b4... 12-13 09:08:35.348 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFragDataIndexEXT at 0x742f2cfd4c with 0x7412e521b4 (callback 0x742fd38940) 12-13 09:08:35.348 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglCreatePixmapSurface' at 0x742ff907f0 with 0x7412e39ae0... 12-13 09:08:35.349 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglCreatePixmapSurface at 0x742ff907f0 with 0x7412e39ae0 (callback 0x742fd38970) 12-13 09:08:35.349 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearBufferuiv' at 0x74250d63c8 with 0x7412e404f0... 12-13 09:08:35.350 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearBufferuiv at 0x74250d63c8 with 0x7412e404f0 (callback 0x742fd38990) 12-13 09:08:35.350 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFixedv' at 0x7430798a80 with 0x7412e51cec... 12-13 09:08:35.350 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFixedv at 0x7430798a80 with 0x7412e51cec (callback 0x742fd389c0) 12-13 09:08:35.350 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2fEXT' at 0x742f2d03b0 with 0x7412e667b0... 12-13 09:08:35.351 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2fEXT at 0x742f2d03b0 with 0x7412e667b0 (callback 0x742fd389f0) 12-13 09:08:35.351 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFenceivNV' at 0x74250d8ae4 with 0x7412e51b0c... 12-13 09:08:35.352 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFenceivNV at 0x74250d8ae4 with 0x7412e51b0c (callback 0x742fd38a20) 12-13 09:08:35.352 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetError' at 0x742f2cd540 with 0x7412e51a28... 12-13 09:08:35.353 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetError at 0x742f2cd540 with 0x7412e51a28 (callback 0x742fd38a50) 12-13 09:08:35.353 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glResumeTransformFeedback' at 0x742f2ce8b0 with 0x7412e6cef4... 12-13 09:08:35.354 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glResumeTransformFeedback at 0x742f2ce8b0 with 0x7412e6cef4 (callback 0x742fd38a80) 12-13 09:08:35.354 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetError' at 0x7430798a64 with 0x7412e51a28... 12-13 09:08:35.354 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetError at 0x7430798a64 with 0x7412e51a28 (callback 0x742fd38ab0) 12-13 09:08:35.354 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetDriverControlStringQCOM' at 0x7430799f64 with 0x7412e5181c... 12-13 09:08:35.355 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetDriverControlStringQCOM at 0x7430799f64 with 0x7412e5181c (callback 0x742fd38ae0) 12-13 09:08:35.355 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetObjectLabelKHR' at 0x742f2cf4e8 with 0x7412e53dd4... 12-13 09:08:35.356 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetObjectLabelKHR at 0x742f2cf4e8 with 0x7412e53dd4 (callback 0x742fd38b10) 12-13 09:08:35.356 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendParameteriNV' at 0x742f2d0ae4 with 0x7412e3f5d4... 12-13 09:08:35.357 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendParameteriNV at 0x742f2d0ae4 with 0x7412e3f5d4 (callback 0x742fd38b40) 12-13 09:08:35.357 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDisableDriverControlQCOM' at 0x742f2d1594 with 0x7412e47a18... 12-13 09:08:35.358 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDisableDriverControlQCOM at 0x742f2d1594 with 0x7412e47a18 (callback 0x742fd38b70) 12-13 09:08:35.358 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetDebugMessageLogKHR' at 0x74250d7314 with 0x7412e516a0... 12-13 09:08:35.358 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetDebugMessageLogKHR at 0x74250d7314 with 0x7412e516a0 (callback 0x742fd38ba0) 12-13 09:08:35.358 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilFillPathInstancedNV' at 0x74250d8eac with 0x7412e6f134... 12-13 09:08:35.359 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilFillPathInstancedNV at 0x74250d8eac with 0x7412e6f134 (callback 0x742fd38bd0) 12-13 09:08:35.359 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetDebugMessageLog' at 0x74250d6f00 with 0x7412e51524... 12-13 09:08:35.360 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetDebugMessageLog at 0x74250d6f00 with 0x7412e51524 (callback 0x742fd38c00) 12-13 09:08:35.360 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsSyncAPPLE' at 0x74250d7ab0 with 0x7412e5ce20... 12-13 09:08:35.361 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsSyncAPPLE at 0x74250d7ab0 with 0x7412e5ce20 (callback 0x742fd38c30) 12-13 09:08:35.361 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenProgramPipelines' at 0x742f2ceb14 with 0x7412e4f674... 12-13 09:08:35.361 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenProgramPipelines at 0x742f2ceb14 with 0x7412e4f674 (callback 0x742fd38c60) 12-13 09:08:35.361 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetDebugMessageLog' at 0x742f2cf070 with 0x7412e51524... 12-13 09:08:35.362 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetDebugMessageLog at 0x742f2cf070 with 0x7412e51524 (callback 0x742fd38c90) 12-13 09:08:35.362 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDebugMessageInsertKHR' at 0x74250d72e4 with 0x7412e45828... 12-13 09:08:35.363 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDebugMessageInsertKHR at 0x74250d72e4 with 0x7412e45828 (callback 0x742fd38cc0) 12-13 09:08:35.363 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetClipPlanexOES' at 0x74307994f4 with 0x7412e51344... 12-13 09:08:35.364 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetClipPlanexOES at 0x74307994f4 with 0x7412e51344 (callback 0x742fd38cf0) 12-13 09:08:35.364 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glColorMask' at 0x74250d5304 with 0x7412e41ea4... 12-13 09:08:35.364 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glColorMask at 0x74250d5304 with 0x7412e41ea4 (callback 0x742fd38d20) 12-13 09:08:35.365 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetClipPlanex' at 0x7430798a1c with 0x7412e51254... 12-13 09:08:35.365 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetClipPlanex at 0x7430798a1c with 0x7412e51254 (callback 0x742fd38d50) 12-13 09:08:35.365 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetClipPlanefOES' at 0x7430799a7c with 0x7412e51164... 12-13 09:08:35.366 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetClipPlanefOES at 0x7430799a7c with 0x7412e51164 (callback 0x742fd38d80) 12-13 09:08:35.366 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathCoverDepthFuncNV' at 0x74250d8edc with 0x7412e62458... 12-13 09:08:35.367 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathCoverDepthFuncNV at 0x74250d8edc with 0x7412e62458 (callback 0x742fd38db0) 12-13 09:08:35.367 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSamplerParameterIuivOES' at 0x742f2cf948 with 0x7412e578e4... 12-13 09:08:35.368 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSamplerParameterIuivOES at 0x742f2cf948 with 0x7412e578e4 (callback 0x742fd38de0) 12-13 09:08:35.368 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCullFace' at 0x74250d53cc with 0x7412e450d0... 12-13 09:08:35.368 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCullFace at 0x74250d53cc with 0x7412e450d0 (callback 0x742fd38e10) 12-13 09:08:35.368 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetClipPlanef' at 0x74307983a4 with 0x7412e51074... 12-13 09:08:35.369 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetClipPlanef at 0x74307983a4 with 0x7412e51074 (callback 0x742fd38e40) 12-13 09:08:35.369 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyTexSubImage3D' at 0x74250d5ebc with 0x7412e43f8c... 12-13 09:08:35.370 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyTexSubImage3D at 0x74250d5ebc with 0x7412e43f8c (callback 0x742fd38e70) 12-13 09:08:35.370 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexCoordPointer' at 0x7430798244 with 0x7412e70990... 12-13 09:08:35.371 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexCoordPointer at 0x7430798244 with 0x7412e70990 (callback 0x742fd38ea0) 12-13 09:08:35.371 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsRenderbufferOES' at 0x743079980c with 0x7412e5ca60... 12-13 09:08:35.371 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsRenderbufferOES at 0x743079980c with 0x7412e5ca60 (callback 0x742fd38ed0) 12-13 09:08:35.372 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteVertexArrays' at 0x742f2ce290 with 0x7412e46be4... 12-13 09:08:35.372 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteVertexArrays at 0x742f2ce290 with 0x7412e46be4 (callback 0x742fd38f00) 12-13 09:08:35.372 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDepthMask' at 0x74250d548c with 0x7412e46ea8... 12-13 09:08:35.373 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDepthMask at 0x74250d548c with 0x7412e46ea8 (callback 0x742fd38f30) 12-13 09:08:35.373 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetObjectLabel' at 0x74250d6f64 with 0x7412e53b8c... 12-13 09:08:35.374 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetObjectLabel at 0x74250d6f64 with 0x7412e53b8c (callback 0x742fd38f60) 12-13 09:08:35.374 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDebugMessageCallback' at 0x74250d6ee8 with 0x7412e45298... 12-13 09:08:35.375 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDebugMessageCallback at 0x74250d6ee8 with 0x7412e45298 (callback 0x742fd38f90) 12-13 09:08:35.375 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetActiveAttrib' at 0x742f2cd4c4 with 0x7412e5028c... 12-13 09:08:35.375 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetActiveAttrib at 0x742f2cd4c4 with 0x7412e5028c (callback 0x742fd38fc0) 12-13 09:08:35.375 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetBufferPointerv' at 0x742f2ce13c with 0x7412e50e7c... 12-13 09:08:35.376 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetBufferPointerv at 0x742f2ce13c with 0x7412e50e7c (callback 0x18540) 12-13 09:08:35.376 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetBufferParameteriv' at 0x742f2cd528 with 0x7412e50d80... 12-13 09:08:35.377 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetBufferParameteriv at 0x742f2cd528 with 0x7412e50d80 (callback 0x18580) 12-13 09:08:35.377 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetRenderbufferParameteriv' at 0x742f2cd5a4 with 0x7412e57200... 12-13 09:08:35.378 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetRenderbufferParameteriv at 0x742f2cd5a4 with 0x7412e57200 (callback 0x185c0) 12-13 09:08:35.378 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetDriverControlsQCOM' at 0x742f2d154c with 0x7412e5192c... 12-13 09:08:35.378 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetDriverControlsQCOM at 0x742f2d154c with 0x7412e5192c (callback 0x18600) 12-13 09:08:35.379 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexGenfOES' at 0x7430799aac with 0x7412e713a8... 12-13 09:08:35.379 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexGenfOES at 0x7430799aac with 0x7412e713a8 (callback 0x18640) 12-13 09:08:35.379 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetBooleani_v' at 0x74250d6d50 with 0x7412e50a98... 12-13 09:08:35.380 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetBooleani_v at 0x74250d6d50 with 0x7412e50a98 (callback 0x18680) 12-13 09:08:35.380 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfQueryInfoINTEL' at 0x742f2d0980 with 0x7412e55544... 12-13 09:08:35.381 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfQueryInfoINTEL at 0x742f2d0980 with 0x7412e55544 (callback 0x186c0) 12-13 09:08:35.381 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM' at 0x74250d94cc with 0x7412e4c498... 12-13 09:08:35.382 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM at 0x74250d94cc with 0x7412e4c498 (callback 0x18700) 12-13 09:08:35.382 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetAttachedShaders' at 0x74250d5684 with 0x7412e5088c... 12-13 09:08:35.382 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetAttachedShaders at 0x74250d5684 with 0x7412e5088c (callback 0x18740) 12-13 09:08:35.382 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribBinding' at 0x74250d6e58 with 0x7412e79804... 12-13 09:08:35.383 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribBinding at 0x74250d6e58 with 0x7412e79804 (callback 0x18780) 12-13 09:08:35.383 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetVertexAttribfv' at 0x74250d5828 with 0x7412e5a860... 12-13 09:08:35.384 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetVertexAttribfv at 0x74250d5828 with 0x7412e5a860 (callback 0x187c0) 12-13 09:08:35.384 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetActiveUniformsiv' at 0x74250d6440 with 0x7412e50768... 12-13 09:08:35.385 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetActiveUniformsiv at 0x74250d6440 with 0x7412e50768 (callback 0x18800) 12-13 09:08:35.385 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttrib1fv' at 0x742f2cdef4 with 0x7412e79108... 12-13 09:08:35.385 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttrib1fv at 0x742f2cdef4 with 0x7412e79108 (callback 0x18840) 12-13 09:08:35.385 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttrib1f' at 0x742f2cdedc with 0x7412e79014... 12-13 09:08:35.386 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttrib1f at 0x742f2cdedc with 0x7412e79014 (callback 0x18880) 12-13 09:08:35.386 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glScissorIndexedvNV' at 0x742f2d1458 with 0x7412e6e900... 12-13 09:08:35.387 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glScissorIndexedvNV at 0x742f2d1458 with 0x7412e6e900 (callback 0x188c0) 12-13 09:08:35.387 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSampleCoveragex' at 0x7430798e1c with 0x7412e6d3fc... 12-13 09:08:35.388 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSampleCoveragex at 0x7430798e1c with 0x7412e6d3fc (callback 0x18900) 12-13 09:08:35.388 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetActiveUniformsiv' at 0x742f2ce5b0 with 0x7412e50768... 12-13 09:08:35.388 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetActiveUniformsiv at 0x742f2ce5b0 with 0x7412e50768 (callback 0x18940) 12-13 09:08:35.388 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglTerminate' at 0x742ff8ffa4 with 0x7412e3b93c... 12-13 09:08:35.389 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglTerminate at 0x742ff8ffa4 with 0x7412e3b93c (callback 0x18980) 12-13 09:08:35.389 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstanced' at 0x74250d64d4 with 0x7412e49310... 12-13 09:08:35.390 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstanced at 0x74250d64d4 with 0x7412e49310 (callback 0x189b0) 12-13 09:08:35.390 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsFenceNV' at 0x742f2d0c1c with 0x7412e5bde4... 12-13 09:08:35.391 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsFenceNV at 0x742f2d0c1c with 0x7412e5bde4 (callback 0x189f0) 12-13 09:08:35.391 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexEnvfv' at 0x7430798404 with 0x7412e58438... 12-13 09:08:35.392 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexEnvfv at 0x7430798404 with 0x7412e58438 (callback 0x18a30) 12-13 09:08:35.392 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfQueryIdByNameINTEL' at 0x742f2d0968 with 0x7412e55454... 12-13 09:08:35.392 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfQueryIdByNameINTEL at 0x742f2d0968 with 0x7412e55454 (callback 0x18a70) 12-13 09:08:35.392 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindSampler' at 0x742f2ce774 with 0x7412e3d9b0... 12-13 09:08:35.393 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindSampler at 0x742f2ce774 with 0x7412e3d9b0 (callback 0x18ab0) 12-13 09:08:35.393 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttrib2f' at 0x742f2cdf0c with 0x7412e791f8... 12-13 09:08:35.394 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttrib2f at 0x742f2cdf0c with 0x7412e791f8 (callback 0x18af0) 12-13 09:08:35.394 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenerateMipmap' at 0x74250d55f4 with 0x7412e500c4... 12-13 09:08:35.395 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenerateMipmap at 0x74250d55f4 with 0x7412e500c4 (callback 0x18b30) 12-13 09:08:35.395 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1fEXT' at 0x74250d81e0 with 0x7412e65738... 12-13 09:08:35.395 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1fEXT at 0x74250d81e0 with 0x7412e65738 (callback 0x18b70) 12-13 09:08:35.395 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenerateMipmap' at 0x742f2cd464 with 0x7412e500c4... 12-13 09:08:35.396 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenerateMipmap at 0x742f2cd464 with 0x7412e500c4 (callback 0x18bb0) 12-13 09:08:35.396 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetShaderInfoLog' at 0x74250d5764 with 0x7412e57bd8... 12-13 09:08:35.397 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetShaderInfoLog at 0x74250d5764 with 0x7412e57bd8 (callback 0x18bf0) 12-13 09:08:35.397 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenVertexArraysOES' at 0x74250d7880 with 0x7412e4ffd4... 12-13 09:08:35.398 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenVertexArraysOES at 0x74250d7880 with 0x7412e4ffd4 (callback 0x18c30) 12-13 09:08:35.398 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathCoordsNV' at 0x74250d8ce4 with 0x7412e62348... 12-13 09:08:35.398 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathCoordsNV at 0x74250d8ce4 with 0x7412e62348 (callback 0x18c70) 12-13 09:08:35.398 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawBuffersIndexedEXT' at 0x742f2d01ac with 0x7412e48bac... 12-13 09:08:35.399 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawBuffersIndexedEXT at 0x742f2d01ac with 0x7412e48bac (callback 0x18cb0) 12-13 09:08:35.399 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenVertexArraysOES' at 0x742f2cf9f0 with 0x7412e4ffd4... 12-13 09:08:35.400 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenVertexArraysOES at 0x742f2cf9f0 with 0x7412e4ffd4 (callback 0x18cf0) 12-13 09:08:35.400 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetObjectPtrLabel' at 0x74250d6f94 with 0x7412e53ef8... 12-13 09:08:35.401 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetObjectPtrLabel at 0x74250d6f94 with 0x7412e53ef8 (callback 0x18d30) 12-13 09:08:35.401 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDisableDriverControlQCOM' at 0x7430799f94 with 0x7412e47a18... 12-13 09:08:35.401 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDisableDriverControlQCOM at 0x7430799f94 with 0x7412e47a18 (callback 0x18d70) 12-13 09:08:35.401 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2i' at 0x742f2ceb78 with 0x7412e66ae0... 12-13 09:08:35.402 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2i at 0x742f2ceb78 with 0x7412e66ae0 (callback 0x18db0) 12-13 09:08:35.402 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEnableiEXT' at 0x742f2cff4c with 0x7412e4b394... 12-13 09:08:35.403 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEnableiEXT at 0x742f2cff4c with 0x7412e4b394 (callback 0x18df0) 12-13 09:08:35.403 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenVertexArrays' at 0x742f2ce2a8 with 0x7412e4fee4... 12-13 09:08:35.404 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenVertexArrays at 0x742f2ce2a8 with 0x7412e4fee4 (callback 0x18e30) 12-13 09:08:35.404 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameteriv' at 0x742f2ce7a4 with 0x7412e6dfb4... 12-13 09:08:35.404 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameteriv at 0x742f2ce7a4 with 0x7412e6dfb4 (callback 0x18e70) 12-13 09:08:35.405 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenTextures' at 0x74250d563c with 0x7412e4fd04... 12-13 09:08:35.405 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenTextures at 0x74250d563c with 0x7412e4fd04 (callback 0x18eb0) 12-13 09:08:35.405 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix2fvEXT' at 0x74250d8360 with 0x7412e6a0a8... 12-13 09:08:35.406 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix2fvEXT at 0x74250d8360 with 0x7412e6a0a8 (callback 0x18ef0) 12-13 09:08:35.406 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBeginTransformFeedback' at 0x742f2ce2f4 with 0x7412e3cad8... 12-13 09:08:35.407 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBeginTransformFeedback at 0x742f2ce2f4 with 0x7412e3cad8 (callback 0x18f30) 12-13 09:08:35.407 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenRenderbuffers' at 0x74250d5624 with 0x7412e4fa34... 12-13 09:08:35.408 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenRenderbuffers at 0x74250d5624 with 0x7412e4fa34 (callback 0x18f70) 12-13 09:08:35.408 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenRenderbuffers' at 0x742f2cd494 with 0x7412e4fa34... 12-13 09:08:35.408 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenRenderbuffers at 0x742f2cd494 with 0x7412e4fa34 (callback 0x18fb0) 12-13 09:08:35.408 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyTextureLevelsAPPLE' at 0x74250d7a4c with 0x7412e442c4... 12-13 09:08:35.409 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyTextureLevelsAPPLE at 0x74250d7a4c with 0x7412e442c4 (callback 0x742fc51000) 12-13 09:08:35.409 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenQueriesEXT' at 0x74250d7cb8 with 0x7412e4f944... 12-13 09:08:35.410 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenQueriesEXT at 0x74250d7cb8 with 0x7412e4f944 (callback 0x742fc51030) 12-13 09:08:35.410 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetError' at 0x74250d56d0 with 0x7412e51a28... 12-13 09:08:35.411 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetError at 0x74250d56d0 with 0x7412e51a28 (callback 0x742fc51060) 12-13 09:08:35.411 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform3fv' at 0x74250d5c4c with 0x7412e75fe0... 12-13 09:08:35.412 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform3fv at 0x74250d5c4c with 0x7412e75fe0 (callback 0x742fc51090) 12-13 09:08:35.412 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFuncSeparateiEXT' at 0x74250d7e54 with 0x7412e3f098... 12-13 09:08:35.412 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFuncSeparateiEXT at 0x74250d7e54 with 0x7412e3f098 (callback 0x742fc510c0) 12-13 09:08:35.412 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEndTilingQCOM' at 0x743079a0e8 with 0x7412e4bacc... 12-13 09:08:35.413 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEndTilingQCOM at 0x743079a0e8 with 0x7412e4bacc (callback 0x742fc510f0) 12-13 09:08:35.413 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetInternalformativ' at 0x74250d6800 with 0x7412e53294... 12-13 09:08:35.414 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetInternalformativ at 0x74250d6800 with 0x7412e53294 (callback 0x742fc51120) 12-13 09:08:35.414 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glOrthof' at 0x743079853c with 0x7412e61a60... 12-13 09:08:35.415 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glOrthof at 0x743079853c with 0x7412e61a60 (callback 0x742fc51150) 12-13 09:08:35.415 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFragDataLocation' at 0x74250d62d4 with 0x7412e522b0... 12-13 09:08:35.415 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFragDataLocation at 0x74250d62d4 with 0x7412e522b0 (callback 0x742fc51180) 12-13 09:08:35.415 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteProgramPipelines' at 0x74250d698c with 0x7412e460c8... 12-13 09:08:35.416 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteProgramPipelines at 0x74250d698c with 0x7412e460c8 (callback 0x742fc511b0) 12-13 09:08:35.416 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenProgramPipelinesEXT' at 0x742f2d02d4 with 0x7412e4f764... 12-13 09:08:35.417 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenProgramPipelinesEXT at 0x742f2d02d4 with 0x7412e4f764 (callback 0x742fc511e0) 12-13 09:08:35.417 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG' at 0x742f2d0860 with 0x7412e6c9ec... 12-13 09:08:35.418 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG at 0x742f2d0860 with 0x7412e6c9ec (callback 0x742fc51210) 12-13 09:08:35.418 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCompressedTexImage3D' at 0x742f2ce044 with 0x7412e427f0... 12-13 09:08:35.418 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCompressedTexImage3D at 0x742f2ce044 with 0x7412e427f0 (callback 0x742fc51240) 12-13 09:08:35.418 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDepthFunc' at 0x742f2cd2e4 with 0x7412e46dc4... 12-13 09:08:35.419 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDepthFunc at 0x742f2cd2e4 with 0x7412e46dc4 (callback 0x742fc51270) 12-13 09:08:35.419 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyTexImage2D' at 0x742f2cd1d4 with 0x7412e43c94... 12-13 09:08:35.420 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyTexImage2D at 0x742f2cd1d4 with 0x7412e43c94 (callback 0x742fc512a0) 12-13 09:08:35.420 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenPathsNV' at 0x742f2d0dec with 0x7412e4f494... 12-13 09:08:35.421 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenPathsNV at 0x742f2d0dec with 0x7412e4f494 (callback 0x742fc512d0) 12-13 09:08:35.421 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenFramebuffersOES' at 0x74307998ec with 0x7412e4f3a4... 12-13 09:08:35.422 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenFramebuffersOES at 0x74307998ec with 0x7412e4f3a4 (callback 0x742fc51300) 12-13 09:08:35.422 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformHandleui64NV' at 0x74250d890c with 0x7412e69c64... 12-13 09:08:35.422 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformHandleui64NV at 0x74250d890c with 0x7412e69c64 (callback 0x742fc51330) 12-13 09:08:35.422 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenFencesNV' at 0x74250d8a94 with 0x7412e4f1c4... 12-13 09:08:35.423 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenFencesNV at 0x74250d8a94 with 0x7412e4f1c4 (callback 0x742fc51360) 12-13 09:08:35.423 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteProgram' at 0x74250d5414 with 0x7412e45fe4... 12-13 09:08:35.424 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteProgram at 0x74250d5414 with 0x7412e45fe4 (callback 0x742fc51390) 12-13 09:08:35.424 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenBuffers' at 0x742f2cd44c with 0x7412e4f0d4... 12-13 09:08:35.425 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenBuffers at 0x742f2cd44c with 0x7412e4f0d4 (callback 0x742fc513c0) 12-13 09:08:35.425 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFrustumxOES' at 0x74307994dc with 0x7412e4ef9c... 12-13 09:08:35.425 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFrustumxOES at 0x74307994dc with 0x7412e4ef9c (callback 0x742fc513f0) 12-13 09:08:35.425 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFrustumfOES' at 0x7430799a64 with 0x7412e4ed2c... 12-13 09:08:35.426 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFrustumfOES at 0x7430799a64 with 0x7412e4ed2c (callback 0x742fc51420) 12-13 09:08:35.426 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMakeImageHandleResidentNV' at 0x74250d88ac with 0x7412e5ea18... 12-13 09:08:35.427 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMakeImageHandleResidentNV at 0x74250d88ac with 0x7412e5ea18 (callback 0x742fc51450) 12-13 09:08:35.427 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCompileShader' at 0x74250d531c with 0x7412e4259c... 12-13 09:08:35.428 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCompileShader at 0x74250d531c with 0x7412e4259c (callback 0x742fc51480) 12-13 09:08:35.428 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathCommandsNV' at 0x742f2d10f4 with 0x7412e54118... 12-13 09:08:35.429 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathCommandsNV at 0x742f2d10f4 with 0x7412e54118 (callback 0x742fc514b0) 12-13 09:08:35.429 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteQueriesEXT' at 0x742f2cfe40 with 0x7412e46398... 12-13 09:08:35.429 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteQueriesEXT at 0x742f2cfe40 with 0x7412e46398 (callback 0x742fc514e0) 12-13 09:08:35.429 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglSwapInterval' at 0x742ff92740 with 0x7412e3b840... 12-13 09:08:35.430 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglSwapInterval at 0x742ff92740 with 0x7412e3b840 (callback 0x742fc51510) 12-13 09:08:35.430 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT' at 0x74250d7f7c with 0x7412e4cef8... 12-13 09:08:35.431 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT at 0x74250d7f7c with 0x7412e4cef8 (callback 0x742fc51530) 12-13 09:08:35.431 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFrontFace' at 0x742f2cd434 with 0x7412e4eb10... 12-13 09:08:35.432 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFrontFace at 0x742f2cd434 with 0x7412e4eb10 (callback 0x742fc51560) 12-13 09:08:35.432 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1ui' at 0x742f2cebc0 with 0x7412e6607c... 12-13 09:08:35.433 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1ui at 0x742f2cebc0 with 0x7412e6607c (callback 0x742fc51590) 12-13 09:08:35.433 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetUniformBlockIndex' at 0x742f2ce5c8 with 0x7412e59e74... 12-13 09:08:35.433 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetUniformBlockIndex at 0x742f2ce5c8 with 0x7412e59e74 (callback 0x742fc515c0) 12-13 09:08:35.433 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR' at 0x74250d9394 with 0x7412e4e8c8... 12-13 09:08:35.434 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR at 0x74250d9394 with 0x7412e4e8c8 (callback 0x742fc515f0) 12-13 09:08:35.434 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFenceivNV' at 0x742f2d0c54 with 0x7412e51b0c... 12-13 09:08:35.435 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFenceivNV at 0x742f2d0c54 with 0x7412e51b0c (callback 0x742fc51620) 12-13 09:08:35.435 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR' at 0x742f2d151c with 0x7412e4e774... 12-13 09:08:35.436 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR at 0x742f2d151c with 0x7412e4e774 (callback 0x742fc51650) 12-13 09:08:35.436 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glActiveShaderProgram' at 0x74250d6940 with 0x7412e3bdec... 12-13 09:08:35.437 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glActiveShaderProgram at 0x74250d6940 with 0x7412e3bdec (callback 0x742fc51680) 12-13 09:08:35.437 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCompressedTexSubImage3D' at 0x742f2ce05c with 0x7412e42cc4... 12-13 09:08:35.437 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCompressedTexSubImage3D at 0x742f2ce05c with 0x7412e42cc4 (callback 0x742fc516b0) 12-13 09:08:35.437 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClientWaitSyncAPPLE' at 0x74250d7ae4 with 0x7412e4139c... 12-13 09:08:35.438 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClientWaitSyncAPPLE at 0x74250d7ae4 with 0x7412e4139c (callback 0x742fc516e0) 12-13 09:08:35.438 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribI4ui' at 0x74250d6274 with 0x7412e79ff0... 12-13 09:08:35.439 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribI4ui at 0x74250d6274 with 0x7412e79ff0 (callback 0x742fc51710) 12-13 09:08:35.439 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTextureEXT' at 0x742f2d00a0 with 0x7412e4e3ec... 12-13 09:08:35.440 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTextureEXT at 0x742f2d00a0 with 0x7412e4e3ec (callback 0x742fc51740) 12-13 09:08:35.440 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsSyncAPPLE' at 0x742f2cfc20 with 0x7412e5ce20... 12-13 09:08:35.441 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsSyncAPPLE at 0x742f2cfc20 with 0x7412e5ce20 (callback 0x742fc51770) 12-13 09:08:35.441 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTexture3DOES' at 0x74250d7718 with 0x7412e4e2b4... 12-13 09:08:35.441 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTexture3DOES at 0x74250d7718 with 0x7412e4e2b4 (callback 0x742fc517a0) 12-13 09:08:35.441 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilFunc' at 0x742f2cd8c4 with 0x7412e6f3a0... 12-13 09:08:35.442 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilFunc at 0x742f2cd8c4 with 0x7412e6f3a0 (callback 0x742fc517d0) 12-13 09:08:35.442 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglDestroySurface' at 0x742ff90988 with 0x7412e3a018... 12-13 09:08:35.443 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglDestroySurface at 0x742ff90988 with 0x7412e3a018 (callback 0x742fc51800) 12-13 09:08:35.443 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTexture3DOES' at 0x742f2cf888 with 0x7412e4e2b4... 12-13 09:08:35.444 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTexture3DOES at 0x742f2cf888 with 0x7412e4e2b4 (callback 0x742fc51820) 12-13 09:08:35.444 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG' at 0x74250d8708 with 0x7412e4e058... 12-13 09:08:35.444 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG at 0x74250d8708 with 0x7412e4e058 (callback 0x742fc51850) 12-13 09:08:35.444 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT' at 0x74250d800c with 0x7412e4df20... 12-13 09:08:35.445 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT at 0x74250d800c with 0x7412e4df20 (callback 0x742fc51880) 12-13 09:08:35.445 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetCoverageModulationTableNV' at 0x742f2d0ce4 with 0x7412e51434... 12-13 09:08:35.446 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetCoverageModulationTableNV at 0x742f2d0ce4 with 0x7412e51434 (callback 0x742fc518b0) 12-13 09:08:35.446 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT' at 0x74250d7d94 with 0x7412e56a20... 12-13 09:08:35.447 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT at 0x74250d7d94 with 0x7412e56a20 (callback 0x742fc518e0) 12-13 09:08:35.447 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM' at 0x743079a09c with 0x7412e4c784... 12-13 09:08:35.448 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM at 0x743079a09c with 0x7412e4c784 (callback 0x742fc51910) 12-13 09:08:35.448 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT' at 0x7430799d30 with 0x7412e4df20... 12-13 09:08:35.448 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT at 0x7430799d30 with 0x7412e4df20 (callback 0x742fc51940) 12-13 09:08:35.448 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTexture' at 0x74250d70d0 with 0x7412e4db98... 12-13 09:08:35.449 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTexture at 0x74250d70d0 with 0x7412e4db98 (callback 0x742fc51970) 12-13 09:08:35.449 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSamplerParameterIivOES' at 0x742f2cf930 with 0x7412e575f0... 12-13 09:08:35.450 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSamplerParameterIivOES at 0x742f2cf930 with 0x7412e575f0 (callback 0x742fc519a0) 12-13 09:08:35.450 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform4f' at 0x742f2cde04 with 0x7412e7690c... 12-13 09:08:35.451 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform4f at 0x742f2cde04 with 0x7412e7690c (callback 0x742fc519d0) 12-13 09:08:35.451 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferRenderbuffer' at 0x74250d5594 with 0x7412e4d868... 12-13 09:08:35.451 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferRenderbuffer at 0x74250d5594 with 0x7412e4d868 (callback 0x742fc51a00) 12-13 09:08:35.451 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexImage3DOES' at 0x74250d76a0 with 0x7412e71e28... 12-13 09:08:35.452 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexImage3DOES at 0x74250d76a0 with 0x7412e71e28 (callback 0x742fc51a30) 12-13 09:08:35.452 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetRenderbufferParameteriv' at 0x74250d5734 with 0x7412e57200... 12-13 09:08:35.453 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetRenderbufferParameteriv at 0x74250d5734 with 0x7412e57200 (callback 0x742fc51a60) 12-13 09:08:35.453 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMapBufferRange' at 0x74250d60d4 with 0x7412e5eec8... 12-13 09:08:35.454 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMapBufferRange at 0x74250d60d4 with 0x7412e5eec8 (callback 0x742fc51a90) 12-13 09:08:35.454 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferParameteri' at 0x74250d6878 with 0x7412e4d67c... 12-13 09:08:35.455 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferParameteri at 0x74250d6878 with 0x7412e4d67c (callback 0x742fc51ac0) 12-13 09:08:35.455 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetObjectLabelEXT' at 0x742f2cfdb0 with 0x7412e53cb0... 12-13 09:08:35.455 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetObjectLabelEXT at 0x742f2cfdb0 with 0x7412e53cb0 (callback 0x742fc51af0) 12-13 09:08:35.455 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFinishFenceNV' at 0x74250d8afc with 0x7412e4cc40... 12-13 09:08:35.456 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFinishFenceNV at 0x74250d8afc with 0x7412e4cc40 (callback 0x742fc51b20) 12-13 09:08:35.456 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glApplyFramebufferAttachmentCMAAINTEL' at 0x74250d8720 with 0x7412e3c478... 12-13 09:08:35.457 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glApplyFramebufferAttachmentCMAAINTEL at 0x74250d8720 with 0x7412e3c478 (callback 0x742fc51b50) 12-13 09:08:35.457 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferParameteri' at 0x742f2ce9e8 with 0x7412e4d67c... 12-13 09:08:35.458 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferParameteri at 0x742f2ce9e8 with 0x7412e4d67c (callback 0x742fc51b80) 12-13 09:08:35.458 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix4x2fvNV' at 0x742f2d0da4 with 0x7412e78570... 12-13 09:08:35.459 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix4x2fvNV at 0x742f2d0da4 with 0x7412e78570 (callback 0x742fc51bb0) 12-13 09:08:35.459 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfQueryIdByNameINTEL' at 0x74250d87f8 with 0x7412e55454... 12-13 09:08:35.459 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfQueryIdByNameINTEL at 0x74250d87f8 with 0x7412e55454 (callback 0x742fc51be0) 12-13 09:08:35.459 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexEXT' at 0x742f2d0028 with 0x7412e4a060... 12-13 09:08:35.460 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexEXT at 0x742f2d0028 with 0x7412e4a060 (callback 0x742fc51c10) 12-13 09:08:35.460 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix4x3fv' at 0x74250d6074 with 0x7412e78684... 12-13 09:08:35.461 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix4x3fv at 0x74250d6074 with 0x7412e78684 (callback 0x742fc51c40) 12-13 09:08:35.461 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFogxvOES' at 0x74307994c4 with 0x7412e4d4a8... 12-13 09:08:35.462 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFogxvOES at 0x74307994c4 with 0x7412e4d4a8 (callback 0x742fc51c70) 12-13 09:08:35.462 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fvEXT' at 0x742f2d0650 with 0x7412e6b0d8... 12-13 09:08:35.462 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fvEXT at 0x742f2d0650 with 0x7412e6b0d8 (callback 0x742fc51ca0) 12-13 09:08:35.462 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFogxv' at 0x74307989a4 with 0x7412e4d3b8... 12-13 09:08:35.463 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFogxv at 0x74307989a4 with 0x7412e4d3b8 (callback 0x742fc51cd0) 12-13 09:08:35.463 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTextureStorage2DEXT' at 0x74250d86a8 with 0x7412e740a8... 12-13 09:08:35.464 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTextureStorage2DEXT at 0x74250d86a8 with 0x7412e740a8 (callback 0x742fc51d00) 12-13 09:08:35.464 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFrustumx' at 0x74307989d4 with 0x7412e4ee64... 12-13 09:08:35.465 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFrustumx at 0x74307989d4 with 0x7412e4ee64 (callback 0x742fc51d30) 12-13 09:08:35.465 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFogxOES' at 0x74307994ac with 0x7412e4d2c8... 12-13 09:08:35.465 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFogxOES at 0x74307994ac with 0x7412e4d2c8 (callback 0x742fc51d60) 12-13 09:08:35.465 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetBufferParameteriv' at 0x7430798a04 with 0x7412e50d80... 12-13 09:08:35.466 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetBufferParameteriv at 0x7430798a04 with 0x7412e50d80 (callback 0x742fc51d90) 12-13 09:08:35.466 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenBuffers' at 0x74250d55dc with 0x7412e4f0d4... 12-13 09:08:35.467 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenBuffers at 0x74250d55dc with 0x7412e4f0d4 (callback 0x742fc51dc0) 12-13 09:08:35.467 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFogx' at 0x743079898c with 0x7412e4d1d8... 12-13 09:08:35.468 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFogx at 0x743079898c with 0x7412e4d1d8 (callback 0x742fc51df0) 12-13 09:08:35.468 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathMetricsNV' at 0x742f2d113c with 0x7412e54610... 12-13 09:08:35.469 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathMetricsNV at 0x742f2d113c with 0x7412e54610 (callback 0x742fc51e20) 12-13 09:08:35.469 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsSampler' at 0x74250d65e8 with 0x7412e5cb50... 12-13 09:08:35.469 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsSampler at 0x74250d65e8 with 0x7412e5cb50 (callback 0x742fc51e50) 12-13 09:08:35.469 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFramebufferParameteriv' at 0x74250d6890 with 0x7412e525cc... 12-13 09:08:35.470 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFramebufferParameteriv at 0x74250d6890 with 0x7412e525cc (callback 0x742fc51e80) 12-13 09:08:35.470 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindRenderbufferOES' at 0x7430799828 with 0x7412e3d8c0... 12-13 09:08:35.471 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindRenderbufferOES at 0x7430799828 with 0x7412e3d8c0 (callback 0x742fc51eb0) 12-13 09:08:35.471 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFogf' at 0x743079835c with 0x7412e4cff4... 12-13 09:08:35.472 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFogf at 0x743079835c with 0x7412e4cff4 (callback 0x742fc51ee0) 12-13 09:08:35.472 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBufferStorageEXT' at 0x742f2cfd68 with 0x7412e3fd08... 12-13 09:08:35.472 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBufferStorageEXT at 0x742f2cfd68 with 0x7412e3fd08 (callback 0x742fc51f10) 12-13 09:08:35.473 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glValidateProgram' at 0x74250d5d54 with 0x7412e78d68... 12-13 09:08:35.473 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glValidateProgram at 0x74250d5d54 with 0x7412e78d68 (callback 0x742fc51f40) 12-13 09:08:35.473 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathParameterivNV' at 0x742f2d10c4 with 0x7412e54860... 12-13 09:08:35.474 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathParameterivNV at 0x742f2d10c4 with 0x7412e54860 (callback 0x742fc51f70) 12-13 09:08:35.474 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFlushMappedBufferRange' at 0x742f2ce260 with 0x7412e4cdfc... 12-13 09:08:35.475 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFlushMappedBufferRange at 0x742f2ce260 with 0x7412e4cdfc (callback 0x742fc51fa0) 12-13 09:08:35.475 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFlush' at 0x742f2cd3ec with 0x7412e4cd24... 12-13 09:08:35.476 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFlush at 0x742f2cd3ec with 0x7412e4cd24 (callback 0x742fc51fd0) 12-13 09:08:35.476 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix4fvEXT' at 0x742f2d0500 with 0x7412e6ae88... 12-13 09:08:35.476 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix4fvEXT at 0x742f2d0500 with 0x7412e6ae88 (callback 0x19550) 12-13 09:08:35.476 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glOrthofOES' at 0x7430799a94 with 0x7412e61b98... 12-13 09:08:35.477 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glOrthofOES at 0x7430799a94 with 0x7412e61b98 (callback 0x19590) 12-13 09:08:35.477 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTextureStorage2DEXT' at 0x7430799e0c with 0x7412e740a8... 12-13 09:08:35.478 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTextureStorage2DEXT at 0x7430799e0c with 0x7412e740a8 (callback 0x195d0) 12-13 09:08:35.478 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetObjectPtrLabel' at 0x742f2cf104 with 0x7412e53ef8... 12-13 09:08:35.479 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetObjectPtrLabel at 0x742f2cf104 with 0x7412e53ef8 (callback 0x19610) 12-13 09:08:35.479 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix3x2fv' at 0x742f2ce184 with 0x7412e77ef8... 12-13 09:08:35.480 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix3x2fv at 0x742f2ce184 with 0x7412e77ef8 (callback 0x19650) 12-13 09:08:35.480 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetBufferParameteri64v' at 0x74250d65a0 with 0x7412e50c84... 12-13 09:08:35.480 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetBufferParameteri64v at 0x74250d65a0 with 0x7412e50c84 (callback 0x19690) 12-13 09:08:35.480 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPointSizePointerOESBounds' at 0x7430798278 with 0x7412e641ec... 12-13 09:08:35.481 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPointSizePointerOESBounds at 0x7430798278 with 0x7412e641ec (callback 0x196d0) 12-13 09:08:35.481 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferSampleLocationsfvNV' at 0x742f2d1398 with 0x7412e4da88... 12-13 09:08:35.482 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferSampleLocationsfvNV at 0x742f2d1398 with 0x7412e4da88 (callback 0x19708) 12-13 09:08:35.482 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFinishFenceNV' at 0x7430799f1c with 0x7412e4cc40... 12-13 09:08:35.483 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFinishFenceNV at 0x7430799f1c with 0x7412e4cc40 (callback 0x19748) 12-13 09:08:35.483 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFinish' at 0x742f2cd3d4 with 0x7412e4cb68... 12-13 09:08:35.483 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFinish at 0x742f2cd3d4 with 0x7412e4cb68 (callback 0x19788) 12-13 09:08:35.483 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFenceSyncAPPLE' at 0x74250d7a94 with 0x7412e4ca6c... 12-13 09:08:35.484 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFenceSyncAPPLE at 0x74250d7a94 with 0x7412e4ca6c (callback 0x197c8) 12-13 09:08:35.484 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEndQuery' at 0x74250d5f68 with 0x7412e4b904... 12-13 09:08:35.485 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEndQuery at 0x74250d5f68 with 0x7412e4b904 (callback 0x19808) 12-13 09:08:35.485 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex' at 0x74250d70b8 with 0x7412e49690... 12-13 09:08:35.486 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex at 0x74250d70b8 with 0x7412e49690 (callback 0x19848) 12-13 09:08:35.486 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT' at 0x742f2d017c with 0x7412e4df20... 12-13 09:08:35.487 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT at 0x742f2d017c with 0x7412e4df20 (callback 0x19888) 12-13 09:08:35.487 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFenceSyncAPPLE' at 0x742f2cfc04 with 0x7412e4ca6c... 12-13 09:08:35.487 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFenceSyncAPPLE at 0x742f2cfc04 with 0x7412e4ca6c (callback 0x198c8) 12-13 09:08:35.487 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1uiv' at 0x74250d6b70 with 0x7412e66480... 12-13 09:08:35.488 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1uiv at 0x74250d6b70 with 0x7412e66480 (callback 0x19908) 12-13 09:08:35.488 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFenceSync' at 0x74250d64ec with 0x7412e4c970... 12-13 09:08:35.489 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFenceSync at 0x74250d64ec with 0x7412e4c970 (callback 0x19948) 12-13 09:08:35.489 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFenceSync' at 0x742f2ce65c with 0x7412e4c970... 12-13 09:08:35.490 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFenceSync at 0x742f2ce65c with 0x7412e4c970 (callback 0x19988) 12-13 09:08:35.490 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix3x4fv' at 0x742f2ce1cc with 0x7412e78120... 12-13 09:08:35.491 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix3x4fv at 0x742f2ce1cc with 0x7412e78120 (callback 0x199c8) 12-13 09:08:35.491 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyTexSubImage3DOES' at 0x742f2cf840 with 0x7412e44128... 12-13 09:08:35.491 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyTexSubImage3DOES at 0x742f2cf840 with 0x7412e44128 (callback 0x19a08) 12-13 09:08:35.491 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameterxv' at 0x7430798b40 with 0x7412e59640... 12-13 09:08:35.492 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameterxv at 0x7430798b40 with 0x7412e59640 (callback 0x19a48) 12-13 09:08:35.492 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameterfv' at 0x743079841c with 0x7412e59448... 12-13 09:08:35.493 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameterfv at 0x743079841c with 0x7412e59448 (callback 0x19a88) 12-13 09:08:35.493 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetTexturesQCOM' at 0x742f2d15ac with 0x7412e4c688... 12-13 09:08:35.494 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetTexturesQCOM at 0x742f2d15ac with 0x7412e4c688 (callback 0x19ac8) 12-13 09:08:35.494 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetIntegeri_v' at 0x742f2ce2dc with 0x7412e52e74... 12-13 09:08:35.494 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetIntegeri_v at 0x742f2ce2dc with 0x7412e52e74 (callback 0x19b08) 12-13 09:08:35.494 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexImage2D' at 0x7430798f3c with 0x7412e71994... 12-13 09:08:35.495 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexImage2D at 0x7430798f3c with 0x7412e71994 (callback 0x19b48) 12-13 09:08:35.495 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindVertexArrayOES' at 0x7430799b3c with 0x7412e3dd64... 12-13 09:08:35.496 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindVertexArrayOES at 0x7430799b3c with 0x7412e3dd64 (callback 0x19b78) 12-13 09:08:35.496 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetTexturesQCOM' at 0x7430799fac with 0x7412e4c688... 12-13 09:08:35.497 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetTexturesQCOM at 0x7430799fac with 0x7412e4c688 (callback 0x19bb8) 12-13 09:08:35.497 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSamplerParameteriv' at 0x74250d667c with 0x7412e57adc... 12-13 09:08:35.498 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSamplerParameteriv at 0x74250d667c with 0x7412e57adc (callback 0x19bf8) 12-13 09:08:35.498 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM' at 0x742f2d1654 with 0x7412e4bc88... 12-13 09:08:35.498 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM at 0x742f2d1654 with 0x7412e4bc88 (callback 0x19c38) 12-13 09:08:35.498 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindBufferBase' at 0x74250d61cc with 0x7412e3cda8... 12-13 09:08:35.499 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindBufferBase at 0x74250d61cc with 0x7412e3cda8 (callback 0x19c78) 12-13 09:08:35.499 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM' at 0x743079a03c with 0x7412e4c498... 12-13 09:08:35.500 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM at 0x743079a03c with 0x7412e4c498 (callback 0x19cb8) 12-13 09:08:35.500 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEnableDriverControlQCOM' at 0x742f2d157c with 0x7412e4b0dc... 12-13 09:08:35.501 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEnableDriverControlQCOM at 0x742f2d157c with 0x7412e4b0dc (callback 0x19cf8) 12-13 09:08:35.501 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glAlphaFuncx' at 0x7430798674 with 0x7412e3c298... 12-13 09:08:35.501 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glAlphaFuncx at 0x7430798674 with 0x7412e3c298 (callback 0x19d38) 12-13 09:08:35.501 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMatrixMultTranspose3x3fNV' at 0x742f2d126c with 0x7412e5feb4... 12-13 09:08:35.502 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMatrixMultTranspose3x3fNV at 0x742f2d126c with 0x7412e5feb4 (callback 0x19d78) 12-13 09:08:35.502 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM' at 0x742f2d160c with 0x7412e4c374... 12-13 09:08:35.503 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM at 0x742f2d160c with 0x7412e4c374 (callback 0x19db8) 12-13 09:08:35.503 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEndPerfMonitorAMD' at 0x74250d798c with 0x7412e4b73c... 12-13 09:08:35.504 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEndPerfMonitorAMD at 0x74250d798c with 0x7412e4b73c (callback 0x19df8) 12-13 09:08:35.504 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilMaskSeparate' at 0x74250d5a9c with 0x7412e6f690... 12-13 09:08:35.505 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilMaskSeparate at 0x74250d5a9c with 0x7412e6f690 (callback 0x19e38) 12-13 09:08:35.505 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetIntegerv' at 0x74250d96fc with 0x7412e5306c... 12-13 09:08:35.505 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetIntegerv at 0x74250d96fc with 0x7412e5306c (callback 0x19e78) 12-13 09:08:35.505 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetRenderbuffersQCOM' at 0x74250d946c with 0x7412e4c17c... 12-13 09:08:35.506 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetRenderbuffersQCOM at 0x74250d946c with 0x7412e4c17c (callback 0x19ea8) 12-13 09:08:35.506 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetMaterialxv' at 0x7430798ac8 with 0x7412e537a8... 12-13 09:08:35.507 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetMaterialxv at 0x7430798ac8 with 0x7412e537a8 (callback 0x19ee8) 12-13 09:08:35.507 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStartTilingQCOM' at 0x74250d9560 with 0x7412e6f010... 12-13 09:08:35.508 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStartTilingQCOM at 0x74250d9560 with 0x7412e6f010 (callback 0x19f28) 12-13 09:08:35.508 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathCoordsNV' at 0x742f2d0e54 with 0x7412e62348... 12-13 09:08:35.509 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathCoordsNV at 0x742f2d0e54 with 0x7412e62348 (callback 0x19f68) 12-13 09:08:35.509 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glObjectLabelKHR' at 0x742f2cf4d0 with 0x7412e61758... 12-13 09:08:35.509 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glObjectLabelKHR at 0x742f2cf4d0 with 0x7412e61758 (callback 0x19fa8) 12-13 09:08:35.509 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteRenderbuffers' at 0x74250d542c with 0x7412e46488... 12-13 09:08:35.510 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteRenderbuffers at 0x74250d542c with 0x7412e46488 (callback 0x742fc50000) 12-13 09:08:35.510 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glColorMask' at 0x742f2cd174 with 0x7412e41ea4... 12-13 09:08:35.511 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glColorMask at 0x742f2cd174 with 0x7412e41ea4 (callback 0x742fc50030) 12-13 09:08:35.511 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDisablei' at 0x74250d6fdc with 0x7412e47be0... 12-13 09:08:35.512 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDisablei at 0x74250d6fdc with 0x7412e47be0 (callback 0x742fc50060) 12-13 09:08:35.512 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetRenderbuffersQCOM' at 0x742f2d15dc with 0x7412e4c17c... 12-13 09:08:35.513 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetRenderbuffersQCOM at 0x742f2d15dc with 0x7412e4c17c (callback 0x742fc50090) 12-13 09:08:35.513 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsBaseVertex' at 0x742f2cf1f8 with 0x7412e48ea8... 12-13 09:08:35.513 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsBaseVertex at 0x742f2cf1f8 with 0x7412e48ea8 (callback 0x742fc500c0) 12-13 09:08:35.513 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetQueryivEXT' at 0x74250d7d4c with 0x7412e57104... 12-13 09:08:35.514 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetQueryivEXT at 0x74250d7d4c with 0x7412e57104 (callback 0x742fc500f0) 12-13 09:08:35.514 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetProgramsQCOM' at 0x74250d9514 with 0x7412e4c080... 12-13 09:08:35.515 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetProgramsQCOM at 0x74250d9514 with 0x7412e4c080 (callback 0x742fc50120) 12-13 09:08:35.515 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetProgramsQCOM' at 0x742f2d1684 with 0x7412e4c080... 12-13 09:08:35.516 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetProgramsQCOM at 0x742f2d1684 with 0x7412e4c080 (callback 0x742fc50150) 12-13 09:08:35.516 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPopGroupMarkerEXT' at 0x742f2cfdf8 with 0x7412e64b44... 12-13 09:08:35.517 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPopGroupMarkerEXT at 0x742f2cfdf8 with 0x7412e64b44 (callback 0x742fc50180) 12-13 09:08:35.517 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathStencilFuncNV' at 0x742f2d0fbc with 0x7412e6328c... 12-13 09:08:35.517 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathStencilFuncNV at 0x742f2d0fbc with 0x7412e6328c (callback 0x742fc501b0) 12-13 09:08:35.518 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM' at 0x74250d9548 with 0x7412e4bf70... 12-13 09:08:35.518 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM at 0x74250d9548 with 0x7412e4bf70 (callback 0x742fc501e0) 12-13 09:08:35.518 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTexture' at 0x742f2cf240 with 0x7412e4db98... 12-13 09:08:35.519 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTexture at 0x742f2cf240 with 0x7412e4db98 (callback 0x742fc50210) 12-13 09:08:35.519 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR' at 0x74250d73a8 with 0x7412e54008... 12-13 09:08:35.520 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR at 0x74250d73a8 with 0x7412e54008 (callback 0x742fc50240) 12-13 09:08:35.520 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetRenderbuffersQCOM' at 0x7430799fdc with 0x7412e4c17c... 12-13 09:08:35.521 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetRenderbuffersQCOM at 0x7430799fdc with 0x7412e4c17c (callback 0x742fc50270) 12-13 09:08:35.521 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleNV' at 0x742f2d0d14 with 0x7412e6cb10... 12-13 09:08:35.521 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleNV at 0x742f2d0d14 with 0x7412e6cb10 (callback 0x742fc502a0) 12-13 09:08:35.521 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTexture2D' at 0x74250d55ac with 0x7412e4dca8... 12-13 09:08:35.522 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTexture2D at 0x74250d55ac with 0x7412e4dca8 (callback 0x742fc502d0) 12-13 09:08:35.522 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM' at 0x74250d9484 with 0x7412e4be74... 12-13 09:08:35.523 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM at 0x74250d9484 with 0x7412e4be74 (callback 0x742fc50300) 12-13 09:08:35.523 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyBufferSubDataNV' at 0x742f2d0b5c with 0x7412e432b8... 12-13 09:08:35.524 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyBufferSubDataNV at 0x742f2d0b5c with 0x7412e432b8 (callback 0x742fc50330) 12-13 09:08:35.524 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearDepthx' at 0x7430798734 with 0x7412e40af4... 12-13 09:08:35.524 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearDepthx at 0x7430798734 with 0x7412e40af4 (callback 0x742fc50360) 12-13 09:08:35.524 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM' at 0x742f2d15f4 with 0x7412e4be74... 12-13 09:08:35.525 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM at 0x742f2d15f4 with 0x7412e4be74 (callback 0x742fc50390) 12-13 09:08:35.525 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenQueries' at 0x74250d5f04 with 0x7412e4f854... 12-13 09:08:35.526 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenQueries at 0x74250d5f04 with 0x7412e4f854 (callback 0x742fc503c0) 12-13 09:08:35.526 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2uivEXT' at 0x742f2d05c0 with 0x7412e67690... 12-13 09:08:35.527 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2uivEXT at 0x742f2d05c0 with 0x7412e67690 (callback 0x742fc503f0) 12-13 09:08:35.527 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenProgramPipelinesEXT' at 0x74250d8164 with 0x7412e4f764... 12-13 09:08:35.528 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenProgramPipelinesEXT at 0x74250d8164 with 0x7412e4f764 (callback 0x742fc50420) 12-13 09:08:35.528 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEndTilingQCOM' at 0x74250d9578 with 0x7412e4bacc... 12-13 09:08:35.528 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEndTilingQCOM at 0x74250d9578 with 0x7412e4bacc (callback 0x742fc50450) 12-13 09:08:35.528 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPopDebugGroup' at 0x74250d6f34 with 0x7412e64994... 12-13 09:08:35.529 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPopDebugGroup at 0x74250d6f34 with 0x7412e64994 (callback 0x742fc50480) 12-13 09:08:35.529 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteRenderbuffersOES' at 0x7430799840 with 0x7412e46578... 12-13 09:08:35.530 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteRenderbuffersOES at 0x7430799840 with 0x7412e46578 (callback 0x742fc504b0) 12-13 09:08:35.530 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEndTilingQCOM' at 0x742f2d16e8 with 0x7412e4bacc... 12-13 09:08:35.531 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEndTilingQCOM at 0x742f2d16e8 with 0x7412e4bacc (callback 0x742fc504e0) 12-13 09:08:35.531 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPointParameterf' at 0x7430798554 with 0x7412e63a64... 12-13 09:08:35.531 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPointParameterf at 0x7430798554 with 0x7412e63a64 (callback 0x742fc50510) 12-13 09:08:35.531 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG' at 0x7430799e54 with 0x7412e4e058... 12-13 09:08:35.532 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG at 0x7430799e54 with 0x7412e4e058 (callback 0x742fc50540) 12-13 09:08:35.532 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsProgramPipelineEXT' at 0x74250d81ac with 0x7412e5c6a0... 12-13 09:08:35.533 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsProgramPipelineEXT at 0x74250d81ac with 0x7412e5c6a0 (callback 0x742fc50570) 12-13 09:08:35.533 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEndQueryEXT' at 0x74250d7d1c with 0x7412e4b9e8... 12-13 09:08:35.534 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEndQueryEXT at 0x74250d7d1c with 0x7412e4b9e8 (callback 0x742fc505a0) 12-13 09:08:35.534 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetNextPerfQueryIdINTEL' at 0x742f2d0920 with 0x7412e53a9c... 12-13 09:08:35.535 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetNextPerfQueryIdINTEL at 0x742f2d0920 with 0x7412e53a9c (callback 0x742fc505d0) 12-13 09:08:35.535 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1fvEXT' at 0x742f2d0368 with 0x7412e65948... 12-13 09:08:35.535 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1fvEXT at 0x742f2d0368 with 0x7412e65948 (callback 0x742fc50600) 12-13 09:08:35.535 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathDashArrayNV' at 0x74250d8fb4 with 0x7412e542f8... 12-13 09:08:35.536 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathDashArrayNV at 0x74250d8fb4 with 0x7412e542f8 (callback 0x742fc50630) 12-13 09:08:35.536 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenFramebuffers' at 0x742f2cd47c with 0x7412e4f2b4... 12-13 09:08:35.537 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenFramebuffers at 0x742f2cd47c with 0x7412e4f2b4 (callback 0x742fc50660) 12-13 09:08:35.537 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFuncSeparatei' at 0x742f2cf1ac with 0x7412e3ef74... 12-13 09:08:35.538 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFuncSeparatei at 0x742f2cf1ac with 0x7412e3ef74 (callback 0x742fc50690) 12-13 09:08:35.538 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEndQuery' at 0x742f2ce0d8 with 0x7412e4b904... 12-13 09:08:35.538 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEndQuery at 0x742f2ce0d8 with 0x7412e4b904 (callback 0x742fc506c0) 12-13 09:08:35.539 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEndPerfMonitorAMD' at 0x742f2cfafc with 0x7412e4b73c... 12-13 09:08:35.539 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEndPerfMonitorAMD at 0x742f2cfafc with 0x7412e4b73c (callback 0x742fc506f0) 12-13 09:08:35.539 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClientWaitSyncAPPLE' at 0x742f2cfc54 with 0x7412e4139c... 12-13 09:08:35.540 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClientWaitSyncAPPLE at 0x742f2cfc54 with 0x7412e4139c (callback 0x742fc50720) 12-13 09:08:35.540 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawTexfvOES' at 0x7430799404 with 0x7412e4a430... 12-13 09:08:35.541 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawTexfvOES at 0x7430799404 with 0x7412e4a430 (callback 0x742fc50750) 12-13 09:08:35.541 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEndConditionalRenderNV' at 0x74250d89bc with 0x7412e4b664... 12-13 09:08:35.542 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEndConditionalRenderNV at 0x74250d89bc with 0x7412e4b664 (callback 0x742fc50780) 12-13 09:08:35.542 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEnableiOES' at 0x74250d749c with 0x7412e4b574... 12-13 09:08:35.542 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEnableiOES at 0x74250d749c with 0x7412e4b574 (callback 0x742fc507b0) 12-13 09:08:35.542 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglDestroyContext' at 0x742ff90db8 with 0x7412e39e20... 12-13 09:08:35.543 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglDestroyContext at 0x742ff90db8 with 0x7412e39e20 (callback 0x742fc507e0) 12-13 09:08:35.543 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPrimitiveBoundingBoxOES' at 0x74250d7658 with 0x7412e64fa4... 12-13 09:08:35.544 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPrimitiveBoundingBoxOES at 0x74250d7658 with 0x7412e64fa4 (callback 0x742fc50800) 12-13 09:08:35.544 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCoverFillPathNV' at 0x74250d8ef4 with 0x7412e44528... 12-13 09:08:35.545 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCoverFillPathNV at 0x74250d8ef4 with 0x7412e44528 (callback 0x742fc50830) 12-13 09:08:35.545 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPointParameterxv' at 0x7430798d5c with 0x7412e63e28... 12-13 09:08:35.546 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPointParameterxv at 0x7430798d5c with 0x7412e63e28 (callback 0x742fc50860) 12-13 09:08:35.546 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFloatv' at 0x742f2d1808 with 0x7412e520c4... 12-13 09:08:35.546 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFloatv at 0x742f2d1808 with 0x7412e520c4 (callback 0x742fc50890) 12-13 09:08:35.546 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsEnabledi' at 0x742f2cf1dc with 0x7412e5b9f4... 12-13 09:08:35.547 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsEnabledi at 0x742f2cf1dc with 0x7412e5b9f4 (callback 0x742fc508b0) 12-13 09:08:35.547 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathLengthNV' at 0x742f2d11bc with 0x7412e543e8... 12-13 09:08:35.548 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathLengthNV at 0x742f2d11bc with 0x7412e543e8 (callback 0x742fc508e0) 12-13 09:08:35.548 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEnableiNV' at 0x742f2d14b8 with 0x7412e4b484... 12-13 09:08:35.549 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEnableiNV at 0x742f2d14b8 with 0x7412e4b484 (callback 0x742fc50910) 12-13 09:08:35.549 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglGetError' at 0x742ff91500 with 0x7412e3a8ec... 12-13 09:08:35.550 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglGetError at 0x742ff91500 with 0x7412e3a8ec (callback 0x742fc50940) 12-13 09:08:35.550 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLightxvOES' at 0x743079959c with 0x7412e5df64... 12-13 09:08:35.550 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLightxvOES at 0x743079959c with 0x7412e5df64 (callback 0x742fc50968) 12-13 09:08:35.550 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEnableiEXT' at 0x74250d7ddc with 0x7412e4b394... 12-13 09:08:35.551 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEnableiEXT at 0x74250d7ddc with 0x7412e4b394 (callback 0x742fc50998) 12-13 09:08:35.551 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEnable' at 0x742f2cd3a4 with 0x7412e4af14... 12-13 09:08:35.552 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEnable at 0x742f2cd3a4 with 0x7412e4af14 (callback 0x742fc509c8) 12-13 09:08:35.552 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEnablei' at 0x74250d6fc4 with 0x7412e4b2a4... 12-13 09:08:35.553 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEnablei at 0x74250d6fc4 with 0x7412e4b2a4 (callback 0x742fc509f8) 12-13 09:08:35.553 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1ivEXT' at 0x742f2d0398 with 0x7412e65f6c... 12-13 09:08:35.553 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1ivEXT at 0x742f2d0398 with 0x7412e65f6c (callback 0x742fc50a28) 12-13 09:08:35.554 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEnableDriverControlQCOM' at 0x74250d940c with 0x7412e4b0dc... 12-13 09:08:35.554 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEnableDriverControlQCOM at 0x74250d940c with 0x7412e4b0dc (callback 0x742fc50a58) 12-13 09:08:35.554 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenVertexArrays' at 0x74250d6138 with 0x7412e4fee4... 12-13 09:08:35.555 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenVertexArrays at 0x74250d6138 with 0x7412e4fee4 (callback 0x742fc50a88) 12-13 09:08:35.555 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramResourcefvNV' at 0x74250d91e0 with 0x7412e56548... 12-13 09:08:35.556 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramResourcefvNV at 0x74250d91e0 with 0x7412e56548 (callback 0x742fc50ab8) 12-13 09:08:35.556 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsIndirect' at 0x74250d6860 with 0x7412e49214... 12-13 09:08:35.557 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsIndirect at 0x74250d6860 with 0x7412e49214 (callback 0x742fc50ae8) 12-13 09:08:35.557 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEnableClientState' at 0x7430798944 with 0x7412e4aff8... 12-13 09:08:35.557 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEnableClientState at 0x7430798944 with 0x7412e4aff8 (callback 0x742fc50b18) 12-13 09:08:35.558 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEnable' at 0x74250d5534 with 0x7412e4af14... 12-13 09:08:35.558 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEnable at 0x74250d5534 with 0x7412e4af14 (callback 0x742fc50b48) 12-13 09:08:35.558 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCoverageOperationNV' at 0x74250d8a1c with 0x7412e44b18... 12-13 09:08:35.559 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCoverageOperationNV at 0x74250d8a1c with 0x7412e44b18 (callback 0x742fc50b78) 12-13 09:08:35.559 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES' at 0x742f2cf5c4 with 0x7412e4ae24... 12-13 09:08:35.560 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES at 0x742f2cf5c4 with 0x7412e4ae24 (callback 0x742fc50ba8) 12-13 09:08:35.560 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameterIuivEXT' at 0x742f2d0740 with 0x7412e6dac4... 12-13 09:08:35.561 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameterIuivEXT at 0x742f2d0740 with 0x7412e6dac4 (callback 0x742fc50bd8) 12-13 09:08:35.561 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterIuivEXT' at 0x74250d8570 with 0x7412e72570... 12-13 09:08:35.561 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterIuivEXT at 0x74250d8570 with 0x7412e72570 (callback 0x742fc50c08) 12-13 09:08:35.561 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES' at 0x74250d746c with 0x7412e4ad34... 12-13 09:08:35.562 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES at 0x74250d746c with 0x7412e4ad34 (callback 0x742fc50c38) 12-13 09:08:35.562 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES' at 0x742f2cf5dc with 0x7412e4ad34... 12-13 09:08:35.563 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES at 0x742f2cf5dc with 0x7412e4ad34 (callback 0x742fc50c68) 12-13 09:08:35.563 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindAttribLocation' at 0x742f2ccfd8 with 0x7412e3cbbc... 12-13 09:08:35.564 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindAttribLocation at 0x742f2ccfd8 with 0x7412e3cbbc (callback 0x742fc50c98) 12-13 09:08:35.564 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawTexxvOES' at 0x74307993d4 with 0x7412e4aa64... 12-13 09:08:35.565 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawTexxvOES at 0x74307993d4 with 0x7412e4aa64 (callback 0x742fc50cc8) 12-13 09:08:35.565 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPointSizex' at 0x7430798d74 with 0x7412e642fc... 12-13 09:08:35.565 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPointSizex at 0x7430798d74 with 0x7412e642fc (callback 0x742fc50cf8) 12-13 09:08:35.565 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawTexxOES' at 0x743079938c with 0x7412e4a940... 12-13 09:08:35.566 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawTexxOES at 0x743079938c with 0x7412e4a940 (callback 0x742fc50d28) 12-13 09:08:35.566 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramInterfaceiv' at 0x742f2cea18 with 0x7412e55bd0... 12-13 09:08:35.567 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramInterfaceiv at 0x742f2cea18 with 0x7412e55bd0 (callback 0x742fc50d58) 12-13 09:08:35.567 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertexOES' at 0x742f2cf718 with 0x7412e60940... 12-13 09:08:35.568 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertexOES at 0x742f2cf718 with 0x7412e60940 (callback 0x742fc50d88) 12-13 09:08:35.568 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLoadMatrixx' at 0x7430798c54 with 0x7412e5e5b0... 12-13 09:08:35.569 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLoadMatrixx at 0x7430798c54 with 0x7412e5e5b0 (callback 0x742fc50db8) 12-13 09:08:35.569 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquationSeparate' at 0x742f2cd080 with 0x7412e3e4c0... 12-13 09:08:35.569 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquationSeparate at 0x742f2cd080 with 0x7412e3e4c0 (callback 0x742fc50de8) 12-13 09:08:35.569 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFrontFace' at 0x74307989bc with 0x7412e4eb10... 12-13 09:08:35.570 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFrontFace at 0x74307989bc with 0x7412e4eb10 (callback 0x742fc50e18) 12-13 09:08:35.570 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawTexfOES' at 0x74307993ec with 0x7412e4a308... 12-13 09:08:35.571 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawTexfOES at 0x74307993ec with 0x7412e4a308 (callback 0x742fc50e48) 12-13 09:08:35.571 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeletePathsNV' at 0x74250d8c98 with 0x7412e45d20... 12-13 09:08:35.572 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeletePathsNV at 0x74250d8c98 with 0x7412e45d20 (callback 0x742fc50e78) 12-13 09:08:35.572 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawArraysInstancedNV' at 0x742f2d0bbc with 0x7412e488bc... 12-13 09:08:35.573 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawArraysInstancedNV at 0x742f2d0bbc with 0x7412e488bc (callback 0x742fc50ea8) 12-13 09:08:35.573 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexOES' at 0x742f2cf6e8 with 0x7412e4a1b4... 12-13 09:08:35.573 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexOES at 0x742f2cf6e8 with 0x7412e4a1b4 (callback 0x742fc50ed8) 12-13 09:08:35.573 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexGenxOES' at 0x74307997dc with 0x7412e7179c... 12-13 09:08:35.574 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexGenxOES at 0x74307997dc with 0x7412e7179c (callback 0x742fc50f08) 12-13 09:08:35.574 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsPointInStrokePathNV' at 0x742f2d11a0 with 0x7412e5c3b0... 12-13 09:08:35.575 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsPointInStrokePathNV at 0x742f2d11a0 with 0x7412e5c3b0 (callback 0x742fc50f38) 12-13 09:08:35.575 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDepthRangef' at 0x7430798344 with 0x7412e47390... 12-13 09:08:35.576 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDepthRangef at 0x7430798344 with 0x7412e47390 (callback 0x742fc50f68) 12-13 09:08:35.576 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDisableiOES' at 0x742f2cf624 with 0x7412e47eb0... 12-13 09:08:35.576 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDisableiOES at 0x742f2cf624 with 0x7412e47eb0 (callback 0x742fc50f98) 12-13 09:08:35.577 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexEXT' at 0x74250d7eb8 with 0x7412e4a060... 12-13 09:08:35.577 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexEXT at 0x74250d7eb8 with 0x7412e4a060 (callback 0x742fc50fc8) 12-13 09:08:35.577 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex' at 0x74250d70a0 with 0x7412e49f0c... 12-13 09:08:35.578 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex at 0x74250d70a0 with 0x7412e49f0c (callback 0x1a550) 12-13 09:08:35.578 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteFramebuffersOES' at 0x74307998d4 with 0x7412e45c30... 12-13 09:08:35.579 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteFramebuffersOES at 0x74307998d4 with 0x7412e45c30 (callback 0x1a590) 12-13 09:08:35.579 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquationi' at 0x742f2cf164 with 0x7412e3e994... 12-13 09:08:35.580 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquationi at 0x742f2cf164 with 0x7412e3e994 (callback 0x1a5d0) 12-13 09:08:35.580 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glScissor' at 0x74250d5a0c with 0x7412e6e3b0... 12-13 09:08:35.580 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glScissor at 0x74250d5a0c with 0x7412e6e3b0 (callback 0x1a610) 12-13 09:08:35.581 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawRangeElements' at 0x742f2cdfe4 with 0x7412e49dd4... 12-13 09:08:35.581 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawRangeElements at 0x742f2cdfe4 with 0x7412e49dd4 (callback 0x1a650) 12-13 09:08:35.581 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearBufferfv' at 0x74250d63e0 with 0x7412e402f8... 12-13 09:08:35.582 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearBufferfv at 0x74250d63e0 with 0x7412e402f8 (callback 0x1a690) 12-13 09:08:35.582 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquationiEXT' at 0x74250d7e0c with 0x7412e3ea84... 12-13 09:08:35.583 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquationiEXT at 0x74250d7e0c with 0x7412e3ea84 (callback 0x1a6d0) 12-13 09:08:35.583 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteProgramPipelinesEXT' at 0x742f2d02bc with 0x7412e461b8... 12-13 09:08:35.584 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteProgramPipelinesEXT at 0x742f2d02bc with 0x7412e461b8 (callback 0x1a710) 12-13 09:08:35.584 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBufferStorageEXT' at 0x74250d7bf8 with 0x7412e3fd08... 12-13 09:08:35.584 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBufferStorageEXT at 0x74250d7bf8 with 0x7412e3fd08 (callback 0x1a750) 12-13 09:08:35.584 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstancedNV' at 0x74250d8a64 with 0x7412e49cb0... 12-13 09:08:35.585 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstancedNV at 0x74250d8a64 with 0x7412e49cb0 (callback 0x1a790) 12-13 09:08:35.585 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDiscardFramebufferEXT' at 0x74250d7ca0 with 0x7412e47fa0... 12-13 09:08:35.586 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDiscardFramebufferEXT at 0x74250d7ca0 with 0x7412e47fa0 (callback 0x1a7d0) 12-13 09:08:35.586 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstancedEXT' at 0x742f2d0088 with 0x7412e49b8c... 12-13 09:08:35.587 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstancedEXT at 0x742f2d0088 with 0x7412e49b8c (callback 0x1a810) 12-13 09:08:35.587 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexOES' at 0x74250d7590 with 0x7412e49a54... 12-13 09:08:35.588 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexOES at 0x74250d7590 with 0x7412e49a54 (callback 0x1a850) 12-13 09:08:35.588 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathSpacingNV' at 0x74250d8ffc with 0x7412e5495c... 12-13 09:08:35.588 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathSpacingNV at 0x74250d8ffc with 0x7412e5495c (callback 0x1a890) 12-13 09:08:35.588 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRotatexOES' at 0x74307996bc with 0x7412e6d1f4... 12-13 09:08:35.589 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRotatexOES at 0x74307996bc with 0x7412e6d1f4 (callback 0x1a8d0) 12-13 09:08:35.589 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathDashArrayNV' at 0x74250d8e34 with 0x7412e6253c... 12-13 09:08:35.590 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathDashArrayNV at 0x74250d8e34 with 0x7412e6253c (callback 0x1a910) 12-13 09:08:35.590 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCreateProgram' at 0x74250d5394 with 0x7412e44cec... 12-13 09:08:35.591 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCreateProgram at 0x74250d5394 with 0x7412e44cec (callback 0x1a950) 12-13 09:08:35.591 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendBarrierKHR' at 0x742f2cf424 with 0x7412e3e030... 12-13 09:08:35.592 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendBarrierKHR at 0x742f2cf424 with 0x7412e3e030 (callback 0x1a990) 12-13 09:08:35.592 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexEXT' at 0x74250d7ed0 with 0x7412e4991c... 12-13 09:08:35.592 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexEXT at 0x74250d7ed0 with 0x7412e4991c (callback 0x1a9d0) 12-13 09:08:35.592 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameterf' at 0x742f2ce7bc with 0x7412e6dcbc... 12-13 09:08:35.593 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameterf at 0x742f2ce7bc with 0x7412e6dcbc (callback 0x1aa10) 12-13 09:08:35.593 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetProgramsQCOM' at 0x743079a084 with 0x7412e4c080... 12-13 09:08:35.594 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetProgramsQCOM at 0x743079a084 with 0x7412e4c080 (callback 0x1aa50) 12-13 09:08:35.594 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReadBuffer' at 0x742f2cdfcc with 0x7412e6bb18... 12-13 09:08:35.595 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReadBuffer at 0x742f2cdfcc with 0x7412e6bb18 (callback 0x1aa90) 12-13 09:08:35.595 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBufferData' at 0x742f2cd0c8 with 0x7412e3fbf8... 12-13 09:08:35.596 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBufferData at 0x742f2cd0c8 with 0x7412e3fbf8 (callback 0x1aad0) 12-13 09:08:35.596 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstanceEXT' at 0x742f2cfce8 with 0x7412e497c8... 12-13 09:08:35.596 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstanceEXT at 0x742f2cfce8 with 0x7412e497c8 (callback 0x1ab10) 12-13 09:08:35.596 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFinish' at 0x74250d5564 with 0x7412e4cb68... 12-13 09:08:35.597 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFinish at 0x74250d5564 with 0x7412e4cb68 (callback 0x1ab50) 12-13 09:08:35.597 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilThenCoverStrokePathNV' at 0x74250d912c with 0x7412e70040... 12-13 09:08:35.598 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilThenCoverStrokePathNV at 0x74250d912c with 0x7412e70040 (callback 0x1ab90) 12-13 09:08:35.598 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathCommandsNV' at 0x742f2d0e3c with 0x7412e62210... 12-13 09:08:35.599 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathCommandsNV at 0x742f2d0e3c with 0x7412e62210 (callback 0x1abd0) 12-13 09:08:35.599 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenSamplers' at 0x742f2ce728 with 0x7412e4fc14... 12-13 09:08:35.599 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenSamplers at 0x742f2ce728 with 0x7412e4fc14 (callback 0x1ac10) 12-13 09:08:35.600 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterf' at 0x7430798614 with 0x7412e72768... 12-13 09:08:35.600 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterf at 0x7430798614 with 0x7412e72768 (callback 0x1ac50) 12-13 09:08:35.600 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCompressedTexImage3D' at 0x74250d5ed4 with 0x7412e427f0... 12-13 09:08:35.601 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCompressedTexImage3D at 0x74250d5ed4 with 0x7412e427f0 (callback 0x1ac90) 12-13 09:08:35.601 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstanceEXT' at 0x742f2cfcd0 with 0x7412e49558... 12-13 09:08:35.602 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstanceEXT at 0x742f2cfcd0 with 0x7412e49558 (callback 0x1acd0) 12-13 09:08:35.602 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE' at 0x74250d7a04 with 0x7412e49434... 12-13 09:08:35.603 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE at 0x74250d7a04 with 0x7412e49434 (callback 0x1ad10) 12-13 09:08:35.603 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glColor4xOES' at 0x743079947c with 0x7412e41d94... 12-13 09:08:35.603 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glColor4xOES at 0x743079947c with 0x7412e41d94 (callback 0x1ad50) 12-13 09:08:35.603 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformuivKHR' at 0x74250d743c with 0x7412e5b1c8... 12-13 09:08:35.604 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformuivKHR at 0x74250d743c with 0x7412e5b1c8 (callback 0x1ad90) 12-13 09:08:35.604 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFixedvOES' at 0x743079950c with 0x7412e51ddc... 12-13 09:08:35.605 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFixedvOES at 0x743079950c with 0x7412e51ddc (callback 0x1add0) 12-13 09:08:35.605 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathCommandsNV' at 0x74250d8f84 with 0x7412e54118... 12-13 09:08:35.606 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathCommandsNV at 0x74250d8f84 with 0x7412e54118 (callback 0x1ae10) 12-13 09:08:35.606 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetLightxv' at 0x7430798ab0 with 0x7412e534b4... 12-13 09:08:35.606 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetLightxv at 0x7430798ab0 with 0x7412e534b4 (callback 0x1ae50) 12-13 09:08:35.606 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyImageSubData' at 0x742f2cf010 with 0x7412e433dc... 12-13 09:08:35.607 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyImageSubData at 0x742f2cf010 with 0x7412e433dc (callback 0x1ae90) 12-13 09:08:35.607 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glAlphaFuncQCOM' at 0x74250d93c4 with 0x7412e3c1a4... 12-13 09:08:35.608 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glAlphaFuncQCOM at 0x74250d93c4 with 0x7412e3c1a4 (callback 0x1aed0) 12-13 09:08:35.608 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstanced' at 0x742f2ce644 with 0x7412e49310... 12-13 09:08:35.609 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstanced at 0x742f2ce644 with 0x7412e49310 (callback 0x1af10) 12-13 09:08:35.609 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glNormal3xOES' at 0x7430799644 with 0x7412e61340... 12-13 09:08:35.610 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glNormal3xOES at 0x7430799644 with 0x7412e61340 (callback 0x1af50) 12-13 09:08:35.610 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexLevelParameterfv' at 0x74250d6df8 with 0x7412e58c40... 12-13 09:08:35.610 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexLevelParameterfv at 0x74250d6df8 with 0x7412e58c40 (callback 0x1af90) 12-13 09:08:35.610 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDispatchCompute' at 0x74250d6818 with 0x7412e4809c... 12-13 09:08:35.611 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDispatchCompute at 0x74250d6818 with 0x7412e4809c (callback 0x1afd0) 12-13 09:08:35.611 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsIndirect' at 0x742f2ce9d0 with 0x7412e49214... 12-13 09:08:35.612 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsIndirect at 0x742f2ce9d0 with 0x7412e49214 (callback 0x1b010) 12-13 09:08:35.612 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsBaseVertexOES' at 0x74250d7560 with 0x7412e490f0... 12-13 09:08:35.613 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsBaseVertexOES at 0x74250d7560 with 0x7412e490f0 (callback 0x1b050) 12-13 09:08:35.613 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathCoordsNV' at 0x742f2d110c with 0x7412e54208... 12-13 09:08:35.613 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathCoordsNV at 0x742f2d110c with 0x7412e54208 (callback 0x1b090) 12-13 09:08:35.613 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsBaseVertexOES' at 0x742f2cf6d0 with 0x7412e490f0... 12-13 09:08:35.614 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsBaseVertexOES at 0x742f2cf6d0 with 0x7412e490f0 (callback 0x1b0d0) 12-13 09:08:35.614 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT' at 0x742f2d020c with 0x7412e5289c... 12-13 09:08:35.615 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT at 0x742f2d020c with 0x7412e5289c (callback 0x1b110) 12-13 09:08:35.615 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisample' at 0x742f2ce214 with 0x7412e6c55c... 12-13 09:08:35.616 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorageMultisample at 0x742f2ce214 with 0x7412e6c55c (callback 0x1b150) 12-13 09:08:35.616 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES' at 0x74250d7700 with 0x7412e42eb4... 12-13 09:08:35.616 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES at 0x74250d7700 with 0x7412e42eb4 (callback 0x1b190) 12-13 09:08:35.616 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT' at 0x74250d809c with 0x7412e5289c... 12-13 09:08:35.617 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT at 0x74250d809c with 0x7412e5289c (callback 0x1b1d0) 12-13 09:08:35.617 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT' at 0x74250d7ea0 with 0x7412e48fcc... 12-13 09:08:35.618 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT at 0x74250d7ea0 with 0x7412e48fcc (callback 0x1b210) 12-13 09:08:35.618 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMakeImageHandleNonResidentNV' at 0x74250d88c4 with 0x7412e5e934... 12-13 09:08:35.619 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMakeImageHandleNonResidentNV at 0x74250d88c4 with 0x7412e5e934 (callback 0x1b250) 12-13 09:08:35.619 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearBufferfv' at 0x742f2ce550 with 0x7412e402f8... 12-13 09:08:35.619 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearBufferfv at 0x742f2ce550 with 0x7412e402f8 (callback 0x1b290) 12-13 09:08:35.620 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2iEXT' at 0x742f2d03e0 with 0x7412e66e10... 12-13 09:08:35.620 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2iEXT at 0x742f2d03e0 with 0x7412e66e10 (callback 0x1b2d0) 12-13 09:08:35.620 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFunc' at 0x74307986bc with 0x7412e3ec64... 12-13 09:08:35.621 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFunc at 0x74307986bc with 0x7412e3ec64 (callback 0x1b310) 12-13 09:08:35.621 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetDriverControlStringQCOM' at 0x742f2d1564 with 0x7412e5181c... 12-13 09:08:35.622 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetDriverControlStringQCOM at 0x742f2d1564 with 0x7412e5181c (callback 0x1b350) 12-13 09:08:35.622 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClear' at 0x7430798704 with 0x7412e40108... 12-13 09:08:35.623 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClear at 0x7430798704 with 0x7412e40108 (callback 0x1b390) 12-13 09:08:35.623 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformiv' at 0x742f2cf2bc with 0x7412e5ad88... 12-13 09:08:35.623 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformiv at 0x742f2cf2bc with 0x7412e5ad88 (callback 0x1b3d0) 12-13 09:08:35.623 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElements' at 0x74250d551c with 0x7412e48d98... 12-13 09:08:35.624 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElements at 0x74250d551c with 0x7412e48d98 (callback 0x1b410) 12-13 09:08:35.624 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetUniformBlockIndex' at 0x74250d6458 with 0x7412e59e74... 12-13 09:08:35.625 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetUniformBlockIndex at 0x74250d6458 with 0x7412e59e74 (callback 0x1b450) 12-13 09:08:35.625 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindFragDataLocationEXT' at 0x74250d7ba8 with 0x7412e3d0c4... 12-13 09:08:35.626 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindFragDataLocationEXT at 0x74250d7ba8 with 0x7412e3d0c4 (callback 0x1b490) 12-13 09:08:35.626 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexOES' at 0x74250d7578 with 0x7412e4a1b4... 12-13 09:08:35.626 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexOES at 0x74250d7578 with 0x7412e4a1b4 (callback 0x1b4d0) 12-13 09:08:35.626 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindFramebuffer' at 0x742f2cd008 with 0x7412e3d2d0... 12-13 09:08:35.627 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindFramebuffer at 0x742f2cd008 with 0x7412e3d2d0 (callback 0x1b510) 12-13 09:08:35.627 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTranslatexOES' at 0x743079974c with 0x7412e74a50... 12-13 09:08:35.628 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTranslatexOES at 0x743079974c with 0x7412e74a50 (callback 0x1b550) 12-13 09:08:35.628 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElements' at 0x742f2cd38c with 0x7412e48d98... 12-13 09:08:35.629 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElements at 0x742f2cd38c with 0x7412e48d98 (callback 0x1b590) 12-13 09:08:35.629 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPointervKHR' at 0x742f2cf530 with 0x7412e55788... 12-13 09:08:35.630 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPointervKHR at 0x742f2cf530 with 0x7412e55788 (callback 0x1b5d0) 12-13 09:08:35.630 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilMask' at 0x742f2cd8f4 with 0x7412e6f5ac... 12-13 09:08:35.630 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilMask at 0x742f2cd8f4 with 0x7412e6f5ac (callback 0x1b610) 12-13 09:08:35.630 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenVertexArraysOES' at 0x7430799b6c with 0x7412e4ffd4... 12-13 09:08:35.631 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenVertexArraysOES at 0x7430799b6c with 0x7412e4ffd4 (callback 0x1b650) 12-13 09:08:35.631 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawBuffersNV' at 0x74250d8a34 with 0x7412e48ca8... 12-13 09:08:35.632 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawBuffersNV at 0x74250d8a34 with 0x7412e48ca8 (callback 0x1b690) 12-13 09:08:35.632 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPointSize' at 0x7430798584 with 0x7412e64008... 12-13 09:08:35.633 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPointSize at 0x7430798584 with 0x7412e64008 (callback 0x1b6d0) 12-13 09:08:35.633 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawBuffersEXT' at 0x742f2cff34 with 0x7412e48abc... 12-13 09:08:35.633 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawBuffersEXT at 0x742f2cff34 with 0x7412e48abc (callback 0x1b710) 12-13 09:08:35.633 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawArraysInstancedEXT' at 0x74250d7f00 with 0x7412e487ac... 12-13 09:08:35.634 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawArraysInstancedEXT at 0x74250d7f00 with 0x7412e487ac (callback 0x1b750) 12-13 09:08:35.634 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfQueryInfoINTEL' at 0x74250d8810 with 0x7412e55544... 12-13 09:08:35.635 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfQueryInfoINTEL at 0x74250d8810 with 0x7412e55544 (callback 0x1b790) 12-13 09:08:35.635 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawArraysInstancedNV' at 0x74250d8a4c with 0x7412e488bc... 12-13 09:08:35.636 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawArraysInstancedNV at 0x74250d8a4c with 0x7412e488bc (callback 0x1b7d0) 12-13 09:08:35.636 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT' at 0x74250d7ee8 with 0x7412e60808... 12-13 09:08:35.636 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT at 0x74250d7ee8 with 0x7412e60808 (callback 0x1b810) 12-13 09:08:35.637 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT' at 0x742f2d0010 with 0x7412e48fcc... 12-13 09:08:35.637 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT at 0x742f2d0010 with 0x7412e48fcc (callback 0x1b850) 12-13 09:08:35.637 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv' at 0x742f2cee48 with 0x7412e6ab10... 12-13 09:08:35.638 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv at 0x742f2cee48 with 0x7412e6ab10 (callback 0x1b890) 12-13 09:08:35.638 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUnmapBuffer' at 0x742f2ce120 with 0x7412e788ac... 12-13 09:08:35.639 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUnmapBuffer at 0x742f2ce120 with 0x7412e788ac (callback 0x1b8d0) 12-13 09:08:35.639 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glResolveDepthValuesNV' at 0x742f2d13c8 with 0x7412e6cd44... 12-13 09:08:35.640 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glResolveDepthValuesNV at 0x742f2d13c8 with 0x7412e6cd44 (callback 0x1b910) 12-13 09:08:35.640 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSyncivAPPLE' at 0x7430799c84 with 0x7412e58314... 12-13 09:08:35.640 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSyncivAPPLE at 0x7430799c84 with 0x7412e58314 (callback 0x1b950) 12-13 09:08:35.640 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetActiveUniform' at 0x74250d566c with 0x7412e503e0... 12-13 09:08:35.641 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetActiveUniform at 0x74250d566c with 0x7412e503e0 (callback 0x1b990) 12-13 09:08:35.641 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPopDebugGroup' at 0x742f2cf0a4 with 0x7412e64994... 12-13 09:08:35.642 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPopDebugGroup at 0x742f2cf0a4 with 0x7412e64994 (callback 0x1b9d0) 12-13 09:08:35.642 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG' at 0x742f2d0878 with 0x7412e4e058... 12-13 09:08:35.643 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG at 0x742f2d0878 with 0x7412e4e058 (callback 0x1ba10) 12-13 09:08:35.643 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexBufferRangeEXT' at 0x74250d8630 with 0x7412e70748... 12-13 09:08:35.643 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexBufferRangeEXT at 0x74250d8630 with 0x7412e70748 (callback 0x1ba50) 12-13 09:08:35.643 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawArraysInstancedEXT' at 0x742f2d0070 with 0x7412e487ac... 12-13 09:08:35.644 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawArraysInstancedEXT at 0x742f2d0070 with 0x7412e487ac (callback 0x1ba90) 12-13 09:08:35.644 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglGetSyncAttribKHR' at 0x742ff92f6c with 0x7412e3aac0... 12-13 09:08:35.645 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglGetSyncAttribKHR at 0x742ff92f6c with 0x7412e3aac0 (callback 0x1bad0) 12-13 09:08:35.645 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMatrixLoadTranspose3x3fNV' at 0x742f2d1224 with 0x7412e5fb00... 12-13 09:08:35.646 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMatrixLoadTranspose3x3fNV at 0x742f2d1224 with 0x7412e5fb00 (callback 0x1bb00) 12-13 09:08:35.646 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElements' at 0x7430798914 with 0x7412e48d98... 12-13 09:08:35.647 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElements at 0x7430798914 with 0x7412e48d98 (callback 0x1bb40) 12-13 09:08:35.647 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstanceEXT' at 0x74250d7b48 with 0x7412e48688... 12-13 09:08:35.647 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstanceEXT at 0x74250d7b48 with 0x7412e48688 (callback 0x1bb80) 12-13 09:08:35.647 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE' at 0x742f2cfb5c with 0x7412e48578... 12-13 09:08:35.648 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE at 0x742f2cfb5c with 0x7412e48578 (callback 0x1bbc0) 12-13 09:08:35.648 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMatrixMult3x3fNV' at 0x74250d90e4 with 0x7412e5fdc4... 12-13 09:08:35.649 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMatrixMult3x3fNV at 0x74250d90e4 with 0x7412e5fdc4 (callback 0x1bc00) 12-13 09:08:35.649 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawArraysIndirect' at 0x74250d6848 with 0x7412e48378... 12-13 09:08:35.650 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawArraysIndirect at 0x74250d6848 with 0x7412e48378 (callback 0x1bc40) 12-13 09:08:35.650 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage2DEXT' at 0x74250d8660 with 0x7412e73290... 12-13 09:08:35.650 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage2DEXT at 0x74250d8660 with 0x7412e73290 (callback 0x1bc80) 12-13 09:08:35.650 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawArrays' at 0x74307988fc with 0x7412e4827c... 12-13 09:08:35.651 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawArrays at 0x74307988fc with 0x7412e4827c (callback 0x1bcc0) 12-13 09:08:35.651 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM' at 0x742f2d1624 with 0x7412e4c874... 12-13 09:08:35.652 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM at 0x742f2d1624 with 0x7412e4c874 (callback 0x1bd00) 12-13 09:08:35.652 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUseProgramStagesEXT' at 0x742f2d0518 with 0x7412e78c6c... 12-13 09:08:35.653 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUseProgramStagesEXT at 0x742f2d0518 with 0x7412e78c6c (callback 0x1bd40) 12-13 09:08:35.653 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertexOES' at 0x74250d75a8 with 0x7412e60940... 12-13 09:08:35.653 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertexOES at 0x74250d75a8 with 0x7412e60940 (callback 0x1bd80) 12-13 09:08:35.653 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCoverFillPathInstancedNV' at 0x74250d8f24 with 0x7412e443d4... 12-13 09:08:35.654 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCoverFillPathInstancedNV at 0x74250d8f24 with 0x7412e443d4 (callback 0x1bdc0) 12-13 09:08:35.654 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexOES' at 0x742f2cf700 with 0x7412e49a54... 12-13 09:08:35.655 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexOES at 0x742f2cf700 with 0x7412e49a54 (callback 0x1be00) 12-13 09:08:35.655 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawTexivOES' at 0x74307993bc with 0x7412e4a638... 12-13 09:08:35.656 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawTexivOES at 0x74307993bc with 0x7412e4a638 (callback 0x1be40) 12-13 09:08:35.656 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM' at 0x7430799ff4 with 0x7412e4be74... 12-13 09:08:35.657 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM at 0x7430799ff4 with 0x7412e4be74 (callback 0x1be80) 12-13 09:08:35.657 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2fEXT' at 0x74250d8240 with 0x7412e667b0... 12-13 09:08:35.657 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2fEXT at 0x74250d8240 with 0x7412e667b0 (callback 0x1bec0) 12-13 09:08:35.657 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramPipelineivEXT' at 0x74250d8194 with 0x7412e55ffc... 12-13 09:08:35.658 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramPipelineivEXT at 0x74250d8194 with 0x7412e55ffc (callback 0x1bf00) 12-13 09:08:35.658 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyTexSubImage3DOES' at 0x74250d76d0 with 0x7412e44128... 12-13 09:08:35.659 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyTexSubImage3DOES at 0x74250d76d0 with 0x7412e44128 (callback 0x1bf40) 12-13 09:08:35.659 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteSyncAPPLE' at 0x74250d7acc with 0x7412e46920... 12-13 09:08:35.660 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteSyncAPPLE at 0x74250d7acc with 0x7412e46920 (callback 0x1bf80) 12-13 09:08:35.660 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDispatchComputeIndirect' at 0x742f2ce9a0 with 0x7412e48198... 12-13 09:08:35.660 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDispatchComputeIndirect at 0x742f2ce9a0 with 0x7412e48198 (callback 0x1bfc0) 12-13 09:08:35.660 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR' at 0x74250d93ac with 0x7412e4e774... 12-13 09:08:35.661 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR at 0x74250d93ac with 0x7412e4e774 (callback 0x742fc4f000) 12-13 09:08:35.661 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDiscardFramebufferEXT' at 0x7430799c9c with 0x7412e47fa0... 12-13 09:08:35.662 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDiscardFramebufferEXT at 0x7430799c9c with 0x7412e47fa0 (callback 0x742fc4f030) 12-13 09:08:35.662 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDisableiNV' at 0x742f2d14d0 with 0x7412e47dc0... 12-13 09:08:35.663 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDisableiNV at 0x742f2d14d0 with 0x7412e47dc0 (callback 0x742fc4f060) 12-13 09:08:35.663 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT' at 0x742f2cff04 with 0x7412e56a20... 12-13 09:08:35.664 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT at 0x742f2cff04 with 0x7412e56a20 (callback 0x742fc4f090) 12-13 09:08:35.664 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBeginConditionalRenderNV' at 0x742f2d0b14 with 0x7412e3c640... 12-13 09:08:35.664 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBeginConditionalRenderNV at 0x742f2d0b14 with 0x7412e3c640 (callback 0x742fc4f0c0) 12-13 09:08:35.664 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDisableVertexAttribArray' at 0x74250d54ec with 0x7412e47afc... 12-13 09:08:35.665 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDisableVertexAttribArray at 0x74250d54ec with 0x7412e47afc (callback 0x742fc4f0f0) 12-13 09:08:35.665 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPrimitiveBoundingBoxEXT' at 0x74250d806c with 0x7412e64e4c... 12-13 09:08:35.666 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPrimitiveBoundingBoxEXT at 0x74250d806c with 0x7412e64e4c (callback 0x742fc4f120) 12-13 09:08:35.666 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv' at 0x742f2cee18 with 0x7412e6a420... 12-13 09:08:35.667 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv at 0x742f2cee18 with 0x7412e6a420 (callback 0x742fc4f150) 12-13 09:08:35.667 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDisableClientState' at 0x74307988e4 with 0x7412e47934... 12-13 09:08:35.667 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDisableClientState at 0x74307988e4 with 0x7412e47934 (callback 0x742fc4f180) 12-13 09:08:35.668 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglWaitSyncKHR' at 0x742ff937b8 with 0x7412e3bce4... 12-13 09:08:35.668 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglWaitSyncKHR at 0x742ff937b8 with 0x7412e3bce4 (callback 0x742fc4f1b0) 12-13 09:08:35.669 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsTransformFeedback' at 0x742f2ce87c with 0x7412e5d0f0... 12-13 09:08:35.669 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsTransformFeedback at 0x742f2ce87c with 0x7412e5d0f0 (callback 0x742fc4f1d0) 12-13 09:08:35.669 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglQueryContext' at 0x742ff912d8 with 0x7412e3aee4... 12-13 09:08:35.670 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglQueryContext at 0x742ff912d8 with 0x7412e3aee4 (callback 0x742fc4f200) 12-13 09:08:35.670 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCheckFramebufferStatus' at 0x74250d5288 with 0x7412e3ff28... 12-13 09:08:35.671 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCheckFramebufferStatus at 0x74250d5288 with 0x7412e3ff28 (callback 0x742fc4f220) 12-13 09:08:35.671 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDisable' at 0x74250d54d4 with 0x7412e47850... 12-13 09:08:35.672 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDisable at 0x74250d54d4 with 0x7412e47850 (callback 0x742fc4f250) 12-13 09:08:35.672 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyTextureLevelsAPPLE' at 0x7430799ba0 with 0x7412e442c4... 12-13 09:08:35.673 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyTextureLevelsAPPLE at 0x7430799ba0 with 0x7412e442c4 (callback 0x742fc4f280) 12-13 09:08:35.673 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform1i' at 0x742f2cdd14 with 0x7412e74d3c... 12-13 09:08:35.673 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform1i at 0x742f2cdd14 with 0x7412e74d3c (callback 0x742fc4f2b0) 12-13 09:08:35.673 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDetachShader' at 0x74250d54bc with 0x7412e47760... 12-13 09:08:35.674 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDetachShader at 0x74250d54bc with 0x7412e47760 (callback 0x742fc4f2e0) 12-13 09:08:35.674 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDetachShader' at 0x742f2cd32c with 0x7412e47760... 12-13 09:08:35.675 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDetachShader at 0x742f2cd32c with 0x7412e47760 (callback 0x742fc4f310) 12-13 09:08:35.675 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glViewportIndexedfNV' at 0x74250d9288 with 0x7412e7aba0... 12-13 09:08:35.676 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glViewportIndexedfNV at 0x74250d9288 with 0x7412e7aba0 (callback 0x742fc4f340) 12-13 09:08:35.676 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDepthRangef' at 0x74250d54a4 with 0x7412e47390... 12-13 09:08:35.676 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDepthRangef at 0x74250d54a4 with 0x7412e47390 (callback 0x742fc4f370) 12-13 09:08:35.676 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1uiEXT' at 0x74250d83d8 with 0x7412e66384... 12-13 09:08:35.677 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1uiEXT at 0x74250d83d8 with 0x7412e66384 (callback 0x742fc4f3a0) 12-13 09:08:35.677 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3f' at 0x74250d6ae0 with 0x7412e677a0... 12-13 09:08:35.678 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3f at 0x74250d6ae0 with 0x7412e677a0 (callback 0x742fc4f3d0) 12-13 09:08:35.678 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetBufferParameteriv' at 0x74250d56b8 with 0x7412e50d80... 12-13 09:08:35.679 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetBufferParameteriv at 0x74250d56b8 with 0x7412e50d80 (callback 0x742fc4f400) 12-13 09:08:35.679 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix2x3fvNV' at 0x74250d8bec with 0x7412e77aa8... 12-13 09:08:35.679 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix2x3fvNV at 0x74250d8bec with 0x7412e77aa8 (callback 0x742fc4f430) 12-13 09:08:35.679 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilOpSeparate' at 0x742f2cd93c with 0x7412e6f87c... 12-13 09:08:35.680 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilOpSeparate at 0x742f2cd93c with 0x7412e6f87c (callback 0x742fc4f460) 12-13 09:08:35.680 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4f' at 0x74250d6af8 with 0x7412e68938... 12-13 09:08:35.681 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4f at 0x74250d6af8 with 0x7412e68938 (callback 0x742fc4f490) 12-13 09:08:35.681 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawArrays' at 0x742f2cd374 with 0x7412e4827c... 12-13 09:08:35.682 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawArrays at 0x742f2cd374 with 0x7412e4827c (callback 0x742fc4f4c0) 12-13 09:08:35.682 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage2D' at 0x74250d67d0 with 0x7412e7316c... 12-13 09:08:35.683 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage2D at 0x74250d67d0 with 0x7412e7316c (callback 0x742fc4f4f0) 12-13 09:08:35.683 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix2x4fvNV' at 0x74250d8c1c with 0x7412e77cd0... 12-13 09:08:35.683 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix2x4fvNV at 0x74250d8c1c with 0x7412e77cd0 (callback 0x742fc4f520) 12-13 09:08:35.683 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLightModelfv' at 0x743079844c with 0x7412e5d5c4... 12-13 09:08:35.684 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLightModelfv at 0x743079844c with 0x7412e5d5c4 (callback 0x742fc4f550) 12-13 09:08:35.684 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDisableiEXT' at 0x74250d7df4 with 0x7412e47cd0... 12-13 09:08:35.685 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDisableiEXT at 0x74250d7df4 with 0x7412e47cd0 (callback 0x742fc4f580) 12-13 09:08:35.685 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDepthRangeIndexedfNV' at 0x74250d9318 with 0x7412e47188... 12-13 09:08:35.686 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDepthRangeIndexedfNV at 0x74250d9318 with 0x7412e47188 (callback 0x742fc4f5b0) 12-13 09:08:35.686 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix4x2fv' at 0x74250d6044 with 0x7412e7845c... 12-13 09:08:35.686 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix4x2fv at 0x74250d6044 with 0x7412e7845c (callback 0x742fc4f5e0) 12-13 09:08:35.686 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFunciOES' at 0x74250d74fc with 0x7412e3f4d8... 12-13 09:08:35.687 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFunciOES at 0x74250d74fc with 0x7412e3f4d8 (callback 0x742fc4f610) 12-13 09:08:35.687 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLineWidthxOES' at 0x74307995b4 with 0x7412e5e22c... 12-13 09:08:35.688 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLineWidthxOES at 0x74307995b4 with 0x7412e5e22c (callback 0x742fc4f640) 12-13 09:08:35.688 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLineWidth' at 0x7430798494 with 0x7412e5e060... 12-13 09:08:35.689 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLineWidth at 0x7430798494 with 0x7412e5e060 (callback 0x742fc4f670) 12-13 09:08:35.689 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTextureStorage1DEXT' at 0x7430799df4 with 0x7412e73f84... 12-13 09:08:35.690 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTextureStorage1DEXT at 0x7430799df4 with 0x7412e73f84 (callback 0x742fc4f6a0) 12-13 09:08:35.690 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferRenderbufferOES' at 0x7430799920 with 0x7412e4d978... 12-13 09:08:35.690 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferRenderbufferOES at 0x7430799920 with 0x7412e4d978 (callback 0x742fc4f6d0) 12-13 09:08:35.690 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMaterialxvOES' at 0x74307995fc with 0x7412e5f5f0... 12-13 09:08:35.691 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMaterialxvOES at 0x74307995fc with 0x7412e5f5f0 (callback 0x742fc4f700) 12-13 09:08:35.691 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetCoverageModulationTableNV' at 0x74250d8b74 with 0x7412e51434... 12-13 09:08:35.692 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetCoverageModulationTableNV at 0x74250d8b74 with 0x7412e51434 (callback 0x742fc4f730) 12-13 09:08:35.692 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexEnvxOES' at 0x74307996ec with 0x7412e710b4... 12-13 09:08:35.693 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexEnvxOES at 0x74307996ec with 0x7412e710b4 (callback 0x742fc4f760) 12-13 09:08:35.693 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyTexImage2D' at 0x74250d5364 with 0x7412e43c94... 12-13 09:08:35.693 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyTexImage2D at 0x74250d5364 with 0x7412e43c94 (callback 0x742fc4f790) 12-13 09:08:35.693 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindFramebuffer' at 0x74250d5198 with 0x7412e3d2d0... 12-13 09:08:35.694 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindFramebuffer at 0x74250d5198 with 0x7412e3d2d0 (callback 0x742fc4f7c0) 12-13 09:08:35.694 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteTransformFeedbacks' at 0x74250d66dc with 0x7412e46af4... 12-13 09:08:35.695 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteTransformFeedbacks at 0x74250d66dc with 0x7412e46af4 (callback 0x742fc4f7f0) 12-13 09:08:35.695 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindProgramPipelineEXT' at 0x74250d8118 with 0x7412e3d6ec... 12-13 09:08:35.696 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindProgramPipelineEXT at 0x74250d8118 with 0x7412e3d6ec (callback 0x742fc4f820) 12-13 09:08:35.696 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClientWaitSync' at 0x742f2ce6ac with 0x7412e41294... 12-13 09:08:35.697 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClientWaitSync at 0x742f2ce6ac with 0x7412e41294 (callback 0x742fc4f850) 12-13 09:08:35.697 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4ivEXT' at 0x74250d8348 with 0x7412e69380... 12-13 09:08:35.697 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4ivEXT at 0x74250d8348 with 0x7412e69380 (callback 0x742fc4f880) 12-13 09:08:35.697 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteTransformFeedbacks' at 0x742f2ce84c with 0x7412e46af4... 12-13 09:08:35.698 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteTransformFeedbacks at 0x742f2ce84c with 0x7412e46af4 (callback 0x742fc4f8b0) 12-13 09:08:35.698 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glObjectLabelKHR' at 0x74250d7360 with 0x7412e61758... 12-13 09:08:35.699 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glObjectLabelKHR at 0x74250d7360 with 0x7412e61758 (callback 0x742fc4f8e0) 12-13 09:08:35.699 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramPipelineivEXT' at 0x742f2d0304 with 0x7412e55ffc... 12-13 09:08:35.700 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramPipelineivEXT at 0x742f2d0304 with 0x7412e55ffc (callback 0x742fc4f910) 12-13 09:08:35.700 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenProgramPipelines' at 0x74250d69a4 with 0x7412e4f674... 12-13 09:08:35.700 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenProgramPipelines at 0x74250d69a4 with 0x7412e4f674 (callback 0x742fc4f940) 12-13 09:08:35.700 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteTextures' at 0x74250d545c with 0x7412e46a04... 12-13 09:08:35.701 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteTextures at 0x74250d545c with 0x7412e46a04 (callback 0x742fc4f970) 12-13 09:08:35.701 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetUniformIndices' at 0x742f2ce598 with 0x7412e59f70... 12-13 09:08:35.702 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetUniformIndices at 0x742f2ce598 with 0x7412e59f70 (callback 0x742fc4f9a0) 12-13 09:08:35.702 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCoverStrokePathInstancedNV' at 0x74250d8f3c with 0x7412e44618... 12-13 09:08:35.703 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCoverStrokePathInstancedNV at 0x74250d8f3c with 0x7412e44618 (callback 0x742fc4f9d0) 12-13 09:08:35.703 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFuncSeparatei' at 0x74250d703c with 0x7412e3ef74... 12-13 09:08:35.703 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFuncSeparatei at 0x74250d703c with 0x7412e3ef74 (callback 0x742fc4fa00) 12-13 09:08:35.703 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM' at 0x742f2d163c with 0x7412e4c498... 12-13 09:08:35.704 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM at 0x742f2d163c with 0x7412e4c498 (callback 0x742fc4fa30) 12-13 09:08:35.704 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeletePerfMonitorsAMD' at 0x74250d7944 with 0x7412e45e10... 12-13 09:08:35.705 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeletePerfMonitorsAMD at 0x74250d7944 with 0x7412e45e10 (callback 0x742fc4fa60) 12-13 09:08:35.705 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameterIiv' at 0x74250d720c with 0x7412e6d6d4... 12-13 09:08:35.706 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameterIiv at 0x74250d720c with 0x7412e6d6d4 (callback 0x742fc4fa90) 12-13 09:08:35.706 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawBuffers' at 0x74250d5fe4 with 0x7412e489cc... 12-13 09:08:35.706 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawBuffers at 0x74250d5fe4 with 0x7412e489cc (callback 0x742fc4fac0) 12-13 09:08:35.707 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteTextures' at 0x743079886c with 0x7412e46a04... 12-13 09:08:35.707 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteTextures at 0x743079886c with 0x7412e46a04 (callback 0x742fc4faf0) 12-13 09:08:35.707 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTransformPathNV' at 0x742f2d0f2c with 0x7412e7473c... 12-13 09:08:35.708 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTransformPathNV at 0x742f2d0f2c with 0x7412e7473c (callback 0x742fc4fb20) 12-13 09:08:35.708 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteSyncAPPLE' at 0x742f2cfc3c with 0x7412e46920... 12-13 09:08:35.709 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteSyncAPPLE at 0x742f2cfc3c with 0x7412e46920 (callback 0x742fc4fb50) 12-13 09:08:35.709 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetGraphicsResetStatus' at 0x74250d7100 with 0x7412e527b8... 12-13 09:08:35.710 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetGraphicsResetStatus at 0x74250d7100 with 0x7412e527b8 (callback 0x742fc4fb80) 12-13 09:08:35.710 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramBinaryOES' at 0x74250d75f0 with 0x7412e6520c... 12-13 09:08:35.710 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramBinaryOES at 0x74250d75f0 with 0x7412e6520c (callback 0x742fc4fbb0) 12-13 09:08:35.710 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstanceEXT' at 0x74250d7b60 with 0x7412e49558... 12-13 09:08:35.711 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstanceEXT at 0x74250d7b60 with 0x7412e49558 (callback 0x742fc4fbe0) 12-13 09:08:35.711 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteSamplers' at 0x74250d65d0 with 0x7412e46668... 12-13 09:08:35.712 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteSamplers at 0x74250d65d0 with 0x7412e46668 (callback 0x742fc4fc10) 12-13 09:08:35.712 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glScalef' at 0x74307985cc with 0x7412e6e0b0... 12-13 09:08:35.713 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glScalef at 0x74307985cc with 0x7412e6e0b0 (callback 0x742fc4fc40) 12-13 09:08:35.713 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteSamplers' at 0x742f2ce740 with 0x7412e46668... 12-13 09:08:35.714 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteSamplers at 0x742f2ce740 with 0x7412e46668 (callback 0x742fc4fc70) 12-13 09:08:35.714 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteQueriesEXT' at 0x74250d7cd0 with 0x7412e46398... 12-13 09:08:35.714 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteQueriesEXT at 0x74250d7cd0 with 0x7412e46398 (callback 0x742fc4fca0) 12-13 09:08:35.714 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyTexSubImage3D' at 0x742f2ce02c with 0x7412e43f8c... 12-13 09:08:35.715 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyTexSubImage3D at 0x742f2ce02c with 0x7412e43f8c (callback 0x742fc4fcd0) 12-13 09:08:35.715 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglGetDisplay' at 0x742ff8fe58 with 0x7412e3a7fc... 12-13 09:08:35.716 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglGetDisplay at 0x742ff8fe58 with 0x7412e3a7fc (callback 0x742fc4fd00) 12-13 09:08:35.716 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCheckFramebufferStatus' at 0x742f2cd0f8 with 0x7412e3ff28... 12-13 09:08:35.717 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCheckFramebufferStatus at 0x742f2cd0f8 with 0x7412e3ff28 (callback 0x742fc4fd20) 12-13 09:08:35.717 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsVertexArray' at 0x742f2ce2c0 with 0x7412e5d1e0... 12-13 09:08:35.718 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsVertexArray at 0x742f2ce2c0 with 0x7412e5d1e0 (callback 0x742fc4fd50) 12-13 09:08:35.718 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteProgramPipelinesEXT' at 0x74250d814c with 0x7412e461b8... 12-13 09:08:35.718 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteProgramPipelinesEXT at 0x74250d814c with 0x7412e461b8 (callback 0x742fc4fd80) 12-13 09:08:35.718 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glShadeModel' at 0x7430798e64 with 0x7412e6ecf8... 12-13 09:08:35.719 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glShadeModel at 0x7430798e64 with 0x7412e6ecf8 (callback 0x742fc4fdb0) 12-13 09:08:35.719 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFenceivNV' at 0x7430799f04 with 0x7412e51b0c... 12-13 09:08:35.720 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFenceivNV at 0x7430799f04 with 0x7412e51b0c (callback 0x742fc4fde0) 12-13 09:08:35.720 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetString' at 0x743079a100 with 0x7412e58004... 12-13 09:08:35.721 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetString at 0x743079a100 with 0x7412e58004 (callback 0x742fc4fe10) 12-13 09:08:35.721 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFuncSeparate' at 0x74250d5240 with 0x7412e3ed54... 12-13 09:08:35.721 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFuncSeparate at 0x74250d5240 with 0x7412e3ed54 (callback 0x742fc4fe30) 12-13 09:08:35.721 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCoverFillPathInstancedNV' at 0x742f2d1094 with 0x7412e443d4... 12-13 09:08:35.722 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCoverFillPathInstancedNV at 0x742f2d1094 with 0x7412e443d4 (callback 0x742fc4fe60) 12-13 09:08:35.722 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteProgramPipelines' at 0x742f2ceafc with 0x7412e460c8... 12-13 09:08:35.723 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteProgramPipelines at 0x742f2ceafc with 0x7412e460c8 (callback 0x742fc4fe90) 12-13 09:08:35.723 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquationOES' at 0x7430799344 with 0x7412e3e3dc... 12-13 09:08:35.724 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquationOES at 0x7430799344 with 0x7412e3e3dc (callback 0x742fc4fec0) 12-13 09:08:35.724 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSetFenceNV' at 0x74250d8b14 with 0x7412e6ec08... 12-13 09:08:35.725 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSetFenceNV at 0x74250d8b14 with 0x7412e6ec08 (callback 0x742fc4fef0) 12-13 09:08:35.725 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteProgram' at 0x742f2cd284 with 0x7412e45fe4... 12-13 09:08:35.725 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteProgram at 0x742f2cd284 with 0x7412e45fe4 (callback 0x742fc4ff20) 12-13 09:08:35.725 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEndPerfQueryINTEL' at 0x74250d8780 with 0x7412e4b820... 12-13 09:08:35.726 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEndPerfQueryINTEL at 0x74250d8780 with 0x7412e4b820 (callback 0x742fc4ff50) 12-13 09:08:35.726 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglGetConfigs' at 0x742ff8fff8 with 0x7412e3a428... 12-13 09:08:35.727 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglGetConfigs at 0x742ff8fff8 with 0x7412e3a428 (callback 0x742fc4ff80) 12-13 09:08:35.727 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDisableiOES' at 0x74250d74b4 with 0x7412e47eb0... 12-13 09:08:35.728 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDisableiOES at 0x74250d74b4 with 0x7412e47eb0 (callback 0x742fc4ffa0) 12-13 09:08:35.728 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCoverageModulationNV' at 0x742f2d0cfc with 0x7412e44944... 12-13 09:08:35.729 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCoverageModulationNV at 0x742f2d0cfc with 0x7412e44944 (callback 0x742fc4ffd0) 12-13 09:08:35.729 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDebugMessageControlKHR' at 0x742f2cf43c with 0x7412e455b4... 12-13 09:08:35.729 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDebugMessageControlKHR at 0x742f2cf43c with 0x7412e455b4 (callback 0x1c570) 12-13 09:08:35.729 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeletePerfQueryINTEL' at 0x74250d8768 with 0x7412e45f00... 12-13 09:08:35.730 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeletePerfQueryINTEL at 0x74250d8768 with 0x7412e45f00 (callback 0x1c5b0) 12-13 09:08:35.730 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexBuffer' at 0x74250d726c with 0x7412e70330... 12-13 09:08:35.731 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexBuffer at 0x74250d726c with 0x7412e70330 (callback 0x1c5f0) 12-13 09:08:35.731 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeletePerfQueryINTEL' at 0x742f2d08d8 with 0x7412e45f00... 12-13 09:08:35.732 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeletePerfQueryINTEL at 0x742f2d08d8 with 0x7412e45f00 (callback 0x1c630) 12-13 09:08:35.732 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquationSeparateiOES' at 0x742f2cf654 with 0x7412e3e898... 12-13 09:08:35.733 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquationSeparateiOES at 0x742f2cf654 with 0x7412e3e898 (callback 0x1c670) 12-13 09:08:35.733 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetActiveUniform' at 0x742f2cd4dc with 0x7412e503e0... 12-13 09:08:35.733 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetActiveUniform at 0x742f2cd4dc with 0x7412e503e0 (callback 0x1c6b0) 12-13 09:08:35.733 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDepthRangexOES' at 0x7430799494 with 0x7412e47670... 12-13 09:08:35.734 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDepthRangexOES at 0x7430799494 with 0x7412e47670 (callback 0x1c6f0) 12-13 09:08:35.734 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLightf' at 0x7430798464 with 0x7412e5da74... 12-13 09:08:35.735 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLightf at 0x7430798464 with 0x7412e5da74 (callback 0x1c730) 12-13 09:08:35.735 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTextureLayer' at 0x742f2ce22c with 0x7412e4e4fc... 12-13 09:08:35.736 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTextureLayer at 0x742f2ce22c with 0x7412e4e4fc (callback 0x1c770) 12-13 09:08:35.736 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2fv' at 0x742f2ced58 with 0x7412e668c0... 12-13 09:08:35.737 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2fv at 0x742f2ced58 with 0x7412e668c0 (callback 0x1c7b0) 12-13 09:08:35.737 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearStencil' at 0x74250d52ec with 0x7412e40db8... 12-13 09:08:35.737 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearStencil at 0x74250d52ec with 0x7412e40db8 (callback 0x1c7f0) 12-13 09:08:35.737 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer' at 0x742ff9294c with 0x7412e398a8... 12-13 09:08:35.738 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer at 0x742ff9294c with 0x7412e398a8 (callback 0x1c830) 12-13 09:08:35.738 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeletePerfMonitorsAMD' at 0x742f2cfab4 with 0x7412e45e10... 12-13 09:08:35.739 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeletePerfMonitorsAMD at 0x742f2cfab4 with 0x7412e45e10 (callback 0x1c860) 12-13 09:08:35.739 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultiTexCoord4xOES' at 0x743079962c with 0x7412e60f08... 12-13 09:08:35.740 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultiTexCoord4xOES at 0x743079962c with 0x7412e60f08 (callback 0x1c8a0) 12-13 09:08:35.740 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetQueryObjectuiv' at 0x74250d5f98 with 0x7412e56e10... 12-13 09:08:35.740 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetQueryObjectuiv at 0x74250d5f98 with 0x7412e56e10 (callback 0x1c8e0) 12-13 09:08:35.740 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDisableiNV' at 0x74250d9360 with 0x7412e47dc0... 12-13 09:08:35.741 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDisableiNV at 0x74250d9360 with 0x7412e47dc0 (callback 0x1c920) 12-13 09:08:35.741 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteFramebuffers' at 0x74250d53fc with 0x7412e45b40... 12-13 09:08:35.742 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteFramebuffers at 0x74250d53fc with 0x7412e45b40 (callback 0x1c960) 12-13 09:08:35.742 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteFencesNV' at 0x74250d8a7c with 0x7412e45a50... 12-13 09:08:35.743 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteFencesNV at 0x74250d8a7c with 0x7412e45a50 (callback 0x1c9a0) 12-13 09:08:35.743 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearDepthxOES' at 0x743079944c with 0x7412e40bd8... 12-13 09:08:35.743 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearDepthxOES at 0x743079944c with 0x7412e40bd8 (callback 0x1c9e0) 12-13 09:08:35.743 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv' at 0x74250d56ec with 0x7412e523ac... 12-13 09:08:35.744 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv at 0x74250d56ec with 0x7412e523ac (callback 0x1ca20) 12-13 09:08:35.744 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glColorMaskiEXT' at 0x742f2cffdc with 0x7412e42100... 12-13 09:08:35.745 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glColorMaskiEXT at 0x742f2cffdc with 0x7412e42100 (callback 0x1ca60) 12-13 09:08:35.745 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteFencesNV' at 0x7430799e9c with 0x7412e45a50... 12-13 09:08:35.746 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteFencesNV at 0x7430799e9c with 0x7412e45a50 (callback 0x1caa0) 12-13 09:08:35.746 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteBuffers' at 0x74250d53e4 with 0x7412e45960... 12-13 09:08:35.746 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteBuffers at 0x74250d53e4 with 0x7412e45960 (callback 0x1cae0) 12-13 09:08:35.746 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsEnabled' at 0x742f2cd714 with 0x7412e5b904... 12-13 09:08:35.747 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsEnabled at 0x742f2cd714 with 0x7412e5b904 (callback 0x1cb20) 12-13 09:08:35.747 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteQueries' at 0x74250d5f1c with 0x7412e462a8... 12-13 09:08:35.748 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteQueries at 0x74250d5f1c with 0x7412e462a8 (callback 0x1cb60) 12-13 09:08:35.748 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDebugMessageControlKHR' at 0x74250d72cc with 0x7412e455b4... 12-13 09:08:35.749 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDebugMessageControlKHR at 0x74250d72cc with 0x7412e455b4 (callback 0x1cba0) 12-13 09:08:35.749 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBufferData' at 0x74250d5258 with 0x7412e3fbf8... 12-13 09:08:35.749 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBufferData at 0x74250d5258 with 0x7412e3fbf8 (callback 0x1cbe0) 12-13 09:08:35.749 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix2fv' at 0x742f2cde64 with 0x7412e77880... 12-13 09:08:35.750 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix2fv at 0x742f2cde64 with 0x7412e77880 (callback 0x1cc20) 12-13 09:08:35.750 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglSurfaceAttrib' at 0x742ff9239c with 0x7412e3b50c... 12-13 09:08:35.751 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglSurfaceAttrib at 0x742ff9239c with 0x7412e3b50c (callback 0x1cc60) 12-13 09:08:35.751 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDebugMessageControl' at 0x742f2cf028 with 0x7412e45478... 12-13 09:08:35.752 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDebugMessageControl at 0x742f2cf028 with 0x7412e45478 (callback 0x1cc90) 12-13 09:08:35.752 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex' at 0x742f2cf228 with 0x7412e49690... 12-13 09:08:35.753 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex at 0x742f2cf228 with 0x7412e49690 (callback 0x1ccd0) 12-13 09:08:35.753 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsFramebufferOES' at 0x74307998a0 with 0x7412e5bfc4... 12-13 09:08:35.753 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsFramebufferOES at 0x74307998a0 with 0x7412e5bfc4 (callback 0x1cd10) 12-13 09:08:35.753 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD' at 0x742f2cfa24 with 0x7412e55234... 12-13 09:08:35.754 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD at 0x742f2cfa24 with 0x7412e55234 (callback 0x1cd50) 12-13 09:08:35.754 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBeginQueryEXT' at 0x742f2cfe74 with 0x7412e3c9e8... 12-13 09:08:35.755 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBeginQueryEXT at 0x742f2cfe74 with 0x7412e3c9e8 (callback 0x1cd90) 12-13 09:08:35.755 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDebugMessageCallbackKHR' at 0x742f2cf46c with 0x7412e45388... 12-13 09:08:35.756 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDebugMessageCallbackKHR at 0x742f2cf46c with 0x7412e45388 (callback 0x1cdd0) 12-13 09:08:35.756 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetIntegerv' at 0x742f2d186c with 0x7412e5306c... 12-13 09:08:35.756 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetIntegerv at 0x742f2d186c with 0x7412e5306c (callback 0x1ce10) 12-13 09:08:35.756 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearBufferfi' at 0x742f2ce568 with 0x7412e401ec... 12-13 09:08:35.757 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearBufferfi at 0x742f2ce568 with 0x7412e401ec (callback 0x1ce40) 12-13 09:08:35.757 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCurrentPaletteMatrixOES' at 0x74307999d0 with 0x7412e451b4... 12-13 09:08:35.758 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCurrentPaletteMatrixOES at 0x74307999d0 with 0x7412e451b4 (callback 0x1ce80) 12-13 09:08:35.758 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFirstPerfQueryIdINTEL' at 0x742f2d0908 with 0x7412e51c08... 12-13 09:08:35.759 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFirstPerfQueryIdINTEL at 0x742f2d0908 with 0x7412e51c08 (callback 0x1cec0) 12-13 09:08:35.759 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetDebugMessageLogKHR' at 0x742f2cf484 with 0x7412e516a0... 12-13 09:08:35.760 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetDebugMessageLogKHR at 0x742f2cf484 with 0x7412e516a0 (callback 0x1cf00) 12-13 09:08:35.760 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCreateShaderProgramvEXT' at 0x742f2d02a0 with 0x7412e44fc8... 12-13 09:08:35.760 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCreateShaderProgramvEXT at 0x742f2d02a0 with 0x7412e44fc8 (callback 0x1cf40) 12-13 09:08:35.760 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCreateShader' at 0x74250d53b0 with 0x7412e44dd0... 12-13 09:08:35.761 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCreateShader at 0x74250d53b0 with 0x7412e44dd0 (callback 0x1cf80) 12-13 09:08:35.761 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCreatePerfQueryINTEL' at 0x742f2d08c0 with 0x7412e44bfc... 12-13 09:08:35.762 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCreatePerfQueryINTEL at 0x742f2d08c0 with 0x7412e44bfc (callback 0x1cfc0) 12-13 09:08:35.762 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCoverageOperationNV' at 0x742f2d0b8c with 0x7412e44b18... 12-13 09:08:35.763 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCoverageOperationNV at 0x742f2d0b8c with 0x7412e44b18 (callback 0x742fc4e000) 12-13 09:08:35.763 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCoverageModulationTableNV' at 0x742f2d0ccc with 0x7412e44a28... 12-13 09:08:35.764 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCoverageModulationTableNV at 0x742f2d0ccc with 0x7412e44a28 (callback 0x742fc4e030) 12-13 09:08:35.764 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEndQueryEXT' at 0x742f2cfe8c with 0x7412e4b9e8... 12-13 09:08:35.764 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEndQueryEXT at 0x742f2cfe8c with 0x7412e4b9e8 (callback 0x742fc4e060) 12-13 09:08:35.764 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetGraphicsResetStatusKHR' at 0x742f2cf548 with 0x7412e52980... 12-13 09:08:35.765 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetGraphicsResetStatusKHR at 0x742f2cf548 with 0x7412e52980 (callback 0x742fc4e090) 12-13 09:08:35.765 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT' at 0x742f2d0164 with 0x7412e6c8c8... 12-13 09:08:35.766 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT at 0x742f2d0164 with 0x7412e6c8c8 (callback 0x742fc4e0c0) 12-13 09:08:35.766 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLinkProgram' at 0x74250d5964 with 0x7412e5e310... 12-13 09:08:35.767 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLinkProgram at 0x74250d5964 with 0x7412e5e310 (callback 0x742fc4e0f0) 12-13 09:08:35.767 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDepthRangeArrayfvNV' at 0x74250d9300 with 0x7412e46f90... 12-13 09:08:35.768 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDepthRangeArrayfvNV at 0x74250d9300 with 0x7412e46f90 (callback 0x742fc4e120) 12-13 09:08:35.768 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCoverageMaskNV' at 0x742f2d0b74 with 0x7412e4485c... 12-13 09:08:35.768 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCoverageMaskNV at 0x742f2d0b74 with 0x7412e4485c (callback 0x742fc4e150) 12-13 09:08:35.768 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEndPerfQueryINTEL' at 0x742f2d08f0 with 0x7412e4b820... 12-13 09:08:35.769 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEndPerfQueryINTEL at 0x742f2d08f0 with 0x7412e4b820 (callback 0x742fc4e180) 12-13 09:08:35.769 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCoverStrokePathInstancedNV' at 0x742f2d10ac with 0x7412e44618... 12-13 09:08:35.770 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCoverStrokePathInstancedNV at 0x742f2d10ac with 0x7412e44618 (callback 0x742fc4e1b0) 12-13 09:08:35.770 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyTextureLevelsAPPLE' at 0x742f2cfbbc with 0x7412e442c4... 12-13 09:08:35.771 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyTextureLevelsAPPLE at 0x742f2cfbbc with 0x7412e442c4 (callback 0x742fc4e1e0) 12-13 09:08:35.771 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform3ui' at 0x742f2ce490 with 0x7412e764f4... 12-13 09:08:35.771 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform3ui at 0x742f2ce490 with 0x7412e764f4 (callback 0x742fc4e210) 12-13 09:08:35.772 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDebugMessageCallback' at 0x742f2cf058 with 0x7412e45298... 12-13 09:08:35.772 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDebugMessageCallback at 0x742f2cf058 with 0x7412e45298 (callback 0x742fc4e240) 12-13 09:08:35.772 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathSubCoordsNV' at 0x74250d8d14 with 0x7412e63608... 12-13 09:08:35.773 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathSubCoordsNV at 0x74250d8d14 with 0x7412e63608 (callback 0x742fc4e270) 12-13 09:08:35.773 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyTexSubImage2D' at 0x74250d537c with 0x7412e43e10... 12-13 09:08:35.774 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyTexSubImage2D at 0x74250d537c with 0x7412e43e10 (callback 0x742fc4e2a0) 12-13 09:08:35.774 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyTexSubImage2D' at 0x742f2cd1ec with 0x7412e43e10... 12-13 09:08:35.774 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyTexSubImage2D at 0x742f2cd1ec with 0x7412e43e10 (callback 0x742fc4e2d0) 12-13 09:08:35.775 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM' at 0x743079a0b8 with 0x7412e4bf70... 12-13 09:08:35.775 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM at 0x743079a0b8 with 0x7412e4bf70 (callback 0x742fc4e300) 12-13 09:08:35.775 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameteriv' at 0x742f2cdb54 with 0x7412e72a60... 12-13 09:08:35.776 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameteriv at 0x742f2cdb54 with 0x7412e72a60 (callback 0x742fc4e330) 12-13 09:08:35.776 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindVertexArrayOES' at 0x742f2cf9c0 with 0x7412e3dd64... 12-13 09:08:35.777 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindVertexArrayOES at 0x742f2cf9c0 with 0x7412e3dd64 (callback 0x742fc4e360) 12-13 09:08:35.777 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyImageSubDataOES' at 0x742f2cf5f4 with 0x7412e4390c... 12-13 09:08:35.778 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyImageSubDataOES at 0x742f2cf5f4 with 0x7412e4390c (callback 0x742fc4e390) 12-13 09:08:35.778 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMinSampleShadingOES' at 0x74250d7670 with 0x7412e60254... 12-13 09:08:35.778 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMinSampleShadingOES at 0x74250d7670 with 0x7412e60254 (callback 0x742fc4e3c0) 12-13 09:08:35.779 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDisablei' at 0x742f2cf14c with 0x7412e47be0... 12-13 09:08:35.779 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDisablei at 0x742f2cf14c with 0x7412e47be0 (callback 0x742fc4e3f0) 12-13 09:08:35.779 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathMetricsNV' at 0x74250d8fcc with 0x7412e54610... 12-13 09:08:35.780 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathMetricsNV at 0x74250d8fcc with 0x7412e54610 (callback 0x742fc4e420) 12-13 09:08:35.780 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyImageSubDataEXT' at 0x742f2cfd80 with 0x7412e43674... 12-13 09:08:35.781 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyImageSubDataEXT at 0x742f2cfd80 with 0x7412e43674 (callback 0x742fc4e450) 12-13 09:08:35.781 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE' at 0x742f2cfb74 with 0x7412e49434... 12-13 09:08:35.782 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE at 0x742f2cfb74 with 0x7412e49434 (callback 0x742fc4e480) 12-13 09:08:35.782 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glNormal3x' at 0x7430798cfc with 0x7412e61244... 12-13 09:08:35.782 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glNormal3x at 0x7430798cfc with 0x7412e61244 (callback 0x742fc4e4b0) 12-13 09:08:35.782 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEndTransformFeedback' at 0x74250d619c with 0x7412e4bbb0... 12-13 09:08:35.783 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEndTransformFeedback at 0x74250d619c with 0x7412e4bbb0 (callback 0x742fc4e4e0) 12-13 09:08:35.783 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttrib3fv' at 0x74250d5de4 with 0x7412e79500... 12-13 09:08:35.784 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttrib3fv at 0x74250d5de4 with 0x7412e79500 (callback 0x742fc4e510) 12-13 09:08:35.784 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCompressedTexSubImage3D' at 0x74250d5eec with 0x7412e42cc4... 12-13 09:08:35.785 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCompressedTexSubImage3D at 0x74250d5eec with 0x7412e42cc4 (callback 0x742fc4e540) 12-13 09:08:35.785 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlitFramebuffer' at 0x742f2ce1fc with 0x7412e3f6c4... 12-13 09:08:35.786 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlitFramebuffer at 0x742f2ce1fc with 0x7412e3f6c4 (callback 0x742fc4e570) 12-13 09:08:35.786 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCreateShaderProgramv' at 0x742f2ceac8 with 0x7412e44ec0... 12-13 09:08:35.786 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCreateShaderProgramv at 0x742f2ceac8 with 0x7412e44ec0 (callback 0x742fc4e5a0) 12-13 09:08:35.786 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCompressedTexSubImage2D' at 0x74307987f4 with 0x7412e42b28... 12-13 09:08:35.787 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCompressedTexSubImage2D at 0x74307987f4 with 0x7412e42b28 (callback 0x742fc4e5d0) 12-13 09:08:35.787 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCompressedTexImage3DOES' at 0x742f2cf858 with 0x7412e4298c... 12-13 09:08:35.788 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCompressedTexImage3DOES at 0x742f2cf858 with 0x7412e4298c (callback 0x742fc4e600) 12-13 09:08:35.788 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexGenivOES' at 0x7430799b24 with 0x7412e58924... 12-13 09:08:35.789 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexGenivOES at 0x7430799b24 with 0x7412e58924 (callback 0x742fc4e630) 12-13 09:08:35.789 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClipPlanexIMG' at 0x7430799e84 with 0x7412e41864... 12-13 09:08:35.790 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClipPlanexIMG at 0x7430799e84 with 0x7412e41864 (callback 0x742fc4e660) 12-13 09:08:35.790 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformiv' at 0x74250d714c with 0x7412e5ad88... 12-13 09:08:35.790 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformiv at 0x74250d714c with 0x7412e5ad88 (callback 0x742fc4e690) 12-13 09:08:35.790 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetShaderPrecisionFormat' at 0x74250d577c with 0x7412e57ce8... 12-13 09:08:35.791 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetShaderPrecisionFormat at 0x74250d577c with 0x7412e57ce8 (callback 0x742fc4e6c0) 12-13 09:08:35.791 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyTexSubImage2D' at 0x7430798824 with 0x7412e43e10... 12-13 09:08:35.792 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyTexSubImage2D at 0x7430798824 with 0x7412e43e10 (callback 0x742fc4e6f0) 12-13 09:08:35.792 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsEnablediOES' at 0x74250d7544 with 0x7412e5bce8... 12-13 09:08:35.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsEnablediOES at 0x74250d7544 with 0x7412e5bce8 (callback 0x742fc4e720) 12-13 09:08:35.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCompressedTexImage2D' at 0x74250d5334 with 0x7412e42680... 12-13 09:08:35.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCompressedTexImage2D at 0x74250d5334 with 0x7412e42680 (callback 0x742fc4e750) 12-13 09:08:35.793 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR' at 0x742f2d1504 with 0x7412e4e8c8... 12-13 09:08:35.794 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR at 0x742f2d1504 with 0x7412e4e8c8 (callback 0x742fc4e780) 12-13 09:08:35.794 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexGenxvOES' at 0x74307997f4 with 0x7412e71898... 12-13 09:08:35.795 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexGenxvOES at 0x74307997f4 with 0x7412e71898 (callback 0x742fc4e7b0) 12-13 09:08:35.795 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglReleaseTexImage' at 0x742ff92648 with 0x7412e3b218... 12-13 09:08:35.796 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglReleaseTexImage at 0x742ff92648 with 0x7412e3b218 (callback 0x742fc4e7e0) 12-13 09:08:35.796 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearDepthf' at 0x742f2cd144 with 0x7412e40924... 12-13 09:08:35.797 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearDepthf at 0x742f2cd144 with 0x7412e40924 (callback 0x742fc4e800) 12-13 09:08:35.797 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glColorPointerBounds' at 0x7430798208 with 0x7412e42478... 12-13 09:08:35.797 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glColorPointerBounds at 0x7430798208 with 0x7412e42478 (callback 0x742fc4e830) 12-13 09:08:35.797 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEnableiNV' at 0x74250d9348 with 0x7412e4b484... 12-13 09:08:35.798 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEnableiNV at 0x74250d9348 with 0x7412e4b484 (callback 0x742fc4e858) 12-13 09:08:35.798 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glColorMaskiOES' at 0x74250d752c with 0x7412e42234... 12-13 09:08:35.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glColorMaskiOES at 0x74250d752c with 0x7412e42234 (callback 0x742fc4e888) 12-13 09:08:35.799 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glNormalPointerBounds' at 0x7430798224 with 0x7412e61538... 12-13 09:08:35.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glNormalPointerBounds at 0x7430798224 with 0x7412e61538 (callback 0x742fc4e8b8) 12-13 09:08:35.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCoverageMaskNV' at 0x74250d8a04 with 0x7412e4485c... 12-13 09:08:35.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCoverageMaskNV at 0x74250d8a04 with 0x7412e4485c (callback 0x742fc4e8e0) 12-13 09:08:35.800 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage2D' at 0x742f2ce940 with 0x7412e7316c... 12-13 09:08:35.801 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage2D at 0x742f2ce940 with 0x7412e7316c (callback 0x742fc4e910) 12-13 09:08:35.801 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearDepthfOES' at 0x7430799a1c with 0x7412e40a0c... 12-13 09:08:35.802 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearDepthfOES at 0x7430799a1c with 0x7412e40a0c (callback 0x742fc4e940) 12-13 09:08:35.802 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteShader' at 0x74250d5444 with 0x7412e46758... 12-13 09:08:35.803 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteShader at 0x74250d5444 with 0x7412e46758 (callback 0x742fc4e970) 12-13 09:08:35.803 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3ivEXT' at 0x74250d82e8 with 0x7412e6818c... 12-13 09:08:35.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3ivEXT at 0x74250d82e8 with 0x7412e6818c (callback 0x742fc4e9a0) 12-13 09:08:35.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawArraysIndirect' at 0x742f2ce9b8 with 0x7412e48378... 12-13 09:08:35.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawArraysIndirect at 0x742f2ce9b8 with 0x7412e48378 (callback 0x742fc4e9d0) 12-13 09:08:35.804 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glColorMaskiOES' at 0x742f2cf69c with 0x7412e42234... 12-13 09:08:35.805 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glColorMaskiOES at 0x742f2cf69c with 0x7412e42234 (callback 0x742fc4ea00) 12-13 09:08:35.805 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv' at 0x742f2cee60 with 0x7412e6b200... 12-13 09:08:35.806 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv at 0x742f2cee60 with 0x7412e6b200 (callback 0x742fc4ea30) 12-13 09:08:35.806 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetBufferParameteri64v' at 0x742f2ce710 with 0x7412e50c84... 12-13 09:08:35.807 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetBufferParameteri64v at 0x742f2ce710 with 0x7412e50c84 (callback 0x742fc4ea60) 12-13 09:08:35.807 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDisableiEXT' at 0x742f2cff64 with 0x7412e47cd0... 12-13 09:08:35.808 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDisableiEXT at 0x742f2cff64 with 0x7412e47cd0 (callback 0x742fc4ea90) 12-13 09:08:35.808 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glActiveShaderProgramEXT' at 0x742f2d0270 with 0x7412e3bedc... 12-13 09:08:35.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glActiveShaderProgramEXT at 0x742f2d0270 with 0x7412e3bedc (callback 0x742fc4eac0) 12-13 09:08:35.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glColorMaskiEXT' at 0x74250d7e6c with 0x7412e42100... 12-13 09:08:35.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glColorMaskiEXT at 0x74250d7e6c with 0x7412e42100 (callback 0x742fc4eaf0) 12-13 09:08:35.809 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetBufferPointervOES' at 0x74307999b8 with 0x7412e50f78... 12-13 09:08:35.810 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetBufferPointervOES at 0x74307999b8 with 0x7412e50f78 (callback 0x742fc4eb20) 12-13 09:08:35.810 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstanceEXT' at 0x74250d7b78 with 0x7412e497c8... 12-13 09:08:35.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstanceEXT at 0x74250d7b78 with 0x7412e497c8 (callback 0x742fc4eb50) 12-13 09:08:35.811 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindBuffer' at 0x743079868c with 0x7412e3ccb8... 12-13 09:08:35.812 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindBuffer at 0x743079868c with 0x7412e3ccb8 (callback 0x742fc4eb80) 12-13 09:08:35.812 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetStringi' at 0x74250d95dc with 0x7412e580f4... 12-13 09:08:35.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetStringi at 0x74250d95dc with 0x7412e580f4 (callback 0x742fc4ebb0) 12-13 09:08:35.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFuncSeparateiOES' at 0x742f2cf684 with 0x7412e3f1bc... 12-13 09:08:35.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFuncSeparateiOES at 0x742f2cf684 with 0x7412e3f1bc (callback 0x742fc4ebd0) 12-13 09:08:35.813 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenPerfMonitorsAMD' at 0x74250d792c with 0x7412e4f584... 12-13 09:08:35.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenPerfMonitorsAMD at 0x74250d792c with 0x7412e4f584 (callback 0x742fc4ec00) 12-13 09:08:35.814 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glColorMask' at 0x74307987c4 with 0x7412e41ea4... 12-13 09:08:35.815 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glColorMask at 0x74307987c4 with 0x7412e41ea4 (callback 0x742fc4ec30) 12-13 09:08:35.815 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFloati_vNV' at 0x742f2d14a0 with 0x7412e51ecc... 12-13 09:08:35.816 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFloati_vNV at 0x742f2d14a0 with 0x7412e51ecc (callback 0x742fc4ec60) 12-13 09:08:35.816 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsProgramPipelineEXT' at 0x742f2d031c with 0x7412e5c6a0... 12-13 09:08:35.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsProgramPipelineEXT at 0x742f2d031c with 0x7412e5c6a0 (callback 0x742fc4ec90) 12-13 09:08:35.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyBufferSubData' at 0x742f2ce580 with 0x7412e43194... 12-13 09:08:35.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyBufferSubData at 0x742f2ce580 with 0x7412e43194 (callback 0x742fc4ecc0) 12-13 09:08:35.817 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv' at 0x74250d6c78 with 0x7412e6a1d0... 12-13 09:08:35.818 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv at 0x74250d6c78 with 0x7412e6a1d0 (callback 0x742fc4ecf0) 12-13 09:08:35.818 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexImage3D' at 0x742f2cdffc with 0x7412e71c6c... 12-13 09:08:35.819 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexImage3D at 0x742f2cdffc with 0x7412e71c6c (callback 0x742fc4ed20) 12-13 09:08:35.819 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDepthRangeIndexedfNV' at 0x742f2d1488 with 0x7412e47188... 12-13 09:08:35.820 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDepthRangeIndexedfNV at 0x742f2d1488 with 0x7412e47188 (callback 0x742fc4ed50) 12-13 09:08:35.820 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPixelStorei' at 0x7430798d2c with 0x7412e63804... 12-13 09:08:35.821 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPixelStorei at 0x7430798d2c with 0x7412e63804 (callback 0x742fc4ed80) 12-13 09:08:35.821 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformBlockBinding' at 0x74250d64a4 with 0x7412e773ac... 12-13 09:08:35.822 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformBlockBinding at 0x74250d64a4 with 0x7412e773ac (callback 0x742fc4edb0) 12-13 09:08:35.822 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteBuffers' at 0x7430798854 with 0x7412e45960... 12-13 09:08:35.822 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteBuffers at 0x7430798854 with 0x7412e45960 (callback 0x742fc4ede0) 12-13 09:08:35.822 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglCreateImageKHR' at 0x742ff92bf8 with 0x7412e39688... 12-13 09:08:35.823 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglCreateImageKHR at 0x742ff92bf8 with 0x7412e39688 (callback 0x742fc4ee10) 12-13 09:08:35.823 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetTexturesQCOM' at 0x74250d943c with 0x7412e4c688... 12-13 09:08:35.824 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetTexturesQCOM at 0x74250d943c with 0x7412e4c688 (callback 0x742fc4ee30) 12-13 09:08:35.824 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEnablei' at 0x742f2cf134 with 0x7412e4b2a4... 12-13 09:08:35.825 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEnablei at 0x742f2cf134 with 0x7412e4b2a4 (callback 0x742fc4ee60) 12-13 09:08:35.825 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMaterialx' at 0x7430798c84 with 0x7412e5f2fc... 12-13 09:08:35.826 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMaterialx at 0x7430798c84 with 0x7412e5f2fc (callback 0x742fc4ee90) 12-13 09:08:35.826 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBeginQueryEXT' at 0x74250d7d04 with 0x7412e3c9e8... 12-13 09:08:35.826 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBeginQueryEXT at 0x74250d7d04 with 0x7412e3c9e8 (callback 0x742fc4eec0) 12-13 09:08:35.826 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexEnvxvOES' at 0x7430799704 with 0x7412e712ac... 12-13 09:08:35.827 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexEnvxvOES at 0x7430799704 with 0x7412e712ac (callback 0x742fc4eef0) 12-13 09:08:35.827 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFloatv' at 0x74307983bc with 0x7412e520c4... 12-13 09:08:35.828 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFloatv at 0x74307983bc with 0x7412e520c4 (callback 0x742fc4ef20) 12-13 09:08:35.828 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glColor4ub' at 0x7430798794 with 0x7412e41b5c... 12-13 09:08:35.829 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glColor4ub at 0x7430798794 with 0x7412e41b5c (callback 0x742fc4ef50) 12-13 09:08:35.829 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEnable' at 0x743079892c with 0x7412e4af14... 12-13 09:08:35.830 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEnable at 0x743079892c with 0x7412e4af14 (callback 0x742fc4ef80) 12-13 09:08:35.830 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameterIivEXT' at 0x74250d8588 with 0x7412e58f5c... 12-13 09:08:35.830 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameterIivEXT at 0x74250d8588 with 0x7412e58f5c (callback 0x742fc4efb0) 12-13 09:08:35.830 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClipPlanexOES' at 0x7430799464 with 0x7412e41954... 12-13 09:08:35.831 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClipPlanexOES at 0x7430799464 with 0x7412e41954 (callback 0x1d560) 12-13 09:08:35.831 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultiDrawElementsEXT' at 0x74250d7fac with 0x7412e60a78... 12-13 09:08:35.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultiDrawElementsEXT at 0x74250d7fac with 0x7412e60a78 (callback 0x1d5a0) 12-13 09:08:35.832 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glActiveShaderProgramEXT' at 0x74250d8100 with 0x7412e3bedc... 12-13 09:08:35.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glActiveShaderProgramEXT at 0x74250d8100 with 0x7412e3bedc (callback 0x1d5e0) 12-13 09:08:35.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathParameterfvNV' at 0x74250d8e04 with 0x7412e62ea0... 12-13 09:08:35.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathParameterfvNV at 0x74250d8e04 with 0x7412e62ea0 (callback 0x1d620) 12-13 09:08:35.833 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindProgramPipeline' at 0x742f2ceae4 with 0x7412e3d608... 12-13 09:08:35.834 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindProgramPipeline at 0x742f2ceae4 with 0x7412e3d608 (callback 0x1d660) 12-13 09:08:35.834 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClientWaitSyncAPPLE' at 0x7430799c38 with 0x7412e4139c... 12-13 09:08:35.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClientWaitSyncAPPLE at 0x7430799c38 with 0x7412e4139c (callback 0x1d6a0) 12-13 09:08:35.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES' at 0x74307992fc with 0x7412e4ad34... 12-13 09:08:35.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES at 0x74307992fc with 0x7412e4ad34 (callback 0x1d6e0) 12-13 09:08:35.835 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyImageSubDataOES' at 0x74250d7484 with 0x7412e4390c... 12-13 09:08:35.836 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyImageSubDataOES at 0x74250d7484 with 0x7412e4390c (callback 0x1d720) 12-13 09:08:35.836 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameterIivOES' at 0x742f2cf900 with 0x7412e6d8cc... 12-13 09:08:35.837 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameterIivOES at 0x742f2cf900 with 0x7412e6d8cc (callback 0x1d760) 12-13 09:08:35.837 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindImageTexture' at 0x74250d6d38 with 0x7412e3d4b0... 12-13 09:08:35.838 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindImageTexture at 0x74250d6d38 with 0x7412e3d4b0 (callback 0x1d7a0) 12-13 09:08:35.838 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglGetCurrentSurface' at 0x742ff913c8 with 0x7412e3a70c... 12-13 09:08:35.839 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglGetCurrentSurface at 0x742ff913c8 with 0x7412e3a70c (callback 0x742fc4efe0) 12-13 09:08:35.839 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClientActiveTexture' at 0x7430798764 with 0x7412e411b0... 12-13 09:08:35.839 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClientActiveTexture at 0x7430798764 with 0x7412e411b0 (callback 0x1d7f0) 12-13 09:08:35.839 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfMonitorCounterStringAMD' at 0x74250d78fc with 0x7412e54edc... 12-13 09:08:35.840 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfMonitorCounterStringAMD at 0x74250d78fc with 0x7412e54edc (callback 0x1d830) 12-13 09:08:35.840 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glColor4f' at 0x743079832c with 0x7412e41a44... 12-13 09:08:35.841 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glColor4f at 0x743079832c with 0x7412e41a44 (callback 0x1d870) 12-13 09:08:35.841 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearStencil' at 0x742f2cd15c with 0x7412e40db8... 12-13 09:08:35.842 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearStencil at 0x742f2cd15c with 0x7412e40db8 (callback 0x1d8b0) 12-13 09:08:35.842 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearStencil' at 0x743079874c with 0x7412e40db8... 12-13 09:08:35.843 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearStencil at 0x743079874c with 0x7412e40db8 (callback 0x1d8f0) 12-13 09:08:35.843 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFinish' at 0x743079895c with 0x7412e4cb68... 12-13 09:08:35.844 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFinish at 0x743079895c with 0x7412e4cb68 (callback 0x1d930) 12-13 09:08:35.844 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttrib4fv' at 0x742f2cdf84 with 0x7412e79714... 12-13 09:08:35.844 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttrib4fv at 0x742f2cdf84 with 0x7412e79714 (callback 0x1d970) 12-13 09:08:35.845 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetActiveUniformBlockName' at 0x742f2ce5fc with 0x7412e50534... 12-13 09:08:35.845 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetActiveUniformBlockName at 0x742f2ce5fc with 0x7412e50534 (callback 0x1d9b0) 12-13 09:08:35.845 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFunci' at 0x74250d7024 with 0x7412e3f2e0... 12-13 09:08:35.846 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFunci at 0x74250d7024 with 0x7412e3f2e0 (callback 0x1d9f0) 12-13 09:08:35.846 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDebugMessageInsert' at 0x742f2cf040 with 0x7412e456f0... 12-13 09:08:35.847 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDebugMessageInsert at 0x742f2cf040 with 0x7412e456f0 (callback 0x1da30) 12-13 09:08:35.847 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearBufferfi' at 0x74250d63f8 with 0x7412e401ec... 12-13 09:08:35.848 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearBufferfi at 0x74250d63f8 with 0x7412e401ec (callback 0x1da70) 12-13 09:08:35.848 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDepthMask' at 0x742f2cd2fc with 0x7412e46ea8... 12-13 09:08:35.849 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDepthMask at 0x742f2cd2fc with 0x7412e46ea8 (callback 0x1dab0) 12-13 09:08:35.849 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEndConditionalRenderNV' at 0x742f2d0b2c with 0x7412e4b664... 12-13 09:08:35.849 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEndConditionalRenderNV at 0x742f2d0b2c with 0x7412e4b664 (callback 0x1daf0) 12-13 09:08:35.849 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetBuffersQCOM' at 0x74250d9454 with 0x7412e4bd78... 12-13 09:08:35.850 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetBuffersQCOM at 0x74250d9454 with 0x7412e4bd78 (callback 0x1db30) 12-13 09:08:35.850 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD' at 0x74250d7914 with 0x7412e54dcc... 12-13 09:08:35.851 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD at 0x74250d7914 with 0x7412e54dcc (callback 0x1db70) 12-13 09:08:35.851 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPolygonOffsetx' at 0x7430798d8c with 0x7412e647b4... 12-13 09:08:35.852 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPolygonOffsetx at 0x7430798d8c with 0x7412e647b4 (callback 0x1dbb0) 12-13 09:08:35.852 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3fEXT' at 0x74250d82a0 with 0x7412e678c0... 12-13 09:08:35.853 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3fEXT at 0x74250d82a0 with 0x7412e678c0 (callback 0x1dbf0) 12-13 09:08:35.853 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE' at 0x74250d7a1c with 0x7412e799e4... 12-13 09:08:35.853 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE at 0x74250d7a1c with 0x7412e799e4 (callback 0x1dc30) 12-13 09:08:35.853 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendBarrierKHR' at 0x74250d72b4 with 0x7412e3e030... 12-13 09:08:35.854 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendBarrierKHR at 0x74250d72b4 with 0x7412e3e030 (callback 0x1dc70) 12-13 09:08:35.854 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE' at 0x742f2cfb8c with 0x7412e799e4... 12-13 09:08:35.855 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE at 0x742f2cfb8c with 0x7412e799e4 (callback 0x1dcb0) 12-13 09:08:35.855 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE' at 0x742f2cfbec with 0x7412e6ce1c... 12-13 09:08:35.856 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE at 0x742f2cfbec with 0x7412e6ce1c (callback 0x1dcf0) 12-13 09:08:35.856 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCheckFramebufferStatusOES' at 0x7430799904 with 0x7412e40018... 12-13 09:08:35.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCheckFramebufferStatusOES at 0x7430799904 with 0x7412e40018 (callback 0x1dd30) 12-13 09:08:35.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFrontFace' at 0x74250d55c4 with 0x7412e4eb10... 12-13 09:08:35.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFrontFace at 0x74250d55c4 with 0x7412e4eb10 (callback 0x1dd70) 12-13 09:08:35.857 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fvEXT' at 0x74250d84f8 with 0x7412e6ac38... 12-13 09:08:35.858 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fvEXT at 0x74250d84f8 with 0x7412e6ac38 (callback 0x1ddb0) 12-13 09:08:35.858 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBufferSubData' at 0x74250d5270 with 0x7412e3fe18... 12-13 09:08:35.859 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBufferSubData at 0x74250d5270 with 0x7412e3fe18 (callback 0x1ddf0) 12-13 09:08:35.859 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMapBufferOES' at 0x74250d7608 with 0x7412e5edcc... 12-13 09:08:35.860 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMapBufferOES at 0x74250d7608 with 0x7412e5edcc (callback 0x1de30) 12-13 09:08:35.860 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstancedNV' at 0x742f2d0bd4 with 0x7412e49cb0... 12-13 09:08:35.861 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstancedNV at 0x742f2d0bd4 with 0x7412e49cb0 (callback 0x1de70) 12-13 09:08:35.861 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCreateShaderProgramvEXT' at 0x74250d8130 with 0x7412e44fc8... 12-13 09:08:35.861 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCreateShaderProgramvEXT at 0x74250d8130 with 0x7412e44fc8 (callback 0x1deb0) 12-13 09:08:35.861 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glShaderSource' at 0x74250d5a3c with 0x7412e6ef00... 12-13 09:08:35.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glShaderSource at 0x74250d5a3c with 0x7412e6ef00 (callback 0x1def0) 12-13 09:08:35.862 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsProgram' at 0x74250d58dc with 0x7412e5c4c0... 12-13 09:08:35.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsProgram at 0x74250d58dc with 0x7412e5c4c0 (callback 0x1df30) 12-13 09:08:35.863 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglQueryString' at 0x742ff92170 with 0x7412e3b000... 12-13 09:08:35.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglQueryString at 0x742ff92170 with 0x7412e3b000 (callback 0x1df70) 12-13 09:08:35.864 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearColorxOES' at 0x7430799434 with 0x7412e40814... 12-13 09:08:35.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearColorxOES at 0x7430799434 with 0x7412e40814 (callback 0x1dfa0) 12-13 09:08:35.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearColor' at 0x74250d52bc with 0x7412e405ec... 12-13 09:08:35.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearColor at 0x74250d52bc with 0x7412e405ec (callback 0x742fc4d000) 12-13 09:08:35.865 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglGetConfigAttrib' at 0x742ff902fc with 0x7412e3a30c... 12-13 09:08:35.866 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglGetConfigAttrib at 0x742ff902fc with 0x7412e3a30c (callback 0x742fc4d030) 12-13 09:08:35.866 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM' at 0x742f2d16b8 with 0x7412e4bf70... 12-13 09:08:35.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM at 0x742f2d16b8 with 0x7412e4bf70 (callback 0x742fc4d050) 12-13 09:08:35.867 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleNV' at 0x74250d8ba4 with 0x7412e6cb10... 12-13 09:08:35.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleNV at 0x74250d8ba4 with 0x7412e6cb10 (callback 0x742fc4d080) 12-13 09:08:35.868 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearBufferuiv' at 0x742f2ce538 with 0x7412e404f0... 12-13 09:08:35.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearBufferuiv at 0x742f2ce538 with 0x7412e404f0 (callback 0x742fc4d0b0) 12-13 09:08:35.869 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetDriverControlsQCOM' at 0x7430799f4c with 0x7412e5192c... 12-13 09:08:35.870 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetDriverControlsQCOM at 0x7430799f4c with 0x7412e5192c (callback 0x742fc4d0e0) 12-13 09:08:35.870 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglDestroySyncKHR' at 0x742ff92d88 with 0x7412e3a114... 12-13 09:08:35.870 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglDestroySyncKHR at 0x742ff92d88 with 0x7412e3a114 (callback 0x742fc4d110) 12-13 09:08:35.870 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetActiveUniformBlockiv' at 0x742f2ce5e4 with 0x7412e50658... 12-13 09:08:35.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetActiveUniformBlockiv at 0x742f2ce5e4 with 0x7412e50658 (callback 0x742fc4d130) 12-13 09:08:35.871 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlitFramebuffer' at 0x74250d608c with 0x7412e3f6c4... 12-13 09:08:35.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlitFramebuffer at 0x74250d608c with 0x7412e3f6c4 (callback 0x742fc4d160) 12-13 09:08:35.872 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFunciOES' at 0x742f2cf66c with 0x7412e3f4d8... 12-13 09:08:35.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFunciOES at 0x742f2cf66c with 0x7412e3f4d8 (callback 0x742fc4d190) 12-13 09:08:35.873 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE' at 0x74250d79ec with 0x7412e48578... 12-13 09:08:35.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE at 0x74250d79ec with 0x7412e48578 (callback 0x742fc4d1c0) 12-13 09:08:35.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquationSeparateiEXT' at 0x742f2cff94 with 0x7412e3e79c... 12-13 09:08:35.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquationSeparateiEXT at 0x742f2cff94 with 0x7412e3e79c (callback 0x742fc4d1f0) 12-13 09:08:35.874 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttrib1f' at 0x74250d5d6c with 0x7412e79014... 12-13 09:08:35.875 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttrib1f at 0x74250d5d6c with 0x7412e79014 (callback 0x742fc4d220) 12-13 09:08:35.875 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDebugMessageInsertKHR' at 0x742f2cf454 with 0x7412e45828... 12-13 09:08:35.876 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDebugMessageInsertKHR at 0x742f2cf454 with 0x7412e45828 (callback 0x742fc4d250) 12-13 09:08:35.876 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBeginQuery' at 0x74250d5f50 with 0x7412e3c8f8... 12-13 09:08:35.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBeginQuery at 0x74250d5f50 with 0x7412e3c8f8 (callback 0x742fc4d280) 12-13 09:08:35.877 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFunci' at 0x742f2cf194 with 0x7412e3f2e0... 12-13 09:08:35.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFunci at 0x742f2cf194 with 0x7412e3f2e0 (callback 0x742fc4d2b0) 12-13 09:08:35.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE' at 0x742f2cfb44 with 0x7412e6c680... 12-13 09:08:35.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE at 0x742f2cfb44 with 0x7412e6c680 (callback 0x742fc4d2e0) 12-13 09:08:35.878 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMatrixMode' at 0x7430798cb4 with 0x7412e5fbf0... 12-13 09:08:35.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMatrixMode at 0x7430798cb4 with 0x7412e5fbf0 (callback 0x742fc4d310) 12-13 09:08:35.879 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDepthRangef' at 0x742f2cd314 with 0x7412e47390... 12-13 09:08:35.880 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDepthRangef at 0x742f2cd314 with 0x7412e47390 (callback 0x742fc4d340) 12-13 09:08:35.880 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglQueryAPI' at 0x742ff928a8 with 0x7412e3ae00... 12-13 09:08:35.881 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglQueryAPI at 0x742ff928a8 with 0x7412e3ae00 (callback 0x742fc4d370) 12-13 09:08:35.881 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFuncSeparateiOES' at 0x74250d7514 with 0x7412e3f1bc... 12-13 09:08:35.881 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFuncSeparateiOES at 0x74250d7514 with 0x7412e3f1bc (callback 0x742fc4d398) 12-13 09:08:35.881 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglMakeCurrent' at 0x742ff90e98 with 0x7412e3ace4... 12-13 09:08:35.882 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglMakeCurrent at 0x742ff90e98 with 0x7412e3ace4 (callback 0x742fc4d3c8) 12-13 09:08:35.882 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquationiOES' at 0x74250d74cc with 0x7412e3eb74... 12-13 09:08:35.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquationiOES at 0x74250d74cc with 0x7412e3eb74 (callback 0x742fc4d3e8) 12-13 09:08:35.883 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquationSeparateOES' at 0x7430799314 with 0x7412e3e5b0... 12-13 09:08:35.884 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquationSeparateOES at 0x7430799314 with 0x7412e3e5b0 (callback 0x742fc4d418) 12-13 09:08:35.884 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCompressedTexImage2D' at 0x742f2cd1a4 with 0x7412e42680... 12-13 09:08:35.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCompressedTexImage2D at 0x742f2cd1a4 with 0x7412e42680 (callback 0x742fc4d448) 12-13 09:08:35.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameterIivEXT' at 0x742f2d0728 with 0x7412e6d7d0... 12-13 09:08:35.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameterIivEXT at 0x742f2d0728 with 0x7412e6d7d0 (callback 0x742fc4d478) 12-13 09:08:35.885 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glActiveTexture' at 0x742f2ccfa8 with 0x7412e3bfcc... 12-13 09:08:35.886 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glActiveTexture at 0x742f2ccfa8 with 0x7412e3bfcc (callback 0x742fc4d4a8) 12-13 09:08:35.886 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform1uivEXT' at 0x74250d8438 with 0x7412e66590... 12-13 09:08:35.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform1uivEXT at 0x74250d8438 with 0x7412e66590 (callback 0x742fc4d4d8) 12-13 09:08:35.887 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindVertexArray' at 0x742f2ce278 with 0x7412e3dc80... 12-13 09:08:35.888 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindVertexArray at 0x742f2ce278 with 0x7412e3dc80 (callback 0x742fc4d508) 12-13 09:08:35.888 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCoverStrokePathNV' at 0x74250d8f0c with 0x7412e4476c... 12-13 09:08:35.889 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCoverStrokePathNV at 0x74250d8f0c with 0x7412e4476c (callback 0x742fc4d538) 12-13 09:08:35.889 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexStorage3DMultisampleOES' at 0x742f2cf990 with 0x7412e738b4... 12-13 09:08:35.889 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexStorage3DMultisampleOES at 0x742f2cf990 with 0x7412e738b4 (callback 0x742fc4d568) 12-13 09:08:35.890 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFuncSeparateOES' at 0x743079932c with 0x7412e3ee64... 12-13 09:08:35.890 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFuncSeparateOES at 0x743079932c with 0x7412e3ee64 (callback 0x742fc4d598) 12-13 09:08:35.890 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFunc' at 0x742f2cd098 with 0x7412e3ec64... 12-13 09:08:35.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFunc at 0x742f2cd098 with 0x7412e3ec64 (callback 0x742fc4d5c8) 12-13 09:08:35.891 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindImageTexture' at 0x742f2ceea8 with 0x7412e3d4b0... 12-13 09:08:35.892 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindImageTexture at 0x742f2ceea8 with 0x7412e3d4b0 (callback 0x742fc4d5f8) 12-13 09:08:35.892 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindRenderbuffer' at 0x742f2cd020 with 0x7412e3d7d0... 12-13 09:08:35.893 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindRenderbuffer at 0x742f2cd020 with 0x7412e3d7d0 (callback 0x742fc4d628) 12-13 09:08:35.893 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glHint' at 0x74250d5870 with 0x7412e5b2d8... 12-13 09:08:35.893 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glHint at 0x74250d5870 with 0x7412e5b2d8 (callback 0x742fc4d658) 12-13 09:08:35.894 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteSync' at 0x742f2ce694 with 0x7412e4683c... 12-13 09:08:35.894 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteSync at 0x742f2ce694 with 0x7412e4683c (callback 0x742fc4d688) 12-13 09:08:35.894 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformMatrix2x4fv' at 0x74250d602c with 0x7412e77bbc... 12-13 09:08:35.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformMatrix2x4fv at 0x74250d602c with 0x7412e77bbc (callback 0x742fc4d6b8) 12-13 09:08:35.895 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexBufferRangeOES' at 0x742f2cf978 with 0x7412e7086c... 12-13 09:08:35.896 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexBufferRangeOES at 0x742f2cf978 with 0x7412e7086c (callback 0x742fc4d6e8) 12-13 09:08:35.896 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetObjectLabelEXT' at 0x74250d7c40 with 0x7412e53cb0... 12-13 09:08:35.897 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetObjectLabelEXT at 0x74250d7c40 with 0x7412e53cb0 (callback 0x742fc4d718) 12-13 09:08:35.897 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glResolveDepthValuesNV' at 0x74250d9258 with 0x7412e6cd44... 12-13 09:08:35.897 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glResolveDepthValuesNV at 0x74250d9258 with 0x7412e6cd44 (callback 0x742fc4d748) 12-13 09:08:35.897 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDisableVertexAttribArray' at 0x742f2cd35c with 0x7412e47afc... 12-13 09:08:35.898 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDisableVertexAttribArray at 0x742f2cd35c with 0x7412e47afc (callback 0x742fc4d778) 12-13 09:08:35.898 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexEnvxv' at 0x7430798b10 with 0x7412e58630... 12-13 09:08:35.899 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexEnvxv at 0x7430798b10 with 0x7412e58630 (callback 0x742fc4d7a8) 12-13 09:08:35.899 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glShaderBinary' at 0x742f2cd894 with 0x7412e6eddc... 12-13 09:08:35.900 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glShaderBinary at 0x742f2cd894 with 0x7412e6eddc (callback 0x742fc4d7d8) 12-13 09:08:35.900 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMapBufferRangeEXT' at 0x74250d7f60 with 0x7412e5efe4... 12-13 09:08:35.900 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMapBufferRangeEXT at 0x74250d7f60 with 0x7412e5efe4 (callback 0x742fc4d808) 12-13 09:08:35.901 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquationiOES' at 0x742f2cf63c with 0x7412e3eb74... 12-13 09:08:35.901 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquationiOES at 0x742f2cf63c with 0x7412e3eb74 (callback 0x742fc4d838) 12-13 09:08:35.901 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFunciEXT' at 0x742f2cffac with 0x7412e3f3dc... 12-13 09:08:35.902 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFunciEXT at 0x742f2cffac with 0x7412e3f3dc (callback 0x742fc4d868) 12-13 09:08:35.902 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetShadersQCOM' at 0x74250d94fc with 0x7412e4c278... 12-13 09:08:35.903 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetShadersQCOM at 0x74250d94fc with 0x7412e4c278 (callback 0x742fc4d898) 12-13 09:08:35.903 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDiscardFramebufferEXT' at 0x742f2cfe10 with 0x7412e47fa0... 12-13 09:08:35.904 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDiscardFramebufferEXT at 0x742f2cfe10 with 0x7412e47fa0 (callback 0x742fc4d8c8) 12-13 09:08:35.904 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathSubCoordsNV' at 0x742f2d0e84 with 0x7412e63608... 12-13 09:08:35.904 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathSubCoordsNV at 0x742f2d0e84 with 0x7412e63608 (callback 0x742fc4d8f8) 12-13 09:08:35.904 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform1fv' at 0x742f2cdcfc with 0x7412e74c40... 12-13 09:08:35.905 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform1fv at 0x742f2cdcfc with 0x7412e74c40 (callback 0x742fc4d928) 12-13 09:08:35.905 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteVertexArraysOES' at 0x742f2cf9d8 with 0x7412e46cd4... 12-13 09:08:35.906 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteVertexArraysOES at 0x742f2cf9d8 with 0x7412e46cd4 (callback 0x742fc4d958) 12-13 09:08:35.906 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteSyncAPPLE' at 0x7430799c20 with 0x7412e46920... 12-13 09:08:35.907 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteSyncAPPLE at 0x7430799c20 with 0x7412e46920 (callback 0x742fc4d988) 12-13 09:08:35.907 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexBufferEXT' at 0x742f2d0788 with 0x7412e7042c... 12-13 09:08:35.908 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexBufferEXT at 0x742f2d0788 with 0x7412e7042c (callback 0x742fc4d9b8) 12-13 09:08:35.908 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSamplerParameterIivOES' at 0x74250d77c0 with 0x7412e575f0... 12-13 09:08:35.908 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSamplerParameterIivOES at 0x74250d77c0 with 0x7412e575f0 (callback 0x742fc4d9e8) 12-13 09:08:35.908 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTextureStorage3DEXT' at 0x74250d86c0 with 0x7412e741e0... 12-13 09:08:35.909 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTextureStorage3DEXT at 0x74250d86c0 with 0x7412e741e0 (callback 0x742fc4da18) 12-13 09:08:35.909 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindBufferBase' at 0x742f2ce33c with 0x7412e3cda8... 12-13 09:08:35.910 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindBufferBase at 0x742f2ce33c with 0x7412e3cda8 (callback 0x742fc4da48) 12-13 09:08:35.910 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterfv' at 0x743079862c with 0x7412e72868... 12-13 09:08:35.912 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterfv at 0x743079862c with 0x7412e72868 (callback 0x742fc4da78) 12-13 09:08:35.912 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetSamplerParameterIuivEXT' at 0x74250d8600 with 0x7412e577e8... 12-13 09:08:35.912 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetSamplerParameterIuivEXT at 0x74250d8600 with 0x7412e577e8 (callback 0x742fc4daa8) 12-13 09:08:35.912 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquationSeparatei' at 0x74250d700c with 0x7412e3e6a0... 12-13 09:08:35.913 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquationSeparatei at 0x74250d700c with 0x7412e3e6a0 (callback 0x742fc4dad8) 12-13 09:08:35.913 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquationSeparatei' at 0x742f2cf17c with 0x7412e3e6a0... 12-13 09:08:35.914 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquationSeparatei at 0x742f2cf17c with 0x7412e3e6a0 (callback 0x742fc4db08) 12-13 09:08:35.914 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquationi' at 0x74250d6ff4 with 0x7412e3e994... 12-13 09:08:35.915 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquationi at 0x74250d6ff4 with 0x7412e3e994 (callback 0x742fc4db38) 12-13 09:08:35.915 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCompressedTexSubImage2D' at 0x74250d534c with 0x7412e42b28... 12-13 09:08:35.915 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCompressedTexSubImage2D at 0x74250d534c with 0x7412e42b28 (callback 0x742fc4db68) 12-13 09:08:35.916 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformfv' at 0x74250d7134 with 0x7412e5aa58... 12-13 09:08:35.916 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformfv at 0x74250d7134 with 0x7412e5aa58 (callback 0x742fc4db98) 12-13 09:08:35.916 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2ui' at 0x742f2cebd8 with 0x7412e67140... 12-13 09:08:35.917 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2ui at 0x742f2cebd8 with 0x7412e67140 (callback 0x742fc4dbc8) 12-13 09:08:35.917 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawBuffers' at 0x742f2ce154 with 0x7412e489cc... 12-13 09:08:35.918 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawBuffers at 0x742f2ce154 with 0x7412e489cc (callback 0x742fc4dbf8) 12-13 09:08:35.918 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameterIuiv' at 0x742f2cf394 with 0x7412e6d9c8... 12-13 09:08:35.919 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameterIuiv at 0x742f2cf394 with 0x7412e6d9c8 (callback 0x742fc4dc28) 12-13 09:08:35.919 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFinishFenceNV' at 0x742f2d0c6c with 0x7412e4cc40... 12-13 09:08:35.919 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFinishFenceNV at 0x742f2d0c6c with 0x7412e4cc40 (callback 0x742fc4dc58) 12-13 09:08:35.919 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEnableiOES' at 0x742f2cf60c with 0x7412e4b574... 12-13 09:08:35.920 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEnableiOES at 0x742f2cf60c with 0x7412e4b574 (callback 0x742fc4dc88) 12-13 09:08:35.920 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsSampler' at 0x742f2ce758 with 0x7412e5cb50... 12-13 09:08:35.921 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsSampler at 0x742f2ce758 with 0x7412e5cb50 (callback 0x742fc4dcb8) 12-13 09:08:35.921 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetAttachedShaders' at 0x742f2cd4f4 with 0x7412e5088c... 12-13 09:08:35.922 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetAttachedShaders at 0x742f2cd4f4 with 0x7412e5088c (callback 0x742fc4dce8) 12-13 09:08:35.922 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFogfv' at 0x7430798374 with 0x7412e4d0e8... 12-13 09:08:35.922 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFogfv at 0x7430798374 with 0x7412e4d0e8 (callback 0x742fc4dd18) 12-13 09:08:35.922 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBeginPerfMonitorAMD' at 0x742f2cfae4 with 0x7412e3c730... 12-13 09:08:35.923 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBeginPerfMonitorAMD at 0x742f2cfae4 with 0x7412e3c730 (callback 0x742fc4dd48) 12-13 09:08:35.923 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform4ivEXT' at 0x742f2d04b8 with 0x7412e69380... 12-13 09:08:35.924 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform4ivEXT at 0x742f2d04b8 with 0x7412e69380 (callback 0x742fc4dd78) 12-13 09:08:35.924 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultiDrawArraysEXT' at 0x742f2d0104 with 0x7412e605e8... 12-13 09:08:35.925 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultiDrawArraysEXT at 0x742f2d0104 with 0x7412e605e8 (callback 0x742fc4dda8) 12-13 09:08:35.925 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsImageHandleResidentNV' at 0x74250d8958 with 0x7412e5c0b4... 12-13 09:08:35.925 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsImageHandleResidentNV at 0x74250d8958 with 0x7412e5c0b4 (callback 0x742fc4ddd8) 12-13 09:08:35.925 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetVertexAttribIiv' at 0x74250d622c with 0x7412e5a56c... 12-13 09:08:35.926 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetVertexAttribIiv at 0x74250d622c with 0x7412e5a56c (callback 0x742fc4de08) 12-13 09:08:35.926 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenFencesNV' at 0x742f2d0c04 with 0x7412e4f1c4... 12-13 09:08:35.927 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenFencesNV at 0x742f2d0c04 with 0x7412e4f1c4 (callback 0x742fc4de38) 12-13 09:08:35.927 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexImage3DOES' at 0x742f2cf810 with 0x7412e71e28... 12-13 09:08:35.928 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexImage3DOES at 0x742f2cf810 with 0x7412e71e28 (callback 0x742fc4de68) 12-13 09:08:35.928 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPointerv' at 0x742f2cf11c with 0x7412e55698... 12-13 09:08:35.929 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPointerv at 0x742f2cf11c with 0x7412e55698 (callback 0x742fc4de98) 12-13 09:08:35.929 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex' at 0x742f2cf210 with 0x7412e49f0c... 12-13 09:08:35.929 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex at 0x742f2cf210 with 0x7412e49f0c (callback 0x742fc4dec8) 12-13 09:08:35.930 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenerateMipmapOES' at 0x7430799968 with 0x7412e501a8... 12-13 09:08:35.930 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenerateMipmapOES at 0x7430799968 with 0x7412e501a8 (callback 0x742fc4def8) 12-13 09:08:35.930 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glReadnPixels' at 0x742f2cf28c with 0x7412e6bf24... 12-13 09:08:35.931 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glReadnPixels at 0x742f2cf28c with 0x7412e6bf24 (callback 0x742fc4df28) 12-13 09:08:35.931 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultMatrixx' at 0x7430798ccc with 0x7412e60420... 12-13 09:08:35.932 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultMatrixx at 0x7430798ccc with 0x7412e60420 (callback 0x742fc4df58) 12-13 09:08:35.932 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetAttribLocation' at 0x74250d569c with 0x7412e5099c... 12-13 09:08:35.933 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetAttribLocation at 0x74250d569c with 0x7412e5099c (callback 0x742fc4df88) 12-13 09:08:35.933 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glActiveTexture' at 0x743079865c with 0x7412e3bfcc... 12-13 09:08:35.933 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glActiveTexture at 0x743079865c with 0x7412e3bfcc (callback 0x742fc4dfb8) 12-13 09:08:35.933 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindBuffer' at 0x742f2ccff0 with 0x7412e3ccb8... 12-13 09:08:35.934 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindBuffer at 0x742f2ccff0 with 0x7412e3ccb8 (callback 0x1e540) 12-13 09:08:35.934 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenBuffers' at 0x7430798a34 with 0x7412e4f0d4... 12-13 09:08:35.935 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenBuffers at 0x7430798a34 with 0x7412e4f0d4 (callback 0x1e580) 12-13 09:08:35.935 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindTexture' at 0x74250d51c8 with 0x7412e3daa0... 12-13 09:08:35.936 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindTexture at 0x74250d51c8 with 0x7412e3daa0 (callback 0x1e5c0) 12-13 09:08:35.936 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsTextureHandleResidentNV' at 0x742f2d0aac with 0x7412e5d000... 12-13 09:08:35.936 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsTextureHandleResidentNV at 0x742f2d0aac with 0x7412e5d000 (callback 0x1e600) 12-13 09:08:35.936 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglWaitGL' at 0x742ff91454 with 0x7412e3bb10... 12-13 09:08:35.937 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglWaitGL at 0x742ff91454 with 0x7412e3bb10 (callback 0x1e640) 12-13 09:08:35.937 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyTexImage2D' at 0x743079880c with 0x7412e43c94... 12-13 09:08:35.938 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyTexImage2D at 0x743079880c with 0x7412e43c94 (callback 0x1e678) 12-13 09:08:35.938 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCreateShader' at 0x742f2cd220 with 0x7412e44dd0... 12-13 09:08:35.939 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCreateShader at 0x742f2cd220 with 0x7412e44dd0 (callback 0x1e6b8) 12-13 09:08:35.939 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindSampler' at 0x74250d6604 with 0x7412e3d9b0... 12-13 09:08:35.940 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindSampler at 0x74250d6604 with 0x7412e3d9b0 (callback 0x1e6f8) 12-13 09:08:35.940 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisample' at 0x74250d60a4 with 0x7412e6c55c... 12-13 09:08:35.940 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorageMultisample at 0x74250d60a4 with 0x7412e6c55c (callback 0x1e738) 12-13 09:08:35.940 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCompileShader' at 0x742f2cd18c with 0x7412e4259c... 12-13 09:08:35.941 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCompileShader at 0x742f2cd18c with 0x7412e4259c (callback 0x1e778) 12-13 09:08:35.941 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteBuffers' at 0x742f2cd254 with 0x7412e45960... 12-13 09:08:35.942 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteBuffers at 0x742f2cd254 with 0x7412e45960 (callback 0x1e7b8) 12-13 09:08:35.942 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetQueryiv' at 0x74250d5f80 with 0x7412e57008... 12-13 09:08:35.943 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetQueryiv at 0x74250d5f80 with 0x7412e57008 (callback 0x1e7f8) 12-13 09:08:35.943 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglWaitNative' at 0x742ff914a0 with 0x7412e3bbf4... 12-13 09:08:35.943 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglWaitNative at 0x742ff914a0 with 0x7412e3bbf4 (callback 0x1e838) 12-13 09:08:35.944 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFragmentCoverageColorNV' at 0x742f2d0c9c with 0x7412e4d598... 12-13 09:08:35.944 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFragmentCoverageColorNV at 0x742f2d0c9c with 0x7412e4d598 (callback 0x1e868) 12-13 09:08:35.944 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttrib2fv' at 0x74250d5db4 with 0x7412e792fc... 12-13 09:08:35.945 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttrib2fv at 0x74250d5db4 with 0x7412e792fc (callback 0x1e8a8) 12-13 09:08:35.945 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexParameterIuivEXT' at 0x742f2d0710 with 0x7412e59250... 12-13 09:08:35.946 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexParameterIuivEXT at 0x742f2d0710 with 0x7412e59250 (callback 0x1e8e8) 12-13 09:08:35.946 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindFramebufferOES' at 0x74307998bc with 0x7412e3d3c0... 12-13 09:08:35.947 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindFramebufferOES at 0x74307998bc with 0x7412e3d3c0 (callback 0x1e928) 12-13 09:08:35.947 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearBufferiv' at 0x742f2ce520 with 0x7412e403f4... 12-13 09:08:35.947 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearBufferiv at 0x742f2ce520 with 0x7412e403f4 (callback 0x1e968) 12-13 09:08:35.947 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexParameterIuivOES' at 0x74250d7748 with 0x7412e7266c... 12-13 09:08:35.948 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexParameterIuivOES at 0x74250d7748 with 0x7412e7266c (callback 0x1e9a8) 12-13 09:08:35.948 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathCoverDepthFuncNV' at 0x742f2d104c with 0x7412e62458... 12-13 09:08:35.949 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathCoverDepthFuncNV at 0x742f2d104c with 0x7412e62458 (callback 0x1e9e8) 12-13 09:08:35.949 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetUniformfv' at 0x742f2cd64c with 0x7412e5a17c... 12-13 09:08:35.950 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetUniformfv at 0x742f2cd64c with 0x7412e5a17c (callback 0x1ea28) 12-13 09:08:35.950 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog' at 0x742f2cee90 with 0x7412e55ce0... 12-13 09:08:35.951 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog at 0x742f2cee90 with 0x7412e55ce0 (callback 0x1ea68) 12-13 09:08:35.951 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenPathsNV' at 0x74250d8c7c with 0x7412e4f494... 12-13 09:08:35.951 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenPathsNV at 0x74250d8c7c with 0x7412e4f494 (callback 0x1eaa8) 12-13 09:08:35.951 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCoverageModulationTableNV' at 0x74250d8b5c with 0x7412e44a28... 12-13 09:08:35.952 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCoverageModulationTableNV at 0x74250d8b5c with 0x7412e44a28 (callback 0x1eae8) 12-13 09:08:35.952 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteFramebuffers' at 0x742f2cd26c with 0x7412e45b40... 12-13 09:08:35.953 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteFramebuffers at 0x742f2cd26c with 0x7412e45b40 (callback 0x1eb28) 12-13 09:08:35.953 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindFragDataLocationIndexedEXT' at 0x742f2cfd00 with 0x7412e3d1c0... 12-13 09:08:35.954 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindFragDataLocationIndexedEXT at 0x742f2cfd00 with 0x7412e3d1c0 (callback 0x1eb68) 12-13 09:08:35.954 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE' at 0x74250d7a7c with 0x7412e6ce1c... 12-13 09:08:35.954 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE at 0x74250d7a7c with 0x7412e6ce1c (callback 0x1eba8) 12-13 09:08:35.954 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBeginPerfQueryINTEL' at 0x74250d8738 with 0x7412e3c814... 12-13 09:08:35.955 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBeginPerfQueryINTEL at 0x74250d8738 with 0x7412e3c814 (callback 0x1ebe8) 12-13 09:08:35.955 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetActiveAttrib' at 0x74250d5654 with 0x7412e5028c... 12-13 09:08:35.956 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetActiveAttrib at 0x74250d5654 with 0x7412e5028c (callback 0x1ec28) 12-13 09:08:35.956 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClear' at 0x74250d52a4 with 0x7412e40108... 12-13 09:08:35.957 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClear at 0x74250d52a4 with 0x7412e40108 (callback 0x1ec68) 12-13 09:08:35.957 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPathParameterfvNV' at 0x74250d8f6c with 0x7412e54764... 12-13 09:08:35.958 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPathParameterfvNV at 0x74250d8f6c with 0x7412e54764 (callback 0x1eca8) 12-13 09:08:35.958 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetVertexAttribiv' at 0x74250d5840 with 0x7412e5a95c... 12-13 09:08:35.958 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetVertexAttribiv at 0x74250d5840 with 0x7412e5a95c (callback 0x1ece8) 12-13 09:08:35.959 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindBufferRange' at 0x74250d61b4 with 0x7412e3cea4... 12-13 09:08:35.959 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindBufferRange at 0x74250d61b4 with 0x7412e3cea4 (callback 0x1ed28) 12-13 09:08:35.959 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform2iv' at 0x742f2cdd8c with 0x7412e759e0... 12-13 09:08:35.960 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform2iv at 0x742f2cdd8c with 0x7412e759e0 (callback 0x1ed68) 12-13 09:08:35.960 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearBufferiv' at 0x74250d63b0 with 0x7412e403f4... 12-13 09:08:35.961 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearBufferiv at 0x74250d63b0 with 0x7412e403f4 (callback 0x1eda8) 12-13 09:08:35.961 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDisable' at 0x742f2cd344 with 0x7412e47850... 12-13 09:08:35.962 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDisable at 0x742f2cd344 with 0x7412e47850 (callback 0x1ede8) 12-13 09:08:35.962 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetUniformuiv' at 0x742f2ce42c with 0x7412e5a470... 12-13 09:08:35.962 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetUniformuiv at 0x742f2ce42c with 0x7412e5a470 (callback 0x1ee28) 12-13 09:08:35.962 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearColorx' at 0x743079871c with 0x7412e40704... 12-13 09:08:35.963 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearColorx at 0x743079871c with 0x7412e40704 (callback 0x1ee68) 12-13 09:08:35.963 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindBufferRange' at 0x742f2ce324 with 0x7412e3cea4... 12-13 09:08:35.964 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindBufferRange at 0x742f2ce324 with 0x7412e3cea4 (callback 0x1eea8) 12-13 09:08:35.964 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glActiveShaderProgram' at 0x742f2ceab0 with 0x7412e3bdec... 12-13 09:08:35.965 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glActiveShaderProgram at 0x742f2ceab0 with 0x7412e3bdec (callback 0x1eee8) 12-13 09:08:35.965 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindAttribLocation' at 0x74250d5168 with 0x7412e3cbbc... 12-13 09:08:35.965 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindAttribLocation at 0x74250d5168 with 0x7412e3cbbc (callback 0x1ef28) 12-13 09:08:35.965 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglCreateContext' at 0x742ff90c50 with 0x7412e3956c... 12-13 09:08:35.966 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglCreateContext at 0x742ff90c50 with 0x7412e3956c (callback 0x1ef68) 12-13 09:08:35.966 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetVertexAttribIuiv' at 0x74250d6244 with 0x7412e5a668... 12-13 09:08:35.967 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetVertexAttribIuiv at 0x74250d6244 with 0x7412e5a668 (callback 0x1ef98) 12-13 09:08:35.967 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfCounterInfoINTEL' at 0x742f2d0938 with 0x7412e54ad0... 12-13 09:08:35.968 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfCounterInfoINTEL at 0x742f2d0938 with 0x7412e54ad0 (callback 0x742fc4c000) 12-13 09:08:35.968 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCreatePerfQueryINTEL' at 0x74250d8750 with 0x7412e44bfc... 12-13 09:08:35.969 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCreatePerfQueryINTEL at 0x74250d8750 with 0x7412e44bfc (callback 0x742fc4c030) 12-13 09:08:35.969 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetShaderiv' at 0x742f2cd5bc with 0x7412e57f08... 12-13 09:08:35.970 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetShaderiv at 0x742f2cd5bc with 0x7412e57f08 (callback 0x742fc4c060) 12-13 09:08:35.970 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCullFace' at 0x742f2cd23c with 0x7412e450d0... 12-13 09:08:35.970 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCullFace at 0x742f2cd23c with 0x7412e450d0 (callback 0x742fc4c090) 12-13 09:08:35.970 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameteriv' at 0x74250d6634 with 0x7412e6dfb4... 12-13 09:08:35.971 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameteriv at 0x74250d6634 with 0x7412e6dfb4 (callback 0x742fc4c0c0) 12-13 09:08:35.971 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES' at 0x74307992e4 with 0x7412e4ae24... 12-13 09:08:35.972 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES at 0x74307992e4 with 0x7412e4ae24 (callback 0x742fc4c0f0) 12-13 09:08:35.972 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetGraphicsResetStatusKHR' at 0x74250d73d8 with 0x7412e52980... 12-13 09:08:35.973 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetGraphicsResetStatusKHR at 0x74250d73d8 with 0x7412e52980 (callback 0x742fc4c120) 12-13 09:08:35.973 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglGetCurrentContext' at 0x742ff913b4 with 0x7412e3a544... 12-13 09:08:35.973 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglGetCurrentContext at 0x742ff913b4 with 0x7412e3a544 (callback 0x742fc4c150) 12-13 09:08:35.974 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFenceSyncAPPLE' at 0x7430799be8 with 0x7412e4ca6c... 12-13 09:08:35.974 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFenceSyncAPPLE at 0x7430799be8 with 0x7412e4ca6c (callback 0x742fc4c178) 12-13 09:08:35.974 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform2ivEXT' at 0x742f2d03f8 with 0x7412e67030... 12-13 09:08:35.975 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform2ivEXT at 0x742f2d03f8 with 0x7412e67030 (callback 0x742fc4c1a8) 12-13 09:08:35.975 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGenQueriesEXT' at 0x742f2cfe28 with 0x7412e4f944... 12-13 09:08:35.976 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGenQueriesEXT at 0x742f2cfe28 with 0x7412e4f944 (callback 0x742fc4c1d8) 12-13 09:08:35.976 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendBarrier' at 0x742f2ceff8 with 0x7412e3df58... 12-13 09:08:35.977 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendBarrier at 0x742f2ceff8 with 0x7412e3df58 (callback 0x742fc4c208) 12-13 09:08:35.977 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglWaitClient' at 0x742ff927d8 with 0x7412e3ba2c... 12-13 09:08:35.977 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglWaitClient at 0x742ff927d8 with 0x7412e3ba2c (callback 0x742fc4c238) 12-13 09:08:35.977 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCreateShaderProgramv' at 0x74250d6958 with 0x7412e44ec0... 12-13 09:08:35.978 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCreateShaderProgramv at 0x74250d6958 with 0x7412e44ec0 (callback 0x742fc4c260) 12-13 09:08:35.978 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilFillPathNV' at 0x74250d8e7c with 0x7412e6f2a4... 12-13 09:08:35.979 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilFillPathNV at 0x74250d8e7c with 0x7412e6f2a4 (callback 0x742fc4c290) 12-13 09:08:35.979 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDepthFunc' at 0x74250d5474 with 0x7412e46dc4... 12-13 09:08:35.980 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDepthFunc at 0x74250d5474 with 0x7412e46dc4 (callback 0x742fc4c2c0) 12-13 09:08:35.980 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexImage3D' at 0x74250d5e8c with 0x7412e71c6c... 12-13 09:08:35.980 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexImage3D at 0x74250d5e8c with 0x7412e71c6c (callback 0x742fc4c2f0) 12-13 09:08:35.981 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTexture2D' at 0x742f2cd41c with 0x7412e4dca8... 12-13 09:08:35.981 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTexture2D at 0x742f2cd41c with 0x7412e4dca8 (callback 0x742fc4c320) 12-13 09:08:35.981 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUseProgramStages' at 0x742f2cea98 with 0x7412e78b70... 12-13 09:08:35.982 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUseProgramStages at 0x742f2cea98 with 0x7412e78b70 (callback 0x742fc4c350) 12-13 09:08:35.982 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawTexiOES' at 0x7430799374 with 0x7412e4a514... 12-13 09:08:35.983 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawTexiOES at 0x7430799374 with 0x7412e4a514 (callback 0x742fc4c380) 12-13 09:08:35.983 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsRenderbuffer' at 0x74250d58f8 with 0x7412e5c970... 12-13 09:08:35.984 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsRenderbuffer at 0x74250d58f8 with 0x7412e5c970 (callback 0x742fc4c3b0) 12-13 09:08:35.984 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBeginQuery' at 0x742f2ce0c0 with 0x7412e3c8f8... 12-13 09:08:35.984 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBeginQuery at 0x742f2ce0c0 with 0x7412e3c8f8 (callback 0x742fc4c3e0) 12-13 09:08:35.984 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetFloati_vNV' at 0x74250d9330 with 0x7412e51ecc... 12-13 09:08:35.985 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetFloati_vNV at 0x74250d9330 with 0x7412e51ecc (callback 0x742fc4c410) 12-13 09:08:35.985 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameterIivEXT' at 0x74250d85b8 with 0x7412e6d7d0... 12-13 09:08:35.986 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameterIivEXT at 0x74250d85b8 with 0x7412e6d7d0 (callback 0x742fc4c440) 12-13 09:08:35.986 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetInteger64vAPPLE' at 0x7430799c6c with 0x7412e52d84... 12-13 09:08:35.987 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetInteger64vAPPLE at 0x7430799c6c with 0x7412e52d84 (callback 0x742fc4c470) 12-13 09:08:35.987 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindProgramPipelineEXT' at 0x742f2d0288 with 0x7412e3d6ec... 12-13 09:08:35.988 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindProgramPipelineEXT at 0x742f2d0288 with 0x7412e3d6ec (callback 0x742fc4c4a0) 12-13 09:08:35.988 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameterf' at 0x74250d664c with 0x7412e6dcbc... 12-13 09:08:35.988 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameterf at 0x74250d664c with 0x7412e6dcbc (callback 0x742fc4c4d0) 12-13 09:08:35.988 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDispatchCompute' at 0x742f2ce988 with 0x7412e4809c... 12-13 09:08:35.989 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDispatchCompute at 0x742f2ce988 with 0x7412e4809c (callback 0x742fc4c500) 12-13 09:08:35.989 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBufferSubData' at 0x742f2cd0e0 with 0x7412e3fe18... 12-13 09:08:35.990 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBufferSubData at 0x742f2cd0e0 with 0x7412e3fe18 (callback 0x742fc4c530) 12-13 09:08:35.990 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetIntegeri_v' at 0x74250d616c with 0x7412e52e74... 12-13 09:08:35.991 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetIntegeri_v at 0x74250d616c with 0x7412e52e74 (callback 0x742fc4c560) 12-13 09:08:35.991 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEndTransformFeedback' at 0x742f2ce30c with 0x7412e4bbb0... 12-13 09:08:35.992 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEndTransformFeedback at 0x742f2ce30c with 0x7412e4bbb0 (callback 0x742fc4c590) 12-13 09:08:35.992 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform2i' at 0x74250d5c04 with 0x7412e756ec... 12-13 09:08:35.992 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform2i at 0x74250d5c04 with 0x7412e756ec (callback 0x742fc4c5c0) 12-13 09:08:35.992 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glExtGetBuffersQCOM' at 0x742f2d15c4 with 0x7412e4bd78... 12-13 09:08:35.993 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glExtGetBuffersQCOM at 0x742f2d15c4 with 0x7412e4bd78 (callback 0x742fc4c5f0) 12-13 09:08:35.993 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultiTexCoord4f' at 0x743079850c with 0x7412e60cc0... 12-13 09:08:35.994 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultiTexCoord4f at 0x743079850c with 0x7412e60cc0 (callback 0x742fc4c620) 12-13 09:08:35.994 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteVertexArrays' at 0x74250d6120 with 0x7412e46be4... 12-13 09:08:35.995 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteVertexArrays at 0x74250d6120 with 0x7412e46be4 (callback 0x742fc4c650) 12-13 09:08:35.995 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteTextures' at 0x742f2cd2cc with 0x7412e46a04... 12-13 09:08:35.995 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteTextures at 0x742f2cd2cc with 0x7412e46a04 (callback 0x742fc4c680) 12-13 09:08:35.996 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTexBufferRange' at 0x742f2cf3f4 with 0x7412e70624... 12-13 09:08:35.996 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTexBufferRange at 0x742f2cf3f4 with 0x7412e70624 (callback 0x742fc4c6b0) 12-13 09:08:35.996 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttribIFormat' at 0x74250d6e40 with 0x7412e7a204... 12-13 09:08:35.997 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttribIFormat at 0x74250d6e40 with 0x7412e7a204 (callback 0x742fc4c6e0) 12-13 09:08:35.997 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilOpSeparate' at 0x74250d5acc with 0x7412e6f87c... 12-13 09:08:35.998 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilOpSeparate at 0x74250d5acc with 0x7412e6f87c (callback 0x742fc4c710) 12-13 09:08:35.998 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTexture2DOES' at 0x7430799938 with 0x7412e4e190... 12-13 09:08:35.999 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTexture2DOES at 0x7430799938 with 0x7412e4e190 (callback 0x742fc4c740) 12-13 09:08:35.999 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFunciEXT' at 0x74250d7e3c with 0x7412e3f3dc... 12-13 09:08:36.000 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFunciEXT at 0x74250d7e3c with 0x7412e3f3dc (callback 0x742fc4c770) 12-13 09:08:36.000 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlitFramebufferNV' at 0x742f2d0cb4 with 0x7412e3fa3c... 12-13 09:08:36.000 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlitFramebufferNV at 0x742f2d0cb4 with 0x7412e3fa3c (callback 0x742fc4c7a0) 12-13 09:08:36.000 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform1ui' at 0x74250d62f0 with 0x7412e75114... 12-13 09:08:36.001 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform1ui at 0x74250d62f0 with 0x7412e75114 (callback 0x742fc4c7d0) 12-13 09:08:36.001 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDepthRangefOES' at 0x7430799a4c with 0x7412e47488... 12-13 09:08:36.002 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDepthRangefOES at 0x7430799a4c with 0x7412e47488 (callback 0x742fc4c800) 12-13 09:08:36.002 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendBarrierNV' at 0x74250d898c with 0x7412e3e108... 12-13 09:08:36.003 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendBarrierNV at 0x74250d898c with 0x7412e3e108 (callback 0x742fc4c830) 12-13 09:08:36.003 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glAlphaFuncxOES' at 0x743079941c with 0x7412e3c388... 12-13 09:08:36.004 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glAlphaFuncxOES at 0x743079941c with 0x7412e3c388 (callback 0x742fc4c860) 12-13 09:08:36.004 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsPathNV' at 0x742f2d0e20 with 0x7412e5c1a4... 12-13 09:08:36.004 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsPathNV at 0x742f2d0e20 with 0x7412e5c1a4 (callback 0x742fc4c890) 12-13 09:08:36.004 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glAlphaFunc' at 0x74307982cc with 0x7412e3c0b0... 12-13 09:08:36.005 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glAlphaFunc at 0x74307982cc with 0x7412e3c0b0 (callback 0x742fc4c8c0) 12-13 09:08:36.005 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3fEXT' at 0x742f2d0410 with 0x7412e678c0... 12-13 09:08:36.006 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3fEXT at 0x742f2d0410 with 0x7412e678c0 (callback 0x742fc4c8f0) 12-13 09:08:36.006 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glActiveTexture' at 0x74250d5138 with 0x7412e3bfcc... 12-13 09:08:36.007 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glActiveTexture at 0x74250d5138 with 0x7412e3bfcc (callback 0x742fc4c920) 12-13 09:08:36.007 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv' at 0x74250d6cd8 with 0x7412e6ab10... 12-13 09:08:36.007 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv at 0x74250d6cd8 with 0x7412e6ab10 (callback 0x742fc4c950) 12-13 09:08:36.008 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPointerv' at 0x7430798ae0 with 0x7412e55698... 12-13 09:08:36.008 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPointerv at 0x7430798ae0 with 0x7412e55698 (callback 0x742fc4c980) 12-13 09:08:36.008 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquationiEXT' at 0x742f2cff7c with 0x7412e3ea84... 12-13 09:08:36.009 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquationiEXT at 0x742f2cff7c with 0x7412e3ea84 (callback 0x742fc4c9b0) 12-13 09:08:36.009 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetInternalformatSampleivNV' at 0x742f2d0d44 with 0x7412e5315c... 12-13 09:08:36.010 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetInternalformatSampleivNV at 0x742f2d0d44 with 0x7412e5315c (callback 0x742fc4c9e0) 12-13 09:08:36.010 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glStencilStrokePathInstancedNV' at 0x74250d8ec4 with 0x7412e6f98c... 12-13 09:08:36.011 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glStencilStrokePathInstancedNV at 0x74250d8ec4 with 0x7412e6f98c (callback 0x742fc4ca10) 12-13 09:08:36.011 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glVertexAttrib2fv' at 0x742f2cdf24 with 0x7412e792fc... 12-13 09:08:36.011 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glVertexAttrib2fv at 0x742f2cdf24 with 0x7412e792fc (callback 0x742fc4ca40) 12-13 09:08:36.011 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSetFenceNV' at 0x742f2d0c84 with 0x7412e6ec08... 12-13 09:08:36.012 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSetFenceNV at 0x742f2d0c84 with 0x7412e6ec08 (callback 0x742fc4ca70) 12-13 09:08:36.012 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE' at 0x7430799bb8 with 0x7412e6c7a4... 12-13 09:08:36.013 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE at 0x7430799bb8 with 0x7412e6c7a4 (callback 0x742fc4caa0) 12-13 09:08:36.013 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendBarrierNV' at 0x742f2d0afc with 0x7412e3e108... 12-13 09:08:36.014 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendBarrierNV at 0x742f2d0afc with 0x7412e3e108 (callback 0x742fc4cad0) 12-13 09:08:36.014 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglSwapBuffers' at 0x742ff92090 with 0x7412e3b628... 12-13 09:08:36.015 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglSwapBuffers at 0x742ff92090 with 0x7412e3b628 (callback 0x742fc4cb00) 12-13 09:08:36.015 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR' at 0x742f2cf518 with 0x7412e54008... 12-13 09:08:36.015 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR at 0x742f2cf518 with 0x7412e54008 (callback 0x742fc4cb28) 12-13 09:08:36.015 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniform1fv' at 0x74250d5b8c with 0x7412e74c40... 12-13 09:08:36.016 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniform1fv at 0x74250d5b8c with 0x7412e74c40 (callback 0x742fc4cb58) 12-13 09:08:36.016 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramResourceLocationIndexEXT' at 0x74250d7bc0 with 0x7412e56308... 12-13 09:08:36.017 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramResourceLocationIndexEXT at 0x74250d7bc0 with 0x7412e56308 (callback 0x742fc4cb88) 12-13 09:08:36.017 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glWeightPointerOES' at 0x74307982b4 with 0x7412e7b3f4... 12-13 09:08:36.018 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glWeightPointerOES at 0x74307982b4 with 0x7412e7b3f4 (callback 0x742fc4cbb8) 12-13 09:08:36.018 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquationSeparateiOES' at 0x74250d74e4 with 0x7412e3e898... 12-13 09:08:36.019 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquationSeparateiOES at 0x74250d74e4 with 0x7412e3e898 (callback 0x742fc4cbe8) 12-13 09:08:36.019 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglQuerySurface' at 0x742ff90a68 with 0x7412e3b0fc... 12-13 09:08:36.019 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglQuerySurface at 0x742ff90a68 with 0x7412e3b0fc (callback 0x742fc4cc18) 12-13 09:08:36.019 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR' at 0x742ff91ab4 with 0x7412e3b724... 12-13 09:08:36.020 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR at 0x742ff91ab4 with 0x7412e3b724 (callback 0x742fc4cc38) 12-13 09:08:36.020 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMaterialxOES' at 0x74307995e4 with 0x7412e5f3f8... 12-13 09:08:36.021 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMaterialxOES at 0x74307995e4 with 0x7412e5f3f8 (callback 0x742fc4cc58) 12-13 09:08:36.021 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFramebufferTextureEXT' at 0x74250d7f30 with 0x7412e4e3ec... 12-13 09:08:36.022 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFramebufferTextureEXT at 0x74250d7f30 with 0x7412e4e3ec (callback 0x742fc4cc88) 12-13 09:08:36.022 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglCreatePbufferSurface' at 0x742ff908c0 with 0x7412e399d8... 12-13 09:08:36.023 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglCreatePbufferSurface at 0x742ff908c0 with 0x7412e399d8 (callback 0x742fc4ccb8) 12-13 09:08:36.023 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD' at 0x74250d78b4 with 0x7412e55234... 12-13 09:08:36.023 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD at 0x74250d78b4 with 0x7412e55234 (callback 0x742fc4ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.023 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindProgramPipeline' at 0x74250d6974 with 0x7412e3d608... 12-13 09:08:36.024 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindProgramPipeline at 0x74250d6974 with 0x7412e3d608 (callback 0x742fc4cd08) 12-13 09:08:36.024 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsProgramPipeline' at 0x74250d69bc with 0x7412e5c5b0... 12-13 09:08:36.025 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsProgramPipeline at 0x74250d69bc with 0x7412e5c5b0 (callback 0x742fc4cd38) 12-13 09:08:36.025 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindVertexArrayOES' at 0x74250d7850 with 0x7412e3dd64... 12-13 09:08:36.026 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindVertexArrayOES at 0x74250d7850 with 0x7412e3dd64 (callback 0x742fc4cd68) 12-13 09:08:36.026 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glAlphaFuncQCOM' at 0x742f2d1534 with 0x7412e3c1a4... 12-13 09:08:36.027 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glAlphaFuncQCOM at 0x742f2d1534 with 0x7412e3c1a4 (callback 0x742fc4cd98) 12-13 09:08:36.027 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glUniformHandleui64vNV' at 0x742f2d0a64 with 0x7412e77784... 12-13 09:08:36.027 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glUniformHandleui64vNV at 0x742f2d0a64 with 0x7412e77784 (callback 0x742fc4cdc8) 12-13 09:08:36.027 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsVertexArray' at 0x74250d6150 with 0x7412e5d1e0... 12-13 09:08:36.028 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsVertexArray at 0x74250d6150 with 0x7412e5d1e0 (callback 0x742fc4cdf8) 12-13 09:08:36.028 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glLoadIdentity' at 0x7430798c3c with 0x7412e5e3f4... 12-13 09:08:36.029 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glLoadIdentity at 0x7430798c3c with 0x7412e5e3f4 (callback 0x742fc4ce28) 12-13 09:08:36.029 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCompressedTexImage3DOES' at 0x74250d76e8 with 0x7412e4298c... 12-13 09:08:36.030 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCompressedTexImage3DOES at 0x74250d76e8 with 0x7412e4298c (callback 0x742fc4ce58) 12-13 09:08:36.030 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glIsTexture' at 0x7430798ba8 with 0x7412e5cf10... 12-13 09:08:36.031 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glIsTexture at 0x7430798ba8 with 0x7412e5cf10 (callback 0x742fc4ce88) 12-13 09:08:36.031 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlitFramebufferANGLE' at 0x742f2cfb2c with 0x7412e3f880... 12-13 09:08:36.031 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlitFramebufferANGLE at 0x742f2cfb2c with 0x7412e3f880 (callback 0x742fc4ceb8) 12-13 09:08:36.031 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glSamplerParameterfv' at 0x742f2ce7d4 with 0x7412e6ddbc... 12-13 09:08:36.032 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glSamplerParameterfv at 0x742f2ce7d4 with 0x7412e6ddbc (callback 0x742fc4cee8) 12-13 09:08:36.032 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetPerfCounterInfoINTEL' at 0x74250d87c8 with 0x7412e54ad0... 12-13 09:08:36.033 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetPerfCounterInfoINTEL at 0x74250d87c8 with 0x7412e54ad0 (callback 0x742fc4cf18) 12-13 09:08:36.033 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendFuncSeparate' at 0x742f2cd0b0 with 0x7412e3ed54... 12-13 09:08:36.034 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendFuncSeparate at 0x742f2cd0b0 with 0x7412e3ed54 (callback 0x742fc4cf48) 12-13 09:08:36.034 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglBindAPI' at 0x742ff92834 with 0x7412e39020... 12-13 09:08:36.035 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglBindAPI at 0x742ff92834 with 0x7412e39020 (callback 0x742fc4cf78) 12-13 09:08:36.035 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glCopyPathNV' at 0x74250d8d8c with 0x7412e43ba4... 12-13 09:08:36.035 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glCopyPathNV at 0x74250d8d8c with 0x7412e43ba4 (callback 0x742fc4cf98) 12-13 09:08:36.035 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBeginPerfQueryINTEL' at 0x742f2d08a8 with 0x7412e3c814... 12-13 09:08:36.036 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBeginPerfQueryINTEL at 0x742f2d08a8 with 0x7412e3c814 (callback 0x742fc4cfc8) 12-13 09:08:36.036 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetnUniformivEXT' at 0x7430799d94 with 0x7412e5ae98... 12-13 09:08:36.037 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetnUniformivEXT at 0x7430799d94 with 0x7412e5ae98 (callback 0x1f550) 12-13 09:08:36.037 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglInitialize' at 0x742ff8ff34 with 0x7412e3abdc... 12-13 09:08:36.038 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglInitialize at 0x742ff8ff34 with 0x7412e3abdc (callback 0x1f590) 12-13 09:08:36.038 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBlendEquationSeparate' at 0x74250d5210 with 0x7412e3e4c0... 12-13 09:08:36.039 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBlendEquationSeparate at 0x74250d5210 with 0x7412e3e4c0 (callback 0x1f5c0) 12-13 09:08:36.039 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPrimitiveBoundingBox' at 0x742f2cf258 with 0x7412e64cf4... 12-13 09:08:36.039 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPrimitiveBoundingBox at 0x742f2cf258 with 0x7412e64cf4 (callback 0x1f600) 12-13 09:08:36.039 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultiDrawArraysEXT' at 0x7430799ce8 with 0x7412e605e8... 12-13 09:08:36.040 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultiDrawArraysEXT at 0x7430799ce8 with 0x7412e605e8 (callback 0x1f640) 12-13 09:08:36.040 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawElementsInstancedEXT' at 0x74250d7f18 with 0x7412e49b8c... 12-13 09:08:36.041 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawElementsInstancedEXT at 0x74250d7f18 with 0x7412e49b8c (callback 0x1f680) 12-13 09:08:36.041 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramResourceName' at 0x74250d68dc with 0x7412e56410... 12-13 09:08:36.042 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramResourceName at 0x74250d68dc with 0x7412e56410 (callback 0x1f6c0) 12-13 09:08:36.042 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetBooleani_v' at 0x742f2ceec0 with 0x7412e50a98... 12-13 09:08:36.043 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetBooleani_v at 0x742f2ceec0 with 0x7412e50a98 (callback 0x1f700) 12-13 09:08:36.043 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMultiDrawArraysIndirectEXT' at 0x742f2d0134 with 0x7412e606f8... 12-13 09:08:36.043 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMultiDrawArraysIndirectEXT at 0x742f2d0134 with 0x7412e606f8 (callback 0x1f740) 12-13 09:08:36.043 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT' at 0x7430799cd0 with 0x7412e4cef8... 12-13 09:08:36.044 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT at 0x7430799cd0 with 0x7412e4cef8 (callback 0x1f780) 12-13 09:08:36.044 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDebugMessageControl' at 0x74250d6eb8 with 0x7412e45478... 12-13 09:08:36.045 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDebugMessageControl at 0x74250d6eb8 with 0x7412e45478 (callback 0x1f7c0) 12-13 09:08:36.045 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glPathStringNV' at 0x742f2d0e9c with 0x7412e63388... 12-13 09:08:36.046 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glPathStringNV at 0x742f2d0e9c with 0x7412e63388 (callback 0x1f800) 12-13 09:08:36.046 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetTexEnvxvOES' at 0x7430799524 with 0x7412e5872c... 12-13 09:08:36.047 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetTexEnvxvOES at 0x7430799524 with 0x7412e5872c (callback 0x1f840) 12-13 09:08:36.047 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glTextureViewEXT' at 0x742f2d0848 with 0x7412e74334... 12-13 09:08:36.047 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glTextureViewEXT at 0x742f2d0848 with 0x7412e74334 (callback 0x1f880) 12-13 09:08:36.047 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglChooseConfig' at 0x742ff900bc with 0x7412e39218... 12-13 09:08:36.048 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglChooseConfig at 0x742ff900bc with 0x7412e39218 (callback 0x1f8c0) 12-13 09:08:36.048 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglSignalSyncKHR' at 0x742ff92e1c with 0x7412e3b404... 12-13 09:08:36.049 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglSignalSyncKHR at 0x742ff92e1c with 0x7412e3b404 (callback 0x1f8f0) 12-13 09:08:36.049 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglCreateSyncKHR' at 0x742ff91e20 with 0x7412e39bfc... 12-13 09:08:36.050 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglCreateSyncKHR at 0x742ff91e20 with 0x7412e39bfc (callback 0x1f920) 12-13 09:08:36.050 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES' at 0x74250d7454 with 0x7412e4ae24... 12-13 09:08:36.051 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES at 0x74250d7454 with 0x7412e4ae24 (callback 0x1f950) 12-13 09:08:36.051 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglGetCurrentDisplay' at 0x742ff91434 with 0x7412e3a628... 12-13 09:08:36.051 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglGetCurrentDisplay at 0x742ff91434 with 0x7412e3a628 (callback 0x1f990) 12-13 09:08:36.051 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glProgramUniform3iv' at 0x742f2cecb0 with 0x7412e6807c... 12-13 09:08:36.052 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glProgramUniform3iv at 0x742f2cecb0 with 0x7412e6807c (callback 0x1f9c8) 12-13 09:08:36.052 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glFragmentCoverageColorNV' at 0x74250d8b2c with 0x7412e4d598... 12-13 09:08:36.053 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glFragmentCoverageColorNV at 0x74250d8b2c with 0x7412e4d598 (callback 0x1fa08) 12-13 09:08:36.053 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDeleteFencesNV' at 0x742f2d0bec with 0x7412e45a50... 12-13 09:08:36.054 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDeleteFencesNV at 0x742f2d0bec with 0x7412e45a50 (callback 0x1fa48) 12-13 09:08:36.054 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglDupNativeFenceFDANDROID' at 0x742ff9385c with 0x7412e3a210... 12-13 09:08:36.055 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglDupNativeFenceFDANDROID at 0x742ff9385c with 0x7412e3a210 (callback 0x1fa88) 12-13 09:08:36.055 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglCopyBuffers' at 0x742ff9209c with 0x7412e39464... 12-13 09:08:36.055 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglCopyBuffers at 0x742ff9209c with 0x7412e39464 (callback 0x1fab8) 12-13 09:08:36.055 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glViewportIndexedfvNV' at 0x74250d92a0 with 0x7412e7ade8... 12-13 09:08:36.056 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glViewportIndexedfvNV at 0x74250d92a0 with 0x7412e7ade8 (callback 0x1fae8) 12-13 09:08:36.056 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindVertexBuffer' at 0x74250d6e10 with 0x7412e3de48... 12-13 09:08:36.057 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindVertexBuffer at 0x74250d6e10 with 0x7412e3de48 (callback 0x1fb28) 12-13 09:08:36.057 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glScalexOES' at 0x74307996d4 with 0x7412e6e2b4... 12-13 09:08:36.058 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glScalexOES at 0x74307996d4 with 0x7412e6e2b4 (callback 0x1fb68) 12-13 09:08:36.058 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glMaterialxv' at 0x7430798c9c with 0x7412e5f4f4... 12-13 09:08:36.059 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glMaterialxv at 0x7430798c9c with 0x7412e5f4f4 (callback 0x1fba8) 12-13 09:08:36.059 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glDrawArrays' at 0x74250d5504 with 0x7412e4827c... 12-13 09:08:36.059 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glDrawArrays at 0x74250d5504 with 0x7412e4827c (callback 0x1fbe8) 12-13 09:08:36.059 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetProgramResourceLocation' at 0x742f2cea7c with 0x7412e56200... 12-13 09:08:36.060 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetProgramResourceLocation at 0x742f2cea7c with 0x7412e56200 (callback 0x1fc28) 12-13 09:08:36.060 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glClearDepthf' at 0x74250d52d4 with 0x7412e40924... 12-13 09:08:36.061 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glClearDepthf at 0x74250d52d4 with 0x7412e40924 (callback 0x1fc68) 12-13 09:08:36.061 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglClientWaitSyncKHR' at 0x742ff92ec0 with 0x7412e39348... 12-13 09:08:36.062 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglClientWaitSyncKHR at 0x742ff92ec0 with 0x7412e39348 (callback 0x1fca8) 12-13 09:08:36.062 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glGetVertexAttribPointerv' at 0x742f2cd6c8 with 0x7412e5a764... 12-13 09:08:36.063 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glGetVertexAttribPointerv at 0x742f2cd6c8 with 0x7412e5a764 (callback 0x1fcd8) 12-13 09:08:36.063 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'glBindBuffer' at 0x74250d5180 with 0x7412e3ccb8... 12-13 09:08:36.064 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function glBindBuffer at 0x74250d5180 with 0x7412e3ccb8 (callback 0x1fd18) 12-13 09:08:36.064 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:213] Patching 'eglBindTexImage' at 0x742ff92550 with 0x7412e39110... 12-13 09:08:36.065 23901 23901 D GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:216] Replaced function eglBindTexImage at 0x742ff92550 with 0x7412e39110 (callback 0x1fd58) 12-13 09:08:36.065 23901 23901 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:158] OpenGL ES hooks successfully installed 12-13 09:08:36.067 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glMapBuffer was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.067 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] eglCreateNativeClientBufferANDROID was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixLoadfEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixLoaddEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixMultfEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixMultdEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixLoadTransposefEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixLoadTransposedEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixMultTransposefEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixMultTransposedEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixLoadIdentityEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixRotatefEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixRotatedEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixScalefEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixScaledEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixTranslatefEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixTranslatedEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixOrthoEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixFrustumEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixPushEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixPopEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glClearPixelLocalStorageuiEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glClearTexImageEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glClearTexSubImageEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.068 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glConservativeRasterParameteriNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glDepthRangeArrayfvOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glDepthRangeIndexedfOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glDrawTransformFeedbackEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glDrawTransformFeedbackInstancedEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glFramebufferPixelLocalStorageSizeEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glFramebufferTexture2DDownsampleIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glFramebufferTextureLayerDownsampleIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetFloati_vOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetFramebufferPixelLocalStorageSizeEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetTextureHandleIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetTextureSamplerHandleIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetUniformi64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glPolygonOffsetClampEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform1i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform1i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform1ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform1ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform2i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform2i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform2ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform2ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform3i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform3i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform3ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform3ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform4i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform4i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform4ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform4ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniformHandleui64IMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniformHandleui64vIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glScissorArrayvOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glScissorIndexedOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glScissorIndexedvOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform1i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform1i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform1ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform1ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform2i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform2i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform2ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.069 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform2ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform3i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform3i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform3ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform3ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform4i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform4i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform4ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform4ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniformHandleui64IMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniformHandleui64vIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glViewportArrayvOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glViewportIndexedfOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glViewportIndexedfvOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glViewportSwizzleNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glWindowRectanglesEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetTexImage was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetQueryObjecti64v was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetQueryObjectui64v was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glTexStorage1D was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glBindFragDataLocation was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.070 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glTexImage2DMultisample was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.071 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXCreateContext was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.071 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXCreateNewContext was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.071 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXMakeContextCurrent was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.071 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXMakeCurrent was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.071 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXSwapBuffers was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.071 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXQueryDrawable was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.071 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] wglCreateContext was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.071 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] wglCreateContextAttribsARB was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.071 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] wglMakeCurrent was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.071 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] wglSwapBuffers was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.071 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] CGLCreateContext was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.071 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] CGLSetCurrentContext was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.071 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] CGLGetSurface was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.071 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] CGSGetSurfaceBounds was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.071 23901 23901 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] CGLFlushDrawable was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.072 23901 23901 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/spy.cpp:115] Registering spy symbols... 12-13 09:08:36.146 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3263] eglGetDisplay(0) 12-13 09:08:36.146 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1279] eglGetDisplay(0) 12-13 09:08:36.146 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.146 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.146 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.146 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3267] eglGetDisplay() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.146 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3295] eglInitialize(0x1, 0x741213c7ec, 0x741213c7e8) 12-13 09:08:36.146 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1411] eglInitialize(0x1, 0x741213c7ec, 0x741213c7e8) 12-13 09:08:36.146 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.146 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.146 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.156 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glMapBuffer was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] eglCreateNativeClientBufferANDROID was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixLoadfEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixLoaddEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixMultfEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixMultdEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixLoadTransposefEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixLoadTransposedEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixMultTransposefEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixMultTransposedEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixLoadIdentityEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixRotatefEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixRotatedEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixScalefEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixScaledEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixTranslatefEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixTranslatedEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixOrthoEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixFrustumEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixPushEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.157 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixPopEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glClearPixelLocalStorageuiEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glClearTexImageEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glClearTexSubImageEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glConservativeRasterParameteriNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glDepthRangeArrayfvOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glDepthRangeIndexedfOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glDrawTransformFeedbackEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glDrawTransformFeedbackInstancedEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glFramebufferPixelLocalStorageSizeEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glFramebufferTexture2DDownsampleIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glFramebufferTextureLayerDownsampleIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetFloati_vOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetFramebufferPixelLocalStorageSizeEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetTextureHandleIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetTextureSamplerHandleIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetUniformi64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glPolygonOffsetClampEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform1i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform1i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform1ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform1ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform2i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform2i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform2ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform2ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform3i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform3i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform3ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform3ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform4i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform4i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform4ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform4ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniformHandleui64IMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniformHandleui64vIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glScissorArrayvOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glScissorIndexedOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glScissorIndexedvOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.158 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform1i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform1i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform1ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform1ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform2i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform2i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform2ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform2ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform3i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform3i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform3ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform3ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform4i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform4i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform4ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform4ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniformHandleui64IMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniformHandleui64vIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glViewportArrayvOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glViewportIndexedfOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glViewportIndexedfvOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glViewportSwizzleNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glWindowRectanglesEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetTexImage was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetQueryObjecti64v was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetQueryObjectui64v was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glTexStorage1D was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glBindFragDataLocation was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.159 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glTexImage2DMultisample was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.160 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXCreateContext was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.160 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXCreateNewContext was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.160 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXMakeContextCurrent was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.160 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXMakeCurrent was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.160 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXSwapBuffers was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.160 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXQueryDrawable was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.160 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] wglCreateContext was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.160 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] wglCreateContextAttribsARB was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.160 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] wglMakeCurrent was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.160 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] wglSwapBuffers was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.160 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] CGLCreateContext was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.160 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] CGLSetCurrentContext was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.160 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] CGLGetSurface was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.160 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] CGSGetSurfaceBounds was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.160 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] CGLFlushDrawable was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.160 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3299] eglInitialize() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.332 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3263] eglGetDisplay(0) 12-13 09:08:36.332 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1279] eglGetDisplay(0) 12-13 09:08:36.332 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.332 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.332 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.332 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3267] eglGetDisplay() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.332 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3295] eglInitialize(0x1, 0x741213d3f8, 0x741213d3fc) 12-13 09:08:36.332 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1411] eglInitialize(0x1, 0x741213d3f8, 0x741213d3fc) 12-13 09:08:36.332 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.332 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.332 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.334 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glMapBuffer was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.334 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] eglCreateNativeClientBufferANDROID was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.334 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixLoadfEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.334 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixLoaddEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.334 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixMultfEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.334 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixMultdEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.334 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixLoadTransposefEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.334 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixLoadTransposedEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.334 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixMultTransposefEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.334 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixMultTransposedEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.334 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixLoadIdentityEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.334 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixRotatefEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.334 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixRotatedEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.334 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixScalefEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.334 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixScaledEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.334 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixTranslatefEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixTranslatedEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixOrthoEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixFrustumEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixPushEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] MatrixPopEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glClearPixelLocalStorageuiEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glClearTexImageEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glClearTexSubImageEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glConservativeRasterParameteriNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glDepthRangeArrayfvOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glDepthRangeIndexedfOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glDrawTransformFeedbackEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glDrawTransformFeedbackInstancedEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glFramebufferPixelLocalStorageSizeEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glFramebufferTexture2DDownsampleIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glFramebufferTextureLayerDownsampleIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetFloati_vOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetFramebufferPixelLocalStorageSizeEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetTextureHandleIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetTextureSamplerHandleIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetUniformi64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glPolygonOffsetClampEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform1i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform1i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform1ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform1ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform2i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform2i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform2ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform2ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform3i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform3i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform3ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform3ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform4i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform4i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform4ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.335 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniform4ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniformHandleui64IMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glProgramUniformHandleui64vIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glScissorArrayvOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glScissorIndexedOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glScissorIndexedvOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform1i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform1i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform1ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform1ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform2i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform2i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform2ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform2ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform3i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform3i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform3ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform3ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform4i64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform4i64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform4ui64NV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniform4ui64vNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniformHandleui64IMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glUniformHandleui64vIMG was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glViewportArrayvOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glViewportIndexedfOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glViewportIndexedfvOES was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glViewportSwizzleNV was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glWindowRectanglesEXT was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetTexImage was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetQueryObjecti64v was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glGetQueryObjectui64v was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glTexStorage1D was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glBindFragDataLocation was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.336 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glTexImage2DMultisample was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.337 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXCreateContext was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.337 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXCreateNewContext was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.337 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXMakeContextCurrent was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.337 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXMakeCurrent was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.337 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXSwapBuffers was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.337 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] glXQueryDrawable was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.337 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] wglCreateContext was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.337 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] wglCreateContextAttribsARB was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.337 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] wglMakeCurrent was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.337 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] wglSwapBuffers was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.337 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] CGLCreateContext was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.337 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] CGLSetCurrentContext was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.337 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] CGLGetSurface was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.337 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] CGSGetSurfaceBounds was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.337 23901 23954 W GAPID : [gapii/cc/android/installer.cpp:106] CGLFlushDrawable was requested, but cannot be traced. 12-13 09:08:36.337 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3299] eglInitialize() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.337 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3227] eglGetConfigs(0x1, 0x741213abd0, 1024, 0x741213ccdc) 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_2.cpp:1033] eglGetConfigs(0x1, 0x741213abd0, 1024, 0x741213ccdc) 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3231] eglGetConfigs() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637180, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637180, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637180, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637180, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637180, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637180, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637680, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637680, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.338 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637680, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637680, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637680, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637680, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637700, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637700, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637700, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637700, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637700, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637700, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371e0, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371e0, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371e0, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371e0, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371e0, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371e0, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376e0, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376e0, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.339 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376e0, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376e0, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376e0, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376e0, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637760, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637760, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637760, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637760, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637760, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637760, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371a0, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371a0, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371a0, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371a0, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371a0, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371a0, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376a0, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376a0, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.340 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376a0, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376a0, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376a0, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376a0, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637720, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637720, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637720, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637720, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637720, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637720, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371c0, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371c0, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371c0, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371c0, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371c0, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6371c0, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376c0, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376c0, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.341 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376c0, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376c0, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376c0, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6376c0, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637740, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637740, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637740, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637740, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637740, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637740, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637300, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637300, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637300, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637300, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637300, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637300, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637360, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637360, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637360, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.342 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637360, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.343 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.343 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.343 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.343 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.343 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637360, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.343 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637360, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.343 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.343 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.343 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.343 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.343 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637320, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.343 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637320, 12352, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.343 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.343 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637320, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.343 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.344 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.344 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.344 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6374e0, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.345 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.345 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.345 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6374a0, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.345 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.345 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.346 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.347 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.347 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637600, 12323, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.348 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637600, 12322, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.348 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.348 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.348 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.348 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.348 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637260, 12323, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.350 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.350 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637660, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.350 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.350 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.350 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637660, 12323, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.350 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637660, 12323, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.350 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.350 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637660, 12322, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.350 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.351 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.351 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.352 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.353 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.353 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.353 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637620, 12322, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.354 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.354 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.355 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.355 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.356 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.357 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6373a0, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.357 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.358 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.358 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.358 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.358 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.358 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.358 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.358 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.358 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.358 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6373c0, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.359 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f6373c0, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.359 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.359 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.359 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.359 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.359 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.359 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.359 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.359 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.359 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637500, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.360 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637500, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.360 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.360 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.360 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637500, 12321, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.361 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.362 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.362 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.362 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.362 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637520, 12323, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.362 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.362 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637520, 12322, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.362 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.362 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.362 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.363 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.363 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637540, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.363 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.363 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.363 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637540, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.363 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.363 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.363 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637540, 12322, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.363 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637540, 12321, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.363 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.364 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.364 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.364 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637280, 12339, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.364 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.364 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637280, 12324, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.364 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637280, 12323, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.364 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3062] eglGetConfigAttrib() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.364 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:1065] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637280, 12321, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.365 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3058] eglGetConfigAttrib(0x1, 0x741f637280, 12326, 0x741213ccd8) 12-13 09:08:36.365 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_0.cpp:883] eglCreateContext(0x1, 0x741f637280, 0x0, 0x7422915760) 12-13 09:08:36.365 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.365 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.365 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.370 23901 23954 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/spy.cpp:298] eglCreateContext requested: GL 3.0, profile 0x0, flags 0x0 -> 0x741f668300 12-13 09:08:36.370 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3130] eglCreateContext() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.370 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3150] eglCreatePbufferSurface(0x1, 0x741f637280, 0x741213cce0) 12-13 09:08:36.370 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_0.cpp:980] eglCreatePbufferSurface(0x1, 0x741f637280, 0x741213cce0) 12-13 09:08:36.370 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.370 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.370 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.371 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3154] eglCreatePbufferSurface() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.371 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3307] eglMakeCurrent(0x1, 0x7411ff67f0, 0x7411ff67f0, 0x741f668300) 12-13 09:08:36.371 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_0.cpp:1164] eglMakeCurrent(0x1, 0x7411ff67f0, 0x7411ff67f0, 0x741f668300) 12-13 09:08:36.371 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.371 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.371 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.374 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.374 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.374 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.374 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.374 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.374 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.374 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.374 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.374 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.374 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.374 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.374 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.374 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.374 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.374 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3272] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:1321] eglGetError() 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3276] eglGetError() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 I GAPID : [gapii/cc/spy.cpp:404] Framebuffer config: R8 G8 B8 A8 D0 S0 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3311] eglMakeCurrent() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:10183] glGetString(0x1F03) 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:10187] glGetString() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:10482] glGenTextures(3, 0x741f6ecc48) 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_2.cpp:8790] glGenTextures(3, 0x741f6ecc48) 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:10486] glGenTextures() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:10313] glBindTexture(0x8C1A, 1) 12-13 09:08:36.375 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_2.cpp:8603] glBindTexture(0x8C1A, 1) 12-13 09:08:36.376 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:10317] glBindTexture() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.376 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:10832] glTexStorage3D(0x8C1A, 1, 0x8058, 1024, 1024, 2) 12-13 09:08:36.376 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:8741] glTexStorage3D(0x8C1A, 1, 0x8058, 1024, 1024, 2) 12-13 09:08:36.376 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:10836] glTexStorage3D() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.376 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:10784] glTexParameteri(0x8C1A, 0x2802, 33071) 12-13 09:08:36.376 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:8881] glTexParameteri(0x8C1A, 0x2802, 33071) 12-13 09:08:36.376 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:10788] glTexParameteri() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.376 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:10784] glTexParameteri(0x8C1A, 0x2803, 33071) 12-13 09:08:36.376 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_1.cpp:8881] glTexParameteri(0x8C1A, 0x2803, 33071) 12-13 09:08:36.377 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:10317] glBindTexture() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.377 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:10832] glTexStorage3D(0x8C1A, 1, 0x8058, 1024, 1024, 2) 12-13 09:08:36.377 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_spy_3.cpp:8741] glTexStorage3D(0x8C1A, 1, 0x8058, 1024, 1024, 2) 12-13 09:08:36.377 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:10836] glTexStorage3D() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.377 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:10784] glTexParameteri(0x8C1A, 0x2802, 33071) 12-13 09:08:36.377 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:10784] glTexParameteri(0x8C1A, 0x2800, 9729) 12-13 09:08:36.378 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:3240] eglGetCurrentContext() -- done 12-13 09:08:36.378 23901 23954 D GAPID : [bazel-out/android-arm64-v8a-fastbuild/genfiles/gapii/cc/gles_exports.cpp:10313] glBindTexture(0x8C1A, 1) 12-13 09:08:36.378 23901 23954 F GAPID : [.\gapil/runtime/cc/slice.inc:182] Assert: : slice index out of bounds --------- beginning of crash