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Hello World Using Java

Hello World

Follow these steps to create a simple Hello World template and use it in Java:

  1. Create a new Maven project using your favorite IDE. (Soy is a plain Java library and will work with any Java build tool. This example uses Maven.) The final directory structure will look like this:

    ├── pom.xml
    └── src
        └── main
            └── java
                └── example
  2. All files that contain Soy end with the .soy file extension and are called Soy files. Create src/main/java/example/ containing the following line:

    {namespace examples.simple}

    This line declares a namespace for all the templates that you define in this file.

  3. Copy the following template to src/main/java/example/, making sure that it appears after the namespace declaration:

    {template .helloWorld}
      Hello world!

    This template simply outputs the text Hello world!. It has the partial name .helloWorld, which, when combined with the namespace, forms the fully qualified template name examples.simple.helloWorld.

  4. Now that we've written the template, we need to write the Java code to render the template. To do that, we need to tell Maven to add a dependency on Soy.

    pom.xml is the main Maven configuration file. Edit to add the dependency:

        <version>2018-03-14 </version> <!-- Or latest version.-->

    (See here for more information about the structure of pom.xml.)

  5. Create src/main/java/example/ with the following contents:

    package example;
    public class HelloWorld {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        SoyFileSet sfs = SoyFileSet
        SoyTofu tofu = sfs.compileToTofu();

    This example bundles the template files that you specify (in this case, just into a SoyFileSet object, then compiles the bundle into a SoyTofu object with a call to compileToTofu(). The final line calls the template, using the template's fully qualified name examples.simple.helloWorld, and renders its output to standard out.

  6. Add the following snippet to pom.xml to tell Maven how to execute the main class (HelloWorld):

  7. Run mvn package at the root of your project. You should see this message at standard out:

    Hello world!

Hello Name and Hello Names

  1. Add the following second template, called .helloName, to Note that .helloName takes a required parameter called name, which is declared by @param. It also takes an optional parameter greetingWord, which is declared by @param?. These parameters are referenced in the template body using the expressions $name and $greetingWord, respectively. This template also demonstrates that you can conditionally include content in templates via the if-else commands. You can put this template before or after the .helloWorld template, just as long as it's after the namespace declaration.

    /** Greets a person using "Hello" by default. */
    {template .helloName}
      {@param name: string} /** The person's name. */
      {@param? greetingWord: string} /**
                                      * Optional greeting word to use
                                      * instead of "Hello".
      {if not $greetingWord}
        Hello {$name}!
        {$greetingWord} {$name}!
  2. Add a third template to the file. This template, helloNames, demonstrates a for loop with an ifempty command. It also shows how to call other templates and insert their output using the call command. Note that the data="all" attribute in the call command passes all of the caller's template data to the callee template.

    /** Greets a person and optionally a list of other people. */
    {template .helloNames}
      {@param name: string} /** The person's name. */
      {@param additionalNames: list<string>} /**
                                              * Additional names to greet.
                                              * May be an empty list.
      // Greet the person.
      {call .helloName data="all" /}<br>
      // Greet the additional people.
      {for $additionalName in $additionalNames}
        {call .helloName}
          {param name: $additionalName /}
        {if not isLast($additionalName)}
          <br>  // break after every line except the last
        No additional people to greet.
  3. Now edit src/main/java/ to call the new templates and exercise them with data:

     package example;
     import java.util.Arrays;
     import java.util.HashMap;
     import java.util.List;
     import java.util.Map;
     public class HelloWorld {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
         SoyFileSet sfs = SoyFileSet
         // helloWorld
         SoyTofu tofu = sfs.compileToTofu();
         // For convenience, create another SoyTofu object that has a
         // namespace specified, so you can pass partial template names to
         // the newRenderer() method.
         SoyTofu simpleTofu = tofu.forNamespace("examples.simple");
         // helloName
         Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
         data.put("name", "Ana");
         // helloNames
         List<String> additionalNames = Arrays.asList("Bob", "Cid", "Dee");
         data.put("additionalNames", additionalNames);

    This example exercises the .helloName template with a Java Map in which the parameter name is mapped to the string Ana. For the .helloNames template, the example maps the parameter additionalNames to a list of strings Bob, Cid, Dee.

  4. Run mvn package at the root of your project. You should see this message at standard out:

    Hello world!
    Hello Ana!
    Hello Ana!<br>Hello Bob!<br>Hello Cid!<br>Hello Dee!

Using Guice

If your application uses Guice, you can inject Soy classes such as SoyFileSet.Builder instead of constructing them yourself. Your Guice injector must contain SoyModule.

For example, if you used Guice, the Hello World example from the previous section would start like this (with three additional import lines not shown):

    // Create a Guice injector that contains the SoyModule and use it get a SoyFileSet.Builder.
    Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new SoyModule());
    SoyFileSet.Builder sfsBuilder = injector.getInstance(SoyFileSet.Builder.class);

    // Bundle the Soy files for your project into a SoyFileSet.
    SoyFileSet sfs = sfsBuilder.add(new File("")).build();

Using SoyParseInfoGenerator

You might find it error-prone to type hard-coded strings for template names and template parameters. If so, you can use SoyParseInfoGenerator to generate Java classes for the template and parameter names in your templates. Follow the steps below to use SoyParseInfoGenerator with the Hello World example:

  1. Download the latest version of SoyParseInfoGenerator.jar from Maven Central and put it at the project root.

    Unlike the main Soy jar, SoyParseInfoGenerator.jar is executable, and can be run from the command line with java -jar SoyParseInfoGenerator.jar. The jar parses Soy files and generates Java classes that contain information such as template and parameter names. (Typically, you would want to run SoyParseInfoGenerator as part of a build step. This can be done with exec-maven-plugin for example, but it is outside the scope of this codelab.)

    Run SoyParseInfoGenerator with the following flags:

    $ java -jar SoyParseInfoGenerator.jar \
        --javaPackage example \
        --srcs src/main/java/example/

    This step creates the file src/main/java/example/

    Open src/main/java/example/ and look at the inner class that SoyParseInfoGenerator generated for each of the templates. For example, the class HelloName represents the .helloName template and HelloName.Builder#setName represents the .helloName template's parameter name.

  2. Edit src/main/java/example/ to look like this:

package example;

import example.SimpleTemplates;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class HelloWorld {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SoyFileSet sfs = SoyFileSet
    SoyTofu tofu = sfs.compileToTofu();

    SoyTofu simpleTofu = tofu.forNamespace("examples.simple");

    List<String> additionalNames = Arrays.asList("Bob", "Cid", "Dee");
  1. Run mvn package at the root of your project. You should see the same message as before:

    Hello world!
    Hello Ana!
    Hello Ana!<br>Hello Bob!<br>Hello Cid!<br>Hello Dee!

You've just completed the Soy Hello World using Java. Where should you go next?