We use Java reflection to access the Kotlin metadata API, so that we don't need a compile-time
+ * dependency on that API. This means that AutoValue can ship without a dependency on a particular
+ * version of the API, so projects can use AutoValue with whatever version of the API suits them.
+ */
+final class KotlinMetadata {
+ /** The {@code kotlin.Metadata} annotation class. */
+ private static final Class extends Annotation> KOTLIN_METADATA_ANNOTATION;
+ /** The {@code kotlinx.metadata.jvm.KotlinClassHeader} constructor. */
+ private static final Constructor> KOTLIN_CLASS_HEADER_CONSTRUCTOR;
+ /** The {@code kotlinx.metadata.jvm.KotlinClassMetadata.read(kotlin.Metadata)} method. */
+ private static final Method KOTLIN_CLASS_METADATA_READ;
+ /** The {@code kotlinx.metadata.jvm.KotlinClassMetadata.Class.toKmClass()} method. */
+ private static final Method KOTLIN_CLASS_METADATA_CLASS_TO_KM_CLASS;
+ /** The {@code kotlinx.metadata.KmClass.getConstructors()} method. */
+ private static final Method KM_CLASS_GET_CONSTRUCTORS;
+ /** The {@code kotlinx.metadata.KmConstructor.getValueParameters()} method. */
+ private static final Method KM_CONSTRUCTOR_GET_VALUE_PARAMETERS;
+ /** The {@code kotlinx.metadata.KmValueParameter.getName()} method. */
+ private static final Method KM_VALUE_PARAMETER_GET_NAME;
+ /** The {@code kotlinx.metadata.KmValueParameter.getFlags()} method. */
+ private static final Method KM_VALUE_PARAMETER_GET_FLAGS;
+ /** The {@code kotlinx.metadata.Flag.ValueParameter.DECLARES_DEFAULT_VALUE} field. */
+ /** The {@code kotlinx.metadata.Flag.invoke} method. */
+ private static final Method FLAG_INVOKE;
+ /** An exception that may have occurred while trying to look up any of the above. */
+ private static final ReflectiveOperationException KOTLIN_API_REFLECTIVE_OPERATION_EXCEPTION;
+ static {
+ Class extends Annotation> kotlinMetadataAnnotation = null;
+ Constructor> newKotlinClassHeader = null;
+ Method kotlinClassMetadataRead = null;
+ Method kotlinClassMetadataClassToKmClass = null;
+ Method kmClassGetConstructors = null;
+ Method kmConstuctorGetValueParameters = null;
+ Method kmValueParameterGetName = null;
+ Method kmValueParameterGetFlags = null;
+ Field flagValueParameterDeclaresDefaultValue = null;
+ Method flagInvoke = null;
+ boolean shouldWork = false;
+ ReflectiveOperationException kotlinApiReflectiveOperationException = null;
+ try {
+ kotlinMetadataAnnotation = Class.forName("kotlin.Metadata").asSubclass(Annotation.class);
+ Class> kotlinClassHeader = Class.forName("kotlinx.metadata.jvm.KotlinClassHeader");
+ shouldWork = true; // If we get the above but not the below, something is wrong.
+ newKotlinClassHeader =
+ kotlinClassHeader.getConstructor(
+ Integer.class,
+ int[].class,
+ String[].class,
+ String[].class,
+ String.class,
+ String.class,
+ Integer.class);
+ Class> kotlinClassMetadata = Class.forName("kotlinx.metadata.jvm.KotlinClassMetadata");
+ Class> kotlinMetadata = Class.forName("kotlin.Metadata");
+ kotlinClassMetadataRead = kotlinClassMetadata.getMethod("read", kotlinMetadata);
+ Class> kotlinClassMetadataClass =
+ Class.forName("kotlinx.metadata.jvm.KotlinClassMetadata$Class");
+ kotlinClassMetadataClassToKmClass = kotlinClassMetadataClass.getMethod("toKmClass");
+ Class> kmClass = Class.forName("kotlinx.metadata.KmClass");
+ kmClassGetConstructors = kmClass.getMethod("getConstructors");
+ Class> kmConstuctor = Class.forName("kotlinx.metadata.KmConstructor");
+ kmConstuctorGetValueParameters = kmConstuctor.getMethod("getValueParameters");
+ Class> kmValueParameter = Class.forName("kotlinx.metadata.KmValueParameter");
+ kmValueParameterGetName = kmValueParameter.getMethod("getName");
+ kmValueParameterGetFlags = kmValueParameter.getMethod("getFlags");
+ Class> flagValueParameter = Class.forName("kotlinx.metadata.Flag$ValueParameter");
+ flagValueParameterDeclaresDefaultValue =
+ flagValueParameter.getField("DECLARES_DEFAULT_VALUE");
+ Class> flag = Class.forName("kotlinx.metadata.Flag");
+ flagInvoke = flag.getMethod("invoke", int.class);
+ } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
+ if (shouldWork) {
+ kotlinApiReflectiveOperationException = e;
+ }
+ }
+ KOTLIN_METADATA_ANNOTATION = kotlinMetadataAnnotation;
+ KOTLIN_CLASS_METADATA_READ = kotlinClassMetadataRead;
+ KOTLIN_CLASS_METADATA_CLASS_TO_KM_CLASS = kotlinClassMetadataClassToKmClass;
+ KM_CLASS_GET_CONSTRUCTORS = kmClassGetConstructors;
+ KM_CONSTRUCTOR_GET_VALUE_PARAMETERS = kmConstuctorGetValueParameters;
+ KM_VALUE_PARAMETER_GET_NAME = kmValueParameterGetName;
+ KM_VALUE_PARAMETER_GET_FLAGS = kmValueParameterGetFlags;
+ FLAG_VALUE_PARAMETER_DECLARES_DEFAULT_VALUE = flagValueParameterDeclaresDefaultValue;
+ FLAG_INVOKE = flagInvoke;
+ KOTLIN_API_REFLECTIVE_OPERATION_EXCEPTION = kotlinApiReflectiveOperationException;
+ }
+ /**
+ * A copy of the Java equivalent of {@code kotlin.Metadata} which we will access through a {@link
+ * Proxy}.
+ */
+ interface KotlinMetadataAnnotation {
+ int k();
+ int[] mv();
+ String[] d1();
+ String[] d2();
+ String xs();
+ String pn();
+ int xi();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns an implementation of {@link KotlinMetadataAnnotation} that forwards its methods to the
+ * given annotation instance. It is expected that that instance has the same methods, or a
+ * superset of them.
+ */
+ private static KotlinMetadataAnnotation annotationProxy(Annotation annotation) {
+ InvocationHandler invocationHandler =
+ (unusedProxy, method, args) -> {
+ try {
+ Method annotationMethod = annotation.annotationType().getMethod(method.getName());
+ return annotationMethod.invoke(annotation, args);
+ } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
+ throw new VerifyException(e);
+ }
+ };
+ return Reflection.newProxy(KotlinMetadataAnnotation.class, invocationHandler);
+ }
+ static final AtomicBoolean complained = new AtomicBoolean(false);
+ /** Returns an equivalent of the {@code kotlin.Metadata} on the given element, if there is one. */
+ static Optional