` element has the `controls` attribute, you can simply set
+up the media session in the audio `play` event listener instead which occurs
+when user taps the "play" audio control.
+If you don't want to play audio right after the first interaction, I recommend
+you use the `load()` method of the audio element. This is one way for the
+browser to keep track of whether the user interacted with the element. Note
+that it may also help smooth the playback because the content will already
+be loaded.
+let audio = document.querySelector('audio');
+welcomeButton.addEventListener('pointerup', function(event) {
+ // User interacted with the page. Let's load audio...
+ audio.load()
+ .then(_ => { /* Show play button for instance... */ })
+ .catch(error => { console.log(error) });
+// Later...
+playButton.addEventListener('pointerup', function(event) {
+ audio.play()
+ .then(_ => { /* Set up media session... */ })
+ .catch(error => { console.log(error) });
+### Customize the notification
+When your web app is playing audio, you can already see a media notification
+sitting in the notification tray. On Android, Chrome does its best to show
+appropriate information by using the document's title and the largest icon
+image it can find.
+ Without media session
+ With media session
+#### Set metadata
+Let's see how to customize this media notification by setting some media
+session metadata such as the title, artist, album name, and artwork with the
+Media Session API.
+ // When audio starts playing...
+ if ('mediaSession' in navigator) {
+ navigator.mediaSession.metadata = new MediaMetadata({
+ title: 'Never Gonna Give You Up',
+ artist: 'Rick Astley',
+ album: 'Whenever You Need Somebody',
+ artwork: [
+ { src: 'https://dummyimage.com/96x96', sizes: '96x96', type: 'image/png' },
+ { src: 'https://dummyimage.com/128x128', sizes: '128x128', type: 'image/png' },
+ { src: 'https://dummyimage.com/192x192', sizes: '192x192', type: 'image/png' },
+ { src: 'https://dummyimage.com/256x256', sizes: '256x256', type: 'image/png' },
+ { src: 'https://dummyimage.com/384x384', sizes: '384x384', type: 'image/png' },
+ { src: 'https://dummyimage.com/512x512', sizes: '512x512', type: 'image/png' },
+ ]
+ });
+ }
+Once playback is done, you don't have to "release" the media session as the
+notification will automatically disappear. Keep in mind that current
+`navigator.mediaSession.metadata` will be used when any playback starts. This
+is why you need to update it to make sure you're always showing relevant
+information in the media notification.
+#### Previous track / next track
+If your web app provides a playlist, you may want to allow the user to navigate
+through your playlist directly from the media notification with some "Previous
+Track" and "Next Track" icons.
+ let audio = document.createElement('audio');
+ let playlist = ['audio1.mp3', 'audio2.mp3', 'audio3.mp3'];
+ let index = 0;
+ navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('previoustrack', function() {
+ // User clicked "Previous Track" media notification icon.
+ index = (index - 1 + playlist.length) % playlist.length;
+ playAudio();
+ });
+ navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('nexttrack', function() {
+ // User clicked "Next Track" media notification icon.
+ index = (index + 1) % playlist.length;
+ playAudio();
+ });
+ function playAudio() {
+ audio.src = playlist[index];
+ audio.play()
+ .then(_ => { /* Set up media session... */ })
+ .catch(error => { console.log(error); });
+ }
+ playButton.addEventListener('pointerup', function(event) {
+ playAudio();
+ });
+Note that media action handlers will persist. This is very similar to the event
+listener pattern except that handling an event means that the browser stops
+doing any default behaviour and uses this as a signal that your web app
+supports the media action. Hence, media action controls won't be shown unless
+you set the proper action handler.
+By the way, unsetting a media action handler is as easy as assigning it to `null`.
+#### Seek backward / seek forward
+The Media Session API allows you to show "Seek Backward" and "Seek Forward"
+media notification icons if you want to control the amount of time skipped.
+ let skipTime = 10; // Time to skip in seconds
+ navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('seekbackward', function() {
+ // User clicked "Seek Backward" media notification icon.
+ audio.currentTime = Math.max(audio.currentTime - skipTime, 0);
+ });
+ navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('seekforward', function() {
+ // User clicked "Seek Forward" media notification icon.
+ audio.currentTime = Math.min(audio.currentTime + skipTime, audio.duration);
+ });
+#### Play / pause
+The "Play/Pause" icon is always shown in the media notification and the related
+events are handled automatically by the browser. If for some reason the default
+behaviour doesn't work out, you can still handle "Play" and "Pause" media events.
+ navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('play', function() {
+ // User clicked "Play" media notification icon.
+ // Do something more than just playing current audio...
+ });
+ navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('pause', function() {
+ // User clicked "Pause" media notification icon.
+ // Do something more than just pausing current audio...
+ });
+Note: The browser may consider that the web app is not playing media when files
+are seeking or loading. You can override this behaviour by setting
+`navigator.mediaSession.playbackState` to `"playing"` or `"paused"`. This
+comes in handy when you want to make sure your web app UI stays in sync with
+the media notification controls.
+## Notifications everywhere
+The cool thing about the Media Session API is that the notification tray is not
+the only place where media metadata and controls are visible. The media
+notification is synced automagically to any paired wearable device. And it also
+shows up on lock screens.
+ Lock screen
+ Wear Notification
+## Make it play nice offline
+I know what you're thinking now... *[service worker] to the rescue!*
+True but first and foremost, you want to make sure **all items in this
+checklist are checked**:
+- All media and artwork files are served with the appropriate `Cache-Control`
+HTTP header. This will allow the browser to cache and reuse previously fetched
+resources. See the [Caching checklist].
+- Make sure all media and artwork files are served with the
+`Allow-Control-Allow-Origin: *` HTTP header. This will allow third-party web
+apps to fetch and consume HTTP responses from your web server.
+### The service worker caching strategy
+Regarding media files, I recommend a simple "[Cache, falling back to network]"
+strategy as illustrated by Jake Archibald.
+For artwork though, I'd be a little bit more specific and choose the approach
+- `If` artwork is already in the cache, serve it from the cache
+- `Else` fetch artwork from the network
+ - `If` fetch is successful, add network artwork to the cache and serve it
+ - `Else` serve the fallback artwork from the cache
+That way, media notifications will always have a nice artwork icon even when
+browser can't fetch them. Here's how you could implement this:
+ const FALLBACK_ARTWORK_URL = 'fallbackArtwork.png';
+ self.addEventListener('install', event => {
+ self.skipWaiting();
+ event.waitUntil(initArtworkCache());
+ });
+ function initArtworkCache() {
+ caches.open('artwork-cache-v1')
+ .then(cache => cache.add(FALLBACK_ARTWORK_URL));
+ }
+ self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
+ if (/artwork-[0-9]+\.png$/.test(event.request.url)) {
+ event.respondWith(handleFetchArtwork(event.request));
+ }
+ });
+ function handleFetchArtwork(request) {
+ // Return cache request if it's in the cache already, otherwise fetch
+ // network artwork.
+ return getCacheArtwork(request)
+ .then(cacheResponse => cacheResponse || getNetworkArtwork(request));
+ }
+ function getCacheArtwork(request) {
+ return caches.open('artwork-cache-v1')
+ .then(cache => cache.match(request));
+ }
+ function getNetworkArtwork(request) {
+ // Fetch network artwork.
+ return fetch(request)
+ .then(networkResponse => {
+ if (networkResponse.status !== 200) {
+ return Promise.reject('Network artwork response is not valid');
+ }
+ // Add artwork to the cache for later use and return network response.
+ addArtworkToCache(request, networkResponse.clone())
+ return networkResponse;
+ })
+ .catch(error => {
+ // Return cached fallback artwork.
+ return getCacheArtwork(new Request(FALLBACK_ARTWORK_URL))
+ });
+ }
+ function addArtworkToCache(request, response) {
+ return caches.open('artwork-cache-v1')
+ .then(cache => cache.put(request, response));
+ }
+Caution: If you want your service worker to be able to intercept artwork
+network requests on [the very first page load], you may want to call
+`clients.claim()` within your service worker once it's activated.
+### Let user control cache
+As the user consumes content from your web app, media and artwork files may
+take a lot of space on their device. It is **your responsibility to show how
+much cache is used and give users the ability to clear it**. Thankfully for us,
+doing so is pretty easy with the [Cache API].
+ // Here's how I'd compute how much cache is used by artwork files...
+ caches.open('artwork-cache-v1')
+ .then(cache => cache.matchAll())
+ .then(responses => {
+ let cacheSize = 0;
+ let blobQueue = Promise.resolve();
+ responses.forEach(response => {
+ let responseSize = response.headers.get('content-length');
+ if (responseSize) {
+ // Use content-length HTTP header when possible.
+ cacheSize += Number(responseSize);
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, use the uncompressed blob size.
+ blobQueue = blobQueue.then(_ => response.blob())
+ .then(blob => { cacheSize += blob.size; blob.close(); });
+ }
+ });
+ return blobQueue.then(_ => {
+ console.log('Artwork cache is about ' + cacheSize + ' Bytes.');
+ });
+ })
+ .catch(error => { console.log(error); });
+ // And here's how to delete some artwork files...
+ const artworkFilesToDelete = ['artwork1.png', 'artwork2.png', 'artwork3.png'];
+ caches.open('artwork-cache-v1')
+ .then(cache => Promise.all(artworkFilesToDelete.map(artwork => cache.delete(artwork))))
+ .catch(error => { console.log(error); });
+## Implementation notes
+- Chrome for Android requests "full" audio focus to show media notifications
+ only when the media file duration is [at least 5 seconds].
+- If no artwork is defined and there is an icon image at a desirable size, media
+ notifications will use it.
+- Notification artwork size in Chrome for Android is `512x512`. For
+ [low-end devices], it is `256x256`.
+- Dismiss media notifications with `audio.src = ''`.
+- As the [Web Audio API] doesn't request Android Audio Focus for historical
+ reasons, the only way to make it work with the Media Session API is to hook
+ up an `` element as the input source to the Web Audio API. Hopefully,
+ the proposed [Web AudioFocus API] will improve the situation in the
+ near future.
+## Support
+At the time of writing, Chrome for Android is the only platform that supports
+the Media Session API. More up-to-date information on browser implementation
+status can be found on [Chrome Platform Status].
+## Samples & demos
+Check out our official Chrome [Media Session sample] featuring [Jan Morgenstern's work].
+## Resources
+- Media Session Spec: [https://wicg.github.io/mediasession](https://wicg.github.io/mediasession)
+- Spec Issues: [https://github.com/WICG/mediasession/issues](https://github.com/WICG/mediasession/issues)
+- Chrome Bugs: [https://crbug.com/?q=component:Internals>Media>Session](https://crbug.com/?q=component:Internals>Media>Session)
+{% include "comment-widget.html" %}
+[Media Session API]: https://wicg.github.io/mediasession/
+[a user gesture]: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#activation
+[low-end devices]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/a66fe8713400ed760cd5d78931e536f33c5828d5/chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/media/ui/MediaNotificationManager.java#514
+[Service Worker]: /web/fundamentals/instant-and-offline/service-worker/lifecycle
+[Caching checklist]: /web/fundamentals/performance/optimizing-content-efficiency/http-caching
+[Cache, falling back to network]: https://jakearchibald.com/2014/offline-cookbook/#cache-falling-back-to-network
+[the very first page load]: /web/fundamentals/instant-and-offline/service-worker/lifecycle#clientsclaim
+[at least 5 seconds]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/5d8eab739eb23c4fd27ba6a18b0e1afc15182321/media/base/media_content_type.cc#10
+[Cache API]: /web/fundamentals/instant-and-offline/web-storage/offline-for-pwa
+[Media Session sample]: https://googlechrome.github.io/samples/media-session
+[Web Audio API]: /web/updates/2012/02/HTML5-audio-and-the-Web-Audio-API-are-BFFs
+[Chrome Platform Status]: https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5639924124483584
+[Web AudioFocus API]: https://wicg.github.io/audio-focus/explainer.html
+[Jan Morgenstern's work]: http://www.wavemage.com/category/music/
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Binary files /dev/null and b/src/content/en/updates/images/2017/02/wear.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/src/content/en/updates/images/2017/02/with-media-session.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/src/content/en/updates/images/2017/02/without-media-session.png differ