The Amqp bundle provides messaging support to your application.
To configure the bundle, make your configuration implement JpaSupport,
public class DSConfiguration extends BaseConfiguration implements AmqpSupport {
private AmqpConfiguration amqpConfiguration;
private QueueConfiguration queueConfiguration;
public AmqpConfiguration getAmqpConfiguration() {
return amqpConfiguration;
public void setAmqpConfiguration(AmqpConfiguration amqpConfiguration) {
this.amqpConfiguration = amqpConfiguration;
* @return the queueConfiguration
public QueueConfiguration getQueueConfiguration() {
return queueConfiguration;
* @param queueConfiguration the queueConfiguration to set
public void setQueueConfiguration(QueueConfiguration queueConfiguration) {
this.queueConfiguration = queueConfiguration;
In your yml configuration file, add the amqp configuration.
automaticRecovery: true
uri: amqp://${RABBITMQ_USER:-guest}:${RABBITMQ_PASSWORD:-guest}@${RABBITMQ_HOST:-localhost}:${RABBITMQ_PORT:-5672}
maxChannels: ${RABBITMQ_MAX_CHANNELS:-10}
minChannels: ${RABBITMQ_MIN_CHANNELS:-5}
# Known broker host list for auto connection recovery
- localhost
Add the bundle to your application class,
protected void addBundles(Bootstrap<DSConfiguration> bootstrap) {
bootstrap.addBundle(AmqpBundle.<DSConfiguration>builder().with(configuration -> {
Map<ConsumerConfiguration, EventHandler<?>> consumers = Maps.newHashMap();
consumers.put(configuration.getQueueConfiguration().getDriverConsumerConfiguration(), new DriverEventHandler()));
return consumers;
In your yml configuration file, add the queue configuration,
exchange: ${DRIVER_TOPIC_EXCHANGE:-driver_direct_exchange}
routingKey: driver.status
To raising an event to an exchange, you need to use AmqpProducer.
public class DriverActiveEvent extends Event {
public static final String TYPE = "driver_active_event";
* @param driver
* @param jobId
public DriverActiveEvent(Driver driver) {
super(driver, TYPE,;
* @param driverId
* @param type
* @param eventDate
DriverActiveEvent(@JsonProperty("entity_id") String driverId, @JsonProperty("type") String type, @JsonProperty("event_date") DateTime eventDate) {
super(driverId, type, eventDate);
public class DriverService {
private AmqpProducer producer;
private QueueConfiguration configuration;
public DriverService(DSConfiguration configuration, AmqpProducer producer) {
this.producer = producer;
this.configuration = configuration.getQueueConfiguration();
public void markActive(Driver driver) {
// Do something
raiseEvent(new DriverActiveEvent(driver));
* @param event
private void raiseEvent(Event event) {
producer.send(event, configuration.getDriverStatusDestination());;
In your yml configuration file, add the consumer configuration inside the queue configuration,
exchange: ${DRIVER_TOPIC_EXCHANGE:-driver_direct_exchange}
routingKey: driver.status
exchange: ${DRIVER_RETRY_DIRECT_EXCHANGE:-driver_retry_direct_exchange}
queueName: ${DRIVER_EVENTS_QUEUE:-driver_events}
To process messages from a consumer, you need to register an event handler,
public class DriverEventHandler implements EventHandler<Event> {
public final Status handle(Event event, String queueName, String routingKey, Map<String, Object> headers) {
try {
// Process the event
return Status.success;
} catch (Exception e) {
return isRetyable(e) ? Status.soft_failure : Status.hard_failure;
* The class to deserialize the json event into
public Class<E> getEventClass() {
return Event.class;
### Handling failed event retries
Make your event handler class extend `FixedRetryEventHandler` class. This class takes care of retrying `Status.soft_failure` events by publishing the event to the `` for a max of `driverConsumer.maxRetries` times after which it will be dead lettered.
public class DriverEventHandler extends FixedRetryHandler<Event> {
public DriverEventHandler(DSConfiguration configuration, AmqpConnection connection) {
super(connection, configuration.getQueueConfiguration().getDriverConsumerConfiguration().getRetryDestination(), Event.class, configuration.getQueueConfiguration().getDriverConsumerConfiguration().getMaxRetries());
protected Status handleInternal(Event event) {
try {
switch(event.getType()) {
case DriverActiveEvent.TYPE:
case DriverInActiveEvent.TYPE:
case DriverBusyEvent.TYPE:
return Status.success;
} catch (Exception e) {
return Status.soft_failure;
protected void handleMaxRetryExceeded(E event) {
// Handle what to do if max retry has exceeded. Event will be dead lettered in any case
With JPA, you may have a usecase to ensure the events are published only when the JPA transaction is successfully committed. You can use the AmqpQueuedProducer instead of the AmqpProducer in such cases. The AmqpQueuedProducer queues up the messages in thread local and publishes them only when the JPA transaction is successfully committed.
Add the following config parameter hibernate.ejb.interceptor: com.gojek.guice.QueuedProducerTransactionInterceptor
to your jpa configuration in the application configuration yaml file.
migrate: "true"
driverClass: "org.postgresql.Driver"
user: ${DB_USER:-ganesh.s}
password: ${DB_PASSWORD:-}
url: jdbc:postgresql://${DB_HOST:-localhost}:${DB_PORT:-5432}/${DB_NAME:-ds}?autoReconnect=true
hibernate.show_sql: ${DB_LOG_SQL:-true}
hibernate.format_sql: "false"
# create-drop
hibernate.ejb.interceptor: com.gojek.guice.QueuedProducerTransactionInterceptor
While publishing use the AmpqQueuedProducer.
public class DriverService {
private AmqpQueuedProducer queuedProducer;
* @param event
private void raiseEvent(Event event) {
queuedProducer.send(event, configuration.getDriverStatusDestination());;
AMQP consumers run on a different thread. So when using this with JPA, you need to make sure the entity managers are properly closed after every message is processed. Else you may get first level cache (like in Hibernate) hits for subsequent calls leading to data corruption in your db. To fix this issue you will have to write a wrapper around the handle() method of the event handler. The below example shows a wrapper written for Ampq-Guice-JPA combination.
public class DriverEventHandler extends FixedRetryHandler<Event> {
private ActiveJpaGuiceExecutionWrapper executionWrapper;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DriverEventHandler.class);
public DriverEventHandler(DSConfiguration configuration, AmqpConnection connection) {
super(connection, configuration.getQueueConfiguration().getDriverConsumerConfiguration().getRetryDestination(), Event.class, configuration.getQueueConfiguration().getDriverConsumerConfiguration().getMaxRetries());
this.executionWrapper = new ActiveJpaGuiceExecutionWrapper();
protected Status handleInternal(Event event) {
try {
// Any jpa operations should be wrapped under the execution wrapper for proper handling on entity manager
return executionWrapper.execute((optional) -> {
switch(event.getType()) {
case DriverActiveEvent.TYPE:
case DriverInActiveEvent.TYPE:
case DriverBusyEvent.TYPE:
return Status.success;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed while handling the event - " + event.getEventId(), e);
return Status.soft_failure;