You’ve probably heard that Math and programming have a lot in common. It’s quite true since programming is based on Mathematics the same way Physics is. It shouldn’t be much of a surprise to see a lot of Mathematics in programming.
Till now, we’ve seen strings being assigned to variables; but, just like in maths we can assign integers to variables and do mathematical operations on them.
A computer in its simplest form is a calculator and it can do everything that a basic calculator(+, -, ×, ÷) can do (and it can do it really well). The only difference between your calculator and Python is that we use * for multiplication (×) and / for division (÷).
Note: Computers do follow BODMAS.
Let’s look at some examples:
x = 10 #Assign the variable x to the int 10!
print( (x+10) / 2 ) #Output:10
print( (x+10)*2 ) #Output:40
print( x + 10 - 5 ) #Output:15
We have one more function in programming called modulus, it is represented with
. It gives the remainder when you are dividing two numbers.
print(5%2) #Output: 1; (5÷2 = 2 remainder 1!)
Eve wants to calculate the final price after a discount is applied on an order. She is told that the total price is $150 and the amount of discount given is 25%. Calculate the price after the 25% discount and print this discounted price.