Awesome Logseq extensions created by the community <3
Add style to your logseq/custom.css
- logseq-dracula By SlyBouhafs
- logseq_ono-sendai By Cannibalox:
- logseq-dark-hpx By Cannibalox:
- LogseqxRoam By Yash:
- Base16-logseq By Nikdoof:
- logseq-bujo-theme By PiotrSss:
- logseq-clean-themes By PiotrSss
- another logseq-dracula (more orange than pink) By akhater
- Harmony-theme-for-Logseq By DubininDmitry
- Logseq Gruvbox By @TallGuyJenks
- logseq-clean-themes-alt a fork of logseq-clean-themes By pengx17
- Logseq Base16 Atelier Forest By Denaro
- logseq-bonofix-theme By Sansui233
- An introduction to Logseq By Ed (Tech and Travel with Ed)
- Logseq Update Video
- How I use Logseq Daily
- Logseq Update for Local File Storage
- Roam Research Best Free Alternative Logseq By Santi Younger
- How I'm Using Logseq For My DevLog & Technical Notes By @tallguyjenks
- Lupin By akhater - Supercharge LogSeq with this Telegram chatbot - Flashcards | Brainmaps | Hypothesis Annotations | Quick entries | TODO | Bookmarks | Images upload and more
- logseq-tools By PiotrSss - calendars, themes and more
- logseq-encrypt-ui By Kanru - encrypt and decrypt all the files
- logseq-snippets By Greg - custom queries, code snippets, RSS feeds, and other extensions of the Logseq platform
- logseq-zotero By Aljedaxi - rudimentary means of exporting a zotero library to logseq
- gcal2logseq By Will - Python Script + Alfred Workflow to add Google Calendar events into your graph
- todoist2logseq By Will - Bash Script + Alfred Workflow to import tasks from Todoist into your graph
- org-logseq By ansmirnov - A script for navigating and editing logseq files using emacs.
- org-logseq By llcc - Another elisp package to work with logseq when using emacs.
- webapp to local asset folder By lezuber - A small python script for logseq webapp users that want to switch to the local version. It downloads all images to the local /assets folder.