Compile data models down to column level aim at querying without using any string, by knowing the data types scanning data can be faster than hand-writing rows.Scan even it's still the trusted official drivers.
go 1.18+, currently supports Postgres, Mysql, Clickhouse, Sqlite and more is coming.
- Model builder, will build table structure for queries & body type as data container, with custom type & enum supports
- Relations, eager loading, join with predefined foreign keys / middle table
- Integrated query builder base on Masterminds/squirrel with type safe output
- Prebuild complex queries for fast querying & type safe output
- Condition without string, prebuild columns definition in table structure to avoid using string
- Type specific scanner, make it faster than native rows.Scan
- Production grade Performance, avoid using reflect after initialization and other optimization. Please see benchmarks / details
- Schema wrapping, easy to archive schema data isolation
- Flexible log and tracing, built in support with zerolog, otel, interface for custom logger/tracer
- AI friendly, pre-generated code is easy for AI to understand compare to string
Talk is cheap, show me the code!
For more examples, please check test folder
model.MainSchema.Use(func(mainSchema *model.MainSchema) { // syntax sugar to avoid long prefix chain
// simple select
user, err := mainSchema.ModelWithMultipleKeys.Select(). // select all columns
GetOne("keyValue1", "keyValue2"...) // get by primary key value(s)
// select with eager loading
user, err := mainSchema.User.Select(mainSchema.User.Id, mainSchema.User.Username). // select columns with predefined column fields
Where(mainSchema.User.Id.Eq(191234).And(mainSchema.User.Flags.Any(1))). // condition without hand-writing string
Eager(mainSchema.User.Orders.Columns(mainSchema.Order.Amount). // eager loading with options
Eager(mainSchema.Order.Products)). // multiple levels eager loading
// relation loading
cards, err := user.LoadCards()
// join query
rows, err := mainSchema.User.Select(mainSchema.User.Id, mainSchema.User.Username, mainSchema.User.Bookmarks, mainSchema.UserBookmark.Name).
JoinForeignKey(mainSchema.User.BookmarkIds). // join with predefined foreign key
// insert
err = mainSchema.User.Insert(&model.UserBody{...}, preform.EditConfig{Tx: tx, Ctx: ctx}) // with optional insert config
err = mainSchema.User.InsertBatch([]*model.UserBody{...})
err = user.Insert(preform.EditConfig{Cascading: true})
// update
err = user.Update(preform.UpdateConfig{Tx: tx, Ctx: ctx, Cols: []preform.ICol{mainSchema.User.Username}}) // with optional update config
affected, err = mainSchema.User.Update().Set(mainSchema.User.Username, "test").Where(mainSchema.User.Id.Eq(1)).Exec()
// delete
deleted, err = user.Delete(preform.EditConfig{Tx: tx, Ctx: ctx}) // with optional delete config
deleted, err = mainSchema.User.Delete().Where(mainSchema.User.Id.Eq(1)).Exec()
// build with main.go, using code to generate is more straightforward & flexible than cli IMO
preform.BuildModel(nativeDbConn, "pkgName", "outputPath", "schema1", "schema2" ...)
// models will be generated along with source code in src folder, add go file to define more advanced structure
func (d *MainSchema_order) Setup() (skipAutoSetter bool) {
d.Status.OverwriteType(preform.ColumnDef[CUSTOM_STATUS_ENUM]{}) // overwrite column type
d.UserId.SetAssociatedKey(MainSchema.user.Id, preform.FkRelationName("Buyer")) // custom foreign key field, set relation name in this case
d.CardId.SetAssociatedKey(MainSchema.card.Id) // retain auto joining from original generated code
return true
// define in src folder init() as part of customize model
PrebuildQueries = append(PrebuildQueries, queryBuilder.Build("getNotificationCount",
func(builder *queryBuilder.QueryBuilder, main *MainSchema) {
main.user.Id.SetAlias("UId"), // field alias
main.Notification.Id.Count().SetAlias("Cnt"), // field alias
LeftJoin(main.Notification, main.Notification.TargetIds.Any(main.user.Id).And(main.Notification.Target.Eq(2))). // joining condition
Where(main.Notification.Target.Eq(2)). // predefine condition
Having(main.Notification.Status.NotEq(0)). // predefine having
GroupBy(main.user.Id, main.Notification.Priority) // predefine group by
// query
notes, err := model.GetAdminNotifications.Select(model.GetNotificationCount.Cnt, model.GetNotificationCount.UId). // custom select columns
Where(model.GetNotificationCount.UId.Eq(1)). // additional where condition
GetAll() // type safe output
# with local docker postgres, 1000 rows on Apple M1 MAX
goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
BenchmarkPreformSelectAll-20 1107 1114150 ns/op 313897 B/op 12231 allocs/op #1000 rows
BenchmarkPreformSelectAllFast-20 1598 718653 ns/op 260551 B/op 9337 allocs/op #1000 rows
BenchmarkPreformSelectEager-20 327 4195277 ns/op 2111897 B/op 31951 allocs/op #100 rows + 1000 + 1000
BenchmarkPreformSelectEagerFast-20 385 3184728 ns/op 2001004 B/op 25971 allocs/op #100 rows + 1000 + 1000
BenchmarkGormSelectAll-20 506 2805352 ns/op 416675 B/op 23210 allocs/op #1000 rows
BenchmarkGormSelectEager-20 129 9838620 ns/op 3537747 B/op 67227 allocs/op #100 rows + 1000 + 1000
BenchmarkEntSelectAll-20 721 1592649 ns/op 639373 B/op 20357 allocs/op #1000 rows
BenchmarkEntSelectEager-20 267 5305585 ns/op 2025764 B/op 48888 allocs/op #100 rows + 1000 + 1000
BenchmarkSqlxStructScan-20 814 1529897 ns/op 651149 B/op 12183 allocs/op #1000 rows
BenchmarkSqlRawScan-20 874 1350841 ns/op 650702 B/op 12180 allocs/op #1000 rows