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A productive ORM in GO

MIT license

Compile data models down to column level aim at querying without using any string, by knowing the data types scanning data can be faster than hand-writing rows.Scan even it's still the trusted official drivers.

go 1.18+, currently supports Postgres, Mysql, Clickhouse, Sqlite and more is coming.


  • Model builder, will build table structure for queries & body type as data container, with custom type & enum supports
  • Relations, eager loading, join with predefined foreign keys / middle table
  • Integrated query builder base on Masterminds/squirrel with type safe output
  • Prebuild complex queries for fast querying & type safe output
  • Condition without string, prebuild columns definition in table structure to avoid using string
  • Type specific scanner, make it faster than native rows.Scan
  • Production grade Performance, avoid using reflect after initialization and other optimization. Please see benchmarks / details
  • Schema wrapping, easy to archive schema data isolation
  • Flexible log and tracing, built in support with zerolog, otel, interface for custom logger/tracer
  • AI friendly, pre-generated code is easy for AI to understand compare to string

Flow chart


Talk is cheap, show me the code!

For more examples, please check test folder


model.MainSchema.Use(func(mainSchema *model.MainSchema) { // syntax sugar to avoid long prefix chain
  // simple select
  user, err := mainSchema.ModelWithMultipleKeys.Select(). // select all columns
    GetOne("keyValue1", "keyValue2"...)                   // get by primary key value(s)

  // select with eager loading
  user, err := mainSchema.User.Select(mainSchema.User.Id, mainSchema.User.Username). // select columns with predefined column fields
    Where(mainSchema.User.Id.Eq(191234).And(mainSchema.User.Flags.Any(1))).          // condition without hand-writing string
    Eager(mainSchema.User.Orders.Columns(mainSchema.Order.Amount).                   // eager loading with options
        Eager(mainSchema.Order.Products)).                                           // multiple levels eager loading
  // relation loading
  cards, err := user.LoadCards() 

  // join query
  rows, err := mainSchema.User.Select(mainSchema.User.Id, mainSchema.User.Username, mainSchema.User.Bookmarks, mainSchema.UserBookmark.Name).
    JoinForeignKey(mainSchema.User.BookmarkIds). // join with predefined foreign key


// insert
err = mainSchema.User.Insert(&model.UserBody{...}, preform.EditConfig{Tx: tx, Ctx: ctx}) // with optional insert config

err = mainSchema.User.InsertBatch([]*model.UserBody{...})

err = user.Insert(preform.EditConfig{Cascading: true})

// update
err = user.Update(preform.UpdateConfig{Tx: tx, Ctx: ctx, Cols: []preform.ICol{mainSchema.User.Username}})  // with optional update config

affected, err = mainSchema.User.Update().Set(mainSchema.User.Username, "test").Where(mainSchema.User.Id.Eq(1)).Exec()

// delete
deleted, err = user.Delete(preform.EditConfig{Tx: tx, Ctx: ctx})  // with optional delete config

deleted, err = mainSchema.User.Delete().Where(mainSchema.User.Id.Eq(1)).Exec()

Building models

// build with main.go, using code to generate is more straightforward & flexible than cli IMO
preform.BuildModel(nativeDbConn, "pkgName", "outputPath", "schema1", "schema2" ...) 

Customize model

// models will be generated along with source code in src folder, add go file to define more advanced structure
func (d *MainSchema_order) Setup() (skipAutoSetter bool) {
  d.Status.OverwriteType(preform.ColumnDef[CUSTOM_STATUS_ENUM]{})                // overwrite column type
  d.UserId.SetAssociatedKey(MainSchema.user.Id, preform.FkRelationName("Buyer")) // custom foreign key field, set relation name in this case
  d.CardId.SetAssociatedKey(MainSchema.card.Id)                                  // retain auto joining from original generated code
  return true

Prebuild queries

// define in src folder init() as part of customize model
PrebuildQueries = append(PrebuildQueries, queryBuilder.Build("getNotificationCount",
  func(builder *queryBuilder.QueryBuilder, main *MainSchema) {
        main.user.Id.SetAlias("UId"),                   // field alias
        main.Notification.Id.Count().SetAlias("Cnt"),   // field alias
    LeftJoin(main.Notification, main.Notification.TargetIds.Any(main.user.Id).And(main.Notification.Target.Eq(2))).  // joining condition
    Where(main.Notification.Target.Eq(2)).                                                                           // predefine condition
    Having(main.Notification.Status.NotEq(0)).                                                                       // predefine having
    GroupBy(main.user.Id, main.Notification.Priority)                                                                // predefine group by

// query
notes, err := model.GetAdminNotifications.Select(model.GetNotificationCount.Cnt, model.GetNotificationCount.UId). // custom select columns
    Where(model.GetNotificationCount.UId.Eq(1)).                                                                  // additional where condition
    GetAll() // type safe output


# with local docker postgres, 1000 rows on Apple M1 MAX
goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
BenchmarkPreformSelectAll-20               1107    1114150 ns/op   313897 B/op    12231 allocs/op #1000 rows
BenchmarkPreformSelectAllFast-20           1598     718653 ns/op   260551 B/op     9337 allocs/op #1000 rows
BenchmarkPreformSelectEager-20              327    4195277 ns/op  2111897 B/op    31951 allocs/op #100 rows + 1000 + 1000
BenchmarkPreformSelectEagerFast-20          385    3184728 ns/op  2001004 B/op    25971 allocs/op #100 rows + 1000 + 1000
BenchmarkGormSelectAll-20                   506    2805352 ns/op   416675 B/op    23210 allocs/op #1000 rows
BenchmarkGormSelectEager-20                 129    9838620 ns/op  3537747 B/op    67227 allocs/op #100 rows + 1000 + 1000
BenchmarkEntSelectAll-20                    721    1592649 ns/op   639373 B/op    20357 allocs/op #1000 rows
BenchmarkEntSelectEager-20                  267    5305585 ns/op  2025764 B/op    48888 allocs/op #100 rows + 1000 + 1000
BenchmarkSqlxStructScan-20                  814    1529897 ns/op   651149 B/op    12183 allocs/op #1000 rows
BenchmarkSqlRawScan-20                      874    1350841 ns/op   650702 B/op    12180 allocs/op #1000 rows




A productive ORM in Go faster than hard code







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