` + "\n"
+// Theme method for Divider
+func (theme Theme) Divider() string {
+ return ``
+// Theme method for Container with customizable width, height, and background
+func (theme Theme) Container(content, width, height, background string) string {
+ // Set default values if not provided
+ if width == "" {
+ width = "100%"
+ }
+ if height == "" {
+ height = "auto"
+ }
+ if background == "" {
+ background = "transparent"
+ }
+ return `
` + content + `
+// Flexbox alignment for content with customizable horizontal and vertical alignment
+func (theme Theme) Align(content, align string) string {
+ // Set default alignment to left if not provided
+ if align == "" {
+ align = "left"
+ }
+ return `
` + content + `
+// Theme method for Form with action URL, input fields, and submit button
+func (theme Theme) Form(fields []string, actionURL string, realmFunc string, submitText string) string {
+ formTitle := `
` + realmFunc + `
+ return formTitle + ``
+// Standalone functions for default theme components
+func Form(fields []string, actionURL string, realmFunc string, submitText string) string {
+ var theme Theme = DefaultTheme()
+ return theme.Form(fields, actionURL, realmFunc, submitText)
+func Navbar(links map[string]string) string {
+ var theme Theme = DefaultTheme()
+ return theme.Navbar(links)
+func Button(text, href string) string {
+ var theme Theme = DefaultTheme()
+ return theme.Button(text, href)
+func Image(src, width, height string) string {
+ var theme Theme = DefaultTheme()
+ return theme.Image(src, width, height)
+func Card(content, width, height string) string {
+ var theme Theme = DefaultTheme()
+ return theme.Card(content, width, height)
+func TextInput(name, placeholder string) string {
+ var theme Theme = DefaultTheme()
+ return theme.TextInput(name, placeholder)
+func CodeBlock(code string) string {
+ var theme Theme = DefaultTheme()
+ return theme.CodeBlock(code)
+func Grid(items []string, columns int, gap string, textAlign string) string {
+ var theme Theme = DefaultTheme()
+ return theme.Grid(items, columns, gap, textAlign)
+func Footer(links []string) string {
+ var theme Theme = DefaultTheme()
+ return theme.Footer(links)
+func Heading(level int, text string) string {
+ var theme Theme = DefaultTheme()
+ return theme.Heading(level, text)
+func Paragraph(text string) string {
+ var theme Theme = DefaultTheme()
+ return theme.Paragraph(text)
+func Divider() string {
+ var theme Theme = DefaultTheme()
+ return theme.Divider()
+// Applies the default margin to content
+func Margin(content, margin string) string {
+ var theme Theme = DefaultTheme()
+ return theme.Margin(content, margin)
+// Applies the default padding to content
+func Padding(content, margin string) string {
+ var theme Theme = DefaultTheme()
+ return theme.Padding(content, margin)
+func Container(content, width, height, background string) string {
+ var theme Theme = DefaultTheme()
+ return theme.Container(content, width, height, background)
+func Align(content, align string) string {
+ var theme Theme = DefaultTheme()
+ return theme.Align(content, align)
diff --git a/examples/gno.land/p/demo/uif/uif_test.gno b/examples/gno.land/p/demo/uif/uif_test.gno
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9665f1ea684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gno.land/p/demo/uif/uif_test.gno
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+package uif
diff --git a/examples/gno.land/r/demo/uif/gno.mod b/examples/gno.land/r/demo/uif/gno.mod
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7ac9b0756fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gno.land/r/demo/uif/gno.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module gno.land/r/demo/uif
+require (
+ gno.land/p/demo/uassert v0.0.0-latest
+ gno.land/p/demo/uif v0.0.0-latest
diff --git a/examples/gno.land/r/demo/uif/uif.gno b/examples/gno.land/r/demo/uif/uif.gno
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a0768703d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gno.land/r/demo/uif/uif.gno
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+package uif
+import (
+ "strings"
+ "gno.land/p/demo/uif"
+// RenderHomePage - Renders the Home page with the introduction and navigation
+func RenderHomePage() string {
+ // Define a custom theme for the page
+ customTheme := uif.Theme{
+ PrimaryColor: "#3498db", // Blue color
+ SecondaryColor: "#2ecc71", // Green color
+ FontSize: "18px", // Slightly larger font size
+ BorderRadius: "8px", // More rounded corners
+ DefaultPadding: "12px 24px", // Custom padding for better spacing
+ DefaultMargin: "10px",
+ }
+ // Navbar with links and href values using the theme method
+ navbarLinks := map[string]string{
+ "Home": "/r/demo/uif",
+ "Components": "/r/demo/uif:components",
+ "Themes": "/r/demo/uif:themes",
+ "UI Package": "/r/demo/uif:ui-package",
+ }
+ navbar := customTheme.Navbar(navbarLinks)
+ // Heading for the introduction
+ headingIntro := customTheme.Heading(1, "Welcome to the UIF Package Home Page")
+ // Introduction paragraph
+ paragraphIntro := customTheme.Paragraph(`
+ The UIF package offers an easy way to create reusable UI components with a built-in theming system.
+ You can either use the default theme or define your own custom theme for a consistent and flexible UI design.
+ In this guide, you'll learn how to use the package, see examples, and discover how it can simplify UI development.
+ Whether you're creating forms, buttons, or entire layouts, UIF provides the tools you need to build
+ a clean, responsive interface.
+ `)
+ // Feature Section: Benefits of Using UIF
+ headingFeatures := customTheme.Heading(2, "Why Use UIF?")
+ paragraphFeatures := customTheme.Paragraph(`
+ UIF provides several advantages for developers looking to streamline UI development:
Consistency: Ensure a uniform look and feel across all components with theming.
Reusability: Create reusable UI elements that can be used across multiple pages.
Flexibility: Customize each component using the default or custom themes for a personalized experience.
Responsiveness: All components are designed to be responsive, adapting to different screen sizes.
+ `)
+ // How it Works Section
+ headingHowItWorks := customTheme.Heading(2, "How Does It Work?")
+ paragraphHowItWorks := customTheme.Paragraph(`
+ UIF makes it easy to build and customize UI components. With just a few lines of code, you can create buttons,
+ cards, text inputs, and other essential elements. Themes allow you to customize colors, fonts, padding, and more
+ to fit your application's branding or user preferences.
+ You can even create custom themes to meet specific design requirements.
+ `)
+ // Call-to-action button for exploring the guide
+ buttonExplore := customTheme.Button("Explore Now", "/r/demo/uif:components")
+ // Divider to separate sections
+ divider := customTheme.Divider()
+ // Footer for the page
+ footer := customTheme.Footer([]string{"Privacy Policy", "Contact", "Terms of Service"})
+ // Organize content using grid layout
+ gridItems := []string{
+ headingIntro + paragraphIntro + divider,
+ headingHowItWorks + paragraphHowItWorks + buttonExplore + divider,
+ headingFeatures + paragraphFeatures,
+ }
+ // Create a grid with 1 column, 40px gap, and left-aligned text
+ contentGrid := customTheme.Grid(gridItems, 1, "0", "left")
+ // Combine everything into the home page
+ return navbar + contentGrid + footer
+func RenderComponentsPage() string {
+ // Use default theme for the components page
+ // Navbar with links and href values using default theme
+ navbarLinks := map[string]string{
+ "Home": "/r/demo/uif",
+ "Components": "/r/demo/uif:components",
+ "Themes": "/r/demo/uif:themes",
+ "UI Package": "/r/demo/uif:ui-package",
+ }
+ navbar := uif.Navbar(navbarLinks)
+ // Main title and introduction using default theme
+ headingMain := uif.Heading(1, "Components Overview")
+ descriptionMain := uif.Paragraph(`
+ This page provides an overview of the various UI components available in the UIF package. Each component is customizable
+ through the use of themes, allowing you to modify colors, padding, and other styling properties. Explore how these
+ components can be used to create beautiful, responsive user interfaces.
+ `)
+ // Section: Button Component
+ buttonTitle := uif.Heading(2, "Button Component")
+ descriptionButton := uif.Paragraph(`
+ Buttons are interactive elements that users can click to trigger actions. You can define the button's text,
+ link, and appearance using the default theme. Adjust the padding, background colors, and border radius to fit your design.
+ `)
+ button := uif.Button("Click Me", "#")
+ // Define a custom theme for a large button
+ customLargeButtonTheme := uif.Theme{
+ PrimaryColor: "#1abc9c", // Teal color
+ SecondaryColor: "#16a085", // Darker teal
+ DefaultPadding: "16px 32px", // Larger padding for a bigger button
+ FontSize: "20px", // Bigger font size
+ BorderRadius: "12px",
+ DefaultMargin: "10px",
+ }
+ buttonLarge := customLargeButtonTheme.Button("Learn More", "#")
+ buttonCode := uif.CodeBlock(`
+button := uif.Button("Click Me", "#")
+buttonLarge := customLargeButtonTheme.Button("Learn More", "#")
+ `)
+ // Section: Text Input Component
+ textInputTitle := uif.Heading(2, "Text Input Component")
+ descriptionTextInput := uif.Paragraph(`
+ TextInput fields allow users to input text. Customize the placeholder text, padding, and border radius using the default theme.
+ `)
+ textInput := uif.TextInput("name", "Enter your name")
+ textInputEmail := uif.Theme{
+ PrimaryColor: "#2980b9", // Blue color
+ DefaultPadding: "10px 20px", // Custom padding for the input
+ FontSize: "16px", // Regular font size
+ BorderRadius: "8px",
+ DefaultMargin: "10px", // Rounded corners
+ }.TextInput("email", "Enter your email")
+ textInputCode := uif.CodeBlock(`
+textInput := uif.TextInput("name","Enter your name")
+textInputEmail := uif.Theme{
+ PrimaryColor: "#2980b9",
+ Padding: "10px 20px",
+ FontSize: "16px",
+ BorderRadius: "8px",
+}.TextInput("email","Enter your email")
+ `)
+ formTitle := uif.Heading(2, "Form Component")
+ descriptionForm := uif.Paragraph(`
+ Forms allow users to input data, which can then be submitted to the help page of realm.
+ `)
+ // Form fields using TextInput
+ fields := []string{
+ uif.TextInput("addr", "Enter address"),
+ }
+ // Create the form with action URL
+ form := uif.Form(fields, "/r/demo/users", "GetUserByAddress", "Submit")
+ // Section: Card Component with custom width and height
+ cardTitle := uif.Heading(2, "Card Component")
+ descriptionCard := uif.Paragraph(`
+ The Card component is used to group related content inside a bordered, padded container.
+ It’s commonly used to display content in a neatly organized box with a consistent style.
+ You can use the theme to modify the card's padding, border, and shadow effects, as well as its width and height.
+ `)
+ cardContent := uif.Paragraph("This is a card component with some content.")
+ card := uif.Card(cardContent, "", "") // Card with default dimensions
+ cardWithImage := uif.Card(uif.Image("https://letsenhance.io/static/8f5e523ee6b2479e26ecc91b9c25261e/1015f/MainAfter.jpg", "", "200px")+uif.Paragraph("This card contains an image and text."), "400px", "auto")
+ cardCode := uif.CodeBlock(`
+cardContent := uif.Paragraph("This is a card component with some content.")
+card := uif.Card(cardContent, "", "") // Card with default dimensions
+// Card with image and custom dimensions
+cardWithImage := uif.Card(uif.Image("https://letsenhance.io/static/8f5e523ee6b2479e26ecc91b9c25261e/1015f/MainAfter.jpg", "300px", "200px") + uif.Paragraph("This card contains an image and text."), "400px", "auto")
+ `)
+ // Section: Divider Component
+ dividerTitle := uif.Heading(2, "Divider Component")
+ descriptionDivider := uif.Paragraph(`
+ Dividers are horizontal lines used to visually separate sections of content. They can be styled using the default theme
+ to change their color, thickness, and margins.
+ `)
+ divider := uif.Divider()
+ dividerCode := uif.CodeBlock(`
+divider := uif.Divider()
+ `)
+ // Section: Image Component with custom dimensions
+ imageTitle := uif.Heading(2, "Image Component")
+ descriptionImage := uif.Paragraph(`
+ The Image component allows you to add pictures to your page. You can adjust the border radius, width, and height
+ to fit your design. Images can be displayed in cards or standalone.
+ `)
+ image := uif.Image("https://letsenhance.io/static/8f5e523ee6b2479e26ecc91b9c25261e/1015f/MainAfter.jpg", "300px", "200px")
+ imageCode := uif.CodeBlock(`
+image := uif.Image("https://letsenhance.io/static/8f5e523ee6b2479e26ecc91b9c25261e/1015f/MainAfter.jpg", "300px", "200px")
+ `)
+ // Footer
+ footer := uif.Footer([]string{"Privacy Policy", "Contact", "Terms of Service"})
+ // Combine everything into the components page
+ return navbar + headingMain + descriptionMain +
+ imageTitle + descriptionImage + image + imageCode +
+ cardTitle + descriptionCard + card + cardWithImage + cardCode +
+ buttonTitle + descriptionButton + button + buttonLarge + buttonCode +
+ textInputTitle + descriptionTextInput + textInput + textInputEmail + textInputCode +
+ formTitle + descriptionForm + form +
+ dividerTitle + descriptionDivider + divider + dividerCode +
+ footer
+// RenderThemesPage - Renders the page that explains how to apply themes in UIF
+func RenderThemesPage(themeColor string) string {
+ // Define available themes in a map
+ themes := map[string]uif.Theme{
+ "purple": {
+ PrimaryColor: "#8e44ad", // Purple color
+ SecondaryColor: "#9b59b6", // Light purple
+ FontSize: "18px", // Larger font size
+ DefaultPadding: "12px 24px", // Custom padding
+ BorderRadius: "10px",
+ DefaultMargin: "10px", // Rounded corners
+ },
+ "blue": {
+ PrimaryColor: "#2980b9", // Blue color
+ SecondaryColor: "#3498db", // Light blue
+ FontSize: "16px", // Smaller font size
+ DefaultPadding: "10px 20px", // Custom padding
+ BorderRadius: "8px",
+ DefaultMargin: "10px", // Slightly rounded corners
+ },
+ "green": {
+ PrimaryColor: "#27ae60", // Green color
+ SecondaryColor: "#2ecc71", // Light green
+ FontSize: "20px", // Larger font size
+ DefaultPadding: "14px 28px", // Larger padding
+ BorderRadius: "12px",
+ DefaultMargin: "10px", // More rounded corners
+ },
+ }
+ // Select the theme based on the themeColor argument
+ theme, exists := themes[themeColor]
+ if !exists {
+ // Default to purple if the theme is not recognized
+ theme = themes["purple"]
+ }
+ // Navbar with links and href values
+ navbarLinks := map[string]string{
+ "Home": "/r/demo/uif",
+ "Components": "/r/demo/uif:components",
+ "Themes": "/r/demo/uif:themes",
+ "UI Package": "/r/demo/uif:ui-package",
+ }
+ navbar := theme.Navbar(navbarLinks)
+ // Main themes overview heading and description
+ heading := theme.Heading(1, "Themes Overview")
+ paragraph := theme.Paragraph(`
+ The UIF package allows you to define and apply themes for consistency across your UI components. Themes help you maintain
+ a cohesive design by allowing you to set properties such as primary and secondary colors, font size, border radius,
+ and padding, which are applied to all UI elements.
+ `)
+ // Section: Benefits of Using Themes
+ benefitsTitle := theme.Heading(2, "Why Use Themes?")
+ benefitsText := theme.Paragraph(`
+ Using themes ensures a consistent look and feel across your entire application. By defining colors, font sizes,
+ and other styles in one place, you make it easier to update your design. It also allows you to quickly switch between
+ different styles based on user preferences or branding requirements.
+ `)
+ // Section: How to Define a Theme
+ defineTitle := theme.Heading(2, "How to Define a Theme")
+ defineText := theme.Paragraph(`
+ A theme in UIF is defined by specifying a primary color, secondary color, font size, padding, and border radius. These
+ properties are applied to all UI components such as buttons, cards, text inputs, and more. Here's an example of how to
+ define and apply a theme in UIF:
+ `)
+ defineCode := theme.CodeBlock(`
+theme := uif.Theme{
+ PrimaryColor: "#8e44ad", // Purple
+ SecondaryColor: "#9b59b6", // Light Purple
+ FontSize: "18px", // Larger font
+ DefaultPadding: "12px 24px", // Custom padding
+ BorderRadius: "10px", // Rounded corners
+button := theme.Button("Click Me", "#")
+ `)
+ // Dynamic button creation for each theme
+ themeButtonsTitle := theme.Heading(2, "Apply a Theme")
+ themeButtonsText := theme.Paragraph(`
+ Click on the buttons below to see how different themes can be applied across your UI components. Each button represents
+ a unique theme with different color schemes and styles.
+ `)
+ buttonPurple := themes["purple"].Button("Apply Purple Theme", "/r/demo/uif:themes/purple")
+ buttonBlue := themes["blue"].Button("Apply Blue Theme", "/r/demo/uif:themes/blue")
+ buttonGreen := themes["green"].Button("Apply Green Theme", "/r/demo/uif:themes/green")
+ // Section: Example UI Components with Selected Theme
+ exampleTitle := theme.Heading(2, "Example Components with the Current Theme")
+ exampleText := theme.Paragraph(`
+ Below are examples of how the selected theme is applied to various UI components. You can see how the colors, padding,
+ and other styles change based on the current theme.
+ `)
+ buttonExample := theme.Button("Sample Button", "#")
+ cardExample := theme.Card(theme.Paragraph("This is a sample card with the current theme."), "300px", "auto")
+ inputExample := theme.TextInput("name", "Enter your name")
+ // Divider
+ divider := theme.Divider()
+ // Footer
+ footer := theme.Footer([]string{"Privacy Policy", "Contact", "Terms of Service"})
+ // Combine everything into the themes page
+ return navbar +
+ heading +
+ paragraph +
+ benefitsTitle +
+ benefitsText +
+ defineTitle +
+ defineText +
+ defineCode +
+ themeButtonsTitle +
+ themeButtonsText +
+ buttonPurple + buttonBlue + buttonGreen +
+ exampleTitle +
+ exampleText +
+ buttonExample + cardExample + inputExample +
+ divider + footer
+// RenderUIPackagePage - Renders the UI Package page
+func RenderUIPackagePage() string {
+ // Define a theme for the UI Package page
+ theme := uif.Theme{
+ PrimaryColor: "#2980b9", // Dark blue color
+ SecondaryColor: "#3498db", // Light blue color
+ FontSize: "18px", // Larger font size
+ DefaultPadding: "12px 24px", // Custom padding
+ BorderRadius: "10px",
+ DefaultMargin: "10px", // Rounded corners
+ }
+ // Navbar with links and href values
+ navbarLinks := map[string]string{
+ "Home": "/r/demo/uif",
+ "Components": "/r/demo/uif:components",
+ "Themes": "/r/demo/uif:themes",
+ "UI Package": "/r/demo/uif:ui-package",
+ }
+ navbar := theme.Navbar(navbarLinks)
+ // UI Package page content
+ heading := theme.Heading(1, "UI Package Overview")
+ paragraph := theme.Paragraph(`The UIF package includes everything you need to build beautiful and responsive user interfaces.`)
+ // Button
+ button := theme.Button("Get Started with UIF", "#")
+ // Divider
+ divider := theme.Divider()
+ // Footer
+ footer := theme.Footer([]string{"Privacy Policy", "Contact", "Terms of Service"})
+ // Combine everything into the UI package page
+ return navbar + heading + paragraph + button + divider + footer
+// Render - the main entry point for displaying different pages
+func Render(path string) string {
+ segments := strings.Split(path, "/")
+ if len(segments) > 1 && segments[0] == "themes" {
+ themeColor := segments[1]
+ return RenderThemesPage(themeColor)
+ }
+ switch segments[0] {
+ case "components":
+ return RenderComponentsPage()
+ case "themes":
+ return RenderThemesPage("")
+ case "ui-package":
+ return RenderUIPackagePage()
+ default:
+ // Default to the home page
+ return RenderHomePage()
+ }
diff --git a/examples/gno.land/r/demo/uif/uif_test.gno b/examples/gno.land/r/demo/uif/uif_test.gno
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5a46cf2dbce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gno.land/r/demo/uif/uif_test.gno
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package uif
+import (
+ "testing"
+ "gno.land/p/demo/uassert"
+func TestRender(t *testing.T) {
+ got := Render("")
+ expected := "# UI Demo\n\n[foo](r/demo/ui:foo) / [bar](r/demo/ui:foo/bar)\n\n\nSimple UI demonstration.\n\n- a text\n- [a relative link](r/demo/ui:foobar)\n- another text\n- **a bold text**\n- _italic text_\n- raw markdown with **bold** text in the middle.\n- `some inline code`\n- [a remote link](https://gno.land)\n\nanother string.\n\na paragraph.\n\n\n---\n\n\nI'm the footer.\n\n"
+ uassert.Equal(t, expected, got)