All notable changes of the Social Tenure Domain Model(STDM) is documented in this file.
- Import Data: Added auto fixer for multi and single type geometry conflict.
- Configuration Wizard: Fixed inability to remove party and spatial units.
- Import Data: Fixed import data issues.
- Import Data: Fixed drag and drop sort issue.
- Configuration Wizard: Fixed drag and drop sort issue.
- Import Data: Added auto fixers for column types.
- Default Removed first name mandatory and unique constraint.
- Social Tenure Relationship Editor: Fixed editing issues.
- Forms: Fixed form widgets not implemented errors.
- Database and Configuration: Multiple spatial units are now possible to be used in social tenure relationship.
- Database and Configuration: Custom Tenure entity is added to attach additional attribute to each Social Tenure Relationship.
- Database and Configuration: Added entity labels to accept user defined and database independent labels for entities.
- Database and Configuration: Added column labels to accept user defined and database independent labels for columns.
- Database and Configuration: Added ordering entities and columns that is reflected in interfaces such as forms and menus.
- Social Tenure Relationship Editor: Added ability to choose more than one Spatial Unit.
- Social Tenure Relationship Editor: Added additional node for Custom Tenure Information entity.
- Spatial Entity Browser: Added the GPS Feature Import to be used for editing and adding a new record.
- Designer: Added three sample templates.
- Designer: Added the ability to add HTML in data labels.
- Designer: Added the ability to add inline text in data label items.
- Documents Generator: Added Open output folder to open the output folder.
- STDM Mobile: Added mobile form export and mobile data import using GeoODK apps.
- Styling Lookups: Added conversion of lookup IDs to values in QGIS attribute table for styling.
- Registry: Added registry STDM version that is the same as metadata version.
- Export Data: Fixed encoding issues when exporting data.
- Designer: Fixed QGIS crash when moving attribute table.
- Designer: Fixed showing save popup on already saved templates.
- View Social Tenure Relationship: Refactored the tree view to use the Spatial Entity Details to speed up performance.
- Export Data: Fixed export error.
- Social Tenure Relationship: Fixed Edit STR issue of Party, STR Type and supporting document not working.
- Import Data: Fixed lookup values and virtual not showing issue.
- Database and Configuration: Fixed the draft configuration not deleting automatically issue.
- Database and Configuration: Fixed inability to delete lookup values.
- Database and Configuration: Fixed inability to save lookup values to the database.
- Language: Added full translation of the plugin in French, German and Portuguese.
- Language: Fixed translation issues in different modules of the plugin.
- Spatial Entity Details: Fixed save children error when there are no child entities.
- Login: Fixed key error changing database setting before first time login.
- Social Tenure Relationship: Removed deep inheritances.
- Spatial Entity Forms: Fixed error when submitting unfilled required fields.
- Export Data: Fixed argument error when exporting data.
- Export Data: Fixed the absence of coordinate reference system when exporting shapefile.
- Database and Configuration: Fixed inability to append profile prefix on entity with similar name as the profile.
- Supporting Documents: Fixed the error when saving supporting documents on entities with no profile prefix.
- Database and Configuration: Draft Configuration that enable users save their configuration without committing to the database.
- Database and Configuration: Copy Profile that enables users to create a copy of existing profiles, rename them and customize them.
- Database and Configuration: Percent Column type to store percentage data.
- Database and Configuration: Auto Generated Code Column type to generate unique code data.
- Database and Configuration: Ability to set more than one entities as party entity.
- Database and Configuration: Tenure Validity Period to specify tenure agreement period.
- Database and Configuration: Tenure Share to set right share on a spatial unit.
- Database and Configuration: Created two groups of STR views. Spatial Unit view containing geometry and party views containing Party and Tenure information.
- Database and Configuration: visual representation diagram generated for a created STR with the ability to export the diagram as an image.
- Database and Configuration: ability to enable PostGIS extension if PostGIS is installed.
- Current Profile Selection: combobox in STDM Toobar to select the current profile.
- Social Tenure Relationship Editor: the ability to save multiple STR entries at once.
- Social Tenure Relationship Editor: combobox to change party entity.
- Social Tenure Relationship Editor: Local Spatial Unit preview.
- Social Tenure Relationship Editor: Tenure share entry in Tenure Information.
- Social Tenure Relationship Editor: Tenure Validity Period entry.
- View Social Tenure Relationship: search filter based on tenure validity period.
- GPS Feature Import: Ability to edit coordinates.
- GPS Feature Import: Automatic update of preview feature on modification of coordinates.
- GPS Feature Import: Sorting of coordinate through drag and drop.
- GPS Feature Import: Highlighting of points when the corresponding row is selected.
- GPS Feature Import: Ability to edit the latitude and longitude values in GPX Data table.
- Spatial Entity Details: A module that displays feature data on them map when features are clicked.
- Entity Browser: Spatial Entity Browser can select multiple features when multiple rows are selected.
- Entity Browser: ability to view STR of a selected spatial unit record while Spatial Entity Details is open.
- Import Data: Simpler lookup value translation using Lookup Value Translator.
- Documents Designer: Upgraded QgsComposerAttributeTableV2 to incorporate the the appearance options in attribute table Item Properties panel.
- Options: ability to enable and disable debugging mode in STDM.
- General: Added to go into .qgis python folder to enable STDM if disabled by QGIS. The and are both located in settings folder of STDM.
- Database and Configuration: Enhanced input validation on Profile, Entity, Column, Lookup and Lookup Value Editors.
- Database and Configuration: After adding and editing a column, the column modified gets selected after the Column Editor is closed to easily show the changed column instead of clearing the selection.
- Database and Configuration: When adding a new column, the column view scrolls to the new column. If the column is edited, the scroll position doesn't changed after closing the Column Editor.
- GPS Feature Import: Re-designed with the integration of GPS file upload, GPX Data Editor, and STDM Form in a tab interface.
- Social Tenure Relationship Editor: re-designed with a tree view interface.
- Forms: The Collection tab used to select records from child entities is removed.
- Forms: In parent entity, child entity browsers with editor are added. This enables users to add a record for child entities within parent form.
- User Manual: updated with contents of STDM 1.5 with improved readability.
- Database and Configuration: Fixed Configuration Wizard Entity order mismatch error when deleting an Entity.
- Database and Configuration: Fixed issue of showing columns of deleted entity.
- Database and Configuration: Fixed the change of column order when editing columns.
- Users and Roles: When creating roles, permission is automatically give to sequences too.
- GPS Feature Import: Fixed issue of distortion of coordinates in GPS Feature Import tool.
- Database and Configuration: Removed drag and drop sort from Profile Entities table of the Configuration Wizard as it has no effect on the actual order.
- Database and Configuration: Fixed the issue of not selecting the previously set party entity in the Configuration Wizard.
- Spatial Unit Manager: Fixed the inability to re-name view layer rename using the spatial unit manager.
- Supporting Documents: Fixed the inability to upload supporting document files with accents/diacritics.
- Social Tenure Relationship Editor: Fixed error in the Social Tenure Relationship wizard for configurations with related entity columns in party or spatial units.