This folder contains the checkpoints (+ logs & config files) of trained classifiers, as well as the .pkl files produced by the OOD detection evaluator, with the following directory structure:
├── cifar100_asymm_coarse_cct_7_3x1_32_base_cct_e300_lr0.0006_default
│ ├── s0
│ │ ├── scores-best.ckpt
│ │ │ ├── ash_s-APS.pkl
│ │ │ ├── ash_s.pkl
│ │ │ ├── ...
│ │ │ ├── ...
│ │ │ ├── vim-APS.pkl
│ │ │ └── vim.pkl
│ │ ├── scores-last*.ckpt
│ │ │ ├── ash_s-APS.pkl
│ │ │ ├── ash_s.pkl
│ │ │ ├── ...
│ │ │ ├── ...
│ │ │ ├── vim-APS.pkl
│ │ │ └── vim.pkl
│ │ ├── best.ckpt
│ │ ├── config.yml
│ │ ├── last_epoch300_acc0.5940.ckpt
│ │ └── log.txt
│ ├── s2
│ │ ├── scores-best.ckpt
│ │ ├── scores-last*.ckpt
│ │ ├── best.ckpt
│ │ ├── config.yml
│ │ ├── last_epoch300_acc0.6070.ckpt
│ │ └── log.txt
│ └── s20
├── cifar100_asymm_coarse_mlpmixer_base_mlpmixer_e500_lr0.001_default
│ ├── s0
│ ├── s2
│ └── s20
├── cifar100_asymm_coarse_resnet18_32x32_base_e100_lr0.1_default
, s2
and s20
correspond to 3 different random seeds used for training. The scores
folders are produced by the OOD evaluation script (e.g. run/ "Best" and "last" correspond to the 2 types of checkpoints ("best" is saved based on best validation accuracy, "last" is saved when the max. number of epochs has been reached).
The evaluation script produces a .pkl file for each post-hoc OOD detector, following the OpenOOD evaluator, with the following structure:
'id': {
'train': None, # unused
'val': None, # unused
'test': [array([]), array([], dtype=float32), array([])] # list of 3 arrays: [class predictions (int), OOD scores, class labels (int)]
'csid': {}, # unused
'ood': {
'val': None, # unused
'near': { # note: we do not make a distinction between near and far OOD in our evaluation
'imagenet6_test': [] # list of 3 arrays, same as above (only the OOD scores are used)
'far': {
'mnist': [], # list of 3 arrays, same as above (only the OOD scores are used)
'svhn': [], # etc
'texture': [], # ...
'food101': [], # ...
'stanfordproducts': [], # ...
'eurosat': [] # ...
'id_preds': tensor([]), # class predictions on the ID test set (int) - identical to the first array in 'id'->'test' above
'id_labels': tensor([]), # class labels from the ID test set (int) - identical to the third array in 'id'->'test' above
'csid_preds': {}, # unused
'csid_labels': {} # unused