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StarHeroes Security Review

A security review of the StarHeroes.

The first multiplayer third-person space shooter designed for esports. With its top-quality dynamic and competitive gameplay, StarHeroes provides players with what they crave most: true gaming emotions.

Author: gkrastenov Independent Security Researcher

This audit report includes all the vulnerabilities, issues and code improvements found during the security review.


A smart contract security review can never verify the complete absence of vulnerabilities. This is a time, resource and expertise bound effort where I try to find as many vulnerabilities as possible. I can not guarantee 100% security after the review or even if the review will find any problems with your smart contracts. Subsequent security reviews, bug bounty programs and on-chain monitoring are strongly recommended.

Risk classification

Severity Impact: High Impact: Medium Impact: Low
Likelihood: High Critical High Medium
Likelihood: Medium High Medium Low
Likelihood: Low Medium Low Low


  • High - leads to a significant material loss of assets in the protocol or significantly harms a group of users.
  • Medium - only a small amount of funds can be lost (such as leakage of value) or a core functionality of the protocol is affected.
  • Low - can lead to any kind of unexpected behaviour with some of the protocol's functionalities that's not so critical.


  • High - attack path is possible with reasonable assumptions that mimic on-chain conditions and the cost of the attack is relatively low to the amount of funds that can be stolen or lost.
  • Medium - only conditionally incentivized attack vector, but still relatively likely.
  • Low - has too many or too unlikely assumptions or requires a huge stake by the attacker with little or no incentive.

Actions required by severity level

  • Critical - client must fix the issue.
  • High - client must fix the issue.
  • Medium - client should fix the issue.
  • Low - client could fix the issue.

Executive summary


Project Name StarHeroes
Review Commit hash 9010b162adfae5f78ff913047dfe9fd223934deb
Fixes Review Commit hash 4662eec97cfe065f3b857a8109f6b5aa75cbdf11


Contracts (2)
nSLOC (364)

Issues found

Severity Count Fixed Acknowledged
High risk 0 0 0
Medium risk 5 4 1
Low risk 4 3 1
Informational 9 6 3
Code improvement 2 2 0
Gas 7 6 1
Total 27 21 6


ID Title Severity
[M-01] It is possible to create UnbondInfo with _amount == 0 Medium
[M-02] Owner can register total vesting amount that exceeds what the contract currently holds Medium
[M-03] Possible reverting of releasableAmount Medium
[M-04] Unnecessary external call in checkEthFeeAndRefundDust modifier Medium
[M-05] getStakingRewards will revert after changing of APY Medium
[L-01] getStakingRewards return userReward for freezed account Low
[L-02] It is possible to register frozen accounts Low
[L-03] calculateReward will revert if double staking is made Low
[L-04] The nonReentrant modifier should occur before all other modifiers Low
[I-01] Use msg.sender instead of owner() Informational
[I-02] Add an additional parameter for the FreezeAccount event Informational
[I-03] Using SafeMath when compiler is ^0.8.0 Informational
[I-04] Add NatSpec documentation Informational
[I-05] Use safeTransfer/safeTransferFrom instead of transfer/transferFrom Informational
[I-06] Include old fee value in event Informational
[I-06] Import declarations should import specific identifiers, rather than the whole file Informational
[I-08] amount argument can be bigger than the balance Informational
[I-09] Check if constructor argument is in the past Informational
[CI-01] tempStart can be calculated before if condition Code improvement
[CI-02] Unnecessary updating of lastStakeTime Code improvement
[G-01] Use external modifier instead of public Gas
[G-02] Use custom error instead of require statement Gas
[G-03] ++i/i++ should be unchecked{++i}/unchecked{i++} when it is not possible for them to overflow Gas
[G-04] Use != 0 instead of > 0 Gas
[G-05] Add unchecked {} for subtractions where the operands can not underflow Gas
[G-06] Use immutable when is possible Gas
[G-07] Default int values are manually set Gas


[M-01] It is possible to create UnbondInfo with _amount == 0


Every user can call the startUnstaking function with _amount equal to 0 and to create an UnbondInfo position. They do not need to stake any amount before that and it will emit the UnstakeStarted(msg.sender, _amount) event.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

    function startUnstaking(uint256 _amount) public payable checkEthFeeAndRefundDust(msg.value) nonReentrant {
        UserInfo storage user = userInfo[msg.sender];

+        require(_amount > 0, "Zero amount");
        require(user.unbondings.length < unbondLimit, "startUnstaking: limit reached");
        require(user.amount >= _amount, "startUnstaking: not enough staked amount");

Fixes Review


[M-02] Owner can register total vesting amount that exceeds what the contract currently holds


Owner can register a vesting amount for every user. If the total registered vested amount exceeds what the contract currently holds, some users will not be able to receive their tokens.

    function registerVestingAccounts(address[] memory _userAddresses, uint256[] memory _amounts) external onlyOwner {
        require(_amounts.length == _userAddresses.length, "Amounts and userAddresses must have the same length");

        for (uint i = 0; i < _userAddresses.length; i++) {
            userTotal[_userAddresses[i]] = _amounts[i];
            //@audit contract has to have enough balance

Fixes Review


Recommended Mitigation Steps

In every for loop iteration, check if the total registered vesting amount is bigger than the balance of the contract. Also, include the expected APY in the calculation.

[M-03] Possible reverting of releasableAmount


The releaseable amount is calculated based on the vested amount minus the amount already released. The vested amount is equal to the total tokens multiplied by the elapsed time and divided by the total vesting duration.

uint256 vestedAmount = (totalTokens * elapsedTime) / totalVestingTime;

If the owner initially registers a big amount of vesting for a user, the user is allowed after some time to release a part of this amount based on the above formula. The owner has the rights to change the vesting amount for every user and if he decreases the vested amount of a user, it can open potential vulnerabilities. It is possible for tokensReleased[userAddress] to be bigger than the newly calculated vested amount vestedAmount and the transaction to revert because of arithmetic underflow.

        uint256 elapsedTime = block.timestamp - config.startDate;
        uint256 totalVestingTime = config.endDate - config.startDate;

        uint256 vestedAmount = (totalTokens * elapsedTime) / totalVestingTime;

        return vestedAmount - tokensReleased[userAddress]; //@audit potential vulnerabilities

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Make the following changes:

-return vestedAmount.sub(tokensReleased[userAddress]);
+return vestedAmount < tokensReleased[userAddress] ? 0 : vestedAmount - tokensReleased[userAddress];

Fixes Review


[M-04] Unnecessary external call in checkEthFeeAndRefundDust modifier


When a user calls payable function, he needs to pay a fee that is greater than or equal to the storage variable ethFee. If msg.value is larger than ethFee, the remaining fee will be returned back to the user dust = value - ethFee. In the case where msg.value == ethFee, the variable dust will be zero, and an unnecessary external call to msg.sender will be executed. This will increase the transaction cost.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

I recommend to add more stricly condiiton for fee

-require(value >= ethFee, "Insufficient fee: the required fee must be covered");
+require(value == ethFee, "Insufficient fee: the required fee must be covered");

or to return remaning fee back to user only when dust != 0.

   modifier checkEthFeeAndRefundDust(uint256 value) {
        require(value >= ethFee, "Insufficient fee: the required fee must be covered");

        uint256 dust = value - ethFee;
-        (bool sent,) = address(msg.sender).call{value : dust}("");
-        require(sent, "Failed to return overpayment");

+        if(dust != 0) {
+           (bool sent,) = address(msg.sender).call{value : dust}("");
+           require(sent, "Failed to return overpayment");

Fixes Review


[M-05] getStakingRewards will revert after changing of APY


Owner has the right to change APY at any time. He need to add a new reward rate by calling the setRewardRate function. The problem comes in the calculation of staking rewards. When a new reward rate is added, rewardPeriods.length becomes greater than 1. In the last iteration of the for loop in the getStakingRewards function, elapsedTime will be calculated as follows:

uint256 elapsedTime = block.timestamp < config.startDate ? block.timestamp - rewardPeriods[i].start : config.startDate - rewardPeriods[i].start;

The statement block.timestamp < config.startDate is always false, and elapsedTime is equal to config.startDate - rewardPeriods[i].start. Unfortunately, rewardPeriods[i].start is always greater than config.startDate, and this will revert with panic code 17, indicating arithmetic underflow.

The issue is marked as medium because the owner is trusted.

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < rewardPeriods.length; i++) {

            if (i == rewardPeriods.length - 1) {
                //@audit H -> revert if length > 1 in config.startDate - rewardPeriods[i].start;
                uint256 elapsedTime = block.timestamp < config.startDate ? block.timestamp - rewardPeriods[i].start : config.startDate - rewardPeriods[i].start;

                userReward += userTotal[_userAddress] * elapsedTime * rewardPeriods[i].rate / VESTING_DIVIDER / YEAR_DIVIDER;
            } else {
                uint256 duration = rewardPeriods[i + 1].start - rewardPeriods[i].start;
                userReward += userTotal[_userAddress] * duration * rewardPeriods[i].rate / VESTING_DIVIDER / YEAR_DIVIDER;

Proof of concept

import { time } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers";
import { SignerWithAddress } from "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers";
import { expect } from "chai";
import { Contract } from "ethers";
import { ethers } from "hardhat";

describe.only("TokenVesting", () => {
  let vesting: Contract;

  let user: SignerWithAddress;
  let owner: SignerWithAddress;

  beforeEach(async () => {
    [owner, user] = await ethers.getSigners();

    const Vesting = await ethers.getContractFactory("FixedVestingCliff");

    await time.increaseTo(1699900000);
    const endDate = 1700050000 + 2629743; // end after 1 month

    vesting = await Vesting.deploy(
      1700000000, // tge time
      1700050000, // start time
      "0x580e933d90091b9ce380740e3a4a39c67eb85b4c", // token address
      5000, // 5%
      0 // zero fee

  it.only("PoC", async () => {
    const amount = ethers.utils.parseUnits("9", 18);

    // After 5k block, the owner registers vesting accounts.
    await time.increaseTo(1700040000);
    await vesting
      .registerVestingAccounts([user.address], [amount]);

      await vesting.connect(user.address).getStakingRewards(user.address)

    // After 10k block, the owner updates the reward rate to 3% (the percentage does not matter)
    await time.increaseTo(1700140000);
    await vesting.connect(owner).setRewardRate(3000);

    // After 1k block, user calls the getStakingRewards function.
    await time.increaseTo(1700150000);

    // Revert with panic code 17: Arithmetic operation underflowed
    await vesting.connect(user).getStakingRewards(user.address);

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add an additional check for block.timestamp < config.startDate in the setRewardRate function..

Fixes Review



[L-01] getStakingRewards return userReward for freezed account


Function getStakingRewards returns the calculated userReward for frozen accounts, which are expected to not receive staking rewards.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add accountNotFrozen modifier for getStakingRewards function.

Fixes Review


[L-02] It is possible to register frozen accounts


Frozen accounts can be registered by the owner. This should not be possible because when an account is frozen, it is not able to participate in vesting.

        require(_amounts.length == _userAddresses.length, "Amounts and userAddresses must have the same length");

        for (uint i = 0; i < _userAddresses.length; i++) {
            //@audit can register frozen account
            userTotal[_userAddresses[i]] = _amounts[i];

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add an additional check for every account that will be registered.

Fixes Review


[L-03] calculateReward will revert if double staking is made


The calculateReward function will revert if a user made a double staking before rewardPeriods[i].start. The variable tempStart will be equal to rewardPeriods[i].start, which is less than block.timestamp because start is in the future.

        uint256 tempStart = rewardPeriods[i].start < user.lastStakeTime ? user.lastStakeTime : rewardPeriods[i].start;

        //@audit this will revert if double staking is made before rewardPeriods[i].start
        // tempstart = rewardPeriods[i].start    which is < than block.timestamp because start is in the future
        timeDelta = block.timestamp - tempStart;

Recommended Mitigation Steps

This is a rare case and as we discussed, the difference between deploying the contract and starting the staking will be small. I recommend to notify the user to not stake until the staking period has started.

Fixes Review

Fixed. An additional check has been added require(block.timestamp >= rewardPeriods[0].start, "Staking not started.");

[L-04] The nonReentrant modifier should occur before all other modifiers


The modifiers are read one by one depending on their order. The checkEthFeeAndRefundDust modifier is placed before the nonReentrant modifier, which allows the possibility for a user to execute an arbitrary call or attempt a reentrancy attack.

This is a best practice to protect against reentrancy in other modifiers.

Fixes Review



[I-01] Use msg.sender instead of owner()


When a function is only accessible by the owner due to the presence of the onlyOwner modifier, there is no need to call an internal function to obtain the owner's address. In this case, msg.sender is equal to owner().

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Make the following changes:

    function withdrawEth(uint256 amount) external onlyOwner {

-       (bool success,) = payable(owner()).call{value : amount}("");
+       (bool success,) = payable(msg.sender).call{value : amount}("");
        if (!success) {
            revert WithdrawFailed();
-        emit WithdrawEth(owner(), amount);
+        emit WithdrawEth(msg.sender, amount);

Fixes Review


[I-02] Add an additional parameter for the FreezeAccount event

Owner can freeze and unfreeze any user at any time. It would be beneficial to add the _freeze parameter to the FreezeAccount event to clarify which action is being performed.

- emit FreezeAccount(_userAddress);
+ emit FreezeAccount(_userAddress, _freeze);

Fixes Review


[I-03] Using SafeMath when compiler is ^0.8.0

There is no need to use SafeMath when compiler is ^0.8.0 because it has built-in under/overflow checks.

Fixes Review


[I-04] Add NatSpec documentation

NatSpec documentation to all public methods and variables is essential for better understanding of the code by developers and auditors and is strongly recommended.

Fixes Review


[I-05] Use safeTransfer/safeTransferFrom instead of transfer/transferFrom

Using safeTransfer/safeTransferFrom instead of transfer/transferFrom. It will automatically handle the returning of the bool parameter.

Recommended Mitigation Steps


-require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount), "Stake transfer failed.");`
+token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);`

Fixes Review


[I-06] Include old fee value in event

After changing the fee value in the updateEthFee function, it would be good to include the old value of the fee in the UpdateFee event.

-emit UpdateFee(_newFee);
+emit UpdateFee(oldFee, _newFee);

Fixes Review


[I-07] Import declarations should import specific identifiers, rather than the whole file

Using import declarations of the form import {<identifier_name>} from "some/file.sol" avoids polluting the symbol namespace making flattened files smaller and speeds up compilation

Fixes Review


[I-08] amount argument can be bigger than the balance

The amount argument can be bigger than the balance of the contract and transaction will revert. Add an additional check for that which returns a proper error with good information if this happens.

    function withdrawEth(uint256 amount) external onlyOwner {
        //@audit amount > balance
        (bool success,) = payable(owner()).call{value : amount}("");
        if (!success) {
            revert WithdrawFailed();
        emit WithdrawEth(owner(), amount);

Fixes Review


[I-09] Check if constructor argument is in the past

Check if the _start argument is in the past in the constructor of the FixedStaking contract. This can also be done for the _tgeDate in the constructor of the FixedVestingCliff contract.

Fixes Review


Code Improvements

[CI-01] tempStart can be calculated before if condition


Variable tempStart can be calculated before if condition.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Make the following changes:

        for (uint256 i = startIndex; i < rewardPeriods.length; i++) {

            uint256 timeDelta;
+           uint256 tempStart = rewardPeriods[i].start < user.lastStakeTime ? user.lastStakeTime : rewardPeriods[i].start;
            if (i < rewardPeriods.length - 1) {

-                uint256 tempStart = rewardPeriods[i].start < user.lastStakeTime ? user.lastStakeTime : rewardPeriods[i].start;
                timeDelta = rewardPeriods[i + 1].start - tempStart;
                reward += user.amount * rewardPeriods[i].rate * timeDelta / YEAR_DIVIDER / RATE_DIVIDER;
            } else {

-                uint256 tempStart = rewardPeriods[i].start < user.lastStakeTime ? user.lastStakeTime : rewardPeriods[i].start;
                timeDelta = block.timestamp - tempStart;
                reward += user.amount * rewardPeriods[i].rate * timeDelta / YEAR_DIVIDER / RATE_DIVIDER;

Fixes Review


[CI-02] Unnecessary updating of lastStakeTime


Unnecessary updating of the lastStakeTime variable if pending > 0. At the end of the function, lastStakeTime is updated every time.

        user.amount += _amount;
        user.lastStakeTime = block.timestamp;
        emit StakeStarted(msg.sender, _amount);

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Make the following changes:

        if (user.amount != 0) {
            uint256 pending = calculateReward(msg.sender);

            if (pending > 0) { //@audit-r != 0 better
                user.waitingRewards += pending;

                 //@audit code-improvement
-                user.lastStakeTime = block.timestamp;

        user.amount += _amount;
        user.lastStakeTime = block.timestamp;
        emit StakeStarted(msg.sender, _amount);

Fixes Review



[G-01] Use external modifier instead of public

The external modifier should be used instead of public for claimStakingRewards function since is not used internally.

[G-02] Use custom error instead of require statement

Use custom errors instead of require statements. It saves more gas.

[G-03] ++i/i++ should be unchecked{++i}/unchecked{i++} when it is not possible for them to overflow

The unchecked keyword is new in solidity version 0.8.0, so this only applies to that version or higher, which these instances are. This saves 30-40 gas per loop

[G-04] Use != 0 instead of > 0

Replace spotted instances with != 0 for uints as this uses less gas.

[G-05] Add unchecked {} for subtractions where the operands can not underflow

In some places in the codebase, unchecked {} can be used for subtractions because they are already checked.

[G-06] Use immutable when is possible

The storage variable token can be immutable in the FixedStaking contract because it will never be changed.

[G-07] Default int values are manually set

In instances where a new variable is defined, there is no need to set it to it's default value.