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124 lines (90 loc) · 5.42 KB

File metadata and controls

124 lines (90 loc) · 5.42 KB

Files needed for the analysis

  1. Reference genome

For example, GRCm38_68.fa.

  1. gtf annotation for the reference genome

For example, Mus_musculus.GRCm38.68.gtf.gz for corresponding reference genome version.

  1. Either:
  • One/Two vcf files for maternal and paternal imbred lines (should be compatible with the reference genome)
  • Joint vcf file for multiple species, where two lines are presented (should be compatible with reference genome)
  • Individual vcf file or joint individuals vcf file (should be compatible with reference genome) (see correponding section about reference preparation)

For example, mgp.v5.merged.snps_all.dbSNP142.vcf.gz for multiple mice lines.


Note: you can do vcf calling by using mutect, varscan, etc. if you heve no pre-existing vcf

Input preprocessing before anything:

  1. Reference genome fasta should be indexed (samtools faidx).

  2. vcf-files should be compressed (bgzip) and indexed (samtools tabix).

Reference preparation:

One script to rule them all:

python3 /full/path/to/ASE/python/ --PSEUDOREF True --HETVCF True \
  --pseudoref_dir /full/path/to/dir/for/pseudo/ref/out/ \
  --vcf_dir /full/path/todir/for/vcf/outputs/ \
  --ref /full/path/to/GRCm38_68.fa \
  --name_mat 129S1_SvImJ --name_pat CAST_EiJ \
  --vcf_joint mgp.v5.merged.snps_all.dbSNP142.vcf.gz \
  --gtf /n/scratch2/sv111/ASE/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.68.gtf

For help:

python3 /home/am717/ASE/python/ --help

Pseudoreference fasta creation:


  • Input:
Inbred lines Inbred lines Individual Individual
Joint lines vcf Separate line(s) vcf Joint individuals vcf Separate individual vcf
FASTA Reference genome --ref --ref --ref --ref
VCF Variant file(s)[1] --vcf_joint --vcf_mat, --vcf_pat --vcf_joind --vcf_ind
Name(s) --name_mat, --name_pat --name_mat, --name_pat --name_ind --name_ind
FASTA Output directory --pseudo_dir --pseudo_dir --pseudo_dir --pseudo_dir
VCF Output directory --vcf_dir --vcf_dir --vcf_dir --vcf_dir

[1] If one or the alleles in case of inbred lines is reference, then everything should be provided as mat or pat only, consistently.

  • Output:
    • Pseudoreference genome fastas with own directories.
    • Support vcf or bed files (if needed).

Heterozygous(parental) VCF creation:


  • Input:
Inbred lines Inbred lines Individual Individual
Joint lines vcf Separate line(s) vcf Joint individuals vcf Separate individual vcf
FASTA Reference genome --ref --ref --ref --ref
nothing or GTF or BED Selected regions annotation [2] --gtf or --bed --gtf or --bed --gtf or --bed --gtf or --bed
VCF Variant file(s)[1] --vcf_joint --vcf_mat, --vcf_pat --vcf_joind --vcf_ind
Name(s) --name_mat, --name_pat --name_mat, --name_pat --name_ind --name_ind
VCF Output directory --vcf_dir --vcf_dir --vcf_dir --vcf_dir

[1] If one or the alleles in case of inbred lines is reference, then everything should be provided as mat or pat only, consistently. [2] Bed will be considered as main; if gtf provided, automatically considered regions=exons and groups=genes; bed file should have 4 columns and prepared in advance: contig, start position, end position, group ID (no colnames).

  • Output:
    • VCF with heterozygous positions, one allele as reference and the second as alternative.
    • Support vcf files (if needed).

RNA-seq preparation:

Alignment (STAR) on parental genomes:

  • Make sure that your fasta files are ready for the STAR alignment step, each of them should be indexed with STAR (STAR --runMode genomeGenerate).
STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir $pseudoRefDirs/129S1_SvImJ/ --genomeFastaFiles $pseudoDir/129S1_SvImJ/129S1_SvImJ_pseudo.fa
STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir $pseudoRefDirs/CAST_EiJ/ --genomeFastaFiles $pseudoDir/CAST_EiJ/CAST_EiJ_pseudo.fa
  • Make sure that you have unziped (gunzip) sample fasta/fastq files.

Creating SNP / Grouped SNPs tables:

Make sure that you have:

  • bed file (with four columns: contig, start and end positions, group ID; no column names) with selected regions, for example, exon regions grouped by genes:
awk '$3=="exon" && ($1 ~ /^[1-9]/ || $1 == "X" || $1 == "Y")' /full/path/to/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.68.gtf | cut -f1,4,5,9 | awk -F $'\t' 'BEGIN {OFS = FS} {split($4, a, "gene_id \""); split(a[2], b, "\""); print $1, $2-1, $3, b[1]}' > /full/path/to/output/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.68.EXONS.bed
  • snp table, which can be obtained from vcf with heterozigous positions created above, as 5 first columns, for example:
grep "^#CHROM" /full/path/to/Het_Allelic_129S1_SvImJ_CAST_EiJ.exons.vcf | cut -f1-5 > /full/path/to/Het_Allelic_129S1_SvImJ_CAST_EiJ.snp_table.txt
grep -v "^#" /full/path/to/Het_Allelic_129S1_SvImJ_CAST_EiJ.exons.vcf | sort -V | cut -f1-5 >> /full/path/to/Het_Allelic_129S1_SvImJ_CAST_EiJ.snp_table.txt