For the purposes of this workflow, we will demonstrate how to run analysis for one of two technical replicates. Feel free to write a script to run these step in parallel for all replicates / libraries that you have.
We will be using RNA-seq data from Gendrel et al. 2014. They had two technical replicates for one of NPC clones (paired end data):
and SRR1106781_2.fastq.gz
for replicate 1 and SRR1106786_1.fastq.gz
and SRR1106786_2.fastq.gz
for replicate 2.
Download the data:
You need to align your reads to so-called preudogenomes, i.e. reference genome with SNP from corresponding maternal and paternal genomes. So if you don't have pseudogenomes ready yet, please refer to instructions) to generate them.
# replicate 1
## align to 129 pseudogenome
STAR --readFilesIn /full/path/to/SRR1106781_1.fastq.gz /full/path/to/SRR1106781_2.fastq.gz \
--outFileNamePrefix /full/path/to/alignment/output/SRR1106781_on129S1. \
--runThreadN 4 --outSAMtype SAM \
--outSAMattrRGline ID:mat \
--genomeDir $pseudoRefDirs/129S1_SvImJ/ \
--outFilterMultimapNmax 1 --sjdbGTFfile /full/path/to/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.68.gtf
## align to CAST pseudogenome
STAR --readFilesIn /full/path/to/SRR1106781_1.fastq.gz /full/path/to/SRR1106781_2.fastq.gz \
--outFileNamePrefix /full/path/to/alignment/output/SRR1106781_onCAST. \
--runThreadN 4 --outSAMtype SAM \
--outSAMattrRGline ID:pat \
--genomeDir $pseudoRefDirs/CAST_EiJ/ \
--outFilterMultimapNmax 1 --sjdbGTFfile /full/path/to/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.68.gtf
# replicate 2
STAR --readFilesIn /full/path/to/SRR1106786_1.fastq.gz /full/path/to/SRR1106786_2.fastq.gz \
--outFileNamePrefix /full/path/to/alignment/output/SRR1106786_on129S1. \
--runThreadN 4 --outSAMtype SAM \
--outSAMattrRGline ID:mat \
--genomeDir $pseudoRefDirs/129S1_SvImJ/ \
--outFilterMultimapNmax 1 --sjdbGTFfile /full/path/to/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.68.gtf
STAR --readFilesIn /full/path/to/SRR1106786_1.fastq.gz /full/path/to/SRR1106786_2.fastq.gz \
--outFileNamePrefix /full/path/to/alignment/output/SRR1106786_onCAST. \
--runThreadN 4 --outSAMtype SAM \
--outSAMattrRGline ID:pat \
--genomeDir $pseudoRefDirs/CAST_EiJ/ \
--outFilterMultimapNmax 1 --sjdbGTFfile /full/path/to/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.68.gtf
- Output: . sam files with reads alignments.
First, sort the files by read names (samtools sort -n
samtools sort -n -O sam -o /full/path/to/SRR1106781_on129S1.Nsorted.sam -@ 4 /full/path/to/SRR1106781_on129S1.Aligned.out.sam
samtools sort -n -O sam -o /full/path/to/SRR1106781_onCAST.Nsorted.sam -@ 4 /full/path/to/SRR1106781_onCAST.Aligned.out.sam
samtools sort -n -O sam -o /full/path/to/SRR1106786_on129S1.Nsorted.sam -@ 4 /full/path/to/SRR1106786_on129S1.Aligned.out.sam
samtools sort -n -O sam -o /full/path/to/SRR1106786_onCAST.Nsorted.sam -@ 4 /full/path/to/SRR1106786_onCAST.Aligned.out.sam
Then merge:
python /full/path/to/ASE/python/ \
--mat_sam /full/path/to/SRR1106781_on129S1.Nsorted.sam \
--pat_sam /full/path/to/SRR1106781_onCAST.Nsorted.sam \
--o /full/path/to/SRR1106781_merged.sam \
--paired 1
python /full/path/to/ASE/python/ \
--mat_sam /full/path/to/SRR1106786_on129S1.Nsorted.sam \
--pat_sam /full/path/to/SRR1106786_onCAST.Nsorted.sam \
--o /full/path/to/SRR1106786_merged.sam \
--paired 1
Output: one sam file with mat and pat readgroups per replicate.
All sam files in the analysis should be sampled to the same lib size (for example, min(sizes)), please see our paper for reasoning.
Sort merged files by read names (samtools sort -n
samtools sort -n -O sam -o /full/path/to/SRR1106781_merged.Nsorted.sam -@ 4 /full/path/to/SRR1106781_merged.sam
samtools sort -n -O sam -o /full/path/to/SRR1106786_merged.Nsorted.sam -@ 4 /full/path/to/SRR1106786_merged.sam
Then sample (and repeat as many times as you nead, then just process separatelly), for paired end:
- first calculate sizes (
samtools view -c
for sam in /full/path/to/SRR1106781_merged.Nsorted.sam /full/path/to/SRR1106786_merged.Nsorted.sam
echo -e $sam'\t'`samtools view -c $sam` >> /path/to/samsizes.tsv
- take minimum:
minsize=$(cut -f2 /path/to/samsizes.tsv | sort -V | head -1)
- and sample all files to that number of reads, in paired-end case, for example:
for sam in /full/path/to/SRR1106781_merged.Nsorted.sam /full/path/to/SRR1106786_merged.Nsorted.sam
grep "^@" $sam > $sam".sample"$(( minsize/2 ))"reads.sam"
grep -v "^@" $sam | sed '$!N;s/\n/ IHOPETHATNEVERWOULDAPPERINSAMFILE /' | shuf -n $(( $minsize/2 )) | \
sed 's/ IHOPETHATNEVERWOULDAPPERINSAMFILE /\n/' >> $sam".sample"$(( $minsize/2 ))"Preads.sam"
(for single end, even simplier: pipe of grep -v "^@"
and shuf -n $minsize
Output: one sampled sam file per replicate.
Convert sam to sorted bam (samtools sort
samtools sort -o /full/path/to/SRR1106781_merged_sample26302221Preads.sorted.bam /full/path/to/SRR1106781_merged.Nsorted.sam.sample26302221Preads.sam
samtools sort -o /full/path/to/SRR1106786_merged_sample26302221Preads.sorted.bam /full/path/to/SRR1106786_merged.Nsorted.sam.sample26302221Preads.sam
Obtain table with SNP allele counts:
python /home/am717/scripts/ --vcf /full/path/to/Het_Allelic_129S1_SvImJ_CAST_EiJ.exons.vcf.gz \
--bam /full/path/to/SRR1106781_merged_sample26302221Preads.sorted.bam \
--ref $pseudoDir/129S1_SvImJ/129S1_SvImJ_pseudo.fa \
--sample F1 --min_cov 0 --min_baseq 2 --min_mapq 10 \
--o /full/path/to/SRR1106781_merged_sample26302221Preads.stat_0.txt
python /home/am717/scripts/ --vcf /full/path/to/Het_Allelic_129S1_SvImJ_CAST_EiJ.exons.vcf.gz \
--bam /full/path/to/SRR1106786_merged_sample26302221Preads.sorted.bam\
--ref $pseudoDir/129S1_SvImJ/129S1_SvImJ_pseudo.fa \
--sample F1 --min_cov 0 --min_baseq 2 --min_mapq 10 \
--o /full/path/to/SRR1106786_merged_sample26302221Preads.stat_0.txt
Output: one table per replicate.
Rscript --vanilla /home/am717/scripts/counts_to_snp_genes.R \
-d /full/path/to/dir/with/stat/files/ \
-n SRR1106781_merged_sample26302221Preads,SRR1106786_merged_sample26302221Preads \
-r Gendrel_81_85 \
-o /full/path/to/dir/with/stat/files/ \
-v /full/path/to/Het_Allelic_129S1_SvImJ_CAST_EiJ.snp_table.txt \
-b /full/path/to/output/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.68.EXONS.bed
Output: SNP table and Grouped SNP table (for example, genes) per set of replicates.
As a result of the last step, you will get several files in your output folder, including Gendrel_81_85_processed_gene_extended2.txt. This file will be used for the downstream analysis, see description here.