A simple cli tool to convert markdown files to Prismic JSON. It supports YAML front matter to define the UID and other Custom Type fields. Markdown files are converted to a format that can be imported into the Afosto Prismic account as a blog post.
You can transform markdown within a project using the default export.
npm install @gijsbotje/md-to-prismic
# or
yarn add @gijsbotje/md-to-prismic
import mdToPrismic from '@gijsbotje/md-to-prismic';
const markdownContent = `
type: blog
lang: en-us
# my title
My content
const prismicJSON = mdToPrismic(markdownContent, {
fieldName: 'content', /* required */
fileName: 'my-blog-post.md', /* optional */
sliceName: 'MyTextSlice', /* optional */
sliceVariation: 'variation-2', /* string, default: 'default' */
outputAs: 'slice', /* ['slice', 'field'], default: field */
To use the cli, globally install the package in your machine with your preferred package manager.
npm install -g @gijsbotje/md-to-prismic
# or
yarn add -g @gijsbotje/md-to-prismic
You can now run the package in a folder with markdown files. Selecting the folder will transform all markdown files and output a ready to go zip file. Selecting a single file will output a JSON file structured according to the Prismic JSON.
Instead of using the prompts you can also set arguments.
argument | description | type | default value |
-p, --pathToConvert | Path of the file or folder to convert | [string] [required] | [default: null] |
-o, --outputAs | Output the rich text as a slice or field. | [string] [required] [choices: "slice", "field"] | [default: null] |
-f, --fieldName | ID of the field to output the richt text in | [string] [required] | [default: null] |
-s, --sliceName | ID of the slice to output the richt text in. | [string] [required: when outputAs === 'slice'] | [default: null] |
-v, --sliceVariation | Variation of the slice to output the richt text in. | [string] [required: when outputAs === 'slice'] | [default: "default"] |
md-to-prismic -p ./examples -o slice -f content -s paragraph
Because of the limitations within the Prismic rich text editor, not all elements are supported. Below is a list of all markdown elements and how they are handled.
Element | Markdown Syntax | Support |
Text | paragraph text |
✅ |
Heading | # h1 |
✅ |
Bold | **bold text** |
✅ |
Italic | *italic text* |
✅ |
Link | [label](https://mywebsite.com) |
✅ |
image |  |
✅ |
Ordered list | 1. First item |
Unordered list | - First item |
Inline code | `code` |
🚫 |
Horizontal rule | --- |
🚫 |
Element | Markdown Syntax | Support |
Table | table | 🚫 |
Fenced code bock | code | |
Footnote | Here's a sentence with a footnote. [^1] [^1]: This is the footnote. |
🚫 |
Heading ID | ### My Great Heading {#custom-id} |
🚫 |
Definition list | term: definition |
🚫 |
Strikethrough | ~~strike though~~ |
🚫 |
Task list | - [x] Write the press release |
🚫 |
Emoji | smile! :joy: |
🚫 |
Highlight | highlight ==these words==. |
🚫 |
Subscript | h~2~o |
🚫 |
Superscript | x^2^ |
🚫 |
clone the repository to your machine.
git clone [email protected]:afosto/md-to-prismic.git
Install the dependencies with yarn.
npm install
Link the package on your local machine.
npm link
You can now run the package in a folder with markdown files.