Title: Apache Velocity Tools
Welcome to the VelocityTools projects. This is a subproject of the Apache Velocity project hosted at http://velocity.apache.org/
The VelocityTools project contains several subprojects:
velocity-tools-generic/ A collection of general purpose tools
velocity-tools-view/ Tools servlets and filters for use in a webapp
velocity-tools-jsp/ Tools for a J2EE JSP context
velocity-tools-examples-simple/ Simple examples
velocity-tools-examples-showcase/ A full webapp demonstrating tools
Apache Velocity Tools will run with any Java runtime engine v1.7 or greater.
Building from source requires Java development kit v1.7 or greater and Maven 3 (3.0.5+).
Maven should fetch all needed dependencies for compile ant run time, which are:
- velocity-engine-core v2.0 and its dependencies
- commons-beanutils v1.9.3
- commons-digester3 v3.2
- JSON.simple v1.1.1 (only at compile time)
Plus the following ones, needed for the integrated tests:
- slf4j-simple v1.7.25
- junit v4.12
- easymock v3.6
Release with the same major number are intended to be drop-in replacements. However, in most cases the versions of dependency jars must be adjusted because newer versions of Velocity might require updates.
- Velocity Tools now relies on the use of Velocity Engine 2.0, and also switched to the slf4j logging system.
- commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils has been updated to 1.9.3
- org.apache.commons:commons-digester3 has been updated to 3.2
- com.googlecode.json-simple 1.1.1 is now needed (only at compile time)
- for tests, junit:junit has been updated to 4.12 and org.easymock:easymock to 3.6
tools autoloading turned off by default With velocity-tools-view in a webapp context, if you want the default tools loaded without explicitely loading them yourslef, you will have to enable autoloading in your
file:<context-param> <param-name>org.apache.velocity.tools.loadDefaults</param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </context-param>
(or the same with
for a single servlet). -
the WebappResourceLoader, as other Engine loaders, now returns a Reader rather than an InputStream
the unmaintained Struts tools have been dropped
there are several new tools: LogTool, JsonTool, CollectionTool
several tools became deprecated: AlternateTool, SortTool, ConversionTool (conversion methods are now located in DateTool and NumberTool)
You can consult the full list of changes
Please refer to Tools 2.0 upgrading instructions.
In order to use the latest version of Apache Velocity Tools, you may want to build it.
Building is easy. All components necessary to build are included or get downloaded from the internet during the build, except for the Java SDK and the Maven build tool.
IMPORTANT As the Apache Velocity Tools build process wants to download a number of jars from the internet, you must be online when you are building for the first time.
To build the Velocity Tools' jars, just run maven using the command:
This will create a target/
directory containing the Velocity tools .jar
file in each sub-module directory.
We welcome your feedback to [email protected].
- The Apache Velocity Team