This is simple ansible role to configure opendkim on ubuntu xenial.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
- python
- python-apt
name | default | description | acceptable values |
opendkim_enable | true | enable role | |
opendkim_config_file | /etc/opendkim.conf | opendkim config file path | |
opendkim_pid_file | /var/run/opendkim/opendkim_pid | opendkim pid file path | |
opendkim_socket | inet:12301@localhost | opendkim socket | |
opendkim_user | opendkim | opendkim user | directory path |
opendkim_keypath | /etc/opendkim/keys | path where key saved | |
opendkim_keyTable | /etc/opendkim/keytable | path to opendkim key table | file path |
opendkim_signingTable | /etc/opendkim/signingtable | path to opendkim signing table | file path |
opendkim_fetch_path | ./opendkim_keys | destination path on managing node to download keys to | path |
opendkim_default_key_selector | default | opendkim default selector | string |
opendkim_domains | [ { name: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}", selector: "default"} ] | list of domains along with selector name. if selector not mentioned opendkim_default_key_selector used |
# single domain with hostname properly set
- hosts: servers
- role: ghobadimhd.opendkim
- hosts: servers
- role: ghobadimhd.opendkim
- name:
selector: mta1
- name:
Author: Mohammad Ghobadi
Email: [email protected]