Parser for parsing information from github config file
npm install @gh-conf/gh-conf-parse
const { ParseConfig, UserRepo } = require('@gh-conf/gh-conf-parse');
const CurrConfig = ParseConfig();
// Output
// {
// core:{
// repositoryformatversion:'0',
// filemode:'true',
// bare:'false',
// logallrefupdates:'true',
// ignorecase:'true',
// precomposeunicode:'true'
// },
// 'remote "origin"':{
// url:'',
// fetch:'+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*'
// },
// 'branch "master"':{
// remote:'origin',
// merge:'refs/heads/master'
// }
// }
const userRepo = UserRepo();
// Output
// {
// repository:'gh-conf-parse',
// username:'gh-conf'
// }
- Returns complete git config as JSON
- Returns repo owner name and repository name
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