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File metadata and controls

293 lines (245 loc) · 19.8 KB

Nuget CodeQL


A .NET Library with Extension Methods for performing arbitrary checks on the string content of Streams and StreamReaders, including built-in extension methods for Regex.

The Extensions are available on Nuget:

Auto-Generated API Documentation is hosted on GitHub Pages.


Memory allocation is an expensive operation - in many cases it may be consuming more time than any other operation in your program. .NET introduces an excellent 0 allocation regex implementation for strings and Spans (under the covers the string path uses spans as well).

However, it may be the case that you want to check many arbitrarily large files without reading every file out into a string - an allocation expensive operation. Using the extension methods here you can check your Stream or StreamReader directly with minimal allocations. For a 400MB file, on .NET 7 allocations can be reduced from 1.5GB to ~4MB - see Benchmarks

To use Regex

Here is some simple sample code to get started


// Include this for the extension methods
using StreamRegex.Extensions.RegexExtensions;

// Construct your regex as normal
Regex myRegex = new Regex(expression);

// Create your stream reader
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);

// Get matches
SlidingBufferMatchCollection<StreamRegexMatch> matchCollection = myRegex.GetMatchCollection(reader);
if (matchCollection.Any())
    foreach(StreamRegexMatch match in matchCollection)
        // Do something with matches.
    // No match

Alternately check if there is only one match. Note that the position of the Stream or StreamReader is not reset by these methods. Ensure the position of your stream is where you want to start parsing.

// Get only the first match
StreamRegexMatch match = myRegex.GetFirstMatch(reader);
if (match.Matches)
    // A match was found
    // No matches

Or you can just check if there is any match but not get details on the match

// Check if there is any match
if (myRegex.IsMatch(reader))
    // At least one match
    // No matches


You can also call the methods on a Stream directly. If you do so, a StreamReader will be created to read it with leaveOpen = true, reading from the current position of the Stream. The Stream will not have its position reset after reading, and will not be closed or disposed.

// Include this for the extension methods
using StreamRegex.Extensions.RegexExtensions;

// This stream contains the content you want to check
Stream stream;

// Construct your regex as normal
Regex myRegex = new Regex(expression);

// Get matches
SlidingBufferMatchCollection<StreamRegexMatch> matchCollection = myRegex.GetMatchCollection(stream);
if (matchCollection.Any())
    foreach(StreamRegexMatch match in matchCollection)
        // Do something with matches.
    // No match


You can adjust the internal buffer and overlap sizes, and capture the value that was matched as well as the Index using SlidingBufferOptions.

  • The BufferSize is the size of the internal Span<char> used for checking.
  • The OverlapSize is the number of characters from the previous buffer to include at the start of the next to guarantee matches across boundaries.
  • If CaptureValues is set to true, SlidingBufferMatch objects (including StreamRegexMatch objects) will contain the value of the actual match in addition to the length. If false, match objects will only contain Index and Length of the match.
// Include this for the extension methods
using StreamRegex.Extensions.RegexExtensions;
// Include this for options objects
using StreamRegex;

// Construct your regex as normal
Regex myRegex = new Regex(expression);

var bufferOptions = new SlidingBufferOptions()
    BufferSize = 8192, // The number of characters to check at a time, default 4096
    OverlapSize = 512, // Must be as long as your longest desired match, default 256
    DelegateOptions = new DelegateOptions()
        CaptureValues = true // If the actual value matched by the Regex should be included in the SlidingBufferMatch, default false. 
                             // When set to true Will allocate memory to store the captured values

StreamRegexMatch match = myRegex.GetFirstMatch(reader, bufferOptions);

To use Custom Method

You can provide your own custom methods for both boolean matches and match metadata.

For Boolean Matches

Implement the IsMatch delegate.

// Include this for the extension methods
using StreamRegex.Extensions.Core;

// Create your stream reader
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);

bool YourMethod(ReadOnlySpan<char> chunk)
    // Your logic here

    // Your method matched some chunk of the Stream
    // Your method did not match any chunk of the Stream

For Value Data

Implement the GetFirstMatch delegate.

// Include this for the extension methods
using StreamRegex.Extensions.Core;

// Create your stream reader
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);

// Return the index of the target string relative to the chunk. 
// It will be adjusted to the correct relative position for the Stream automatically.
SlidingBufferMatch YourMethod(ReadOnlySpan<char> chunk)
    if (SomeCheckOf(chunk))
        return new SlidingBufferMatch(true, idx, target.Length);

    return new SlidingBufferMatch();

var match = reader.GetFirstMatch(YourMethod);
    // Your method matched some chunk of the Stream
    // Your method did not match any chunk of the Stream

For a collection

Implement the GetMatchCollection delegate.

// Include this for the extension methods
using StreamRegex.Extensions.Core;

// Create your stream reader
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
// Your arbitrary engine that can generate multiple matches
YourEngineHolder matchingEngine = new YourEngineHolder();

public class YourEngineHolder
    private YourMatchingEngine _internalEngine;
    public YourEngineHolder()
        _internalEngine = new YourMatchingEngine();
    public SlidingBufferMatchCollection<SlidingBufferMatch> YourMethod(ReadOnlySpan<char> arg)
        SlidingBufferMatchCollection<SlidingBufferMatch> matchCollection = new SlidingBufferMatchCollection<SlidingBufferMatch>();
        foreach(var match in _internalEngine.MakeMatches(arg))
        return matchCollection;

var collection = reader.GetMatchCollection(matchingEngine.YourMethod);

How it works

A sliding buffer is used across the stream. The OverlapSize parameter is the amount of overlap buffer to use to ensure no matches are missed across buffer boundaries. Always ensure that the Overlap is sufficient for the length of the matches you want to find.

public static SlidingBufferMatchCollection<SlidingBufferMatch> GetMatchCollection(this StreamReader toMatch, Func<string, IEnumerable<SlidingBufferMatch>> action, SlidingBufferOptions? options = null)
SlidingBufferMatchCollection<SlidingBufferMatch> collection = new();
var opts = options ?? new();
var bufferSize = opts.BufferSize < opts.OverlapSize * 2 ? opts.OverlapSize * 2 : opts.BufferSize;
// This is our string building buffer.
Span<char> buffer = new(new char[bufferSize + opts.OverlapSize]);
long offset = 0;
var numChars = toMatch.Read(buffer[..opts.BufferSize]);
while (numChars > 0)
// The number of characters to read out of the builder
// Characters after this are not valid for this read
var numValidCharacters = offset > 0 ? numChars + opts.OverlapSize : numChars;
var matches = action.Invoke(buffer[..numValidCharacters].ToString());
foreach (SlidingBufferMatch match in matches)
// Adjust the match position
match.Index += offset > 0 ? offset - opts.OverlapSize : 0;
offset += numChars;
// This is an indication there is no more to read.
// It protects us from trying to take a negative sized slice below for small strings.
if (numChars < opts.BufferSize)
// Copy the overlap slice to the start of the buffer.
buffer[(numValidCharacters - opts.OverlapSize)..numValidCharacters].CopyTo(buffer[..opts.OverlapSize]);
// Read the new content after the overlap
numChars = toMatch.Read(buffer[opts.OverlapSize..]);
return collection;


The benchmark results below are a selection of the results from the Benchmarks project in the repository.

Performance on Large Files

  • A Stream is generated of length paddingSegmentLength * numberPaddingSegmentsBefore + paddingSegmentLength * numberPaddingSegmentsAfter + the length of a target string. There is only one match for the target operation in the Stream.
  • The query used for both regex and string matching was racecar - no regex operators.
  • The JustReadTheStreamToString reads the full contents of the Stream into a string.
  • The Enumerate benchmark uses the EnumerateMatches method of a Regex on a Span<char> of the Bytes of the Stream stopping after the first match is found. The cost of converting the Stream into a String before operation is included.
  • The RegexExtension benchmark uses the IsMatch extension method of a Regex on a StreamReader stopping after the first match is found.

This benchmark iteration finds the only instance of racecar located 200MB into a 400MB Stream. Using the extension method is 12 times faster and allocates .2% of the memory. Memory usage is dependent on the options, and may vary with different buffer/overlap parameters or when CaptureValues is set to true.

We find that the majority of the operation time is spent on reading full Stream to a string before operation, by comparison with the JustReadTheStreamToString benchmark.

Method Mean Error StdDev Median Ratio Allocated Alloc Ratio
JustReadTheStreamToString 464,216.947 us 9,237.0810 us 19,684.9728 us 462,662.900 us 0.95 1566069.56 KB 1.000
CompiledRegexWithSpan 487,368.232 us 9,735.8353 us 22,757.2012 us 483,413.500 us 1.00 1566069.56 KB 1.000
RegexExtension 39,002.165 us 709.5091 us 1,261.1516 us 38,862.950 us 0.08 3446.34 KB 0.002

Complete run details

Method paddingSegmentLength numberPaddingSegmentsBefore numberPaddingSegmentsAfter Mean Error StdDev Median Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Gen1 Gen2 Allocated Alloc Ratio
JustReadTheStreamToString 1000 0 0 4.270 us 0.2109 us 0.5878 us 4.100 us 0.75 0.13 - - - 3.84 KB 1.00
CompiledRegexWithSpan 1000 0 0 5.707 us 0.1859 us 0.5213 us 5.400 us 1.00 0.00 - - - 3.84 KB 1.00
RegexExtension 1000 0 0 8.241 us 0.1653 us 0.1698 us 8.200 us 1.37 0.12 - - - 12.79 KB 3.33
JustReadTheStreamToString 1000 0 100000 166,482.284 us 5,653.6156 us 16,669.8132 us 165,875.900 us 1.026 0.15 28000.0000 27000.0000 4000.0000 391541.33 KB 1.000
CompiledRegexWithSpan 1000 0 100000 164,031.268 us 5,622.5283 us 16,578.1517 us 162,907.300 us 1.000 0.00 28000.0000 27000.0000 4000.0000 391541.33 KB 1.000
RegexExtension 1000 0 100000 9.992 us 0.5957 us 1.6205 us 9.300 us 0.000 0.00 - - - 12.79 KB 0.000
JustReadTheStreamToString 1000 0 200000 266,022.758 us 5,348.0675 us 15,600.5638 us 266,423.450 us 0.997 0.08 52000.0000 51000.0000 5000.0000 783053.49 KB 1.000
CompiledRegexWithSpan 1000 0 200000 268,004.598 us 5,473.0687 us 16,137.4665 us 267,348.750 us 1.000 0.00 52000.0000 51000.0000 5000.0000 783053.49 KB 1.000
RegexExtension 1000 0 200000 10.042 us 0.5961 us 1.5911 us 9.300 us 0.000 0.00 - - - 12.79 KB 0.000
JustReadTheStreamToString 1000 100000 0 165,313.388 us 5,565.6649 us 16,410.4884 us 165,561.600 us 0.93 0.14 28000.0000 27000.0000 4000.0000 391541.33 KB 1.000
CompiledRegexWithSpan 1000 100000 0 180,195.883 us 5,885.1690 us 17,260.1820 us 181,039.600 us 1.00 0.00 28000.0000 27000.0000 4000.0000 391541.33 KB 1.000
RegexExtension 1000 100000 0 20,467.507 us 963.3668 us 2,764.0800 us 19,296.000 us 0.11 0.02 - - - 1729.73 KB 0.004
JustReadTheStreamToString 1000 100000 100000 268,263.768 us 6,484.9961 us 19,121.1573 us 267,571.450 us 0.98 0.10 53000.0000 52000.0000 5000.0000 783053.49 KB 1.000
CompiledRegexWithSpan 1000 100000 100000 275,622.627 us 7,163.8514 us 20,897.2909 us 274,244.450 us 1.00 0.00 52000.0000 51000.0000 5000.0000 783053.49 KB 1.000
RegexExtension 1000 100000 100000 20,240.201 us 413.5572 us 1,206.3659 us 20,002.150 us 0.07 0.01 - - - 1729.73 KB 0.002
JustReadTheStreamToString 1000 100000 200000 363,243.707 us 7,170.1571 us 18,250.3392 us 365,225.550 us 0.97 0.06 76000.0000 75000.0000 5000.0000 1174557.4 KB 1.000
CompiledRegexWithSpan 1000 100000 200000 375,206.747 us 7,493.8196 us 19,209.5245 us 372,731.200 us 1.00 0.00 76000.0000 75000.0000 5000.0000 1174557.4 KB 1.000
RegexExtension 1000 100000 200000 20,547.844 us 409.8397 us 1,101.0077 us 20,452.300 us 0.05 0.00 - - - 1729.73 KB 0.001
JustReadTheStreamToString 1000 200000 0 266,579.896 us 6,540.2770 us 19,181.5003 us 265,581.200 us 0.92 0.10 52000.0000 51000.0000 5000.0000 783053.49 KB 1.000
CompiledRegexWithSpan 1000 200000 0 290,947.307 us 6,644.5908 us 19,487.4347 us 291,815.100 us 1.00 0.00 52000.0000 51000.0000 5000.0000 783053.49 KB 1.000
RegexExtension 1000 200000 0 39,771.622 us 793.8631 us 1,529.5046 us 39,761.500 us 0.14 0.01 - - - 3446.34 KB 0.004
JustReadTheStreamToString 1000 200000 100000 372,794.817 us 7,444.6621 us 19,612.2176 us 372,598.250 us 0.97 0.07 76000.0000 75000.0000 5000.0000 1174557.4 KB 1.000
CompiledRegexWithSpan 1000 200000 100000 384,893.258 us 7,671.8121 us 18,528.2884 us 384,279.200 us 1.00 0.00 76000.0000 75000.0000 5000.0000 1174557.4 KB 1.000
RegexExtension 1000 200000 100000 37,077.547 us 738.9003 us 1,542.3602 us 37,021.400 us 0.10 0.01 - - - 3446.34 KB 0.003
JustReadTheStreamToString 1000 200000 200000 464,216.947 us 9,237.0810 us 19,684.9728 us 462,662.900 us 0.95 0.06 101000.0000 100000.0000 6000.0000 1566069.56 KB 1.000
CompiledRegexWithSpan 1000 200000 200000 487,368.232 us 9,735.8353 us 22,757.2012 us 483,413.500 us 1.00 0.00 101000.0000 100000.0000 6000.0000 1566069.56 KB 1.000
RegexExtension 1000 200000 200000 39,002.165 us 709.5091 us 1,261.1516 us 38,862.950 us 0.08 0.00 - - - 3446.34 KB 0.002

Async vs Sync

Async reading from Streams is also fast and low allocation.

Method paddingSegmentLength numberPaddingSegmentsBefore numberPaddingSegmentsAfter Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Allocated Alloc Ratio
RegexExtension 1000 200000 200000 36.73 ms 0.679 ms 1.372 ms 1.00 0.00 3.37MB 1.00
RegexExtensionAsync 1000 200000 200000 47.92 ms 0.671 ms 0.628 ms 1.28 0.05 3.37MB 1.00
