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Machine Translation Service

A Flask-based API containing the Helsinki NLP models from HuggingFace.

Reference: [Huggingface Transformers library](

How to Use the API

Download the Machine Translation (MT) Model

First, make a directory called data in root and download a specific MT model using the command below. The example provided is for English (en) to French (fr) MT model.

mkdir data
python3 --source en --target fr

If you want to store it anywhere else, specify the MODEL_PATH in accordingly.

Install Requirements

Use Python>=3.6 and run the command below.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note that I use PyTorch CPU in the requirement file. Change it accordingly if you want to use PyTorch GPU.

Run the Web App

You can either run the app directly using Python3:


or you can run it using Docker by building the image and running a container:

docker build -t mt-service .
docker run -p 5000:5000 -v /path/to/models:/app/data -it mt-service

Accessing the App

The web app should be hosted at http://localhost:5000

You can hit the API using the following curl command:

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:5000/translate' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
   "source": "en",
   "target": "fr",
   "text": "Hello, my name is Geraldi Dzakwan. I am a final year master's student at Columbia University. My interests are football, tech (particularly Machine Learning) and comedy."
   "chunk_num": 0,

You can ignore the chunk_num for now, just set it to 0.

You could then expect the following response:

    "data": {
        "chunk_num": 0,
        "text": [
            "Bonjour, je m'appelle Geraldi Dzakwan. Je suis une étudiante de dernière année à la maîtrise à l'Université Columbia. Mes intérêts sont le football, la technologie (en particulier Machine Learning) et la comédie."

How to Run Parallel Inference Experiment

Set Up Directory Structure

First, make a directory called results in root.

If you want to conduct an experiment using en-fr MT model, then create another directory called en-fr inside results directory.

Set Up Your Dataset

If you use en-fr MT model, put your dataset inside the data/parallel-corpus/en-fr directory. You should have two documents: source.txt in English and target.txt in French. Your directory should look like below.


I put sample documents (source.txt and target.txt) for en-fr, please refer to them for document format.

Run the Web App

This time around, we will use gunicorn so that we can spawn multiple Flask app instances.

Run the command below instead in the root directory.

gunicorn app:app --workers 4 --bind localhost:5000 --timeout 3600

Big number of workers may cause the program to crash since the MT model is quite big.

Set timeout for a quite long duration, i.e. 1 hour (3600 seconds).

Run Parallel Inference

Run the command below.

python3 --source_lang en --target_lang fr --num_chunks 2 --run_id 1 --multiple_of 32 --url http://localhost:5000/translate

Specify your source and target language in the param source_lang and target_lang respectively.

Specify num_chunks, i.e. the number of document splits. For example, --num_chunks 2 will split your document into two smaller documents with the same number of sentences each.

Specify url, i.e. the service endpoint where you hosted your web app. If you run it locally, you don't need to change it.

You can ignore the run_id for now, just set it to 1.

You can ignore the multiple_of as well for now, just set it to 32.

You will have outputs like below.

  en-fr (source_lang - target_lang)
    2 (num_chunks)
      1 (run_id)
        elapsed_time.txt (How long the inference takes)
        reference_0.txt (Chunk 0 of your target document)
        reference_1.txt (Chunk 1 of your target document)
        translation_0.txt (Chunk 0 of your translated source document)
        translation_1.txt (Chunk 1 of your translated source document)

You can compare the inference time by looking at the elapsed_time.txt file in each corresponding directory.

Run Parallel Inference Many Times

To get more accurate elapsed_time data, we can run the inference many times.

To do this, use the

First, run chmod +x to give permission to the script.

Then, run the command below.

./ en fr 2 32 http://localhost:5000/translate 10


  1. Param 1 is the source_lang, e.g. en
  2. Param 2 is the target_lang, e.g. fr
  3. Param 3 is the num_chunks, e.g. 2
  4. Param 4 is the multiple_of, e.g. 32
  5. Param 5 is the url, e.g. http://localhost:5000/translate
  6. Param 6 is the repetition, e.g. 10

multiple_of is used to make sure that the number of sentences is divisible by multiple_of.

Because in my experiment, I use 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 num_chunks, then I need to make sure that the number of sentences are divisible by 32, by reducing them to the nearest multiplier of 32.

This way, we can allocate each chunk with the same number of sentences.

Run Evaluation

Finally, you should evaluate the translation result to see if the number of chunks affect translation quality. Currently, this project only supports BLEU metric.

Run the command below.

python3 --source_lang en --target_lang fr --num_chunks 2 --eval_metric bleu

Set eval_metric to bleu and the rest of the parameters are the same as previous, except you remove the url.

Or alternatively, you could also use the

First, run chmod +x to give permission to the script.

Then, run the command below.

./ en fr 2 bleu


  1. Param 1 is the source_lang, e.g. en
  2. Param 2 is the target_lang, e.g. fr
  3. Param 3 is the num_chunks, e.g. 2
  4. Param 4 is the eval_metric, e.g. bleu

Now, your directory will have one more file, bleu_score.txt.

  en-fr (source_lang - target_lang)
    2 (num_chunks)
      bleu_score.txt (The BLEU score for this inference scenario)
      1 (run_id)
        elapsed_time.txt (How long the inference takes)
        reference_0.txt (Chunk 0 of your target document)
        reference_1.txt (Chunk 1 of your target document)
        translation_0.txt (Chunk 0 of your translated source document)
        translation_1.txt (Chunk 1 of your translated source document)

You can compare the bleu score for each inference scenario, i.e. differing num_chunks, by looking at bleu_score.txt.

Note that we have only one bleu_score even though we run multiple times. This is because the bleu_score will be the same and will only differ if we change the num_chunks.

Summarize Experiment

Rather than going to each output file to compute average elapsed time and the BLEU score, I provide a script to handle that.

Run the command below.

python3 --source_lang en --target_lang fr

Or alternatively, you could also use the

First, run chmod +x to give permission to the script.

Then, run the command below.

./ en fr


  1. Param 1 is the source_lang, e.g. en
  2. Param 2 is the target_lang, e.g. fr

You should see the average elapsed_time and bleu_score for each num_chunks scenario, in my case there would be 6 summaries: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 chunks.